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Show Radiation and Foods JOB TURNOVER from Paae One JEW LAKE RIGHTS OF BOAT OWNERS ON j conttuuect Meat or meat food products in IN STATE VERY HIGH BEING PROBED BY SENATOR MOSS home or commercial storage; ' would be most effectively pro- -j An inquiry by Ssnator Frank eral Law shall be recognized by teeted if they were in a refriger- -; Did you know that Utah gains E. Moss (D-'to tihe Governor Arizona provided the owner of ', hen loses from 30,000 to 35,000 aitor or deep freeze, or were of Arizona concerning the rights the boat, issued suoh a number, canned. 'jdbs each year? This fact is of boat owners and other mat- fils with the Motor Vehicle Div If farmers had enough warning 'torn out by job statistics from ters relating to the use of Lake ision of the Arizona State High the crops could U'ah': Employment Security sea- -' Powell has brought assurances way Department, within 90 days It is a matter of be harvested and protected to that reciprocity will be granted within entering the State. Hhe extent time permits. How- sonality, mosit'.y involving weath- watercraft and that visitor's boat between ever, contaminated crops remain er. For instance, last September trailers wall not have to be "The only conflict Utah and Arizona would exist on usable as food if the radioactive total employment in Utah was registered. dust can be removed and is not '303,000. By January 1953 the to- -j (Because of reports in Utah unnumbered boats such as cantaken into human and animal tal at work had fallen to 328,000 that Arizona regulations would oes, row boats, kayaks, and sail These also are required systems. Some crops would be a difference of 35,000 jobs. What be unreasonably restrictive for boat.;. easier to " decontaminate th an happened to these people? About Uitahns wishing to utilize facil- to b; 'numlbered in Ariz, where as Utah only requires numberof them showed up ities otihers, suoh as (grains, which can being built at the Wshweap be washed. Rain or snow would in the ranks of tlhe unemployed. site, Senator Moss wired Gov. ing of miotor boats. Boat trailers help decontaminate field crops. The ether third, more than 10,000 Paul Fannin asking clarification will not be required to be registered in Arizona if the Utah Another possible solution is to withdrew from the labor force. of that State's position. resident is a visitor in the State delay using them until fallout ,Somi are students and others Gov." wrote In Fannin are housewives who come into that a reply for a period up to six months." has decayed. meeting has just been held the labor market periodically. between the fish and game agCommenting on the letter, Sen. FJBC ACTIVITIES Which are the industries most. encies of Utah & Arizona which Moss said: Other recreation activities in subject to these wide swings in are hopeful of a mutually satis"It is encouraging that our t!he Helper area include- two Fish and Game Departments jcb holding? Farming obviously, factory agreement. Tennis on Mondays from 1:30 jis the most affected. In this I sincerely hope that are And, concerning registration somemeeting. to 4:30; Volleyball on Tuesdays between the harvest peak and kind of reciprocity arrange at Junior high; Activity games, in September and tihe low paint wrote:licensing of boats, Fennin meint on fishing will be arrived at satisfactorily to both States. Tuesday at junior high; Quiet in January, a spread of nearly 90 days "Per ARS gams for all ages, Tuesdays at 19.000 jdbs is the rule. Last Sep"Our two great sovereign states be water may reciprocity granted junior high; Dramatics at junior tember jobs on farms were es--' craf: awarded identification num should be able to work cooperato develop this marvelous high Tuesday; Recreational dance timated by Employment Security ber under Federally approved tivelysession" Wednesday at jr. high. oMcials to be in the neighbor-Ihoo- d new recreational resource which another of Numbering System of 31,500. By January the St'it2. Bowling and Golf schools will states num- we rhare. Utah sportsmen must, ARS be announced later. total had dropped to 12,700 rights probers issued by racing or other of