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Show • Ree~marks •By the Editor • Everybody wants rain, but the weatherman says, "No, not yet." Some folks have estimated that we haven't had a real rain storm since April 17, and that the pres- MIDVALE, UTAH * * * * * * * * * * A Publication Devoted to the Welfare and Progress of the Jordan Valley Volume 7-No. 32 JORDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT CUTS NEW TAX LEVY Friday, August 9, 1940 A reduction of 1.35 mills in its 1940 tax levy has been reported to the Salt La~e county commis1 sion by the board of education of the Jordan school district. The dtstr!ct this year will need a tax levy of 6.5 mills, compared with 7.85 in 1939, according to a communication from Dr. Paul S. of Bingham, board presi· Richards I j dent, and S. A. Rasmussen, of known "Levis" and harvest hats. clerk. Sandy, the of cha1rman Peterson, S. M. Local Stores Close FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, ~940, at LAGOON Some of the boys look like real Days" "Harvest Club Kiwanis Budget for the district this year . More than 3,000 people were in "farm hands," but others, includOuting Smelter For $619,802.0S, including $505,131 is the announced has committee, attendance at the most outstanding Ye Ed., look more like drugfor operation and maintenance; complete program as follows: ing sacred pageant ever presented store cowboys." All we can say is Stores, offices, etc., of Mid$113,671.05 for purchase of sites, August 21 in East Jordan L. D. s. stake, at PROGRAM OF DAY'S SPORT ACTIVITIES that the "Levis" are durn hot and vale will close at noon today to 5:00 P .m.-Band concert, Mid- construction of buildings, alteraEast Jordan glacio park stadium, (Prizes to all who enter races. Special prizes to winners) scratchy this kind of weather for observe the annual U. S. Smelvale Civic Building, Midvale tions and equipment, and $1000 for Sunday evening. one who is not used to them. ter outing being held at La2:00 P. M.-Boys' race, under 6 years of age. 20 yards. debt service. Junior High band. The pageant, "Refiner's Fire" an goon. It is expected that a large -o-yards. 20 Items of income, aside from age. of to years 6 Parade, under race, m.-Grand p. 6:30 M.-Girls' P. 2:10 original composition by Orson majority of Midvalians will • Committees reporting on Har· ' taxes, are $147,236.70 from the Smith, superintendent of the stake make the trip to Lagoon resort start at Midvale school. 2:20 P. M.-Boys' race, 6, 7, 8 years of age. 20 yards. vest Days all aver that we are $25 per capita state school fund; day. all attractions Carnival Y. M. M. I. A., portrayed vividly this afternoon to help the smel2:30 P. M.-Girls' race, 6, 7, 8 years of age. 20 yards. going to have a "rip-snorting" $$1065.35 from the uniform high August 22 the great test that comes to each termen celebrate. 2:40 P. M.-Boys' race, 9, 10, 11 years of age. 20 yards. time here August 21 to 24. All 3:00 p. m.-Children's races, so. school fund; $3500 from the state and every soul sometime in their 1 2:50 P. M.-Girls' race, 9, 10, 11 years of age. 20 yards. indications point to a successSide Center Street, between high school fund, and $6500 from 3:00 P. M.-Boys' race, 12, 13, 14 years of age. 50 yards. ful celebration and large crowds. miscellaneous sources, a total o! Main and Holden streets. '-o-Girls 5 to 7 years, Boys 5 to 7 $158,302.05. This leaves $461,50() 3:10 P. M.-Girls' race, 12, 13, 14 years of age. 50 yards. • About the cleverest campaign to be raised from taxation. Girls 8 to 10, Boys 8 to 10. M. I. A. program to the youth of 3:20 P. M.-Boys' race, 15 to 18 years of age. 75 yards. slogan we have heard yet is that The report will be considered by Girls 11 to 14, Boys 11 to 14 the world. 3:30 P. M.-Girls' race, 15 to 18 years of age. 75 yards. 