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Show PRESERVE PEACE PRESERVE PEACE BUY BUY VICTORY BONDS a Tni V E 39 NUMBER VICTORY BONDS knoi.. ivi rw rN o 1 AND 1 DISTRICT RAU-ROA- D 4(J NEWSPAPER HELPER. UTAH CI.'D ONLY SALE HERE 40 PER CENT OF CARBON HOMECOMING RETURNS I AfTER ABSENCE OF THREE TEARS 1 thursdap. November lwwwww :5 QUOTA KPYT TIIFCnau ia i5.su IUCOUHI Id To ISeiKn For Journal To Appear Two DaVS Early For Thanksgiving HELPER LDS WARD PLANS CONFERENCE FOR SUNDAY NIGHT ms GDITORIALS arm President Cecil Broadbent of the North Carbon StaKe, and bis two 4 counselors. Sterling C. Forsyth, and Isaac McQueen, will preside over ward conference of the jthe annual J Helper Ward of the I. OS church, vjlnext Sunday evening, November IS, J is an announcement made Tuesday by Bishop I.ynn Hroadbout. AiToni'ng o Bishop Broadbent all ward officers will lie presented to for their sustain-ance- . the membership Each member of the stake Mcpresidency and the clerk, B. Y. brief to give Allister, is expected The ward choir under addresses. the direction of Lynn Overlade will furnish the music. Next Thursday, 15. comtnenTs bu the ed tor November 22, Day; Football chairman has been proclaimed ThanksJames Littlejohn, Helper War Loan drive, re-- ' 10 AM In,CTest giving Day this throughout for the Victory country. With this thought in ted iliat this city had achieved i ,nl"lai Homecoming at Carlton l mind and realizing that there L.s than 50 per cent of their quota A wil! he ronsderable fbE i,onds since the campaign open-L- j shopping HELPER, WE'RE SLIPPING cancellation of the f, nines for a done the early part of next October 29. IN PURCHASE OF V BONDS mree the year period becaus. oi war- week, the Helper Journal will According to Mr Littlejohn I'1 be reconditions. in NovemThe published. Tuesday, Helper HomeTiming Reports from the local bond issuing agencies Victory v.hieh before the war was held each U! ber 2i. two days earlier ,han a total sale of Bond Campaign i ommktee last night ported Wednesday year is being planned to represent its regular publication date. the people in Hel-pereveal that of a $64,196 E bond jo0 000 is all that the largest celebration of its kind IS All correspondence have Martin and adand Glen quota, Helper, Martin and Spring Spring eer nave been held at Carbon, vertisers are requested and and the quota set is Glen, have purchased only $20,000. purchased, and invitations have been sent out urged to have their copy into IM.196. Every war bond drive numbers t all Carbon Alumni and former J), the Journal office by Monday ex1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, this One local business concern has thriving of .students to aid the Emery county schools g morning (Nov. 19). News copy industrial city, nestled here in the pressed their willingness students at BAG, all war veterans' received later than this date west's largest soft coal campaign by making an offer that is deposits, and townspeople, according to Ken will necessarily be held over & came through with flying colors to worth $50 in service and merchanHenry Uhle was a Salt Lake who until 1'rince, the is week. ys who the woman is the following committee exceed general our quota on every occasion. reports Wednesday. Hank dise to the V chairman for the celebration, ARE WE GOING TO FALL ON next door. greatest quantity of bonds purchas The opening of the festivities will s Beauty THE LAST ONE ? ed during the drive. Smiley be at 9:30 a.m. with the mentwoman to We are unless we get busy now, the Homecoming will give Shop assembly which will be held in the this very day, and dig down a lot. ioned a Helene Curtis "Her Highgymnasium. At this assembly, all at $50, valued Wave plus Cold deeper in (he next few weeks two in ness" clubs and classes of Carbon facthan we have since the camhigh a jeweled satin box with sparkling ;and Carbon college will enter into and several paign hair dressing opened on October 29. lair rinse; competitive trios with judges choos-jinInsure the Peace Our Boys Fought other articles to keep the hair in the winner. A Pep rally will be For is a slogan every true, perfect