course, have their to access and use to tected easy Fedassociations recognized by reservoir the area, especially ,of since most of it is in Utah. "We should also realize that mosfly operators. The sweep from plans- of the National Park Serlow to high in industries is also numerically vice include development of sev access sites in high but not as significant pro- eral recreation One of these would be on Utah. Between September portionately. and the traditional January low bullfrog Creek, south of Hanks-vill- e, another on Warm Creek, in th spread is about 15,000 posiKane County directly east of tions lost from the Sept high of Kanab. Several others would be 300,000 jobs. nearly Within the structure of Utah's built. "There are funds in the budget non-farindustries there is wide we are considering now for some fluctuation. cov Industries iipread wtork at Bullfrog Basin. I have ered by unamploymeiit insurance show a significantly wide season urged the National Park Service al variation with more than to accelerate plans for construc16,000 jabs gained and lost dur- tion of roads into the Warm Area.'' ing a season. Officials pointed Creek Recreation out that the bulk- of the 7 to 9 million dollars paid out annually MISSILE FIRINGS for unemployment benefits goes to the seasonally unemployed. Continued trom Page One They stated that as far as costs wers concerned seasonal unem- -' period. ployment over a period of years Meanwhile, at Blanding, basiwas far more expensive than de- cally the same procedures will be pression type unemployment. used except the firings will be Manufacturing has a spread of handled by the Army, according HAVE with the to Sen. Bennett. 4,500 jobs annually, predominate factor being found There are two areas at Blandin food processing. During the ing thait will be utilized by the OLD past year (the 'high .point was 57,-5- Army to fire its one-staPerin Sap'temiber and 53,700 in shing missile. The number of January of 1963. firings and the length of the teat Retail trade has a wide vari- ;ng program have not yet, been ation with several fluctuations released. If lack of ready cash is all that's keeping (influenced by such items as The Pershing sites will be tern you from buying a new one, come in Easter, buying porary and will be field mobile and of course the Christmas rush. tests. bank Auto for figure-fact- s on a low-co- st Hotels, motels and rooming Two pieces of land are involvLoan repayable in easy instalments houses annually hire and fire ap- ed Black Mesa, southwest of from income! proximately 1J100 workers. The Blanding and Bears Ears,, west annual picture ties in with the of Blanding. The total acreage tourist season. was placed at 157,000. There are ! Finance at Helper State Bank and Save Construction has the widest 11 famliies that will have to be seasonal swing of any individual evacuated during launches. Two industry with over 6,000 jobs are ranch (families and 9 are opeing and closing during the Indian families. year. The area at Black Mesa will Railroad and allied services be the launch and first stage Utah Helper have an annual fluctuation of drop zone and is four miles south nearly 1,000 jobs, but Utah is and two miles west of Blanding. rapidly developing a large vol- Utah Highway 95 outs across the ' wizssssaeBassaaaamamBmmmimtmmmmmmmmmmm ume of type indus- northern edge and Bluff is ,near tries, among the most important the southern edge. of which are missiles and elecOf the 157,500 acres at Blandtronics. As these more stable in- ing, a total 130,900 are federal dustries continue to expand, the land; 14,400 Indian land, 10,720 percent fluctuation is expected to state land and 1,440 private land. diminish each year. An interesteing sidelight to the ready-to-lharv- est . j two-thirds , j A m - ,th YOU HAD YOUR CAR LONG ENOUGH? 00 ge Back-fto-Sdho- If E I. DflVO DACCDIJI E R ! THURSDAY, JUNE 6, JOORNAff ,'UiaM PAGE FIVE 19C3 PO.VY LEAGUE STANDING Rio Grande Vets .... ...... 4 0 Elks 2 ....... 