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Show THE HELPER TI"ES. FIEUTR. soap. Tva awfully grateful for a! you've done for nie." She blushed vividly at the end of her speech. Ned instantly forgave her everything. "It's nothing. I'nele orders me to do these things," Ned lied cheerfully. He made an elaborate note in a book, which Mary, now aroused to note this young man's customs and manners, saw was a little red leather diary and rather elegant at that. It was not at all the usual orderbook of a grocer's clerk. Her suspicions grew. "May I ask," Raid Ned, feeling very businesslike, "if that was uncle on the telephone? Because, that's why I waited. I knew he might call up." Mary admitted that it had been his uncle. Alabaster ImFs 1 "Margaret Tur-nbull.- ' This was the first time In she had known her strong, mother to give way to her frightened. her life that STORY FROM THE START Claude Melnotte Pabba returns from New York to his grocery In Peace Valley, Pa. With htm comes Ned Carter, a stranger, whom Pabbs Introduces to "Aunt Lyddy," his old housekeeper, as a r.ephew. Later Pabba admits to Aunt Lyddy that Carter Is a chance acquaintance, veteran of the World war, whom he had met In Now York and taken a lik-lnto, Carter tells that he has broken with Ms family and his fiancee bemuse of their ultra-pucitl- n With Pabbs leanings. Ned visits Clover Hollow. They almost run ovtr a dog belonging to a grlrl whom Carter ap- deNed parently rccoprnizr-s-. livers a grocery order, and In his absence the girl, Dorothy Sctdon, says that she knows Ned's Inst name to be Ranpeloy, and that he Is the fumou.i banker's iion. Next mornlnir Ned work as a delivery boy. Delivering an order marked 'Johnston" at the "White House," he meets a grlr! who tolls him she and her mother are alone, the servants having left. Ned promises to pet help. Meeting' Duro-thhis former fiancee, he evades telilr.g- why he is in Peace Val capable nerves. "Mother, can't tell me what's "Did he want roe 7' Ned Inquired, a shade uncomfortably. Grasping her chance, Mary an swered demurely: "I don't know. I told him that you had gone. I should think, if you are in the habit of spending most of your working hours washing dishes for any customer whose help leaves her, you might be a very nice man, but a pretty poor grocer." Ned laughed. "I wasn't concerned about Uncle Claude waiting me, but about his requiring the cat Don't get a false idea from me of how the gro- ery business is run, Miss Johnston. The simp is Uncle Claude's. I'm allowed to do odd jobs, while visiting wrong?" him." Just now, Mary-girl- . It's financial bother, and until 1 understand it better myself, I can't talk about it. Hun along like n good child. My head will soon be all right again." Then the head wns lifted and the eyes fixed upon her daughter. ' "Oil do take that ugly apron off!" "I've- - been so busy I forgot It." Mary was more hurt than apologetic. To tidy n big house like this, and make something to eat, was quite an achievement, for any girl, and especially one Mary's eyes unconsciously took in She young man's outer garments. had been so domestically absorbed that she had only concerned herself with his actions tnd intentions. Now she realized that before her was young man, clad in garments fur too sophisticated and too well cut to be long to any grocer's assistant in Fence Valley. Undoubtedly Ehe was bein "had by this young man. Mary' ,rNo, little a I you I can't the blue "I with eyes snapped. admire jour uncle," she said feeling and obvious emphasis. "He's my hero, too, Just now," Ned IT A II QUEER QUIRKS C' cmmimivq ?y IN HUMAN DESTINY Buildmcj Cost of Beautifying Grounds Never Waste That the importation of foreign bulbs lias reached a point where they are now available nt little cost was pointed out by Joseph C. president of the Joseph C. company, subdivides of Detroit. "The United State Department of Agriculture lias limited the importation oO narcissus bulbs for 1027 t- small quantities of new varieties," said Mr. Malorx y. "The reason given by the department was that in 1020 alone 42,000,000 bulbs were imported. This included 5C0 varieties, but the bulk of the shipments were made up of about' twenty of the most used commercial varieties. This heavy