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Show Leaner rf J ' fi if T rl I Ljjr iMvvt Independent I xj Politically I fjfuNlE I NUMBER 33 31. tmi KIWANIS CONFAB MRS OF STR-6- re Placed this week council for 500 feet! I fe.tT f. TS Averts to i r 0ostneeaea Plans for the Utah-Idah- -- of Kiwanis Inter-Sawhich will be held at national ;: lt prjce September and 4, are rapidly ; through-floods I numerous n e a r i n g completion. ' iie city UJau-- ' " de- with filled G. J. Reeves is the 'l ve been .L V PAHS. DCTIOI-- jl tininmn l .uau conven- mtu ior uue nasneu uui, 6. n(i nnu v.a.uuu, uemgor assisieu oy several boo to overuow me Price and Helper memDers clubs. I" IS KPASS The ollowing program wjn be carried out during the convention: Ly cOMHl-tltthe Ja"et Icrete P""-,nof members and Registration was practically UeIegates at the underpass Sav0y Hote, I ited today, twnicn nas Deen selected as conre-- vention to information Wednesheadquarters), com-- I day, Thursday and Friday. today, work will be 1st. How-- 1 Thursday Program by September for the 10 it will be possible of directors meettrass to be used earlier than ing. 12 Fellowship Cafe-Pricf luncheon Slate. (Grill club .... 1 AneW I ;5 ine uluiic nf thfi ritv ir, ukama il to 2 p.m. business session at High landscape and terrace school. 7 p.m. Utah luncheon at fGUlu Biuc future. e near Masonic temple. 9 at Country club. FOrt j ENGINEER Friday APPOINTED 7 to 9 f at Couniry club. who has frge McGonagle, 9:30 a.m. Eusiuess session at and I as resident engineer high school. 12:30 Sightseeing Jtor for the Helper Civic tours- - Kenilworth mine, Asphalt been has foriam project, Quarry, Carbon Dioxide Plant, Ifen-eto Salt Lake, accord-liDinosaur Beds. today. reports received 7 n e Banquet, and "lcGonegle has been in Ball at Silver Moon ball. the project was first Saturday made many Id, and has 7 to 9 a.m.-Gal- f at Country club. jes here, who wil regret his 9:30 a.m. Business session at H high school. 12 noon, Idaho lunchsiey H. Grow has been ap-eeon at Masonic temple. 2 p.m. to fill Mr. McGonagle's Final business session at high Mr. Grow is a resident of e school. having been bom at Lay-His working out of th 1 office at Denver. R, H. JACOBSHAGEN I Grow .stated that In the m of his office the auditor-i- s BUYS INTEREST now 80 per cent completed. e building is now being given list ooat of paint. 3 11 1 R j iriUKSUAW AUUUSI M. 1H J-- w HEALTH OFFICER &UUMJK1I'! U1M Celebrate Labor Dav In Ileluer Sept 6th l ISSUES WARNING BULLET Funeral services were conducted Tularfor Henry Chapman Smith Sunday at 1 p.m. in the L.D.S. tabernacle at Price. Mr. Smith. 73. died in A warning against ticks was Lake City of heart trouble og an operation last week. made this week through a release Mr. Smith has been a resident' by Dr Edward U Van Aelslyn of p.-and Carbon county fcr deputy state health officer at the past 4tJ years and during that Price. of Several cases tularemia, time has played an important part in civic and political life. Up most commanly carried by into the present time Mr. Smith has fected ticks, have been reported been city justice of the peace within the last four months, the ' the Throughout and a leader in the Democratic doctor 9tated- THI JOUHNAU 2 A YhAK HLivmn om NiWI COITION on gumrwipriow Legion Elects Ogden Man VICTIM OF STRAY BURIED Department Commander AT PRICE AUG. 5TH Several Cases of emia In County dist- - Jirict convention be isont the city 3, 4, Are Dates Chosen For Parley MAIL ' ' tDiriow 'v"y SUCCUMBS IN CITY Sept. 2, 1 cULVERT8 hw8 PRICE CIVIC LEADER PLANS ARE RUSHED IELPER CITY CITY journal " 5 Cedar City Chosen 1938 Site For American Legion Convention Pledging anew to the preserva-- j that there still is a big spark ot tion of liberty, justice and dem- the old comradeship and hilarity ocracy, the "boys" who marched left. to the colors in wartime, last With the naming of Cedar City Saturday Installed Ora Dundy of as the 193S convention city, and: Ogden as commander and Norman election of other officers, official L. Sims ot Salt Lake ag national business of the department was ce r 'N - -- . of the executive committeeman Utah department of the American Legion. Belying the passage of two decades since they "joined up," the hi their boys, now advancing forties, at the close of the nine teenth annual convention of the department had convinced Price completed, and