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Show THEJORDANJOURNAL.MIDVALE,UTAH · GL<DT/ AI'~II:I~ICAI\1 ~ne- seilted me, that you played me aa uaderhand trick simply for polltleal pur. poses. 111-1'11"1'11 make It so blamed hot for J'OU you'll wish you'd never been born," grated Mr. Gooch. "It rests with you, young man, whether a certain Investi..., gation takes place or not." "What do you mean by lnve!!<tlga<©. 1926, Western Newspaper Union.) He Was Almost an Ideal Pirate tlon?" demanded Ollver. his eyes narrowing. "Just what are you driYing ~ MA~Y respects Capt. John Quelch I was the Ideal pirate. That Is to at?" (Copy for Thfa Department Supplied by the His uncle leaned forward and spokesay, some of the Incidents in his caAme-rlcan Legion News Service.) slowly, distinctly. "Is there any evireer read like the story of a buccaneer dence that your father e1·er left this In some blood-and-thunder piece of Heplace at all?" WILL HELP UANDLE tlon. And this a man, born In the Oliver looln·d his uncle strnlght in Puritan colony of Massachusetts! LEGION'S FINANCES In 170~ John Quekh was one or the the eye for many Reconds, a curious pallor stNtllng over his face. Leonard P. Ayres, whose reputation crew of the brigantine, Charles, a ves· "There Is no evidence to the conas a statistician is international and ~el which had been fitted out by some trary." of the leading citizens of 1\oston to "There's no evidence at all," said who Is vi<'e president of a Cleveland go on a privnteering cruise lq_ Crmndi· Gooch, "either one way or the other. trust eompany, recently hecnme a un wuters. Soon ufter leaving :\larille· There bas never been anything lil'e a ml'mber of the :\"ationai Finance comhead the crew mutinied, loeked the thorough search for him-in the nelgh- mittee of the Ameriean Legion. ~Ir. captain in his cabin and chose Quelch Ayrt<:~ was appointed by N a tiona! borhoool of his own home. I don't befor tbt,ir connnanoler. Then they threw lieve Oliver Raxtpr ever ran away from Commanrlpr John H. 1\IcQuigg to the the captain overboard and ~ailell Sr1uth. position ":hich he himself held on the home. 1 b<'lieve he's out there in thnt Here Quelch, the pirate of fictio.n, finance c-omtnittee vrior to his elec· swnmp of yours. Now you know what first enter:; the picture, for the tlag tlon to the commandt'rship. I mean by an in vestlgation, young man which be hoisted was the "Old Hoger," 1\Ir. Ayres organized the statistical -and if it Is ever undertaken I want and in the middle of It was "an Anatdivisions of the \\'ar department, which to sny to you It won't he under your omy with an Hourglass In one hum! ha,·e become models for other governdirc•etlon, and It won't he a half-heartand a d:lrt in the heart with three ed juh. Antl the swamp won't be the ments. ;\Ir. Ayrt's held the rank of drops of blood proceeding from It on Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are nol only place to be Sl'archet!. There are rolonel during the war and was the the other." only civilian soltlier ever to head o othl'r places .he might be besides that getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by mil.. Off the coast of Brazil they cap- ! dl\·ision of the g0neral staff abroad. swamp.'' lions anp orescribed by physicians over 25 years for "I think I get your me•ming, Uncle The statistical division of Pershin::;'s tured no less than nine Portuguese ships. from which they took hl'adt]uarters a great at Chaumont, the statisHornr·e," said Oliver, now cool and Then sPJf.possessell. If I ogree to withdraw tlc-ul division of the service of supply amount of valuable booty. Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Quelr:h and had tl·e the statistical Insolence division to sail In back the War from the race and perjare myself in the matter of the Bannester tax sean· · depnrtml'nt at Washington were all to llfarblehead, divide the plunder Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism dal. you will drop the Investigation and organized by the new member of the among the crew who landed, and quickly prepared to return to their forgl't ail about it-even though I may Legion committee. After the armistice, l\Ir. Ayres was I homes. llut word of their crimes had ha\"<' k1lled my own father?" a member of the United States peace 1 preceded them, and an exciting man"1 am not here to argue with you," ' commission, headed by the late Pres!