importation will) the previous known plantings is sullieient for all propagation needs. "The planting of flowers and shrubs has been quite an expense to the home owner, although the gain in added beauty to the home more than offset the cost. It is probable that the home raising of these bulbs will cut the cost to a fraction of what was for merly paid. "I don't know of any other Investment iri laud or home that returns more pleasure, or actual cash value than flowers, shrubs and trees. They will beautify any vacant lot and make a home an estate. There is a danger in planting that it will be overdone. There is more beauty In a thin, well jtlanued planting than in a profusion of (lowers and shrubs that have been planted without thought of what the entire picture is to be." flower ,. Ma-lone- y f By HARRY R. CALKINS y, well-ordere- beau-tilicatio- old-styl- Can't Sew, hilj in Styljjf Keeps Adversity Drought Good Fortune Conqueror would WILLIAM the a far more determined . foe In Fngland if good fortune had not befallen his arms In the strange form of a temporary adversity. I'M for a gale that wrecked many of William's ships and piled the bodies of the drowned upon the coast of Normandy, the conqueror's army would have reached Kngland before King Harold's army was exhausted by battle with an earlier invader, King Harold Hardrada of Norway, and the issue of Hastings very likely would have been different. The duke of Normandy based his claim to England's throne upon a promise said to have been made by King Edward the confessor. To bolster this claim Duke William In 10(55 im prisoned Earl Harold, who was visiting Normandy, and compelled him to swear lie vould support William's claim. In lOCti King Edward died and nil England turned to Harold as next in right of succession. Harold re-nounced the oath taken under duress End accepted. Throughout the summer of that year Duke William prepared for war. The pope recognized bis right, so Christendom knights throughout joined the Norman's party. An army of 50,000 knights and 10,000 inferior soldiers was gathered on the banks of the Dive river and a great fleet of vessels was assembled for the invasion of England. King Harold on bis ,side likewise made vast preparations for war. Both the English fleet and the English army were ready to repell invasion when news arrived that King Harold Hardrada, excited to the effort by Earf Tostig, renegade brother of Harold, bad landed an army In York shire. The English forces hastened thither and in a great battle at Stam ford bridge destroyed King Hardrada and the flower of his nobility. In the meantime Wiliiam of Normandy, unaware of developments In England, was chafing under a delay occasioned by a northeast wind which held his fleet in port. When the wind did veer to the west, the fleet set sail and encountered a fierce gale that drove them back upon the French coast. Many ships were lost and many men drowned, but this new delay only served to allow time for the diversion of the English army to Yorkshire. When William finally reached Eng land his landing was unimpeded, as Uurold and all his army were away fighting In Yorkshire. m cm uj iruxora uiat are save the cost nt nnm niu srji pp.i labor of sewing. You can hoE old dresses Jdst as good a sional dyers I The secret of perfect home djDvl x,...i,Un, iw; o iu use teal mond Dyes are true dyes; true, even colors and tint fi thejjj beam's ii.iio. auu bo easy to use I Ann,. of goods right over other colors. N! your curtains' and other furnish,:' , l i ' unaccustomed to doing it. She had looked for praise. "It makes you look " her mother agreed. gave an odd, hysterical giggle "it Mary could not keep from laughter, makes you look like a grocer's daughaiid somehow laughter Cleared the air ter. For heaven's sake, take it off!" and seemed to leave oil explanation: Mary went downstairs more slowly for a future time. Ned went gayly City of Small Homes than she had come up. She wished down the Is Ideal Community At the foot be turned her mother would confide in her, for and lookedsteps. She back at the girl. It Is not surprising that the Missis she must be awfully worried about stood watching him from the door slppl valley landscape artists, meetmoney to act like Ibis. Mary wonway. He