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Show THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1937 HElf Et THE 1 RAILROAD JOURNAL HELPER, UTAH PACE THR1 Good Claimed As FIRST AID CONTESTS Supreme Over Evil MEIDS PEERLESS LABOR DAY FEATURE Truth" is the subject of the 'v ft" Ee'dallhsting of the main line in equipment has been arranged and didn't wort tre , forepart cf this this district is nearing completion spotted on the floor to facilitate week. with crews as far south as the greater efficiency in making re-Maxwell point on the line. This pan a. Ralls will material contriAl Martin hasn't new ballasting Rails gotten used to the lights on the soft ball field as bute greatly to the stability and Carman Lee Lemon and roadbed. on The family the yet-s- sys slag long life It's too light s.zi the " in Yellowstone wauomng fellows can see his isn't so apt be be effected by Park for a few days. "super like the ordinary native ball too casliy. Being better Rails soil fill and will therefore be less looking th&n Dizzy Dean, he can't H. L. Couley, the man who has "figger" out how come he of an expense to keep the bed can't control of the throttle on the der- Pitch level and firm. better than Dizzy. rick Is in Yellowstone Park on Rails a Rails Two crews of section hands are vacation and incidentally Fireman Bill Weikel returned to a No. 2 along Colorado spinner rearranging tracks in the looal io iry ana best Cob Hurst's fish "or xuesday amua 45 pounds of yard so that switching operations tonnage. catching record of, "the limit In will be easier and speedier. tv 50 Rails T;,e roundhouse machine shop has taken on a very noticeable minutes." U9 Rails been sent down to ths Graoriver Bry Miller of the car depart- district hanale the ratermjlon last ment was off work Monday. change in appearance this situation and do a little advanced have machines been All week. givRails and Lee Davis and J. E. Chambers missionary work, etc. en a coat of gray paint Ralls Carman E. J. Matsen and family are still at Yellwston Part the loose looking for fish, bear and i ongm or tne now of Old Faithful. Ralls Jim Bruno of Kenllworth was the successful bidder on a car Job at the local yards. Rails . Carman R. J. Hurst is workine at Kenilworth temporarily for the time being. Rails week. J. B. Willis and family are the reluctant hosts of the measles. The affliction has almost run Its full course now. Ralls kl't Mzml iff 4 Fireman W. J. Flalm has re turned from Grand Junction to take over the Castle Gate run. Engineer Machinist helper Haycock is on somewhere within tre territorial limits of th United a vacation 7 CROWN C 'Si'iipjasi-'DhtiHer- I I I Corp. Executive s ( C:own-- Ad . 2 No. roh. y I .J- Offices: i 00 New York, lines "Natorally, I prefer Standard service. I can depend upon it and it saves me a lot of trouble end expense besides!" """ VG221VICE 1 INCLUDES ly iiii i ii Full information may be cb talned from Eugene Gibson, sec retary of the U. S. Civil Service in inle Board at the post off-ics ' city. and Mrs. Albert Shockley I. K. Cummings flp 1 - OUR Chops SPECIALTIES Sil'AtiHKTTI In Town ALI AN STYLE unly .place I i PIES, Home-Mad- NONE e BETTER JOE'S G AFC 224 South Main St. Helper Place with the Open Kitchen Where You See the Meal Prepared AAAAwm!! ROSELL'S T T T T T ? T T T T Y Supreme Dance Rand Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y WILL BE BACK AT THE EA1MEOW GA Y Y Y Y Y Y Y HELPER, UTAH SATURDAY, JULY v fY 24TH Y $ f Y A REAL PIONEER TREAT FOR Y P I T O N E E R 1 1 i s- Steak- f Return Engagement JOHNNY fT tY ".0 T Y DAY if. . A i ffn'irn.K,.L GIVEN REPORTS i;laay .;iin Accessaries. NEW YORK, N. Y. As hua regular meetingr of the manitarians of two continent Price lodge No. 1550, P.P.O. Elks cheer one of the most dramatic were fights medical science ever has held last &iKQt. report to preserve a life the case hsarrl from Exalted Ruler Erin waged Frederick B. Snite, Jr, infanof Leonard, and Past Exalted Ruler tile paralysis victim who faces seven years in an Iron iung hope r.ivd J. Roberta, on the recent for control of national convention held in Deo- - that the long battle be disease may nearing sucthe lorado. Ca vor cess is expressed by those enMr. Leonard and Roberta were gaged in research. Aided by funds from the Presidelegates to the catknal con dent's Birthday Ball Commission vfctlon from the local lodge. Infantile Paralysis Research, The next meeting of the lodge for Dr. Sidney David Kramer, of