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Show HELPER, UTAH, Ttir 1I1.LV TWO PAGE torate followed an example that THE Helper Journal has been set by the people of number of other states and com- Paying Sales Tax Service First LOCAL GOIJ KKS LOST TO MISLKY PLAYERS Spring Canyon Coal A party of golfers, representing the Carbon County Country Club, journeyed to Salt Lake 'Sunday and lost to the Nibley Park golfers 18 to 8. The match was played on the Nibley Park course. Those making the trip were Tony Palonl, Jack Vignetto and F. L. Williams, Helper: Preston Ben Redd, Tad Storey, John Redd and Matt Gilmore, Price; Max Bertola, Consumers, and R. R. Kirkpatrick, Standard-ville- . It is announced that a re turn match will be played on Sun day, July 1. Miners and Shippers of the Celebrated Spring Canyon Coal Mines at Sum-merhay- s, -- Spring Canyon, Utah General Offices 817 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah J Bunnel Motor Co. Elite Jewelry & 1 EXPERT at Sales and Service CARS REPAIRS FOR ALL The Gift Shop oYMToRDLK OF MOOSE R. A. Nilson - Watch Inspectors for the I. R. (J. and I'tah Railroads - HELPER sHFiTvrrs Manager permanek & M.S0 Margaret GUARANTEED "4 P an Expert Watchmaker By iS Years in Carbon County changed since the introduction of the 1934 Ford V-- 8 last December, the Ford Motor Company not having participated in the recent genMRS. J. E. FLYNN, Myr. eral automotive price increase. The KING E. N. DR. Licensed Embalnier reductions announced are, therethe at attendance In fore, a decrease in the original Eyesight Specialist UTAH Gift Shop. Eyes Examined. prices. PRICE The price reduction on the stanWork. Phone 29 Repair Ambulance Service dard and de luxe Tudor sedans, I'TAH HELPER most popular individual models in The Journal ha one of the best point of sales, is $15. Prices of job printing departments other standard and de luxe body FOR SALE 1929 Ford Hi ton equipped in the state. Prices reasonable. types were reduced $10, except truck. Inquire at 32 Birch St., Subscribe for The Journal. prices of the roadster, phaeton and Itp Helper. cabriolet, de luxe types, which re main unchanged. IJuff Gaze!, Operators REPAIRING HELPER LODGE NO. 165t Fred Hall, Dictator A. J- - Carlson, Secretary at 8:00 P. M. Every Tuesday Hall Knights of Pythias JEWELERS un- 1934 Floral Co. Watch Repairing Reductions of $10 to $15 in list prices of 1934 Ford V-- 8 passenger cars and $10 to $20 in list prices of Ford V-- 8 commercial cars and trucks were announced last week by the Ford Motor Company that became effective Friday, June 15. Ford prices had remained JJUF 7, - I a (Reduction in Ford Car Prices munities. However, if the voters think UTAH HELPER, that they have eliminated the sales Published Every Friday tax, they are badly mistaken. They are paying a sales tax now. They GEORGE V. BAKER, - Manager have been paying one in the past. Entered as second class matter at They will pay one in the future. The corner grocery, where you the poatoffice at Helper, Carbon your food pays taxes. The buy Utah. County, concerns which produce his stock likewise pay taxes heavy ones. Subscription Those taxes necessarily are passed Dne Year 6 Months $1 $2 on to the consumer as part of his THE JOURNAL'S NEWS EDITION ON DELIVERED ONLY selling price. SUBSCRIPTION That is true of everything you THE JOURNAL SHOPPER EDITION buy gasoline or