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Show lTaH SEPTEMBER 21, 1934 frTwi 11 N AY r III 'i - .A f 1 t -- 1 . J i I I II II l . f - I I PRICE VAN DYKE BLDG., FRIDAY, SEPT. 21 P.M. X FREE! K N j Arizona 11 ma im 51 -- ,s u ' Y , 'ranglers ..: UPARROTT'S xi re ii 3-,- b- t 4 1 - Always S nmorrow only iveuy s. ng a a SPILLS, RILLS, THE LATEST ACTION SEASON it bXESDAY-THUKSUA- PARKtKin JEANE a Heart ave No. 2 Super Serial Episode JONES BUCK 2: lie Red of the in Rider remember, at bargain prices Jnesday, continuous arter 11 4 p. m. 4:30 children Mrs at admitted DAY AND JEAN under 12 5 cents SATURDAY HARLOW with The From Girl l ' i " QOOR CHILD AMD THE SCHOOL SUNDAY BREAKFAST B, D.. ALLEN G IRELAND Mrs. Arthur Dalpiaz and Miss tint (cit, Suit Dwwni . t,U iiwl Mary Mullins were joint hostesses at a bridge breakfast Sundav Health Protection morning at the former's home. Fall flowers were used In the decora The opening of schools means the tions. Covers were laid for Mes- - congregation of large armies of dames Joe Pace, Charles Atwood, children into groups. This means of Price; Jack Vignetto, James that the chances of disease conta ti Bergera, Eugene Gibson, E. F. gion are greatly inand L. R. Grover, of Helper, creased, especially and the Misses Mel Taylor, Rita for children entering Pateriva, May Johnstone, Adele school for the first Neilson and Louise Gunderson of time. Price; Orpha and Thelma Fay lor, To offset the dan Mary Riggs, Mary McConnel of there are the ger, Helper, and Eirne McGintie of following procedures Denver. Prizes went to Mesdames which every parent and Miss Pace, Bergera, Vignetto and teacher should support. (1) Taylor. Abolish competitive attendance devices and rewards. (1) Let every WEDDING BELLS parent promise himself to keep his Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rask an- child at home upon the first apnounce the marriage of their pearance of any ailment, complaint, daughter, Miss Thelma, to Ernie sign or symptom. This measure Flaim, son of Mrs. Mary Flaim of alone would prevent much misery (3) Endorse imHelper. The marriage was solemn- and illness. ized in Price Monday at 2 o'clock, munization as a routine procedure. This includes vaccination against by Judge J. W. Hammond. Following the marriage the young smallpox and toxoid injections to couple was honored at a luncheon prevent diphtheria. Undoubtedly at the bride's home, and in the we shall soon accept similar meas evening at a wedding supper at the ures against other communicable home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Alvarez. diseases. (4) The morning health The bride is a graduate of the inspection by the teacher during Carbon County schools, and the the first five minutes of the ses(5) Immediate exclusion bridegroom of the Wasatch Acad- sion. school of every child showing emy at Mt. Pleasant. The couple from (6) will make Helper their home, any departure from normal. where their many friends extend Support the health authorities in asking that all children be given a congratulations. test to determine the possible presence of tuberculosis. (7) Have a BRIDGE-DINNEeminterested physician qualified was Mrs. J. J. Dalpiaz complieducation. of board the ployed by mented at a bridge dinner TuesSchool athletics will be the subday evening at the home of Mrs. Arthur Dalpiaz, who proved a most ject of Dr. Ireland's next article. gracious hostess. The repast was Vignetto, John Colzani, Eugene enjoyed at 7 o'clock, with bridge Gibson, D. K. Downey, E. F. following, at which prizes went to L. R. Grover, Jack Sullivan, Mesdames Vignetto, Downey, Al- Harris Simonsen, A. R. Demman, close At the and Voll Dalpiaz. len, C. Allen, James BerJ. Acel Miner, of the bridge session the honored gera, Celeste Dalpiaz, Thomas guest was showered with numerous Miss Mary Mullins and inbeautiful gifts. The guest list Mauro of Helper, and Miss Sally cluded Mesdames Glen Neilson of Miss Eirene McGintie of Denver. R. Price; Frank Wible, Fred Voll, A. Nilson, Frank Nyman, Jack B. P. W. INSTALLATION R Gia-not- Missouri R& N O R Westcn&ZAEIecInc 53 11 TLB Subscribe for The Journal. Bev-eridg- e, PALACE CANDY CO. DAVE GRIFFITH IS NOW SERVING MRS. SPECIAL SUNDAY? DINNERS HOME COOKING AT ITS BEST FRESH CANDY BOXED AND IN BULK for Fri., Sat and Sunday Banana Special 10c Special FACTORY PACK ICE CREAM Pints 18c Quarts 35 aim SALT LAKE CITY'S NEWEST HOSTELRY tre ti, The Business and Professional Women's Club of Helper met in the Strand club rooms Monday night, where installation of officers for the