1 of our friend, Otto Weisley, canSpecialty races for same age the commission in fixing the 194() Readers were Miss Anita Hyke, 3:40 P. M.-Fat man's race, over 200 pounds. didate for governor (and this is levy for all subdivisions of the groups. • Jones Clark and Thomas Wilson 3:50 P. M.-Nail Driving Contest, for ladies. not meant as a plug). He says 5:00 p. m.-Pie eating contest on county. and Sylvan Edgel of Union. "Vote Wisely-vote for Willkie --------Main street. 4:00 P. M.-Tug-of-War between Flotation Mill and the of Midvale1 Mrs. Royce Price and Weisley." to open race m.-Bicycle p. 5:30 Smelter. The pageant scenes were great-o-children up to 16 years. Start 4:00 P. M.-Softball Game between Midvale Plant and ly enhanced by the beauty of the At the first regular meeting of • The presidential polls are Southeast corner Main and Prize all. take winner thor$15.00, was Prize office. production the Lake and Salt park Wednesday held year, 1940-41 the starting. They show that PresiCenter streets. oughly enjoyed by the large crowd ,night at the Midvale city hall, 7:00 p. m.-Free Softball game. donated by the Salt Lake office. dent Roosevelt has a slight lead in attendance. Commander E. A. Jensen of J orSwimming hours at the Midvale 5:00 P. M.-Softball Game between Smelter and Flotaover Wendell Willkie. T he East Side Blondes vs West Side Legion, American 35 No. Post dan Brunettes, Ball grounds. Free municipal pool are announced by gamblers are all betting this tion Mill. Prize $15.00. follows: as committees announced Catherine Smith, instructor, as prizes. year's presidential election will follows: Membership, S. C. Gaddie; Le· Carnival attractions all day. be a "horse race." Boys and girls, 4 to 100 years ol PublicDespain; Alva Officer, gal -o-August 23 chairman; Wheadon, John COMMITTEE: WELFARE to 3 p. m. age-l ity, H. C. Barrows; Americanism 3:00 p. m.-Nail Driving Contest • "Fritz" Bills tells us that he is l3oys and girls, 10 to 14 years ot Charles Cockayne, secretary; Walter Wright, William and National Defense, B. A. Rasnow the owner of the local meat for married women only, Main Tucker, Steve to 5 p. m. Athletics, age-3 mussen; packing plant, having recently street. Jensen, Henry Nelson, Henry Gosman, Clarence Palmer. Adults, and children over lol E. Glen Beckstead, A. E. Williams, 4:00 p. m.-Special Events. completed the purchase of this esof age-5 to 7 p. m. years The school people must tighten L. M. Howard; Sons of the Legion 5:00 p. m.-Watermelon Bust, tablishment from the R & R PackThe above bourse apply on up the "collective educational and Drum Corps, A. E. Buckley, free to all, Main Street. ing company. Operating under the • days, Monday through Friweek VisRudd; Charles Jenkins, belt," declared E. E. Greenwood, Walter 6:00 p. m. to 9 p. m.-"Open name of A. Bills & Company, candidate for the Republican nom- iting CommittH, W. 0. Boberg; House" by all merchants. Free day, Mrs. Smith said. Fritz is doing a swell job of supDespain, Alva Program, Armistice of superintendent state for ination music. plying quality meats to markets Boberg; 0. W. Mickelsen, Elman ' addressing in instruction public (Tentative mucking contest and throughout South Salt Lake counthe law and legislation committee Armiftice Dance, Joel Wilcox, Ed. horse pulling contest). ty, and his concern is a fine asset of the Salt Lake Federation of Sund, Steve Tucker; "Chickaree", Carnival attractions all day. to Midvale. Labor at the Labor temple in Salt Allison Bills, S. C. Gaddie, Hugh study. further for sion, and Members of civic groups --oAugust 24 Grant, Elman Mickelsen, E. A. Declaring that existing airport Lake City Tuesday evening. • As true as when written 150 communities of South Salt Lake Hill Billy Band and entertainThe Midvale "Maw for Governpu.