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Show Hg ... J I W'toJ the e Tf-s.- HELPER TIMES, HELPER UTAH rinndf. . rur,"!,;an; ""O 1 Ml her svr..,., ...V ,' llr name" -1 111 fit Bij - thl. 1 V" - ii tn , , ' m- - i,n1 Wannntol me Poet Impressed With Huge Electric Signs . I ll' C Am . . t7,Y. ...... .. uW'ose Mie's . v ,-.- "J J r"" !:'r'", an-- v got C:,ni? Claude. "OrtalulJ '1'itlons like the wav 1 Hi:i!1R bl,,1"i" ' I'm he (J!, )!ie S!lf(, ed lonkod tit hi.,. i mi- uiictiTinnrrnolT What safe si,i. "ou!d ther,. (h. for" , man !n C. M.'s lr his niterly nednc- mat lovely Mrs. Johr.pton was ms "Pully" had any foundation in gotiTto .,i.-- uM "' fact. Im going to Rond her back the dHdarwl Dahl,,. JojnR to her hark her cursed five and f,.,' thut my sotd's nn own. I scraped and saved that money he first year I was clear of debt, and I ve held It nil this time Just fr-j- ist for thN chance." He opened a small drawer in his desk, nnd reached for a roil of hills with a rubber band about them, wrote n few words on a sheet of paper, fc:i!(( n W,f, the m(.1(.v ln nn pn velope, directed It, then went to the store door. Aitnougii the store was closed and shuttered, there was a light in its dim recesses. Young John .Slater, an assistant, was there. "John." called Claude, take this letter up to the White IIou.se. You can ALABASlMmpI " .35 Margaret AM"' kissed her little ,iooped ! her warmly. nl thanked lO vimi iii-- i oi'ku iintO be oatK ; . . .i it f rood uo I'1'""' 11,1,1 wouiu one some liave to Jest derful! i U..,1 see me. I don't ever for HiiTthing," she said proudly, . suvers were an old family 'Uncle fe.i,.h. never forcot it. nes so una is got plenty, una . do love company. 1 at the sky better hurry nome; looked Xiite ild: "You'd 's s, p shower conilntf that Uncle Nate did ui u .ci tutu which wear lar to tils barn and kitchen and f in of dry clothing had been duly realized t'Hl rUOcue IC nuu.v ti.il transaction, in eaicuiaieu. They l.ad very little. m shaken out of the groove In they had been comfortably ex al the beginning of this drive. as no longer a merely amusin citititely j said ....... n 1 1 -- ..,. llcrh. lie TV US a .vtrm her In Iris arms, who mu S Id nmj had her "dear" and had saved her is for Ned, there was no long- need for question. Mary might ill vague about her feelings to I him, but he knew now what she 1 to him. lie had known It from lament lie came up out of the ilh her In his arms. She was e tor tiie only girl girt, turn, her predecessors. Ipale shadows In the long ago. to what he had been searchln, ' :ginc for. Jknew It now. It was wonderful. ; romance come upon ffclyromance In the midst of common, Seldea, and y f lay IKe. ex- waiting," who had beeu longing firth down his hair which had thoroughly, but rampantly, in pze. "Oh, I do hope she's not niouier, J Mary, CHAPTER VIII i Johnston was l not only anxious. ana was pnojea, prenared to w annoyance. Then she caught Hilary's wet hair and strange instantly she eliminated h" or'u everything but Mary, ner in Her arms and was 1? that she.. ''O .erito. LI I . n;iia.J f( II I mi only then did she include Iier gaze, ami sued he were f.ir ,,,mU,,r invisible. The were like those of. a f I who has recovered her cub P's the hunter who tried to I ay. They softened, almost H when Mary told her all she Mr. Carter. spiffs disappeared utterly ns hurried Mary Into the Instructions ns to a hot fmm P'Ui f' f 'i. in.m she turned to wtufrHQ mm I1(mm as fast IS He might come tomor- , hop OUf . nnd Si(1(.,r..lv . ' into tin sdiiiluu of Mely JMIU, l'wwlon. !,Z ""-- "t m,u'!' L "onost as ,K.. --- 'C M., aren't yon rather Jumping at conclusions? 