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Show I ' tfinins and I r 1,4 T3T 8 BE WISE Helper J Trade at Home 1 Ec-os- t f?3 pen I )?1 P2 Politically Independent 1 " , THft JOURNAL OgtlVfREO fn, f tr BHUPPEH S CUtTlOH FRgg TO EVERY HOME Q-- ' endum Vote Will Decide Fate Of Soil Conservation THURSDAY, Sfc.Hr. SOFTBALL TEAM RG DEFEATS K OF C FOR FIRST !N TOURNEY And Erosion District It Vote Shows 30, sUlibCKlP I ION $2 A VEAH 1937 THE JOURNAL K OtLrVERFO ONLY OH CLOtl UN imC HTIO Helper City Council To Nominees Chosen By Kiwanis Club For 1938 Officers Pass Election Ordinance; Local Citizens Will Have Chance To Election Will Be Held October 13th Vote in Slayoratorial Election LaFel Oman and E. Bernard! Join Club ; Columbia Third and Spring Glen Fourth Majority Favor The an- citizens of At the regular weekly meeting? Mayor George Spratling Helper city their conFROLIC the city stitutional right to vote for city MOOSE nounced today that of the Helper Kiwanis club last A hustling band of D & R G council will pass an ordinance in officials in the November night. President Colton appointed? softbaliers defeated the near the highly future, allowing the very . following members 'to act as 16-1CDn. ml. J.iinirtii HERE SCT. 7 i iae cniei purpose in creating touted Knights of Columbus team ..jrjy even u"Kluu a nominating committee to select mt. spratling siateu inai mei ., mong persons auenuiug sucn a district. Mr. Quate said. Sunday 4 to 2 to win first place club officers for the coming year: city council would make a study ,ast "is to expend public funds on priv- in the round-robicourt ho-s- e tournamen SPECIAL REQUEST M. P. tiug in the Street, chairman, R. U'u""u"-l',- i scene a of will the be Helper W evening to discuss the- ate land for control of soil eros- sponsored by the Retail Merchwhich have already been passed. August Jones, Ernest initiation and Ja, Moose '.'Ji Price River Conserva- ion." ants and Traffic Club as a part Flaim and Henry Hall. also intend to make a closer tro,1(, on O(;tobt,r RE-OPThey MINE TO and j6 a close Whatever is done on private of the Railroad and Mine Week district indicated that The committee met after study of the recent opinion of the nah Uijrfon Qf Lf)ya, Grd(Jr wnen a rer-ii- land, it was brought out at the celebration held last week. an be expected rec their office, meeting and chose the? general's attorney on will assemble here Moose of is conducted on the meeting, will be done on an inmembers to be voted Myron "Rusty" MADE ommendations to cities of the MUTUAL AT following these dates to on in the near future. dividual basis. No cooperative if! determine club at the regular the and also third Woolsey, by fleet class, a hold special H. Bennett, coun- - landman will be forced to partl- U William October left fielder was 13: For presimeeting possible the legality of holding' initiation of all itricultural agent, serving as.(.iI)ate in the erosion and flood nomin-- j too much for the Chris Jouflas, in dent: vote John a direct Quilico, primary Mine ' Union . acquired ' newly Leaders, " cuuuuii program so ,lung as v.man, aiiuoBlu" ulf tha nrn. ms; Cliff K of C stickers. office. Dr. James Rugto candidates Memmott, ating members of the Officials to Meet does not injure! W. H. Wardell; for and U district was led by Graham Price city has already passed a; ged This sandy order. someone eises iana. ui similar ordinance, and plans on; ate, state George Black, Dr. A. R. A dance v ill be young committee fori if it is definitely ascertained conservation J. It. IiOftis, Ernest Miners employed by the Mutual making a test case to be brought! Demman, Rainheld the at U and C. P. Starr, senior range that one landsman's failure to co chap who just re- Coal Company at the Mutual before the state supreme court. Flaim and Gus Tsangaris; Hoard bow Gardens on i of directors, (seven to be elected cently graduated mine have made a special re- A number of other third class iner. operate in son erosion control is October Saturday, from the hardball quest of the officials of the com- cities in Utah have passed ordin-- ! questions put to injuring another a land, the land- ; answering 16. According to Earl Acord, Jack Houston, Barney n L by land owners, the state with' must enter into the program. the mine which ances and are going ahead ranks made 3 pany to A. J. Carlson, DeV'ietti, Eugene Reid, Thurmai declared mat if he infuses to do so, the board was shut down April 1st. ils emphatically election plans. Carter, Mel Crawford. Bill White, their 1 senof most the secretary or trie James Papacostas, does not