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Show IIBB JORDAN JOBRN AL REPORT Byrum Holt le~; Tuesday f•Jrl Bank Commissioner of the Made to M2gna to seek employment. d"t" - f Miss Rosamond :1•1•1 )lab!·~ Holt en- th 5 t t 0 f Ut h 0 f th I 10n con e • a e a e th·1r at clu'J S. B. S. the thined t< Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Newbold BANK CITY SANDY THE was time The evening. Monday home spent Wednesday evening visiting Located at Sandy City in the counwith Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mabey who spent in needlework, music and of Salt Lake, St:lte of Utah, at the ty guests. eight to served was have just r~turned from a ten day luncheo-n of business on the 30 day of close Olive and Winward Miss Fern visit with relatives in Heber City. • Miss Marinda Beckstead, Mable and Beckstead of Salt Lake were visitors June 1926. RESOURCES Rosamond Holt, Ivy Wardle and here Sunday. We again take this opportunity of expressing Mr. and Mrs. George Emery and Loans and discounts ...............$245,698.88 Pearl Wheadon formed a party and 7 4,638.4 ,......... ........................... Overdrafts our appreciation to our many good customers for enjoyed an outing to Saltair Mon- family of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Stocks, bonds and • Henry Mrs. and the loyal support you are favoring us with. We day, July 5th, after which they at- Arnold Beckstead 36,912.11 ----·-------------·-····· etc. Securities, R. Mrs. and Egbert visited with Mr. believe our customers are good batters, they do tended the Pantages theater. Banking House ............................. 3,000.00 Sunday. on Naylor A. not strike at the hall except when at the right Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Holt of Murspent Other Real estate owned -·-- 10,474.37 Shields James Mrs. and Mr. place. We still try hard to serve you as well_ in ray were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ArSunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hard- Due from Other Banks ___ ...... 26,437.77 Mrs. and Mr. and Holt thur J. the future as we have in the past. You know Cash Items .................. 575.33 Sandy. of castle Golden Holt Friday evening. when you trade at Rasmussen's stm·e you get Mr. and Mrs. Ren Holt of Magna Gold .................................. 1237.50 Miss Rosella Beckstead returned 757.4.'3 ............................. Silver your moneys worth and the best money can buy. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Robertson home Tuesday from a. week's trip to and Idaho, and Currency ··-··· ............. 2939.00 Pocatello, to motored We don't need to tell you that we handle the best Strawberry valley. C,509.26 ...... .......... Hand on Cash Total of 4th the including days spent three of meats for you know that. First class meats t;o.. Expenses ..................... 4~96.17 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stocking of July. day cost from 13 Yzc to 15c per pound wholesale. Magna visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Palmer and Interest paid ......... 3059.86 Of course, meats can be bought as low as 7Yzc per Mr. and Mrs. Peter Winward. sons, Elton and Vaughn, of West Jor- Total ............................. 8056.03 pound wholesale. We don't handle that class. Miss Golda Soffee joined a pal'ty dan and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Palmer, We can handle all your veal, pork, lambs and of friends Ml)nday evening and en- Reta and Dale Palmer have returned Total ............................................··-··· ....333,670.86 There's a feelir.}. (If co:..rttor~ open the LIABILITIES at joyed a dancing party beef. If you have no market for your eggs we home after spending the past 10 $20,000.00 --·----------in paid stock air pavilion in Bingham. days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will- Capital can handle them too. Should you need some groof when you slip on a Mr .and Mrs. William H. Newbold iam Palmer at St Anthony, Idaho. Surplus ---··-·-·------·-·-····--··--------------······ 16,000.00 ceries for a load of hay we can accomodate you. are rejoicing .over the arrival of a While there a pa;ty of 20 relatives Undivided profits ... 173.66 Florsheims that ste.rt~ front When ever you want to know the prices on fru:m I baby boy born July 6. motored to Jackson Hole, Wyo., by Intierest ·--··-···-·---··---· 9~48.4.6 produce and meats call Midvale 70-R-2, there is al5.00 Miss Mable Holt and Adona Beck- way of Teton pass and stayed over Exchange ·····---·-------···· the toes and spreads and ways some one at the plant to answer the phone. .......................... 