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Show Thursday, March 31, 1832 THE DoYouKnow? HELPER trl-col- CARBON COUNTY TO GET SHARE OF FEDERAL WHEAT General Motors car ilaleis over entire country will hold special dlspktys April 9 inclusive as pi.rt of tlie corporation's iiaiion-iv- i le meiolinndixing project "W'oik to fur Many Hands" designed and iucrea-istimulate business employment. The special dealer showings coincide with national exhibits of all General Motors ears and other clliett. products in 55 selected These simultaneous gigantic di.v plays constitute what is believs lo be the largest merchandUiji,; ;mleavor of Its character ever attempted by an Industrial corporaBoth at dealer showrooms tion. and at the 55 national exhibits, particular attention will be pani to newest car models in jpiiii;; color combinations. All showrooms will be decorated for the occasion. At each of the larger cities of the country, commanding wide tru.ling aiem. selected tor this mr.!:iiuoth simultaneous dlHplay ct it products, General Motors will exhibit ; more than 150 differ cut model automobiles, scaling t lit .'iitire prices range: electric refrigeration products! motor car accessories; and household appliances, such as vacuum cleauers, electric fans and farm water and lighting systems. This action by General Motors hug a major economic significance, according to those who have analyzed Its extensive merchandising It is believed that s program. move of this magnitude, by one of the strougeBt industrial corporations of the country, evidenced faith lu business and should have widespread effect on industry and Any stimulation of employment. business of General Motors Coriti to have a benecertain poration ficial effect on general business for the reason that General Motors produced in 1931 about 43 per cent of all the automobiles manufactured in the United States. General Motors has chosen for the slogan in these exhibitions "Work for Many Hands" to symbolize the belief that a stimulation of business at this time would materially reduce unemployment. I it-- EVERYONE U familiar with of th lawyer who told the court that there were aine reasons why he cooldnt produce his client, the Irst at them being that his client was dead and the judge's famous reply 'Well, you needn't bother about the other eight reasons." It's something Ilk that with tomatoes. There are all of nine reasons why tomatoes should appear upon the menu of every household three or four times a week the first of them being that they are so good. Three of the best possible arguments for serving tomatoes are represented by the recipes at the end of this little article. Just bake the first, stew the second, and freeze the third, and you won't need to have any discussions with your family about ths nutritive rain ef this (rait for the temate, by the wnjr, i a trait. Like most true fruits, it is low in tats and proteins and therefor very easily digested. Its carbohydrate content la the greatest ef all the fundamental food components, and consists principally of the sugars glucose, fructose and sucrose. The pleasantly sour taste of the tomato Is due to a curious blending of these sugars with the organic acids present in the fruit. Tomatoes tend to increase body alkalinity and offset ia part the acidifying effect of meat, fish. ut 2-- ONWARD LODGE No. 15 Meets Every Thursday Evening K. of P. HALL J. A. Olll. O. of C. F. C. Bertolino, M. F. W. H. Brown, K. R. and S. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE No. 1859 Every TOesday Night, 7:30 P. Knights ef Pythlaa Hall Helper Lodge M. vine-ripen- three-quarte- rs one-ha- one-thir- d three-quarter- Notary Public HELPER, UTAH smoke and at the same time develop a great oil and gasoline industry here by the treatment of Utah coals, was disclosed by L. V. Karrlcli, consulting engineer, in an address before the Engineering Council of Utah Monday noon at the Salt Lake chamber of commerce. L'tah has (href great udeveloped resources in its vast soft coil deposits, namely: Oil and ganoline, liU;li quality gas, 'and smokeless solid fuel, the speaker said. In fact, he added. Utah has the largest deposit of hydro-carbocapa- The theme will be symbolized by two liue hands that will flank the entrances of the various exhibition halls. The Magnitude of General Motors operations will be shown pictorially on these hands. All the j Facts Want Ads About WIDOW WOMAN needs work; any kind of housework or office cleaning; by the day, or aa deMRS. PEARL DAVIES, sired. Phone 89. WAITED store or housework. POSITION the Office, Phone KURETICII. store. ! DONNA Rolapp CAPITAL WE HELP YOU RAISE IT. INCORPORATE COMPANIES, ARRANGE STOCK, OR BOND ISSUES, ORGANIZE, ANY SMALL, LARGE OR OBTAIN NEW BUSINESS "BLUE SKY" PERMITS IN ANY STATE. WRITE FULLY. THE BOND HOUSE OP ILLINOIS. 