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Show M~dv~l~ ------- Published by the Jordan publishing Company, Jn<'. Terms of Subsctiptlon Per Year (in advance) .......... $1.00 Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Midvale City, Utah, under act of March 3, 1879. Modern Job Printing Department All prices based on the maintained. Franldin Printing Price List. ------Advertising Rates Display, per celumn inch ........ $0.35 Readers, per line .......... ...... ... $0.10 --------- - - - - -correspondence should bP. All business addressed to The Midvale, Utah. 136 N. Main St. M1dvale Journal, Phone Mid. 178 ------- The Riverton Second -ward held their Primary conference Sunday. Stake officers, including Supt. Ella Newbold, Maud Butterfield, Agnes Sorensen, Ella Swen~on and Phyllis Butterfield, were in attendance. EAST l\UDVALE GLEANER GIRLS ENTERTAIN Tuesday evening the Gleaner Girls of the M. I. A. entertained at a social at the home of l'Jfr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson, honoring the "JI.t" . Men. Progressive games were played und a delicious luncheon was served to 20 guests. - - - - - - - - --- WHERE TO S uP CLARI{'S BEAUTY SHOP {I! Duart Permanent Waving ---------· tl' Go Marcelling Finger Waving Water Waving Shampooing 13 N. Main St. Mid. 117-J 8 00 Thoroughly Remodeled And Modern and up-to-the-minute U.S. CAFE Samas & Thomas, Props. Our business is growing and we want your business always LOUIE'S AUTO SERVICE 6507 South State St. GENERAL REPAIRS Complete Auto Service Shell Oil and Gas Sioux l\Iethod of Grinding Valves Rusco B1·ake Lining-Stops Quick, Rain or Shine. Bakery FRESH CANDY A full line of Fresh Candy as well as Bakery Goods fills ou1· show cases -supplying every demand of our customers. Visit our store and be convinced. MIDVALE BAKERY (1 Door East of Drug Store) Phone 285 17 E. Center 0 & E ELECTRIC SERVICE Complete Electric Service Radios and Auto Service Midvale 272 25 E. Center St. JoU;rnal, Thurs.day, January 23, 1930 II SOUTH JORDAN I. "---'~ I IH i II IlI : RIVERTON ,_i -•/ !i ._.,..; ·:-: i i ii ! !l . H * i J! Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 29 and 30 !! i i,_ !,_· Women Themselve s Say It li i,;· _i,: il ............................................................. ~ : .......................................................................................................... . 'I BOOTH'S BEAUTY Parlor Paul's Supreme Permanent Paul's Supreme Permanent Wave Friday and Saturday, Jan. 24 and 25 guests: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomas, I Miss Healy :;:pent the week-end n:::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-=;;:::::::::::::::~1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Soffe, Mr. and Mrs. ; visiting at the home of Mrs. Willis Ross Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Me- 'I Ga.isford of Tooele. Mr. John Wayman of Holliday was Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shields, dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. the and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beckstead, Mrs. A. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. James Clyde Beckstead Tuesday. Miss Mable Holt and Miss Dona Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Beckstead cele- Broadbent of Riverton, Mr. and Mrs. of this ward, and Miss Beckstead, and Jordan, West of Gardner Mark brated their silver wedding anniver~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Nell of Salt Beatrice Bennion, Art Warenski, ~ ~ ~ sary last Saturday, January 11, at Lake. Henry Ndson and Arch Hiseman, all i~ I. ~ i : their home. A very enjoyable evening Mr. of home the at visited Murray, of DorMrs. i ¥ Mrs. Cora Robertson and ~ ~ was spent and supper was served to ~e.a J. Newbold and son, Stewart, and Mrs. Jess Rawlins of Bingham ! i i ~~ Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. vtstted the home of Mrs. Eva M. Gor- last Saturday evening. the was Beckstead Catherine Miss Thursday. Lake, Salt of don :..•. H. Beckstead, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mrs. Mary Ann Beckstead, in honor guest of Miss Marinda Beckstead last rcckstead, Mr. and Mrs. John her 64th birthday, had as dinner Saturday night and Sunday. of ¥\- headon, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hutchlast Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. guests ',.... . i ings; Mrs. Marie Palmer and son, Mrs. and Mr. and Beckstead James Mable Miss i i ltalph, l';Iiss Rela Holt, / ',.,_ E i! ·i ! Holt, Miss Catherine Beckstead, and Melvin Wayman and sons, Wayne and ij - ii Miss Beatrice Bennion, Mr. Henry Max, all of Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. ' Norma, daughter, and Beckstead Fred Nelson, Mr. Arcil Hiseman and Mr. The marriage of Miss Lola Hamil- J 1 ~~·A. Art Warenski, all of Murray, beside Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beckstead, Mr. and ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben 1 .; ! i". and Mr. and Webb, L. Wilford Mrs. ~he immediate family. i! ~'f7>T i S. Hamilton, and Clifton Dll!lsley, Mrs. Dell Holt and Mrs. Ross Mc- Mrs. Clyde Beckstead. j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beckstead spent son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Densley, Mullin visited in Riverton last Monj ,;, took place last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. ,! ,~ and rook playing evening Monday day, at the home of their mother, , , Rivat home their make 1 "500" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Densley will " rs. Libbie Densley. i! erton. served was Luncheon Newbold. H. W. •ilrs. Helen Beckstead and Mrs. Alvin Miller returned home Satur- j evening was Truly Holt were hostesses of a party, and a very enjoyable ~:!ni~~ter spending the week in Caligiven in honor of all those who took spent. a of hostess was Curtis Rose Mrs. part in the three Mutual contest Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wilkins enter-· i i giveh at her home last plays, last Tuesday night. "Cootie" card party afternoon tained at dinner last Thursday in i i her of some for Wednesday was played and light refreshments friends. Rook and "500" were played honor of Mr. Wilkins' brother, Mr. l! .i \/ere served. and refreshments were served to the Orland Wilkins, and Mr. and Mrs. l i Miss Marinda Beckstead was the following guests: Mrs. Rela Bate- Ralph West and children of Rupert, i i guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Rawlins man, Mrs. Truly Holt, Mrs. Iona Idaho. 