legionnaires and members of the auxiliary turned! to various entertainments for the remainder of their stay. Joel Wilcox of Jordan post was elected vice commander by ac clamation, as were Mr. Bundy and Mr. Sims, and election of Spencer-Eocleof Ixigan as alternate nawas unan-niou- s. tional committeeman party for years. He was also local :state the number strltken wiln chairman nf nM ilV this disease has increased several v j V.i 1., times over what it was last year. Pension plan at Price. Dr. Van Aelstyn recommended He was born in Gainsville, and others that sheepherders Georgia, January 31, 1S64, the son of Ira and Elvira Kimsey Smith. that are outdoors a lot around are He spent his early childhood in sage brush Where rodents numerous get Rocky mountain Kansas, where he received his first employment on the Santa Fe:spoUecl fever Berum as this dis' AUXILIARY HOLDS MM.iease is also prevalent in this naiimarf nn h0 Also installed at the session were the seven newly elected land. Later, he was employed byj section. The serum is furnished 16TH CONVENTION district commanders, Including the Denver & Rio Grande as tele- free of charga to physicians by the state board of health. Frank Emmett of Smithfield, R. graph operator tnd agent in Price. Other diseases commonly car C. Healy of Lay ton. Powell Ipson In 1900 he was made chief Woman Chosen of Salt Lake, Dr. Frank Reynoldsor Price clerk of the UU;h Fuel company ried by infected ticks against of Provo, Arthur S. Hon ley at Castle Gate, ana five years which protective serum can be National Delegate Price, David Whittenburg ot Richlater he was elected county clerk. obtained are Colorado tick fever tick and field and Howard Johns of Fillparalysis. He served as county clerk several While the Utah department or more, of districts 1 to 7, respectTony Zoumaaak s Tuleramia symptoms are very times within 10 years. He was the American Legion was holding ively. rostaaster from 1912 to 191Q and similar to those of typhoid fever held Funeral services its nineteenth annuttl convention. werfi James Kallas of OgiTen volture from 1929 to 1930 was treasurer for which it is frequently mistak 4 at 2 p.m. in the Greer the Auxiliary bodies came togeth August susen. All ages apparently are No. 404 was elected rrand chef of the school Carbon county Orthodox Church at "rice for er for the sixteenth time. de pare of the Forty and Eight, ceptible to infection, and an at board. Tony Zoumadakis, 12, of Helper Often meeting jointly with the and Dr. Earl Lewis of Richfield, He is survived by his widow, tack usually confers permanent who was accidentally shoT through Legion, they held their own exe-- i No. 1 J 41. retiring from the high Mrs. Lillie Erickson, to whom he immunity if the patient survives the head a stray bullet fired cutive sessions in the Price L.D.S. by office, was named cheminot nawas married in 1893; three sons, the first attack. from the gun of Victor Martell tabernacle. No effective serum Has been as he tional, with S. S. Eceles of OgWilford B. Smith ot San Pedro, gave chase to a holdup man of welcome Thurs den alternate, as the legion's fun The address and doctor the stated, California; Arthur N. Smith of discovered, early Sunday morning, August 1. day morning was made by Mrs. organization took the spotlight in Price, and Ira E. Smith, San Die- it is therefore imperative that exThe bandit entered the Town La Rue Craven, Price, recently the afternoon. go, California, and three grand treme caution be taken to- avoid Tavern armed with a gun In each chosen district president. Also elected at the business--, children. contracting the disease. hand, and commanded those presMrs At the so not session, Friday prevalent, ent to hold up their hands. As he Although meeting and banquet at a Funeral services were conduct was as Craven selected were C. C. Mead or cases been have delegate many reported ed as follows: Opening prayer, the occupants covered with from district five to the national where the disease apparently was kept volture No. 230, grand-chSalt Lake, Bis onKt Joseph MacKnight; speakers. gun he scooped up $417 In convention, with Mrs. C. R. carried by woodchucks, coyotes, de train; George Meyers,. loose silver and currency and hop Stoker, Louis Overson, C. H. roand Mrs. A. J. Horsley, Ogden, No. 404, grand corresponand other skunks, squirrels Mr. fled through the back door. Madsen, closing remarks, Bishop both of Price, chosen as dents which have become infected, dent; George Natter, Salt Lake, of tne Guymon; closing prayer, Albert Martell, the proprietor most as as well by rabbits, the grand commissaire intendant; A.. Shiner. Tavern, gave chase, firing five common carrier. mem- S. Horsley, Price, No. 416, grand women directed Price the shots at the fleeing bandit. The disease may be transmitted orial Bervlce held Friday morning advocate; Bill Nicholson, Salt The services were conducted by in the Star from these animals to man thru CARBON COUNTY theater. Mrs. Win. Lake, grand guard de la portep rry Gavalos, Priest of the Ilakalo, IN BANK CLUB memorial chairman, Bert Christiansen, handling their carcasses, eating 1, Monroe, Greek Orthodox church at Salt and Mrs. sjate Clark Wright, memorial insufficiently cooked eat,- - and also commissaire grand voyageur MOOSE NEWS from bites of ticks and flies Lake. Speakers included Mr. Gav chairman of the Price unit, were Nick Dontas, Salt Lake, grand in charge. which have fed on these animals. alos and Tony Nikas. Announcement was made this and Kingsly E. Claw-sohistorian, Burial took place in the Price No record exists of the transfer week that R. A "Jake" Jacobs-hageSalt Officers who were elected Lake, by grand lampeste. Helper Lodge No. 1639 had as of this disease from man to man. city cemetery under the direction unanimous vote had purchased a half inThe Saturday afternoon parade following nominof the Wallace ;of on Price, mortuary their evening, Tuesday guest terest in the Bank Club. During the first half of 1937, ation by a committee are Mrs. wag led by Mayor J. Bracken Capt. Harry measles topped the list of contaMr. Jacobshagen has taken over Regional Director Earl Lewis, Richfield, department Lee. Close to the front of the Glenn Lake. Mr. of Salt Glenn gious diseases in the entire state KIWANIS HEARS active management of the club, president; Mrs. Cuba Davis, Pay-so- parade were five Carbon county came to Helper Tuesday noon and with 2,215 cases, with chicken pox and is associated with Steve first vice president; Mrs. women honored as Gold Star A. J. Carlson, vis- second with 1,733 cases. former, owner. Ted Bolotas with Secretary Ernest Crocker, Duchesne, second mothers. They were: in ited several of the business places MOOSE LEADER vice president; Mrs. Melba Bills, Mrs. Fred Thomas, Others were as follows: Tuler will assist Mr. Jacobshagen Price; Mrs. some of the interesting amia, 2(5; mumps, 6'8; scarlet explaining bus of the affairs the Mrs Margaret Midvale, managing treasurer; Worley, Wellington; camfeatures of the membership At their regular weekly meeting Alex Y. Milne, St. George, re Mrs. fever, 911. whooping cough, 1,153; iness. Fullmer and Mrs. Lev-- , Mary connow is which being as he is faailiarily paign diphtheria, 25; typhoid fever, 6; the Kiwanis club heard reports elected historian. Mrs. Ronald innia McCombs of Helper, and ".Take," 2: from Jack Houston on the Ki- Wadsworth of Ogden was elected small pox, 33; encephalitis, knewn in Helper, has served as ducted in Carbon county. Mrs. Emma Zobee, Castle Gate. A large number of out of town epidemic mentingi- - wanis outing to be held at Hunt- national committeewoman. She is cerebrospinal flight marshall for Helper city Marching in the parade were All Moose will be at Price on Friday tis, 10; infantile 2; ington Canyon Sundny, and G. J. the paralysis, retiring department during the past three years. three musical organizations from Reeves who attended the national his friends join in wishing him evening at which time J. J. Mur- Rocky mountain spotted fever this section; Helper junior band, convention held in Indianapolis phy, secretary of Park City lodge and undulant fever, 3. success in his new work. Sons of the Legion bandj Price No cases of small pox havr,in June. Mr. Reeves gave a very Elsewhere in this week's issue will present to the new lodge a and Price German band. American silk flag, been reported so far this year l. interesting account of the hijh- - REDUCTION IN of the Journal is an official an- beautiful Concluding the convention days s me convention, jie was nouncement and ad of the Bank which is being presented to the Carbon county. on Friday and Saturday the visita Director of Harry tlie Price and lodge by Regional representative Club. COUNTY TAX LEVY ors were thrilled