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Show Page Friday, December 27 1935 THE HELPER JOURNAL 2 THE HELPER JOURNAL Editor and Advertising Manager ONE YEAR - 2 SUBSCRIPTION 6 MONTHS . istnc t News ection elper HELPER, UTAH Leland G. Burress, Wm. F. MacKnight, Publishers Wm. F. MacKnight, r SPRING CANYON CASTLE GATE SUNNYSIOE By Special Correspondent By Special Correspondent ?l Correspondent Special By r, nn.J Mrs. Alvin Vance are Mrs. Nettie Evans from Salt An wedding of the of a baby girl ake .visited here last week. She holidayinteresting season was that of Miss the proud parens 23. Both mo was Dec. a Monday. hnm resident of Castle formerly Utah. Carbon County, Genevieve Teacock, daughter of Gate. are nicely. doing and baby Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock and ther Buster Preston, son of Mr. and WILL USE TWO IN CABS Miss Earlene Durrant Is home Mrs. Sam Miss Ina Lindsay has returnel Preston. The mairiage from school at B. the from school at the B. Y. V. Y. U. to home iilar-ftook TiiPitnv sf'fprnnnn DpA Bysteui-wiilstrike of all bro- and that the Burlington is now the Christmas "oliJa5's the spend holidays with cember 21th at the home of thelfor therhoad of Locomotive Firemen placing the same safeguards., her Mr. Mrs.. and L. E. parents, bride, the ceremony being perEnginemen members on the round operation of its streamlined Durrani. Miss Leone Med ford from Grace, Burlington, scheduled for Dicein- - trains that its competitors do. is a visitor at the some of Maho tice of the peace. Miss Winifred It has been the Brotherhood's ber 9, was averted when the car- Tom Cory, a student at the U. Tn.nn.. Mrs. Leonard Hacking. and f .,u , ,,i!Mr. contention, backed up by years or U. Is rier, on the eve of the the spending holidays Mr. Humbert Pressett was best met the organization's demand for of experience, that minimum with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. man. Miss Alice Carlson is borne viThe couple will be at home engine crews on all Die- - ty requirements for the operation J. F. Cory. with her parents, Mr. and siting in Sunrryside after January first. streamline passenger of trains call for the presence of Mrs. Arthur Carlson. times all a fireman or helper at trains. Rupert Burgess and Ross Webb Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Watkins and The Burlington has been oper- - in engine cabs. Ia addition to re- students of the B. Y. U. are home Miss Mae Bowen and Mr. Ernest routrains with lleving the engineer of many at (spent the week-enfamily nting these to the both returned home with Brown spending their holidays with relatives and friends. ouly one man the engineer on tine tasks that distract his atten-dut- parents. the holidays with their paspend in the cab. The agreement tion from more important duties, rents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown. Mrs. James Marline will enterwhich averted the strike piovid- a fireman or helper Is constantly Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Amett ed that a helper, "taken from the needed to assist in checking are spending Christmas in Maple-to- tain (luring the holidays in honor Mr. and Mr3. Howard Belt are of firemen," shall be as- - nals, maintaining a lookout, etc. with Mrs. Amett's parents, of her sisters, Miss Hose Tomsk-an- the proud parents of a baby boy Mrs. Mary Green of Grand And in any emergency, where the Mr. and Mrs. Jensen. signed to all of these engines. knterea as Second Cluss matter at the Postoffice at Helper, Somewhere city... there is Fair-vie- n engineer dies suddenly or becomes the consequences Mr .and Mrs. Karl Engar are may be a tragic wreck unless spending the Christmas holidays there is a trained man in the cab in Salt Lake City . who instantly takes charge of the speeding locomotive. Mrs. Melba Golden left for Ne Exchange where will phi Saturday she spend the Christmas holidays. TMfATPt and HELPER rMOpU-THATRE- C)fl3 IN UTAH S Note: The following change in our program will be in effect starting this week. Our Family or Bargain Days Program has been discontinued. The Serial "The Adventures of Tarzan" will be shown at a special matinee on rrtday afternoons at 3:30 P. M. 5c and 10c The serial will not be shown at the Evening Shows and the prices will be regular. af , MLWYEAR'5 ruTtRrjmscs) Saturday lin SundayCont.