had not the slightest doubt ing in Kansas City, should declare dered. Idly, if it meant that they would she was d speculating about him. lie that the charm of a city Ned arranges with Ettie have to give up the proposed trip to ley. so ! devoutly hoped is In Its small homes. The small Pulslfer to do housework at the and Honolulu this fail. California uhat afternoon Ned helped Mr3 homes so greatly predominate In num Johnstons', but she Is unable to They might possibly have to stay In Pulslfer out and ushered her into the start work at once. Ned goes ber that unless very many of them are New York all winter. to report to Mary Johnston. They might Johnston kitchen, which was empty, attractive the city, at best, offers only even be so poor that they would have and urged her- toward the dishes to stay here In the country. There piled on a tray. Not knowing the etl beautiful residential spots of greater or lesser extent It Is in the rich diswas something that appealed to Mary CHAPTER IV Coniinued quette of work by the day, Ned feared tricts that the landscape architects in If this mother could 5 thought. ' only she might resent not being cere get their best commissions, but they Mary opened her mouth to ennlhi he kept amused. monlously welcomed. He watched her Ever since Mary's childhood, she begin her task and, much relieved, are not overlooking the importance of late this pushing young person, but at small home treatments, even though that moment the telephone bell rang, had realized that the first duty of the went into the garden. have not yet devised a way to and with a little nod of dismissal, she world and the people therein, herself He found Mary there, investigating they the landscaping of small lots. promote was in amused. Included, mother keep Lurried to answer It, the growth of lilies in a small flower The fact is that the Nod looked idly about him. Then When she was not amused, Mary's bed under the side window. He was home Interesting owner, be his place costly or in dark. were not heavens was that It the great idea came to him. lie. whistling, and she rose from the It took so much to amuse her. Someexpensive, has real Incentive for ground und put a finger to her lips, grinned, snatched up a gingham hook or a vbit from n new times a Keeping the house and kitchen apron from the back of He stopped instantly. "I think my mother's asleep," was premises attractive contributes to the chair and tied it across his chest, lie friend, and the sun shone again; but Joy of living and to the value of turned the hot water on a pan full of woe betide any place or person boring the explanation she gave is an im dishes and reached for the dish mop her for two consecutive days. They him, with a gesture toward an upper property. A block or district factor. were from portant obliterated her Immediately window. Ned explained briefly the He knew that camp, motor bout and life. arrival and temporary employment of otherwise well planned and cared for army experiences would stand him in The War of the Red Bull down may be spoiled to 'considerable extent to one sat on of rest the Mary Mrs. Pulslfer. now. He would show this good stead ' a few careless ago in Ireland, owners by Her or home went oc back steps. thoughts MANY centuries Mary, delighted to hear this, intl girl what an excellent Job he could do, little provocation was reHence the expediency of He commenced to wash dishes In a through the years to all the hotel mated politely that he had now done cupants. quired 'to start a war. Queen Medb suites they had occupied the rented all and more than was associaImprovement and neighborhood plow, orderly fashion. expected of Connaught stole a red bull from tions. in common effort desir Through Spain, Italy and might add to her debt of gratitude At the telephone, Mary was talking villas, apartments King Concobar of Ulster and preAll had been delightful, but able standards may be established France. his by to Mr. Dabbs. Site had closed the departure. the way for the hero, Cuculalnd, she would love to here and see an It being a lovely spring afternoon, and maintained. Kansas City Times. pared door. No sound from the kitchen American winter. stay to take a place in history as the only To watch the seawarm and