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Show Helper, Carbon County, Utah, Friday, August 11, 1933. THE HELPER JOURNAL PAGE EIGHT True Values LP Buy tke Best For It Costs m Known Quality FOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS You Less Workmens Market -- STORES SfaKSuBy Watch handbills at Special Prices Post Toasties Fine Eating Peaches 2 ss7 3 for ... Two C'ushed Pineapple Blue Pine Vinegar Quart bottle -- Guaranteed Goods "wGE I Guaraturcd Goods ativcitittd in post's PKG. 9c 9c .... 13c Goods CERTO PER BOTTLE 27C I fife V-- TUNA FLAKES medium PER PKG. NEW CORN I I Guaranteed Good I Pound NEW SPUDS 10 Lbs CAN -- lie I lb Guaranteed Goods rtlscdut v, &v I MIRACLE WHIP DRESSING QTS. GARBAGE LB lb jar b. Almond-Hone- y Lotion mgf 2 59? full pint Hanson's California Orange Juice 2S 2 cans LaunWhite Crystal dry Soap, 10 bars White King Washing Powder Bordens Malted Milk, $1.00 Size, and Malted Milk Mixer, both for ... Psyllium Seed, Blonde z. 2W 29 49 cartons Modess or Kotex, HcguJar 25c pkg. .. YUk's Antiseptic size SiiDcr D Cod Liver 10-o- z. AUGUST 2 lbs. f!L JJM BARS or Lux toilet soap, 3 for American Mineral Oil Quarts Bathing full pint i. FANCY CJ 170 50c size 25$ . 5H (Complete with Blades) Lava Soap J& Jf 17? Candy Special Chocolates Helper Drug Company DRUG STORE HELPER . UTAH On Mail Orders Add W Per Cent for Transportation YOUR HOME-OWNE- D Right SLICED to POUND We Deliver suit DRESSES DRESSES In These There Are Washable HATS Sports, Your Choice of Any Afternoon Summer Hat in Stock Henry L. Smith of Helper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith, has been awarded a medal issued by the Salt Lake chapter of the Reserve Officers association for the trainee making the highest pistol score at the recent citizens military training camp held at Fort Douglas. This information is contained in special orders number 7, issued by Brigadier General Whit-wort- h. Crepes, Sweaters Asst. Combinations, and Evening Puff Sleeves a Wonderful Buv 79c $1.49 FIRST SHOWING OF NEW FALL Dresses and Millinery La France Dress Shop BUY AT HOME Mrs. Jack Vlgnetto and Jack Jr. were Tuesday morning visitors in Provo. City Councilman George Sprat-linwho has been making the D&RGW run out of Grand Junction for some time past, Is spending a few days at home in Helper this week. g, rs Z5S 8 A Cool Place I to enjoy a cooling drink Ice Cream and Popslckles AMERICAN CANDY HELPER COMPANY . . UTAH LARGE SIZE, EACH Potatoes GRADED 10 POUNDS.. AV5 YELLOW BANTAM Dz A0g. Bunch Vegtbles 2e BUNCH PICKLING ONIONS Bacon Pot Roasts STEER BEEF 8c SLICED 2 POUNDS.... Franks STEER BEEF FRESH POUND 2 Pork Chops LOIN 2 POUNDS.... ISf TWO POUNDS POUNDS ... Fryers MILK FED POUND 25g 17c Hens Veal Chops LOCAL YOl Til WINS AWARD IN MILITARY PISTOL SHOOT HERE ARE PRICES YOU'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN 0 Steaks NAL OFFICE. Sweaters, Blouses, Hats Cantaloupes PER &)0 POUND case, between the Willow Creek bridge. REWARD. Iquire JOUR- SUMMER DRESSES UTAH POUND LL S. Inspected Meats FOR Sale or Trade German Roller canary for pedigreed bulldog. Inquire JOURNAL OFFICE. Brown Martin and V1 f Higrade Boiled Ham WANT ADS Dresses packages (Chesterfields, Camels, Luckies, Old Golds) the &JV POUND LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Ll'NCH MEATS LOST 190 Ila.or AND Mrs. Audrey Moore of Greenville, Mich., arrived in Helper Tuesday morning to spend a week or ten days visiting at the home of her FOR Rent 4 rooms modern house. Inquire 615 Janet street, MRS. cousin, Mrs. Jack Vignetto. PLECAS. ...JUILLI Q(i 1T Kveready Gold Plated Cottage Cheese FAT HENS Phone 303 Groups Kegular $1.00 Farsten's Tooth Paste FRYERS Fruits Corn PINT Limit Quantities Joe Quilico of the Helper Furniture and Hardware company was a Tuesday business visitor in Salt Lake. He was accompanied on the trip by Julius Spigarelli. Cream-Talc-Stypti- 3 bars Oil, fl.00 size Life Buoy Soap Paper Napkins, pkg. of a e 3 bars 60, pastel shades, 3 for (Above Prices Do Not Include' Tax) 14c CIGARETTES, Package 2 y tfli 