intend to 0f supervisors may have the work to John Milan, Committees have been appointprogram City Recorder Ernest Flaim hasj catches ed sational from livestock Fred Bosone, if 1 3 Helper lodge, a Louis Dankworth, grazing; done for him and assess him the by the company and the min- been authorized by the council' union or Dr. L. H. Merrill, August Jones in a few remote costs 0f doing fnat. work. The ?.s- although ers to handle the matter. A meet- to have election supplies printed, Rusty Wooissy to ball .seen a of in kind be to it may any in Lake not aices necessary post Salt Sept- notify chestra will fur- and R. A. Xilson. however, may register agents ing was held It was decided by the committee-tuntil the range Ceed 5 per cent of a fair valuation game. The last catch was deep in ember 24 and 25, and a proposi- notices of registration and take oiet grazing Mr. Carlson recommend to the club that the is 0f the individual's land. center field, and was labeled a tion was made to the care of any other business per nish the music for the dance. jailt up and a ground cover and treasurer be com- iblished. secretary a If a land owner's ncl vities injhome run, and possibly the game;foai company and an agreement taining to the election to devoted will be Sunday ' The ordinance' to be passed will; f10lic, at which the new members Wned, making one office of the no way interfere with another's for the K.C.'s as the tieing runs drawn nertainine to them financ- !C nvo11 tnis dea is carried out. iing operations of the mine. This be advertised in next week's is-- will be initiated into the respec- iiand, however, he reed not parti-- j were on bases. thfi a This I ft RriPFl Dew'y elected officers and distwas presented sue of the Helper Journal. The railroaders drew insame soil erosion control bye the tho in agreement Tfl tjVe throughout lodges cipate i board of directors will appoint the in t mi first ,,,,,,,,, the local union at a special is necessary by law. iuuhu i nut were in..uilo ,.jet program auu neea uoi nave auj-iiu- e ,i. . secretary-treasurerThe secretary team Kenilworth the fast new civic to A at with do whatsoever Sunday. the. 'meeting against banquet Helper's thing UMS always oeen Setire A rep-Mcontest. to will last in committee The inning; appointed by tnis appointed auditorium Price River Conservation districf. Friday's Sunday evening course. BUILDING PLAN two-daand runs were instructed five miners meet. the stated.conclude the produced rally thejresent Quate Mr. Starr explained the features' game for the D'& R G crew. Aljto draw an agreement of condi-o- f ah memoers oi tne ivfoose L,ouge LaFel Oman local attorney, who between the United Mine are the survey which will be made: Martin was manager of the chain-jtion- s urged to attend this meet, and just recently purchased Thorit WINS BACKING to assist in the dance ticket drive Hatch's practice, was accepted as of the district, if approved at the pions. Baker at third played a! Workers and Mutual Coal com- ot trie with for in the near fut- a new member, and Elmie Berthe bang-uPARTY BEING conducted HELD IN Migliaccio to be to game, pany, the referendum, prior had which ure. For additional information, nard!, past president of the Price HIS HONOR of soil conservation prac- and Woolsey getting three of themine. The agreement club, and now a resident of Helat Carbon was drawn Railroaders' Pledge been hits. up presented you are urged to contact Secretary tices. per, was accepted as a transfer U.M.W.A. ofa a special meeting of the The K of C team played Carlson or any of the other Their Support Announcement was made today The survey, he said, will deter from the Price club. was not by were but and order. accepted smooth of doped, Tuesday, the ficers Trainmaster J. R. Loftis, that mine what soil practices are feas game Alto for the membership, according . on the ible, and will establish the carry to win. L O'Brien, a conductor The following committees ; The following item appeared in of the Salt Lake Tribune Monday the frolic to be given October R G W railroad, will leave ing ability of various areas with Columbia, flashing a powerful bert Roberts, Canyon Woman k line of service today after n the district. It will then be det-- i hitting attack defeated Kenilwofth; U.M.W.A. of this district. Car Mishap Mondaymorning. We are reprinting the 16, are as follows: A. J. CallA special meeting has been article for fear some of our read-- j Dance committee: of contin-3- 8 initely known how best to adjust' 10 to 2, to win third place, and sting spent 32 years Moroni Hunt, R. D. Faddis, service