delightful, Ned had no Idea reached her. Yes, she told him, she sons warrior who ever put an army to change from spring to summer. whatever of doing fills and obtusely Roof Highly Important was Miss Johnston, and his nephew summer flight after Ids death. to autumn, autumn to win followed her He Into the kitchen. had gone. She was ever so much Nowadays the modern home builder Medb didn't really need the red ter, here In her own country! It Insisted, pleasantly, that having desires a covering for the home pos bull; she only took it in order to obliged. If Mrs. Pulslfer could conic would be delightful, wonderful. brouglit Mrs. Pulslfer there, he must sessing not one or two virtues, bui win an at noon, it would be a great he!p. nrgument with her royal conMary rose slowly and went down Introduce her. left the shin Mary telephone with combining In one perfect roofing all sort, Ailill, over whose wealth was stairs. One tiling certain, she must The introduction Ned performed, ins eyes. How kind these country not bother mother now, uud she must the which the varigreatest. The king and queen had still lingered. Mary Ignored him, but ous single advantages roofs possessed, together people were! Imagine a groeer tak make iter a cup of tea. listed their property separately and Mrs. I'ulsif r had been young once with such additional ones Ing all that trouble In the city! She as modern It was found the queen was a shade opened the door leading to the nnd scented an Mary approaching romance science "may have developed. must tell mother. It would amuse her, kitchen. Then she stared with astonthe poorer. The famous red bull more readily than might lie supposed. If the headache was not too bad. ishment and The "perfect roof,'-- ' according to would, turn her defeat to vietorv, so the dismay at grocer's was She the of woman who modern type With a little run she took the stairs, standards, must combine the site had It seized. hoy drying the dishes. would always be on the side of the three steps at a time, and softly Concobar was very wroth and would !" exclaimed Mary,. following qualities: It must be a com'Oh or man, With right a sly plete shelter in all climates and under opened the door of the great front listen to no proposals for reimburseThe "grocer's hoy" began tugging at glance at Ned. wrong. she asked Mary If It all weather renditions. bedroom. ment or restitution. his apron strings, wishing that he had But Concobar would not be "a kindn good time to It wns a lovely room, darkened now, iienrd It must be proof agafnst all roof- - was not quite ready for war, so the look a her coming. "Must fool," get a stu'iTt of fresh air?" beautifully arranged and famished. was his thought. communlcated fire for the benefit not Connaught folk sought advantage in "I need no Nothing in It was as beautiful as the was very kind of you, but en to rlglitac ofien telling. I've set things only of the individual, but of the com- - a swift attack. Concobar sent the It woman who was lying upon the bed, enough for the Greens, Mary spoke great champion, Cuculalnd. to hold tirely unnecessary." who usta have this house, you go nuinity. staring at the celling. She looked severely. It must be a true insulation against back the queen's forces at a ford of Si Ned Carter down wit along here and heat and cold. It must be scarcely older than Mary herself. the Kiver Dee, while the main army Her tone reminded Ned of all lip had to easy put pick nnd choose something for dinner. on una Tumbled masses of red hair spread about Ids apparent station to maintain in was being rallied. The rules of chivalInexpensive forgotten He'd in back a bring Ain't you over the pillow. She turned her face In life. JilTy. ood condition. Suddenly bo disliked this no sense In ry in that day provided that nn army you two wlmen ruining quickly from Mary. blue-eyeAnd could but not advance as long as a chamj.lrl Intensely, If she was no means last, it by least, your lielleat stummlcks with canned must be artistic a "Mother, I m going to bring von that kind. of the opposing force offered crown to pion fitting with me trash to cook. You can tea and toast in a Jiffy, unless d lie slipped out of the offending git n chicken in here facade it must be es- - single combat. Cuculaind