the will te held the third Wednesday Long Island College of Medicine, !n August. The regular schedule reports hopeful tests for prevenmeetlsgs- will be tion of the disease with nose of igrtyalcondwtecl ,oo A.m.9flKtyi- resumed. In September. At "lr""l'""""n 'J on, pomp amy of cahfohnul BIIYMEH'S SERVICE iladiaicr u.ul Cooling YOU'LL EAT HEHE AGAIN EAT HERE ONCEI DBIPC CIVC ADC IIIUU M.IUJ fills. Iiifor-pt,,- J .STsiro a jm j I Kjoms. liuad TrtvJ Mr. GOAL PRODUCTION and Dr. and Mrs. Iibor. AT THESE SIGNS OF Sj-sten- i Specialists Helper, Utah j In sloppy weather drive clos to the pedestrians. Dry cleaner appreciate this. Never look around when yoi back up; there is never anythlni behind you. Drive confidently, lust ns tin there were not eighteen millior other cars in service. AAA.A A .. .. .. .. Science Battles Infantile Paralysis, I.iihHcatloa Cerrlclas t Rnttericf, Ka W.s. Statu. INCREASE SHOWN IN entertained Marjorle Erlckson at a birthday party given in her Helper Journal. honor last Wednesday ?H - iiiiiiiiiiMnrrrrir"T-":"- artistic. a - Or . - left last, week for a Jwo week Bill Weller plans on taking in fishing trip In Montana. the big celebration at Ogden over tha coal in The production of the week-end- . United States shows a marked in crease over last year for the week COMMUNITY Ralls CHURCH Spenst Chapman of Martin is ending July 3 compared to the working as extra man In the same week last year. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. O store department. Production in Utah shows a re E. Beverldge, superintendent. markable increase of 10,000 tons worship 11 a.m. Ser Morning over 50 per cent Ben Smith, store helper at the or an increase of mon by Dr. W. E. Blackstock. local nuts and bolt depository was the same period last year, Evening services will be con A decline is noted in three of home the forepart of the weefe Coloducted at the church at 7:30 p.m suffering from sort of abdomonal the western states, Montana, rado and New Mexico show a All friends of the church are malady. small decrease over last year. invited to attend. Ralls Mr. Greenstreet states that the North and South Dakota, Utah, T. H. Evans, Pastor. credit union business la doing Washington and Wyoming show dclded increase a nicely and that the membership TONS COAL PRODUCTION BITUMINOUS now numbers 101 active ii waters, 193tf 1937 (Bureau of Mines) 6,481,000 3 7,215,000 Week The Nation, Ending July CIVIL SERVICE 201,343,000 224,987,000 The Nation, Calendar Year to Date EXAMINATIONS Western States, Week Ending Jufle. 26: 70.000 Colorado 44,000 33,000 Montana The United State Civil Serr- 23,000 22,000 New Mexico 15.000 11,000 ice Commission has announced North and South Dakota- 20,000 30,000 . -Utah open competitive examinations a? 25,000 26,000 Washington follows: 68,000 81,000 Wyoming Senior educational analyst (tests and measures), $4,600 a year, and j educational (tests and measureExtension a year, ments), ?S,800 Service, Office of Cooperative of Extension Work, Department Jit C,V.t 4 Agriculture. ' Warden, and associate warden, $3,300 to $6,000 a year, U.S. Burol eau of Prison3, Department Justice. Principal safety promotion adviser. $5.fi00 a year. Division of Labor Standards, Department oi J 1 d ever-prese- George Spratllng has go and work in the Greenriver district temporarily. work. tls releasa to fsCHM.VS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ilorgaza have moved to Price where they will First Aid demonstrations by make their home. teams from the different coal is creating keen and un camps Delbert Draper of Salt Lake usual Interest, not only by the is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. men and women who will particiHarry Draper. pate, but by the coal operators' association who are so enthused Donna Hostrolla returned home about the affair that they are last week after spending several working on a. plan to offer sub stantial cash awards to winning days in Elmo. teams. Jimmie Redford, an employee at The Welfare through the asphalt quarries ja Sunnyside Roy Birchard association, of St week-enthe with spent visiting have offered their whole-heartehis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James support to the event, and are Redford. working toward furnishing equip-niea- t which will represent a Lois Kareieh came home the large portion of the cost, and latter part of last week after most of the work. spending a week visiting in CarThe committee expects at leant bonville. 