'Johnston' Is far rroiu being an uncommon name, and 'Mary,' with Tolly' for short, Is far from beeither; therefore the ing . uncommon ., II.. nrlitni ' comtlinauon rciuijr iriiJj Claude nodded. "I told myself that. too. at first, but" All the same." Ned continued re luctantly. "I will tell you souieuum I've noticed about Mrs. Johnston. She has a little black mole on the lobe of her ear. Rather rerr.i.mg. dark stone of an earring. Ami ms" behind the same ear sue nan lock of pure white hair." - ,1(11111- Be- - '"'! n,,t iLr latter f within her rights. !liP.r.Pci0U8 h up the r.'om. fro'" which he came. with no thought of nis hnnr' . . y to himself, . t ,,re cxrlrtnt exhilarating as . it dawned upon .hi. '""y. 7 ii,,,: , '"p.",,,.!nK "'mmmion for his knw ., ahsoinfoi f ie ttM Kim.". "!u jL r" I """""s ... " w,u'n HS a lovnr? I'm ... y-- rt ;I,C you've seen?" "Her good looks," Ned admitted, blowing a cloud of smoke to the ceiling. "They were extra." "Oh my G d ! Nd, yon are an exasperating youngster." Ned studied Claude's perturbed countenance. Then it slowly dawned upon him that there might be a reason for this excess of feeling. 'Not not trying to cheek up your red head ed roily girl with her, are you?" Anu lr i am," declared Claude, shaken out of his usual good humorei Acceptance of things as they are. "a lot of help I'm getting from you!" "What was your Polly's name? "Mary folly Johnston Ned whistled. if it was the daughter this Mary girl now, I suppose I could get details and liffe as not she's twico as ordinary as the mother." "Nonsense 1" Ned rose to the" de fense of his lady. "Mary Miss Johnston, I mean, has the most extraor dinary blue eyes." "Jiniiny, .ed Have I got to hear that again? I got blue eyes myself.' Ned looked at Claude and gasped He leaned toward him and said: "They're the same color as Miss John Eton's." Clande Melnotte Dabbs rose, his lips compressed. "Ned, you've had a hard day nnd I've come darn near los ing you, so nothing on earth will make me pick a tight now. Rut if you want to do me the greatest favor-t- ake a nap, and wake up able to say one single sentence straight through without dragging that girl's eyes in." He left the room abruptly. "AH the siime," Ned told himself as lie reached for a book, "their eyes are very much alike." Mary Johnston slept the sleep of exhausted youth, and woke refreshed, to find her mother sitting at her bed side. "Why, Mumsy," Mary stretched out a slim, warm hand to .her niotner, "have you been worrying about me?" Mrs. Johnston stooped and kissed her. "You are all I have In the world, so you re ratner precious to me. You're not to get up. I've had my dinner, nnd yours is on the tray ready to bring np." "Mother!" Mary lay still and won dered. "You get a dinner! Why I never even dreamed you knew how!" "There's lots of undiscovered coun try nbout mother, tnougn you ve knowu her nil your life, Mary. You'll iind It out some day." Mary finished her dinner and when the tray, said. she relinquished Mother, couldn't we sort over the Jewelry tonight?" Mrs. Johnston agreed and went from the room wljth the tray, alary lay back on the pillows and contemplated the ceiling, a little frown between her brows. If It was not having to sen the jewelry and being poor, what was it that was worrying mother? Surely she was not worrying about this this Mr. Carter? At the same moment Claude Palms. still at his desk, also frowhlng, looked frm bis writing as Ned came Into , nn . 