with the Denver and the number of livestock to the Spring Glen took themeasure of called in Salt Lake for today or ers failed to see it in the Trib-:soMrs. Wilford Biggs is in the Gastle Gate 7 to 2 to win the tomorrow between the company s une. The favorable advertising the Thomas W. Williams, Jr. Grande Western railroad. amount of feed in each area. Spring Canyon hospital, as the recommittee and the committee ap- - Retail Merchants and other in- Mr. O'Brien Banquet committee: W. H. was first employed sult of a peculiar automobile acThe creation of the proposed consolation prize. k the A ?50. prize was aiviaeu into pomtea Dy me union. iue rt5.cC-meaof our county received lor, Oliver Peterson, D & It G W line as a district, Mr. Bennett cident Monday. Mrs. Biggs was said, would Earl pulling the committee: recent Railroad and Mind Membership skeman cn September four prizes as follows: 1st. place, ments will be. .presented.,. 21, 1905, thru the establishing a family car in an effort e both a was Week is bound to benefit every-- 1 Shamway, John Causer, Stanley to get it started, after the battery-hapromoted to a conductor program that would look to 20; 2nd, $15; 3rd, $10. and 4th, ceptance or rejection by .... one concerned. !y 29, 190 6. He has been Young, R. D. Faddis, James Wil- in serv- become dead. future as well as the present $5.00. The tournament failed to terests concerned. Lester 'son, A. R. Livingston, ie ever since According to the agreement of Carbon Interest Pledge Sup The car started rather suddenly, nprhnna 5 npr- - produce enousrh to pay the ex--! itiinnr, that time. About ti, will use the Wright and C. F. Peterson. he was again promoted, this! cent of the land within the dist- - pense due mainly to the lack of conditions to be presented by the Carbon county farcing Mrs. Biggs over a 1 oe muy "Build win - a crowd. laDorers t, of the ternse to trainmaster over the miners, the Utah" nave to program be would graxjng Wge and onto the railroad tracks. Line-u:d protected for current and back Utah Manufacturers' association The car continued over the ledge-landindivision, with headquarters porarily restricted, in the long TO HOLD as a basis for cooperative efforts U.M.W.A, Baker, 3b; Rachele, wages due them. on top of her. Salida, Colorado. Later this run the range would be built upjD & H G 'ision was Reopening of the Mutual mine to develop the region's mining reto Dr. Merrill, attendAccording incorporated in with and grazing pl;!ed on a safe and'ef; W. Laursen, ss; E. Laursen,! Ma-- ' will furnish employment for sources. Grand Junction division under !Fane basis. FINAL ELECTIOi ing physician, she suffered a brokjc; Woolsey, If; Peterson, 2b; ;:ch it now remains. proximately 75 men, and will be en pelvis, collar bone and noso. Advices to this effect were given Establishment of land use reg- - gann,' lb; B. Laursen, rf; Ian asset to all concerned. After the elinination rf. out o fthe Sal- - illations, severe cuts and body bruises. Mr. Starr pointed Sunday by S. J. Stephenson, execp; Migliaccio, 1rTyian, Mr. Roberts stated that he was, utive OpypOjCp K of C. I Moffitt, cf; Perrero, aske.l arly in the session, would be She is in fai rcondition and hope branch, Mr. O'Brien secretary of the association, are high for her recovery. ; and it was granted. based upon a conception of "great- - 3b; W. Verdi, rf; Maglicco, ss; reasonably sure the agreements on his return from the conferand the mine! ences with citizens of the county. be transferred back to a con-ct- t benefit to the greatest number Fossait, If; Tabone, lb; Pizza, if; 'would be accepted m the very Last week's Helper Journal ttor on the Utah lines. He over a long period of time." Demman, p; Dalpiaz, c; A. Verdi, would be City and county official.",, mine near future. irke'd from that time until 1920 and ailroad superintendents and iieu a story oi me minis m mei A test vte was taken at t':e' 2b. WAS SUCCESS election of officers tteen Helper and Grand June-- end of the session to determine foremen, service club members recent run-of- f fSone.fei of for United Workers Mine the of 35 and Appointed organized those present. representatives (sentiment of Driver Fined $100 !a 1930 labor henrd the nrosrram explained America. Additional information, me Pythian- Sisters' Food Sale he was sent to Castle! indicated their approval, and 30: C.J.Q. Representative l;tst week was a great success has been received of th;- f?r.,t lie with bv Mr. Stephenson, at a banquet. a work train, later be-- ; disapproval. Another 25 persons to Mrs. Spratling, who : transferred