240..50 They Rents stead formed a party with Honry Wednesday and Thursday. spreads till you feelJ},Ood a/J You1·s for best quality and fair prices, Nielsen and Arch Hiseman of Mur- also attended a dance at Jenny's lake, Safe Dep. Boxes ...... 12.50 evening and enjoyed Wyo., on Wednesday. .....•......• 30.00 Thursday ray Commissions over! And say, Florsheims motor boat riding at Saratoga. The crown prnice artd prncess of Total -------------··-·-····---···-· 9510.12 Beckstead, Samuel Mrs. and Mr. Sweden visited there in Jackson City Less Expenses and lookeveryb itasgrand as tht!y Sr., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. the same Thursday, July 8, enroute Taxes paid, etc 8056.03 feel. Take this tip-they're Undivided profits ··-------· 1,4454.09 Jessie M. Beckstead on Sunday. Net to Salt Lake City. Miss Hazel Lewis is visiting relaDon't forget the big dance to be Reserved for taxes the best buy in shoe::; tltor~ •s. Good . and interest .... _......................... 4,000.00 the above named company, filed in my viewed doubled the number of people tives in Magna this week. given next Saturday night. the in A dance was given Tuesday who are incapable or indifferent. He Deposits Subject office this 12th day of ,July, 1926. music. Everybody is invited. to Check ..........138,553.03 amusement hall in behalf of the · tell'1Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd and 1 th ere are .9"" w h o 1ac k m · SETH PIXTON. cIanne< Bank Commissioner. !Scouts. The Beehive girls served Miss Lettie Todd of Grainger visited Cashier's Checks 3,897.99 gent enthusiasm, and a sincere desire 88.00 Dividends Unpaid picnic. here on Sunday. Mrs. Perry Holt received word to serve, to every one that is eager Mr. and Mrs. Blanche Sheppick of Total demand deposits ............142,539.02 TODAY IS HERE -LSE IT and early in the week that her father Bluffdale have moved here to make Total Time Deposits .............134,677.75 ambitious, conscientious and make or good ·make must A man was seriously ill. She immeeiately their home. They were dinner guests Other Bills Payable ................ 15,000.00 room-go forward or drop back. No courageous. left for Wyoming where she will re- of Mr. adw Mrs. R. W. Palmer .of You may not be ready to accept a man can stand still in any position. main until he recovers. Total ·----·-··-----·---------··--------····-······-··.333,670.86 To mark time in modern life is im- position of responsibility today, but West Jordan on Sunday. is Murray of Newbold Verla Miss Mrs. David Barker of Taylorsville State of Utah, possible. This statement applies to today is the day to begin to get WEAR FLORSHEIM S AT ALL TIMES ready. ' visiting for an indefinite time with and Mrs. Hattie Mackay of Granger County of Salt Lake. c1ass, creed, sex or circumstancesduly and first being Beckstead .A. A. R. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. M A_nd the one t~ing that. ~ou must were guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Leo rich, poor, comfortable or cramped. and deposes law, to according sworn family. m. ~r?er _to fill . a position of redo Amerof one with interview an In Sunday. on Palmer Th11 Misses Adona and Rosella says he is cashier of the above ica's most successful men, the state· I sponsJbll~ty IS to fmd what faults Beckstead, Laura and Elsie Winward named bank; that the above and fore- men was made that not one man in are holdmg you back, and then cor1 Iff and Lucy Stocking attended TINTIC GOLD BUG MINING CO. going report contains a full, true and 50 renders intelligent service. Look rect these faults. Mary G oss o:rer your and r.e1 mustard, shepherd's purse HORSE FUEL 417 Location of principal office, the Pantages theater Thursday. correct statement of the condition of around you. Check them up and see faults, excuse your shortcommgs, and Destroy t_he weeds. The quantity of feed for the work llated weeds. City. Lake you are not yet ready for greater reSalt Bldg., Ness the said bank at the close of business if this i true were Soffee Roy Mrs. and Mr. horse depends on the amount of work Just as soon as any crop IS gathered guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Soffee Notice is hereby given that at a on the 30 day of June, 1926. If it ~s tru~ that clerks watch the sponsibility. You will belong to the done and on the speed at which it spade up the ground, bury the ?ld of East Midvale on Friday. Subscribed and sworn to before me clocks, secretaries fail to remember, 49 or 99. is performed. A horse requires con- remains deeply, and plant something Leo Freeman and Vera Saunders of meeting of the board of directors of this 9th day of July, hJ26, initiative, department