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Show THE JORDAN If you stand up t o r eceive bonquets don't complain if someone thr')ws a brick · One r eason why some people do not have m or e is t hat they do not wa~ m ore. EAST l\1IDV ALE E lva Peterson Age 13 Herriman School A. ~· Rees Biss E mma Bodell entertamed a number· of friends Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett motoras follows: Misses Cora and Lucy I ed to Nephi Tuesday and visited Butterfield, Miss Delta Peterson and 1 with relatives and friends. Miss Verda Bodell , Mr. Glen ButterMr. ami Mrs. .:-;eal Olson had a:; 1 field, Mr . Nathaniel Crane and Jesse. their dinner guests Thursti<>y, Captain That one m a n may get something Dansie. and Mrs. Fred Gunddry, Mr. and ::\ir,;. for nothing a nother must get nothing l\lr. and Mrs. John T. Bodell had T. B. ~largaretts and Mr. and l\lr,;. for something. 1 as their dinner guests Moday, ~r Bert Stanley of Salt Lake. · and Mrs. Mont Hobrock of Bountl_l Mr. and Mrs. Ho1·ace Burgon of Some people a r e so ingenious in f ul. ynion visited Sunday evening with making explanations that they don't: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crane ~n- 11lr. and ::\irs. James Glover. try t o a void making mistakes. n ounce t he birth of a son Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Olson entertainSuccessful companies invariably j . • ed at dinner I<'ri;lay for ::\Ir. and ::\Irs. find they ca n't afford to use anything' The fellow who , IS always lookmg Carl Berg of l\·hdva!e·. other than the finest tools. fo r a manager cant be managed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Carlow of Salt Lake visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush. Mr. -and Mrs. D. H. Milne visited Sunday with relath·es at Lehi. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Sharp announce the arrival of a baby February 6. Mrs. Rachel Forbush spent Friday in Salt Lake, guest of Mrs. Rose Steffy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gorange of Salt Lake were guests Sunday eveIt has alwa ys been the policy of Skaggs ' Store _ning of Mr. and Mrs. A E. Smith. to serve the public with qua lity foods at the least Mr. and Mrs. James Glover have possible price. Our methods of mer chandising have as their guest this week, Mr. Floyd enabled us to serve the public much more satisfacHumphries of Delta. Wednesday evening of last week, t or y than t he a verage store. the City Water Works department entertained for their employes at a Buying in large quantites enables us to sell party in the Safety First building in Salt Lake. Mr. Charles Sharp ami many items for less money than Jl!OSt s tores pay daughter enjoyed the program antl for t hem. We always pay ca sh and take advantage refreshments followed by dancing. oT the cash discounts. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tripp entertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen of Union. The money you spend at S kaggs' St ore is spent Mrs. Emma Greenwood, a Stake for your order only. No part of i t is t o help pay Board Primary worker visited :\-Ionfor anothers bad account. day with the Primary of the Sandy second ward. Skaggs' Stores have no trade or price agreeMr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush had ments with other s tores. Our prices are based as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCleery of Mursoley upon our costs-the cost of t he marchandi.oe ' ray. and our over-head expenses. No ma tter how cheap Mr. Charles Sharp and daughter, we buy an ite m or t he price it would ordinarily Blanch and Mr. Andrew Bradford were dinner guests Sunday of Mr sell for, it is always sold for the same s mall margin an<l Mrs. Henry Hanson of Salt Lake. of profit we operate on and the saving is passed on ~Ti~s Gertie Forbush and Mr. to our patrons. Ska ggs' Stores turn t heir stock Clarence Sharp were dinner guest>' Sudav