4 him' I..... ui'CK ' sul Turnbull. pleasant-spoken- 13 ;iimi Hut htm-dre- that marked her out from any other , redheaded woman Continued LpTEU VII inon-- y" that f j" the thought of having the car to himself as late as he wished. On. Mary's bed lay two empty Jewel cases. Mary sat propped tip against the pillows and her mother sat at the foot of the bed. T.etwcen them was a heap of glittering things. If Mary said: "Bother that old ring. You don't want to keep that," her mother would say: "Mary, you gave nie that ring when' you were only twelve. How can I part with it?" In the middle of an animated discussion about an old Jade bracelet, the doorbell rang. Mrs. Johnston, after waiting for some one to answer it, suddenly realized that she was the only some one available,' and went down stairs. Young John Slater stood waiting Impatiently. "Mr. Dabbs, lie asked me to give this note into your hands, and if they was any answer to wait." Mrs. Johnston managed to indicate that he might wait In the hajl, and went swiftly into the library, shut the door and held the letter as though it was a deadly explosive. Presently she opened the letter. Five one hundred dollar bills fell out. Mrs. Johnston picked them up, together with the note which had been folded around the bills. The note began without preamble. "If you are the Polly Johnston who married me in New Brunswick, "some twenty years ago, you will know why I have I am returning the money. felt worse than the devil about it for more years than I like to remember. or God's sake don't refuse ie the chance to get financially straight. I won't Intrude otherwise, without your permission. If you are not my Polly Johnston, send it back and exense "Claude Dabbs." a low whistle. Johnston gave Polly "It's a godsend," she said aloud as she put the money in her desk. She threw the note on the fire, watched It burn and went into the hall. Tell Mr. Dabbs there is no an swer. Young John went out Into the night and Mrs. Johnston went up to Mary, arranging her story as she climbed the stairs. Mary, lingering the Jewels, yawned little. She Idly planned several beginnings for the next chapter of They her life In Clover Hollow. were all different, yet each begau with the morning s interview who hip crocer's clerk. She thought this was odd, but concluded that poverty and the country were, narrowing her hori zon. She looueil up as uer iiiuiun entered the room. With a sudden movement of her hand, Mrs. Johnston swept me ior sale" Jewels Into the box. We won't have to bother witii (nem yet awhile. I ve unu a it'iejsram from New York. We're to go there 1 and negotiate n loan on the land. I course. of raft with want ymi couldn't leave you here alone. Well have to take the first train tomorrow It's the 0:30, I think. Will you be Mary-girl?- " feeling up to that, "1 feel perfectly all right, aiotnet, It's only a... bit sudden, and I can uevei ..!, ........... i, tin ."' U'di.rrmr rare anoui mi cuj Hut I'll be ready." (TO BU CONTINUED.) XfrXfrX!!!!!!: Kanakas Left Record of Engineering N,;;?"'11 n,"ment h'rn,,, within. that fHd,(,. V Kni,,e ni.Uves of New bygone days the " fciPH ln(h linme- - Caledonia displayed engineering. of ,0 t'u. ? '""""""'ng bed. IH knowledge '"' the valleys Ilccau.-- e 'Wr 1, the; ' Ms narrow iu ""''' ' too were lived K,f,X yfV carved the ri'i,J.n,",p",l"liii-'."Lnckv growing population, they ,. . lT. Kld It wusir't shies of the hills Into great,-.- so that graded " ec Mis These were carefully joti . mountain streams cou.u Jr,l, ' terrace n.J each 'fi K..I Oh, Yon ' 'l (lw smoothly along i y?i Snot "g Mrs. Johnston down to Hie next .u a n mile or so lonjr. iy Awfully fi,,,,) 0f wb I T. "n't a ''it like !? Adventure Marine. If Mary i Jhn, Ion ' t the hilisme, on o spring "'I (I Oh. into " 'Tly. "annfir- - water from r U (II,; ' ; u"l" . vladtcts made ox no... yen:nn.vtlilr.fr J trl"5A,'"t " "t , to "'ie(l ;:; - - W ; - ii 00Dt I don't care how late you come back, if there's no answer." Young John grunted assent and disappeared with the note, whistling at this Mrs. Johnston j " '""", eves ml nicety Modern engineers 111 OUVJ. . okill Few of these terraced hillsides an cultivated today. The white man ba changed all that. The native portilaflon is decreasin; the survivors are aputhetU nd Inrio or cat lent; t hy work on plantation