210 E. OHIO STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. M. NEW FORD PLAY HORSESHOES Tiie horseshoe players will challenge any othor town or camp In the county. Write to A. H. WHITE at Standardville tn24-3- 1 if you want a game. WILL SELL $1400 equity in for sale Sprlngville home cheap. Address BOX A, Help4 er Journal. Stand-ardvll- le V-- 8 m31-s7-1- FOR STUDENTS ADDITION TO CEMETERY N0W PIPED FOE WATER The new addition to Mountain now is being made very attractive with improvement work being done. Streets are beganisation of the Penr.py corporalaid out, the ground Is being tion Is the fact that most mana ing and leveled off for the plowed gers are stockholders in the com- planting of trees and shrubs, and and the ownership of the water has been piped to convenipany company is largely in the hands ent spots. of the active workers. This is a result of the original and are insisting on obtaining policy which made partners of the them. associates as they became mana"Half of the hoarding of the pant has not been hoarding, gers. Commenting on plans for the it has been the exercise of the decelebration of the 30th anniver- fense of one's own pocketbook. "Women are buying carefully sary, Mr. Street said, "In the past it has been the custom for the and with a great deal of thought, company to celebrate an anniver- but our own experience has shown sary by having some special items that they do buy when the real k values show up over the which offered, what we called 'anniversary values,' but this year we counters. "The anniversary work will will have not only an anniversary opening of the store special for each day in April, but start at the we will also have a wide list of on April 1 and continue until special items covering every de- April 30." partment in the store. "Many of these values will feature prices which have not been obtainable since 1912. They come as the result of many months devoted to planning for this anniversary. "In general, retail prices are BILLIARDS down at least 22 per cent below CARDS what they were last year at this SOFT DRINKS same time. But the values to be shown in the April anniversary Meet vour friends here for events will represent even greater a social hour decreases in price than those which have come about as a result ANQEL0 PASCUZZI. of normal price changes. Proprietor "It Is doubtful whether many people will be able to recall retail prices as low as those which will mark some of the most general used items of merchandise which we will have on our counters. "Trade stimulation must come from a recognition on the part ot and the retail merchant, that people BILLIARD PARLOR know what values can be obtained All Kinds of Cigars, Cigarettes Tobaccos, Candy and Soft Drinks The Best Billiards in the County Utah Phone 8 Helper View; cemetery Briggs Studio-Sma- rt & Supply Company Building Service UTAH Paints and Kalsomine Best grade Kalsomine Brushes for rent with sale of kalsomine. Phone72 1 1 Bunnel Motor Co. 1 VIf Mi Firestone builds a real tire a tire designed to meet your motoring requirements, constructed to give you a maximum mileage, marketed to meet your price requirements, and backed by a guarantee which really means something. You can do no better than to equip your car with FIRETIRES that is why we suggest you see STONE us about your next tires, Battery charging and repairing We are experts on trouAutomotive Electragists. ble shooting A COMPLETE SERVICE FOR THE MOTORIST SPECIAL BARGAIN HELPER JOURNAL 1 YEAR BRYNER'S SERVICE AND YOUR CHOICE OF OF THESE 3 ALL FOR ONLY Mark the 3 publications you wish thus (X) M. 0. PORTER, Mgr. 1 1 American Home Farm Mechanics Woman's World Poultry Tribune American Boy Parent's Magazine Breeder's Gazette Boy's Life ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Hunting & Fishing ) Needlecraft ) Etude Music Magazine nd Service Welding, ) Pictorial Review ) Delineator Magazine ) Country Home ) Pathfinder (52 issues) ) Woman's Home Companion ) Christian Herald ) Better Homes & Gardens ) McCall's Magazine ') Helper, Utah Phone 342 Storage We make KEYS Notary Public for any year' year .3 year 1 year 1 year 6 months 1 year 1 1 1 1 1 year year year year year 6 months 6 months 1 year ...6 months 1 2 year years 6 months SEND IN YOUR 0SDER TODAY Radiator and Fender Repairing Car Washing and Greasing Automobile General Repair Work Inspector A5Y $2.60 PUBLICATIONS C0LT0N MOTOR CO. THE HELPER JOURNAL, Helper, Utah. Enclosed find $2.60 for which send me ths HELPER JOURNAL, 1 year, and ths 2 mngaaines marked abore with n X. NAME