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Show THE age Four SEED LOANS GRANTED . o u Out of 138 application Local and General for seed loans by Carbon county farac79 mers. have been granted, cording to C). P. Madsen, county agricultural agent. The requeHts for loans total $15,000. and $99S4 have been granted. o o o D. B. Warren of Maple Creek, who has been critically 111 at Melrose hospital as a result of injuries received while working in the Maple Creek mine in reported aa much improved. SPECIALS EVERY DAY OF TEE WEEK, FROM MONDAY UNTIL SATURDAY. VISIT OUR STORE ONCE AND WE ARE QUITE SURE THAT FROM THEN ON YOU WILL BUY YOUR REGULAR SUPPLY OF GROCERIES HERE. HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR Specials for FRIDAY and SATURDAY 59c OATS 48c Crystal Wedding. Blue Pine Hod Flavored 2 cans MALT 69c . Turkey Hard Wheat OC FLOUR 48-l- b OJt .bag Fresh MILK 25c Regularly inspected 3 quarts LARD $3.98 50 lb. pail We cut the best inspected meats only. Any meat you desire cut to order. Cut from Choice Beef lb ROAST No bone, no waste, Lean Cuts PORK ROAST lb . Swmr Cured BACON Whole or half strip. Lean Salt lb 3C tI f C tables. Workman's Merc. Co. We Deliver Phone 303 "Drive Out and Save" V a WJlt LrJ the past week have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Matekovic in Spring Glen, returned to their home Tuesday afternoon accompanied by Caroline Matekovic. Mrs. Hurst is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matekovic. ' -- f Get our prices on Job printing. WiY ffflHERP LEAVE CLRSttAGGS STORES FOOD "A Surety of Purity" Helper. Utah 2 LOAVES BREAD 5c Today we start selling a new white bread in our stores. The price is most unusual and especially so in view of this bread's good eating qualities The loaf is slightly smaller than our 0. P. S. bread. It slices to a desirable size and will sell regu- larly at 2 loaves for 5c. The 0. P. S. bread in all per loaf, and is strictly a 10 cent quality and size loaf. .It is now of a more pleasing quality than ever Get before. bread in Whole Wheat 0. P. Rye, S. Raisin, or White bargains in the store and market. We will save you money and we guarantee every item. O.P.SKAGGS "A Surety of Purity" Helper. Utah Great Saving On Things You Really Need! " HOME... only 5 cents per loaf. Don't overlook our other YOU HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE The Big 9c Sale Continues Until Saturday Night. Don't Miss It! REED'S DlT 17 117 A V STORES i DA1NB0W fAFC ft LALj amblers CHURCH NOTICES at After serving aa chairman ot the Democratic National Committee since 19 29, Jouatt Shouse, above, has been recommended for the post ot permanent chairman of the organization. The recora- aieudatlon came at the recent convention ot Democratic leaders iu Chicago, at which Alben W. Bark ley, senator from Kentucky, was chosen keynoter for the Democratic convention In Jun. Sat, April 23rd home of Mrs. James McComb. varieties will sell at 5c '"It Come Join In The Fun! ters were over from Spanish Fork during the week end, guests at the Price Notre Dame deLourdes Rev. W. A, Ruel Rev. James Claffey, Aast. Mass - - 8.30 and 10:30 a m. o St. Barnabas Episcopal Helper Rev. H. J. Johnson, Pastor Jnion Sunday School, 11:30 a. m. Mrs. L. R. Metz, Supt. Morning Prayer - - 11 a. m. Wwi UTAH i Social Calendar attend, HELPER DAY POLITICAL NOTICE HELPER'S BEST o D. o solo by Saverio Delgrado. Address by Special Agent R. A. MacKenzie. Boxing ty two Helper boys, Kid O'Brien vs Kid Davis. The next regular meeting will