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Show T1 i HI I r II 3 r ' Do A Bullish general says that thev wcu d have won tho war without us but our recollection along In 1917 they vere 'a,,kic.! Lncle Sara to hurry a little. You Know i LiT che Fireworks fplar in largest ever me Eastern ir it f u ...nil li fi (i i f 1 1 song which rau over the ocean'' may soon be suereedM by one which will go,' "My Bonnie flies over the ocean." sa i..f r n i riw m h 11 Utah? -- - - -- of fgj H tses-- J ice VCE . t l IK Ik I f $109,000 Loss Thru Distric 42 y f jm 30.1327. Basements In Business Blocks Filled With Mud and Water; R.R. Washed Out; Farm Crops Ruined Hi any z mi.mjuii is. .. HelDei5i4tlitf.InIvPrn(rramlS pnnff men m nave Attract ilaiy fill art J Coming after a day of spasmodic win n the waters subsided. showers of vary,in Peerless was the hardest hit by Intensity a storm broke loose over Helper and tho flood ' of the Spring Canyon vicinity Monday evening with a towns. Here the Jap seetiion was to a depth of several foot, in covered heretofore., unknown suverity and two autos were buried in the th,is seotio'n.Xhe storm had all debris Most of the and muck. the aspee'taor cloud burst, and mines closed Tuesday to allow in a fury tTiat made man helpless clearlnsr of the and to to defy It, spread devastation over assist those madehighways, StreetZnelper homeless. City a large nrca. Beginning at 6:30 At Kenilworth, mine No. 1, Inde. . L the storm burst over the city in pendent Coal and Coke company, To the form of torrents ot water, pelt- entrance was blockaded for fifty Patvinti'n ing hail and a terrific wind, and feet with debris. Two hundred feet of lasted in its fullest intensity for tramway hung suspended in the Piece some minutes. Although air, and the lamphouse at the mine tlij.rt.y Band oi j! Helper slackened to a degree the adverse entrance was completely demolish. rrrrr . , . KonsitTjul A. F GiovaiHJhni' 7weather continued durtinff the rest ed. The highway leading to the nish Music Will irtT 4 X". of the evening and throught the Mn. W. H. mining camp was badly damaged nisht, and presistcrt at "intervals by rock slides. The Kenilworth mi jenny; cai'o . :U.t'. Tuesday and Wednesday. railway, a branch line of the D.R. of Weldome .11 Iayor F. E.;?tMr Tho damage sustained by the G.W., br,ilt last summer, is damagWith the clearing of the stormy esute?6nd Saxafohone Du.:t...U I.iB ovaro, J. iV:Mtto' ed to such an extent as to necessiRiverside Park at Spring Glen Carbon county district has been in Helper the rather prevalent to exceed and timated $100,000, I. . js &oiot , tate closing of the road for a ten . . , . .11. . rtyicitcsna of the week, Twill be the scene of much festivity upon there is every the ruins it is plain day period. viewing The mounain slipped U. Hon. atCr' lis, Walter Ada cele-ation ?rov P:i.t.?Sov Kiwris Cm for a glorious right promise on Monday, July 4, where crowds this is not exaggerated. in several places, and dynamite on the Fourth of July. The Si lectio ran J I . . . For several hours Helper was al wdll be required to clear the track; will gather for a big elpcr City Eini ,y rill be the gathering most nundated, vith fully eight in other sections the torrents of place of celebraticni day ,rbon county residents Monday Miaw. . . A novel feature ofdie day will inches of water pouring dawn the water which poured off the face of '.'Stitadl Tiitatre Wl !i1 jm m the Chamhuj- of , Commerce be fitting ceremonies over what is extent of main street, and practicalEex, King of Horses in "So,Xon.'