trim. conducted as part of the assembly American should remember reported that the Mr Littlejohn program which will e led by the to repeat over and over, and then committee were relying on the debanc! and cheer leaders. when the true moaning of these few sire of the individuals to invest in DR. JEROME DAVIS Numbers wil lbe presented by the words have sunken into our buyisimple America of by the future peace 16, November Tomorrow night, Alumni Association of which Barney souls- - go to the bank, the postoffiee, will Dr. Jerome Davis will lecture on DeVietti is ng bonds during the Victory drive. club members Kiwanis the local president, and the Homethe Palace Furniture & Appliance,. It's quite possible some sort of ac- "Russia, Land of Tomorrow," next coming queen and her attendants WINTER their annual show which is RECREATION present Helper's three bond issuing agencies, tivity will be devised to stimulate of for the purpose raising and sponsored euiuer tv, ac win De presented to the audience. A ""b, buy another bond in remem- in the in sales very bond the Helper the Price municipal auditorium as welcome to the Alumni and to war funds for youth activities in North 1.1.1 hranpfl fnn nrVwit PROGRAM TO near future. the first number of the Carbon Col- - veterans will conclude the Carbon county. William P. Maack, did for assembly and you and you you! club president, is director of the lege Artist and Lecture series. 'program. INSURE THE PEACE and rehearsals prove show, reports Dr. Davis recently returned from Beginning at 11 a.m., a parade of START NEXT MONDAY the 1945 presentation will equal that Soviet Russia after 18 months abroad floats, and student organizations will of other years. as correspondent for the Canadian & start from the school marching down According t0 Mayor Darrel K. "Tall, skinny, fat, short Kiwanians American press. He has visited that Fourth East to Main street and then Downey the city council last Mon- - will strut their stuff and show off country eleven times from the Tsar!on down to second west, before re- - rlav nf'f'nntorl tllo iinnHotmn ff their ability, or inability, to guaranto the present time, and was the first lining to the school. The floats npm.e ',r..-,,tiaa tee a lot of laughs for those who atAmerican correspondent to interview are to be made by the different clubs director effective next Monday, Nov- tend," Mr Maack said yesterday. Stalin. He lived for 12 years in and classes at the college. The band. ember 19. He was "Music and Radio Personalities of Following a canvass of the votes Japan. Pep Club. Letterman, Carbonettes. in charge of the 1945" is the theme of the show which Novon cast in the city's election He has visited most of the famous and Senators wil march in the parprogram in Helper is expected to last about two hours. ember 6, little change was noted by During the business session of the "death camps" in Russia and at- ade. last winter and also The time is S p.m. at the Helper Last Squad club, which the Helper city council as they of12 noon, a luncheon will be At preceded the tended trial of Germans at Kharkov during the summer auditorium. fifth annual banquet and program ficially reviewed the tabulations as in served the cafeteria with college where the men were convicted and just past. Wth a few exceptions all parts of held Sunday night at the Carbon recorded by the judges and filed with; to go toward the pur. Mr Pizza announc the ehow will be portrayed by Ki-e- d Country hanged. Pr. Davis will give a picture the proceeds club, J. A. (Tad) Greener I f aI1 sides of Russia at the present chase of furniture and equipment for ..' yesterday that wanians. was "elected to lead the of. ficial tabulations reveal that Dr. Joe . a student lounge which is to be put Helper , , ,. , , he has set up a are Some as to feminine American appear . Legion group as major durschool Dalpiaz was the only candidate to for the benefit of the . schedule of gymnas characters ; some as The Artist and Lecture series will into the the stars; Dan Gather of cowboy ing year. ensuing students. the music gain from the canvass, and his gam! Duringluncheon, ium use as it af- - f;nd