be held in the Notre Dame ha!J in Price on May 3. at which dele gates will be elected to attend the which annual state convention will be held In Ogden the latter part of May. Local members anticipate a large class of candidates for initiation at that time in the second and third degrees. o Mor-gar- an UpsetsG.O.P.in! Tough Cicero &l ilJLJ. U 21-2- Welcome Let's Go! Helper Day June 8th J.C. PENN EYC0. - Helper 0 are delinquent upon the Utah ' HATS JUNE 8 IS 49c AND BIGGEST HELPER - Here' 's Our Birthday Surprise for Smart Women! 0 described stock on ae birthday party Sunday afternoon count of an assessment levied on at her home in Helper In honor of the 1st day of March. 1932, the her son Morris and Mrs. Bonacci s several amounts opposite the name of the respective stock are as fol daughter Lucy. A lovely birthday cake trimmed lows: in pink and white roses enhanced Pete Brune the dainty luncheon, which was p.porep Brockavlch 9.00 followed by the playing of games, Madalllno Barro 45.00 and 84.00 dancing singing. y g Burr Those enjoying the afternoon Richard Sacco 54.10 were Ramon and Kenneth Dtig-iS.38 P. Chino Howard q. w. Davis dale, Joseph 2.50 Bonacci, Morrison, LeRoy Colly, Mary and (;ust Durassas 155.60 Annie Crlstle, Marie Donna, 31.00 Dennis gan Riche, Clifford Devenish, Bud-- , gam Fazzlo 2.50 die. Edna and Helen Ketchum orjFir3t National Bank 40 2.40 Helper. Hueh Fullerton 4.20 Mrs. Frank Felelce 86.8$ Ross Fazzio 50 Huntsman 10.86 R. T. Haycock 19.60 T. V. Haycock 2a. K0 W. B. Haycock 6.40 Alma Haycock 190.90 Gust Gramacakes 1350 Vedo Guythers 9.00 Zero Guythers 3.00 Dave King 8.00 John Kosic 42.90 Martha McKendrick 21.78 Betsey McKendrick 18.30 John Mlnnittl 69.74 Ross Morasco 15.60 Julia Mollard 190 Martin Milliraeh 1.00 Tony M. Perry 122.90 Mary Piginellie S8.34 Dominic Perry 15.00 Mark Patrick 29.94 Silas Rowlev 47.32 'yW David Rowley 13.30 Charles Rugger! 163.74 Saicomanno Bros Ralph and Frank 90.98 Saccomanno 15.00 Santo Scalzo 137.50 Kate Smith 8.74 Bob Tonisic 11.50 Pasquala Tunno 2.50 Peter Viola 89.74 m Charles Via 27.34 M. Verdi 'or tea nrst time in lb year. J.Louis Zeleznlc 4.05 Cicero, 111., normy little uburb Milton Buttler 7:30 of Chicago, has Demoi ratio 1932. at D.iie of sale. May 2nd, "president "' He i Joseph O. two o'clock, Spring Glen school who Cerny. defeated hous and in accordance with the above, Jottpl, z Klenha. Republican, law and order of the board, so who bad beun In office. lnce 1917, of each parcel of many share and who ruled the town during stock may be sold to pay delinthe time Al Capoiie aiade it hi quent assewtment thereon together headauurtfra Polkr patroled with the cost or advertising and tli tretfts while the election wa expen.se of sale. carried u Ceruy won by (801 J. B. HAYCOCK. Secretary. 1932. April ; Kiawanians Say BUT o Democrats of Helper Precinct, Carbon County, Utah: There will be a meeting held at the City Hall iu Helper, Thursday evening, April 21, at 7:30 o'clock. for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention. which will be held at Price. Utah, April 23, 1932. At that time, delegates will be elected to represent Carbon Coun ty democrats at the state conven tion to be held in Salt Lake City. All democrats are urgently requested to attend this meeting. The St. Barnabas Signed: Episcopal WALTER C. GEASE, guild will meet Friday afternoon In the Utah Service association Precinct Chairman, Helper, Utah. o o o club rooms. SPRING GLEN CANAL BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR COMPANY