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Show THE MIDVALE JOURNAL Friday, October 18, 1929 I, I Schmidt, Mrs. Andy Bradford, Mrs. Vere Snarr, Miss Vaur Sharp and Charming New Ensemble Edna Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Walt McCleery and children of Murray were guests Mrs. L. A. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. One of the most enjoyable social Thursday evening of Mr. and Mrs. • Gcorgre Green and sons, Dawsie and functions of the early ra.ll season was Jesse Olson. given Monday evening in the form of Foro.ce; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nix. a testimonial honori~ Mrs. Ethel Relatives ot Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Miss Gladys Winger, Mr. Lional Millerberg who has recently been re- Swenson have been advised of tae reBrady, Miss Jessie .Madsen of Mt. leased as a Primary officer and cent illness and operation or one of Pleasant, Miss Ella Godfrey and Mr. teacher, and also for Mrs. E. W. their daughters, Miss Dora Swenson. J Kenneth Brady formed a party and Kresser of San Diego, Calif.,_ a for- The Swenson family are at present motored to Timpanogos cave. mer teacher who is here on a visit. living at Chinook, Mont., where he is Mrs. A. R. Thompson and little The affair took place at the former's employed with the Utah Idaho Sugar dau~·hter of Salt Lake Spent Tueshome on Union avenue. company. We hope for her safe and day""with Mrs. Dave Smart. Beautiful fall flowers and various speedy recovery. Members of the Unity club met Hallowe'en ideas were used as decoMr. and Mrs. Ed Kresser and chilFriday at the home of Mrs. Walter rations. dren expected to leave early Tuesday Berrett 'll.lld completed an embroid· A very capable committee took morning for their home in San ered quilt, and enjoyed a delicious charge of a series of spicy games, Diego, Calif., after a two weeks' visit lunch. Those enjoying the day were during which Mrs. Millerberg was with her people, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Mrs, Fred Coomber, Mrs. Clarence presented with a lovely floor lamp J Berrett and family. Wardle, Mrs. J. H. Greer, Mrs. Wal from the . ladies in appreciation for Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Bateman and ter Brown, Mrs. Clyde Soffe, Mrs. Ed Fernstermaker, Mrs. Cheste1 Miss Erma Erickson of Murray her faithful services as a "Trail- children of Murray were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. F . ., Balter, ~s ..,- Clarence Sharp, Mrs. visited Thursday of last week with Builder" leader. Mrs. Ray Greenwood gave a numGreenwood. Earl Evans and Mrs. Lesler Forbush. Miss Beatrice Simpers. The M. I. A. of the East Midvale A few close friends and relatives I Mrs. D. W. McDonald motored to ber of piano selections and Mrs. Millerberg and Miss Edna Glover fav- ward are giving a concert Tuesday of Mrs. Sarah Forbush enjoyed Brighton Sunday. ored the guests with vocal numbers. evening, October 22, in the East MidDainty refreshments along the Hal- vale ward chapel, the proceeds to go lowe'en idea were served to the fol- to the building fund. Admission will lowing: Mrs. Millerberg and chil- be 15 and 25 cents and $1.00 for a dren, Mrs. E. W. Kresser of San family ticket. Program as follows: Diego, Mrs. Bennett Cash or Sandy, Little Miss Muriel Goodspeed, one of Mrs. Dl L. and Mrs. Geo F. Webbcm the best child entertainers in the Make an appointment today for that wonderful DUART Mrs. D. L. Bowen of Murray and state of Utah; musical numbers from Mrs. Geo. F. Webb, Mrs. Clarence the McCune School of Music; Mr. Wave the perfect permanent with Ringlet ends SPECIAL Sharp, Mrs. E. E. Millerberg, Mrs. Barton of the Midvale school, saxo-~ Leonard Sharp, Mrs. Marcus Pixton, phone solo; Miss Henderson, clog $6.00 regular price $12.00 Mrs. W. J. McNamara, Mrs. Clifton dance; piano solo, Miss Olive HarThayne of Union, Mrs. Floyd Ains- ris; readings, Mr. William Cannegie- I worth, Mrs. W. Z. Kartchner, Mrs. ter of Murray; readings, Mr. LawFor more formnl wear Is this ne1~ • Ralph Robbins, Mrs. Niels Nielsen, renee Pederson of Sandy, and other eusemble of blue rayon crepe. ThE Mrs. Leonard Millerberg, Mrs. Emery good numbers. three quurter length reversible coal Brady, Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Mrs. Mrs. Lydia Reader of Kansas City an1l apricot blouse are of crepe bacl Earl Evans, Mrs. Albert Glover, Jr., is visiting here with her aunt, Mrs. satin. !:..:====-::-=======-=======::-;:-::-::-::-==:::::::::::::=.:::::::-"'::!.