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Show THE JORDAN ~~~rn~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Jor.dan Journa~~~~~~E~~3~~ mB . lilil ·:RIVERTON jim by Inc. ~ Every Thursday Issued PublishingCompany, The Jordan Mrs. William Bagnell and family ""' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Densl~y several days <luring One year .................... _ ...................... $1.50 ~ the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandstrom enTelephone Midvale 178 tertained at dinner on Sunday in E:nterecl at the postoffice at Midvale honor of Mrs. Gus Sandstrom and Cit~, Utah, as s~ond-class matter. daughters Verla and Margaret of Ettreka where they will visit for sevTHE PROHIBITION BUGABOO eral days. We cannot pass up the opportunity of commenting on an advertisement Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Stephensen had that appeared last week in the Jour~s· their guests durine: the week, J. H. nal, announcing Zinfundel grapes deGiles and I. E. Malouf of Ogden and livered at your door at $150 per ton. Mr. Graham of Levan. When prohibition was a reality the enactment of the eighthrough Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Sandstrom and a cry went up amendment teenth son and Mrs. Jeanette Crane of Herriman left Thursdav for Yello,vstone from the vineyard owners of Califorpa~-~: wher_e they will spend ten days. nia and elsewhere that the fruits of their lifetime labors, wrapped up in Mr .and .. Mrs. Ch1'is Madsen an- beautiful and spacious vineyards was no~nce the birth of a baby girl Wed- a total loss. nesdav. At that time grapes were selling at ' Miss Orlean Phillips of Lehi tvisited from $20 to $40 per ton. Today they four davs with Mr. and Mrs. P. C. are getting from 4 to 7 times better price for their product. Christens'en during- the week. This week a contract was made with the D. and R. G. W. railroad in Salt Lake City to handle 8,000 carloads of grapes from Ogden to Pueblo, Colo. And consider that this is only a small part of the tonnage handled by all railroads. Most of the carload lots are billed to New York City. After all, the prohibition law was finely figur~d by financiers and it has The grape wotked out admirably. manufacturers, candy proCl.ucers, the the railroads, the ~apitalists-none of them would allow the ei.ghteenth amendment to be repealed. Yes, brother; you can talk ' about pre-prohibition days, but you will .• never live to see them ·'a;gain .. , • t '· • I -and you know B IGGER exhibits, finer spcel- ntenJJ of blootlt"d tctoct... u.ntl ()Oultry, mor.. qutuMeJltf"nt ft"aturelf--R bl,;go:-r und· better expoaltioh, and. ntOt"f" tun for every vlsJtorl Plan now to be there! EXHIBITORS: Get Premium "Lillt From Your Bank of County A&'rieulture A&'ent ,. ' ' GOITRE Completely Milwaukee Removed. · ·Lady Tells of helief From a Colorless Liniment Celia Shikora, 621 lOth St., ' Milwaukee, Wisconsin, says she will tell or )'!'rite her experience with SorbolQu'adruple. She was relieved of difand a ficult breathing, diziness clqgged f~e~ing in throat. quire· at M1dvale D'rug co:; all drug stores. or write Sorbo! Company, Mechanicsb~rg 1 Ohio. . . SAFE CLEAN ,. MILK Packed In Ice DELIVERED DAILY , Midvale and Sandy EARL TOONE Tel. Douglas 91-J-4 Fairdale Farms Cotton'wo<ld "' . l . ' . ' ';,~...- . • i ;','. \· -l.: ·':··~ Q ":!I!E~'I .• \ .. • . The· pleasant .tast: . ing and effective· laxative, flat is gentle· in a<:tion ana · absolutely safe. Never necessary to· increase the dose. · will' :(ee lbright and • remain • day. $1.00 ·:Midvale Drug o. M~vale ~ · Inasmuch· as very little attention has been paid to the subscription lists of the Journal in the past, we are now endeavoring to get them up to date. A paper, whether daily or weekly, is not appreciated, and fails to get results' for the advertiser, unless paid for: We trust you will give us your cooperation in this matter. We mail Journal's from New York to San Fiancisco. Wit!