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Show PAGE HELPER, UTAH, APRIL 6, 1934 THE HELPER JOURNAL TWO In the world. THE The largest department stores in the world. The largest petroleum companies in the world. HELPER, UTAH The largest woolen factories In Published Every Friday the world. The largest copper companies in GEORGE W. BAKER, - Manager the world. The largest sugar refineries in Entered as second class matter at the world. the postoffice at Helper, Carbon The largest tobacco companies Utah. County, in the world. Cheer up, folks. The indomit Subscription able that brought all this Dne Year - $2 6 Months - $1 about spirit will serve to bring us out of THt JOURNAL'S NEWS EDITION the quagmire of depression. DELIVERED ONLY ON SUBSCRIPTION Helper Journal THE JOURNAL SHDPPER'S EDITION DELIVERED FREE TO EVERY HOME Advertising; Rates on Application EALTH TAKES HOLIDAY! 'The American people never have felt the lash of the n writer on says a economics. "The treasury has only recently indicated that it will make a door-to-docanvass. It must have taxes. Suppose the people who believe the wealthy aren't paying their taxes should say, 'Get it from the rich; soak 'em!' The well-know- or tax collector brings forth statistics to prove that there aren't any rich " any more In 1928, according to income tax returns, there were 43,000 persons with incomes of $50,000 a year. In 1932 there were less than 8000 and later statistics probably will show a further drop. Wealth literally has taken a holiday. The re sult is that the old policy of piling increasingly heavy tax burdens on persons with large incomes is no longer productive of substantial revenue. The incomes simply do not exist What must inevitably happen if government expense continues to rise, is heavier taxation on small and moderate incomes on the day laborer, the salary worker, the owner of a small business and a modest amount of property. Government will have to take more and more of his income and earn ings to carry on the functions with which it has been loaded. Higher income and property taxes on the the Defendant in a Lawsuit THIRD BEST Damage suit, filed by Gabriel BOWLER HERE Greco against Sheriff S. M. Bliss, of Carbon County; Grant Powell and the U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., which asks judgment of $2550 for injuries allegedly sustained during the demonstration of the NMU in Price last September, has been transferred to the Carbon County District Court, following the filing of a petition for change of venue by the sheriff. Greco alleges that he was struck and knocked unconscious by a rifle In the hands of Powell, a special deputy at the time. The guaran tee company is named because it Otto Herres, assistant manager executed the sheriff's official bond, of the United States Fuel com- the complaint states. pany, was chosen president of the Utah Coal Operators' Association SEVERE PUNISHMENT at the annual meeting of the orFOR TWO POACHERS ganization in the Ezra Thompson building, Salt Lake, Wednesday. Caught with nine pounds of Mr. Herres announced a commit- trout in their possession, Asael tee would be appointed to meet Rowley and John Pintarelli were with delegates of the United Mine fined $100 each with the alterna Workers of America to work out a tive of serving 100 days in the new agreement for the state, the county jail, when they pleaded present agreement having expired guilty recently before Justice of on April 1. the Peace A. J. Lee at Price. They Other elected officers are W. C. were granted a stay of execution B. for 90 days. Stark, P. Manley, secretary - treasurer. The new board of directors will inK. OF C. MEETING clude Moroni