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Show THB JORDAN JOUitNAL. MIDVALB. UTAH Curre OF THE FORCE • • COMIN IHVMOO-UES AN· '"'Et:2E l=E2 A ~M! \oAt.,.. 01 WAS IHIA&Et> ·wit~ w;rr 1b "IM·VE Wt:QE SO .:JELLUS YE'D AY ~~D YER AA' CLUB J:EQ A. RlTC"' wr:'LL PUT· !-tiM UP FEll and 60! A WAkE 'EQ IN "',.; APQON ~ Hu. . . . . -·TOUGH JOB "Ah rot a notion to quit rnah job," announced a gentleman of color In An Aggrieved voice. "Mah boss won' lem· me have a day off.'. "Dat's tough," comnwnted his sym· pathetic friend. 'Whah'!! yo' wukkln'l" "Ah sweeps out de 'leckshun boofs after de Presumdenllal 'leckshums."Amerlcan Legion Weekly. Nothing High-hat About F UNINVITED SAY, WONT I=AN NV 6E' UIGiol·l-llt.T.IN. OUQ N£1CL.IBOQ\.1000 WLI£N 1 1ELL ~EQ ~·M GONTA. TALK ov£.R THE Q~OIO ToMMR<>W NOW 'SAY-MA'r'B£ 'lbcJ'Q~ .JusT THE 8t\8Y TM .. LOCKING WQ..; .JO'iT To rtLL IN, OF" COURS£- NIGI4T/ - · · · ,!, I ... /{ Ile-I was brought' up in the coun tr~·. She--Not by me. you to come here. E_t~---~-a_~_e_s____________~D ________________ ____ffl_e_L_,_~_~_o_f_L_,_u_k____jt_e_n__________~IO ____~____m 01~--------------E-~en I never asked Easier Work. Unto the distant star~ we turn With calculation breezy: These earthly tn~ks arc hard to learn Ast!"onomy seems easy. · Dear Hunting I' ' tJ.60-· L'f.:Go • I ?ltc.Jig-g-Pr- TitPr !:<ay it eosts $2,000 Rhot . to tire one of those big guns In the navy. Thinumbug- Yes, 1 ).(aYe up ,de-er huntlug on account uf the cost. The ldefl of payiug $~0 u shot. " .... onsellRe ! " ":'1\ot :n all. That',; what the farmer said his ,:ow was worth." 11. MY WORD! 15THAT YOIJR AME.RICIIN RAH6 TIME? Stronger Attraction lirn<·er (har:-;ltly) -llow about thnt • bil j? Tit,• }Ian-1 !Wnt my wife over with :he rnmw~·. l:r·o<·er·-SI!e never came here, !<ir. Thp )Jan WPJI, thnt'H whnt you ~H for r·unnlng a grocer's shop next to a milliner··s. Automatic DPalpr·- llpre's a spleudld c·ocl>tall !<haker·, sir. ;\Ir. ltPdnmmi - Don't ueed one. AI · ways ridP my hor~e around the block after· I take u drink. · COULD SEE THE RUST - = ...,__ _ __ ~~~~- tMEMBfR"THE.HOOK·UP"BACK IN THffJ6HTJE5'l -- . fRESH DouGHNUTs. ' W N. U.l ICopyript. W.N.V.) THE PRINTER'S DEVIL I \-\ERe, MOM ... Uio. PRESSJ'T FOil "'ffV,. UICif t USED 'Tb SR~t.ki 'A:lu 8£FOAE ~ \UEP-Ii AM,.R.R.IEO By Charles Sughroe Paw and Maw cw-~u-. ~~------------------~ VJEU., ''1\-"S \S ~~~ERE l \R""f "10 9E A ~uqHTf'\JL 1-W!>BA~DI AAO AI..L I Ge'r IS #JO'l\-\IJ,Ki AIJO lo.&OT MUeM OF "'ff..A.T "''IOU OON'l"' ~ "'t> A.e"r SO RIT't.Y • I SKEW· 'THE "TlME WI-IEtJ 'fOU \I.M'I '""'E eAAzE 'TO Gf;T "''o4E \'El.IUS oo,.,.- PU!K. OUT ,_,0 ~ SSWPot.ES' FOR. ~EIA. MODELS,. 00 YOU REMEMBER. H0¥.1 'IOU LAUGPIEO A,- '1\-\E UVI~ Sf(&~'' AT "notE ~~R.a)S'~ We'U.1 SHE AUJT' W\"'n-' '1\-\E. St()li$HOW IWV ~ •f.JOPE', .. OH~ WJ:!: 'IOU . BE . QUIET' I . . RUioJ~ti.JG- A COilR.ESP\:»>~E ~~- OJ."WJW -rb. SHES' <!OULO MAkE A Boll OF CAJ..lDV LOof( 6tCK s ALL i\-lA.T 'tOUR l<SIJ ~EQS ~\1.0 'THI'-1~ OE MILO" AlloJ'r" ~IIJ c AR11S'r'S FI~GER. LIKE Mtt.Jei '! Clanc ~Kid The Cat's Not Going to Allow Anyone to String Him CAT? . oL. Miss Oldglrl (resctwd from drown lng)-How <'Uti I ever thank you, n()bh.• ~· oung man? Are _von manledl Hescuer- No; have ~·•nr .1 dau..:hterf - - --- A Tough Job Bea.i Jt..T IT ~he • Tactful BoX OF ~ '-OOK.&O \,II(E ~E '"EVEIJTEEt..l·· 'I~R 1-0a.JST'S HAD MRS.) CAN 1 · 60RROw Yov~ ~ "'l'hnt red;h!'uded <'hap has u Jread • ·,f lroir." · "I believe you-1 <'1\n !Wt> the rust.'' · ; So Dillerent A s&:AlrnFUt. ""'"E MORJJI~ VJli.Z. -nt' "t"'l>lA:liLI A..SO PA~ "'THAT' i\U! eND1 VJA'S WRAPPED ~"' AI=!ER 'IOU Gar~~ A. . I like to have A handy capBut do not crave A handicap. ~IIR.E FI..O UJ . OoRRow ,.,. wHA-r POR?• I I bOT WARTS AN) I NEED A OfAD CAT 10 CURe. "EM- "Yon sa~· you hun' :1 dehr ynu want us to eollt>et ?" Hl<ked t IJ.+> hPud of the .tolle<·tlng- llJ.:'l'IH')' for hp<l <h•hfs. ''YPs,'.' !<llld the st·••d,\·· lnoldug indl· ,·idual. "I want you to tr·.\· to eollect tl~e 11\·ing thP world ow,•s me on a fifty-tift y basis." Oh, Papa! "llid !nt~r ask )'«•u any questions?" "Ju. t one." ' 1\Yiiftt WI\S it?" •·u(}w mueh ~:u:;h I h;tfl Lo !<pure." . Something Broke Loose "Dld you tell your f11ther m·er the phone tbat we were engaged." "Y~s." "What dld he reply?" "l'm not sure wheth!'r h:.> rPplled or whether the line was stru{·k by Light· nlng." So Do We . Brown-l like ci1eerful people. Wh)r, I know a dentist who ~:-lgs at h1a work. Smltb-1'11 bet hla pa <'c .. ls flon't. - |