7f AJ j Alcohol Glycerine and Rose Water Kleenex Tissue Colgate or Pulmolive Men's Sets (Shave Bon Kora lO-o- uj Potato Salad 150 for 3y pound 39 We Reserve peciais UTH and 12TII Zee Toilet Tissue 6."0 sheets, 5 for . Cream Oil, White King, Jasmine, Almond Coco OWN MAKE Fresh Hamburger llvCHlW FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Roast Pork pail Lard, pkg 6 49C AKE. pkg Lamb Charmona Face Pow- der, 5flc regular Charmona Cold Cream Baked Ham Lard, For XQi EACH Picnic Hams 25c Tomatoes Springers ROASTED Bacon Squares lb Lard, only FOR SALADS QUARTS 23c Delicatessen Pork Steak, Lean 10c 65c Dressing PER CARTON 100 4tLi "V S:'10bt29e Matches Mutton Chops, lb 1 Lg. Pkg. Free with Coupon POUND l2Vi? 1UC Soap ALL BRANDS Bacon, Sliced, Cellophane wrap, lb PREMIUM SODAS OR HONEY MAID GRAHAMS Fresh killed 19S3 Iamb will be on sale Friday and Saturday. Vnmilv Sl7 For this warm weather what would be nicer than a nice vegetable and lamb stew, or a shoulder or leg of lamb Utah Products roast Stew 10c lb.; shoulder 13c lb.; leg 15c lb. Guaranteed Goods Beef, Pork, Cheese, Racon, Chickens, and every variety of Raked With luncheon meats that you might wish at very popular prices. Csrbon County Coal End TINS Par Coffee lb Bleats Wee 8? "15? Steak, Hound, Loin CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP Read the Advertisements Carefully Spinach LARGE pkgs Pork Roast, Picnic Cut, lb V2-L- Cantaloupes 25c CAN 1 Veal Roast lb lb size 2 45 Pineapple IN OCR MEAT MARKET Pot Roast lb Each PEPPERS jaj ap, X3v I GOOD Grade . Vegetables CUKES Doz .forf? It CRUSHED GALLON JLUfc g Pine, "is, 3 cans 15c Peas Pineapple 7? Blue Meat, TALL TINS.... s? roU Deviled 27c Macaroni, Spag., Noodles 2. 13c Majestic Toilet Paper 4 for . .21c 7c New WAX PAPER Roll 25c B. P. Small Sweet Pickles D. M. Crushed Pineapple Gal. .43c 10c D. M. SPINACH Tall 15c D. M. Early Garden PEAS -35c BISQUICK B. P. Whole SPICES 3 for . . . .23c 39c Lipton's Yellow Label Tea, . Guarartnrf 40-f- t. PINE 2 BOTTLES.. Salmon u Paper x Nu-Wa- Catsup BLUE PER CAN doz... Sealing Crown, BOTTLE ... PorkBeans ffgif' Mason Caps, Self- - - Per Can OIL SARDINES 2 for GRAPE FRUIT Lg. Cans HO. I Vanilla PKG It Corn Flakes, Kelloggs Large size Helper LARGE - Great Northern Beans pound LYE Shredded Wht Mission Bell Toilet Soap, 5 bars -' Cream's Rival PER Cuaiiinrccd Goodl ',' bon county coal exclusively FLAvrin Sm.3- 1 ill 12 Fancy Groceries 45? 17? Gal. can iMiW LG. PKG ...lis Thirty Years 100 per cent Utah Product We use Car- WE DO OUR PART tsi pkgs and 11 White Satin Powdered Sugar or Brown Sugar 4 White King Granulated Soap, Ige. pkg JELL--0 August Large Fancy Apricots food Guaranteed Goods j f vC Bargains S U.S. s 250 5 lbs. wake-u- p C Saturday 11 and 12 Beets, nice bottling Leave order now, bu. advertised in MEMBE FRIDAY and SATURDAY August r VS for our large this week. SPECIALS GALORE! again Friday and 15e FANCY FAT POUND Se UCCESS MARKET PRICE HELPER William Glickman, proprietor of TRANSIENT FATALLY Hl'RT BY TRAIN at PRICE YARDS the LaFrance dress shop was a Friday visitor in Provo on matters Monday Aug. 7 Harry Mobis, of business. 29, died in the Price hospital SunSay your read it in The Journal. day at 6:30 p. m. as a result of injuries suffered at 3 p. m., when he was run over by a frieght train in the Price railroad yards. Mobis and a companion, Edward Shack, were on their way from New York to Salt Lake and intended to "jump a ride" on a box car when Mobis slipped and fell under the wheels. Both legs were severed, the right arm was cut Glades Humpty Dumpty off and skull fractured. Chocolates box Surviving are a brother and sister in New York. The body is Ostlers Special Sum- at a Price mortuary pending fumer Package neral arrangements. Try Our Fountain Lunch BUY AT HOME Toasted Sandwiches, Tastrles and Home-Mad- e Pies Mr. and Mrs. T. Litizzette and Mrs. and Hazel of Price daughter SWEET Joseph Barboglio and daughter SHOP Helen of Helper are touring in California on their vacation. Delicious Mint Chews 10c Quart 4"? inu 4? r STRAND |