Heiner, Utah Fuel About twenty members of the Co.; Mr. Marks, Independent Coal Carbon Council, Knights of Colum & Coke Co.; T. R. Stockett, Spring bus met last Tuesday evening at The Canyon Coal Co.; Vice President the Strand Sweet Shop. Stark, Ezra Thompson, Peerless feature of the meeting was a Coal Co.; George Schultz, Liberty speech by H. B. McCardle, in Operators Organized Coal Co.; E. L. Cropper, Chesterfield Coal Co.; F. A. Sweet, Stan dard Coal Co., and President nt Kem-mere- r, 1 Ovalfine TTftft JT'S TIME to go modern and do your business Pint Bayers' Aspirin Offer & Silver Spoon Both for Notary Public (A7. Orlis Tooth Paste LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Telephone 21 for immediate results HELPER JOURNAL - Perfection Watch ,:,jr far 1 year tamd .... Pint Sim JjU 0 29 Protect youraelf agalnet coMt and tore throat use Orln Anttncptic regu larly a a mouth waah and farglc ... If Cigars B ftrtartionFraiMyUmdm Cold Cream t SUctromiM 'fc29c... Bnoar whit, pura nade at tha bneat V U frcdients . . . acmted with kmc lv4 Mixer-Beat- er Whip, af eraam 61 I 1Q I mlnutt Alio btati mixes oaajronnatse t, and ether dreeslnc. Centaur Playing Cards. Special .. 3 for for at Of) bargain Moth Proof proof Dual 33c 49c 25c Whisk Broom 21c Occupies in Datfiroom c,Sars 15c 2ceach SPECIALS JAR 50c Iodent 34 Dental Magnesia ... 19 DO, WEST Tooth Brush pVd"!" 50 50c Prophylactic?; 39 25o PHILLIPS' 25 50c Bost Tooth Paste 29 60c Dr. Lyon's ,41 SSo WILLIAMS GLIDER Shaving Cream RS LIFEBUOY Shaving Cream 5c 6 for 25c 10 27 2r JA 3 for 27 11 Thm k for young food-dri- n Chemm I 1 Cigars Toilet Soap 33 'H 15c Garcia Sublime Cashmere Bouquet 31 ..... (He MENKEN'S Stork Castile Soap .3 for 21 C 89c $1.25 S. M. A 85c Meads Dextri Maltose 65 C Hospital Cotton, lb. roll . . 31 C Auto Strop Blades,?.-..0.-'.. 49c Palmolive Soap ... 3 for 14c 3 for 14c Camay Soap 10c Sayman's Soap . 3 for 23 C Lifebuoy Soap ... 3 for 1 7c Paper Cleaner 3 for 25c 75c Johnson's Wax . . lb. 59 C V" 19c 55 Shaving Cream I Skin Balm El Cruzador 25 Man 0 War Latherless Oil lees than I square foot of space. Rubber top; Red baaa. Tanned Wool Sponge aL loa prieat 39c 79c El Modelo and La Numa 39" o" BATHROOM SCALE Oil 33 49 500 WWgAs UP ISO lb. ST "Kwlk-Wat- Garment Bags ABBOTT'S Cleansing Tissues CHAMOIS loft Pllabla 29 Kmt" aUndmrl .KS&TV. your Coaiwn. for""..... reasonable Manager niLLROSK Theatrical Cream lb. 47 Dental Cream rlE':'. 18 25c Pebeco?:.eh 21 mtthim 48 67 Pint T.l.?n.c.,?"f.,.,?f2for27 TRo Keen them 69 93 59 EXPERT :- Don't let housework ruin your For Home- - CQm bold t'ae ..w3l Commercial Correspondence, Legal Upstairs In Stafford Bldg. R. A. Nilson 19o 39 Mouih Wash Public Stenographer, Court Re porter, Short - Hand, Dictation, JEWELERS GLOVES A roal 89 Alcohol DANDRUFF Orlis UTAH The Gift Shop RUBBER hand. Rubbing 36 79 Remover & Shampoo, 57 Tyson . Saline Laxative attendance at T5e FITCH'S SOo g Zino Pads Licensed Embalmer Watch Repairing .... oft and smooth. Nurito Listerine, 14 oz. .. FLETCHER'S Mouth Wash . . pint $1.00 Nujol Epsom Salts 5 lb. bag OOc M. W. ROSS printing 1111111 DR. SCHOLI.'S MS' Forms rates. In tf ffca popular $1.00 Bonkora 60c Bromo Seltzer. $1.00 Lavoris P. COLTON Phone 160-Transcribed; . BUY NOW! Helper MRS. J. E. FLYNN, Mgr. Much time capped. would be lost. Without commercial business would suffer in the same way. One is as important as the other. Use commercial printing for special contacts, use the telephone to call The Helper Journal, who will make your printed contacts commercially 35 Campana's,,a1"..4Sf with ptxreham of Tcoih Paste Pint Almond Cream 1.00 Lucky Tiger parfamm g-- Milk of : Magnesia 60c HI.1DS HONEY AND Matching Coty's ) Powder j sr. Viscolizcd 60c Pompeian Rouge 44 Glazo Liquqid ,'. .23 Coty's HELPER LODGE NO. 1639 Harvey Partridge, Dictator A. J. Carlson, Secretary Every Tuesday at 7:30 P. M. Knights of Pythias Hall the telephone, business would be creatlv handi- 60c rtfttaPerfume Motor Vehicle Inspector HELPER UTAH Without 2 fecona Notary Public Phone jr rwv.