entertainment, or OEUVEREO FREE TO EVERY HOME food or clothes. Part of every dolAdvertising; Kates on Application lar you spenu goes for taxes and the proportion mounts constantly. The fact that the tax isn't apparent means nothing an indirect tax In a recent referendum the vot- can be every bit as expensive as a ers of the state of Oregon decisive- direct one. The great lesson the people of ly defeated a proposal for a genthe United States must learn is eral sales tax. By doing that the Oregon elec- - that no one can escape taxes and that exorbitant cost of government threatens our jobs, our savings, our property. Vv'hen that fact ia SPRING CANYON really implanted in the public mind there may be a campaign for tax COAL CO. reduction that will get results. un IlLI-- l nrR JOURNAL FOR RFVT - a ... mod v. - COME TO HELPER SUPER SERVICE STATION .Phone 22, EXPERT GREASING Vulcan MOTOR CLEANING Willard Batteries Goodyear Tires Batteries Ch Car Washing BE CAREFUL AROUND HIGH TENSION WIRES In a recently issued announcement the Utah Power & Light Co. warns ranchers, farmers and stockmen to exercise the utmost camion in moving nay aernens ana oiner tail equipment near power lines. Serious accident may result from contact between a piece of machinery and high tension wire. The company announces that anyone desiring advice upon moving equipment around high tension wires should get in touch with the nearest office of the company and that an expert electrician will give any suggestions and aid In the moving. Listerine Pint 59c 33c 35c Mineral Oil RUSSIAN, 67c iii J for ?Qr Tooth Paste .... 73c Destroys flies, mosquitoes and other insects. Quort size . CREAMS, 43 Pt. ... pint Woodbury's 60c pita tan t odot Dolph Fly Spray Ha$ 1.00 in): Pths JC Rubbing Alcohol Antiseptic Nujol ATTENDED MEETING BANKERS ASSOCIATION relay Sale Friday and Csrtified Milk ef Magnesia V ft ah therm' a faucet! PORTABLE SHOWER Wonderful 4 QQ Special suction cup attaches to any smooth . surface. : "The Hotel That Makes You Feel at Home" WILSON HOTEL Your Headquarters while in Salt Lake We AW'Icome You Auto Parking In the Rear Rates $1 Per Day and up Jack Vignetto, cashier of the Helper State Bank, spent last Friday and Saturday at Bryce Canyon attending the 26th annual Utah State Bankers convention Mr. Vignetto reports a most interesting meeting, with speakers from every part of the country present. President Hecht, head of the I 41c fr 17 p I ro I 71c Burn Ointment, J. D 50c Lysol, 7 ox. 60c Bromo Seltxer Bi'-l - 84c ousel LUNCHEONS BEER SOFT DRINKS Equipment I Home Cooked 17c I 2Sc Luncheons Dinners and EVERYBODY INVITED JOHN DAVIS, Prop. ANTLERS BAND 16 m es B y aRa aa MARTINELLI Mintholattd Hall GRADE Very Reasonable Saturday, June 23rd Tickets 50c BOOST THE BAND Phone Prices 147-- aaa n a a aS3a aa n 13 THORiT HATCH LAWYER Stafford Building City Attorney Notary Public Phone 160AV Helper PhiHip's Milk of Mognesia ca Ballstc, SforlJO , Porth lOriAwn Foldingchair fold, torn- uhtn 1.39 fctlf .not In B 44c 77c 23c 37c 41c 71c 39c 74c 69c 35c 21c 45c Lifebuoy 33e Shoving Cream IS 49c 35c 44c 37c Peau 19c Pint Shaving Cream GUT EDGE Cigars 5 for 20 it; J T" Carto" tn 1 a ,1S. ienouah ""treater Cream Content" ii fc, '' ' IT" & J. -- standard Baby Powder . MAGNESIA ICE CREAM SODAS pint Chocolate or Treat 7c MILK OF melts Fruit Flavors. 