~ some iron into J:nsen; Memorial _ Day, Mel~in years ago: "It is the common fate county appeared before the f~cilities in the state are insuffi- 1 "We must afternoon. all ment or" club announces that Herbert board of county commissioners ctent for future needs, in view of our school fare, Mr. Greenwood Lmd, George J. Btlls; Entertam· of the indolent to see their rights ball at game m.-Ball p. 3:00 Maw, democratic candidate for B. BarC. H. Terry, Garfield ment, with faced is nation "The said. airof WednesdaY' with a request that the government's expansion become a prey to the active. The grounds. will speak at a public governor, I the county acquire a site for an craft activity, the petition said the hard realities and its young citi- rows, Robert L. Thomas, M. A. condition upon which God hath dance. street m.-Free p. 9:00 I meeting at the city hall Wednesairport and improve it with gov- Utah aeronautics commission is zens must be disciplined in reali- Beckstead, A. E. Buckley, Earl L. given liberty to man is eternal vig- ernment aid. The petition ask- favoring the establishment of a ties. The tissues of their minds Smith; Safety, Arthur J. Orr, Leo Carnival attractions all day 1 day night, August 14, at 8 p. m. ilance; which condition if he A musical program will be preed that the location be in the new flying field in Salt Lake and bodies must be toughened. Anderson, Leo Nelson; Firing break, servitude is at once the con- county, preferably in the neigh- county. R. P. Mickelsen, Elman Squad, be must Their aptitudes and skills sented, and other Democratic cansequence of his crime and the pun-~ Elman Officer, Senic.e So_renson; We didates are expected to attend. developed. and discovered I the that The petitioners asked borhood of Welby, and that the ishment of his guilt."--John Cur- commission take il!'i.mediate acE H Dr State B · 1 k M t b 1 d t g d lk t h The public is invited to atend . . . , 1c e sen, oys . ea . a ou . ld b e 1oca t e d eqm·d·ts t ant f rom ave a e a rea f f 1e h · · ran-1750-1817. th t education for leisure. It 1s time Nelson, Joel W1lcox, Robert ·t· . th t1on 1n I e matter as a part o rally. the . a e various communi Ies so -o-Thomas, E. Glen Beckstead, W. 0. civilians outside of Salt Lake City 1 now to educate for work." the nahonal defense program. • U has been gratifying this Mr. Greenwood's platform ad- Boberg, Dr. ~· W. Quick, V~rn _ The petition was si~ed by May- desiring training in aviation would COUNCIL TAKES UP week: to have many of readers . . Morgan, Enstgn Thomas; Chr1stvocates the following: or C. J. Welch of Midvale; W. R. l not have to travel too far. telephone us many little per- Tidwell, president of the Draper ROUTINE MATTERS Tenms fans of Mtdvale. were 1. A prescribed course in every mas Baskets and Party, the entersonal items, which we are glad 1 chamber of commerce· Henry was It when elated last weekend t t t tainment committee. . th d h One advantage of a county loca't h d · tall d d th t th 1 e s a e 0 tion, they said, would be the ab- sc 00 1 an co11ege m ' to publish. Remember, this is Approval of bills payable and e ct Y a ms . e_ Plans were discussed concerning ea~ne . a teach the meaning of the ConstiHolt, president of the town board a ltghtmg system on two muntci other routine matters were taken sence of smoke and obstructions, your newspaper, and all news . . . the state Legion convention, to be 1 tution and the Flag. d't' d . . d d b tt of South Jordan; and officers of pal courts m Midvale ctty park up by the Midvale city council e er wm an air con 1 tons an S d . . H items of local interest are al. . · . . and 16, 15, August Ogden, in held of improvement Immediate 2. c·ty k L It S th t t . th y, an errrman, In ctvic groups The hghts were turned on Frtday at their meeting Tuesday night. ways gratefully receiTed. When E t M .d 1 M a e 1 e a an ex1s a t R' our vocational education