\ no €ffort on your part and the "expenditure of only one dollar and fifty cents, you can help put Midvale on the map. We know the Journal is far from perfect but we will put it up against any of the weeklies published in Utah at the present time. When you meet Miss Mary Terry on the street, ask her about your subscription. She has the books and can give you the desired information. Practically every citizen has come to realize that the local paper is not a luxury, but a necessity to himself as well as the community. Read the advertising and save money by buyin,l! advertised articles. It is being done throughout this entire United States and it can be done right in Midvale and community. --------------John Steadman. Lever! Densley, Ralph Hamilton, Leroy, Melvin lt!ld Clifton Densley snent two days up the Strawberry canvon returning home Sundav. Miss Olice Crane is spending 12 weeks at Log-an where she is attending the 'A.' C. Colle!"" Mrs: Thomas I. Pae:e and family, Mrs. GWynne Page and family and Mrs. Harry Sandstrom and family spent Thursday at Liberty park wh'ere they enj-oyed lunch. The officers of the Primary entertained at luncheon at the Crystal hot lakes on Monday it being one year since they were appointed to labor in the primary. Mrs. Rosa Oliver is spenring the week visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Afton Winters of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Butterfield and daughter Eyelyn spent Tuesday visiting at Daniels. Mrs. Hattie Pugsley and daughters spent two days visiting with relatives. Mrs. Millard Henderson and son of Magna spent several days • visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Howard. Mrs. Zach Butterfield was hostess to the Sunflower club at her home on Thursday. Lamp shade making was the main feature, after which luncheon was served to ·eleven. ' :.~: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peterson had as their gues.ts on Thursday, Mrs. ~dith Peterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hackenson and family and', Mr. and Mrs. Gilment of Bing- Utah ' .Miss Ebba Bills returned home fr<Jm ·wyoming last week after spend. ,irtgj's<)'me time there visiting. : -Mr'. anc! Mrs. Z. T. Butterfield entertained ·Mrs. S. F. Stephensen at luncheon on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Whetman and family; who return from Idaho on Saturday spent the week at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Page visiting. : ' -Mrs.. Hattie Freeman and . family were' entertained at dinner o Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nilsen of South Jordan. E. P. Morgan has just returned ·from Mt. Pleasant where he purchased a carload of blooded Rambouillet rams from the famous flock of W. D. Candland a:o.d sons. "Water has killed more people than whiskey ever did.'' "How do you make that out. "Well, to begin with, there was the flood!" START RITE . STOP KICKING ~ 1m ffiB e ~ ~ ~ I ~~~. I ~ To Start the Car Just Push up the Spark---That's All ~ I"A"' ~ I can show you fifteen reasons why you should install one at once. ffiB ~ Men Enjoy Saving ffiB A simple device known as Start Rite which is attached to the starting motor of Ford cars, eliminates the old style floor switch, prevents broken bendix springs and all starter trouble caused by starting the car with an i. Suc~essful ffiB It Ruins Your Shoes I I l!'i!l 19 I Successful men enjoy saving because they know from their own and others experience that systematic saving points the way to success. Let us show you how to save the right way. We have several ulans that will prove especially interesting because each plan pays you Interest on your savings. Midvale State Bank ~\ ; We Have You Next? J"' · Hundreds are killed every year. crossing-they have to hunt for the floor switch-minutes are precious-they may mean life or death to the occupants of the car. Start Rite "prevents loss of time and may save sorrow in your home. Price $2.75 installed. Guaranteed or your money back. , . ·.. ham; REXAu:(../ · ORDERLIES ;. ffiB ~ WORKING ON <@UBSCRIPTION . . BOOK'S FOR JOURNAL witat that meansl \. JOURNAL ~ C. J. RIDD MOTOR CO. MIDVALE, UTAH. Will install one for you. Agents wanted throughout Utah. Write for territory. · P. S. Roberts, Utah representative, Midvale Utah. , Phone Midvale 178 • * :' * ~ Hffi ~ m;J ~ I ~ Enjoy .. • ---=~-be, we can satWe care not what your meat taste may isfy it.· Only-.the best JZrades of choicest meats are ever allowed in our shops. . Corner Meat & Grocery R. R. GILBERT . • E. C. O'BRIEN .. ~ l~tllmltllllllllltlllllllllllll!lllllll_llllllllllmmrrttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltl~llllllltllllllllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~ ~ ~Im~~~mm~~~~~M~~~mB~mBmB~H~am C. C. CRAPO REAL EST ATE BROKER • 13 George Nicholes ...... 1000 1.00 .50 14 George Nicholes ....... 500 Sta~~ INSURANCB LOANS HOMES .50 FARMS 15 George Nicholes -..... 500 P~one Midvale 137 ·W Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goff and chil- 16 H. G. Snyder ............. 50000 50.0'0 Sandy, Utah dren of Milford. Utah, were the 17 H. G. Snyder .................25000 25.00 CHEAP MONEY. Farm loans at ANOTHER BA-RGAIN. 5 R. frame Friday man t B S M f t Cop!.. ot the 1926 State Fair P'Hmlum Liat 5.00 5000 .............. Snyder G. H. 20 payable Interest cent. per 6% • rs. · a e house, large corner lot, trees aind , have been lent to all banko and Coun~ Agrl· gues S 0 Mr and Mrs. F .G. Tischer had as 21 H. G. Snyder ............... 5000 ~~00 cultural :fenta In the ou.te, where they may once a year. Easy repayment privshrubs, Near school and church, Only $1400. Easy Sandy, Utah. ~: ~~t:~'in~r Z:'.~t~~~:t::. ~o~1"Jo-:~ 'I their. guests the past week, Mr. and 22 H. G. Snyder ............. 5000 5.00 ileges. SEE CRAPO. Mrs Walters of Salt Lake, parents of 23 H. G. Snyder ............. 1000 1.00 be held at Salt Lake City, Oetober 2 to 8. for cash. · discount will or terms • h • With premiums totalina- •zo.ooo.oo offered 24 H. G. Snyder - .......... 1000 1.00 WAKE UP! I am offering the finest SEE CRAPO. In the Jiv... toek division, in addition to b-ut!- Mrs. FlSC er. 8 acre farm in the county with 6 Mr and Mrs Lee Bradford of Mag- 25 H. G. Snyder ........_ .. 1000 1.00 ful ribbons. the owners of wlnnln8' animal• • • will be hand.tomel:r rewarded. Cuh pri.J... are J R. modern brick home right on 1.00 1000 ............... Snyder .G. H 26 also offered In the oth.., departmenta. lnelud- na were a-uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. State street with twice the water SELL OR TRADE. 5 R. new mod1.00 1000 27 H. G. Snyder ............... Hewlett Saturday• lng poultr;r. &"rains. fruita, ve.retabl•~z etc. Entriee cloee s ..ptember 25, with 1111 exeepit requires, at a real bargain. right ern brick. full basement, and 3 1-3 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gosman are 28 H. G. Snyder ............... 1000 1.00 tlon of poultry. which clooeo September 2V. <lf debt. Terms or cash. Get out All 48 H. G. Snyder ................ 1000 1.00 acres fine land. c'ity water, elecreceiving congratulations over the ar- 49 H. G. Snyder -- --··-·-·· 1000 busy. SEE CRAPO. 1.00 rival of a blby girl born August 12. tric lights, in Midvale City. Just 50 H. G. Snyder ................. 1000 1.00 . Miss Zina Stringham of Salt Lake 51 H. G. Snyder ............... 1000 1.00 DON'T MISS IT. Nice 5 R. cottage the place to combine a fine home on Corner state and pioneer, Sandy, with the luxury of a cow, poultry, City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 111 H. G. Snyder ............... 20000 20.00 partly new this summer, garage garden truck and all that a fruit Ole Dastrup. 5.00 112 H. G. Snyder ............... 