heads lack siderably more fed when working at else. Murray. won the final five dollar cash the above Company held at their ofWILLIAM W. WILSON. superintendents fall in a rut--if this Notary Public. the trot than at the walk. A good prize Saturday night at the foxtrot fice June 17 1926 an assessment STUMP true, is it not time to think that this of of 3 My commission expires condition creates for you a field that rule, says the U. S. department (Seal) contest. July 17 will be a sac~ a-?ron -to be known ~ ass~sment No. It is more expensive to remove a CAN'T SEE BACTERIA. . gricu\~re, is to allow 11-10 pounds mvited. $1.00 per 1000 shares was }11 vied on sixth day of January, 1930. stump that has burned to the ground is undeveloped? Steam or boiling water is needed and overal.l dance. Everybody of grain and 11-5 pounds of hay per the Attest: of stock Correct capital outstanding the • music. Good a sound than 1 interman successful next utenThe milk of sterilization proper · 1 1 · · 10 pounds live weight for horses at f.or WILSON. and Mrs. Elorum T1slmer of W. Mr. W. to y Immediate e Payab a to Corporation. d exposed be · "ted S unday WI"th M r. an . rt on VISl N R Ive moderate work. At this rate at 1,200 sils. They should S. J. MIILELSEN degrees 250 least at of ess temperature 417 at Secreta~y, Goff, I. C. family. and Beckstead Ray Mrs. pound horse would requite 13 pounds M. NELSON. A. for 5 minutes. A pail or The recreation committee have Bldg., Salt Lake City,_ Utah. Directors. 6f grain and about 14¥2 pounds of Fahrenheit Any stoc~ upon ':hich this assess- State of Utah. A hay per day. The horse at hard work can may look cle~n a~d y~t carry planned a celebratton, July 24. requires 11-4 to 11-3 pounds of grain numberi:ss bacte~Ia wh1ch will hasten good spicy program will be rendered ment r~mruns un.paid on July 26, Office of Bank Commissioner. In the afternoon 1926, will be delmquent and adverper 10 pounds live weight; the hay. ~he sourmg of milk, cause bad flavor in the morning. I, Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner contaspread or fed, how er, should not be more I~ butter or cheese, races and various other sports will tised for sale at public auction and of the State of Utah, do hereby cerbe carried on. A jolly good t.me is unless payment is made before, will tify that the foregoing is a full, true than 11-4 pounds per 100 pounds live g10n. depromised to everybody who attends. be sold on August 25, 1926, at 11 and correct copy of the statement of will quantity weight. The exact of pend larg~ly on the individuality Expose samples of wash materials 1 Miss Katherine Oliver has returned a. m., at the Company's office, to pay the above named company, filed in my each horse. to the sun's rays before buying such home after a two weeks visit with the delinquent assessment together office this 12th day of July 1926. with the cost of advertising and exSETH PIXTON. fabrics. Cover half the sample with relatives in Salt Lake City. Bank Commissioner. Miss Marinda Beckstead left Wed- pense of sale. a piece of cadrboard, and after a c. I. Goff. Signed. Weeds And Insects Work Together week see how much the uncovered nesday for Butterfield canyon where Secretary. indefinite an for employed be will she changed. or Weeds in and around •the garden part has faded REPORT house. boarding the in e tim harbor both insects and disease, parBank Commissioner of the to Made Zelda Newbold is visiting relatives It would be interesting to know ticularly if the weeks are related to of the condition of Utah, of State the NOTICE OF DELINQUENT at Provo. the cultivated plants. Plant lice, red I how many writers who include the THE MIDVALE STATE BANK NEW EQUIPME NT- CALL MIDVALE 28 ASSESSMENT Hyrum fltocking and son, Allt::t•, spiders, and other insects invade the Bible in their lists of 10 greatest county the in Midvale, at Located LocaCompany. Mining Kempete OaklP.y, from returned h'Jme Saturday garden from neighboring weed bor-. books start off with that merely from Utah, where they have spent. the tion of Principal Place of Business, of Salt Lake, State of Utah, at the ders. Cabbage pests live on wild habit. close of business on the 30th day of Midvale, Utah. "It's Personal Service That Counts" past week. June, 1926. NOTICE: RESOURCES. We take care of your wants whether large or small. There are delinquent upon the fol$473,484.10 ........... Discounts and Loans assessan of stock, lowing described Anywhere Anytime Prompt Service ment levied on April 21st, 1926, the Overdrafts -······-------·---·-----~........... 