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Show j k IJIIFJ I it H i r ill y Helper, Carbon County, Utah, Thursday. February 24, Carbon County tad Cross Has few ? i Officers iimplete reorganization of the rbon county unit of the American 1 ross is being accomplished as of a week's vi3it in e tesalt racw county of Miss Mary John-- a field repre-nt.-fiOf San Francisco, of tha national R?4 jsaj Miss Johnson Keft Sunday. IJri Grant Crawford has accepted 0 diairmanship of the new Red A ve succeeding Mrs. H. Stevenson, who has seen many ars;of service in the position. Other officers of the unit are Mrs. llace A. Lowry, vice chairman; rs. JBort Bunnell, secretary, and H. Robinett treasurer. Five elective embers of the new executive board e: I Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Mat Perry Egan, H. S. Robinett Gil-ou- rj. P. M. Biersach. Tha entire executive board of the cal Ted Cross unit is composed of ie officers jmd elective members ime4 together with 'the following: Ishop W. E. Stoker of the L. D. S. lurch, the Rev. H. M. Merkel of the rice Community Church, Monsignor of the Catholic y F." Gicvannoni lurch, the Rev. D. Smyrnopoulos of ie Greek orthodox church, Comman-e- r Henry C. Olsen of Price Post No. D. C. Wood-ar, the American Legion, Jr., Miss Clara Kremer of the anior Red Cross organization. Mrs. race A. Cooper, chairman of the Red rossr committee on publicity, and irs. Jdina Miller, chairman of the mmittee on home service. id 0. Feminist Coming The The ice is broken. A building epidemic is in the air. A $150,000.00 building program has been announced by Zeese and Staes of Helper, who have taken a fifty-yelease from the D. & R. G. Railroad on the lots located on Main street, opposite the Golden Rule store. ar Mr. Zeese stated that work would begin immediately excavating the ground for the building, which will be a t structure, with a frontage on Main street by 90 feet deep. The building will be modern in every way, and when completed will be one of Helper's finest business blocks. Anyone desiring space in these buildings should see Mr. Zeese at the Success Meat and Grocery Store. one-stor- of Heads Famous Club 0 Scalds 3-Y- ifiltfl ents, the also severely i II 4 the son-i-to- Former Helper Resident Dies on Pacific Coast Mrs. Helen M. Lee, wife of I. A. died at the family homq in had Lee, Inglewood, California, early Mong Torno of Kenilworth n unusual accident with his tour-jcar Wednesday evening about 5 'clock. Mr. Torno was driving to 'rice and was just the other side f Blue Cut when something went prong with the steering wheel apparatus and he lost control of the ar. Realizing his perdicament, Ir. Torno jumped clear of the wild ar and, escaped injury. The car iroceeded down the embankment tioes. It tnd turned over several of repairs, 8 now badly in need vith its demolished top and other-vis- e August bruised condition. AUXILIARY NOTES The usual good attendance particiin the business meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary, at which Mrs. F. Osborne unit president, presided. Various items of interest and future pending plans came up for dis, cusslon. It was voted that Mrs. be sent as local representative to the convention to be held in Salt Lake by Mrs. Beales, the. national which will be the last week in February. pated Os-bo- rn nt o day morning, February 14. Death came as a result of Bright's disease, and followed an unconscious s'oep Funeral servi.