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Show 4 THE .HELP. EE Page Six Social Calendar Edna Holly Robinson Died Wednesday Eve PHONE 21 A shadow was cast upon the home of Herbert and Lou Thomas Robinson in Helper Wednesday evening when their daughter, Edna Holly, 19, passed away. The end came following a three day siege of Influenza which developed into pneumonia. tion play. Deceased, who is preceded In Mrs. Eugene Gibson will be was born In hostess to the club when It meeia death by two sisters, Utah, July 26, 1912. at her home Wednesday, Febru- Springville. She was educated in the schools ary 10. of Salt City, Price and Helper. Hendersons Entertain She is survived by her parents, At Hillcrest a sister, Beth, and a brother. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Henderson as well as a large circle of friends entertained Informally at dinner who will mourn her passing. in their Hillcrest apartment SunFuneral aervices will be held day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Dick under the auspices of the Latter Menary, Miss Ethel Lange and Day Saints in Provo Saturday aftMiss Ella Ward. ernoon, with interment in City Mrs. J. T. Kelley will entertain cemetery at Salt Lake City, where the Down Town club at her home Mrs. L. P. Pearce is entertain- she will rest in the family plot. In Price Saturday afternoon. toIn Kenilworth home n o n ing at her day, giving a bridge luncheon for Mrs. Kellly Entertains a number of friends. Helper Bridge Club One of the entertaining affairs Episcopal Guild to o o of the week was that of Wednes- Hold Kensington when the afternoon Held for Castle Services will of St. Helper Barnabas The Funeial day guild bridge club met with Mrs. J. T. hold a kensington Friday afterMother Gate Kelly as hostess in her home at noon in Utah service association Price. club rooms for the purpose of getBv . B. 0. luncheon was ting acquainted. A dainty 1:30 Ladles attendFuneral services were held in served in the spirit of Valentine's ing are asked to bring their sewthe ward meeting house under the: day, with red tapers and bowls of ing. direction of the ward bishopric for red sweet peas centering the table, The Friday bridge club meets Olivetta Howard Griffiths, who and clever valentines as favors. tomorrow aftemon with Mrs. O. departed this life at the home of Members present were her daughter, Mrs. Olive Pearnall Reagan Ratliff, W. T. Elli- - K. Clay at Price. at Grantsvilie, Utah, on January 19, 1932, following a lingering illness of several months duration. is now Mrs. Griffiths was born Febru16, 1883, at Bamfurlong, Engary Has Been land. She leaves a husband and 12 children who mourn her unAll were present Coach Cliff E. Memmott has timely death. Since having disposed of the Safuneral. her at Journal The the following given voy hotel in Price, L. R. Bills, proHer children are Mrs. Elizabeth basketball schedule which shows prietor of the Troy laundry in the date and place of play for the Mary Gordon of Duchesne, Utah; Helper, now is giving his entire various teams during the balance Mrs Olivetta Peasnall of Grantsvilie, Utah; Mrs. Sarah Jane of the season: time to the local business. of Murray, Utah; David Mr. Bills advises he recently has Jan. 22 Helper vs Sunnyside, at Smith Hamlet, Honora, Sunnyside; Hiawatha vs Hard- John, Alice, installed three new metal washRichard-DowRobert Pershing, ing, at Price. ing machines with brass cylinders, Jan. 29 Helper vs Hiawatha, at Constance, Viola and Alvin Howard, all of Caatle Gate. water heater, and steam engine. Helper. Mrs. Griffiths was a staunch Thru the Installation of other ad- Jan. 30 Sunnyside ve Harding, at member of the Latter Day Saint ditional equipment, he also has inPrice. creased the supply of soft water Feb. 5 Harding vs Helper, at church. She was an active workup until and advisee that all clothing now Helper; Hiawatha vs Sunny- er in the relief society Her servthe time of her illness. Is laundered in soft water. side, at Sunnyside, Mrs. Bills and the children will Feb. 12 Sunnyside vs Hiawatha, ices have been deeply appreciated by the people of our community at Hiawatha. remain at their present home tin-t- il the close of school, when they Feb. 13 Helper vs Harding, at for she played an important part in furthering the gospel of peace. will move to Helper to make their Price, Her loss will be very widely Feb. 19 Helper vs Hiawatha, at future home. vs Sunny- felt. She was kind, tender, symHiawatha; Harding First-clas- s job printing at reaspathetic, so quiet and unassumside, at Sunnyside. onable prices. Feb. 26 Sunnyside vs Helper, at ing that one had to know her well Helper; Hiawatha vs Harding, to realize the depth of her great soul. She lived a useful life, and ftt Price the memory of her fine personSTANDING OF TEAMS W L ality will ever linger in our lives. 