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Show 22, 1933 ...cnAY. DECEMBER HELPER 5JE Ottls filed suit against Helen C. In district Ossana serfor sums owed court at ph.. and materials fur.;. Monday lor S314.32. Nine causes for FILta SUIT i ,.,jTg UI11 A'"'e".Jr bad not been ,t SQUARE THIS TYPE YOUlL " lf " ' ft r joe t,. action are listed in the complaint pa!d. JOURNALHELPER. DIAO 1 i i .V 'Three Students Gain Scholarships At Carbon College -- " i ' it PGE Betty Monroe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Monroe. Glen Conover. son of Mr. and Mrs. Chalt Omover, awarded the third Perron, was scholarship. Awards were made on the basis of hath school records, and cover tnili'.in tnv current school year. Mr- Fox said- - According to F. Wilcken Fox, reg jBPW Christmas Party three tuition scholarships to istrar, Members and gi:e.-Of the BPWithe Carbon Junior fnr tha tmt mad ...... ...4..,. meiTy TueS(l:lV V.,.. pvpnimr pnrpcnt at a Christmas Party in the civic Two of the scholarships went to auditorium. of Carbon High school: graduates Center of attraction NHS a .F II, I.,. Hri:n iiieu ii ee with tall while candles in 'and n ir i: i holder. . two o..,cl the wanning sides. Christmas decorations iaus and stockings made a pietur- esaue scene The party, lmrfer the direction of I1". D. H. Hyde. Mrs. Mary Ford, ;ana Ethel Turner, was in the form oi a small girl party with members wearingan,? .... va"'ms dn among the dolla! being an doll owned by 'Kathryn Dart Games and Christmas carols proved were .uv.mumj. :by Mrs. wahl. Miss t Stultz. Mrs! ru :urpny and Mrs. Tizza. Members of the club exchanged Sifts and Mrs. Bertha Spratling cmeii i, was the recipient nnstmas gift from the club. Prices Effective In attendance were: Kdna Litlz-zettMrs. Josephine Turner, Mrs Minnie Wahl. Mrs. Mary Ford, Mrs. Mary Pizza, Mrs. Ardell Steele, Mrs. Maxine Murphy, Elizabeth Martlnelli-JosephinFeado, Catherine Street". Kathryn Dart. Susan Maulsby! Agnes X3IAS CANDY 2 Huntsman. Ruby Harkhess. Evelyn Stultz ind Adelia Bayles. , SYRUP Cabin ; a U 1 j deOOr-!'irvin- , School Enlarge Wellington a of Construction $10,000 addition to the trade school at Wellington will be started this niou'.b, according to an announcement by G. J. Reeves, superintendent of schoolj. The add!- tion is made necessary by the increasing school population. - Before looking elsewhere, try the Tha HplrtAr Helper Journal for your office up- plies. " Di.l ,!... rn i FIV1 Dnct . -- kalo 1 -- lute0 i nair-ribaon- s 1 0 a" Nose conspicuous for generosity g Round Jowls of a "good fellow" pjLX, n FTm LlXlJCJ I j0$y, mrm rrvrvr w j I. g are this type, you'll not only "double-ricgive Kentucky's 'straight Bourbon, but hope to receive some! If you MIXED NUTS h' mnik cn PINT No. 61 QUART No. HALF PINT No. 62 i , 1 JJEEiiSf Sunday Eve Christmas Mr. and Mrs. George - Party Kelly entertained at an ;:eujoyabl9 Christmas party at their home Sunday evening. The dinner table was set off by a lovely lace cloth over yellow. Minla-j.ur- e Christinas trees and clever place cards occupied their,; distinctive 'places on the table, Five Hundred was played later by the fallowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wardell, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. jColtou, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bunnei, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Crawford and Mr. iand Mrs. John Malacker. & 90 PROOF BOURBON WHISKY COPR. 1938, SCHENLEY DISTILLERIES, INC.. N. Y. C. i . CASTLE GATE SOCIETY NOTES The Ladies Auxiliary met at the schoolhouse last.. Wednesday evening Im POPCORN Dec. 23 - 21 . 5 lbs Fcy CRANBERRY lb cello bag SAUCE2cL27c quart can Log : STRAIGHT Fri. Sat., 2 lb bag 5 lb box FANCY CHOCOLATES MINCE MEAT Rum, Brandy flavor 2 lb PUMPKIN No 2 2 can No. 2 can TUNA FISH White Star Jb COFFEE all brands DATE PUDDING Morton House 2 tall cans 4 tall cans MILK all brands 3 tall cans TOMATO JUICE Campbells No. 2 can PIE CHERRIES Semi-sweyellow 1-- 1-- , GRAPES 3 lbs 98$ Red Emperors JJ CELERY crisp Jumbo YAMS Louisiana et Cranberries Honkers lb 25C TOMATOES . 