gel on Ihey Sundays tie ranches, and drunk when "they are not uttendiu. church. Mileage cf Engines e- IJ1 mi DESTINY FOREFATHERS ! Prepared Their s, fUTSand FH WEE Sure HeSief FOR INDIGESTION When the Pope Had a Rival Takes Out of a rival pope, mm, 4 THE existence fa 4 70ID d r p p t nln( iV !TrlO II, caused Pope Urban dtttfi lu" 'ram Alktlt y i II to call upon all Christendom to Join or t ta r Irrtution. f" The old ilmpl reniwiy in the first crusade, a step that relief that brings eflfflfurUn j?1 stirred medieval Europe to the greatCT f I. . it bat. tit, all imssUtM movement mankind est ndUBarULltorTortmr has ever known and resulted in the establishment of the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem. From the Fourth century, when A Cuuullliil couipiexioa the dfttirecf tumu. End theadnilrnttonnf mrrmin. "KKfcMOLA" Christianity triumphed over paganism 1U prtKiuoe it. f'ironly $1.2f! da tfionsanrta of onjn f will Ask yi,nrd-aleIIOOKLIT. FKKK testify. in Rome, It bad been the custom of or write 1'r. C. LL Hetty Ou., Uvpb MicMa devotees to make pilAve., Chtcugo. Christian grimages to the holy sepulcher at A Beauty Shop in a Bottle Dr. Scholl's Zino-pad- s stop all pain Jerusalem. The Byzantine emph had A Ctifniloiil llHaterplecf. Intftrrta! and than other known quicker Sel-Juany but these the visits, Tf&immtt., Hijuvenallnn of Ihn Skin encouraged method. Takes but a minute to quiet Wood. P.flrk and Write today, OtmrHiitf. Mor"y Turks, who held Jerusalem in TWIN HKAl'TY I.AHOKATOIUKS the worst corn. Healing starts at 4 Miami Bunk IIMk.. Trnst Miami, Fin. 1004, began persecuting pilgrims. once. When the com is gone it never comes back. If nt r ehoes make the IVriuanrnt Hardrubber composition Peter the Hermit of Amiens, last Ind.'finltely. Warp proof. Regular prl- pot "touchy" again, a Zino-paFrance, carried a message from the 1, 14. half prlrff fisr xophont'S 13. dy. S"('hnmt)ftlnn.Ill. t sft Hnrrv WInfield because it That's cinrinot. stops instantly. to Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem Tope Zino-pad- s cause-pres-sing remove tha Urban II. urging that the Holy city be end rubbing of shoes. delivered from the hands of the InDr. Scholl's Zino-pad- s are medifidel. It was not the first appeal of cated, antiseptic, protective. At all the sort, but this pope found a new druggist's and shoe dealer's 35c reason for undertaking an .hltlous ementerprise. The Gertnano-Roain9Por Indigestion, Dyspepsia, etc. peror had set up a rival pope. Clement Relieves Distress after Hurried 1ino-padII, and Pope Urban II welcomed an Meals or Overeating. Being a opportunity to establish his authority Put one on (he pain is gone! over the Christian world. Hundreds gentle laxative, It keeps the digestive tract working normally. of thousands enthusiastically His Objection for the crusade and private 30c & 90c. At all Druggists. -"Rut, father, his is such a fine old quarrels throughout Europe wero for C. GREEN, Inc. WOODSURY, N. J. 6. tree !" gotten. Monks seized swords, noliles family he comes but "Yes, from the shadv sold their castles and even robbers W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Joined the movement, which was tide of it." Sydney Bulletin. called n 'crusade" because the bndge of enlistment was a red rose worn on the right shoulder. Walter the Penniless led 00.000 across the French border before nny organised movement was randy to start. Peter the Hermit followed with 40.000 more. ai:d a third hand, without a leader, numbered 200,000. It was believed that food and supplies would be miraculously provided by God and. when the miracle failed, the hordes lived on the land In passing. r.y the time Godfrey of Bouillon arrived In Ihe east, more than T,00.00 crusaders had perished. After several Living room, bedroom kitchen or