POSTOFFICE Phone 36 211 South Main St. MONEY ammtBsmmmM GUM-DIPPE- BANK CIGAR STORE Oas, Oil and Auto Accessories I BERT BUNNEL, Manager AVE LiiUK ii TIRES this great want in an automobile. ll liiillllilllllllllllllllllliliii Chevrolet Sales Acme Quality Shop HELPER Stop in for complete details of new car that gives you everything you can Mr. Ray Briggs of the Briggs Studio is back at the same location in the Smart Shop and will be pleased to have all his old customers call for duplicate orders. All work can be obtained at half price. Special reduced rates to school students of the Carbon county schools. bed-roc- Helper Billiard Parlor 1 ml PHOTO RATES Central Commission Call or ) profitable and at the same time would not increase the fuel bills of Utah residents. Karrick bases his contention that proper processing of coal is the only way of eliminating the smoke nuisance on the following grounds: That of the 30,000 homes in Salt Lake City only 7000 are now heated by etokers and natural gas. and though this number will undoubtedly be greatly increased, there are 12,000 homes containing small cook stoves and heating stoves that will continue to burn raw coal until a smokeless solid fuel is provided just as cheaply. ni!i!lli!llillil!!lllil!i!l!!llillll!l e Motor Vehicle Harris Simonsen Price Sun ble of yielding quality petroleum oil and good smokeles fuel In the world. "Treating of Utah coals is the only certain way completely to eliminate the smoke nuisance, a problem that is a challenge to the engineers of the state and the facts of which it behooves yon as engineers to give the public," Kur, rick told the group. The treatment of Utah coals, he continued, would supply all Utah's need for solid and gaseous smokeless fuel and much of the need for gasoline and motor oil. The industry would be highly s!i--- Local Penney Co. Store Observes Birthday 9-- E. FLYNN Undertaker and Licensed Embatmer PRICE - - UTAH Phone 29 Ambulance Service fants without digestive upset Recent experiments also tend to show that tomatoes and lettuce are very heln'ul in the cure of certain forms of anemia. So, If you wish your family to be well, rosy and smugly conregetable which Is superior In tented with home fare, give them this respect to canned tomatoes. such appetizing dishes aa the We say canned tomatoes befollowing several times a 'week. cause It has been shown by most Now For the Recipes careful tests that the tomato such as canned tomatoes Scalloped Tomatoet and Pecant: are prepared from. Is superior to Season one No. 2 can oi tomatoes the green fruit or to tomatoes with teaspoon salt, ripened oft the Tine. Toe toma- one teaspoon sugar, and five toes purchased in the market of pepper. Have ready often have been picked while still grains cup finely chopped pecans green aad ripened while en route and cup grates, cheese. to the purchaser, while canned Put Into a buttered oakint. slab tomatoes are prepared from the of tomatoes, raw product when It contains the alternateandlayers cheese. Cover top pecans maximum amount of ritamins. In wtth s cup of butthe canning process there Is only tered crumbs and bake in hoi a llirht loss of vitamins B &nd C 400' even twenty-fiv- e minutes. and noon .t aJl of vita in In A Aa t : Stewed Tomatoet and there is plenty of water In tomaDrain one car of toes, ae additional water is required for canning, so the canned mushrooms, and saute gently n fruit comes right Into the kitchen oae tablespoon butter tor three delicious, naturally ripened, wtth minutes. Add one No. 2 can tovita- matoes, salt paprika, one bar leaf its full quota of health-givinand one onion, and sun mins. The new generation is acquir- gently for ten minutes. Remove or rather bay leaf and onion and serve with ing the tomato-eatin- g a diamond of toast on top. we should say the tomato-juicRemove drinking habit at a very early Frappet Tomatoet: can tomaage, for doctors are now recom- paper from on mending tomato juice as a sub- toes and immerse in a mixture of stitute for orange juice, the usual Ice and salt tor four hours. Revitamin C carrier for infants. Ia move top from can and slide out fact one authority states that frozen mold. Slice thin, and lay twice as much tomato jnice as on bed of shredded lettuce. Serve orange juice may be taken by in with meat course. Serves six. J. C. Professional J. and cheese, and should therefore be served with them. It Is, however, as a vitamin carrier that tomatoes are most valuable. When the content of vitamins A, B and C la taken into account, there Is no other common fruit or fowl, ears Mush-rooms- The Reason Why Carbon county will receive a' day supply of flour from the i government, according toara. Alice