-irfa- pacaafc THORIT HATCH Ambulance Service 7 for PqI33c ff with n Rlue Blades Kolynos PRICE 49 la::ia Special Eyesight Specialist at the Gift Shop. Eyes Examined. Kipair Work. UTAH HELPER Ivuuii oiuiuu E'St Caldwell's, 60c 60c Murine 50c Phillips Helper Journal 160-- -- I TOILETRIES .... Mineral DR. N. E. KING 49 Maenesia-U-- 33c Pluto Water ....23 25c Hills Nose Drops 190 1.25 Hemroids $1 .09 60c California 290 25c N. R. Tablets... 17 19 25c Feenamint 1.25 S. S. S. Tonic . . 89 Amount In MMSIIIG Pint REMEDIES Russian STATEMENTS Any Kind of Commercial Printing, Large or Small, in Any Undertaker Helper Journal EXPERT KODAK 5 Grain 100s . . 3 for Stafford Building I j God Liver Oil Certified TnUr25c u o Milk of f-f- t Soft MENUS ENVELOPES CARDS S. We Design and Print all f Kinds of Business i ; j Stationery 6oc Condensed New Wonder on neatly printed forms. Prices Reasonable FORMS LETTERHEADS Phone NAMED DIRECTOR F. P. Fisher was elected a director of the Utah Truck Haulers' association at a meeting of that body in Salt Lake Friday. George A. Sims, Salt Lake and Sam F. Kiefer. Pricer were elected presi 2C AimafilHl - trn rtio.- 14 oz. Size LAWYER Commercial Printing Is an Aid to Jus-tin- Low Prices on Toiletries, Drugs & Sundry Needs! Yffi $1.00 City Attorney t y FRIDAY and SATURDAY Mall Ordera Filled Proraptlr Add 10 fur Portage. --I s, -- dent and managing director, re- The Journal ha one of the best DIED AT KENILWORTH The monthly meeting of the equipped job printing departments John Fuson Smith, 69, of Salt in the state. Prices reasonable. Carbon board of education will take place in Price on April 23 ac- Lake, passed away Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. Subscribe for The Journal cording to Clerk George Ockey. CASTLE GATE OFFICER CHARGES PRICE MAN Roy Wolcoxson, Price, will appear before Justice A. J. Lee at Price today to answer a charge of resisting an officer and obstructing an officer in the performance of his duties. Wilcoxson is accused of striking and resisting John Daskalakis, Castle Gate marshal, when the officer attempted to arrest him for disturbing the peace. The alleged offense was committed SOME COUNTRY!old When you Saturday. Defendant was arraignthis good country is ed Tuesday and placed under $1003 going to the demnition bonds. consider that the United States has The largest banks in the world. STATEMENT of the ownership, The largest steel works in the Management, Circulation, etc., of world. The Helper Journal, published The largest electric works in the Weekly at Helper, Utah, for world. April 1, 1934. The largest typewriter and addPublisher, George W. Baker. ing machine factories. Editor, managing editor and The largest meat packing plans business manager same. in the world. Owner, George W. Baker. The largest carpet and rug facKnown bondholders, mortgagees, tories in the world. and other security holders owning The largest picture show com- or holding 1 per cent or more of panies in the world. total amount of bonds, mortgages, The largest office furnishings or other securities are: Intertype factories in the world. Corporation, San Francisco; WestThe largest mail order business ern Newspaper Union, Salt Lake, in the world. Utah, and C. Watt Brandon, The largest fruit producing and Wyo. GEORGE W. BAKER, distributing systems in the