-Jo,f several days. were held Wednesday by an Episcopal minister, with interment in the Inglewood cemetery. Mrs. Lee is survived by her husband, and her two sons, Percy, of Los Anegles, and Walttr of Phoenix, e Arizona. The Lee family were Lee Mr. In residents Helper. waa one of the early editors of the Helper Times when this "sheet" was in its infancy. At that time the old-tim- printing office occupied only part of the building which the shop occupies in whole at the present time After residing here for many years, they sold out their interests to George Grow, and moved to Inglewood eight years ago. Mrs. Lee visited in Helper last July enroute to her California home after a visit with relative in Webster City, Iowa. While here she was the guest of Mrs. Paul Her passing is mourned by her many friends in this city. Pes-sett- o. o Grand George Zeese returned to hi:; Hugh Perry here Sunday. He had a business found $500 Rapid?, Mich., recently sofa been attending 'business matters diamond ring in a second-han- d ' in Denver for several days. purchased several years ago. P. Mrs. of Union Pacific Coal Company Closes Two of Its Rock Springs Coal Mines The Union Pacific Coal company ro:-ctwo of its coal mines No, 2, located at. Rock Springs, iind "iinn D, at Superior. There will bo no lay-of- f on account of the clone, tli men with familioM will be civrn work In other mines close to tiuir homes, while Mingle men will lias I1'' placed in vicinity. The closing oher camps in the crease the overhead expense of the fans The pumps ard company. will still be kept going. Vine 2 is one of the oldest and dcpe'it tn'.r.' in the district and the work rouM be done to better tidvnntage in other difrsing. MannRer George H. Pryd explains that, neither mine h l'ini; closed permanently and that the production is not beln; out down at rill n beyond what is usually done this of the year. f'C'i-so- was Ki.mply :tr de ent, were desirous that the stockto 'the commltiee appointed' by the holders of the cornoratVn tdjould rhoo.'G the location later on. Helper Chamber of Commerce last Another meeting was held WedSunday. nesday evening at the city hall 'and Those present and offering-grounthe. following were named by Pre3. for the hospital were Joe Lamone, Chas. Ledger aw a committee to act 4 acres; Mrs. A. L. Davis, 2 acres; with' the previously-name- d hospital Celecte Dalpiaz, 2 acres; Chas. Cor-Vi- committee: A. Labororl, John Guil-icGeo. Banner, F, P. Fisher, Ted l'a acres; Steve Gianotti and J. Bottino, 2 acres James Martello, 4 JOuflaa; II: M. Eda, S. Itow, Tony acres; - Helper Real Estate Co.,. 2 Skerl, Silas Rowley,. Steve Gianotti, acres; J. S. Fitch and Joss Ilalvcr-so- n, Byron Carter, Harry Walraven, A. 2Vi acrea, and the Bryncr Bros. J. Stafford, Geo. Garavaglia and J. 2 acres. A. Cease.' . These locations are offered at lowThe committee" are to meet with est prices for cash, and many de- the Chamber of Commerce directors sired to dbuate the land, receiving next- - Friday even ing,. February 2a. stock in the corporation for ?ame. at the city hall for the purpose of No location was decided upon a"t acrofiting agreements and outlining last Sunday's meeting. All inforthe campaign for selling stock and mation was tabled, and those pres organizing the Corporation. Old Child 3 baby being injured. Mrs. Bonacci had placed a pan of water that had bscoroe frozen upon the stove to thaw, the little ones playing on the floor at the time In some manner unknown to the parents, the pan of water that had become hot fell from the stove, the older child receiving most of the contents upon its left side and leg. The baby also received soma of the hot water. Alarmed by the cries of the children, the parents ruhed into the kitchen, the father lifting up the baby not knowing that Albert was injured, he having on a thick sweater, but the chid's cries becoming louder he was examined and the clothes hurriedly taken off him, when the severity ol his .injuries were discovered and a doctor hastily summoned. Everything possible was done for the little sufferer in an attempt to save his life, but without avail, until death ended hi3 rufferings at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The funeral services were held at St. Anthony church in Helper Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. A. F. Giovannoni officiating, with ourial in Mountain View cemetery The parents of the child have the sympathy of the entire community. Eight children remain