juaxweu l ri im, nilntetrator of the Carbon connty relief work. The flour will be April 14 marks the thirtieth an niversary of the founding of the shipped immediately. J. C. Penney company and the entire month will be devoted to the celebrating of this landmark In the growth of the organization, according to M. P. Street, manager HIIHUnttmtmtUHIIilHMtHHmilrtHHIWHIII of the store in this city. The local store is number 35 in the 1460 units which now make up the company and was opened in 1912, 10 years after the mothei store was opened by Mr. Penney in the mining town of Kemmerer, Wyoming. WAITER C. GEA8E M. P. Street came to this city Attorney at Law in October, 1919, and served hie Court Hous4, Price, Utah apprenticeship in the company in Helper. This is in line with the Phone Price 392 policy of the organization that all 3 store Phone Helper managers must come up thru the organization, learning every detail of the business before they DR. C. L KLINE are admitted to managerial opporPhysician and Surgeon tunities. Office Hrs: Following the established policy of the company that managers 90S West First South One block west of Helper Hotel should identify themselves with local organizations and take an Phone: Office 250 active part in community affairs, Helper: Utah M. P. Street is a member of cham ber of commerce and Kiwanis club. C. MELROSE M. P. Street states that, not only DR. M. do the Individual stores maintain physician and Surgeoa memberships in civic organizaNew A. J. Stafford Building Residence 131 tions, but the executives of the Office Phone 22 J. C. Penney company are active Helper lira. 11-- 6 and 8 in community endeavors. During the past two years. J. C. Penney, founder of the company BR. WK T. ELLIOTT and chairman of the board of diPhysician ft Surgeon rectors, and Earl C. Sams, presiOffice In Henry Hall Building dent, have appeared before civic 99-132 Res. PtMinea: Office, and business organizations all over the country In behalf of better HELPER, UTAH business and Improved understanding between business men thru-oDR. F, H, LOW the country, A significant feature of the or Physician and Surgeon AVALON HOTEL Helper Phone 136 CWtcs Hours: 11-- 1 - 6 - 8 u- ( UTAH A new plan to rid Utah skies of tb-- man. one-thir- d NEW PROCESS MAY EL USD FOR COAL o Benefit Workers that Statistics furnished by the medical department at the United States naval training station, San Dleiro, Indicate that the commissary department has had no lapse In its feeding ability. Company during their period of training gained a total of 667 pounds, or an average of 5.72 pounds per That last month 24 nary seaplanes made a 3000 mile flight from Coco Solo, Canal Zone, to San Diego without damage or Injury. The planes were refueled by a tender on the long trip. Only one mishap marred the great expedition one plane made a forced landing because of fuel shortage. There were no casualties. On January 1 the number of aircraft licensed and unlicensed in the United States and Its possessions was 10,780. Of the 17,739 pilots licensed, 68S1 were in the transport grade, 1S8( limited commercial, 4 Industrial and 9226 in private. The licensed pilots Included 532 women. The navy department favors selling the Los Angeles and using the proceeds to improve the new Macon. The use of the Los Angeles for military purposes 1b for bidden by the treaty under which she was obtained The fleet concentration and exercises will be held at Panama between February 19 and March 25, 1932. During the period March 1 to 18, the fleet will be divided for wee to Panama ends; to Perlas and the remainder Honda or ports Bahia Islands, other than Panama The Stars and Stripes is the oldest flag among the great na tions of the world. The British Union Jack dates from the year of France from 1801. the 1791, the German flag of red, white and black from 1S67 and the from the flag of Austria-Hungar- y formation of the dual monarchy in 1867. Several of the smaller nations have flags older than ours. That of Denmark was adopted in 1219, that of the Netherlands In 1643, that of San Marino in 1631, and that of Andovla In 805. This latter is probably the oldest flag in the world, but Andovla is not strictly independent. Indecent or obscene tattooing is a cause for rejection for enlistment in the navy but the applicant Is given an opportunity to alter the design in which event he may if otherwise qualified, be accepted. Page Three General Motors Co. Plans a Campaign TOMATO NUTRITION The following "Nautical Novel ties" are furnished The Journal by the United States navy recruiting station Salt Lake City, J. M. IwK Lieutenant Commander. Are you Informed of the fact JOURNAL Helper, Utah R F. D STATE |