& I4w.' the accompanying cliffs washed out ild at, tjatufi celebra-i- n ;a over an Indopendja-cfinest American f!as ly every cellar in the residential considerable trackage. the probably tt. V flat,' D,E.pv7. Shop" tfiaai vi llelper a real way,'0xospitality 13 Jy":jtoJI.Game immense flag, sectona, and many basements in Th in the state. Spring Glen suffered more resittended to people t)f all adjoining Stlek mud business blocks and filWl with was six six purchasby dential disaster than the neighbormeasuring .d outlying districts, and a day The unmerciful downpour ing towns, in proportion to its fetieer.T- -. Hclpir"" City j ed by six Austrian Iodgpg of Car- - water. full of fun 1ms bc-ewded bon county from a Cleveland, Ohio of rain resulted in several bulld- - size. Many homes were filled with A If1? M. feewcrk3 . Displayed from hill pTeJG tor their special benefit. 300.00. This j .Inrs settling, pcta1y the Newhmiso water, and numerous felds that firm at a cost of over ,e Helper . . .Amujra" citizens want all to join If, CI P. Ill Indndrznce Eall; : had Kvrrn promise ot a prosperous beautiful display of the national building, housing Schramm-Jnhnso- n u t tneir day or recreation, and a colors is all hand made and is Drug store, which s rueture settled harvest now lay in waste. The r ance at uie. pngram an inch. The breaking of .the dissolves at least water Each fade. of to never through gushing guaranteed theseittl-jn- g wash uiuiius cis 10 wne'Liier lue ei-runder tho railroad bridge, lodge contributing to its purchase several windows denoted will J)e worthwhile. of other bi'lldinTs alioit town. caused loss to the Rio Grande comis represented with streamers fasB??inning wih a lively Jand Many windows were hrolscn by th pany, damaged the highway, and tened on the pole, 1 acert at 9:30 by the , a.m. this wonderful eomblnrd forrfs of the wind and nourrd unmorei'iilly over the nearv At 10:00 City band of The wind did lrirnt!ld5-rn.blrty musicians, Fprjing' the day 7 will-- b by farms.. Probably the will be fitMnsly dedicated at hfU. ri'fd with dnmaie mr.inlv 1n ihn, unrooting or Gion BottMng Works sustained the of ainusaments iture. The parade ira""fi,m Pa'rkr. Other ntimhrrs of en- - dnnudnf ct many braut'ful tvcs. .heaviest loss, of any .individual conholds "TOant hustncaB "Biises, and will be lengthy nouie sisrns cern. Situated Jvt south of the A rtainment have also been provid-- j Kum..-vrour r J' ts of navoc piay wash, when ho debits carried therewcr tne in witn Tli Tr-rtoypd every description. foi Ctro tn.t,, f,. I.vko AC merican in clogp-ed- , the waters spread, and t.i ;i win iorm street in, Legion A Auxiliary ji f i,liev ? 0 , u r. - V slm ' w--; 'hfn( jaa-jrp- e parade big l it;, doois to the iMb had elements the Almost before pro-filled ;arge of the the ' at Goddess of "Liber ' plant to 10:30, march manufacturing of line th j h n Ah Jit. iav ; JoV J ; t. q ay . a:t('inAm at . . Dfivizth-iinj torrential display the a depth of four feet. The manageoat, to and it appears ftlrat tb( "md . .... nark the from Spring .K i iing D fr. of "Ji y rcftes hmp.nt. tiawo ..)awa.VtUl through tho ment had stocked heaviliy for the l"TOpeople must wait businees district and return- - Prio river flowinuntil th Suit, - .' tt 4 . town of 'west reached - ! ,VNlnn Koolno O pnd surpass near holiday season. and; in a short vuJtw nark. in?the to "v.UuU, C. 'A V"t9 uicj IWIV at M.irt Afwulding ed there' flood Boiling time supple, consisting of bottles, Jrn the identity of the hpfThts. lunch after previous Tmmediatoly personage y s , r.i fH 1P band concert, rlorjr m mierhtv svirls, !t to-- c past cases, Fii"rars. and flavorings had the Gortdess. he 'a splendid A generous sum vi'l land-i"'Aaorl.JtrnfctljBf h p tb o.Kn in lbs mur- n-' lM-will also be af-- j "srrying tres, and debris frf diverse b'cn carried afar. The electric im.itc mniofrs v ere imre motors and machinery, also show ?es of floats forded aiain at 5:00 when toe nature. ; 1, 1. competi ll0 111 lil-- j to tho largo crowd flSSPmb)pdi ors exor me iuuics ....