according Hel- - fiction. of a the to the Helper-- , did not vote Mrs. Eva Hawley of Price was Addressing meeting Frank Bonacci of this city Satwishes to thank the public in bere to information a , has he Merchants According association,! nnyside run, fined S100 or given the alternative1,, position P?r Retail ua reived 3 !d ever 'T .. , nt- ka rlavs in the ronntv iail when1 ..... , Mr. Sfenhenson emphasized the ceived, in order for any candidate- - half of the Pythian Sisters, for since. Mr. to be elected in the first election their splendid response to the Loftis. in commenting on; STRAf'D THE found guilty of drunken driving field desirability of all sections of Utah IB. Mr. Os3ano furnished the site appointing him as sale.' more votes he must have received on local their I l e service rendered the company me Detween tieiper ana resources; ronrp;pn... tive of the C.I.O. Mr reporting If: Mr. O'Brien, said' "after 32 rest was made by State Patrolman; Bonacc, v,as one of the organizers for compilation and use under the than all the opposing candidates for the sale, which was greatly C HAVE TO "Gars nf ?npri(.o appreciated. The Pythian Sisters-thanrrr rf iho llPct of procuring running for the same office, M5ne Workers of "Build Utah" plan of Uaitei the ..''l-'rr"Mr. Ossano, the ; ef-en ever to i Strand are Candidates in who still the work for the D & R auu cooperation of all elements in Theater and extend to oarh America in i uuu rouui the and Holier offices last for listed Journal not vicinity state. ped a to build running forts f W railroad is retiring, and with greater ill M IftGERS of these vounsr men their best, is a suncistrict ooaru memucr of Mr. for t'eir cooperation. retirement he can boast of Stephensoh reported a grow- week are: For district auditors, that organization. wishes for continued success. state Ben the Robinson, fM of the most enviable records interest Superior, Wyoming; throughout ing s the Mayor Spratling and Dr. in the association program. This Richard Orme, Rock Springs, Wyo: history of the company." were in Salt Lakp on business.. irUeVietti To Manage L. arid Joe David he Loftis further stated that so to be is Dowd, Latuda, cemented, interest el-r as he knew state-widto be A'ric-on Columbia. convention a find in Day, could (Two said, fir "cord, Conductor O'Brien had planned to be held in Salt Lake ectedl. For district tellers, Robert! before the first of the year. Farrish, Spring Canyon was el-- i PEOPLE URGED TO 'er had a complaint made about Announcement was mat:e this j s dein the first election. Two ented work, and not one single of owner E. C. Huish, week by -- rit others are to be chosen from Tho-- : DONATE charged against him. ?!rfind Theater, that Barney tie LOW BIO OFFEBED As a mas Jones, Mike Korogi, Sam Dex gesture of esteem by his; DeVietti h;'.s been appointed manGood Will And Cooperation Between "How ter, Chas. Flagg and Tony Korey. workers, a nartv is being; ager of the new Price Theater. 6'd at the - Labor and Predominates all of Wyoming. K of P 'lla!l. The P.O. knon-FOR Barney, as he is familiarly It was stated last, yeek that "ty win be in the form of aj here, succeeded Artnur Jolley as of Eastern Utah, i ailroad center Alfred coal and the "prise, and will consist of danc-- , mining Carey of Scofield had teen He'ptT, last March, lie had been '& a program and refreshments. manager district No. 4. However, additional to a close Su. :"ay the Railroad and Mine Week brought successfully from a Another plea is be'nz mail to prefor dispatch three years According the operator lust week. 'uring the course of the parly a low bid of fleeted as board member for ;o cm-eot hp ncr and snr He has celebration which lasted throtiphof D.C., this to vious appointment, . Loftis and a more complete will preient the honored Build Carbon County and you Build Utah", wag carried ou, witli $14 of in for the construction rounding eomri'.inillns to look successful gradually been on Hide Coal inductru- with a watch chain and' Burn Utah Rail return of the results find Elmer over your books tit home and theater to a point the adoption of- the slogans "Ship y iiho Helper federal building had L. Hill larm, (the charm will carry the building up thp at ITnin." of Spring Canyon still in set aside Trade Hock Asphalt a to thp treasury any and all books A.si.;-arteMi.f'.:;i-.:- s initio r (t.