1; of Bingham, four days of last week. Nelson, Mrs. Acey Cooper, Mrs. Dorii last home returned Henry Bills Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Newbold had thea Newbold and son, Stewart, Mrs. week from the Southern States mis- i i as their dinner guests Sunday, Lee A. Leona Mabey, Mrs. Ann Shields, Mrs. sion, where he spent several months. i i Palmer and Miss Mae Rasmussen of Genevieve McMullin, Mrs. Blanch He returned home sooner than he had i i Riverton. Jarvis, Mrs. Marie Palmer, Mrs. planned on acconut of his health. He i l Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nelson en- Verda McMullin, Mrs. Helen Beck- left Sunday for the L. D. S. hospital, i i terLained at a card party last Satur- stead, Mrs. Elizabeth Monson of Salt where he was operated on Monday. ii day evening at their home. Progres- Lake and Mrs. Beth Gardner of West II Mrs. Sidney Silcox was entertained i i ::;l,re "500" was played and a midnight !! i i it week, last home her lj.t party a at Mrs. by Jordan. The prize was won 'i i luncheon was served to the following Beth Gardner. being her birthday anniversary. Sup- i i i! per was served to 30 guests. The ! i il out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. i i H.upc1 t Silcox and family of Magna, i i Mr. aad Mrs. Wayne SiJ.cox, and Mr. l i ! ' !i and Mrs. John Elswood and family of ; i 'I '' Sandy. !~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Austin Silcox enter- ; !I' tained at their home Saturday Mr. ! i and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and family I of Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Silcox i i of Sandy, and Mr. and Mn1. Gordon ; ; Silcox and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sil- '~ ~' i ; cox. Mrs. Alma Dansie entertained at an l i old time quilting bee at the home of j j Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dansie last ! i Friday. Dinner was served to Mrs. i i Thomas B. Lloyd, Mrs. Fred S. Lloyd, Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. Rowland i i Lloyd, Mrs. James R. Dansie and Mrs. i ~ i Richard Lovendahl. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Page of Nephi ! ~ spent the weel{-end visiting with relatives. Mrs. Roland Page entertained at i ! dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and i i Mrs. James Bateman and family of ll l i West Jordan. "Our .recipes actually turn out better with Drifted Mr. and Mrs. John I. Wiberg entertained at dinner Sunday. Covers werei!.ii. Snow"••• say housewives. laid for Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wiberg 1 ; and Mr. and Mrs. Zach T. Butterfield ! i This special quality in Drifted Snow that women like jj and children. Mr. and Mrs. Zach T. Butterfield i i has made it the West's largest sellin& Hour. • • • had as their dinner guests during the ! j week Mrs. Cliff Swenson, Mrs. ! ; Thomas P. Page, Mrs. Lilly Palmer of Bennion, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Page of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. George i i ;; Vlhetman of Draper. Miss Nona Freeman returned home last Tuesday, after spending the past ! ! i:- ii S. hospital. two weeks at the L. D. ............................................. I! 41.!7 1!!0 'lJ etJ ~~ All-Talking Comedies 'COLD TURKEY' 'FLYING HIGH' :::::~~::~;:d 27 Sunday LLOYD HAMILTON in "DON'T BE NERVOUS" ~~ Phone Midvale 200 • II i : II!I Start the New Year right hy getting right with the wife and kiddies. Get an INCOME CONTRACT Phone Mid. 222-W GEO. W. COX SEERepresenting the METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY I I I 213 First Ave Midvale, Utah J. S. MORGAN Your watch deserves attention We repair it right and guarantee the job. Jewelry of all kinds. Prices lowest. Give us just one trial and be satisfied. L.A. SUMBOT Our Workmanship, equipment and materials are combined to give your rebuilt shoes the best appcarence and the most. Bring in your shoes today we will put new wear into them at small cost. SINCE 1910 "There must be a reason" 21 E. Qenter St- I Women's i II .' ;t ' ''I I ' Business Problems I' '! I, iI Midval6 H. F. RASMUSSEN Tailor Suits made to order Extra Trousers Free! Prices Reduced $5 to $20 1\.lterations, Cleaning and Pressing 64 W. Center St. Phone Midvale 117-w Funeral Designing PEONY PLANTS For Sale KNOWLES FLORAL Telephone Mid. 156-M Mid val~ E. Center St. Midvale Beauty Shop $6.00 Du.Art Permanent Wave ····-··········-·························· FingH Waving E.~PERT OPERATORS • The average woman does not have the opportunity to acquire a knowledge of financial matters. ,ItI II II!I Even if she be a business woman, there are likely to be occasions when banking or-investment problem& may perplex her. II L If she be a widow, or a single woman with property, she is likely to have financial responsibilities and virtually no €Xperience in business matters. !I I. I II The Midvale State Bank welcomes the accounts -of women, and its officers are always glad to lend their advice or assistance. i I !• III ! Midvale State Bank Midvale, Utah =~HJ ~~====~E:=:=:=: =:=:~:E=:=:=::= 1\fid. 216-W, ·t Phone 58 N. 1\lainSt. == : : : u fl~E=:=:=:E=:=: UTAH MID'' ALE, 83 ; |