1,137.66 several amounts set opposite the Stocks, Bonds and C. A. McRAE, PI·op. Securities, etc. ····--··-·------·-··-·-- 35,000.00 names of the respective share holders ' 340.0(} ........... Judgments and Claims as follows: Midvale, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Utah. Amt. Banking House .......................... 6,634.35 Shares Cert. No. Name 3,271.35 .....•.. .35 Furniture and Fixtures 280 $ 3 W. B. McGinness .23 Other Real Estate Owned ... 16,435.15 4 W. T. Vincent ........... 100 .30 Due from Other Bimks ............ 45,533.10 54 George Woods -·--·--···· 235 1.20 Cash Items ............ 1,206.40 950 27 Joseph R. Wheeler 1.20 Gold .............................. 1,295.00 74 Geo. A. Henderson 1500 1.25 Silver ............................. 1,617.01 76 Lynn Whitemore ___ 1000 1.25 Currency .....................14,181.00 53 Robert Palmer ___ .... 1000 1.25 Total Cash on hand ................. 18,299.41 1000 Brown Leonard 47K 78.13 .53 Suspense ........................................... 420 ...... 6K Frank W. Kemp .63 500 ___ Kemp W. 26K Frank 2.50 Total .....................................564,213.55 63 Horace Jenkins ........ 2000 Do business direct with the old reliable, .25 LIABILITIES 200 65 J .C. Sorrow .............. world famous Mead factory and 35,000.00 18K Mrs. P. B. McMillian 26750 325.94 Capital stock paid in .......... you have a bicycle of real quality, with 22,000.00 ......................... ____ 17K P. B. McMillian ..........10000 125.00 Surplus Fund best materials and skilled workmanship. 8K Sig Porizky ..................10000 125.00 Net Undivided profits ........... 2,154.91 No middleman's profits to pay. Save 24K David Egbert -···---···-·- 1200 1.50 Due to other banks ..................... 48,207.33 money also, by dealing direct with 1.25 Deposits Subject 34K Ralph D. Demarest 1000 the Manufacturer. to Check ................···-···-······· 147,187.96 41K J. J. Isler ··-··--··-··--··---· 1000 1.25 43K J. Rosevear ···--·-----··-·· 1000 1.25 Cashier's Checks .............................. 3,142.28 50K George Samis ............... 1000 1.25 Dividends Unpaid ......................... 708.00 51K George Rackam ------·- 1000 1.25 Total demand deposits ......... 151,038.24 1.25 Time Certificates 1,200.00 53K Fred Knudsen ..........:.... 1000 1.25 Savings deposits 269,598.32 56K Verne Gardner ........... 1000 ..270,798.32 And in accordance with law and a Total time deposits ...... resolution of the B.oard of Directors Other Bills payable .............. 35,000.00 14.75 passed April 21, 1926, so many shares Cash over ............................................. .---of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at the office Total ..........................................................564,213.55 of the Secretary in the Gilbert and State of Utah. O'Brien Building, Midvale, Utah, on County of Salt Lake. ·, Leon L. Olson being first duly the 24th day of August, 1926, at the according to law, deposes and the sworn pay hours of 12 o'clock noon to he is cashier of the above that delinquent assessment thereon, to- says gether with the cost of advertising named bank; that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and expem•e of sale. and correct statement !Jf the condiWILLIAM W ATERD. Secretary. tion of the said bank at the close of business on the 30th day of June, Gilbert & O'Brien Building 1926. Midvale, Utah. LEON L. OLSON. 15. July publication, first of Date wfll plaoe aay .a.etrlc r&DCe tn oar IAeek Ill 7W1' sworn to before me and Subscribed 29. July publication last Date of this lOth day of July, 1926. Jao.e. Oom.e la-and aee the many apleaiid mo481 NIELS LIND. ORIGINAL HAY MAKER Notary Public. of Man was not the originator expires commission My (Seal). haymaking. The pika or cony, a little 1926. rodent living in the mountainous re- 12th day of January, gions of the west, has probably made Correct Attest: Dr. W. A. MARSHALL. hay for his own use for thousand!: JOSEPH M. HOLT. He cuts fine stemmed of years. HEBER C. AYLETT. grasses, sedges, shrubs and other plants, bundles them up and puts State of Utah, them away in sheltered places among Office of Bank Commissioner. BFFJCIBN T PUBLIC SE.R.VlCB I, Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner the rocks for curing. Because he eats it himself he is more particular than of the State of Utah, do hereby cerman and produces a more uniform, tify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the statemtlnt of fragrant, green product, SOUTH JORDAN ° Ah-h-h I I RASMUSSEN'S Of Course That BlissflJ.l J/'eelin<g I pan· P. C. Rasmu ssen & Sons Famous Clothing Co. Inc. I Midvale, Utah ! 1 1 - • more leisure,_._ free afternoons broader interests UTAH POWER. frLIG BT CO. Journal Wan t Ads Pull |