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Show gLTPEB. CARBON COTOTY, UTAH, THT7M., inly 23, 1931 Social vemts AO in OF INTEREST TO HELPER AND CARBON COUNTY RESIDENTS. PHONE 21. Social Evenings Given for Visitors. Mrs. Sophia Thompson and Miss Wanda Young' of Culver City, California, have been the honored guests at several social evenings given by Helper friends. Sunday they were Invited .with several others to the home of Mrs. Ben Stein at Price, and Monday evening Mrs. Sam Stein arranged an evening of bridge for a few friends. The two visitors were bidden to the home of Mrs. E. H. Thomas Tuesday for a social evening and late supper. WHITE EAGLE JfctyyZL-s- s ten Dancing Students In Park Revue Miss Lucille Christensen presented her class of twenty-fiv- e dancing students in a dance revue at the City park Friday evening. Solo and group numbers were given in costume, with Miss Faye Christensen accompanying the dancers at the piano. . announces a New S UPER SERVICE Station We invite you to visit this super modern station and personally inspect our facilities for completely lubri- cating your car. A hydraulic lift raises the car where every point is easy to reach. Then, with six distinct type of oils and greases, we lubricate every moving part from the smallest door hinge to the heaviest part of the motor. To insure satisfaction, we use high pressure grease guns, gear flow machine, gear case cleaner and other apparatus. Come and get acquainted today and make this station your motoring headquarters. up-to-da- te Mrs. C. L. Cline, Miss Mel and Lawrence Bdttlno Taylor went to Bear Lake to spend the 24 th at the home of Mrs Cline'a parents. A centrally Located 225 So. Main, Salt Lake City, Utah Everything for comfort and convenient of our guests. 100 newly furnished outside o Mrs. Joe Kochever have a new son at their home, born Saturday of last week. Mr. and . HEW Windsor Hotel . Miss Katherine Gease came home from Richmond, California Thursday to spend her vacation Annual Picnic At with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Soldier Summit The annual Odd Fellow picnic J. E. Gease. was enjoyed Sunday by members Mrs. Mrs. Harris Simonsen, of the Odd Fellow and Rebekah orders and their families at a F. L. Williams and Mrs. L. R grove near Soldier Summit. The Grover are home from a week's trip to the plonle site was made outing at Fish lake. early in the morning and the Mr. nd Mrs. M. P. Street and day given over to a program of sports and picnic lunches. Fifty daughter returned Friday from a participated in the oyting. Ta.it vacation motor trip. They visitGrand master, Dr, Harry Phelps ed Bryce, Zion and the Grand and Deputy Grand Master, H. O. Canyons and spent a week in Anderson of Salt Lake attended Colorado, where they enjoyed the picnic. many of the scenic drives near n City. Bourbon, Women Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shockley Plan Meeting Women, of the Democratic returned Sunday to their home club of the county will gather in.Staudardville after visiting in for their July meeting at the Le- Salt Lake. Early In the week gion hall In Price Monday after- they came home from a fishing noon July 27. Mrs. D. C. Gibson, trip in Wyoming where they first vice president will preside were accompanied by Bill at the study hour. Diversions will include cards atida social circle, followed by the serving of Sates $1.00 to $2.60 DISTANCE? Distance ut sot separate you from an4 ysar fully friend. Toa earn chat with thoss roa lava r taleaksaa. And It coats so little. Fa example, ear rat est I Utah Helper STAHDAXDVTLLE Mr. and Mrs. J. McPhle and Florence and Hmiirht.rR. and Audrey are visiting with Mr. Mrs. Roy Birchard. InJoe Acevez received a head mine. In the jury while working Mrs. Al Thompson and children have returned from Coloraand do Mrs. Thompson's sister a niece returned with them for visit. month's t. Irene Chubbuck has returned from Provo after a short visit. A truck carrying boy scouts, with their leader Mike Turnbull, left for several days' outing on the Uintah river. They will join scout troops from other parts of the state. FOR SALE Piggly Wiggly Store at Helper will sell all Fixtures at a very REASONABLE PRICE For Further Information See Stanley Barrett i i Phone 177 Helper INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, BONDS Written In old and Reliable Companies CARBON UNDERWRITERS Helper, Utah Times Building GLEN BALLINGES, Manager I LOCAL I Mrs. Cliff Hensen has returnWaldo Gale was a caller in ed to her borne in Helper after Thistle the first of the week. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall are Mrs. A. M. Murdock at Duchesne. among the Helperites who are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Herring of planning to attend the Covered Wagon day celebration at Salt Kenilworth were Ferron visitors the last of the week. Lake City. s Helper in the fall. two children by accompanied Miss Helen Dunton of McGill, left Monday on a motor trip of two weeks to Ely, McGill and Reno, Nevada. Miss Dunton has been a visitor at the Karras borne in Price and at the E. T. home In Helper Borkenhagen the past six weeks. -- - quicker. Flans f - FOR RENT d FOUR ROOM house. 