-4.concert! ui; along by the mighty .ho ill effects of heing sunk under ;.rads. thunderinrty give will musicians again the- appreciation of the church for D. J. Pappaccstan, the while tho crowd several feet of mud f nd water. The, Even Gay. torrm. during Helper is to be honored by' the Relations. the gift. He stated, "The school to nronriotor, has. fVirnished Helper rose vith such loss will no doubt exceed $5,000. watched liver .th? receive will special s?nce children The ef Honorable Water bo erects: oi: this land will h i a with cue of the finest refreshment : 00, cutveus 3 At Price the damage was limited that when at .several ramdity ;iams of Provo, ' attention beginning. who will deliver for Americanism." Mo::"!g-n;i- r parlors found in Carbon coitnty, were almost mar-oie- d V.her to e lockers upon the extent of filling many basewill sports raoea and address at the morning pro- - nursery v A.F. Giovannonl was called It a.oprars that thes full fully equipped to meet the most; j, carrkd out. There is a plant!- - a Fpcily mad if'and. Filling the ments. F"2H1 Mr. Adams is Aietrlrt. env- . fnllowine the fastidious tastes. Music is furnish-- 1 KnpprVi the flood waters force of the storm did not raeh bd priz-- s to be giv-- 1 r.w river frr cf f.,l rof the Kiwanis Club, and will supply K, shnoi land ed by a beautiful cabinet style or-- j ULftlIH, Wot special en the' successful competitors. n';eVy spread over the jntervniier that far, npd on the desert st.rn'ch-e- s interest to tho older had who charge , A.J. victrola. tli Bruneau, bo will east of there little or no raiu is thophonic Rs. abad,onpd space and filled BTirrini' at 7:30 there Other numbers on the pro- of St. store . greeted construction comShoe At Globe this the to The the bed Tho Price canal of r'ver hronf'hout s on overflowing. daneinc rrjporrd. tiro will be eejually worthwhile. in Salt Lake, horns in the pit. new overacademy their its of tlrwt in the north ditch pany's ford wiy city the most evening at the nark pavilion. rr-- "-exciting game in east-"- i will rr;:1.'-Writ Monday. Mrs. A. o nearby flley w?.vs, vnnd surrounded flowed its banks, and ithe streets rtah is promised baseball fans and who d , rcen-panieTrie-Mfr'-""- ! of the new seho"' "t her shop comfortab mnriv r"P'dnt3 In the mnr vi"i'ilty wer under scveral inches rf water 'hen Helper meets D.R.G.W. shop Mit-'vTh", Iter. !v furnt.-.hra style befitting in of Bishop its wild conrfO.- Foct brida during the ni,rht. Near Welliing-ti- n of Salt Lake on the home dia- wrr- - torn asunder and all fields Fatiher Thomas Butler of Vernal larsr.r communities. The new store ten acres of sugarbeets are re..... i iW i DU'lll Her Joseph G. De- - is commodious and brightly lightFat Rev. tumdated. and the banks wre the n?er ported destroyed. well known, and the contrast All roidr? Loding from Helper The water lines of both Helper " he laire c Provo. also were piehcui ed. Mrs. Litizzette will continue a clo!pKr mtltf.Vi rvno Trio! for and Price wore damaged in several wrre T)rorial1y to handle a line of cut flowers and imp3?nible comsumfom hs hour-iher ".vii aside tnfTie brfnr? althoue.'b her3 and the souri-Isst Tils meeting places miv potted plann. ' Blven r.ver n, restricted nutnbe of supply pear vSrofield.. mer adjournment prr:od Wf tbi in Ho!per was the plete line of shoes and hosiery. Helper'3 ehur.h W,",bf, Dame re C r In over Heat, ait"; Cr.i""ry Amerir-Auxiliary was t,C reads Tuesday, by makin"' ne "no was probably harder hit than P,'": The. ceremony Legion , ritualistic y n"! Prepara- of rcce'donal drt-ur- s. Tonist evening that ef Price, and th? water deheld Tuesday atK Catholic IWshon nresided company have their doors closedito-da"""I sn rtS' 00 d0POti extensive to while the. the for inconvenience attending mad? visitation were tomorrow nriheld, and tions canonical partments cf hoth cities are wtj his initial; at work with repairs, so as nie m, sS va nronaratinns are being md" for of th? state convention, which con- of many, w'th travelers in the The county. ' to Carbon advantage nf conflinuous in venes a Dele- Prion river canvon delayed roo'd-erahl- e to relieve thei market in the of elevAugust. tne Ogden with existing shortage. the day and opening e'ure show in Kttn,-tim