- Monday After 2:15 i PUBLICITY' a r X .SMx) Wel-'ingto- Miss Col-'eg- ' o . Sunday Vhone news items Helper Journal. o The and Mr. Venice Jones, Claude Cowley students at the Utah Agriculture.' College and Al- ,i0 N'ichols, student at the U. of U. and' Dean Turner, student at the B. Y.. U. are spending the Christmas holidays at home. Fri. Marts New Years Eve MIDNIGHT SHOW Pictures Start at 12 O'clock all seats 25c HATS. SERPENTINE, MAKERS FOR ALL NOISE "STARS OVER BROADWAY" New Years Dav After Continuous r 2:15 usses - r ,r i - -t t- - U VEHVONE has something to advertise. Look aroum and see what u have to cun vert into needed iu.li. 3 Phove news items to I he Helper Journal. Phone 21 from 3:30 Saturday Vars ivc HTlidnlgbt IHevv frolics Starting at 11:30 WELCOME THE NEW YEAR IN CARBON COUNTY'S EKIGHTEST SPOTS j j -- j Star Feature j Lois Gilligan of Price Is vMiing with her mother Mrs. Laurel Gilligan. 'STARS OVER BROADWAY" j ism Moroni Hunt, Dictator J. Carlson Secretary HELPER LODGE jaa A. NO. 1659 - f?iy i .5.' LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE ice Every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. Kniehts of Pythias Tin" it Va. Jtnsssac Sun. - j 29-3- 4 JGjVt Friday - Colored I've an lui-- fur getting an ordei for the whole lot and to lllploys m that, hut don't HSk me w hut Jus' trust me and hope for the New Year chnnuliiji niir luck, darling' That evoniii'j. Mnrgle fpent mi. hour or so over n letter which !it addresseil to Hie "I'eupie Say This:" department nf the Oandall newspaper. The nest day M.iryif Insistou on hanging around the unviiIioikc until Boh nearly went inid wi.th hei ug distance persistence. Then n cull did come tlirouii from the bu.vor t ttlplev r.rothers' store. "Marthant. say. have you still. any clintice, got that prospect of half n million geraniums, it'i-- l can you be sure to hnve them read. on a day we will Inter specify In bloom by then? N;vni ymir nwr price." Bob, happy us a lark, sc!iri''.i knew the buyer bad broken the connection for Margie was ilan.-inabout wildly yelling "It worVo.l Bob my iilan worked!" "Margie darling, I've Just bad one grand and glorious shock out I'm not fool enough to think I eatnei' It I know the answer, so spill th first half of the story, lionoy-qulc- k!" dear, i wrote In to thai column as though ! was some great landscape artist. They published the letter and Itlpleys took the sug gestlon to heart. You see. I said It was a shame that the stores out In this section of the didn't ape the big stores where I hailed from, decorating every window oi their stores with window boxes piled high with gaudy red geraniums through the spring months and summer, too. and with green and red everlasting shrubs the winter through Just like so many do In Frame I went Into detail even, but that doesn't matter now. They took it to heart, engaged your whole crop Just to you and 1 can take our 'geranium honeymoou! rzrjrzzy Saturday From 3:30 Cont. Saturday Friday - Saturday 0 Matinee Saturday J. farrel i i 'Fighting Youth' Z- ,"-- 3 FRANCES LANGFORD Cartoon News .... COMEDY ,.3 Tuesday Dec. .31 Cont. from Dec. a. t Sini 5 I f - Pvlon - Tues. Cont. Sunday From 2:15 MAY I ROBSON DEC. (4" - mm F V-ft-- ; t' 1 A foromounl 'Is- - 0 imd) Kelt rise wild JIM.MY EF.LIS0U ata IN THE GREATEST 3 I New Year's Day Cont. from 2:30 Years Comedy Sensation! HERBERT MARSHALL Vhe JEAN All America Las mar- 3S HTifHTP j I ffej '&'&i?lf ' i t$kM ! ! K j il--tI 53 M News Also j Cont. From 2:30 "IIDNIGKT i - W whiskies today. --5 Wed. Thurs. - Cont. New Years Day from 2:30 k Carl Laemmle presents .' ,. j 31 m fill ; Bcp Cartoon FROLIC 11:30 Tues. Dsc. : . COMEDY GANG Betty I t r a- -1 t. : - V0f4 'Universal si Pictnm :'' '! and so9 in Currency agree it's hy all odd the best "bu y in lac G-- Broadway Handicap Night Sf OUR 5 M ICcw Year's Day Timrsuay, Jan. 2 value that you'll Schenlry I'rodurU Co., fitw York, N. Y. M I I i Musical veled at the smooth, creamy quality of Schenley Red Lahel Blended Whiskey. So outstanding a Cartoon . ! ARTHy.T Could Only Cook." Hopeye HENRY EURRUD FRANKIE DARRO HENRY ARM ETTA BILLY CAREER! "If You i CHARLOTTE PICTURE OF HIS PAULA STOfJE Hml ii 3 Kids ar)d a