world. The largest mining companies in Publisher the world. Sworn to and subscribed before The largest railroad companies me this 5th day of April, 1934. in the world. THORIT HATCH, Notary Public The largest telephone company (My com. expires Jan. 3, 1938) tTi se-- With today being the deadline on entries to the Utah State and Intermountain Music Tournament to be held in Price April 19, 20 and 21, more than 50 schools of Utah, Colorado and Nevada have entered. The contest is divided into four divisions to include various size high schools and junior high schools. It is estimated that more than 2800 students will be in the actual competition and that about 400 will constitute the crowd of students, including musicians and enthusiasts. The contest will be the largest of its kind ever held in the western states. The program will consist of band concerts, orchestra concerts, parades, mixed chorus, girls glee club, boys glee club, vocal quar tet, mixed vocal quarter, girls vo cal trio, instrumental ensembles, vocal solos, instrumental solos and girls vocal quartet. Paul Pessetto, Al Wahl, Henry Hall and L. R. Bills Journeyed to Salt Lake Sunday to take part in the state handicap bowling toura-mewhich was in progress all last week. Al Wahl brought 3rd place honors back to Helper. Wahl's individual score was 1293 with the first place honors going to Ed Stowell of Salt Lake whose total was 1331. Paul Pessetto was right in the running with a 1226 total. Much interest is being shown by bowlers throughout the state in the annual State Bowling Tournament which is to begin April 23 in Salt Lake. No definite report as to where the tourney is to be held have as yet been made. Herres. The association reaffirmed the mine prices for coal for April providing for reductions of 50 cents a ton for lump. businesses providing food, clothing, power, gasoline and other necessities and luxuries, mean higher prices, which are passed on to consumers. Exorbitant taxes mean fewer jobs, fewer opportunities, hard times less money to spend for the things that give employment, constant threat to recovery. bow-wow- Sheriff Bliss P. Pearce, of Kenilworth ALIENS FILE FOR CITZENSHIP stroke of paralysis. He had visiting in Kenilworth since v' last. The body was forwej County Clerk Carlyle Pace an- dayto ed Salt Lake for funeral i that nounced Monday citzenship ices and interment by the Fivta applications for eighteen Carbon Funeral Home. County residents will be heard in r District Court on Tuesday, April PLANTED FISH 24th. ' German brown trout to the nunl Among those filing from this ber of district are John Cortese, Helper; waters 30,000 were placed in of Huntington Canyon Mark Hovat, Spring Glen; Edward the first fish planting of the se? and Ahlin, Sherer, Rains; Joseph son for the Carbon-Emerdistrict Arno Max Liebelt, Kenilworth; fish were brought from th The Mable Forward Biggs, and LeoState Fish Hatchery in a state (k a pold Rudman, Scofield; Mrs. truck. i partment Waino Hiawatha; Bergant, Carminlo Hara, Spring Canyon; Muto Giovanni, Sunnyside; Allen Werrett, Consumers; Jovo Hinich, National; and Bernardo Poloni, Latuda. NUMEROUS Ready for the Music Tourney which he recounted the memories of his 65 years of life. Refreshments were served at the' close of the evening. I ! sS" 59c rich A delicious drink ia important vitamins. B Adds weight to (row- ing children ere. ates new energy! M mi & I j , $3 1 I I M jr. spa VfullCancanUnit Zipper Bag '.civ: 98c e Excellent for for carrying foe thing., overnight shop-pin- trip, etc. I9 V R a Ik rem Malted Milk I II Plnln or Chocolate. lb. t W t i Economy JrA 4Va ' lSmZm flX 50c Penway Boxed Stationery, 21 Sheets and Envelopes 0" |