others will the school year, continue through portray such well-fee- t Hiawatha was the choice for shavewas his opponent s loss of one vote. . be will the under direction presented s schedulvarious age known radio and music stars as tail, and H. L. .land six numbers have been E. M. Williams. Putman, Helper, was According to the report released me gym Vincent Lopez, Bing Crosby and elected the mQst famous pf thg taem of pioupb. clerk. Retiring ofthe nite abulation Monday following Football Game at 2 o.m. will be open Mon- - others. "It's all in fun and it will be ficers arecompany Dow Young, Price, major; A ' ' football between ' Carbon Fri- fun for al game cha Elman, world famous violinist. .L . Mr Maack p,.omi8e8. Lee Kirk, Hiawatha, shavetail, and George Pizza day through ioi vuies lie received as a riosics- - who will eK trom y appear on April 10. Other college and Branch Agricultural colFunds Used For Recreation Jack Forrester, Price, clerk. candidate for 2 Cedar will of 10 start at Citv 6:30 to p.m. Following is the include the Guardsmen lege numbers In most instant,PS ,hp rntKOH With approximately 60 of the surcouncilman, and Luke Cormani, his March 7, 1946; Miss Jeanne p.m. to be played on the Carbon schedule as reported by Mr Pizza: Quartet, the Kiwanis com- viving 97 members who make Child Welfare by Democratic opponent, last one vote up the a sweater this field. game During mondav Welty, dramatist, who will give mittee are used for recreational nur- - organization present, the gang to be the reducing his total from 452 to 451. "The will presented outstanding 8 6:30 of Theodosia to 12. Burr," p.m. Boys ages 10, 11, Mystery a generous turkey dinner and poses for the youth of this area. For One vote for the same post was tab- March 18. Morris Cannegeiter, Carbon player of the game, and other gifts 8 to 10 p.m. Boys, Jr & Sr High instance last year the club sponsored of all that goes with it, and plenty ulated for Donuts. music instructor, will prepare one given by Price business houses will TUESDAY ,an addition to the playground of the few speeches. A floor show under to and two to or canvass the votes be tne cmi players Mondays given 7:30 to 10 Jr & Sr High Boys jnumber and the Carbon college band city park, and early this summer the direction of Mrs E. K. Olsen of will end the election, unless there and orchestra one con queen and her attendants. During the WEDNESDAY slide bars and an outdoor Price was well received by the group. preSent !8wlngs, should be a recount desired by any cert under direction of E. M. wu. half, the queen will be presented by 8:30 to 10:30 Adults hoop and board were in- - Mrs Tom Lamph presided over the j basketball defeated candidates, and that is a'jiams. and club. the THURSDAY The Peppers the Pep stalled in the new playground. Some show as master of ceremonies. very remote possibility. The board 6:30 to 8. Boys 10, 11, 12 (Continued from Page Four? ,of the funds went to augment the Several former Carbon countv of canvassers officially declared the 8 to 10. Jr & Sr High Boys Teen-Ag- e Canteen, and other por- members wh0 now reside in the Salt BENEFIT BANQUET " L" FRIDAYS ivinuwnig iiiuivitiuaia uuiy eieuieu tions were used for medical and de- Lake vicinity were in attendance, lead Helper city during the next FOR LDS CHURCH ENCOURAGING GAIN 6:30 to 8. Jr &. Sr High Boys nial case for underprivileged children. they being Arthur Horsley, Utah Detwo years: Frank Mullins, mayor; IS SATURDAY NITE 8 to 10. Adults Omar Bunnel Is chairman of the partment adjutant of the American NOTED AMONG Dr. J. Joe Dalpiaz, K. D. Marquis, Friday night is open to recreation committee for 1945. Legion; Donald Hacking, member nf Steve Diamanti and N. Joe Tullius, Plans have been virtually complet- CARBON HI STUDENTS only those nights on which the According to Mr Maack the follow.; the Industrial TW.in,Dt as councilmen; Ernest Flaim, record- ed for the scheduled Helper LDS Attendance of high school students schools have no activity planned. ,ing make up the general committee sion of Utah, and Nick Rhinetti to be er, and Kenneth Mower, treasurer. ward benefit turkey