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Show 1:tn:: SEN1INEL, MIDVALE, UTAH Page Two CUT IT NOW I 1 GUESS we'LL ~AvE -i'o CUI "THE ROPE. WEST JORDAN (Mrs • .lrena Ulson, .1:1.eponer1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1940 SANDY RIVERTON her son, Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Bateman, and family, of Rupert, and will visit with her daughter and (Mrs. Maude Butterfield, Reporter) <Mrs. J. T. Ostler. Reporter) husband, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. LarMrs. Edward Nelson and sons, son, at their home in Firth, Idaho, Charles and Melvin, and Mrs. Geo. before returning home. Hummer and Mrs. William HorsMr. and Mrs. Calvin Jensen are ley, all of Hollywood, have been rejoicing over the arrival of a visiting the past week the guests son. of Mr. and Mrs. William Mason. The Misses Gwen and Carol Miss Betty Ann Nelson, of Hol- Clark were guests at a social givlywood, daughter of Mrs. Edward en by Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Johnson Nelson, arrived Wednesday of of Ogden honoring Miss Betty this week to visit with the fam- Marie Parry, daughter of Mr. and ily group at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Parry of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Mason in Sandy. Miss Nel- who, with her parents, have been son is a member of Peter Mere- visiting relatives in Utah. bloom's children's symphony orMr. and Mrs. Lance Hyatt of chestra in Hollywood, California, Gunnison were guests during last and has taken part in several mov- , week of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hyatt. ing picture recording~ and has also Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Ostler taken part as a mov1e actress. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. EngMr. and Mrs. G. W. Larson of elke and family at their home at Fi~th, Idaho.' has been v~iti~g 231 Hubard avenue, Salt Lake th1s week w1th M;rs. Larson s SIS- Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. ter, and brother-m-law, Mr. ~nd Engelke's only son, Joseph Walter Mrs. Myrle All~op,. and family, Engelke Jr., 18, was killed Manand Mrs. Larson s s1ster and her day evening when he was hurtled husband, Mr. and Mrs. B~rt H~- into a utility pole as he fell from att, and als?. o~her relatives m a moving Salt Lake-Garfield and ~ Sandy and VlClmty. . Western electric train, en route Mr. and Mrs. Melvm Bradley from Salt Lake City to Saltair and sons, Carl and Newell, and about 9:30 p : m. daughter, Karen, of Shelley, IdaM d M G H Bradle eho, spent part of the week the turn~d a~uesd~~ fr~m 'a two-we k's guests of. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hy- trip to Oregon where they visited att at therr home on County street. with their daughter and son-inMr. ~nd Mrs. Ard~l~ Beckstead law Mr. and Mrs. Reed Sanderand children were VISitors Satur- son,' and family at Sea Side, Ore_ day of. Mrs. Stanley Beckstead Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson and famof Herrrman. ily who have spent the past twD Sandy junior high school band months at the Oregon city, are presented its initial seasonal con- expected to return to their home cert Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. in Sandy the fore part of next on the school lawn, under direc- week. ]Yf.r. Sanderson is the printi.on of Bennie Sch~iet_t, m~sic cipal of Sandy school. dtrector of Sandy JUmor htgh The Les Bonami Theta Rh() school. Girls No. 4 of Sandy, have been Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Stowe requested by the All Fraternal and Mrs. Lena Jackson returned Congress of Utah ,to present their Tuesday evening from a week's drill at the annual outing of the stay in California where they vis- Fraternal Congress of Utah to be ited with relatives. held Wednesday, August 7, at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bentley Lagoon. The girls will be under of Parowan were guests Tuesday the direction of their sponsors. of this week of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. Hazel Nicholl and Mrs. Marie S. Hyatt. Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. I. Frank Goff of --------Rupert, Idaho, returned home durA layer or two of blotting paper ing last week after spending a put over grease spots on the wall, month with their mother, Mrs. and a warm iron laid on top of Sophrona Bateman. Mrs Bateman returned to Idaho with Mr. and them, will often take away the Mrs. Goff where she is visiting marks. SUIT SALE NOW ON! Extra Trousers FREE with each Suit Order (For a limited time only) Come in and make your selection early before our stock gets low. H. F. RASMUSSEN, Tailor 64 W. Center St. Alterations Phone Mid. 249W ••• • • Cleaning and Pressing • *selvesTo against break a long silence and defend ourunjust criticism. * In regard to our Subdivision Development-South Grant Street-our efforts are: First, to build a good neighborhood and attract good neighbors; Second. to increase the population of Midvale and make our community bigger and better; Third. to increase revenues in our fair city, and add to the business of local merchants; also many other things too numerous to mention. *finance, To develop a subdivision like this takes patience, energy and sacrifice. We invite the public to inspect our property, and to view its possibilities from all angles. We believe we have a location that is most desirable for those who wish to build good homes in a fine location. drawer. Ne·nr use water that has been boiled before or has been standing in the kettle to make tea. Draw fresh cold water and let it boil for the first time. Water that has boiled before tastes flat, because the air has gone out of it. *at theSo South we invite the public to pay us a visit Grant street subdivision, and especially to inspect the new MODEL HOME now on display and open for everyone who is in the market for a new home, or who intend to build one. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The Utah Oil Company Service Station at Midvale Junction is now operated by SCHMEITT I BROWN (Both of Midvale) See Us for 7-Star Service GASOLINE- OILS- TIRES-: BATTERIES Everything for the Motonst EXPERT GREASING, WASHING, WAXING and POLISHING at Special Prices Stanley Schmeitt -:- -:- Murray Brown A BANKING SERVICE COAL THAT HELPS THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY NOW! • • • and avoid rising prices •••• We deal in QUALITY PEERLESS and SPRING CANYON COAL, with prompt and dependable service. •Remember: A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Eamed! . . So Order NOW . . . at e We stand ready always to help local business and individuals with sound loans, This puts our depositors' money profitably to work-and supplies the funds which mean more jobs in our community. Olson's Coal On Bingham Highway (opposite school gymnasium) Mid. 222J2- West Jordan ::suoscrtbe for The Sentinel now. Midvale Garage ARNOLD TROESTER, Prop. TIRES and TUBES ACCESSORIES -Phone Midvale 48 - MIDVALE Sandy Branch of BANK City I Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation *to allAllcallers. information will be cheerfully given Come and see us anytime. Yours sincerely, RULON S. COLLETT. General Contractor |