25C for 4 lbs 2 25C lbs 2 26C lied, ripe 22C SWEET SPUDS 4 lbs for Brussell Sprouts 230 2SC - KJt FA FA. sr. clarinet duet was rendered by Raynia Burgess and Win fred Stanley. The SS evening was spent playing games, W 331 8 The Seventh grade gave a party S3 Monday evening under the direction r 3 vou rs . .. Christmas be more than s ... tins . May tne joys have ever known, and may the New Year 5 be owe oi 5 prosperity pleasant associations and unusual We have been happy to serve you lairing the past year, and assure you of the same service during 1939. r i :ices U( jciieciive rn. T A! O TT1 S FLOUR, White Fawn GERMADE I I PANCAKE FLOUR J. 1 am., iec. turkey red OI &o - - bag bag bag iyrir, 20c 10c yc 97p 1 Qn CWt. 8Qr dozen GRAPEFRUIT 10c per dozen and up S ORANGES pound 5 CHESTNUTS quart CRANBERRIES 5 for 2 lbs 1 MINCE MEAT lb COFFEE Bonita quart jar APPLE BUTTER, Libbys 4 cans 1 ORANGE JUICE n Hewlett's 5 HONEY J5C 9n 25C lO 19c 25c 49c I half-gallo- FRUITS and I fresh-mad- e DO-NU- lb lb VKAT. T?OTTMn STEAK tttpkfv Mill CARBON NEXT YEAR grid season at tie Carwill find only six lettermen, including one regular on this year's state championship football team, on hand. The other 22 lettermen will be lost through graduation. Ken Prince, sturdy tackle, is the only returning regular. Other lettermen who will be back include Rob Milano at guard, Boyd McKln- non at center and Jlmmie Eaquinta 3 Sam Corsetti and George Platis in 33 the backfield. i 11 tVio niitlnolr wrmlrl not &D- be to very promising, the Oar-bo- n pear mentor will have a strong nucleus around which to build up next year's squad Lost through graduation will be Gene kod- ten regulars: s rnT Clo nffhim enson aim ouinfiuaui, George in the . raiiiauu tmi i backfleld: Bruce Pike Reed Bryner 'Alan Barker. Bob Mathis. Nick Pap Er'pas and Albert Passic In the Une. E,The other lettermen who will not be 'back are: Walter Alexgard. Lynn Goetzman, Orval Ostler and DickPhilCowley, ends; Morgan Pitts and up Jensen, tackles; Ed Eldridge and Jimmie Kirshbergen, guards; Louis 33 Bunnel. center; and Willie Poglajen. Bill KirK, and Tony Nikas. backs. H 1939 bon High school H all-stat- e a AitVii-iinrT- r s ii a w lb lb niK.F.SK No Vs at warci lb 25c SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip MARASCHINO CHERRIES pint Med. 2 MIXERS 2 pkgs 'Lime Rickey, Ginger Ale 2 qts 20fi ynion U.S. INSPECTED H io 33 - 22c EJ 49c Br Markct MEATS IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT lb PORK LEG ROAST PORK CHOPS loin ib' lb lb VEAL HOASTS Bulk lb LINK SAUSAGE Italian style BEEF ROASTS (Xmas Steer) whole or half X3LS HAMS g 2C Port 7 Qts. 938 Gal. 948 Calif. Muscatel Qts. 972 Gals. 973 Calif. Sherry Qts. 1038 jgtyg for fq doz. 2 Chestnuts ib doz 250 ib IOC 2 Ib Ib lb SLICED BACON ib SWISS CHEESE Kraft HENS ROASTERS Colored U.S. No. Vs TURKEYS ib lb ib w PECANS Paper Shell SALT Iodized ibs 25c lb 230 pkg fa 25C WAX PAPER 1g Large roll for Kl 200 DATES lb Chocolate covered 22C 33C RICE fancy 2 lb pk fQg 170 CATSUP lg bot 27C California Home 32C FREE DELIVERY 35 Phone 25C m 29C CODE NUMBERS Calif. Whit bag Jumbo LEG OF LAMB Qts. 933 doz LEMONS lg White Soda PEAS, Spring Garden Sifted 2 No. 2 cans 27C Cauliflower CORN DelM. whole ker. yellow cream2 cans 25 0 Snow White C and E GRAPE JUICE qt bottle 2$ PEANUTS rr g 1-- 2 Texas Pink None Such MINCE 3IEAT PORK SAUSAGE e ORANGES 5$ qt 55$ jar 59$ Grapefruit Ig 9ozcan RIPEOL1TES 3 lbs Washington Delicious Jg size rr ss 25c to 17c 19c to 25c 14c pkg 10 lb bae JJg RETURN AT Calif. Bed Port Gcds. 934 pure PORK SAUSAGE, Italian style b sliced BACON. Swifts Premium lb ShanklGSS PICNIC HAMS nnDPfwynT 15c 2oc dozen MEATS BEEF ROASTS PORK ROASTS PORK CHOPS S3 6w ior injives for CHOICE g 1 SUGAR GOODS 1 doz. tall,cans lb 7C 6c APPLES JELLO all flavors VEGETABLESJHl BAKERY FRESH COOKIES, all kinds 1 g BREAD 9q 2 lb String Beans, DelMonte whole 2 No. 2 cans SS3 The 85c 29c 29c 29c 29c 25c 23c 25c 29c FRUIT COCKTAIL SIX LETTERMEN TO 3 3 cans S BEANS in CHILI GRAVY" WHEAT FLAKES, Carnation pkg g ROLLED OATS package S SALMON can tall can 1-- 2 can size 2 PUMPKIN No. 5 KRAUT fresh supply No. 2 1-- 2 can 2 cans S BUTTER KERNEL CORN 1 lb jar PEANUT RTTTTER 1 RED BLISS POTATOES U.S. No. 1'S $1.39 DUStiei APPT.F.S linmn Tlpniltv. fanCV 18 Eg 353 OO bas: BUCKWHEAT FLOUR CORN MEAL bag CHILI CON CARNE, Nuckolls 3 cans 2 cans for 5 TAMALES 1 SPAGHETTI, MEAT BALLS 2 cans I Adviser Edward Midgley. The s evening's entertainment consisted of games and refreshments. of BANANAS firm ripe PROGRESSIVE MARKET Store Will Be Closed Monday, Dec. 26 BBm ft h |