pantw buttles with the Turks and Saracens, upstairs or down every room in the hou;e 40.000 knlcrhts survived to capture can be made bright nd attractive clean end nnd the Christian set Jerusalem up unitary with King Wall Finiih. Kingdom of Jerusalem, of which GodEasy to mix rtwy to arply and so economical that s dollsr's worth is usually more than frey of Bouillon bivnnie ruler an "IVfendcr of the Holy Senulrhor." room. enough to decorate the svcrige-size- d Don't tprrid tfngte pennr tor dVcorntlnn until yew The kingdom lasted nearly a century. "Hpain instantly ii llillIlC2ll walVC For SORE EYES k 1 i. d n DlSchoU's s 27. Jl The Ideal Wall Finish for every Room in the House -rr- rr77:.V;.-.TT.:.i.i.:-x:-xxxz-x-i' p,l,r"n'e of the After the Nod f take the car. d l DAYS OF OUR Marlnettl, the Itallnn futurist poet, S IM 4 M X suddenly appeared as the champion of electric stgn and appealed to fSignor Mussolini to reconsider the Duce's decision to abolish sky-sig- n advertising Women ln the big Italian cities. This causes the Manchester Guardian to remark Own Medicines By HARRY R. CALKINS that not only professed futurist poets The wise pioneer women learned to have found an element of vast fasci- gather, ln woods KXXXKXK'"HX-X-and fields, the reme WNU Bervn nation In electric advertising. When dies the Indians used. From tha Rupert Brooke first arrived in New The Sacrifice of Virginia v " rafters of colonial York and saw the nightly display on virgin Broadway be was houses, hung great 'TpIIE sacrifice of a beautiful decem-vlrutgreatly Impressed. e bunches of dried brought destruction to the "The recurrent appearance nnd disroots and herbs. of 450 15. C, one of the most From these, in vicious und tyrannical goverumeuts appearance of vast fiery toothbrushes, medicine bottles, flaming and immortal times of sickness, that ancient Konie ever knew. the busy mother celestial underwear, appeared to him Applus Claudius was the political like a brewed simple and conflict of the gods, nightly boss of the day. He hud beeu chosen powerful remedies. Indecisively for as one of the decemvirs, a board of figlitinjr" oiidiesidy, From roots and New imYork." One female figure ten men, to revise the legal code of herbs, Lydia E. Plnkhftm a rleseenil. Pome. In this otlice he made sue! pressed Brooke more thsn the Mona use of his authority that the election Lisa. It was "aH aflame against the aut of these sturdy pioneers, made her Vegetable Compound. The beneficial for the year following resulted in the darkness, beautiful, archaic like nn effects of this dependable medicine are Immortal Greek Van Pierre figure." elevation of himself and nine friends vouched for by hundreds of women. In Paassen, the Constitution. Atlanta Mrs. Wm. Kraft of 2S31? Vlnewood as decemvirs and rulers of Itone. Ave., Detroit, Mich., saw a PInkham adMurder, corruption and n.pine marked vertisement in the "News" one day and Could Go No Higher this oligarchical government. made up her mind that she would glvo After the last game of the 1921 the Compound War with the Sabines and Aequlans a trial. At that time sba broke out that year. I.uclous world's series, which was played In was very weak. "After the first bota centurion, hastened to the Washington, Bucky Harris youthful tle," she writes, "I began to feel better war. leaving at home a beautiful manager of the Washington Senators and like a new woman after taking six was hustled Into a taxi to Join the bottles. I recommend it to others and daughter, named Virginia. 