set-up, so 17, and it is believed that· a large ! urray, !Veron, field I va e, as you have a newsy item about that the schools may turn out delegation from the local post will a~d proved v.ery succe~sful for It was decided that a drinking Union, Bluffdale and West Jordan. yourself, your neighbors, fam- j It is understood that Bingham is mght play. Smce that t_rme there fountain be installed at the muSupport~rs o~ th: proposal said more useful citizens and fewer attend the conclave. lly or friends, just call MidTale also cooperating in the movement., that the fteld m _hme would be- white-collared unemployables. have been many tenm_s games nicipal tennis courts, and that the 178, and gin us the details. played there every evemng. th t . h f t A gas through self-supportmg come t t· , 3. S uppor t ers of the p1an es Ima e t lights at the courts shall be turned e re urn o emp as1s o . f . d Cost of the system was $200, off at 11 p. m. each night. three R's and the elimination of • The hous~ion in Mid- that the original cost of establish·~· axes an varwus servtce ees. which was paid by the city, while educational falderal that has ing an airport would vary from The street department was authe Utah Power & Light company ls h f Mrs. of son Beckstead, Delbert upon depending 000 $33 to 000 $23 becoming is vicinit~ and vale thorized to proceed with the oil• crept into some o our sc ~o . J k l' . , ' ' more acute as tune progresses. deferred the cost of running a 4 Pay-as-you-go school fmancthe cost of the land. ThiS money E 1za Bee stead, and ames Reed, . 1 ff' ing of local streets, and to place a · . . . . Every day The Sentme o Ice Workmen were busy this week power line to the courts, Lawrbo t 1 would be divided as follows: $500 son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Reed. ' ing . . . slag bed on Oak street. · . . quenes a u JS deluged wtth speed limit signs on the ence Mineer, city recorder, said installing reveschool of Equalization 5. for Saturday left Mtdvale, of both to $1500 runways, two gradmg for h ouses and apartmen ts f or rent . $ wash'mg ton Wl'th th e N a t'10na1 ·nues, with control still vested m· principle streets of 111tidvale in Completion of purchase of a 2500 for a hangar, and the bal. d t t 11 1 bl d .. t the local communities. . . th e pureh ase o f a Sl·te. G Uilrd f or a th ree-week's t rammg. f e an we are .o Ige t' o e peop compliance with the 'new traffic nine-acre addition to Midvale city More Entries Wanted for . . . th a t th ere 1s prac tea 11y no t"''u.l&lg ance or ''King, Queen" Contest th t The request was referred to J. B. They will return about the 24th of , 6. Elimination of inst d 1 o us ordinance which will take effect park at a cost of $4462.50 was anvacant in town. It nounced Friday by Ben G. BagI·n the near future. school politics. see~ . at Mullins, chairman of the commis- August. many families are movmg m o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C. E. Matthews, chairman of the The signs read: "Speed Limit 30 ley, Midvale city attorney. The 7.1A plrogram dte~g~~~ to turn this territory, or are desirous of out oya , reveren , ea y, young mil~s per Hour" and have been deal included 49 shares of water "King and Queen" contest to be moving here. Here is an opporwho have acquired placed on Center street, Main stock in the Union and East Jor- held in connection with the KiAmericans tunity for someone to construct wanis club's Harvest Days cele-some vocational preference and street, Wasatch street and .Sixth dan Irrigation company. I COULD CAR~Y -(t'IS some houses and apartments and The ground, across the street bration stated today that there are skills, and who can read, write avenue. Ll1'fi.J 11AG LII<E HU1"HI~· be assured of steady rentals. from the present park grounds, is several entries already in, but that and spell the English language. IF 1J4eyb 611" ~ID OF , many more are wanted to make bounded on the west by the MidMethodists Sponsor 1"1-4~T WAS~fUJvale city cemetery. Plans for Iand- the contest a complete success. 