of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Glover. much more frequently than t he a ver age s tore a nd A ·large number of East Midvale are therefore able to operat e on a s maller margin people attended the Stake Conference of profit. Incidenta lly they always have fresh held at Sandy, Saturday and Sunday. Sunday evening, Mr. Andrew Bradstock. ford and Miss Blanch Sharp were the dinner guests of Mr. ad Mrs. Philip Pay cash for your meats an d grocer~es and let Sharp of Salt Lake. Skaggs help you sta rt a ban k acco unt for the baby Mrs. Joe Jacobsen entertained for a number of guests Sunday. with what you save. The S. M. G. Club met Monday evening with Mrs. E. E. Greenwood on Social Avenue. A candy pull was enjoyed after a short business meeting. Members of Mr. P. A. Swenson's family are reported as having been on the sick list but are improved at this writing. l\Iiss .)Jirla Greenwood who was helping to nurse flu victims in the 'amily of Mr. Charl0s Greenwood of Sandy had the occasion to be quar· ·1ntined for three we< ks at least since the flu took on the aspect of Diph. theria. We hope for a speedy recovery for the family. I Skaggs Policy • !IffiffiB~illBffi'~~lililliffiliillffiHlMEET ME A 'I, B O OTH'Sffii!~~~mlililffiBffiB~m!l DRAPER I I JOURNAL I~ @J ~ l.!i!l I~ ~lr. }!rral<l and Eugene Smith cf ~ Cl!!'sterfield, Idaho are visiting thi~ 0~·il' week with tl.eir father, Mr. Joseph :J ~ M. Smith. 0::1 l\Ir. A. E. Bhckn0r of Wyoming r,0 J!.'~ was a Draper visitor two days of last G:-J wt-ek. .\lr. Bla•·kner is planning on ~ c'l'aking his home here. 0!1 Mr. Joseph H. Lami:Jert of Helper ffi'B war, the guest of M 1'. and Mrs. A.. ~ Ha~mu;;;;cn last 'Tu~sday. 1'8 Mr. and Mrs. Dill Xichols announra G:!l '~ tht' birth of a >:on, Fc:bruary 4. {!f!l lilt·. and .)ln. A. J. )Jielsen ~ml family have mo\'e<l to Salt Lake to liakl' thEir home. ~!-~ l\1r~. Anton Haf<PIUssen is visitll"g w at Helpd· the guest of her daughte1·, .)Irs. JosPph H. Snmbert. §B Mrs. E. M. Cr1:yghton of Lehi is ~ , i. itin~ thL; week with her daught~r C.~ ..~rs..J£un-'s Taylor. ~ ::\1r. and C\Irs. L. F. Smith of ~~ ~ Spa11ish Fork were gtJests oi M.·. §B dHI Mrs. A. J. Day :\Iomlay and Tucf- ~ day. c_~ ~1rs. C\Iay Y. Lahmhcl't entertained ~ at a Rad.io pa1iy at her hom<~ Satur- §'d day evcnmg. A late supper was serv- ~ ,,d to l\Jr. and Mrs. Craig Lambert R?J of East ::\Iill Creek, 1\h'. and Mrs. G~ ('lydf' Tl'iptow, l\1 r. an< l Mrs. Rulon ffi1] Casper, .Mrs. )ia ·ie Fjeld and Miss 8dna Fjeld of Salt Lake and l\lr. w.1 and ll1rs. Bert L. Smith, 1\Ir. Golden I ~ Lambert m1<! the :Vlisses Afton and 1.!.•.'£1 Labelle Smith. f~~ ::\hs. II. ::. StringfEllow cntr•rtaincd at a childrens party :\londay afterm•on in honor of her daughter, ~ Alona, t11c ocra;;ion being· her ei<>'l1th t~fu ~ ~ >irtlo lay anr.iv.•rsary. Lunch was fi;~1 ;;ened to twf'nty-two guests. '01 l\Ir. and l\'Irs. Clyde Rasmussen r.f ~ H( her l'ity wPre guests of 1\fr. an•! '.:;.::1 MrB. George D. Stringfellow Sunday. §B Mrs. A. J. Day :md 1\Ir. and Mrs. L. F. Smith \\·ere gtH'sb; of .!\Irs. ffiB III lim ~ 13!1 !iill ffiB ffiB ffiB ffiH ' (i:Jl 'NJ eel e lillJ ffiH III ffiH E:ffi G:0 ffiB 1 1' ffiiJ @J lim ffiB lim Our newly organized MARK-UP has proven much more PROFIT· ABLE BUSINESS-also more Friends. I ~;~~~.nit:' llcrnhi..; '1 of Salt Lake Mon- ffiB liffi ~ ~ i!i::1 ffiB ffiB ffiB lim ffiB We find we make MORE MONEY by selling 3 or 4 articles of merchandise on a SMALL PROFIT than by selling ONE ARTICLE ONLY on a large margin of profit. The only time we have a CUT PRICE SALE is when we wa~1t to show our APPRECIATION for Your Past Favors or to MAKE ROOM for New Goods. To us MIDVALE has always been a GOOD TOWN-IT LOOKS GOOD TO US NOW! NEW AND NOVE~ GOODS ARRIVING DAILy 1J & rn* LOOK US OVER GOOD GOODS- PRICES LOWER! !!::;:} f3!l ffiB ~ ~· ffiB E:ffi ffiB ~ f3!l ffiB ffiB 'NJ oot ~ lW l.!i!l ere• 0• ffiB Wj i\Ir,;, Amy Stark of Salt Lake spent fr;::J f3!l the \\'( ek- 'nd \dth her sister, Miss !i-:B .:.