coming year was held, as follows: President, Miss Alice Bene; Mrs. A. S. Wahl; secretary, Miss Maxine House, and treasurer, Miss Ivy Memmott. Miss Marie Deitz served as installing officer. During the next two weeks a membership drive is to be put on by the club for all women eligible, who are interested. Plans also are being made for a public card party to be held the first part of next month. At the close of the business session a social followed, with the Strand Sweet Shop serving the luncheon. Members present were Mrs. A. S. Wahl, Mrs. George Spratling, Marie Deitz and the Misses Josephine teado, Alice Bene, Ivy Memmott, Anne Crowley, Maxine House and Marion Bonacci. GUEST FROM DENVER Mrs. Jack Vignetto entertained at a splendidly appointed bridge dinner at her home last evening in honor of Miss Eirene McGintie, of Denver, who is visiting here with Mrs. Eugene Gibson. A yellow color scheme was prettily carried out and the centerpiece was a hnsket of vellow marigolds. Fol- - 0 1 8:15 P. M. lowing 'dinner the guests enjoyed contract, three tables being played. Bidden guests were Miss McGintie, tsruce Moffitt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dalpiaz, Mr. and Mrs. John Colzani, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gibson, Mr. .and Mrs. Fritz Nyman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barboglio. Flour (little) Butter Method: Fry all together until brown. Cool and spread on bread. Do not spread butter on bread, as this is a very rich sandwich filling in itself. FOR DEPARTING STUDENT Miss Helen Barboglio, who left during the week to attend the Uni- vrsity of Utah, was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by Miss Ann Martelle Saturday afternoon at her home. Fall flowers were used in the decorations and sewing followed the luncheon. Mayonnaise .Asparagus Tip Sandwich with ri 1 fin lj I'l Jl rn Wt ' HOT PLATE LUNCHEONS SATURDAY'S MENU - SCOTCH BARLEY SOUP MASHED POTATOES GERMAN STEW CREAMED CABBAGE BREAD AND BUTTER CHOICE OF COFFEE, TEA OR MILK Open Vegetable Sandwiches Here are a few suggestions for some pretty and tasty vegetable sandwiches ideal for serving at September parties. Fresh Mushroom Sandwiches Fresh mushrooms (chopped fine) Salt. " Gia-not- I'jjt the New Star kXIE BARNt-Htesday " I R. BLDG., SAT., SEPT. 22 Sponsored by the Electrical Dealers il ' X STRAND SWEET SHOI (By Betty Webster) gum fastened to your Chewing 1 clothing or furniture can easily be removed without much trouble. Evea on a '"hairy surface" there will be no trace left of the gum if you wipe the spot with the white of an egg. Try it some time should you be in this predicament. It works splendidly. SEE "THE HOME ELECTRIC" HELPER, D. ,w.s HOUSEHOLD III ii HINTS HELPER 1W TTStyrrrmrcc- - THE HELPER JOURNAL WITH SOUP 35c WITHOUT SOUP 25c Menu Changed Daily i A PLEASING VARIETY OF TOASTED SANDWICHES AT THE FOUNTAIN SUNFREZE :- SPECIAL ICE CREAMS - NESBITTS I IOT CHOCOLATE With Wafers 10 String beans chopped with chili sauce makes a good sandwich. Brown bread, buttered. Spread with minced sardines moistened with lemon juice. Decorate with pickle and pimento. Makes a very delightful sandwich. DEMOCRATIC CLUB Salmon Sandwich with Tartar The Carbon County Women's Sauce is delicious. Democratic Club will hold its regus lar monthly meeting in the COOKING HINTS of the Strand Sweet Shop, Tomato and Summer Squash Monday, September 24, at 2 o'clock Tomatoes in the afternoon. Election laws Squash will be read with a program and Flour cards following. The public is corWhite Sauce dially invited to attend. Method: Slice tomatoes quite thick. Slice squash same thickCARD PARTY SOON ness as tomatoes. Dip in flour. Helper Chamber of Commerce Fry brown and cook until done. will hold a public card party on or When done remove to hot about the first of October, accord- Make white sauce in pan platter. vegetaing to Mrs. A. Frank Drury and bles were cooked in. Pour over Mrs. E. H. Thomas, who will direct and garnish with bacon. the event. The date and particu- vegetables lars will be announced later. Egg Beater Eeer beaters now are made in various sizes. One very convenient size is made to fit a measuring cup. So when one egg is called for, it can be beaten in measuring cup thus saving an extra Mrs. A. Frank Drury, whose an- bowl. It also is handy when whipnouncement for the nomination for ping a small quantity of cream. state representative from Carbon Chili Sauce County appears in The Journal, will go before the coming Demo30 red tomatoes cratic County convention as a 6 onions in her attitude to3 red peppers ward legislation. 