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Show Midvale Journal, Thursday, January 30, 1930 I WINTER DRIVING MADE SAFER "The fact that automobile manufacturers have in the past few years substituted stronger construction in body sup ports so that fewer up-rights serve the purpose, making for greater driver visibility, a nd eliminating drivers so-called 'Blind Spots,' proves that proper vision is a vital factor in the prevention of accidents. D~spite the progress made along these lines, its effectiveness is minimized in stormy weather when ice, snow, rain and mist coat car windows, rendering them practically useless. Until recently no efficient method was known to correct this condition. A number of devi ces and preparations have been used but none have proved very satisfactory." Thus begins an article in a bulletin recently issued by the National Chemical Laboratories of 509 Fifth Avertue, New York, who manufacture Clear-0, a scientific chemical product whose manufacturers claim will, when applied to automobile windshields and windows, prevent ice, snow, rain or mist from collecting thereon. M-21 Share In Thes'e • • • enngs tvtng alue NEW COURSES OFFERED B'i:" U. OF U. EXTENSION DIVISION BEDSPREADS. Lustrous Rayon In Attractive Colors BEDSPREADS Typical of the J. C. Penney Co. Outstanding Values 1 Give Each Room a Distin<..'tive Color of Its Own $2.49 TURKISH TOWELS $J.49 DAINTY CRINKLE BEDSPREADS Double Terry Cloth Plain White Now, during January White Week, while stocks are new and fresh • • • fill your needs! Colored Borders Soft, absonbent quality bath towels-the ;;ort you never can have enough of-presented at exceptional savings. We could devote paragraphs to describing them ... but you should see these splendid towels yourself to appreciate the values! How pretty these spreads are, with their white and colored crinkled stripes! And they are more than that, they are such serviceable ~preads . . . they launder excellently! Size 80xl05 inches. Several pretty colors for selection. Scalloped edges. Sixe 18x36 • . Two new courses of special interest METHODIST CHURCH NOTES to the business man of the state have The worship service begins on Sunbeen added to the curricula of the day morning a t 10 o'clock and lasts Home Study department of the Uni- for 45 minutes, at which time the versity of Utah Extension division, ac- classes meet for a study period. cording to the new catalogue which There are classes for every age is just off the press. One of the new ·g r oup and all are invited to join one c<mrses, "Business Organization and of the groups. Administration," deals with problems The church workers' monthly conof retail salesmanship and store man- ference is to meet on Thursday, agement. The other course deals with February 6th, at 7:30, at the church. "Coal and Its Utilization," and is deThe Boy Scout monthly Court of signed for the practical coal man. Honor for the East Jo£da n district is The course in "Coal and Its Utiliza-~ being held on Sunday evening, Febtion" contains enough technical in- ruary 2, at 7:30 at the Midvale First struction simply worded to lay a ward chapel. The Court of Review proper founda tion for the understand- will be held at the same place at 7 ing of heating problems, but deals p. m. All of the members of Troop chiefly with the handling of various 119 are expected to attend. The situations encountered by coal users monthly hike for Troop No. 119 took in l;mrning the coal. The course has place on Wednesday evening when been written by Dr. Thomas B. they went swimming at the MuniciBrighton, professor of chemistry at pal pool. Some of the scouts passed the University of Utah, and Mr. swimming tests for first class and Lloyd Garrison, combustion engineer others worked on life saving tests. for the Coal Producers' association. Virginia Perry will be the leader The course in "Business Organiza- for the Epworth League on Tuesday, tion and Administration" includes a February 4, at 7:3 Op. m. The girls detailed study of business practices plan to paint vases following the and methods that cover the economic meeting and the boys have a basketpsychological fundamentals of con- ball game scheduled. structive selling of merchandise and - - - - - -- - - -service. The course bas been written university except the professional by