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Show T DP PAGE FOUR Local Girl Has AMMUNITION FOR BIG GAME TO BE ON RATION BASIS . Story Printed In S.L. Tribune . The War Production Board has Again recognition conies to one of Helper's amateur authors, Olive M just answered that a limited amount Benedict, daughter of Mr and Mrs of rifle ammunition will be available Forrest Benedict. Miss Benedict, who for the hunting of big game animals for a long time has made story-wri- t, only. It is to be given out on a strict ing and poetry composition a hobby. ration basis and only 20 shells will was accorded the honor of having be permitted to each one who pos- one of her stories printed in the Salt sesses a big game license, providing Lake Tribune magazine section last'"'' llas 110 otner ammunition. There are only 57o,00 cartridges allowed Sunday. to the hunters of our state. It is A few months ago Virginia received recognition in the going to be necessary that each same section, having a story printed. hunter who has any ammunition 011 Perhaps there are more unknown hand to be strictly honest in declarauthors in our midst, whose talent ing what he has. otherwise, there would be acknowledged if they would will be many hunters who will not be able to eo into t lie field because just make an attempt. Congratulations to Miss Benedict of the lack of ammunition, Director Ross Leonard, specifies and Mrs Barboglio for the manu-- 1 scripts, which have been published. that if the Utah Fish and Game as. They are now in line for the erand sociation sets more detailed infor-prizawarded at the end of the ser-- niation regarding the rationing of shells, complete details will be given. ies. Good luck, girls! What we do upon some great ocHappy is he the palace of whose affection is founded upon virtue, casion will probably depend on what walled with riches, glazed with beau- - we already are; and what we are will be the result of previous years ty, and roofed with honour. H. P. Liddon. of seli'.discipline. Francis Quarles. Bar-bogl- io , e. IT TP T U IT A I II l I 1 . tlte control Outstanding poultry pathologists have shown that will protect chickens against coccidiosis. A proven disease control program calls for control of coccidiosis and blackhead vaccination for Fowl Pox, Fowl Laryngotra- cheitis, Fowl Cholera and Fowl Typhoid. We stock the famous Lcderle line of veterinary and poultry products and can help you reduce your poultry losses. Ask for a copy of "Lederle animal health guide.. Sulfa-guanidin- e HELPER DRUG COMPANY Phone 97 Helper Authorized Distributor o- f- VETERINARY PRODUCTS . Jedwle SCHOOL LUNCHES With the cooperation of the association Helper's crop will be salvaged peach bumper and peaches preserved for the school lunches this winter. Both Price and Helper women are ?sisting with the fruit canning, according to Mrs Aaron Jones, of Price, (unity supervisor, who is being assisted by Mrs Edwin Jones of Helper, for the program. In Helper the program is gettins under way by the Central and Junior high schools, with the actual canning to take place Thurs. of the pea and Friday of this week. The day a principals of tin- schools report motners trom the response splendid .., ff,nwMi? volunteers sched . . uleu to appear mi mr i ojo. Tvc; B.10:!. Mrs Mohn. Mrs Salmon. Mrs Mrs I'ass-veilMrs Papnacostas. fhesnick. Mis Lynn Broadhent, Mrs ! ci' Hanley, Mrs Williams, Mrs Hill. Mrs Carr. Mrs Preston. Mrs Schiller. Mrs Benedict. Mrs LoM.s Charles Mrs Mrs Hackwell, pez. a, Tomato and peach pickers are still needed in Carbon county, declares Rassmussen. Lowell county agent, who urges Carbon county citizens to see to it that no food is wasted because of lack of labor. In making his appeal to church and civic groups and to all citizens in the county, Mr Rassmussen stressed that more adult labor will be needed to complete the harvest of these two crops because youth which were used in picking fruits and vegetables earlier in the season have returned to school. Also peach and tomato picking requires more mature labor. Mr Rassmussen urges that any person who can spare a few days or even a few hours to help in the peach and tomato harvest sign up at the local county agent's or U. S. Employment Service Office immediately. --Scaie receipt books at the x I fS s) r C Afc O t I Hd 7?J i Hei- - THURSDAY, SEPTEMsgp UTAH 23 County Azent r;Trees Available For Fall Planting JUVENILE PROBLEM IS TO SEVENTEEN fJX f 1 W M D r, I j rw CANNED FOR Appeal Made To Citizens To Save Peach, Tomato Crop COCCIDIOSiS I CITIZENSHIP AWARDED Smith. Mrs Hatch. Mrs Plaga. Mrs Thayn. Mrs Zanelli. Mrs Flaim, Mrs Abernathy and Mrs Carl Bath. that corn, beans, It is possible beets and other vegetables will also be canned. 