1 0 The invocation was offered by Helper 1 0 W. P. Olson, and the benediction Hiawatha 1 by Fay E. Thacker, counselors in 0 Sunnyside 1 the bishopric. 0 Ladies Half Harding O. I. Thomas rendered a solo LAST WEEKS RESULTS Soles "Going Home." Mrs. Bessie Snow, Helper 22, Sunnyside 14. Mens Half Hiawatha 9, Harding 3. president of the Castle Gote rej lief society, paid worthy tribute THIS WEEKS SCHEDULE Soles. to the life of our departed sister Hiawatha at Helper. and ladies Sunnyside at Harding. Patriarch Ernest H. Horsley Heels was the first speaker. Mrs. Edith TONAEIJKEDA DIES Mens Eubber Olson rendered a solo, "Wonder1 Death came to one of the mem- ful Mother." Closing remarks by Heels bers of the Japanese colony of this Bishop W. B. Stapley. Both speakdistrict Sunday night when Tonari ers HATS Cleaned and paid worthy tribute to the Ikeda, 47, a Kenilworth miner, memory of Mrs. Griffiths. Blocked 75c He had passed away In Helper. the peace and comfort be May been suffering with a bad cold for loved ones, and may they her with two weeks, pneumonia developing. emulate her splendid example. Deceased had been a resident of Utah for 26 years, but at KenilMr. L. E. Durrant, Mr. and Mrs. g worth only about 40 days. He R. L. Durrant, Mark Durrant, Mr. leavesig wife in Japan. Burial and Mrs, John C. Parry, Mr. and was made at the Price cemetery. Mrs. Robert Olson returned home Sunday night from Spanish Fork, Jiaving spent the day with their mother, Mrs. J. E. Durrant, who was very ill. The public is cordially invited to attend a beautiful pageant at the ward church Sunday. January 31, at 6:30 p. m.'Outlined by Mr.s. R. B. Olson on genealogy, undtir the direction of th8 ward committee. Everybody is welcome and there is no charge. Mrs. Evans of Salt Lake has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. August Jones, for the past few weeks, and has been very ill. Her many friends will be pleased to know that she is imPAY-DA- Y proving. o o o Dinner Club Meets at Ferguson Home Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Ferguson were hosts Wednesday evening to the Dinner club at their home in Price. Those who enjoyed the evening were Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Fahring. and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walim oi' k Helper; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. of Standardville; Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Clay, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Eldridge, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggeri, L. R. Fullmer and Mrs. Jessie F. Sanford, all or Price. High scores for the evening bridge play were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick. ott, J. B. Kesslar, August Litiie-zett- e. F. Wible, Eugene Gibson, Clyde Miller, F. H. Low, M. C. Melrose, C. R. Fahring and C. C. Wallm. Mrs. Walim won the honor prize, while Mrs. Fahriug received the point award in the auc- Kirk-patric- lke Castle Gate News Mes-dain- Basketball Schedule Troy Laundry Arranged Making Improvements d, SPECIAL ...... 85c $1.35 30c 45c HELPER SHOE STORE Meat and Grocery Company SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Jan. BUTTER per lb. 29-3- 0 Km SODA CRACKERS Kaddles BROOMS Good Each Quality lb. Each LARD, Pure pails Many Rabbits Shot Hunt in Inter-Cit- y . . ? ? GdL. 29c . 