· hunt was soon on. Within a week snappNl lllr. Gooch, his gaze sweeping dent Woodrow Wilson, and wall -:hlef Cnpt!lin Quelch and his mates had the e,·<'r-incrensing group of spectators. been capturl'd find sent to Boston. "Your randitlory has nothing to do ~h ~Accept only "Bayer" package In .Tune, 1704, he was sentenced to with my determination to sift this busi~ which contains proven directions. • ness to the bottom," he went on, su<ldeath, and from an oltl pamphlet we Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 t~blets. dl'nly realizing that he was now comr<>ad how the time was ~pent between Also bottles of 24 and lOG-Druggists, mitted to definite action. "I shall aphis trial and execution. "The mlliis· Aspirin Is the trade mark ot Bayer Manutadure ot Mononcetlcaeldeoter ot Sallc,-lfcncld peal to the proper authorities and notht<•rs of the town used more•than ordlIng sou do or say, young man, can na ry en den vors to instruct the prisonNeeded Inventions Record in Life Insurance he1Hl off the Investigation. That'f ers and bring them to repentance. Close to $15,500,000,000 in new life Several famous scientists huH~ tina! I" There were sermons preached In their drawn up a list of needed inventions. ln;;urance was written in 1!)~5. more hearing every day, and prayer daily • than eight times as mueh as a year's These lnvl'ntions, some of them shnmade with the.m. And they were CHAPTER VI j business 25 years ago. Unrle Sam's ple, should be well received by the catechised and they had many occa: people now carry $n,ooo.ooo.ooo life public. The list includes: Glass thnt sional exhortations. And nothing was A Star's Homecoming lnsuranre, which is probably a world's wlll hend, unshrinkahle flannel, a left that could be done for their good.'' The rl'turn of ~Irs. Suge after un abr~?cord for that kind of provi<ll'nce noiseless airplane, an e:udly eleanP-<1 On June 30 a strange procession and common sense.-Capper's "Teddy. J)ipe, g-reatly simplified clothing sence of 2.'l years was an "event" far which wt'nded its way through the streets surpassing In Interest anything that !:; not strange in appearance, a new· of Boston town. At the head mnrched hall transpired In Rumley since the game of :-;ldll, an ilnproYed fog ~lgnal, a man carrying a silver oar, the emstrange disappearance of old Ollver a dandelion extrart01·, and u fire-grate blem of a pirate's execution. Behind Baxter. giving the "open fire" effect without him came a company of musketeers, Hundreds of people, eager to see the wa~>ting the maJor part of the fuel. and In the midst of these walked a .Just Dip to Tint or Boil to famous "Josephine Jud;e," crowolt>il little group of wretched downcast men the station nlatform long before th~ Dye. -Cnptain Quelch's pirates. The captrain fro:a ci1icago was due to arrive; tain, however, was an exception. 'Vith they filled the depot windows ; they Each 15-cent packa great show of bravado he stepped were packed like sardines atop the age contains dlreeto the edge of the pl:<fform after he spare baJ.:gage and express trucks; , tlons so simple any had mounted the steps, and with his they ranged In overtlow disorder along , woman can tint sort, hnt In hand and bowing to the left the side" alks on both sides of the j delicate shades or nnd rl!fht, he harangued the spectators dye rleh, permanent street adjacent. nnd lronlcttlly warned tht'm against colors in lingerie, The train pulled in. The crowd tip"bringing money into New England silks, ribbons, skirts, toed and gaped, craned Its thont<und to be hanged for it." So the career w a I s t s, necks, and then sur::;ed to the right. dresses, Leonard P. Ayres. of the almost-Ideal pirate ended-un- c o a t s, Abo\·e the hissmg of steam and the st ocklngs, grinding of wheels rose the voice of statistician and economic adviser to repentant and audacious to the last. sweaters, draperies, the commission. lie held a similar Summy Parr far down the platform. coverings, hangings "Keep hack, even·boily! Don't c-rowd position with the conunission, headed -everything! The Royal Pirate's Revenge np so close. Hight this way, ~Ir. Sage by VIce Presitll'nt Charles G. Dawes, Buy tell Diamouol Dyes-nowhether other kind -Bow are you? Open up there, will which helped to wow!