dinner is showing a Sports Basketball, Boxing, Wrest- - in charge of the show: Roland Tay- - former cafe owner in Price Several Carbon at college next They will officially be sworn into of- held at the civic auditorium maiked improvement over the pre- ling, Table Tennis, Checkers. Ior, author; Calvin Jewkes, music; lother out of the county members at- between the hours vious fice next evening Saturday 'Howard Brown, John Laboroi and E. tended. January. year, according to Dr. A. E. Lttt.zzette Returns To Post P. Marchetti, of 6 and 9 p.m. program and advertis- Jones, college president. , to Mrs George E. Black, According two months Litizzette left Helper ing; K. D. Marquis, costumes; George UlI UCD 110(100 I flnPC Attendance for the past IEGI0N Stanley general chairman of the committee if this year show that the juniors (this morning for Alamogardo, New Black, property; Chris Jouflas. tick Lll IUUOL LUUUL on arrangements, an advanced ticket h?d 9r.7 percent their Mexico, where he is stationed withpts; and lighting effects, Pete attending CALLS FOR VET sale indicates a large group will and the seniors, 97 percent, U. S. Army. He has been home since tino. Andersons orchestra of Price INITIATES THREE avail themselves of the opportunity or a school average of 98.8 percent, last Wednesday at which time he'111 supply the orchestra music. to partake of the turkey dinner and While comparable figures for the came home to attend funeral service GIFT PACKAGES AT TUESDAY MEETING aid the local church who will use same period of last year were not of his grandmother, Mrs Catherina Carbon Commissioner the funds for ward activities. Anyone given, Dr. Jones saw ne was pieaaeu inuiio, wno was nuried last Tnurs-witTakes Care Of Carbon Post No. 21, American t0 purchase tickets snonm day. the improvement. Three new members were Initiated Melu E. Mrs. Black, Mrs contact tfon's Auxiliary last S. L. into the Helper In County Saturday open-- ! lodge of the Loyal M its annual drivo for Christmas sted is in cnarge oi u.e Order of Moose at the reeu lar meet. Commissioner County William Presents for hospitalized service men Campbell returned Sunday from Salt'!"? h!'d Tuesday evening at the 'Tour thousand gifts are needed HELPER YOUTH GAINS "tU1' Lake City after spending the pre- - f f. Utah, and presents must be deliv-CTP- "FRIENDSHIP" VlOUR t to the Avalon Hotel in Helper the commission. He stated that high FrancIs Lamothe, Pastor of St. An- AT WASATCH December 10, said Mrs A. S. HONOR Parish, Andrew way work will be started as soon thonys Helper; Wahl, Ac-- I Wasatch at auxiliary chairman. and John Spens- day ,as dam both is expected to reach Its final of Homecoming possible by the state road com Heiner, Sunnydak dream the dam. Scofield Since .v,!r,v, u9 many service men aTe on j rpeentlv; held .,and1 mission in ihis area, and that the ko, Helper. ror stages by the end of the week. agriculturists snort smen and "" """" strict hospital diet, the military hos- is an annual affair, founn h m Participating in the ritualistic work U)e fjna When completed, the new Scofield airport road, a secondary highway were . , pitals have the following: Rudolph Sanieh recommended requested that presents youth one of the students ot u old the highThe by dam commission, will ,mpletlnn. provide security for every will fonfain no food or governor; nonom, Nephi Kay, junior governthose candy. receive first and among the attention. school cs (j) fl tnlnR ()f thp past, enterprise below the structure. Tt Contents should be listed on out-W- e or; Kenneth Mower, prelate; W. H. be- - wil a of Is ofdam resident Possibility new " health the I)IMJ IIJ t ,"' across hold back the flood waters Of of the package so that hospitals the new road rr,u .. ficer was also investigated, and one Dalton, orator; lien Reddingt'on, past fanw - iu Grace Jacobshagen, was chosen " me spring, anaj provine "ill not need to "senj m- "" f1 lac' to ing frpshmati security governor; Lewis White, sergeant at each parcpl . unwrap most friendly boy nnmm nu.. water users mrougnout tne summer will be assigned here as soon as arms, and ,0 determine for this the 01a oam if