\Iac Hibbert. Mt·. and Mrs Harry Nichols had as ~ jill the.r guc»ts Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. @J f~ A. \V. Westbrook and children of Salt 'l., Lake. . I E8ffiBI!llfrll*lffiTimlili:III:ffiBffil~3ffiBillilffiB!llilm!lilil~~~~ffiB~ffiBffiBffiBffiBI*lffiB~ffiB~ffiB~ffiBffiB![IffiB The adYancecl Semor Cla!:'s of the · lliffi ffiB SHOCK ABSORBERS TO THE LIMITED POCKET BOOK hfl ffiB M. I. A. held its open tight at the Fay Brown 8th Grade Senator Reed Smoot, in his address entire denial of the privilege of conhom~ of \Arillian~ C. A kn Tuesthy Age 14 U. S. Mine School on the new revenue bill, struck a vi- tribution. I deem such neither a comcvenmg. goou program was I'llh 1 . I R,e f res h men t s wcre serve1 1 t o Mrs. Elsie ,Nelson, Teac er tal chord for popular self· govern - pliment nor a favor to those who Joye,. thus are tax exempt. about thirty 13'uests by Miss Laura S t D C J h t t · ment when he pointed out the effect Shepherd, cla~s leader. I ~t~ · .: bl. kensten. llatsh senh olu of making the Government a finan1\lr. and 1\Irl-'. G. 'l'ur in of Santi ' ques lOnau e an s o a . e sc oo s.. . . . . pi .. 1 H b :1 These blanks are to be frlled out by era! anstocracy mstead of keepmg . f "'I t were e r.r I the parents statmg . · t ouch ll" gues <::- 1•s o "' r. ant " rs. w h eth er th e ch'ld 1 - , the masses of th e peop 1e m \ 11' ~ " 13 u,n<Fay.F't .. ll f S· lt I . k, ren will be inoculated against diph- , with the Government, even in a small a ,a c t I1ena. . "' . t h t . b emg . I, wa y. Th e man w h o pays th e b'll · ' 'trs.1 .1 t'. _t zgcJ · D<l < o n e apprecm e w a IS 1 s vrsr m re a JVe::; m raper Tuest1ay. done for us by the Sc 11001 1,>Oar d as 1 a 1ways wan t s t o " run, ' t h e busmess · the inoculatic.n will prevent diph- 1that he pays for; so when only the go wiLh ~vu':" sht· a~ked. Again ht:lthcria. rich report to and come in dired heo;itate~l but finally replied that he 1 One of the Seventh Grade students, touch with the Government, naturalhad. Dick's mother was not one of Howard Christensen is going to have ly they will want to "run" public t~ese mo.thers that, because her boy 1 a birthday party Saturday. We all matters to the exclusion of particichd as Dtck · ha.d done she ~vould pun- hope to have a good time. pation by the masses of the people. ish him too ~everely; but mstead she diss VanE, our school nurse, visit- I i'he Senator said: told him not to do it again because it ed our school Tuesday and explained 1 "There can be little controversy FOR VA LENTINE'S was not only getting him in bad, but to us about the inoculation for diph- on such matters as the normal taxes, FEBRUARY 14 SENDthe boys he had gone with would J:o theria. The majority of the children the credit for earned income, and the THE ARTSTYLE WONDER loubt be punished, are going to have their first inocu- exemption. As set forth in the comBOX lation next week. i mittee report the effect of these is The U. S. Mine has a new teamster· that the average man-that is, the A DESERVED WHIPPIXG C'~JTED STATES again. Mr. Thomas left for his home married man with two dependentsPLANT FINl~HED in Provo, Utah. Mr. C. Johnson of will pay less in taxes than he did Ivy Williams Age 13 Lower Bingham came to take his under the pre-war act of 1916 if his Draper Park Sclwol 7th Grade place last Monday. income is less than $13,000. Any cnLaura Shepherd, Teacher ::\<lidvale Stmcture Represents High· l\lrs. Hatch is expecting her mother ticism that can be made in this re"Come on boys," shouted Dick. Let est AchieHments of Engineering Mrs. Church and brother to visit her spect must be that the reduction is us go swimming this afternoon.'' Compl .. tion of the new milling Sunday. too great rather than not large Now Dick could be very naughty at Mr. and 1\>Irs. Jack Brown of Lower enough. the bill relieves 2 350 000 certain times and at this time