4 a PEACHES TO BE . SULFAGU ANIDINE a A IN COUNTY HIGH PEAK Awarded citizenship by Judze F. Willis Bean, probation officer for W, Keller in the Seventh judicial counties in eastern Utah reportcourt last week were 17 of a large f,r:r that juvenile delinquency ed recently Gil. examined by group of applicants alarm-- i iu Carbon county has reached naturalization Gower. F. acting bert proportions. ing examiner. thefts, The increase in juvenile Those naturalized are: rowdiness and Mary general Concetta Salvatore (Concetta Fortu-nat- o is attributed to neglect on the part Salvatore). Rasalia Coinpagni. lot" Salzetti. parents busy with defense work Xuzio. Genoveffa (Gus particularly, Mr Bean stated, but exPapazahariowdakis are many factors, Papazaharis). Carl Rudolph Ericksen, plained that there which contriin wartime, Scandella (Mie Poloni especially Batalamea minors. Lozik (Steve among to delinquency bute Stephanum the same situation prevails in oth. Losiki. Agata Randazzo, Rosaria er parts of the state and throughout (Rose Martinot. Rosa Di. most of the nation, probably for the Aneelskl Tony the manti (Angelina Diamantii. Matilda same reasons which have caused Rachele Aneotti. Josephine increise in this county. Plati Em-PrMr Bean, who serves Carbon. Fiorailo Rasso and Peter John counties, Grand and San Juan (Pete Kolombus). where cases rii'ed boys several Retail to have stolen cars, gasoline Of known Survey or merchandise, had been sent to a Meat Stores In detention room in Provo and had Area Nears Finish run away serveral times. He that facilities for detaining compliA meat price am! rationing in Illinois in the area he serves are instores meat of retail ance survey The only acadequate for the purpose. the area is Hearing completion, in district three, room detention cording to L R. Eldridge. chairnnnis at nine counties, which pancontrol comprises of the local board price to difficult it makes which Provo. eL when investigation minors earned detain is which being Tlic survey of an offense. out bv price panel assistants, board proves them guilty the of county are runthe The youth members and clerks throughout in petty thieving, country was requested by Chester ning rampant homes, into stealing cars manager, new breaking general Bowles, OPA's he reported. One citizen with the aim of helping meat dealers and gasoline, theft of fruit continued the and of at irate with to comply regulations warned the has discovering what problems are pre. from his orchard, but the and again, again youngsters venting general compliance. The most important aspects of the fruit continues to disappear. In one neighborhood in the north regulations being checked by the surhave enveyors are those requiring the post- section of town, small boys away of homes, several tered getting and of grades ceiling prices ing with purses anit in one case a diameats, it was stated. The price posting provisions re- mond ring and wrist watch. Some of recovered by the quire the butcher to post official these have been In another case a involved. dated furnished OPA, lists by persons price June 21. 