8 MATCHES ifTZT7I?T? VV-Ji. jLJL L Wi-co- kfSffif Your favorite rand per lb. . ? . CHOICE MEAT SPECIALS POT ROASTS i'hoice er lb. o Fancy Hen$ and Roasting Chichens . , . ff, o Carbon County Coal to Be Exchanged for Idaho Spuds RELIEF COUNTY WORK' PART OF RELIEF COMMITTEE WORKER TO SPEND THREE DAYS EACH WEEK IN HELPERCHAIRMAN W. W. CHRISTENSEN PREPARES QUES- W. W. Ciistensen, chairman of the finance committee of the Carbon county relief fund, was a Helper visitor this morning and advises The Journal that Miss All ce Maxwell, who is administering the relief fund will spend three d ays in Helper each week o inves-ordefor relief. tigate appeals for relief and iaaue have been Mr. Chribtensen further statts that arrangements made to exchange coal into Idaho for potatoes, each section Having the city councils of Helper and an overabundance of each. Price have appropriated funds On Page 4 of this issue will be from their respective budgets to found a story on the new relief pay the deficit created by the reorganization. lief organization during December and January. This deficit amountQUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Herewith will be found a list of ed to approximately $1500. The organization began questions and answers pertaining present relief to the fund, which have ben pre- operation on January 25 with a clean slate. pared by Mr. Christensen: How much of the money Q. (This Is the first of a aeries of collected will be paid In salaries questions and answers concerning and expenses? the present emergency unemployA. Not a penny. The case ment situation in Carbon couty.) worker is paid by the American Q. What are the conditions National Red Cross. Ail other among the unemployed oi Cariii workers are donating their time, county at the present time? A. There are 252 heads of fam- efforts and expenses. A detailed ilies out of employment and de- statement of receipts and disbursements will be published pendent at present time. Seven hundred persons were assisted monthly. The books of the organiwith food, clothing and fuel dur- zation are open to inspection at all times. ing December and January. Q. How can one or two or even of In the what Q. county part3 are these unfortunate families half a dozen persons make all these contacts and collections found? without receiving some pay? It A. Principally in Price, Helpwill require all their time. er, Spring Glen and Kiz at presA. One or two or a half dozen ent. cannot do it. It should not be Q. What is the outlook for the expected. This is not a one or immediate future? two-ma- n job. It is a county job A. The seasonal, decline in the and every individual should do his production of coal will probably or her bit. We propose to ask throw more heads of families out some responsible person in each It is eslir.:at :l of employment. business house or industrial unit that at least 1000 persons wiil re- to act as a member of the finance quire help during the coming committee and collect the contrithree months. How much money will be butions of the group and forward Q. them to the contact committee required to meet this emergency? A. At least $1000 a month. treasurer, Carlyle Pace, at the This amount, with the help of the court house. We believe there are literally dozens of public spirited emergency employment funds of men and women who will gladly the county and cities should enthis responsibility. able Carbon county to care for its accept Do Q. you believe that this needy. How is this $1000 to be emergency can be met successfully Q. by this county? raised? .A. Carbon county has never A. Through contributions from, failed to do its full duty in emercompanies, their- employes, and other individuals engaged in busi- gencies of the past. It has given ness or on salaries in the county. until "it hurt" to help in disasIt can be raised if all do their ters in other states and even in other countries. Now it is a matshare. ter of helping our own friends and Q. How are companies and infellow citizens and their kiddies. dividuals responding? If we of Carbon county cannot reA. Many have been contributkindle some of that war-tim- e ing for months. Not nearly all have been contacted. The finance spirit of unselfishness, and boosting that put us committee expecs to solicit help "over the top" in previous drives, during the coming two weeks the "Spirit of '32" is a myth and from every company and individslogan "Carbon ual gainfully employed in the the. care of her own" is just an county. Pledges and contributions takes phrase Of course, we'll put recently received include the fol- empty it over! asCoal Producers Utah lowing: sociation, Carbon county officials and employes, Price city officials and employes, Helper city officials and employes, CarbonCounty Teachers association, Utoh State A road commission employes. complete list of contributors will be published at the close of each month. Q. What are Carbon county and the cities doing to meet thi emergency? A. The county commission and ? in the Utah hotel. oo ? The question marks represent very low prices. ALL STARS o The Helper All Stars at the present are leading the city basketball league teunis with a score wins and no of nine straight losses. y First-clas- s price. J'jb O Local and General Sarah Mangum of Salt Lake City, grandmother of Mi's. Litizzette. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Litizzette, daughter, Lucile, Miss Betty Fahring and Mrs. Mangum motored to Huntington, Emery county, where they spent the day visiting with Mrs. Litizzette's sister, Mrs. S. P. Black. J Value-LEADB- Spring Hats The season's newest colors I Styled for smartness I MEN'S RAYON SHIRTS and For Young Men! SHORTS Gtyf e Suit s 39c & 49c $16.50 MEN'S FANCY COTTON AND RAYON SOCKS and 25c 2 prs. 2' A new four-in-han- Here are truly GREAT clothes like those that dollars more once bought- - The season offers nothing better in cut, fit, fine fabrics and the way they look JUST ARRIVED assortment in men's d TIES ... 39c on you! -- - 49c 2for 1 MH53 MIX A big selection of beautiful dresses at exactly one-haprice two dresses for the price of one. 300 New Spring Dresses arrived today from New York City which are included o Miss Lucile Haws of Provo has been here this week visiting with her cousin, Miss Ruby Bean, at the Utah. Miss Bean, primary teacher in the Helper school, was con- in this sale. fined to her apartments several days this week thru illness. Sensational Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bolotas Wednesday morning, a son. Mother and babe are re ported as doing very nicely. Clint Smith, switchman for the & R. G. W., left Wednesday evening for Lincoln, Neb., where he will spend several weeks visiting. On his return he will be accompanied by Mrs. Smith, planning to make this his future home. Values D. o Bert Hollenback, destitute and suffering from illness, was sent to Salt Lake City Thursday morning by Carbon county officials, where he will receive medical attention. o Roy Pattinon, who has been employed in the mines at Standard- ville for some time past, left Thursday for his home in McAllister, Okla. They are real bar- I gains, the kind you've been waiting for and if you're wise you'll select two or more to wear this spring. -- Remember Two Dresses for the Price of One at i I nW Lewis Ladies Store John Smith, rail loader engineer, who has been on the sick list for some tiaie, is now able to be about again. He has had niiic li experience will) the air machine oti the R!o Grande. It's Smart to Be Thrifty O0 JournalYour Home Paperonly $2 pur year. The H Friday Saturday P? if ti iSfI Hi' Miss Victoria Lazarupcnt. Tuesday evening in Spring Canyon visiting at the home of Mrs. Sam , rens-Miiib- lo The Year's lf Mr. and Mrs. August Litizzette now are enjoying a visit from Mrs. ) at printing " 'ant ANOTHE R BIG Davis. LEADING Penney's Heralds Spring with These Smart Values in - W. A. Walker, agency manager for the West Coast Life Insurance Gus Anton Friday night jointly Is spending a few days observed his birthday and accept- company, in Helper territory on company ance as a naturalized citizen of business. the United States when he enter- tained a few friends at luncheon Utah Helper rs Miss Rose Skala left this week for Salt Lake City where she has BIRTHDAY WITH PARTY secured employment. ? J.C.PE NNEY C. TIONS AND ANSWERS GUS ANTON OBSERVES Cuts PORK, all cuts, very cheap . . VEAL, try the kind we handle REMEMBER The contest rabbit hunt last sunday between sportsmen of Helper and Price brought splendid results in so far as the slaying of rabbits was concerned, with about as having been 1500 reported killed. Helper was represented by Dr. C. L. Kline, R. A. Buchanan, Eugene Gibson, Paul Carter, Louis Aguina, Albert Ricci and Slim who bagged a total of 175. A large number of huntsmen turned out to represent the county seat, altho details as to the number are not available at this time. The shooting was done on the Oak Springs ranch about 85 miles south of Helper. o Thurday, January 28, 1932 JOURNAL Hli ii'l f Pi 1 ' 1 " '4 1 I r- - And All Next Week ... .c |