to the parents, six girls and two boys. Mme. Suzanne Griitburg, one of the most distinguished lawyers in France, Is soon to make a two months' lecture tour of the United States. She is rocognlfced as the leader of the woman uiTrae movement in Franco. o, . Carbon County High Junior Prom Dance Selh Hammond social event of the school cry.ender hold sway Friday etviening at the Prioe city hall when the Junior clacs of ;the Carton Hfgh gave their annual Junior The prom-anad- As an apu-ioprip- f e Funeral Services For 1 V' - Victims of Snowsides f r'. Services for Gus iGoodhart, 65, mine foreman of Latuda, were held from the Community church in Price at 2 o'clock Sunday after- e. setting 4 - for the affair, the class had chosen scene, and this was the-- latest to' detail out crrrjed The entry to the hall was made through an icy igloo, where ' polar hears lert a bit of atmosphere. The hall was resplendent with snowy flakes of great The northern profusion. lights arose behind the orchestra and proclaimed thee nam of "Juniars" in red lights. Bits of blue sky and twinkling stars shone at the wina dows. Fundi was served from huge cr.ke of ice. A mammoth thermometer at the front of the hall registered the danou?. .MUiatf.uip check books were the unique Flowers worn by tho Junior classmates distinguished them-frothe rest of the guests. noon a northland pro-traui- SSf - ' - the under auspices of the Helper Consolidated Odd Fj ow lodge. Eurial in Price cemetery. Goodhart, one of the oUMamers of the county, had worked with the Liberty Fuel company a3 mine foreman at Latuda. for ten, years. Surviving him arc his widow and five '7 4 f j children. JDanii:! R. .Grundv,. 27, mSrtf for the Lion Coal company at Wat-tiwas killed in the slide who there Wednesday, was buried Sun- s, A';.'v".'., .L .. ' ir ' t Serday afternoon at Wellington. vices were held at the ward chapel Keth naminond of South Bend, IncL, there f t 2 o'clock in charge of Bishwas horn on the farm where he Mr. Crundvig op Eugene Branch. lives nearly ninety-on- e years n;,'o. a was native of Wellington, having longest absence during this time was a period of four we; ks spent in Cali- been born there November 25, 1S99, fornia. He works on his farm every the son of Sovcrine and Alflna PalBesides his widow day. He is healthy, does not use to- mer Grundvig. bacco and. Is a total abstainer 'from and parents, be is survived by three liquor. He has a f;on in Columbus, children, Silva, 6, Dan, 3, and La Ohio, who Is professor of economics von, 3 months; by five brothers and in the university there;. a daughter in three sir.ters. California, and a son in South Bend, by who is judge in tha Superior court. were hold Funeral rr7 s. m LOCAL 'f i NEWS ; services Mrs. II. E. Chambers wc.s a city visitor from Soldier Summit today. Dirt Slide Death in Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the North ward chapel in Fairview for Moroni Mower of Latuda, who vrvs lulled last Wednesday in a snow-slid- e. Narrov Escape From Sam Graves is home again after few days' sojourn to Salt Lake City. E. F. Gianotti was hostess to the ladies of the Helper bridge Mr. J. R. Van Clevc came home club Monday at the Rotis3eric Inn her at Price. Prizes were awarded to Saturday from a visit with Lake. Salt in Mrs. R. A. Dart for the honor and daughter Mrs. Glen Nelson for the points. F. R. Porter, city father, came Cole Levi, a former Kelperij'.e, home from Salt Lake Thursday to stopped off in this city Wednesday look after the affairs of the city. enroute to Green River. Mr. Levi L. R. Motz came home Thursday has been in Los Angeles for soma from to make Athton, Idaho, where he atnow time and is preparing tended the annual dog racing his home in the desert city. Mrs. were-submitte- z, " fire department on Tuesday renfng was a Taging success,- to the crowd of dancers jom? this An especially posed portrait of Mrs. city who participated, ie event was made very evident Peter Goelet (Jerry, the former Gladys krlier in the evening by the fire-te- n Vanderbilt and the wife of the from Rhode Island, who has be n I themselves, who parade the elected president of the Women's ContreetP, and called upon the band club in Washington. Mrs. gressional nd fire siren to make nnown their Gerry is n popular hostess of the offiia.'ia's'airair. The Helpejr firemen cial circle in the national capital. 