~:r.:=rr:;s::_._;Ra~y Greenwood, Mrs. Charles Rose Ale:x~an=-de:r:':-::=---------------------- NEWS IN birthday luncheon with her Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ja•:ob Griffith ,Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Croford and children motored to Heber Sunday and were guests at the home of Miss Wanda McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Elderige Clawscn entertained members of their immediate family at a birthday supper Saturday evening. Covers were laid for 16. Mrs. Bessie Forbush, Mrs. Nell Proctor, Mrs. Reuben Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Baker, Mrs. Ed Fenstermaker and Mrs. Nephi Greg'Jry of Union were among those who attended the funeral services of Dr. R. W. Born, which were held Thurs'lay of last week at the Masonic temple in Salt Lake. Work was started Monday morning on the new amusement hall which will be erected west of the ward house and in the same lot. U1 ION EAST MIDVALE SOCIETY NEWS Mrs. C. M. Powell of Bluff, Utah, returned to her home Thursday after spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Soffe, Mrs. Leonard Sharp, Mrs. Lester Forbush and Harold Bishop of East Midvale attended funeral services Thursday of las~ week for Dr. R. W. Born, which were held in Salt Lake at the Masonic temple. Mrs. D. W. McDonald had as her gnests last week Mr. D. H. Rock of Seattle, Wash.; Mr. R. J. Rock, and Mr. S. F. Rock of Salt Lake. IN THE JUSTICE COURT IN AND l<'OH MIDVALE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Before B. B. lUeyers, Justice of the Peace HARRY THOMAS, Doing Business under ( '- name and style of the U. S. CAFE, Plaintiff vs. SUMMONS. HAROLD GRIFFIN, Defendant. THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned within ten (10) days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is b;:-ought; otherwise within twenty (20) days after such service and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure to do so, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court fur the relief demanded in the complaint, which has been filed with the cl crk of said court and will take judgment against you for the sum of $14.90 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since the first day r, • .\.ugust, 1929, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein. This action is brought for the purpose of securing a judgment against ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you and in favor of the plaintiff, on an open account, in the amount as above stated. ROMNEY and NELSON, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated September 21st, 1929. Date of first publication, Sept. 27, 1929 ~ The MIDVALE JOURNAL. I ,. I • • Midvale Beauty Shop EXPERT OPERATORS MIDVALE 58 North Main St. Phone Mid 216VI- UTAH Sunday, 1\londay, Tuesday, October 20-21-22 Wednesday and Thursday, October 23 and 24 ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ nr.llt national FRESH CANDY A fu!l line of Fresh Candy as well U•1l{ery Goods fills our show cases -supplying every demand of our customers. a '1 Visit our store and be convinced. MIDVALE BAKERY (1 Door East of Drug Store) 17 E. Center Phone 265 Electrical ·Service 0 & E ELECTRIC SERVICE Oomplete Electric Service Radios and Auto Service Midvale 272 25 E. Center St. Beauty Parlors 'Picture And he's worth a n1illion to the lovers of out~ door adventure drama. Ken has delivered again. This tilne its a Sp~cial Delivery. Friday ann Saturday, October 18 and 19 • lit, Florists H. E. PHELPS FLORAL CO. Our Soda Fountain Meets the State Regulations of Sanitation Cooling and Refreshing Drinks Come and See US ';.Every Day is Flower Day'' Midvale 49 Midvale, Utab Pool Halls S. and P. POOL HALL BILLIARDS Main Midvale, Utah Insurance FOR THE MAN_:. Who is building a home--we have the coverage contractYOU WANT! SEEGEO. W. COX Representing the METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 213 First Ave Midvale, Utal! "TRUST!NG '\VIVES" All-Talking Comedy Admission 15c and 35c A plunging, crashing, roaring drama of the West! It's wild-it's funny-it's thrilling! He took her for an airplane ride and found himself in a parachute. You'll laugh till you hit the clouds! Restaurants Thoroughly Remodeled And Modern and up-to-the-minute U.S. CAFE Samas & Thomas, Props. Our business is growing and Yfe want your business always Jewelers J. S. MORGAN Your watch deserves attention We repair it right and guarantee the job. Jewelry of all kinds. Prices lowest. Give us just one trial and be satisfied. Shoe Rebuilders L.A. SUMBOT Our \Vorlrmanship, equipment and materials are combined t() give your rebuilt shoes the best appearence and tho most. Bring in your shoes today we will )lllt new wear into thl'm at small cost. SINCE 1910 "There nnu;t be a reason" 21 E. Center St. Mid |