harmful Items aTe class. Tony Doleatti, assistant he said. possible, structure. season. But for the sportsmen, and contained. ,e. mem-- i held by the new sergeant at arms. an u. me noiiui tne nsnermen It will supervision parucuiany A report on the The wm.k ,inf,.r Recommended PT?nnTTfTirkXT include bers. quarterly audit of presents IvUliUC'lIUiN , r,.i vncifv engineer for the provide a permanent haven. ScnrfoM prjAT ' lodge books for the period ending and maps, stationery & games, has ON and been UPWARD MOVE long "OB recognized by '"iletries. clothes, smoker's supplies, October 31, 1945, was given by Secthe;si,e know nobby are being hold by sportsmen of this section as the W such ... ...... .... miscellaneous Items as that he should receive u r.8uniaiea weeKiy production of aretary N. J. Tullius, together with of the ble ones, hut tb lrnnw. rnnstrtiction mo a brief summary of expenditures as be Wpntification bracelets, sun glasses to and lignite for Utah ., , s, pxpo(;tP(, t0 br because we know him ,Pdge that a new structure was to be ,,min"u to building tiertalns ny 0 This Is or weelc the anJ modeling clay. of ended maintenance, boy. October 27 was ih(t mn preventpd a fjr)e campng am) wi(hin friendly type benefit ' and of gifta should range from n payments funeral exWPPk Wasatch. the at ende(1 20;0.00 the from first year fishing colony t?"B:,for growing up on ()), ,hw we(,ks provided " ,0 penses. 1"'000and each package should and for October 7, ot cnanl?p too much the banks of the beautiful lake that Rudolph Sanieh, president of the ,on'ain the name and address of the . This will now T::28' Wi "MOO. n, CoiintV Evpn fnpn the ony wag created. state Moose association, has called or sort rioauction In coal the tenT' A." a,taenpd ta ll8t,n jrPmaInlng part of the construction changed, and a permanent camping week ended "RV ConimiSSlOIl a meeting for the near future to will be removed November, as estimated before the WonWI ends sucn as spot can ne created. up cleaning be formulate plans for the State Moose the bureau of mines, rose to ""nt is eiv,.n to the patient. The At a regular meeting of the de- The structure as now designed. by ra)ls ar0und the highway, Convention to be held here next raPPor should note whether the r net tons. w. with the held hprause the necessary mater- the outlets are so arranged that an preceding week, Compared p esprit w, pnuntv commissionFuimier summer, and also made a plea for . ig for a man or a woman. this inshows an 8000 acre-foo- t be crease storage m avaijahp. week Frank Liddell, . of 40,000 tons or 2.8 percent. more members to take an active in. . .will ..always . t , ., i . . ,. l.- fh Thonhad were appointen ano j. In Mr Clyde aniioum.ru w Production dental corps , nifliis i.l eommn-'''the correspondlne terest in ritualistic work. . o..a me. iue new nam win wppk f A special meeting of officers ha of rocK iacing as a fair ?mo yards 71,000,000 TEETH i,.out 19,, amounted to 12,019,000 ' " at the dam proper, provide a lake that will cover ap. ;ton8 'IIP Arm,, ti exhibit the on been i n an called for Friday night, Nov. for completed been ?i rifn I't'iuai t;orps nas iii'"i, "0 K, u.c auu uus-ua8, to discuss problems dealing with n.juaic 1c enn nnn ..i-o- ct Tha ml hoai nas neen iuo'-uan1 Sllnmu l i"' "nsJustice and truth make man free, benefit payments to the membership. ami 2,sno,flon 10 1UJe "oaung area is injustice and error enslave him. conim..' necessaty Carbon construction ""j""" exhibit ne way NinThPr,"np, slnce Pearl Harbor.lThe BUY VICTORY BONDS a,80 available. of tne Mary Baker Eddy. Vl, e l" : rpr)resentativethis area surgeon s m learned featuring together today at Fprt Douglas, put FIRST ARTIST- - C'T r' j j City-calle- i r "Radio Personalities" Is Title Of Annual Kiwanis Showj g d Benefit Of Child Welfare Program j LITTLE CHANGE III LAST SOUAD CLUB I0TE NOTED IN ELECTED TAD ,,,,. ELECTION CANVAS GREENED MAJOR t .... . I fna j -- St-S- - MiLiARY iiuli Bot-classe- ME Affairs COMPLETION OF SCOFIELD DAM IS EXPECTED WITHIN NEXT FEW WEEKS . - I 1 1 j " "2 ...... Zi;m j.n 1 I - , fePTtt. com-'hom- e ' ' Fair tOmmuitt - filled - ' ,.. uats. n " l |