0 SP~t.U)It,j(:.-. Vacation Courses scaping the grounds are being Any boy or girl between the drafted at the Utah State Agri- ages of 5 and 12 years may enter I I to compete for the valuable prizThe Midvale Methodist church cultural college. es to be given away. An entry Entrance to the new park area will sponsor a vacation school beblank is printed at the bottom of Prof. Arthur Gaeth, noted lee- ginning Monday, August 12, and will be on Sixth avenue. this page. The second rounds of the men's turer and traveler, of the Brigham continuing until August 23. In- - - - - - - - - - - - - - struction in many subjects, hand- over will be welcome. double tennis tournament are beYoung university faculty, will dis*HONOR ROLL Miss Nelle Wright, director of work and recreation will make up ing played this week at the new cuss European conditions at a tennis courts at Sandy junior high meeting of the Midvale Kiwanis the program. Classes will be held religious education for the MethNew Subscribers: R. R. Poulschool. The games should be comclub next Monday evening at the daily from 9 to 12 a. m., and all odist church in Utah and Nevada, son, Rulon Collett, Ralph Voyce, pleted by Sunday evening so that __c_h_a_rg_e_o_f_t_h_e_s_ch_o_o_l_._ w_i_ll_b_e_in fo_u_r_y_e_a_r_s_o_f_a_g_e_a_n_d__ __ civic building. The meeting will _c_h_n__d_r_en A. J. Sabey of Midvale, and championship games can be combe for members, their wives and Keith M. Jensen, Pearl Harbor, pleted by Tuesday evening, acguests, and will be preceded by a ' T. H. and Paul Troester, Battle BLANK ENTRY cording to Earl Smith, recreational banquet. Mountain Nevada. Renewing subsupervisor in charge. Results of Mr. Gaeth returned from Europe ., scribers: J. S. Morgan, Harry MIDVALE "KING AND QUEEN" CONTEST first rounds completed Tuesday last year after the outbreak of Nicholson, Marcell Graham and evening were: Jensen and Stapley hostilities, and knows the situation Harry Wright of Midvale; Mary defeated S. Grant and H. Shaw, Please enter me in the contest to select a there from personal experience E. Showell and Hazel Berretto of 6-1, 6-4. I and observation. "King" and "Queen" of Midvale. . Riverton; W. W. Ewell, Clara M. Bateman and Landgreen deLast Monday evening the KiwaBoggess, Mary A. Burgon and feated R. Grant and Larson 7-5, nians and their wives enjoyed 11. . ....... Age : Clarence Wardle of Union; Clyde Name ·-···············-··········-··-····-··········-··-········6-0. swimming party and picnic at Swenson, Sandy City; and HarTaylor and Poliner defeated Address .. _..... _....... _.............. ......... -_..... __ .__ .-·. _.. _,._.... _...... . vey Cundick of Brigham City. Black Rock resort. Rasmussen and Casper 6-2, 6-3. <Fill in, and bring or mail to C. E . Matthews, Midvale, Utah with $1.00, for which the entrant will receive 100 votes). A fine une of Wedding Subscribe for The Sentinel and Orton and Cox defeated Mumall the Jordan valley news. read ford and Martineau. nouncements at The Sentinel. :;n:~!~;~~:;!~:~~~r~~c~~~:~~~~~=====~~~ ~ STAKE PAGEANT Program Given for U. S. Smeller Welfare Assn. I * I ~~~~~i~l:::~: ;~~:l!t;n:~~: ..L_E_C_I_O_N__N_A_M--E-S--~ COMMITTEEMEN FOR NEW TERM Swimming Hours Sel af Local Poo Local Candidate Addresses Labor a rOUp; LIS• 1s A•lmS * County Representatives Ask Commissioners for Airport r Herbert B. Maw To Speak Here I · Lights Installed At Tennis Courts; Park Site Added I I I · . I speed L.1m11..• s·1gns · InSf8IIe d In c·lfy T H E BU R 0 E N Nef Tourney At Sandy Now In Second Rounds NOfed Speaker T , E Discuss urope At Club Meeting I . An·!=-------------------- ---------!. |