by mighty no time." feel like coming down." you feats of arms held the queen at bay, ipron. took up his bat, and looked ut thetically pleasing to the beholder. The thought of providing "I don't want anything. something Don't her gravely. "I'll bring Mrs. Puisifer her warriors one by one. beating ttouhle," came In a soft murmur from up after luncheon," be oiTerod, limply. appetizing for her mother appealed to Queen Medb prevailed upon Finally She a Mary, made Plan Before Building dignified eslt to the bed. Mary's sense of humor, which h,id the powerful Ferdiad, greatest of littie in "Oh, mother, don't take It so hard! momentarily deserted her, relumed. consult- her mother. the house Every tiling southern champions, to espouse her I'm getting on famously and the counshould be planned out before hand. cause She thought herself a fool to lianiit against his old friend Cuculalnd. try people here are wonderful. 'What the incident, however annoying, in thi Stairs, doors, windows, chimnevs. They fought for three Claude has something on- hi days and so hi you think! The grocer the one manner. (lues, closets, all the thousand and fiercely that "they cast t he river out chest. And he won't bs satisfied v.iili a funny little short name one n Mr. that house will make things Carter, you please don't "Oh, of Its bed," frightened the horses until he gets It off. I 'uhhs that's it. Is sending n woman bring tip two pound t f Cralaim Hour, Just happen. Any of them misplaced both nrmies nnd caused the timorof to cool; and clean for us tlit after-i- and tome table suit I don't remember entirely spoil the utility or the ap- ous to flee. Cuculalnd was wounded on. I5y tomorrow we'll have not how suit nuiies and three cakes of pearance of the house, or both, It but slew bis opponent. The (TO UiJ CONTIN't'HO.) has been said, and there Is quite a grievouslyforces fled only a clean house, hut probably but were pursued queen's new hatch of maids and a cook from little truth in It. that If you wish nnd the incomparable Concobar by can he properly the city. Then you perfection In your house, you should Cuculaind. In a pitched battle, Cufed." tuke as long In planning us It tukes Scoffer culalnd received a mortal wound- Her mother raised herself on one to actually build. drawing the spmr from his side he lbow, staring at her daughter with to a small lake, drank deeply crept I. vol, unblinking brown eyes. Doctor famous Parker, English "inline" nnd "Withdraw." Situ pul Doctor Chamber was of nnd Commerce refreshed though facing on one was reeeivoccasion face to face she appeared older than pit orator, Parker arose and said. "Hush, do not There Is no better evidence of the death. h't Us quarrel with our friend. He Is Worth Mary, hut one would hardly hue clans-l"eig a good deal of attt ntiou at a loti iie struggled to bis feet find lashed of a chamber of commerce thai them as mother and daughter. on club to which he had been liivli-d- . simply stating his belief. When I am the himself with his belt to a stone pillar that other live cities maintain fact Sifters would have been a reasonable All was going welt until one nf the iiearlnir my latter end I will call for There Is riot on set up of old to honor n fallen warthe conflation of the Christian reli- such organization. utidienee, pcilmps soniowlutt irritated guess. a rior. In order thnt be might die on record of a live, procusp single "Mary, what did you say the grocer's nt finding a Christian minister the gion, hut our friend here, on his deathhis feet. Queen Medb's army, town without a chamber of gressive r of so much tintt ring attention. uti me was?" seeing '" 'all for the gas man." Mm commerce. Eufelu must and will carry a man whom they knew to have been "Imbbs," repeated Mary. Funny launched oat Into mi attack uiiou real 1 auiily Herald. on. Unless we do carry forward the wounded lo death standing erect, conuatne." hristlatilty. lie said that, after nil. cluded he was Immortal nnd fled, leavwork we splendid have "Isn't this place called Clover (if " benefits hail Christ hnilty le been started, die rifort and money thus expended will ing the victory to King Concobur of Not Upright tretm t.dously oven tiled, ami Unit in 3. T. W. rcMnrk: count for caught. Euf.iia (Ala.) Tuliv