1943. in a conspicuous place lad hired to mow a layn while no where they may be read by the pub. one was at home, broke into the lie. Meat retailers must also mark house through a window screen and stole a money purse containing about the price on each cut of meat. Since price ceilings of beef, veal, '$25 in cash. The culprit was found lamb and mutton vary according to and admitted to the theft. the grade of the meat, the butcher The situation can be and must be is required to indicate the grade as controlled, Mr Bean states, but the well as the price of meat in his cooperation' of every citizen of the show case, it was said. The grade county, particularly parents, church designations are AA or Choice, A or organizations, and that of the young Good, B or Commercial, C or Utility people themselves is necessary in orand D or Canner and Cutter if the der to handle the startling increase. meat is beef and Cull if the meat is Sale of beer and cigarettes to min. veal. Pork Is not sold according to ors by some establishments in the grade. county must be definitely prohibited, street-roamin- Can-nariat- o. Pa-ar- ella. y. - In an effort to enable more f. to plant trees duriug "' the making them available bot fall and spring, approximate! v trees will be ready far this fall from the ClarX nursery at the Utah State Ajtri .7 al college, announces mussen, Carbon county a.ri" Uifr "sncuit gent Order blanks for these tree be printed soon after October 1 may be obtained by Writi school of forestry at the USir contacting the local county a. office. The trees will be distribution after October 15 Mr Rassmussen points out 'tan. larger trees, over six or eight in height, are transpLiited mo, cessfully in the fall, while the Sm er trees are better moved ja tT spring. The ten varieties available fa farm woodlot or windbreak plant in this state include: black green ash, Russian olive, Sebena' elm, honey locust, black locust, L bardy poplar, blue spruce, easterj red cedar, and ponderosa pine. J! Father Enlists After Sons Wisconsin A Die"" farm, whose two marine sons gave their lives in tne war against Japan, j now a marine private doing duty somewhere with his company sentry, a powerful dog. Private Prank W. Winterlinj said it was only natural for himu enlist in the branch of the serra in which his sons died in order thai Lis daughters, Jane and Kate, miffl continue to enjoy "the advaitajj that were guaranteed to me ante our system of government." One t( private Winterling's sons, Mara Coporral Joe N. Winterling, died n Bataan, and the other, Marine Dober-Pinscl- Set- geant Frank E. Winterling, died il Guadalcanal. and the habitation of pool halbj isl saloons by minors must be stopped. Cooperation of the parents and p prietors of such places is necesstrj Nothing as drastic as zootsuit riot or Black Legion gangs, such as Ci fornia cities have experienced, In happened here yet but it is not . possible that such an event take place if the condition here not controlled. Mr Bean concluded. fe Stamp pads and Helper Journal. at Ink f GOdQfPo9 flour 1UPV;EhoMeownED W!Uf HHT?rnilT?l OPEAT hi PHpps Effpptivp fnr Sentpmlr A il RED STAR 50 lb Bag ! iT Snf FYi 91 " i 9 j 1 Utah Beet V -- " 1 to keep the Stars and Stripes flying. g "Before he left, he told me they are to need more equipment, more ammunition and more food for INVASION of enemy lands. " 'The more bonds the folks at home buy the more they'll be helping us fighters to win.' That's what Jimmy said." go-in- The 3rd War Loan of 15 billion doll ars must produce the money to pay for these essentials to victory. Buy at least one EXTRA $100 Bond besides your regular bond purchases many will have to invest thousands! Don't think that what you do isn't important. It will take all every individual in America can raise to put this 3rd War Loan over the top. So buy more bonds out of your pay out of extra income out of "rainy-day- " funds! The quicker you do that the more Jo i'H help Jimmy and our other boys smash through to Victory. What do you say? It's the safest, soundest investment you'll ever makol Lefs go! Stegdtt NUCOA SOAP LARGE CRYSTAL 7 Cantaloupe Peppers Green River lb. 4c Spuds CAN H"25C lb. New 10 Lbs. BETTER MEATS AT LOWER PRICES STEAKS WW BAR 10BARS?9c!!lUR0nflBL"CH WHITE POT nOAST WE IODIZED i SWAN SOAP 69c 10 lb. i 31c SALT 23c SHORTENING llciPREM (5 Pts) SUNBRITE 11c! CLEANSER MATCHES i i B5Sc WHEATIES immy'i over ther now, fighting our enemies T,: BEEF Swifts BEEF SHOULDER VEAL STEAKS MUTTON LEG A t. LR LB LB or CHOPS LB A Grade A Grade LB mim 29c miitmh V mm m m mm m m mmm m rnrn m WHS WHBWB a wlm " d LB 22i W 29c LEG OF LAMB As " " 31c LAMB CHOPS Whole 22c in SMOKEO Half BRAND A op JJW ANY K. T. MASSEY, MGR, the mwmmfmmmmm'MmmMmfMmmmM'MMMfMB SUGAR iS" j Chili Tamales, Spring Friers and Hens. Fresh Fish and Eastern Oysters at Lowest Prices ( |