largely attended Mr. uni) e'ected from the lc-ai- ; hy r.ock and land slids. Th" Superintendent of the water works, celebrated at the the Helper Securities Block. mass gates o'clock en aaampnt o U)e strand theatre owners. to attend the convention are as h'Thway from Castle Gate to A. Ltinzc'te and his corps of workDame de Lourdes in Price 7rrsp and Mr. Gerandas, :nning, at 2 p.m. of Notre at F. Mrs. on ers hove been on duty almost customers Rex, Is impassih'le Elliott. Win. Mo'an except. King their Mrs. confirmation welcome follows: will the ' "a Horses, will be shown in "No was marked with r ftid horffba-'lr,- . f.ince O 'borne, Mrs. L. DennH, Mrs. F.P. 'J''3iral since the rain had hardly stare Trice, Saturday. now from children their l!an8 of about fifty Law." for Fisher, Miss Florence Cnod and nroject from Po'ar-- to Nolan is to abated, and are repairing leaks Today is also moving day ' 7:30 another rauslcal treat Helper, Castlegate and Sunnyside. of Help"r. Th office Miss June Murdark. Alternates be commenced In a few davs, t.h with "U possible speed. The city be offered Hurt n' his address at mass Bishop I h0 I'ostoffice while ,1 afternoon by the Helper band Mrs. B. TL Decker, read will be abandoned utit1 such has :ieen ,v.ing were this his closed reserve supply of chosen be is to "explained the purpose t!ley appear in concert on Mittv Mrs. E. H. Thnmas, t'me, ns thei proje-rerid'Ts a fine water, an" .arrful conservation is of the mail, supplies and furnishings Mrs. Los Ki-i- c. was expected what told :ain street. Tl!? ro.,d is now imperative. - move into the splendidly equipped Mrs. Al Yv'ahl. Mrs. A. Litizzette, 1,ip.1,w!,v w?lf.r Following this tho visit him ami what ne pm1"" orks eommittee the! ascend business struc- a "d Mrs G. Crandalt. Mrs. new is now will wort. also the Traffic, All train traffic was tied vp n the He I, diocese. his in queers of town in order that the cMSnilra will ie sent, rn;tH over the Willow creek road. within tho flooded district, delay-(n- g nf ture in the center of the shopping chaplain, number largo "' Vnr 10 no imii'1"-"- J isp av off Mreworfca WilFCastle Goto paved The V1 as an honorary member. through passenger trains for w district. Entire new mail boxes visible in ir-rbasrn aV- tio-- l topics will have ha .vnv st.'ll shows The prominent evide;ie fwel"o hours or more. Train No. Auxiliary en"i!,Tnf"t and othT affa.rs hin urch a radius snrb was nartiallv 3. r" ie out of Hflp"r at 4:00 p.m. of several ,,...1. ...(ninHni, work bglun making Helper's Postrrffice of th Goddrs of Liberty noast in; o' )hD fact 1 nd are, f.vl-secuon the "e d snlflv win onrnasn In this In mnv nlac-of 4th, in with Mo 'ay was "aught at Nolan be- wa'rr. July Pn peanng school parade the the CnMiolic immcdi-rtelVacation 1Irt - t'a depth of a font covers tw a two p.' Ides and held there a surprise. Tiy anrl variety those of all ing prmaring ' ' " ... i.. vious yPnrs nmnlto tnr tfe lail leu". 1 during Jul.v(be concro'e, and one-wa- y traffic Tuesday morning nd Tuesday. Other places or nusinr;s u .ii".' tmo will be ohservf Helm The natal day celebration will rir. Bruneau states bouM'-rnrnoti-l- r fs 'n O'der. Tin tha ( will be nratnic Nn. 7 and No. 1 wore August. and I in the building I., r,so i the evening with Helmle, a Arm of Spr'ngfieM. on the, 1 rnVy obstruct d nrep-r-sat Pfif" until late in the Barber shop, and the Flit? Jewelry will be of the structure have in ''"Pendenco furnished pool A large swimming a t;Tn. architects for rnad most he Thc-will ball noon. at Trains No. 2 and S of the stor pr the buil'V "'n-al- r At Castle Gate the WiIlo- the rest of reaelv for Helper bathers about the with were hold at Sol-"the in in keeping inday a evening stvle pavilion n,i, offices, heating A. Halverson, id J. ' The classrooms, located of fur-- . eight and had tfs overflowed banks, Fourth institu"ons Cnrboniana Ju'y. The Summit. will rapid work of n,, and other facilities the business and will throw their owner, announces. The pool is not ben for an improvised dikei Monn for work and crews of all trains aside block, tho laying 320 " 'a's Senuate to care for .bout of not what was formerly bvJU there sever at years aro. the -- rcn men repaired the tracks and in to tho public within the located dancing. doors open bo will It mca"! High school grades of flat land bordering th- - "iridges sufficiently to allow traffic . known as Fitch's park. week. The ... -sweet. ' Pap, . 