Ulster. Influence "Yes, mother, but the grocer corned beneficent upon iiiinMiiil "Muny a m . would be better if f.P did ,, Clth-.erifrom I'eaco Valley. There ere to many Invention had iione more tii n so In Iioliuw." Clover much time he "i'or spend nbl. shops Speech and Action lying. Christianity, Cost,,,, Transcript. Mary's mother sunk hack on her "I considir that fhe discovery of jjaa AHon hang, as it were, "dissolved" Great Truth Sl lows and muttered something that has done more for llrin the The bigger the city the cleaner the In spcc'li. in thoughts, whereof speech sounded like : "Oh uiy eouI ! The hist Christian religion." The l::hui"ri InIn the shadow; and Is used to cry u.e Ink main Mr ds end the 'dirtier the side t'l'tr! precipitates llself straw !" stantly resented thl Insult io their on bills made by the bureau or ;. 8i.--o System the Magiulce of therefrom. The kind of speech In a Uurj looked pimled and a lltthj guest. There were hisses anil cries of S,ming and nam betokens the kind of action I'.tlsillOSK, yon will get from be-pl- ns fl.tiKiTiiiiHt .j. jr 8 , mil WMJ Service too. FREE: ask any druggist for tut,5 ' mond Dye Cyclopedia. Valm..' gestions, simple directions. i Cf goods color samples. Or, writs U illustrated book Color Craft tu r MOND DYES, Dept. N12, BurhV Vermont j t I Make it PIEWfor 15 cfsf I- Horseshoe pitching, which den muscular and p,u strength, has acquired a scie. status and is gaining In potm! ... ivu.-3ii.j- one contestant pitched lonrau; irai j C,Kt2 Ltpu pounds, io fa game is tie w shoes, weighing walked 27 miles. The popular In the Middle West. ciil score card is used and indhiaw ability is rated as In baseball, so ft : well-planne- Met Match in Witty Preacher Wei rue as hi, Eidetly People Are .earning Jmporfaewey of Good Elimination. 'liich TN the later years of Kf.1'. is apt to be a slowing r the bodily fnnctions. tfshloJ J elimination, however, is jctnml( essentiid to the old ssto,re.n young. Many old foiks k'J'oois learned the value of DoMey Pilla when a stimulant drifters to the kidneys is rsqc Cjid o Scanty or burning psspti syn kidney secretions are oftensjThb of improper kidney functaeut oj moat every commnnity ""x-edof users and endorsers witgj e? claim the merit of Doan's, ((j your neighbor hnv Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidnc, f Co., Mlg. Chemists. Bufiiii,, ng -- t by Foster-Milbur- FOR Coughs da3toCo!c fit Li nfghtf tihols rjU A .... mm .1A VJ rum t SUCCESSFUL FOR SO YEARS 30C & 90c e sw If- At all Draggiisnts, "foppie Clock Induces Sleep! ftM f,0r( Hased on the fact that a softly grume, ming, monoirtious sound often .'etary to Induce sleep, a clockwork af rd,. fo tus patterned by n German doct Andn lK'es the desired noise for :!ish h forty minutes after winding. Tnrrs. Ih not to awaken the person ushigired lb an abrupt cessation of the sound rs 7?! d nnd gradually becomes weaker finally tiles away. Popular Mecfcpaper pr wasi Magazine. . icdied I DEMAND "BAYER" ASPff p,HCP tin'-'- H syilil Take Tablets Without Fear If See the Safety "Bayer Cro'p if," ! th e p, f Hf "It Unless you see Warning "Bayer" on package or on tablet' are not getting the genuine m((p Aspirin proved safe by millions',), hltl prescribed by physicians for 28)'(m1 Say "Buyer" when you buy tJi!j Imitations may prove dangerous.- -' j,r0(il been Not Likely JeanMae i be red Is at least tweiity-f'ooot Sally She never told jmi, ''iii ',h.fnP j- " w upon The march of the human matter. slow. Purke. .letters "eKR, III Health the Greatest ement If Obstacle to Happi- - 'or ' . " J'CiJ Denver, Colo. "I have taW". Pierce's remedies off nnd on for1 flrtl vdhpi t, A T Ua fhntn " Hilt always tawi Favorite Tre' tlon very sa'' ft"don he . lies I , r v ' .... a y a Illu tonic, sna u arrived at n0 ' 1" .h..,i It- tnt about l.fstnA 1 r'"XV-fs- 3 iCiWJ v i Ji .V Ihii-low?- him.--C'nrl- yle. . rtl DOAN'S - i'-- r.t saj A Word Wife the Old Folks e d - Horseshoe Pitchers . f'ir 4W yVy' ;-' frnP-f- r!ht alonx ! ln ' f'"t carried mo & the critical Pf hcea tin In any Just flro. Now I gin d 'in housework and nm well fr'J in Mrs. V. C. Iiiack, 2U.2 '' All Large bottles. Tablets 11.36 and 5c Wrlto Dr. Flnrce's CHr.lr. pJ N. Y., if you desire free ilc ' Jg - fl-33- ('l'". ; |