-- . rwin- - nf Piilrnml where it is at present doing race. These two mc:i will by the Rei-iiThe week, which was sponsoif & Davis, the which no longer have any Xewstrom you by out Monday, Sept-sdso- department inductors). When" p'res'en'ting' U.e i stPdy. bURineS, Traffi Club, f oti ligiu u out lor intti use for, have them ready for firm. who has been ation and the D&RG W Denver -Weslev Lewis, contracting children, roil sad October 12, when the finals in the donation to the new Public Li;okn to Mr. O'Brien, Trainmaster: ember 20th with a parade of busii.ess men The above bid has not been acmanaging the Rfar at Gunnison, a officials and laborers. ftis will wn-tlirouffliout me election will be staged. Softball played panes briefly review h's life Huish owned GibC. brary to be housed in the Civic cepted, as far as Eugene theater, will replace ,s a railroad last Sunday. finals the with played being employee. Auditorium. week, learn. can Strand of the Rain- son, postmaster, Conductor O'Brien has made a Barney as manager All cares and worrys were forgotten Saturday night at the All bids were to have been in COAL 3IINEK MttEJS The B.P.W. club and Carbon October 1st. host of danced hall and 'dance the flooded friends among his fellow on crowd a when Gardens bow large the department of will of office at Price the No. 21 of the American new Post ThP theater INSTANT DEATH i employees, employers and shippers to the strains of Downey's melodious music. The same spirit predom-- the treasury on or before SeptLetrion are cooperating together be one of the most modem and has served in the week. the manifest v.n,l throughout - An,nr.a hppn tirit Helper ember 24th at which time they theaters on the Huish clr limit'U liir- uiuni. hieh-ligh- t Fred Minton was instantly in making the drive. of the week wa? the banquet held at the each of which wish him the Perhans as would be opened, studied and the killed at 9:00 o'clock this mornits Mr. DeVietti with and pit. railroad "nlinaited In the near future cars will pleasure in his retireCafe where sixty businessmen, mine superintendents, bidder notified. Act- ing, when he, was between dis- - successful manager, show goers of Price and Grill ment. caught ind met at every home in Helper call frtni-.itogether union and reprerentatives laborer, ual construction should begin not the timbers of the mine and a vicinity will get the best there is Afly and surrounding communities others each viewpoints. employee of the railroad in nniirieous cussed is 'he later than October 15th, management and mine car ii th-- L.itlr Standarj-- j to niek nn thp hnnfca which cmpany is permitted when he has celebration traced the growth of the Denver & Rio Grande common belief. The ville mine. good shows. t fsached the you have assembled. , railroad in the area, and the development of the mining propage of 65, to retire, Mr. Minton was recently employMr. Lewis has also made a fine Western the of Providing he has been employed city. increased growth No better gesture of civic ed by the mine as a rope-ride- r as manager of the theater erties, and predicted rail'he Bchednipri Don't Forget The tinmhpr of vears. record and cooperation can be when first established, boasted only a water tank, a pride Helper, Helto comes and wife and leaves a and family, 'ae pension received after retire-n- t at Gunnison, foremen and laborers lived. section where a house in than helping this shown and Jamboree road Musicians' siding as a recommended who reside in Mutual. Is made possible by a tax per highly of coal mines in the area, it later became to accumulate books. Redrive the With development , Arkansas from Minton wa3 Mr. and progressive OCTOBER 9th into a thriving all employees, plus the same live, member - books which are old ' a railroad terminal, and was transformed rapidly and had worked for the mine 'mount being set aside by the young citizen. Gardens to you - will be new to someone Rainbow t0W company Just 30 days. He was 35 Mr. Huish stated that each of between $30,000 company. varies railroad of the else. the payroll Helper Two Orchestras years of age an leaves a wife these young men were being pro- and Today, $10,000 a month, and much of Carbon county's mining payrolls and 3 children. the Huish circuit. Ci,y Engineer Henry II. Jones moted within Hcl- - also are spent in the city. is a business visitor In Salt Lake. The entire communities of I 1 j n n EN the-regul- mat-'Inmeti- .' f - I j i n j gme, - Hi-He- - 1 i 1 From D&RG r. j - y Service Today p estab-iTSTimen- Interests spring la Tay-dustri- n ac-so- g i j sec-rjC- p g l!!r j . piLE car-jgjjj- 1 , j - i ' - full-tim- mc. - Theater e RAILROAD & MINE SUCCESSFULLY j e 1 ENDED SUN. 010 i Industry llusmess mm : ruts ; Wii'-h'nr'io"- , ns 11 mi immi V V 1 --i 1 ter-ritr- a 011 wide-awake- |