7i" hv 100 feet, Is graduated later. adder! tream have been inundated to beg'n moving through Helper at would surcs in Miop was i;iv.-'Tine """""iiiii hi dnth from ?, to R fe:et and ban As it was a A public reception "1 Unusual n,dvnnfnirpj to minor's borne in 2:25 Tuesday a'emoon. While ORGANIZED ill.!. TEATI BALL hall at, 5 ooiock NEW need of 0 tho lowland wr Dame The n bottom. Notre fH'ed vyth mud varies delays wore ciused' all the to Patrons dav boginniiiT welcomed ATfirfllS'Ml Ion Mi on TT. T.... JI t H'lner has and v.a'er, cau'dig families to flee through the flotded district tho " 1 ' "(' neau,,1 Helper boys have swimming pool in and ti.r.r. )tv"tl Dr' Mr. Ho'ver- - to the hills. call- - boon anticipated Tho team Bishop. Ibn 'e bridge trains kept moving at a slow rate of baseball ,a of Salt n new a Lib W'" Keley's " mnde tut- onouncoment will unnouh"'!- - "" torn awav. and the torrents cf siced. and aro now practically ... v. to repre-ron- 's rrnshers" prepare demonstration of Castle Gate welcomed f lrii;i. numoci.-oMr. ITol- e'-- T cut a rhanpe' Com- - ly moot with enthusiasm evening's musical through th road running on scheduled time. .I .u. """. r.irn BittMnir ifl'"' (3iahp''- Mi. Brondhrad The "as , .... Miss Ardene seni rnt.nrA a row norno nn( t'ie bflde-- fo- - an extent verwm hour mon in were charge yai.s of pxpr:Tlpnce ,n tlP D"ring !ihe twentry-fou- r iui crmnpi furnish to pany . . me vy. acroe.s from of s hundred feet, to the denth cf period ending Tuesday noon, it was n '"m in . ii9 lanev ri ni ipflptns eountv. n nn FL-nnthe of ('itrKi teams prep re in the evcning, Bishop tha other hoywas appoined manager the sto'e prui-- o. t Teet. iur y Tni rp'T roi'road cstirv'rd over three ineh'ri of dishes for patrons with Mchols nf a ban f lmtinr i high " v ns nimmr rmoi- - 'oin !,nd fnllen in C'is can- - nOV'" !; nppn npre Tift. n3 uii".i penr r'n elected v,ns TnVin territory. Ttrtins ...i.ii fruits of quality syrups, a tier-th- Si a IperandPn p F;t'-ard ici,Pd. bnud'iT is Jmulders Aprerdill" to th To, residents of rnnnrr'h is by It report-r,'e.'uns nine. new the of carried th bf t,in "t RV line-u- p, out. of which many have been so'd were strew.--j fcr the d'stano of a the city the storm was of tho g. ver-eop, Mr. Broad head will cbnmbcrs of commerce, i. pr-:- d,,l. timt thev have a good toasrmntrr. as to datC. at 'he nature within their recolloctions .., . to city block over the flooded area Will. ,!,',fprmtnrd!,on Helner. of "swetest place in v.. ana (Continued to back page) 'intil July e. fireworks Display irk: f.'3 1.1 i m iummu 4 ill I Jill? ridiid rcj 4 , Helper, Carton Comty. Utah, rep Eisrhtln cues oi waierrours Down Rlain Street: Estimate w TV "Wl ! Id Tlie old time ".My Eonnie Iks i Helper on Fourin If .i4 ' iod Mld C?.Cin Helper on Mo EigEreeCelebration $50.fflsi2:s at Riverside Par Band to Tuedication ot Uld uiory be Main Event - for the N h ... L. f 2Srraminy f - of Days Program .v. . ..... .;:,K,..VE:i 40-p.- tl r sr-cg- ....... J j vol-tim- ts :yf ifouridUBroko4Movin53f D oua t h o i c Many Hei chool atErice'FirmsTliIsl hf r , - ... 'thif';rf t'-- r " fn W,l i;s j'(ifl - '".' . Uje-Vrui.t- l 1 us j j up-tn- .,, 3 'H war 8tin-?rvi- - American Legion Auxiliary Meeting 4CSi1; i ! , - , Su-ee- llSh ss trv'l dili-gont- ly . t , !(ollv e, high-charg- d. br-e- tht s t- i -- H'-In- ,.'7 iir" s - Ilelner-'CnsMeG- e crk er n-er- s. v-tfr- in I - m '; . -- ie ... in. ir e n-- 'i t,ven i h, m iti,, -- . i st |