< out the so- Yon far·famed monumental tower : -and your druggist the I ----~ Records the achJovements of the brave, you? Let 'em through. Got my new called Dawes plan for reparations And AngrJa's subjugated power, material you wish to color Is wool or 1 ,_,_.,..,_,Banish Pimples Who plunJer'd on the eastern wa.ve. l'ar over here, Mr. Sage-lots of room. settlements. , silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or By Usin.t Before his entry into the United Hello, .Jane! Grent honor to have the 5 T IS a far cry from piracy In the ! mixed goods. ' )Jieasure of taking Mrs. Sage home in States service In Wl7, )Ir. Ayres was East In<lles to a tower which stands my car. Hight over this way. Grab .statistician for the allied statiRtieal on Shooter's hill near Woolwich comSafety First Soap to Cleanse those suitcasPS, boy. Open up, please!" board, priorities board, war iullu~trles mon In En.~land, but this tower, of 1 "Pa," said Little A•·tlmr, "I guess Ointment to Heal 1\lr. Sage paused aghast half way board and the lntcrallied purrhasing which the poet sings, is the connecting r _know W]Jy ~anta_ Claus drives n i Tr7 OUI' new Shaving Stick. down the steps of the last couch but comml:;;siou. F'O!' his s,,rvices during link In n thrilling pirate story. remcleer; h<>'s too w1;;e to take cl<ances, ·· ~ -----~·---one. He stared, open-mouthed, out the war l\Ir. Ayres was given the DisAfter the famous pirate, Angora, sul- In au nutomohile."-Do~ton 'l'ran- · KEEP EYES WELL! over the sea of faces; his knees seemed tinguished Service IIH'dal. tan of .Timor, had been dethroned by SCript Dr. Thomp8on's Bye Water will Since the armistice l\Ir. Ayres has about to give way under him; hill • strengthen them. Atdruggistaor the I<~ngllsh and had retired to the is1161 River 'l roy, N.Y. Hooklet. held the rank of a colonel In the renervou~ fingers came near rPlaxing land of Ceylon his brother, Angria, Cornmenl Buns their grip on the suitPase handles; he serves and is now sratisti<'ai consultool• up the quarrel. He procloimed Amen 2 C. brt>nd 1lour taut to the War department. He was bewildered, stunned. I)< C. yellow cornmeal; 2 eggs himself sultan of another island, LitIt wns the WPl'k before Christmas. 4 tbsp. butter melted "In lu•uvpn's name-" he groaned. wrote the War department's statislical tle Timor, and having received from % C. sugar; 1 C. milk .!!'ather had gone on a short bm;in<':;S and tllen, poor man, over his shoulder history of the World war, a book 3 level tsp. Calumet Baking Powder his brother a praam, a fast boat wlth trip, and Jimmie asked whether he In hPlpl~>ss distress to the girl behind which has been used as text by other Measure and sift together the bread an armament of 38 guns, set forth to flour, cornmeal, baking powder and mi;;ht say grace at breakfast. Into the hlm-"Oh, .Tune, why didn't we walt governments in adding a statistical prey upon the British shipping. sugar. Beat th<> eggs until light and silence that followt'd he prayed enrdivision to their war offices. for the midnight-" add the milk. Blend with the dry InPrior to America's entry into the Eighty miles out from Bombay the pi- gredients whfle beating constantly. ne!'tly and irnpre~ 'iYely: Rut !lOmeone had seized the bags and Last, add the melted butter and pour "Dear Father, we thank 'l'hee for with thE>m he was dragged Ingloriously World war, Mr. Ayres pointed out, no rate captured the ElphlnRton, and put- the batter :nto hot gem pane. Bake ting the crew of 48 men Into one small (at 400 degrees F.) for twenty-five the rest and Jll"otection of the past to the )lllltform. Jane came next, crlm· army or military bureau had ever had minutes. night. We thank Thee fur the food son with embarrassment. She hm·rled a statistical de11artment. "Wnrs used boat, left them. Under the blazing sun they set out for Rombay, but only that is lJefore us. We thank Thl~e for to be (ought by artnit's," he said. "llut down the steps antl waited at the botThree in One the department stores and all we can tom for her mother to appear. As the \V'lrld war mobilized Industrial, half of them arrived there alive. A Chicagoan is to marry the girl . get in them. Now then." An:;rla decided that any other prize might have been expected of one so financial and man power resources of Naturally, statistical would do as well as an English ship, who nursed him when he hnd heart i Ancl nothing could persuade Jimtruly theatric, Josephine delayed her the nutlons. appeorance until the stage was clear, machinery was a vital adjunct. and. his next capture was two Chinese trouble. Looks like a case of cause, rule that that wns not the way ic which his father l'nded his prayers. so to speak. She even went so tar aa America was the fir::;t to appreciate junks, filled with spices and other effect and cure. valuables. He plundered both, and all to keep her audil'nce waiting. Pre- this.'' As a member of the National Fl- an excess of cruelty ordered the crew ceded by the Pullman porter, who up to this time had remained Invisible nanre committee, ::IIr. Ayres will as· bound back to back in pairs and but now appeared as a proud and shin- slst in the snfekeeping and allotment thrown into the ocean. One ot the Ing minion beuring boxes and traveling of the funds of the Legion. This com- Chinamen managed to get hand free rasE's, wraps and furs, she at length mittee makes out the budget; of all and, pulling out a concealed dagger, up pen red, stopping on the last step to divisions and committees of the na- stabbed Angrla In the shoulder. The survl'y, with well an'ected surprise and tional organization and assists other punishment meted out to him was a ('harming assumption ot consterna- units of the organization In tlmmcial suc-h as only a fiehd could devise. tion, the crowd that pacl•ed the plat- planning. Angrla ordered the skin cut ofl' the ' Mr. Ayres was born in Connecticut man's back and then had him heaten form. Now, a great many-perhaps all--of In 18ib. He holds degrees from Bos- with canPs. Then he was lashed to a ton and Columbia unh·erslties. tho~e who made up the eager, curious raft and thrown overboard for 8Un to crowtl, expected to behold a young and finish the work. Strange to say, the radiant Josephine Judge; they had lrrepre•sible Willie Chinaman after three days was picked A seen her in the Illustrated Sunday supSeven pieces of beautiful, rich, brown reed furniTo little Wlllie had been assigned up by a fishing boat and carried to $100 plements and In the pictorial mnga- the task of entertaining, temporarily, Bombay, where he lived to an old age. ture-just now so much in vogue--at little more Value lor zirres; always she was sprightly and hls mother's guest. For Jack of somethan half what you would pay for equal quality For three years the sultan-pirate vivid and alluring. They were con- thing better to say, he asked her how continued his ravages on the eastern at a furniture store. fronted instead, by a tall, angular she had enjoyed her vacation. seas, and during that time it Is said woman of fifty-two or fifty-three, careTERMS: "Why. I haven't been away," she re- t hat he murdered no less than 500 $6.50 per Month. lessly-even ''slopplly"-dressed in a plied. l~ngliRhmen-surely a fulsome revenge Only by selling direct to you can we make this sensational slouchy two-piece plo'pper and salt I. Rcx;ker •'Mom must of been mi~taken, then," for the wrongs-either real or fancied offer 1 For a limited time only! Thousands have bought ;l. Ch~ir tw0ed walking costume. What most of rejoined Willie. "1 heard her tell her . -suffered by his brother. Then the this remarkable value and e·~cryone has been thoroughly 3. Settee 4. Libr•ryTable the observers at tlt·st took to be a wad hritlge club that you an<l your hushanq t Britl~h declrled tha~ It _was time.to put sa'.:isfied. Each piece in as near perfection as the finest of ( 18x:J6x28 t.-u:hQ•) reed and the work of skilled artisans can make it. Compare of light brown fur tucked under her had been at Swords Points for a long a stop to. the act~vitws 5. Writin/1 Desk of this m~(18xJO.r28 tnche•) this set with any other you may have seen. right nrm was discovered to be a · "' raurler. Communrh.r Jones of II. M· s· 6. Desk Chair • tl me. " - A mer1can 1,cgiOll "ee 11 t y. You cannot buy this high grade value in furniture anybeady-eyed "Pekinese.'' 