'This girl keep a bottle in the house." had the misfortune to encounter Ap municipal parade. Presently (Rmky always Mrs. Gust Green of 401 Lincoln Park plus Claudius one day ou her way to tells the story In Ills book, "Playing Boulevard, Rockford, Illinois, found school and the politician became In the Game"), the taxi was held up by herself in a condition similar to that of Mrs. Kraft. "I was weak and runflamed with a desire to possess her. a trnflic policeman. When Virginia repelled his ad "Only the President can get by down," she writes, "but the Vegetable Compound has helped me and I feel vances, Appius coached one of his here," said the cop. better now. I recommend It to- all clients to claim the girl as a slave. "Man, I got Bucky Harris ln this women who need moro strength." This client. Marcus Claudius, seized bus!" the driver came back. the girl and declared she was the "Why didn't you say so first?" the daughter of a slave, owned by him traffic man protested. "On your way!" SCRATCHES and that she had been adopted in "Then I knew," adds Bucky, "that Stop tic smarting and hasten tha infancy by the wife of Virglrius who I had reached the top." Kansas Cify wished to impose on her husband. Times. healing by piompt application of The trial came up before Appius in accordance. w!h bis design and he Make-u- p With Airbrush decided in favor of his tienchnian's In some theatrical performances nnd claim. The people of Rome were in the movfes, It Is often necessary to greatly excited by the horrid lnjus put a "make-up- " on a larger portion tice. The Judge was compelled to Of the Accordion's Centenary performer's body. In 'ordinary grant a delay. Messengers informed manner of procedure,, this The Etude says that the accordion requires Is this year celebrating its centenary, Virginius of his daughter's peril, and considerable time, but the operation he left the army to hasten home. His has been It was not till 1829 that Dam-ia- n recently hastened by the use though plea to Appius, backed by the en of an airbrush. The coloring matter produced the perfected Instrument treaties of the matrons of Home, was is practically sprayed over the surface in Vienna. denied. to be covered and much time is saved. Virginius then begged leave to speak to his daughter and her nurse. The father took the daughter aside, seized a knife from a butcher's stand and plunged it to her heart. Thus was her honor saved. Before court haarlem oil has been a worldattendants could lay hands od VirINDIGESTOWj ginius he had broken through the wide remedy for kidney, liver and crowd, mounted a horse and fled to Bell-an- s bladder disorders, rheumatism, the army. The soldiers were so inHot water lumbago and uric add conditions. censed by the story that they placed Sure Relief themselves under lendershlpof Virginius, marched on Rome, and deposed the government. Appius was im1 UAADI IT 14 nil prisoned and either died or was slain. The tyranny of the decemvlrr was 254 and 754 Pk&Sold Everywhere ended, wiped out by the blood of a correct internal troubles, stimulate vita! virgin. organs. Three sizes. AH druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal. Earthworm Full of Eyes Dr. V.'til'er N. Hess of Johns Hop kins announces that earthworms Lure eves In every section of (heir bodies With n sm.'ill bran of I.'sdit he found II pvery segment si'nUive to It. was a'lie to Identify the skin ceils thai respond to lir.iit. I' cn-'H- 'a. The average pasp-ngrovers np traveling on good roads, In one year nlles .Ti.' , erase dinfincc wh:.?. n f reign nm.li.r traveis in n year H nld.r-i.c- Utc a rrc-lmle!- l I Slbr.'r Some nun are bri!li;int fathers in public and others j.o Mit wirii their ulves. Boston Trni;cilpl. Lnow more ibout chif rcmirlcaHe wall fi.itsli. Write tojay for Color Chart Howtrg 19 beautiful colore to choose from end Dame cf dealer ncarr&t yoa. TIIR CHICAGO WHITE WAD OU CO. lith fit. end S. Wettcrn Ave, CI.Ujuo, I!l. U i -l ill Ii "Mmj-J- ll v.tt h it. i lJ , i m .IJUHW ti in. i'' v DISTRIBUTOR SALT LAKE GLASS & PAINT CO. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH |