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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL. MIDVALE. UTAH FEELING lOTS iGUlF CO~ST CITIES BETTER NOW ESCAPE GALE'S fURY Writes Ethel May Snider Who Used Lydia E. Pinkham'• Vegetable Compound "Doc" Crandall Is the New~st Ironman of Baseball MOB IL E S UFFERS HEAVY PRO P· ERRTV LOSS, BUT SO FAR NO DEATHS KNOWN Hartford City, Ind.-Doing houseand taking care of a sick woman to be toa u c h for Ethel ?tintfay Snider, R. R. 1 Hartford City, n til she started taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Overwork had so undermined her health that she had to give up all outside work, and when ~7;1:;;:~~~~ she saw this- medi· ;;in the "Star" and other papers, she went to druggist and got a. bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She took it regularly, was greatly benefited and now feels very much better. Ethel May Snider's experience is similar to that of thousands of other women in all walks of life, who have sent testimonials to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass. Among those who praise the Comp ound are young girls who have been ena bled to attend school regufarr:r - working girls who have gained s trength and endurance so n ecessary t o them, housewives and mothers whG have found that the tonic-effect of the Compound has enabled them to perform their daily tasks more easily, H Teuton Disavowed Some Former Practicse Situation Would Ease; First Utterance Since he Assumed the Combined Task I ~::~~~;~\r~e ~~~~e~i~~t~~erinj;:Y~ co~~;,h a~~~tl;sagaet St. Germain, France-Premier Poinca!re Sunday made his first public .ut· terance on International affairs since. he assumed the combined task of premier and minister of finance. In a rather sharp talk to Disabled War Veterans, evidently destined to carry beyond the frontiers, the pre· mier served notice that no matter how far France might be willing to meet ; Germany in new friendship, there was ' one phase of situation in which he 1 would never yield a jot, namely, the I responsibility for the war. On that point he was adamant that the Germany of 1914 was responsible. The enthusiastic cheering that greeted the premier's address showed that the war veterans at least indorsed !Jis position. The meeting was pre· sided over by Louis Marin, one of the ! s~aunchest of nationalists, and the j leader of the right group in the Point caire cabinet, which is directly op· 1 posed to the elements represented by I Edouard Herriot and Aristide Briand. I The premier's speech is entirely at ' variance with the r.ecent efforts of Foreign Minister Briand at Geneva. There is much speculation now as to what Briand will do at the next meeting of the cabinet council. Bottomley Hits Hard l I • • • • • • .. • the as I I . . ! I i E L..-AN s l , 1 • • • fOR INDIGESTION I , 25¢and 75¢ Pk~s. Sold EverYWhere Cameron Best, husky twenty-yearL?uis!ana Town.Has $!50,000 Fire Oil City, La.-Frre which broke out old first baseman of the 'faft (Calif.) early Tuesday in a pool room here baseball club, a semi-profef'slonul or1 ' destroyed two and a half blocks in \ ganization, has been signed by the St. the business district, causing loss es· Louis Caruinrrls. • • timated at $750,000. Twenty-two bus! lness houses were burned, only the Oil ·Bob McGraw, one of B1·ooklyn's new , City bank building, of brick construe- hurlers. sllnt a hole in one while pi;Jy· tion, remaining on the west side of ing a golf fom·sorne wU h Dazzy Van<'"· the town. Fifteen residences were de- 1 Burleigh Grimes and .Jack Ifournh>r strayed. over tl:)e countr; c!"Gb • course. I i Burl19 and scalds are inevitable in the kitchen. Keep "Vaseline" Jelly handy. Soothes and heals. Pure. Safe. Famous for two generatiol19. Chesebrough Mfot. Company S tate S t. (Co.,olld&todl N ew y ork Vaseline Cuticura I i 1 " I r China Issues Challenge to Great Powers Geneva-Unless the powers immediately make new treaties with China, based on reciprocity and equality, antiforeign feeling there will increase and it wJll be dangerous for foreigners I to trade there peacefully, Chu Chao· I Hsin, Chinese delegate to the league of 1 nations, asserted Sunday. In an inter· ' view with a representative of the As· sociated Press, Chu said that he had Jim Bottomley, first baseman of the no apologies to offer anybody for his A hot, nourishing cereal is the St. Louis Cardinals, has had much to action in bringing the recent British prime morning need of a growing do with tlle splendid -showing of his bombardment of Wanhsien before the ,. child. This is why the wise mother team by his hard hitting. Bottomley I assembly. "I was educated in the Uni· always serves Carnation Mush to is not only a terrific hitter, but his ' ted States," he said. "I love America His Highchair Highness. Whole · and American ideals; but I do not un-~ fielding is exceptionally fine. wheat and delicious! derstand why the United States is still ~~=====:::::::::::::::~=:::::::=:=:: following the other powers in enjoyBert Ellison Resigns ing extraordinary political pr!vilege3 ' GENT~MEN Rert Ellison recently resigned as and immunities in China." Why pay fron1 five to ten dollars for a founmanager of the San Francisco Seals. tain pen or pencil? Get a Bl".r Boy self-fill ing fountain pen or pencil. 'l'hc~ pens and He gave poor health as the reason for Cold Blanket Extends Edges pencils will last you a lifetime, price $1.00 his action. Ellison up to this season each. As there is a limited atnount at thi!i had been very successful with the Chicago-The blanket of cold weath· prke and they are going fast. send in your now. Send for zny 72-page catalog. Seals, both as manager and player. er fiung eastward Saturday from the order il's free. FRANK MILLER He became manager in 1923, and gave 1 Rocky mountains encompassed the 2"87 Third Avenue New York City the fans two pennrrnts and a second· . whole central west and moved gradutoward. the Ohio , river valley. Killplace team. Ellison joined the Seals : ally . as player in 1921 0"Oin" there from the mg frosts Ill NebrasKa, northern Kan, d ·t f th D k 0 t d EOUAL F"Oit MEN ANti wo,..-e:N " e a Detroit Tigers. As soon as Ellison I sas an par 8 0 as an gen· No previous training necessary to resigned, the club appointed Richard er~l but. les:. severe frosts. in_ Iowa, I In the BEILF lt~;~tr~~~JW'-WJo~~~l'£.~: ~'i',~~g~ Williams a veteran who has been Wrsconsln, 1umnesota and IIIIUOlS gave Commercoa!Art. 'l'hlS bookletcontaimng mstruc( .. , • , tlons equal to TI!IN LESSONS sent postpaL<1 upon handling the Lo"an team of the Utah- 1 force to the weather bureaus forcast re<;eipt of et,oo. Begin now to train for this well· . Ill"mols, · M IS· · , pa.td professwn. THE Send for It today. Idaho leag-ue. "'Williams has been in th a t . 1n d rana, sou th mn GUIDE baseball for 25 years. soun, and perhaps Oh10, would feel the Dept. B, 1325 Englewood Ave., Dallu, TexM I blight of winter's blast. The corn belt --9 1 reported that corn had not suffered WE PAY YOU CAS forgoldbrldgiJl!, 1 . u ., rowns, f a.l s ~ • old. plates, d1amonds, discarded Jewelrr, I g reatly • the crop being out of danger I1 teeth magneto pomts. Oasb by return mail. llll\U'ffijj in Kansas Gild Nebraska and frosts RGOfLD REFINING CO., 9tl b'Jfth Ave., NEW YORK. . . ' . . . I e erences: Chatham·P.b.eni:x: Bank. New York. , elsewhere bemg too light to InJure 1t, , -- - _ _ _ __ and in some cases helpful in pushing I LAIJIES-Wny pay dollars for complexion po\vdera, Jotlons. tot Let goods, etc.. when you can make them at home, one-tenth cost' Pennsylr·auia contributes Ray it to maturit}'. Enclose stamp for literature. "\VJ•JBSTIDR -----SALES CO., Box 514, St. Paul, Minn. Wolfe, Its star huder, to Oxford unl· Tax Receipts Show Large Increase versity in the fall. 1 WANT JrAR~IS Washington Federal tax collec· for cash buyers. Wilt dea,J with owners • * in the ' only. Answer quiet<. J. WALTON, IOO One thing mo1·e: If Suzanne weeps tions increased by "251,859,623 't' Indiana, Kansas City, Missouri. on the American tour, will there be fiscal year ending June 30, despite the reductions in rates which went into rain checks for the customers'/ Successful 1 effect in mid-year, it was shown Mon* "How did your wife come out with The more the English channel turns day in the annual report of the inter· nal revenue bureau. With the excep· her job of painting the- car?" we interbad; its flocks of swimmers, the greattion of the admissions tax, virtur.l.lly estedty inquired. er doe~ tile little stunt of Gertrude every oth0r levy yielded a higher re· ''Fine!" enthusir..stically replied h:derle becolllr~. turn during the year than in the pre· husband of the p;Lint slinger. "It • * vious year. The total collections of a complete success! Why, the old l\lr. Pyle, tl1e pro football and teninternal revenue from all sources for doesn't look any worse now than it d is pt·omoter, il,; now faced wtth a seCity rious publicity problem. He can't the last year were $2,835,999,892. In· ~'~~::. she began."-Kansas come taxes accounted for most of the 1 lla '"'' Sur.a'nne deliver ice. increase, corporation levies netting * • Especially Then $178.747,037 more than a year ago, and An otl'e1 of $500,000-the largest ln individual income taxes yielding $33,- 1 Mr. Snapp-My motto is: What I~ llistory-wa~ made by Aga Khan for the colt Solaria. Sir John Itutherford, 698,054 more. The corporation tax was / worth doing is worth doing well. increased one-half of one per cent dur· Mrs. Snapp-! notice that when you owner of the colt, refused the bid . ing the last half of the year, but in· make a fool of yourself.-Pathfinder. * * A petition to bring back horse rac- dividual income rates were slashed ing in the state of Cafifornia bas been b.eavily. signed by 80,QOO and will be voted upon in the general elections next fall. Denver Visited by First Snow Denver, Colo.-A trace of snow, the • * * In th·e years of play in open com· first of the season, was reported in , petition Dobby Jones bas aYeraged Denver Monday by the weather bu· I 74 stroke~ per· round, a record uu· reau. Low temperatures prevailed equaled by any other golfer in his- the Rocky mountain region and snowtory. fall was reported in several of the mountain ranges. In Denver the ther* * * 1>1-.Scholl's Zino-J>&ds is the oafe,sura,hoatlng Tilat inesh;tillle suction which v;a!l mon.eter dropped to 33 degrees Sattreatment for corne. At drug and shoe storea.. EM Free Sample write The Sclloll Mfg. eo.. Oiicaso suppo~ed to tJa,·e carried Miss 8derle urday night. Rainfall was reported in nloug on her cila!Juel swim must have several other part~ of Colorado, with come from a tug thu L was going two cool temperatures. At Albuquerque, mile!:! an hour. N.' M., there was a slight rainfall during the night, with a temperature of Herbert Eituner, forme1· University 44 degrees. Rainfall brought cooler of 1\lissourl f0mball star, signed the temperatures in 80Uthern Arizona, first contract of the year· to play with while in the mountain8 in the northern tlH! Chicago Cardinals of the National part frost was recorded. burning I<'ootball league this falL ment and start the healing with • * ::Ieath Hazard by Auto Grows Fidel La Barba, king of the flyWashington-The hazard of deacli weight division, has been matched for a ten-round bout at Vernon, Calif., 1 ~n automob~le acciden.ts appears to bl'l October 5, with Newsboy Brown of mcreasmg m· the Umted States as a New York. The title will rwt ue at wiwle. The commerce department, making publlc comparable figures for stat.: e. I 1925 and 1926, showed that so far this • • * yem·, in the sixty-six larger cities of '1'-wo star college athletes have been earning $10 a day carrying hods at the ( otntry, fatalities from automoMITCHEU EYE SALVE Atlantic City during vacation. This bile accidents have been so numerou,\ heals intl.amed eyes, granulated lids, styes, etc. sure. Safe. Speedy. 25c at Is all wrong-they might get so used as to indicate an annual death rate of 18.9 persons per 100,000 of population, 1 all drug-gists. Hall & Ruckel, N. Y.C. to I uxuries that they'll refuse 'l:o go while, for the same period last year, back to college. the rate was 17.9 per cent. W. N. U., Salt Lake Gity, No. 40--1926. I Albers 1 I Carnation Mush~ I LADIES and l I l I • .. • • 1 I s 1 1 Dr8c1to11's lls I ECR~e~ !1 ~hing, 1 t.l Portland, Ore.-Fire this morning destroyed Mt. Angel colleg.e at St. , Benedict, Ore., with an estimated loss 1 or $600,000. The fire originated from the explosion ot a gasoline tank m the • college garage, spreading to the o-:tr1 gymnasium, butcher shop, • • • Jlm Blakeslf'y, hard-hitting OmahtJ. , ' Nltfielder, bets been sold to the New i Orleans club of the Southern league. i instead of Rochester of the lnterna- ! tiona! league. as previously reported. ! • • • • 1 TltP C1it•ago Cubs secured Elwood ! to~ Resi ~~EXPERIMENT l Another of the Barnes clan of pitch- 11' Eng1Jsh, star shortstop of the Toledo 1 ers hrrs bobbef1 up. This one Is Clarke American association team, for $50,000 Barnes, brother of VIrgil and Jess; in money and three players to be deand he Is getting the up-and-down from livered in the sprlng. English has Wilbert lloblnson of the Brooklyn , been playing a brilliant game for To1 ! ~,~,e.. ~:a'uable Bibles were reported I team. ledo at shortstop all season. chap'!lJ, 11Soap and brary and school. building, The college startlld O intment II the fall term a week ago, with 2(}0 Keep tl:.e Scalp . s tudent'! present. All escaped. Thirty· E?ile!!.f!e•J?u~'!~l • • • I OO.kety, college CJeaq and ·H ealthy Promote Hair Growth "AlbeTs stands {OT BetteT BTeakfasu ~ 1 75 Soldiers, 28 Indians Killed Stutz, who-has been nprwuring lnter· Nogales, Ariz.-A dispatch to the mittPHtl.l· at Rhort~;top for the Phillies, Herald Tuesday from Guaymas, Son- is u Philadelphia sant.l-lot player. Ht> . ora, Mexico, said that severty-five looks like a fine flelfl<•J',. but not mncll : 8oldiers and twenty-eight Yaqui In· yet known of his halting. dians had been killed in a battle four • • * kilometers north of Tithaya station. Jt l!' not hard to deride wh.;>ther 'fhe message said a hrge number had l\I ox Carey wa~ dropped fot· the go;>d been wounded on both sides. 1 of the team or thl' good of the <'at>h I box when you lea1·n biR contract with the Pirfltes called for a $JG,;>OO salnry. Fire Destroys Oregon College I, penter shop, I Ends I FOR BURNS AND SCALDS 1 1 ::e ~!~e:~~~~b~~ I ! A treat in the Peppermint-fiavored sugar-coated jacket and another iD, " gum insidethe Peppermint.fiavored utmost value in long-lasting delight 1 1 I .J DISABLED VETERANS SPEEC-H RE· GARDED AS ANSWER TO STRESEMANN TALK Hurricane Blows Itself Out; Florida · Area Is Slowly Recovering; I Gale Lasted for Nineteen Hours Mobile, Ala.-Lashed and battered by a. tropical hurricane for nineteen hours Monday. Mobile Tuesday took stock of the damage to find that this city and immediate vicinity escaped without loss of a single life. Prope·rtr damage, yet unestimated, is high, as many homes and business houses were unroofed, but no great devastation Wtl.S wrought and but few buildings were actuaUy demolished. ( Ample warnings of the hurricanu and the fact that the wind remained in the north throughout the gale are responsible for the manner In which Mobile withstood the hurricane. The SPORT INTEREST greatest damage to Mobile in previous Haworth Almost Robbed hurricane has been caused by high REVIVED BY PAGE Himself Out of Hi$ Job water, but this condition only exists Steve O'Rourke, former Western when southeast winds prevail. The association manager and now a scout storm winds of Monday, however, for the Boston Red Sox, Is always Indiana Athletics Expected were from the north, reversing the good for a gem or two. Going Into to Show Upward Trend. conditions and causing the lowest Salina t::ecently he ran Into Homer tides in history of Mobile river and Real Apple Pie : bay. on the eastern shore of MoFeast f or Gocls bileResorts bay and fishing centers on the They sat together and about the sixth Indiana are expected to show a de· The really valuable apple pie is to western shore also escaped without inning Steve hatched a curious cided trend upward. Page won his be found not so much in restaurants loss of life, though property damage tl\oought. "What are you doin' here, Homer?'' spurs as an athlete at the Unlvers!Ly as in rural homes. There the pie is was suffered. ~ of Chicago and there first attracted carefully compounded according to anhe put to the d~mon catcher. attention as a coach of above aver"Lee Keyser sent me down to look clent and approved rules, and after ' . age ability. having been baked, a delicate opera· Agrrcultural C_onference at Salt Lake ovet· a young catcher with this club." "Tbafs a new one/' came back After serving at Chicago as an astlon lifts the u r crust in order that / Salt Lake C1ty-The farmers of the ppe ' ·1 t ta 1·n egi 0 n and representa before heard of a sistant to Alonzo Stagg on the foot· SteYe. ·"Never , • the steaming apple slices underneath ~ ermoun .r as head ~oach of the ball field may be made more enticing by tha tlves of ot~er mterests concerned .w1th catcher going out to look at another basket balland team, he received a call addition of·butter and sugar, both be- ete~s leadmg t~ward_ a soun~ natwnal one. Don't you Jmow you're dowo fng melted by the heat. An ancient agncultural policy w11l have m the ~g· here hunting for a guy who might from Butler college In Indiana. At that time he was directing the basket practice, now often neglected, added ricultural conference. at Salt Lake C1ty take yoU:r job?'' ball team and had deyeloped the five. October 1 ant.! 2 the1r greatest oppor· "By golly, that's right," chirped 11 nut1lle g as we.. 1 • • But, alas! Satan often contrives to tumtY: to ~res en~ the case of ~gn~ul- Haworth . .. "Never thought of that. n;an defense to a high scale, the first ·t b t ture m th1s regiOn as a contnbutwn I'll 'just wire Keyser tonight and tell coach in the Big Ten to make use of . d mar perf ect JOn, an so 1 comes a ou . . this type of play. · d t• · d f d . d toward the delermmatwn of such a him this guy's rotten." th a t m ue 1me p1es rna e o . . th e b e1Je< . • o,• ,, ne s . w·m d er Butler college was unknown ath· . . po1ICY, 1s n 1. apples appear, . though th1s ev1l, thanks h i f th · It ·t letically, but Page decided to leave . . . . c a rman o e agncu ura 1 comm1 · to the cannenes, IS now dlmlmshing. f h S It L k h b · Th Chicago, and for the last seven years . tee o t e a a e c am er.e Evaporated apples form rnadeqt1ate f . d • · ht he has been at Butler in charge of . . con erence 1s sponsore .or e1g all athletics. As had been expected, materwl for p1es, but ~hey are far su- states Arizo!ll3. Idaho Montana Ne· perior to the farm-dned product, re· · ' . ' ' his basket ball teams were almost unh' h th 1 'd th b tt : vada, New Mex1co, Utah, \Vyomlng, . gard mg w 1c e ess sa1 e e er. d C d b th Ch b f . an o1ora o, y e am er o Billy O'Connor, a semi-pro first beatable but his football teams, a The ~pples, _let u~ hope, Will rea~h Commerce of the United States with baseman from Pueblo, has been signed sport in which he was not expected the p1ecrust m then· natural state, m by· the Denvel· club. to excel as a coach, proved powerful t:Ue Salt Lake organization cooperatwhich event Thanksgiving day should * * * and versatile, ranking with his basIng. This wnference is the first ever be marked by more than the normal Charley Dressen, former American . ket ball quintets. He tri_ed his ha~d lit:ld on agriculture in this territory. volume of thankfulness. Last year Utah and Idaho presented association star, has been clouting the at baseball a~1 d ":hll: Ius nines dJd n?t compare 1n wmnmg power with facts at a similar gathering in Seattle ball with telling effect lately. • .. * hrs basket ball and football teams, It DEMAND "BA YER•' ASPIRIN but this year is the first for the inter:Middle age has definitely settled on wa; q~ite evid:nt. that he ~ad done 1 mountain farmers to gather about T ake T ablets Without Fear If You their own table and talk their own you, brother, when you can no longer we l w1t~ the llm1ted matenal. name all the shortstops in the two At Indiana, where the football elev· See t he Safety "Bayer Cross." problems. ens have been near the bottom of the leagues. 