by Rodeo perGlenn. Helper clubs. formances, fireworks displays and HIGHWAY SIGNS The Price lodge was institutCaptain Harry Glenn, regional dances. On Sunday afternoon Leo ed on July 9th by Capt. Glenn at SHEEP, CATTLE director of the Loyal Order ot B. H. Young, county clerk, an- J. Cremer's third Rodeo exhibiof Staff which time the Degree DECLARED TABOO Moose, who was the guest speaT? nounced Monday, that despite a tion was received by a large and exemplified the very er. He briefly stated the object- drop in valuation lodge .Helper REVIVED of $329,721, appreciative audience. This con FEUD beautiful ritualistic ceremony. ives and accomplishments of the Carbon commisisners were cluded the 1937 Legion convention county The state road commission de- organization. "Mooseheart, home1 able to reduce the county levy and people from practically every clared war on commercial road and school for dependent children 45 of a mill city and town In Utah returned confusing to of deceased members of the Loytif BEING REPAIKfclJ signs that might be accidents. The levy, based upon a valua- to their homes full of praise for ed by officials of the division of Order of Moose, is a living memmotorists and cause the tion of $20,662,121., will be 8.10 the Price Post for, the wonderful grazing, the feud between orial to the order," he stated. On A signs banning resolution, 7 way they handled the affair. distributed as follows: mills, sheeomen and the cattlemen was( Vacation will end September from right of ways, was adopted July 27, 1913, on the fertile Carbon which county 4,800 about for settled without a gun fight, County, general, 1.80; roada and 1937-3by the commission, and the com- prairies of Illinois, and on the boys and girls when the once characterized range wars. 2, bridges, indigent poor, .50; County Teachers Lincoln the stated 37 that west miles mission practice highway, J. H. Leech and S. H. Meyer, school year gets under way, Sup- of county bond Interest, 1.10; sinking close of was a dedicated signs tract advertising Chicago, placing Re- erintendent G. J. Reeves reported Kesign Positions range examiners, and Acting to highways interferes with the of land containing twelve hundred fund, 1.80; relief, physician, etc, week. P. this Seely, Chester old Grazer .40; .20, and age, dependent gional of motorists and tends to acres, and on this site stands According to a statement by It is expected that registration view all of Salt Lake, conducted a HearMooseheart. This land was dedi- mothers, .60. them. confuse G. J. Reeves, there and 7, H. Superintendent will take place. September of case George of the The county lists special taxes are a number of Carbon ing The resolution adopted by the cated by former ;Vice President classes of schedule apcounty the stockman, regular Franz, Greenriver of the United States, Herbert R. for state bounty, under which teachers commission is as follows: resigning iheir positions of the will begin September 8 or 9. decision a from range horses and cattle will be as teachers In this pealing "No form of advertising shall be Marshall. county. 7 advisory In Price Central school the Mr. Glenn stated that Carbon assessed 2 mills, sheep and goats grazing district No. within the right of way permitted The following have resigned: over is being a him system grazing heating denied which board, limits of any state highway out county had received more bene- .5, and a tubercular indemnity Alan Ramsey, who is to work for hauled ana naruwoou uuuis m of the 0rporate limits of any fits from Mooseheart tban any fund for dairy and domestic stock an electrical company in Califorpermit. side the Of first floor. Mr. Franz charged Mr. Seely of stalled on the town except lhat overhead other county in the United States calls for 3 mills. In the Price nia; Josephine Bellodi, who is to or city and prejudiced other 22 schools In the district river conservation district, those teach in Denver; Bene being "biased signs suspended frpm with the same population. advertising "extensive Schultz, in favor of nine are undergoing which He or other his support a concluded hemarks against cattlemen and building by who have paid out will be charged Nina Ealling, and Gertrude Stein, renovation. They are: 20 owners." and cents foot on private property and those who who are f be sparring. per the Kiwanis orsheep complimenting Wat-tis- , is located t