5 33c 18c 33e 32e 19c J UL 10t? 50c 19c 4 for 19c 3 for ,?e 3 fo, 18c SoP KWIK Viscolixed like home madt ice cream I ICE CREAM CONES Give th kiddies 79c 69c rwymg gards 2 almelsv. Soop buoy Soap e Lu SQr Our ice cream is U Colgate's Dental Creon Giant 25c Phillip's Dental Mag. 3e Koiynos Tooth Poste. 50c Boat Tooth Pest, ... 25e Pebeco" Tooth Paste.. 23c K much richer than TOBACCOS Velvet, lb Half fr Half, lb. Tuxedo, lb J" Quart Carry-O- ii tint 23 c . Ice Cream aool amoka. B6c I ttK" fi5c atlfol nulUeoloedMigna.0(lt Cutex Preparation '0c Super Suds 2 for Lux Flakes, small ....3 for Ivory Soop, 6 ox. ... 4 for yman's Soap 3 for Colgote't Assorted SJoop 5c; 6 for Modets with Cooler Epwm Salts, 5-- lb woer rutts . . . 3Je Barbasol 15c 29c Shaving Cream 19c 23c 29c 39c 15c bog. 27c 9e; 2 for 15c -- r I Wate BATHROOM SCALE KLEENEX TISSUES aaa 2 for 27c .. 37c Box of 500, white ' J pfl Witch aaa Hazel J FOR SPUING CAN VON COAL ANY Cartlfltd Qolf 100(So41T..13o 1.00 Angelus Lipstick.... 28c April Showers Talc. 50c Woodbury's Powder.. 60c Heet Depilatory 1.00 Pond's Cream 50c Junis Cream Tube... 1.10 Hopper's Restorotive Cream Perfection Cold Cream, lb. 25c Hind's Honey and Almond Lotion 60c Pompeian Creams... 35c Compona's Italian Balm 75c Fitch's Dandruff Remover and Shampoo. 50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 60c Wildroot Hair Tonic. Voseline Hair Tonic, No. 1 25c Golden Glint aF UAaKTIslfc i ft tat I I m es GARAGE MOSE HOWA 1 m ! m E m of CALL MOOD 21e3r59e jsaiaafeaawaiwa 98c Doux -- A Si! ver Golf Balls 5e Clxarette STATE BRIDGE SERVICE STATION TELEPHONE 83c 17c fVfa. Rmt- t- s "TIME" ' 8G-- .... CASCARETS MARTINELLI & CO. with full equipment to serve your car in connection with the ViViViVi sippet 60c Angelus Rouge Incarnat x CHOCOLATE Short Orders Is now under management Ptau-Dou- 71 e wm Drive Jn Car Service. You'll like its co- nvenient opening. Coty Face Powder, with Perfume 60c Calif. Syrup of Figs.. 40c 75c Squibb's Mineral Oil pt.63c Fletcher's Mouth Wosh, pt. 49e Lavoris, 1.00 size 79c Dr Scholl'i Zino Pads ... 33 Olive Oil, pt 47e Soda Ei'carbonate, 16 ox.. 17e SIGHT THE 59 25c Mennen's Talc 93c 1.00 Zonite, 14 ox 75c Acidine Try MRS. DAVE GRIFFITH'S lor 43c 85c Jad Salts, teg' 57e 50c Unguentine for Burns. 42e 50c Fee na mint, 36's 39e Bayer's Aspirin, 100's... 60e 40c Pyramidon fablers, 10s 23c BEER -B- All 34c 40c 1.00 Dr. Miles Nervine.. Nurito r 1I ounce DRAUGHT Zipper Bag and at Jar of for your 9HC Cold Cream vacation Tissues 4-- Reversible & Portable. For cara, bsaeh and picnic Keeps foods or liquids hot or cold. For outlnttl Cleansing ran 1.50 the Most Modern soa " 89c 1. 49 I The Installation of I The FREE MUSIC EVERY 1.39 Noiseless; n o radio interference. nixed Petro-laga- "Kool-Klnn- Electric Fan PicnicJug luto Seat Pad Yeast ANNOUNCES JUST OPENED ' Gallon Sim Hotatathtr'ghtra 1.00 II ON HIGHWAY HALF MILE SOUTH OF BLUE CUT 5 Salts Condensed American Bakers association, traveled from his home in New, Orleans to be present at the convention and was the honored guest. Charles Smith, president of the First National Bank in Salt Lake, was elected president of the association for the coming fiscal year, Mr. Hemingway of succeeding Ogden. 111 5: 60c Jad Peansylvonio ;:" Compact accurate W. priced at 1.59 Ur SAND end BEACH SET Tennis Nw Wih Micksy Mou Oir(T) r). Bails slock. Vacuum 41-- inis Racket p.ck.d .Mor 89c KOTEX "Wondersoft" 15c -- -f |