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Show THE J{)"RDAN JOURNAL ou ma 's ~~~l*l~~*Hl~liliD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~]~ffi ~~ ~ ~ • .. Contest Starts April20, 1926 and Closes Saturday, May 29th, 1926, at 12 o'clock -Midnight • r1zes • To the Contestants Holding the Largest ·Numbu of Votes When Campaign Closes, as Decided by t,he Judges of the Contest. 1 1 Prize No. !--Chevrolet Touring Car--1926 Model 1 tE BONUS VOTES FOR EARLY WORKER S Prize No. 2--Six Tube Radio Set .Complete Iilli A Bonus of votes as per following schedule will be allowed to first ten contestants who turn in the greatest number of VOTES during each of the six weeks of CO~TEST: Greatest number of \--Otes by April 24th, Bonus of 5000 votes Greatest number of votes by May 1st, Bonus of 4000 votes. Greatest number of votes by May 8th, Bonus of 3000 votes Greatest number of votes by May 15th, Bonus of 2000 votes. Greatest number of votes by May 22nd, Bonus of 1000 votes, Contest Closes at MidD.tght, Saturday, May 29th, 1926. All Votes not registered and deposited by that time are VOID. Prize No. 3-- ~ ~ ~ ~ Orthop honic Victro la Conso lette Model Abs?lutely on the Squar~-- Our Reputation is at Stake * 20 per cent c:ommisaiea oR all subscriptioas turued in by candidates who fail to win one of the 3 prizes ~ ~ A $5o.oo Baseball Outfit Will be Given to the School Turnin g in the Largest Numbe r ~ of Paid Subscriptions (Mits, Bats, Balls, etc.) in addition to chance of winning other prizes : .iffiere is~. Better Weekly Newspaper in the State of Utah. Will YGu Help us Put a Copy in Every Home in the Jordan Valley? Drop in the Journal Office or Phone Mid. 178, and Learn How to Win. SUBSCRI PTION BLANK Date -···-····-····-·-·-····-····-····-····-····-····-·····•192......• Contest Manager, JORDAN JOURNAL, Midvale, Utah. Endosed please find $-····---·-········-···· for ·---··········-·-·· years subscription to the JORDAN JOURNAL and deliver votes to Contestant (Name) -·-···-····-···----··-·····-·-····-···----···-·······--····-····-····--- (Signed) --·-----··-······-···--···-····-····-·-·--·-········----- You Can't Lose! CONTEST ENTRAN CE BLANK Votes for Subscripti ons Will Be Given On The Following Schedule: 1 Yr. Paid Subscripti on, $1.50, 10 Votes 2 Yr. Paid Subscripti on, $2.50, 25 Votes 3 Yr. Paid Subscripti on, $3.50, 50 Votes 5 Yr. Paid Subscripti on, $4.50, 200 Votes Contest Manager, JORDAN JOURNAL, Midvale, Utah. Please enter my name in the JORDAN JOURNAL subscription (1926) campaign and give me credit for 1000 votes as provided by the RULES OF THE CONTEST. I agree to abide by the rules of the contest and the decision of the Judges of the Contest. Only One Entrance Coupon To Each Contestant (Signed) ---·-···--·-··---····--··--·-·--···-··-·-····-·-· Aadress ·-·-·····---·····-----·-····--·-·-·-···-····--··· • • |