Queen,, t? WILLIAM BOYD i in jHis Last and Greatest Picture! i- 29-3- 0 Cont. from 3:30 Sunday ' r Mon - Tues. - 3:30 BARGAIN DAY LABEL Mcdonald in !fc--V MgMjy.sca3Krng;iih. 10:30 CHARLES FARREL 'Collegiate' Jack Oakie ' w fc 2:15 Sunday from Cont. kf mrrm i m ! i Mon. Dec a. v .mm- - 1 Worked, Bob My Plan Worked!'' She Exclaimed. "Bob IDBRAN OfZi Hesrent&5Ehti, Elizabeth Paterson Hall Building HATS - HORNS ' NOISE AIAKERS Charles BICKFORD iBonoie Feature - "SWEET SURRENDER" nr 'Art 0G9 erfvxn I F"1U If -- i Kara The Style Shop NED SPARKS OF HIS CAREER! tun h 27-2- Joe Penner PICTURE i'fct-TjS- Dec. CARLLAfMMUrnEStNTS IN THE GREATEST1 're going to "" of him! Sat. Cont.. 1 You - Miss -- Volrh This Bay! It's next hest to heing there U IJ Miss 2 Tuesday Only they last. ' Margaret Ellen Jones a student of the Westminister dear. ion are ("VES, Margie is home spending the Christ- looking at half a million mas holidays with her parents, geraniums that will hi bursting Into bloom one of thes Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jones. days and as far as 1 know, you an' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mills are the and maybe a few folks here It. Boone will see them. No advance nroud parents of a baby boy, born orders for them"; and Bob Mar Tuesday morning. chant's face was the picture o' woe. Mr. ami Mrs. Max Huff left for "But you only tried selling there Washington, Utah where they will the order in one city. Bob," Margin .pend Christinas holidays. reminded him. "Darling, this Is New Tear's day Mrs. Howard Ellis of Castle and a time for making fresh starts Gate and Mrs. Jchn Martin of Los Angeles were at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Robert Houston on Thursday of last week . V Every article in this store will be offered at a big reduction until the end of the year. Come in and get some of these wonderful Bargains while I J $1.50 0, Now "Happy Mew Year" Lit1 sig-rank- s M $1-0- hear YOUR VOICE say... - ret Hvrs DRESSES, were someone who would like to y born Monday, Dec. 23. All conJunction, Colo. Miss Green and cerned Pie doing nicely. Miss Toinsic, will remain in Carbon county visiting with friends Mr. J. Grant Kilfoyle and Mr. and relatives until after Jan. 1. Rimer Hesmeyer students at the Mrs. Walter Moore and two university of Utaii are visiting sons of Pittsburgh, Penn. are vi- with their parents. siting at the home of Mrs. Moore's Miss El vera Robhins and Miss mother, Mrs. Lizzie Jones. Marion Robbins are spending the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wesden and W.l;.....,. ...in. . u : from teaCalifornia spend-'nare The family Primary officers and Christmas with their brother chers gave a social Tuesday after The Spring Canyon Community and sister-in-law- , Mr. and Mrs. noon for the benefit of the children. The children gae a program club held a dance Tuesday, Dec. Wesley Robertson. after which the teachers and offi 21th at the Ward hall. Little Bud Chrlstensen of cers gave each a suck of candy Subscribe fcr The Journal was severely bitten on the ar.l nuts. mouth and near the eye by a dog while he was feeding it candy. Mrs. Lorraine Larsen of Provo He was visiting at the home of is spending the Christmas holi Mrs. Rhoda Hrienson in Castle day, with Mr." and Mrs. Taylor Gate at the time of the accident Turner and family. Special Reduced Price on HOUSE ...in another c Settlement of thi3 controversy is a significant victory, not only for the Brotherhood but for all other Burlington train and engine service employees and the travel- ing public. It means that a deadly menace to their safety has besn removed more and get pay$2oo one This Bargain will con tmue until the end of the year. i safe-two-m- high-spee- dresses Buy one and i walk-out- d SALE on aii silk E M j e CAS Miss Lucy Wooley, teacher at the Spring Canyon sehoul went to Salt Lake City to spend the J OEUVEREO ONLY ON SUBSCftlPTION DELIVERED FREE TO EVERY HOME NEWS EDITION THE JOURNAL'S THE JOURNAL SHOPPER S XOITION Two For One THE ARIZONA WRANGLER8 to Holder of lucky number Ret your tickets -- they're Free Feature JANE FROfVIAN "TWO HEADS ON A PILLOW" FRANK McnUui5 FRANK F m v w.h PAT O'BRIEN JAMES MELTON JEAN M U I R Also Colored Cartoon "THE FOX and the RABBIT" Musical Revue |