13 men's teams and 5 women's teams from the Ladies' Aiivin.irv Gordon Dyer is home aeain af Tlie judges will be outside people, ter visiting in Elmo for a week. probably from the Bureau of NAVY DIVERS Mines. Sharp Jones went to Salt Lake One of the many trades to be Wednesday pleasure-bent- . learned in the U.S. Navy, and one DRUNKEN DRIVER of the least publicized, is thit of Navy diver. The Navy has a total GIVEN of C13 experienced and quailed FINE RAINS NEWS divers, ready at all times for rou tine and emergency diving oper ations. Divers are given a thoroagh Ploadlng guilty 0f driving while and intensive course of instruc The barber shop in the HainB under the influence of liquor. An tion prior to their designation as Pool hall is now open for business drew L. Miller of Ijis Vegas, Nev "Qualified Diver." under the management of J. C. Monday was fined $100 "bv Justice of the Peace J. w. Hammond, Navy divers, due to their ex Ertckson. cellence of training and their with the alternative of r,0 days In wealth of practical Mrs. Rose Sadlfer returned last the county jail. The defendant experience, are always in demand by civilian week several was committed to jail. after spending organizations. A recent case is weeks in Wyoming. cited where it was necessary to SEVENTH DAY recover the bodies of two motorMr, Arvell Sims nas returned ADVENTIST CHURCH ists and their car from the Moun- home from Glenwood Springs tain Dell Reservoir in Parley's where he has been working. Sabbath School services, Satcanyon, just outside Salt Lake. For their recovery, the city Miss Sophie Mangus entertained urday morning at 10:00 a.m. authorities were compelled to en- at a Worship and Sermon 11:00 a.m. birthday party, last Monday. gage the services of a deep-se..CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING. diver. Mr. Charles E. Smale, an is in Theodore Chrlstensen Bob Rudke, Pastor. man who received his Mt. Pleasant where he is being diving training in the Navy was treated for blood polaoiMnnig in TOE BARROGUO, JR. engaged for this task and for his his hand. services received $200.00 per dive ' Attorney-at-La- w plus his expenses. Mr, Smale made Mrs. Ted Wolverton and family a total of three dives in two days left last week for a visit to Jtggs, Helper State Dank Bldg. Phone 90 for a munificent stipend of $600 Nevada. Helper, Utah plus all expenses for two days Always race with locomotives crossings. Engineers like it; breaks the monotony of their Jul Always pass the car ahead curved or turns. Don't use ho; it may unnerve the fellow ai cause him to turn out too far. Demand half the road the mi die half. Insist on your rights. Always speed: it shows the: you are a man of pep even tho a amateur driver. Never stop, look or listen t railroad crossings. It consume time. Always lock your brakes whe skidding. It makes the job mor , Carman P. F. Smith is playlne host to his wife from Ogden this k-- In all Churches of Christ, Scientist on Sunday, July :5th. Among the Scriptural citations are the following: "Lead me in they truth, and teach me; for thou art the God of my salvation.. For the Lord is good, and his mercy is everlasting; and his truth en- oureth to all generations. Correlative to the citations is the following from Science and Health wun Key to the Scriptures: "If thought is startled at the strong eiRitn of Science for the supremacy or God, or Truth, and doubts the supremacy of good, ought we not contrariwise, to be astounded at the vigorous claims of evil and doubt theui. and no longer imag ine evil to be and gocd absent? Truth should not seem so surprising and unnatural as error, and error should not seem so real as truth." lesson-6ermo- n HOW TO KEEP FRO GROWING OLD - seni-rrxrttl- . 4 Members of the commission are Colonel Henry L. Doherty, chairman; Jeremiah Milbank, Paul de Kruif, secretary; Edward S. Harkness, treasurer; Mrs. Nicholas Brady, John S. Burke, Edsel B. Ford. Lessing Rosenwald, and Felix M. War-bur- f. n; During the past four years the National Birthday Ball for the President have raised more than $4,000,000 for the fight against infantile paralysis. Colonel Doherty has been national chairman of the movement since its inception. Photo shows Frederick B. Snite, Jr., infantile paralysis iron lung dweller, lnsf Heory I ephrtjf.r.-.- ' HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE THIS HOTEL IS HIGHLY KECOAIM ENDED RATES $1.50 TO $3.00 SALT LAKES NEWEST HOTEL Ernest C. Rossiter, General Mgr. |