1 Big Ten standing in recent years, _ lt Warning! Unless you see the name 1 French People are Friendly Big Moose Clabaugh, slugging left is expected that Page will devote the "Bayer" on package or on tablets you ; Logan-Reports of alleged anti· major ·part of his time to the gridiron are not getting the genuine Bayer American sentiment existing in France fielder of the Tyler club of the Errst sport, but it is hardly likely that In· Aspirin proved safe by millions and have been grossly exaggerated and do Texas league, has joined the Brook· diana officials will overlook his abil· p rescribed by physicians for 26 years. not reflect the true feeling of the lyn llobins. ity as a court couch. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin, French people, according to the copy Willie Kamm Is one of tho~Se natuImitations may prove dangerous.-Adv. of e. letter from Myron D. Herrick, rally gmccful, nonchalrrnt athletes American ambassador to France, reSore Arm Paved \V ay to who so intrigue the small boy and P roverb in Dispute · r reived to~ay by S. S. Eccles, th.e Arne~Renown for the Bambino " . ican Legwn's France conventiOn offi· also the large girl. . A great deal c~n be said on both cer for Utah. Ambassador Herrick's Adversity paved the way to the * * * s1des of any questiOn," remarked the letter outlining the !<'ranee situation Two brothers, Hugh and Gerry Fitz- greatest home-run hitting rec.ord o.f r eady-made philosopher. was mailed to Bowman Elder, national gerald, playing iri the Allegheny league all time, Babe Ruth has revealed. "I ~on·~. see _where you got a~.Y chairman of the legion's France con· in Pennsylvania, are both southpaws, "In the ~pring of 1919," explains such Idea, rejomed Mr. Meekton. I vention committee in answer to a di· throwing and batting left-handed. Babe, whose fame as a southpaw 1 • have j.~st had _an argume~t with Hen- ~ rect query as to 'what the situation moundsman preceded his feats as a Melvin Ott, New Orleans high long-range hitter, "I developed a sore rietta. Washmgton Stat. in regard to American tourists was in 1 arm. I didn't know when I'd be able I that country. Ambassador Herrick has school boy who came to the Gian~s Simple Method been in the United States for a couple a catcher, is going to play the out- to pitch again and I didn't want to Eddie-Say, how d<J you expect I of weeks and has expressed approval field because of his hitting and :;;peed. sit around and do nothing. So I tolo;l * .. your girl to get that letter when you ' of the proposed convention of the . Ed Barrow, V'ho was managing the It is said the Detroit Tigers wlll Red Sox at that time, that I'd like to don't put any address on it? American Legion in Paris in Septem· pass up ·Augusta, Ga., Ty Cobb's home I play the outfield. Arch-She's a clerk in the dead· I ber of 1927. letter office. town, as a training camp next spring : "Ed told me I could-you know the and go to Florida, prohHbly 1\Iiami. i rest." Tragedy Ends Ocean Flight "' Westbury, N. Y.-Disaster struck 'l'he change became a permanent It is estimated that none of the one. Ruth entered upon hls career as down the giant Sirkorsky bi-plane S· 35 within two minutes after its at· Pittsburgh players, who say they fl slugger and soon be<:ame such a sen~ tempted hop-off Tuesday for a nonstop never heard of a team .working und~r sation on the diamond that Ran·ow flig•ht from New York to Paris.· A two managers, bas llved wl.tb Ins could not afford to remove him from mass of twisted wreckage and tke 1 wife's folks. . the outfield. charred bodies of Charles W. Clavier, • • • radio operator, and Jacob Islamoff, If the ball players form a union BELL·ANS Cubs P"rC'hase Star mechanic, tonight were the tragic the rules might hold that only three Hot water aftermath of what was to have been bases can be taken on a home ruu, Sure Relief one of the most daring ventures ever unless overtime is paid for complet· I attempted In the history of aviation. lng the circuit. Sure Relief WRIGLEY~~r POINGARE STill HOLDS GERMANY "Doc" Crandall of the Los Angeles club of the Pacific Coast league Is the newest lronman ot baseball. The old doc has pitched professional baseball for 20 years and is still going strong. Crandall started on the sand lots of Los Angeles and was at one time a mainstay In the box tor the New York Giants. 1,1'»~ YOUR EYES/ 1 |