Latuda, Rains, Kenilworth, in front of the place ganization for their fine work in desire to lease water from the Mr. Franz stated thai he immediately who is Gordon Creek, Jorgensen; Cleston Castle Gate, Lconstructed roads and tra.is.aedistrict for the irrigation season teaching in Provo, Rfgby, the of business referred to by the promoting C. N. and junior Harding Helper, veloped springs, built reservo.is. Rolapp, sign, may extend upon the right of child, and also made a plea for of 1937 will be taxed 45 cents. Memmott, who is now editor of school. erected hich and secured water rights of those way limits as far as the sidewalk serious consideration the Helper Journal. In the other schools, the desks that private present to join the Moose ranch Diiildings on the area which upon provided limit; mlnoi Local and are being reconditioned Lady Attends had been used by him. ly owned land situated along and made. Committet a state to A similar petition was filed by repairs Meeting Invitation Given To highway contiguous be to Is case Governor Blood his. a permit for advertising has Lloyd Baker and Louise Bosone and four friends where Grand Mrs. D. in C week-enGibson Wednes left road state the this by been granted heard from Salt Lake are leaving the A mine foreman and fire boss day for Salt Lake where she will Mayor George Spralling appointowner of such county. of this week for a trip commission, the latter part will will be held in the meet with the recently appointed ed Mrs. D. C. Gibson, who is repexamination both on petitions may or place his Grand land Decisions assigns and Bryce through Zions, Central school house, member of the Tuberculosis San- resenting Helper at a committee such advertising as is permitted Helper be made later. Canyon. itarium committee which was ap- meeting in Salt Lake, to issue an In 17, 18, commission 16," August road commencing by said state each morning at '9 o'clock. pointed by ' Governor Henry H. invitation to Governor Blood In were permit." the Marie Walters of Los Angeles granted Huish E. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ossana Blood. Tbe committee Flora of meeting behalf of Helper. Governor Blood will be a guest visiters in Helper last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Benard PolonI and is for the purpose of deciding on is to be invited to appear here has returned Scarri John Mr. week. a for family motored to Salt Lake the applications presented ior on Labor Day and officiate the home after two weeks In Bessie DeVietti was a business dedication of the underpass. the sight of the building. 'Tuesday. s p Colton was a business caller in Salt Lake last week. Monday. last Lake in Salt a.m.-Boar- TM-nom- Vi s.i. !, mm d s noon-Kiwani- s e g a.m.-Gol- o Hel-jsisc- d -- I Itical notes: but not officially, Buchanan, Sr., James nagh, and Barney Hyde are Jfe groomed for mayor, ntioned for councilmen are I Voll, Ace Miner, Joe Dal- Bart Bunnel, Albert Ricci, Nilsou, James Ruggeri and lis rumored, I John S Tsangaris. Journal ! ads results get my advertising bring is a question wnich pes I Jits? fry businessman asked himself. p a some has cases, perhaps, It rather difficult for rchaats to really tell wheth some been er not they have profited advertising. There are Nral reasons why It hasn't their 4 dividends. Perhaps the important reason is, the ng kind of advertising pum was used for the prod- pst f handled by the merchant question. statistics have proven the pspaper to be the outstand- f advertising medium. This Me to the complete regular or into circulation p bomes of every person rvd by the local newspaper. Tbe Helper Journal offers return to its advertisers, a fSplete covers en of tho nrpa. CTage rved f It by - 'coucg rirrnlation A nomes or a.uuu B7 advertising In the HelDer Fnal, you are patronizing a establishment, one whose m objective Is to serve " PfODle nf TTolxio,. I.LI tX. t,otr 1 J .."'PCI. fit Ton mum UO DCUCU viuiu nut v. 11 1 any rncy Or Other nilvertislne medium In Tnrhon Your advertising dollars are hy your weekly 5 'I this nnnAr nml vniir rr"ia areere " wgalns and remember ,,ey spent Whet! .tllCD -J fnn A jv.au rti 'ocal newsnnner r- Arnold 'aat Rawlings Week-end- . SOn hoit number of days. 1 iui-iu- . l 111 visited in whero bin .Intilnir Price-restaura- ef Fer-g;sso- n - No-114- n Bol-ota- s, iifc-ui- i h.-r- under-privilige- d visitor d NOTICE |