LUCY BONACCI Mrs. M. H. McNary, assisted by There Mrs. T. Bonacci, entertained at a following Prizes Donated by the Helper Metchants By attending this dance many will win more than the price of addmission "T9 EVERY DAY IS Frank Drury spent the end in Salt Lake City where she attended a dinner which was held by the Democratic club in the Newhouse hotel. Violin 2 St. Anthony Church Helper Rev. W. A. Ruel Rev. James Claffey, Asst. 9: SO a. m. Mass Sunday School - - 10:80 a. m. Mrs. A. Harriger. Lav Helper Ward a. m Sunday School A. L. Nlelson, Supt. 7:30 p. m. Evening Services Bishop Byron Carter Primary Mondays - - 4:00 p. m. 2:00 p. ni. Relief Society Tuea. Genealogical Society Fridays 7:80 p. m. vek o ni. m. m. m. Latter Day Saints Church The Young Laities Sodality ot Helper will hold its regular business meeting Thursday evening at the home of Andretta DeVietti. o. Ray n W0MENS DEMOCRATIC CLUB WILL MEET MONDAY The Womens Democratic club ot Carbon county will meet Monday afternoon, April 25, at t o'clock, in the Legion hall at Price. Five hundred and bridge will follow the study of government work which is under the super vision of Mrs R. C. Gibson, with prizes being awarded to each group after which a dainty luncheon will complete the meeting. The public is cordially invited to KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ENTERTAIN AT PRICE The members of the local Knifiht.! of Columbus entertained at a social meeting Sunday at 3 p. m. in Notre Dame hall at Price, in honor of superior officers District Deputy John C. Dwyer of Salt Lake City; State Deputy Ray of Osdeu, D. HarriKer Special Agent H. A. MacKenzie of San Francisco. KoUowing the program refresh merits were served to one of the largest attendances ever had. The program; Toastmaster, Rev. Father W. A. Ruel, Address of welcome by Grand Knight of local K. of C. Victor Litizzette. Guitar solo by Vince Fernandes. Address by District Deputy John C. Dwyer. Accordion solo by Dionicio Address by State Deputy PHONE , o Cornmunitj Church Price Rev. J. H. MacRill, Pastor Sunday school - - - 10 a. Morning worship - - 11 a. Epworth League - - 8:30 p. 7:S0 p. Evening warship HELPER HELPER Frank. Hughes anil family, and summer months. Venturelle Artenlo and bis nephews, Tony and Kmllo Orl of Helper left early Tuesday morning for a sojourn in the state of Washington. They expect to be gone during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hurst and son of Salt Lake City, who for ' Mrs. Ike Swenson and two daugh- Mr. and Mrs. George St. John returned to their home In Helper Bingham Canyon spent the week end visiting at the home of Mr. jand Mrs. John B. Laborol In Helper, returning to their home Sunday. Rainbow Gardens o John Sompi of Statulardville, was seriously injured in the Standard vl lie mine. Is Improving the Melrose hospital. Robert Houston of the Style shop spent the week end in Salt Lake visiting with her son Jack and attending to business matters. MartelUa Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ilorsley are the proud parents of a fine baby boy born at their home in Price; Mother early Sunday morjiing. Mr. and babe are doing nicely. and Mrs. Horsley are former Hel- per residents. ; DANCE returned to her home In Helper Thursday last af- ler having spent the better part of the past year in San Francisco, Ane who Mrs. Birthday Prize n Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mutz are the parents of a baby girl born ThursMother and babe day morning. are getting along very nicely. Monday