20 tablespoons of sugar For ten years Mrs. Drury has 5 tablespoons of salt resided in this district, consistent5 cups of vinegar Method: Chop tomatoes, onions ly laboring at all times in the interests of good government under and peppers together. Add the rethe banner of her party. She has maining ingredients and cook served as precinct chairwoman and slowly for at least an hour. for her state committeewoman BAKING HINTS party, and was the organizer of the Woman's Democratic club, of Stuffed Flank Steak which she was president two terms. Slice of Flank Steak about 1 lb. In 1932 Mrs. Drury was named Seasoning (including onions and presidential elector of Utah, and carrots). was the only one to make the trip 1 cup of boiling water. to Washington to formally cast the Method: Spread dressing over Utah presidential vote for Roose- meat. Roll it up and tie together. velt. Place sliced carrots and onions in Mrs. Drury's platform includes Dottom of baking dish. Place repeal of the Utah prohibition law, meat on top of this and suet on is for the direct primary system, top of meat. Pour boiling water e pension, job insurance, tax over this. Cover and cook 20 minon natural gas imported into the utes in hot oven. Then uncover state, revision of the workmen's and cook 30 minutes in a modercompensation laws, and stands 100 ate oven. Make pan gravy. per cent for organized labor. Her Stuffing pledge is, if nominated and elect1 cup of bread crumbs. ed, to labor for the passage of all 2 tablespoons of melted butter. these progressive and remedial of her to best the ability, Parsley proposals Onion and if her record for intensive parcandity work is a criterion, this will Celery Seasoning date, if nominated and elected, be a potent factor in progressive Baked Peaches i state legislation. These are different, easy to preSCHOOL CLUB ELECTS pare and delicious. Method: Wash desired number of Alex Bene of Helper has been elected president of the Senate peaches. Put in baking pan with Club, Carbon High activity organi- skins on. Cover bottom of pan zation for boys, with Norman with water. Sprinkle sugar liber1 hour. Serve Bray, Helper, vice president; Orris ally over top. Bake Simmons, Spring Canyon, ' secretary-t- with plain cream. reasurer, and Ernest Cook, President Roosevelt is the first Spring Canyon, sergeant-at-armchief executive of the United IslGeorge Diamenti left Sunday for States to visit the Hawaiian Salt Lake, where he will enroll as ands. He made the trip on the cruiser, U. S. S. Housa sophomore at the University of 10,000-to- n and the trip cost half Utah. Mike Turnbull has accepieu ton dollars. a million Palace. at the his position FRESH CANDY BARS A NEW SHIPMENT OF GLADE'S CHOCOLATES We Handle the ESTATE HEATROLA club-room- Candidate Sets Forth Platform liberal-- progressive BE READY FOR THE FIRST COLD SNAP WITH A SMART, ECONOMICAL CIRCULATING HEATER Prices as Low as We will give a beautiful Dinner Set Free! I old-ag- 32-Pie- ce with each new Heater or Range Purchased, during this month only COAL HOD 24c FIRE SHOVELS: Jap. 44c, Galv. 54c Helper Furniture & Hardware Company s. jle ntil ,tltMM)(MB)w(ll)WpitlMtiMttM)Wt FOR THE HOME 200 ROOMS RADIO 'Wkh Old Heidelberg m ELECTtK guaranteed age, Blatz And EVERY a. fffi? i 200 BATHS ROOM xfyfr HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE RATES $1.50 TO $3.00 THIS HOTEL IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED V- - P. Him depot In street. hotI building. Interurban Just across the IT. P. Station Just S Wocks. ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. fit Mil M'li"t : P 1 ! THE HOME ELECTRIC At the earnest solicitation of the electrical dealers of Helper, the Utah Power & Light Co. is bring, ine- to this city on Saturday, Sept. 22, a replica of the Home Electric as shown at the Century of Prog f iJ hJ ;;r1 This demonstration will be held in the building formerly occupied by the D. T. R. Co., and is in charge of Elmer Joluison, assisted by Miss Nancy Finch, home economics expert of the Utah Power & Light Co., and ress in Chicago. I Brew-Date- d Beer fr! KJ richness and Vv Ml? gusr-- ? has no equal, for unifrmflavor J03 TTJl Wzk Sj5jp I1 ' j Miss Jean Segere. A cordial invitation is extended by the electrical dealers of Helper to all Helper citizens to attend both the afternoon Afternoon and evening sessions. sessions begin promptly at 2 o'clock and evening at 8. "7 Distributed by ( HELPER MERCANTILE CO. Phone 117-- J 39 N. Main. Helper, Utah 1 ) |