272 Duchesne st. Inquire W. R. Johnson, City FUR-nishe- Hall. stucco lots. Nice garden. Small house, full basement, garage, coop for 1000 chickens. Inquire house No. 360, block 4, New Helper FOR house, could have known the HavcTOii tried the new 3 lb. cans .aaWHOsMAirr CXTAT A GLASS FREE 4 vary Tutor SALE: full basement and story that was to be 8 Distributed by Utah Beverage & Distributing Company Salt Lake City. Utah 3 C Meats Thousands of Satisfied Customers theirs? For when James Lee lpoked Into QUALITY PRICE ' SATISFACTION Lucy's eyes, he did not know that she was the daughter of his bitterest enemy. SUCCESS Watch for This Serial in The HELPER TIMES p d H 4 can ifiZWt Imported Groceries romantic, thrilling Miss Ienore Howlett has re Miss Elizabeth Martlnelli returned home Saturday from a six turned to her home after spendweeks' visit in Salt Lake City. ing several weeks with her aunt, Miss Mary Milano of Salt Lake Mrs. Weldon Lane at Green accompanied her to. Helper for a River. week's visit with local friends Mr. nd Mrs. Nick Karras and and relatives. Rae and The Mimes Faye, Lucille Christensen left the first of the week for their home In Elsinore, having completed their summer school courses In music and dancing. They will enjoy a vacation trip before returning to - Helper Times Phone 21 togetherhow they are Distance number mix 1 By Concordia Merrel when a broken string of beads brought them - TELEPHONE- - John Gresham's It was fate! How could they have known that clay in Bond Street, br Caff Long "Number Legion Orders Adjourn to Park Members of the Helper American Legion post No. 21 and the local American Legion Auxiliary unit adjourned from their business meetings last Thursday to an outing in the city park. Refreshments were served after a pleasant social evening. Gir ta atatiaa evening and nlcat rates are lower. Calls Sodality Club Shower Bride-to-b- e a popular Miss Annie Perri, Joseph Barboglio and" son young bride-t- o be of July was Joseph Jr. motored home Satur the honored guest of a shower day from Los Angeles where they given for her Wednesday evening had accompanied Mrs. Barboglio by members of the Sodality club. and Helen the week previously, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Faucet t Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Colton and and two daughters were motor ramny ana uien Bryner are ists to Provo where they spent leaving Friday for a week's fish- Sunday. ing trip on the Grand Mesa In Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Garllck went to Salt Lake City Sunday The families of Mr. and Mrs. where they will spend a portion Qlen Ballinger and Mr. and of their two weeks vacation. iurs. j. Hi. uea.se were among Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark of those to enjoy the cooling breez es of Huntington canyon Sunday. Kansas City, Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark of Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. Charlf Leger Oklahoma were visitors at the and daughters departed Friday home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clrk in Helper Saturday on a motor tour to California and Mr. Leger will return to Helper Sunday. The three men are bro after a three weeks' vacation, thers. The viistors were enroute while Mrs. Leger and Marie will to California. remain in California for the com Mrs. John J. Colzanl returned ing year. Saturday from Los Angeles where Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolf she had spent a week visiting and son motored home Sunday with her family. Her father, J. from Glenwood Springs, Colora- A. Boland was injured In an do, following a ten days' visit. automobile accident a week ago They were accompanied by Mr, and will be confined to the Wolf's mother, Mrs. Mary Wolf. hospital for a month. ' statioa From Helper to Mammoth, W. Yellowstone park $1.60 $1.65 Cheyenne, Wyo 3wr Corner of Main and Janet Streets rooms. AUTO PARKING FREE Young People Enjoy Picnic Sixteen young people of Helper and ' Price went on a picnic near Scofleld Sunday. Music and games made the outing hours pleasant.- - Picnic suppers were served around the evening WHITE EAGLE OIL CORPORATION KEYNOIL MOTOR OIL New York Visitors Are Entertained Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeanne of Mount Vernon, New York, were the honored guests at dinner-bridg- e party given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggerl at Price Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jeanne are visiting al the home of Mrs. Jeanne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rugger!, Sr., in Helper. o auMi WHITE EAGLE BANNER GASOLINE The affair was a surprise to Mlsa j Mrs. Mary McComba went to Perrl and was arranged at the Spanish Fork Saturday called by home of her parents, Mr. and the death of a relative. Mrs. T. Perri. A sliver electric Mrs. A. J. Kirkham. daughter piece was the gift Miss Perri received from sister club mem- Ruth and son Berkley, have debers. Eighteen guests were parted for New York where they will visit relatives during the coming month. Meat & Grocery Helper Phone 60 Utah J |