he hap- plant of tLJ Lnited Statb Snwltin:,\",1 pened to get a very wicked notion Hefining and Mining· company marks llingham will make · their home at persons from the direct burde~ of' inanother st~p forward in inc~asing the U. S. Mine this week, come taxes. In one respect that is into his head. of Chocolates is truly wonderfrtl • unfortunate. Anyone who is a tax- in the fact that all Che most popuA number of boys gathered around tl-)e potcntmlJty of 1:- tah mmc;:; by . . . payer is bound to have a closer feel- lar prices are offered in a better him shouting at the same time "What •nakmg it po~sible to market complex on•s pre\ wusly not amc1w.ble to The stat~ .of Utah .h~s JUSt. attam-1 ing of interest in his Government, its time? Where? Who's going?" and more expensive quality than Scructurally, ed ::.n. addttlon~l. positiOn of rmport-; policies and activities, than under the Dick replied, "We will all meet at 1n·ofit.1hle tn -ltl'lent. ever before. the pond at two o'clork sharp. If any the new ptmt, srt..wt d near the olo ant:e m the mmmg undustry of the situation where the burden of ex-1 one else wants to go, ·they are wel- conce~trutor of tht' Ct·mpany at Mi•<- Gnited ,States. ?-'hi,; state now comes pense is borne by others. I am op-1 A Full Pound apply, costs less and is guaran~ come." Of course not all of these val~, rs uTil' ,,f the mo st thorou?'hly se:ond m quantity of lead producted, I posed to callling this a "Government I $1.50 AR:RELED Sunlight is a boys knew they could go as their eqUippc~l ~nrl ., m1~~ substantially be.mg e:-ceeded ?nly by the state of of the people, by the people, and for t eed to remain white lon ger. A white paint that p roduces a mothers didn't and hadn't known any- bUJlt m1lls 1.n ~~lC United States. 1 1\.llssoun, .accordmg to Thomas Var- the people," and then denying to all surface so smooth t h at n ot a par- single coat of B arreled Sunlight thing about this awful plan. Th"y All the· buJidu~gs hm e a steel framE le~, s~penn.tenclent of. the Intel'mou.n- of the people the privilege of conticle of dirt can "sink in ." It can is generally sufficient over a prefitted out a scheme; however, and at and all foundatiOns that :;up port a!'y ; tam Experiment Station of the Umt-l tributing toward the maintenance of be washed as easily as wh ite v iously pain t ed light surface. two o'clock sharp all of the boys consiclerable weight are of rein fore- ed States Bureau of Mines located on 1 theil' Government. I favor some con-' Where more t han one coat is retile. were down to the pond getting ready ed con.cr~te. The walls o~ t~Ie crush- the university of Utah campus. U~ah \ tribution in a direct way, however: Barreled Sunlight is the id eal quired, use B arreled Sunlight Utah to go in. er bu1ldmg, sampler bmhlmg, con- has led all other states of the Umon small. A reduction in the tax burden Midvale finish for bathroom a nd kit chen U ndercoat first . When Dick had asked the boys, veyor galleries ami the main mill for the past four years in the pro- is quite a different matter from the 1 '---------------~ C omes ready mixed in cans walls and for white woodwork there had been one who refused b•Jt huilding, are of gunite, applied ')Il duction of silver, and it holds third from half-pint to 5-gallon size. everywhere. It requires fewer said nothing. Now Dick was think- steel fabric. The roofs of these build- place in the copper mining industry. coats than enamel, is easy t o C an be easily tinted. ing of this but he did not tell his ing::; nre of built-up asbestos roofing, An idea o£ the growing importthoughts. Soon all were in the wat~r laid on two-inch to,1gued and groov- ahce of Gtah as a mining center is splashing and having a good time. As cd plank. The thickener building is given in the figures showing the out ' they were preparing to get out, Dick covered both sides and roof with put of zinc in Utah during the past· 1 two glanced around just in time to see a corrogated guhanized iron. · years.