2 1 2 Independent Coal 1 4 Carbon Fuel Rio Grande Vets continued to dominate the league as they ran straight in defeating Carbon Fuel 12 to 2 Monday nidht. The Vets also have a fifth victory hanging fire in a game with Independent Coal vJhieh was called for darkness with Rio Grande holding a 10 to 4 lead with one more out to be recorded. Hezalee (Duke) Ellington pitched for Rio Grande allowing only 5th inning double by Norman Day. Tony Kokal, Scott Kos, Bobby Donathan and Bill Fox were Rio Grande's top hitters. In a closely contested tilt cut short by darkness after the 5th inning Elks edged out Independ ent Coal 3. Billy Jewkes and! Phil Greer divided pitching chores for Elks while Cisco Trus' cott went all .the way for Indep- endent Coal to absorb the loss. Greer and Allan Broadbent each got a double, Broadfoent's coming in the fourth inning when Elks! scored three times to gain the edge. Truscott and Santo Lupo also came up with hits for Independent Coal. Rep. U. S. House of Representatives Washington 25, D. C. , -- Dear Congressman : I sincerely believe that every member of Congress must take a stand against the enormously high rate of federal spending that is rapidly reaching runaway proportions. Therefore, I am appealing to you to bend every effort g fiscal 1964 budget of toward cutting the record-breakin- $98.8 billion down to reasonable size. Some very respected organizations have assured the nation that the budget can be cut substantially without harm to national defense or to economic Moreover they have specified exactly where these reductions can be made. The estimates of the cuts range from nearly $6 billion to $9 billion. I know that all of this information is available to you and I urge you to study it carefully and act accordingly. Remember, the Congress is our last hope in this fight to achieve prudence in federal expenditures. If it fails us we could very well be doomed to never-endin- g red ink well-bein- 4-- spending. (name) . . k ...... , (address) two-ba- se Line Scores Carbon Fuel .... 000 112 1 2 5 1 Rio rande 550 2x-1- 2 J, Vasquez, Day. Day, J. Vasquez Ellington and Kos. IndJip. Coal .... 002. 013 3 2 Elks 010 3x 4 4 3 Truscott and 'Spadafore. Jewkes, Greer & Ferderber. Schedule Friday 4 pjn. Rio Grande vs Indep. Coal (Incompleted game) 6 pjm. Elks vs Carbon Fuel Monday 4 pjn. Carbon Fuel vs Ind. Coal 6 p.m. Elks vs Rio Grande ...-- hill for Helper Furniture was tough when the chips were down. Jimmy Tamllos sufflfered the loss for Mutual as four hit batsmen and five walks proved to be his ' undoing. TIPS FoH Mortal lit, John LflthHetf Showers, Flowers and Fun Kiwanis recorded their first win of the season in beating Hel per Merc. 5. Robert Fenn was credited with the win with the aid of a fine relief pitching job by Alan Fossat. The Merc used three pitchers, Roy Talerico, Ed This is the time of year when toil in the soil is still a novelty and 1:1-- every member of the family is anxious to pitch in. Let 'cm! There's plenty to do and many rainy I i iV mj, TTTi" weekends when work will have to wait. ' " Mulches have to be removed a liH-lnf a time. All flower beds shnuM carefully raked over and the finer parts of the mulch worked into ground. Mowing is soon part of the regular routine. And with the equipment around today, the job requires little muscle. Lawn Boy's new line features d mowers with finger-ti- p starting. You can make quick work of clippings by snapping on a grass catcher unit. Remember that most grasses should be cut quite short until the end of Spring. Leaving short clippings to work down to the roots is the easiest way of returning vegetable matter to the soil. Another task that's fun for the younger family members is marking flowers and plants. You may consider the job tedious, but they'll enjoy it, and benefit from, the exercise in nature study ! die Grundy and Vincent Tone in trying to hold down the surging Kiwanians. Boyd Lmai, Fossat 'Fenn, Albert Corey, Terry Dal-piand Rickey Riohe were the WESTERN BOYS LEAGUE heroes sfor the victors. 0 5 batting "Furniture. Helper 2 Grundy and James Callor got Mutual Furniture 3 1 4 the only two hits the Merc boys Helper Mercantile 1 4 were able to get off Fenn and Kiwanis Helper Furniture took a big Fossat. stride towards the first half cham Line Score pionship by dipping second place Helper Furn HOG O10 4 4 3 Mutual Furniture 4 to 2 Tuesday Mutual Furn.. 000 01,1 2 S 3 night. Mutual outhit Helper Furn L. Hribar and G. Hriibar. 