11! annual ball in the their Stage ear future. It is a dance to look trward to, as the local boys always ave a good time and surprises in .ore for everyone. ESCAPE ear Fatal To Wednesday morning of last week about 9 o'clock, Albert, the little .son of Mr. and Mrs Frank Bonacci of Helper was fatally scalded at the home of his par- frfce NAKK0W IIo: pi.tal locations 104-foo- y Chamber .ppointect oy on AlIKUAL BALL thirteenth annual ball Iviany Hospital L ocaiions a to Lommittee $150,000B usmes sBlock d, JHHHEENTH NO 52 Tha speakers were Henry Mower Lawrence Dennis and Bishop J. R. Graham of Fajr-vie- w and Clifford and Ottis Stewart of Milburn. had a narrow escape from what Mr. Mower is survived by his wife, might nave been a serious accident three children, 'three, sisters, three when they were partially buried in brothers, three- half-sisteend five a mound or dirt Monday afternoon .His father died nearat 3 o'clock. The men were excav- ly five years ago and his mother was ating in the rear of the Helper killed in an automobile accident in Electric building when about five Salt Lake nearly a year ago. embankment fee of the nine-fo3.T2TT TIH1T WET SOIL give way and toll upon them. The bwt time to plow or spada the event. Lawrence was buried in tho dirt up a birthday Raina Lopez hid to hij l:ncc?., while CUfTord was al- homo garden is, lint of nil, ".Then Mis: June Mv.idcck, lyncher in ths party Thursday afternoon, on her his tho roll is not wet, e'pc'ai.'y in most totally covered. A number of her Helper ccbools, received word that herd w; s fifth birthday.' ro exposed that breathing the c:tso of heavy or clayey land, small friends enjoyed I he occa- her mother was seriously ill. She wm piarilbie, while a group of men says the U. F. Department of Agrision. Mrs. C. A. Kncb'53 arsistod 1ft t Tl.urrcay fhr her homo in 'r'orcd to free him. Aside from a culture. The r.oi! should t:i in Heber. in the entertaining. ,l;ccraly bruised condition, neither fwh condition that each spadeful will break in easily, making a rcel-locf t"'.e men v.'erc injured. masfi which requires but little and additional fining before planting. If Mr. ai:d Mrs. J. P.arboglio daughter, Iloten. went to Salt Luke the garden 1:4 large, making the usa Thar df.y. They will visit rovoral of a team or tractor prsll;l. It is vys wiih tholr eon. Frank, who i i even more necessary that the land ' be dry. pttor.djT; the University of Utah. rs half-brother- s. ot w Warming Up i iifi fiTiii mhMnvwfts i: ; y-- :' Kg j Coal Camps Up Gordon Creek Need New School Building for Coming Year the meeting of tho Carbon coun intends to convert thR two buildnow occupied by the school Inty loard of cat: aUrn in Prica Tues- ings houxc and boarding to a bunk day, rttar.tioa was railed to the house. It was requested that come for the creotion of a new fohool arrajisotnents be made for better rnl bulldla- - !:i the Gordon Creek district comoicKlious (jnarttrs tho lrool to t ,:rc car? of the year. ' Tho re?:?. nation of Principal of the three i:p; r coal ;!! ;D 11. t im-V.'e'.lire t!: Vayman at the of By 1. d effective Mv-'-hi "' F'licsol, l year ' Mr. chlltt-i-.-.Wayimiri hti .. i'l I.p a "Of ir,0 :,t !:"! i t'''T i .it Son wiih the Prii-ncri.j-.i:, in th.i.-- ili tr1 t. jr is :;; id, ' f'o T! rniu- - lliv.'r water Conervation Minaal ( niri'i::ti-.''ri earineer for the t!.. t vh-:i.y ii.lvi 1 lie school in out thi:; :r:, the c'.iVMio ny j''''l. At. nec-cs-it- iijer.-atiin- y-- ; 1 :.:T-:;- 1, y s- - Spi'iug;-Cntjyi:;- I I ; w.t-- i I : t ; ' ;1 - ,1 i -.- iinii-v-t I .r! Di-:.r- ;c I j |