J. B. Bearnson of the School of schools of law, medicine, and engineering. Especially general cultural Business of the university. Eighty com ses of college grade are courses and professional educational included in the curricula of the Home supjects are provided. More than 700 Study department. These include students of the state were enrolled for subjects in every department of the home study work last year. Just picture how much more charming and colorful you can make your bedrooms look with the help of these lovely rayon spreads to blend with the color scheme! Jacquard all-over patterns . . . deeply scalloped . . . in sunny .bedroom colors. Made to :withstand countless launderings. These attractive rayon bedspreads are a happy inspiration to the woman who wants her bedrooms to be cheerful . . . inviting . . . colorful! Crinkle striped in smart jacquard all-over patterns . . . m ~he favored shades. They launder beautifully I APPRECIATION AND THANKS Dearest Friends, one and all: We thank you all many times and want you to know how grateful we feel for the kind thoughts and wor ds of cheer during our son's illness. It surely has been a great uplift to us to know we were thought of by everyone, and for the prayers from his schools and others in his behalf. We do appreciate to the utmost and feel we have so much to be thankful for, that God in His goodness has seen fit to spare the life of our boy and send him home to us. We will never be able to express just how we feel toward Bishop Beckstead and Brother Bernard Rasmussen for the grand and noble deed of going in to administer to him while he lay so sick, and we know and feel that God is good. And again we want to thank all his doctors and nurses for their wonderful work and care, and may God bless you all, is the heartfelt wish and prayer that none of you may have to experience what we have just been called 1.,1pon to go through is the wish and prayer of his mother and father. Lenyel wants to thank Evaline Watson especially for the beautiful flowers. . MR. AND MRS. EMIL SODERMAN. 15c For that Hot Cereal BreakFast that doctors recommend For gowing boys and girls, serve PERRY Wheathearts Ouick!y digestible. Contains the nour· ) •sh•ng, energy-building heart of the whut P S Childre" love ltl NORTH MAIN STREET, MIDVALE, UTAH MIDVALE Mrs. A. J. Mclff was a guest at a luncheon given last week in Salt Lake at the home of Mrs. A. R. Worthen, 1902 South Thirteenth East. The piano pupils of Mrs. R. W. Quick were heard over station KSL during Midvale's radio hour Saturday of last week. Mrs. L. A. Walters of Murray, her mother, Mrs. Barney of Eureka, and Mrs. A. A. Larson were guests of Mrs. Alex Beckstead, Wednesday. Mrs. R. R. Fenn was hostess to the Tuesday club this week. Bridge followed a luncheon. Mrs. H. C. Hart attended a birthday party given in Lehi Monday at the home of Mrs. Ivy Fox. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Quick and party were among those from Midvale who were in attendance at the Josef Hoffman concert given in the tabernacle Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mclff, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Beanco attended the dance given at the Hotel Utah Saturday evening of last week. Mrs. J. S. Alley entertained Wednesday of last week. A luncheon was served, followed by bridge. The guests numbered sixteen. Mrs. A. A. Larson entertained Friday evening of last week for her son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Larson of Salt Lake. Games were played at small tables and refreshments were served late in the evening. Among those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. James Stanfield of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Doman of Copperton and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. ~::-.1-:~!r..: :'G~ of C. ~l : L a!: ;) . 