8 to 4, but Larry Hribar on the J. Tamllos and Kokal. 403-1- 1 12)1 6 2 Kiwanis Helper Merc... 220 1005 2 41 Athena firings is that 3 of the Talerico, Grundy, & Vlamakis, four stages of the missile are Scavo. d built by Schedule Thurs. (today) firms. Thiokol is responsible for the 4 pjn. Mutual vs Kirwanis' important first and second stage 5:30 pm Helper Merc vs H Furn and Hercules for the fourth stage Tuesday Aerojet makes the third stage. 4 p.m. Helper Furn vs Kiwanis This will mark the first time 5:30 pm Helper Merc vs Mutual that a Utah built missile is acDont forget Boys Bake Sale June 15th this year' tually fired from Utah soil. az dual-spee- Uitah-Jbase- A message from the Treasury of a free people THE HELPER STATE BANK ' non-seaso- If ram ABs-f- j FOR SALE For Rent no charge for use of ROOMS FOR RENT Day, week Carpet Shamipooer with puror monthly rates. Also Furnchase of Blue Lustre Carpet ished Atps. Air Conditioned, & Mutual Furniture Shampoo. Washrm facilities. HILLCREST 6,6,ltc Hardware, Helper HOTEL & APTS PHONE. 4T2-52Used Lumber, & FOR SALE Helper 10,10,usc Pipe, Doors, Hardware, Small Elec. Kitchen unite. See Tom FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms $10 month and up. Newhouse Hovat, Helper. 6,6,lfrp ' J ' ' ' ' J J ' ' ' " J J J J ' Hotel, Helper. Phone 472- - 5678 FOR SALE 'PETUNIAS, Asters, 6,6,ltc Merigold3, Zenias, Snap Drag- ns, Carnations, Chrysanthe- - FOR RENT Apt with hot water & heat. Ideal location tmrms, Tomatoes, Hot Pepper, Sweet Bell Peppers Cabbage Call 472-58-13 4,4,usc end Cauliflower. Good strong plants. See BRADFORDS, 1100 miscellaneous South Main, Spanish Fork, or Phone 798-805,16,4tc WANTED THERE'S 31 ---- ---- 90 FOR SALE Modern Brick house, full basement and two garages, Handy location, 3T500. Easy terms. Call 637- 0101 3,23.usc r " Or- HEALTH FOOD STORE ganlc Vitamins, Clint Milltr Whole Wheat Flour at Grange's, 318 N. 2nd East. Price, Utah. Phone ME ?llr"'1C, . RUG CARPET CLEANERS & CARPET - (Oriental and Domestic). Carpel Laying, Rug Bending and Serg- lng; Upholstery and Rug Sham- - HEADQUARTERS A Good Expert installation. Sample Line. Free Estimates. and Bigelow, Mohawk, and Firth carpets. HELPER FURN. " & ' HWR. Helper ' ' ' J TTcId l,5,use 11 - r - Wanted a Rawleigh Business Real opportunity for ' potman- ent, profitable work. Write to Rawleigh Dept. UTF 170-2- 9, START Denver, Colo. 6,6,130,27,4tp poolng; FJectrolux Sales and Service. W. R. Everett, C44 N 2nd East, Price, Utah, Pbot Adding Machine paper, by taw "H. or cat st Journal offte ME 17. jll. fLr-- r""3 1 AGES 18 to 39 NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED An urgent National appeal is announced at this time to locate men living within the 16 Western States who are interested in 7 Xvy7 X7 M If ( i co"ect pictures of Presidents forfun...and L ELECTRONICS I j Send name, address, phone number, age and amount of budgeted income needed while in training to: WELTECH ELECTRONICS FOUNDATION Each of the seven denominations of Series E Savings Eond3 shows a different President of the United State3. If you're interested in this kind of art, the seven make a nice collection. Along with the hobby, Savings Bonds offer such extras as risk-lemore investing, ZZVi money at maturity, and financial freedom for your future. But there are other kind3 of freedom tied in with your purchase of Savings Bonds. Freedom to speak your piece, choose your job, and own your property, to 1931 South 1100 Koepfrwdorain your future with East Street SALT LAKE CITY 5, UTAH , name a few. Every Bond you buy helps our government further the cause of freedom everywhere in the world today, Why not start collecting U.S. Savings Bond3 now? Only $18.75 each for the George Washington variety, at your bank or on Pay roll Savings where you work, ss EMPLOYMENT and TRAINING DIV. TU VJ. ( JjA S'C freedom i Married men must relocate for 6 months minimum training. Single men must relocate for 12 months minimum training. Men applying will be given Company interviews in their area. I f U.S. SSVillS BOfltlS tniBMil fL it mM - ' M ' rt r Viit ii JlUi4m. jj..j fit Trrmn |