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Show THE MIDVAI.JE JOURNA L Terrible Flying Dragon Invading Broadway Thursday, December 12, 1929 ------- Towing Back House Dislodged by Tidal Wave • The monster shown above, full of bellum gas and 169 feet from Up to tip, was one of the balloons which marched down Broadway, New York, In a Christmas shopping parade delighting thousands of children. This exclusive photograph from the Newfoundland area stricken by the earthquake tidal wave shows one of the dislodged houses being towed In from the sea by a returning fishing schooner. The house, along with many others, · had been swept a distance of five miles by the g!g'antlc inundation. Gateway of Philadelphia's New Rodin Museum Canada's New Outlet to Atlantic Ocean A view of the gateway to the new magnificent Rodin museum, the gift of the late Jules 1\fastbaum, motion picture magnate, to the city of Phlladelphia, which was formally dedicated the other day. The museum is a reproduction of the famous Mnsee Rodin in Paris and houses a fine collection of the great French sculptor's works. War Dead Brought Home From Russia CROWLEY RESIGNS f Construction camp at Churchill, on the west coast of Hudson bay, where Canada is building a new port for the shipment of grain to Europe. LARGEST OF ROPES National Champion Milkmaid Charles F. Crowley, coach of the Columbia football team for the past four years, who has tendered his resignation to the university committee on athletics. Crowley carne to C~lum bia as end coach in 1925 following the retirement of Dr. Paul Withington. This year Crowley's team fulled to wln a single major game. SUES A CANDY MAN Delegation representing the American Disabled Veterans of the World War, gathered around one of the fifty-six caskets containing bodies of Michigan men who uied in Russia during the Archangel campaign. The S. S. President Roosevelt brought home the bodies of the members of the Three Hundred Thirty-ninth United States infantry who had lain in lonely Russian graves since l 919. ---------- ----·----- ----- A man standing beside ·what the manufacturers in Sydney, Australia, claim to he the biggest rope in the world. Jt has a circumference of three feet and is made of fiber. The completed rope is 400 feet in length and weighs nearly two tons. It will be used to anchor steamers off shore in the Pacific islands where the ocean swell is so heavy that even the strongest chains snap under the strain. ( Healthiest Boy and Girl in U. S. ON LAND COMMISSION Mary l!'ontana, fifteen years old, of Carruthers, Calif., who won the state and national championship milkmaid titles at the ninth annual Pacific Slope Dairy show. Gold Medal Presented to Elihu Root Patricia Moore, in private life MLss Genevieve O'Connell, young blonde dancer of a theatdcal company, who sued William N. Telgman, vice president and trnflic manager of a candy company in Chicago, for $100,000 charging breach of promise. Minerals Florence Smncl: •>f Lnke. county, Florida, and Harold Deatllne of Morgan count.r, In11inna, e:wr. ~cn:-nteen ycars old, who were proclaimed health champlots ,,r til" l:nitc!l E•.tat<•s :d 1,500 members of tile~ 'utimu!l 4-H rJ'lb congress 11 tl lit t} '! ~hermnll hotel, e~teago. Primary mineral Is one of the orlg· ina! constituents of a mineral, for in· stance, in granite the primary minerals are quartz, feluspar and mica. In other words, these are tlle constituent~ which determine the rock as granite. They are the diagnostic mineralf'. There are also varying amounts of othet· <1uality to tll~ x·ock, hut do nor determine its classification. These !Ire culled accessory minerals.. • Mrs. l\Iary Roberts Hinehart, whose lales'of the great wide open spaces of the West have thrilled thousands, is lhe only woman member of Pre;~ident Uoo,·er's puulic lands com mi. sian. Detailed view of both sides of the new Prcsident's gold medal which the ~ational Academy of Art presented to Elihu Root, in recognition of hi:; distin!!ub;hed f'en·ice to the cause of fine art. The medal is the wnrk of Hobert ,\itl;en, .\m<>ricau sculptor. |