7. Fernery Asln, a man-of-war carrying G4 guns, Prku on oth~r {inwhere, at such an attractive price, or so conveniently. Order (TO BE CO:«TINUED.) lahu and &eparat• was ns~ign<'d the task. Tile Rrlton it now; fill out and mail the coupon at once. Begin enjoyplece3 quoted 011 At n Profit laid !'lege to hi~ capital city for 12 requut. ing this modish and attractive set. American Slang Spread• just the thing £or A doctor had just fini~hed taking th& months, and .\ngria's subjects, despairLiving Room Evcry language has Its slang, of temperature of a stocl< !Jroker, who ing of Psr-ape, be;!~;ed him to surrender. Mountain Cabin Beach Cabin course; the dictionary remarks that was suffering from a ra~ing fever. He refu~ed, anti one of n mob which Sun Parlor . TilE RAT.TAN WORKS, . the word "slang" itself Is derived from "It's gone to 102,'' he nnnounced in had gnthered before his palace, shot Closed·in Nr>.128 Bebout Bit/a-., Santa Barbara, CaliForni•• Porch the Norwegian phrase '!:slengja kjet- a husbed voice, eyeing the thermome- him as he stood upon a balcony ha· S•n4tn•1he 7-Pfcce ~Vfck~r S.t. for which I enclo6e $1. ?Sa~ tM /lrst ptJpm~nt. • Office or .DeD and I fiJrtJu~rocr•s to promptJu nmlt $6.50 each mont}! on the WJpQ/d boJtJnc•. ten," which means "to sling the ja·.. " ter. rangulng them. tltl• to rematn wilh pou anti/till tM d•f•rr.d ptiQm•nUI NH Mit modi. But no other Jan~:~~age Ia In a posltloa. The half-conscious patient ralllfld Jones was balled es a hero upon hie fN:ama. •..._ ----_ - -_ ·-_ --_ --_ .,IIJJtw. - __-_ _-_ _-_ _ _ _ to give Its foundling words the aa._ himself on his elbow. return to England, and after hl1 death publlclt7 that predomlnancf' In tbe ab "Sell I Sell r• be shouted.-Am~ his wldow built the tower on Shooter'a and on the motion plctur. _.... u Cirri-····-·-··········-·-·· C'aD Legion Weekly. 111m to coUlmemorata hla achlevemea&. , tor~ to the .A.m.-leaD. $ELMO SCOTT WATSON '.'·., lmi·.-.GIOI\1 LIVER OCTOBER. , E BARR. McCUTCHEON V-Continued in front of the "boss." "I may as well come out flat-footed and tell you I've -5never been satisfied with all these bere job has cost up'anln of stm·ips nnd speculu tlons concerning the dy, and for a couple of rlh<apprn•·nn<'l' of my brother-In-law a more be could clean up clear year ago. It's mighty queer that a of the mire. I n~ed to lnok mnn like Oliver Baxter could disappear boy as a smart young ft'ller." off of the fnee of the earth and never be's a whole lot smarter be h<'a;·rJ of again. l\fost people l.klieve he'» nth·e--hlding somewhere--but I He's don't for a minute thin!' It's olon't ht'lleve It for 11 minute. dead. He died that night a year ago old John hnstily. ":\"ot Nr wht•n he had his lust row with his son. help thlnkln' we'll turn n;J And, what's more to the point, I am man's body some day. It sort hPre to say I don't believe his son hus told all he knows about the--er-the me the cret'ps." big ditches, fed hy lateral matter." "Say, what are you tiJlng to get at, tile, held n strnlght course tbe upper end of the swamp :\Ir. Gooch. Thnt comes pretty near to Into Blacksnake creek, a being a chnr:;e, doesn't It?" "You can call It what you please. little stri!am half a mile west All I've got to say is that I'm not sat• Roughly estimated. three Isfied. and I'm going to the l•ottom of acres were being transformed this business If It's possible to do so." in time was bound to beTwo days In tE>r, Horace Gooch tal.ualtlle land. stopped hls ancient automobile in front was walking slowly hack to of the Baxter block In Rumley and inhll head bent, his hands In quired of a man In the doorway: ~1ms, when he observed an auto''ls young Oliver Raxter here?" approaching over the deeply The loiterer tnrned his head lazily, seldom traveled road. He re<'ogsquinted searchingly Into thE> store, and ear at once. Lansing's yetthen replied that he was. "Tell him his un<'le Is out here." The citizen disappeared. Tie was back In a jiffy, grinning broadly. "Well?'' demandt'd Mr. Gooch, -as the I SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN"- .g~ 1· l I I I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I S{;ifi i i COLOR IT NEW WITH "DIAMOND DYES" say not. She's salling for States tomorrow and is bere to live I" true that Josephine Snge was home. The beatific minister the cablegram Into Oliver's hand young man came bounding up ~andla steps ten minutes later. coming on the Baltic. I have to go to New York to meet will accompany me. I wish d find _out for roe, Oliver, Baltic Is due to arrive at Please help me out, lad. I should have telegra]ohecl myhad Jane do It-but we-I I. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~::: Oliver, with bet you're 2u thnn you were _yesterHerbl'rt !" believe I am," ~aid l\Ir. Snge, his thin shoulders and draw· breath. • • j I ' I • of Hopkinsville a miserly aspirant for legishonors but perslstentlv denied ltltl.nrtlon for which he was Iouth bad "come across" so hand· so desperately-that the had foolishly permitted him to bu·tm1ted for the state senate. The did not want him; but that little or no difference to the ...,.,u,,,.,; the people had to take they lllced him or not. astonishing contribution campaign fund was not to be up" merely because the people approve of him. report that young Oliver Baxter was being urged to make against his uncle caused no among the bosses. It was after the young man was and actually In the field beset them. Young was popular in the southern of the county, be was a war he was an upstanding figure where the voters were as not to "jump the traces." sent for 1\Ir. Gooch and that it wouldn't be a bad him to withdraw from the rare ccc,ur1t of his age, or his health, . you 1oean to tell me," bl'gan genuinely amazed, "that you young whlpper-snar.per of a of mine Is liable to defeat knows what the people replied the cl'y'\lrman senten· "Now, this young Baxter. He's He bas a clear record. a thing we can say against the other hand, he can say a nasty things about you, Mr. I'm not saying you'll he licked but you stand a good chance of It, let me tell this young Baxter goes after :•u•v<ll gloves." just been thinking," said Mr. leaning forward In his chair, I go down to Rumley and talk with Oliver." about?" demanded the other, be able to reason with him." en111n•~e;" said the other, shaklnr "Be's rut It In tor you, I Cuticura , . 1 "Nobody Knows What the People Want," Replied the Chairman Sententiously. messenger remained s!lent. "\Vhat did hl' say?" The citizen chuckled. "It ain't fit to print," said he. Mr. Gooch shut off his engine and settled back In the seat, the personification of grim and dogged patience. Fifteen minutes passed. Passersby, sensing something unusual, found an excuse for loitering In front of nearby show. windows. Mr. Link carne out of his oftlre, and after taking one look at the hard-faced old man In the automobile, hurried to the rear of his establishment. A few seconds Inter he returned, n,ccompanied by Joseph Sikes. They tGOii up a position in tbe doorway. At last Oliver October appeared. "Hello, Uncle Horace," was his greetIng. "Sorry to have kept you walt in g. And I'm In a bit of a hur1·y, too. Some friends coming down on No. 17, 1\Ir. and l\Irs. Sage-you remember thPpl, no doubt. Anything in particular you wanted to see me about?" "Yes, there is," said l\fr. Gooch harshly. "I came over bPre to demand an apology from you, young man-a public apology printed over your signature In the newspnpt'rs. I wrote you u veQ· plain and dignifled letter in which I told you what I thought of the underhanded way you actetl in rpgnrd to those dear old ladles, l\frs. Bunnester and hl'r sister. You know as well as I do that it was my Intention to restore their pmperty to them, absolutely tax free and without a single claim against lt. You simply sneaked In and got ahE:ad of me. And what old you say in reply to my simple, straightforward letter? You said you wouldn't trust me as tar as you ,could throw a locomotive with one band, or something like that.. If I don't haft a written and publlahed aelmowledgroent from 70u that you deliberately mtarem. 1 ! . .. •5975 Thousands ol Satisfied Customers •••••••••a••••••••••--• ••• I ... . |