1.:Ir~. E. •r. Brown wa~ hostess to mcmbe;rs of hE:r Birthday club Saturday at her home on Main street. Bridge was played following a luncheon. Mrs. Alex Bt-ckstead and Mrs. L. A. Walters won prizes. Miss Joyce Rideout, who bas been visiting on the coast, is home again. Dr. D. W. Green of Kansas City and Magna spent the week-end with relatives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tame are receiving congratulations on the birth of the second child and first son. Mrs. Tame was formerly Miss !!'ranees Lindsay of ~his city. . Mrs. Sarah Desprun of Grarute is spending the week at the home of ber son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Despain. Mr. and Mrs. C. Middleton have as their guests, relatives from Coloraqo, who have spent the greater part of the winter in California, and are now returning home. They are Mrs. Ben T. Middleton of Eaton, Colo., and Mrs. W. B. Middelton of Windsor, Colo. Mrs. J. S. Alley entertained members of her club Wednesday evening and eight other guests. Bridge was played, the high scores being won by Mrs. H. E. Phelps, Mrs. L. F. Pett and Mrs. Geo. A. Wright. "Child Welfare" will be the subject discussed at the. next meeting of the Community club, which will be Wednesday afternoon, February 5. Dr. and Mrs. Guy H. Wight entertained members of their club Monday evening at their residence on Locust street. Twelve were present. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Fenn have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Zahringer of Milwaukee, Wis. The Zahringers are relatives of George Goetz, a former resident of Midvale, now of Milwaukee. Mrs. Lloyd Ireland entertained at a shower in honor of her Aunt t:ile:.1n Bennett. who "Will be n1arried ' the latter part of this week. Bunco was played and prizes were won by Marie Johnson and Viana Terry. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson, Miss Christensen and Miss Edith Hanson entertained members of their bridge club Thursday evening of last week. I Motorists. Who Know these envelopes be used in sending back money or seals and that the name be left on so that the returns can be identified. The state association must account for all seals mailed out. :Free statewide tuberculosis clinics in cooperation with the state board of health with foll{)w-up service by public health nurses, the children's summer health camp, and health education service to teachers, form the main part of the program for this year. It will be of great help to the tuberculosis committee if everyone who bas overlooked the Christmas seals will return either a check or the seals as promptly as possible. USE CLEAR-0 ICE, SNOW, SLEET, RAIN, AND MIST ON WINDSHIELD AND CAR WIN· DOWS OBSTRUCT VISION AND MAKE WINTER DRIVING DISAGREEABLE AND DANGEROUS. STILL WANT CHRISTMAS SEALS "The activtties of the Utah Tuberculosis association are directly dependent on the annual ~ale of Christmas Seals. It will be seen, therefore, that if the work of this organization In improving the health conditions and the saving of lives is to continue it is important that every person who received Christmas Seals send the money, or return the seals if it is not possible to purchase them." This statement was made by Miss Ada Taylor Graham, executive secretary of the Utah Tuberculosis association. Each seal sale letter conThe battle that virtually ended the tained a stamped return envelope with Revolutionary war was the Battle of the name {)f the recipient on the Yorktown, according to Liberty magback. The committee requests that azine. CLEAR-0 The Magic Windshield Cleaner PREVENTS THIS CONDITION If forms a bard, permanent, non-adhering, transparent film on glass which effectively sheds theEe elements. It is chemically correct. 'l'hn·.:) is nothing else like it. CLEAN - CO:>JVBNIENT- ECONOMICAL CLEAR-0 has a base of soft, pliable felt. Will not soil clothes. Women carry it in pocketbooks. Lasts for months. BUY YOUR UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED CLEAR-0 is endorsed by leading taxicab, transportation companies and insurance men throughout the country. a entines Special offer during this national advertising campaign. Mail Coupon NOW AT J.C.PEN.NEYCQ Dealers & Agents Attractive fran, I !.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.::;:=====;;:;;;===================.f J I o: f ... ~· :; ~ ·L; l\T: m:2 .... ______ ____ ............... ------ .... •• .•.•... ....•.......•. resuouai..;le r'ep-· resen tati ves. · " Addreso·--··-··-··-··· ·-·-·---·········-······ .. ······-·· .. ·· chi ~::N I 11 I w· - -- NATIONAL CHEMICAL LABORATORIES 509 5th Avenue New York, N. Y. Enclosed find $1.00 (bill, check or money order). Send 1 special package CLEAR-0 to: ~ -- - r -----...--- - - - • - - - - ~ t¥Prr-m·-~ •:t-. ....d!Y=ano.-maa ~J. -mw ? §~ .. : • |