evening from a months visit with their son Kenneth in Grand Junction. KIWANIS 3rd ANNUAL Mr. and Mrs. Sara Stallion and sou Kred left Tuesday morning for Salt Lake City where Mr. Scal-liowill receive medical treatment in St. Marks hospital. )i "y HELPER, X Mrs. Kenneth Russell of Nine Mile underwent a tonsilar operation in the Melrose hospital Monday. She Is getting along nicely. a full line of groceries, meats and fresh vege- SALE " N. Mrs. Pete Milauo returned to her home In Helper Monday evening after having spent the winter in California. We carry ( OUlTH THE TSKE CHANCES r GAMS' WARPcN - Kathryn Dart and Mrs J. B. Kenler left Thursday morning for Salt Lake, expecting to return Sunday. Fancy Fat Hens and Fivers i I'LL lNWittY T GO ILTjAJ Mrs. Frank Plastlno ond Mrs Woodward of Spring Canyon were business callers in Helper on Wed nesday of this week. 10c BACON Ulf) Miss Ohriatal Litster of Helper spent the week end with her mm her in Cleveland. 15c PORK T GUE99 urDP QJT SP (Jeno Ori of Helper left the latter part of lant week for Colorado where he will remain during the 8c Leg of (9 WET UJlTB THOE VMA9 ROOM, Ruby Bean spent the week end in Salt Lake City. 10c Seen Permanent Dem Chairman MUTTON lb . ' fW lbv Lee of Fancy lb. pj ir Prime Rib Rolled 'jfi, THE DINING BOOM yftONlQH, AND US o 0 450 and $500 worth Between was taken from of merchandise the Amelio Fabrizo grocery store on the Spring Canyon road some time Wednesday night, according to Marshal C. A. Knobba. Detils are lackln as we go to pirns. fV.A'2 "WAXIM'THE KlTCHEN PLOOft, THE WOODWORK STORE ROBBED LOCAL THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Mi s.i Mrs. James Bietti, John Bietti, Miss Evelyn Bietti, Misa Lena jSi'iissel and Mrs. Joseph Scussel of MEAT DEPARTMENT POT ROAST JOURNAL .Mr. and Mrs. D. I.ambtion of Helper were Salt Lake viaitora the latter part of last week. Workman's POTATOES 100 lb. bag o o Thomas Bonacci a a business taller in Los Angeles lunt week. HELPER & 98i DAY I Latest Fashion! Best Straws and Colon! Professional ftHmillHHWUtMmillnUNNItHllttll1ltMHII More Anniversary "SUPER VALUES" Directory WALTER GEASE C. Attorney at Law Court House, Price, Utah Phone Phone Helper DR. C. L Price 392 J KLINE physician and Surgeon Office Hra: SOS West First South One block west of Helper Hotel Phone: Office 250 : Utah Helper DR. M. C. MELROSE Physician and Surgeoa New A. J. Stafford Building Residence 131 Office Phone 22 Hra. 11-- 5 and 8 Helper DR. WM. T. ELLIOTT Physician & Surgeon Office In Heary Hall Building Res. 132 Phones: Office. 99-HELPER. UTAH DR. F. H. LOW Physician and Surgeon AVAI.ON HOTEL Phone 185 Helper 11-- 1 - 5 .Office Hours: 8 J. Z. FLYNN Undertaker and Licensed Eruba liner UTAH PRICE Phone 29 Ambulance Service ONWARD LODGE No. 15 Meets Every Thursday Evening K. of P. HALL J. A. Gill. C. of C. F. C. Bertollno, M. F. W. H. Brown, K. R. and 3 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Helper Lodge No, 1659 Every Tuesday Night, 7:30 P. KaighU of Pythias Hall Special showing of Ladies Hats beginning next Monday. Hats will be on display in our window Sunday. Look them over. All shapes, colors and styles. Visit our store, select the hat you like. Exceptional Values! Entrancing F HOCKS for Strett Wear tor Afternoon g rayoa and cotton crepe pique ahantunp bet doth and utw owelty corded fabric I SIZES for UISSSS and WOMEN! Rich-lookin- M. Maw PRINTS1 Solid odors with prints I Sotrfe! Cpltl Tri-ookw- st Harris Simonsen Notary Public HELPER, UTAH Helper Day June 8th |