- In 1924 it amounted to piece of clothing whisk around a The fine gri.ndings and flotati0n 16,000,000 lbs., whereas for the fol-, tree and disappear. All the way sections of the mill have a twenty- lowing year, 1925, it was over 50,THE Rll;" PROCJ<SS WBITII home Dick said never a word but four hour capacity of approximately 000,000 lbs. , The output of liilver, lead an.tl along with his chin on his 750 ton,;, while the coar·tic crushing department will handle fiOO tons in zinc in Utah has greatly increased m I ;;::;;:;:~;;;::;:;;:;;i;;:::u;;;:::;;r;:,;r.;;u;::;r::;;r:;;i;;:;n;::;n;;r:;;u;;ji;;~~;;u. -------~ A few days later his mother asker! eight hours. Flotation and fine grind the past, due partly to experimental ~~~m~~~~Effimlili!~~~~~!iffi!G!illl~l§ him the dreaded questions' he had ing sedions have been so designed work carried on at the University, j ~~~ Iilli hoped would not be asked. His mother that their capacity can be consider- according to Mr. Varley. "This has ~ G!<l s1e.rted at the bottom and gradually ably i'IIcrea~ecl by installing addition- been done by investigations in the : • fli::.l worked up until she said, "Dick, did al flotation and grinding equipment, University laboratories and by clos_e · you really get some boys to go :n without interfering with the opera- cooperation between the metallurgt1920 OAKLAND ROADSTER. Good running condition. 'NJ swimming?" tion of the mill. Sufficient yartl area cal staff at the University and the 1 $70.00 Cash, if taken at once. Dick hesitated but, as I said, at i~ available so that the mill can be operating companies." he said. "The SEE DAN RADOVICH, 170 No. Main, Midvale ~ times when necessary he would be extended and its capacity practically main advances made have been in eel honest. "Yes, mother, but I am sorry ,joubled. finding bettter ways to separate the I Sc\'eral novel features are em- complex ores through improved met~~i~ffiB~IililffiBillilffiBillilliffiffiBillilli@ITffili@li@ffiB~ffiBI*lffiBI*lffiBH I did." l!i!113!l "Did you coax some other boys to braced by the new plant, which, allurgical practice." thoug·h completed, \~,ill not be ready The location of the University 'I for operation until on or about March school of Mining in the center of 1. The mill is divtded into three America's mining industry offers 1 units-grinding, concentmtion and Utah students exceptional advantagthickening-all of which have sepa~ es as does also the presence of the NICK SOTER, MANAGER FOR SHOE REPAIHIXG, Harne. rate building. United States Mining Experiment Stitching and Auto Curtain Repa'rs, THE STATE GAS AND SERVICE STATION Station on the school campus. call at J. Dwight's, \\Test Jorda~ Folk Dancing Introduced Candies, Cigars, Pool, Oil.;, . Gas, So~t Drinks First C'laRs workm;:nsl1ip J-12-~•) R>ginning'\'<ith the second halfWe hate to admit it, but even the Tires, Etc., Automobile Supphes FIRE INSURAXCE-DQn't Delay. ) ear folk dancing has been introd~t- best of us like to be petted now anrl OPEN DAY AND NIGHT See H . C. Aylett, 320 N. 1\lain. Tel. ~d into the upper grades of the 1\htl- then. 1 Midvale, Utah Main St. at Head of Smelter Millvale 36. tf 'ale ~chou!. All real live students en92 N. Main Street joy it. We hope to tlevelop a little A lot of people don't care anything I , I 1 I I Washes clean instantly B I Barreled . ' Sunlight ' ~~~~f.ed West Jordan Lumber Co. 0 ' OH WHAT I FUN--- DANCING * FOR SALE * ** ffiiJ TO H§ Sam Soter and Company Midvale Drug Co. Don Kirkham WANT ADS and His Novelty Orchestra Every Thursday 1 ~§~§~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~§~§~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! I F OR RENT-Two room house on more gra(e in the monmf'nts of boys about money-after they get a lot St ate Street. Call Mid. 170- W 2-18 and girls before school closes. J 1of it. at the Rendezvous---Midvale's Ballroom Where the Crowd Goes |