5000 home. little nifty A shop. and Horoe racin&' Ia auured f<>r the 48tiloo annual Salt of Raddon Clyde Mr. and Mrs. small farm can furnish. Will seU 29 c. I. Goff .......................50000 50.00 l"tah State Fair, to be held In Salt Lake City, CRAPO. SEE cheap or trade equity for a smaller Lake and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Raddon 30 c. I. Goff ......................25000 25.00 October 2 to 9. In addition to an unu.oually otrong card <>f of Park City were guests of Mr. and Eary terms. SEE CRAPO, home. 31 c. I. Goff .................... .:25000 25.00 LOOK THIS UP. 400 acre farm in runnlntr races oelleduled tot' each d1.7 ot the Friday Raddon L. L. Mrs. Fair, except Sunday, there will be trottln8' 32 C. L Goff ......................25000 25.00 Cache valley, 1 mi. from sugar fac- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - and pa<>lng events. Some <>f the fut .. t horoea son re.- 80 C. I. Goff .....................:.25000 25.00 and Peterson Arnold Mrs. . . In the country will diopl&T their o!l*d <>n the 325 A. under cultivation, 80 A. tory, halt-mile track, which baa been put In perfect turned Sunday after spending several 54 F. J. Sylvester ..............10000 10.00 irrigated, all can be irrigated. 75 1 BUY THIS Splend1<l 10 A. farm. oe>ndltion. davs with Mrs. Peterson's sister at 55 F. J. Sysvester ...........10000 10.00 New ,cottage, 3 ·roums and_ ~ath 1:•• A. river bottom pasture. For sale Pocaatello, Idaho. p.oultry house and out ~wld_mgs, on easy terms or will trade for S. 56 F. J. Sylvester .........10()00 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stapley and 57 F. J, Sylvester ...........10000 10.00 fme young orchard. bern~s, gar· L. Co., property. What have you? Miss Kate York, Miss Phyllis Vincent 58 F. J. Sylvester . ........10000 10.00 den, pasture and alfalfa. c1ty water . SEE CRAPO have gone to visit with Mrs. Stapley's 108 J. M. Hamilton .......... 500 electric lights, near Sandy, $500 · .50 · SantaQuin. at mother down and easy terms. SEE CRAPO. : 1 110 J. M. Hamilton .......... 1500 1.50 A NEW HOME. Right where y<lu Mrs. Duane Richards and son Jack 62 E. H. Nicholes ...........30000 30.00 want it and just what you want. If spent the week end with Mrs. Roy 64 E. H. Nicholes ..............10000 10.00 you have a lot we will build to suit FOR SALE-Th<lroughbred American Laver at Pleasant Grove. you, or we will sell you a lot and LISTEN. One acre and brick house • . 66 J. E. Bennett ............... 5000 5.00 Miss Helen Fischer of Sacramento, 69 C. J. Nicholes ..............10000 10.00 blue robbtts. A. J. Guittard, Riverbuild to suit you. Pay for it like garage, barn, strawverries, rasp· ·· Cal., is th a-uest of Mr. and Mrs. F. 70 Wm. Phillips ..:.............. 5000 5.00 ton, Utah. rent. SEE CRAPO. berries, fruit and shade trees. G. Fischer. 5.00 71 Wm. Phillips ............... 5000 City water, electric light, on coun~ Miss Marge Park of Salt Lake City NICE ONE. Pretty new modern 4 R. Only · ty highway near Sandy. FOR SALE---4 rooms of practically was t'lle guest o~ Mrs. Deucy Sunberg 72 Myram Carter .............. 1000 1.00 cottage in Sandy. Eary terms. Cam 2.00 2000 ................... Jones Grace 73 bargain. a Its Terms. $1600. Cheap if taken at the past week. new furnitur~. • vacate about Sept. 1st. 76 John L. Low .................. 8500 8.50 SEE CRAPO. .. <lnce, leaving city. 65 East eCnter SEE CRAPO. Dr. and Jensen C. A. 1\1:r. and Mrs. 81 Fred F. Williams ..... 2500 2.50 St., Midvale, Utah. a-•-•-•-~-• and Mrs. Miller of Salt Lake visited 82 Fred F. William ........... 2500 2.50 -~-·-·-·-J Timpanogos cave <luring the week. 85 W. I. Snyder ................100000 100.00 Miss Mildred Winquist has re- 90 David Keith ...............20000 20.00 CONSULT MADAME KING turned home after spending her vacaClairvant. Knows what is best for tion at Ogden the guest of Mrs. Al- 91 Fergus Ferguson ...... 1000 1.00 92 Fergus Ferguson ......... 1&00 1.00 you. Locates ores anll oil. Foresees bert Smith. 93 Fergus Ferguson ....... 1000 1.00 a great oil center near Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Purson <lf Salt 94 Fergus Fergus<ln ........ 2000 2.00 · Room 3, 90 Maint St., Midvale, Utah. Lake Citv and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 95 Fergus Ferguson ....... 29000 20.00 Dver of Salt Lake were guests of Mr. I 96 M. J. McGill _ .............. 1000 . 1.00 FO!t SALE-Bicycle in goOO. condi- and Mrs. Myrle Allsop Sunday. I 97 M. J. McGill ................. 1000 1.00 tion, $15. lnquir e Mr. Gray at The Second ward Primary enter- 98 M. J. McGill .................. 1000 1.00 .......al_(l[_f_i_ce_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _J_o_u_rn tained in honor of their Trail Builders 99 M. J. McGill ................ 2000 2.00 with an outing to Crystal Hot Lak€s 100M. J. McGill .................. 20000 20.00 Wednesday. Mrs. Zelia Iverson and 101 J. F. Ho..,ells ................ 2000 2.00 FOR SALE-New modern 5-room Mrs. Beth Allsop had the affair in house. Good location. See J. A. charge. Eleven truests were present. 104 Wm. Handleu ......... ~·· 2000 2.00 107 Henry N. Newell .......:. 2000 2.00 · Alcorn, West Jordan Lumber Co. Mrs. W. T. Vincent enjoyed a 4-1-26 tf And in accordance with law and an trip to Saratol!'a Tusdaay with her of the Board ~f Directors made order Mid· of Miller P. H. Mrs. daughter. ----~- --~-------------Purchase yout· Life Insurance Terrier dog. Brindle vale. LOST-Boston . on the 17th day of June, 1926, so color, one brown eye, one blue eye, ' such of parcel each of shares many the oattended O'Brien Mrs. W .W. from a local agent white ring around neck, has point- bridge l·t,choen at Midvale Wednes- stock as may be necessary,. will be ed nose like Fox terrier, has collar day afternoon given by Mrs. Harold sold at the &.ffice of the Company, 417 Keep your money in the West, <ln but no number. Return to P. Nelson. Ness Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, C. Rasmussen, Midvale. $5 reward. Buy insurance from a Western Company The members of the Allsop family on August 25, 1926, at the hour of will hold a reunion at the home of 11 o'clock a. m., to pay d,elinquent FOR RENT-4 room terrace.. 205 Earl Allsop on State street Wednes- assessments thereon, together PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. the cost of advertising and expense First' Ave. Midvale. Call Geo. D. day afternoon. of aale. A-22-P. Parkinson. '\\as. 2793. C. I. GOFF. DELINQUENT NOTICE. P.S. ROBERTS Secretary. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE-Baby carTintic Gold Bug Mining Company. riage, likie new, for sale. Call A. L. Midvale, Utah • Location of principal place of busiPrice, Mid. Z27-M. ness, 417 Ness Building, Salt Lake Phone Midvale 178 3 E-LKS FROM UNIVERSITY, $5800, City, Utah. COMPLETELY There are delinquent upon the fol. on your own terms, 7-R., r~cept10n I lowing described stock on account of REMODELED hall, breakfast rm., and solanum, 2- assessment No. 3, levied on the 17th It's a real treat to Eat story brick, furnace, all roms large, day of June, 1926 the several airy and decorated in blending colors; amounts set opposite' the names of double 1lbe respective stockholders as follot, large, well-improved ---at the' garage. Rooms would rent easy if lows: Shares Amt. you don't need so many. Call owner, Cert. No. Name. 5 George Nicholes ..... _.20000 $20.00 Was. 8567 or Hy. 3609. 6 George Nicholes .. -.... 20000 20.00 1924 Ford Coupe A-1 condition, $375. 8 Geollge Nicholes ....... 1000 1.00 1925 Ford Coupe, good as new, $450. 9 George Nicholes ........ 20000 20.00 Midvale Utah C. J. RIDD MOTOR CO. 11 George Nicholes ........ 1000 1.00 MIDVALE, UTAH. 12 George Nicholes •...•.. 1000 1.00 Fair New Premium List Ready . Sandy City News I Running, Trotting and Pacing Races at Fair WANT ADS . .. •-a-•- Why Not?, . . U. S. Cafe FOR ECONOMY fLOUR · |