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Show • • -·····-THE JORDAN JOURNAL f ' • WantMore a Few More Days Left in Cash! vg~.N~ui~u:EK~~~E YOU MAY BE THE LUCKY ·ONE? just ~0 :~~r=~,o~~:f!;; ~~!'the 300.00 RADIO and. 25.00 a If You The More Keys You Hold the Greater Your Chance of Winning . • WE CARRY GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY EVERY TIME YOU ENTER OUR STORE YOU WIN-YOU GET A FREE TICKET FOR GIFTS ., r.. J r.. .. oys. ..oys. Give the Children Plenty of Toys. You can Afford to Buy MORE at Our Prices Everything in Furniture from Front Room to Kitchen Heaters, Rugs, Beds, Mattresses, Springs, Cedar Chests, Floor and Bridge Lamps, Etc. 1*1 ' Meet Me Will be Displayed in . Easy Window ; Stocks have been Conveniently Arranged so ~ that Choosing Gifts is a Pleasure, Especially at Our Prices 1*1 At 1*1 1*1 Table Ware is Always a Most Welcome Gift Booth's FOR HER· Prizes ·~*~ ~ WE SELL MORE FOR LESS • LOOK THROUGH OUR GIFT SHOP ~ Corticelli Silks or Silk Hosiery Isn't Hair Bad 1*1 1*1 , Dress Slippers are Just the Thing We Show a Wonderful Line at Prices Less ~ .. YOU CAN'T GIVE TOO MANY HANDKERCRIEFS >DON'T FORGET DEC. 12th, 10 A. M. TO 10 P. M. BRING ALL YOUR KEYS WITH you - .. • Shock Abserbers to the Limited Pocket Book tc: 00 C>tO<:>OD<::>O~~x::=:>OK:::>e~~oc:=>oK::::>Oik POULTRY NEWS >tO<::>OD<::>OO<:=>OK:>OK:>OK:>O~K:>OO<:=>O~K::>tl Th~ vision of the founders of the. movement in 1923 was 225 carloads. Utah Poultry Producers cooperative,! In 1924 it increased to 3 56 carloads, a marketing organization just com-j ami this year's movement is a.bout the pleting its second season of activity, same as that of last year. In norm!cl that the egg and poultry indu.:;try in I years Utah ships out from 10 to 15 Utah some day would be a $10,000,-l carloads of turkeys and from 15 to 000 industry is this year just one-11 20 carloads of live and dressed poulfourth realized. It is estimated that try. tanthe m'dustry thia year has .~ueant This year it· has not bron.,.ht ...., over increase an of evidence gible This Utah. of state the to -,500,000 .. of course, revenue from tur- last "vear, but the poultrymen added :ncludes, ~ m~id at the var- this spring approximately 1,000,000 keys, and also labor .--ious egg and poultry handling sta- baby chicks to their flock. These adtions of the producers' cooperative J ditions will be felt in production ret d h . and other agencies han<II mgt ese pro- 1cor s nex year. The opinion of President Benjwmin ducts. Prior to the season of 1922 the Brown of the cooperative is that the t . Ut a h h as every oppor. j . state of Utah was importmg eggs egg m<1us ry m and dressed Poultry · Thi·s year ' fou 1•. ' tunity to expand to a point where it seasons later the state i·· exrworting, will mean an annual turnover of h f h f i yv •• • • t e in the neighborhood of 370 carloads .. $ta10te,OOO,OO0 to t e al1mers o . the summer of 1922 the Central s .. j formecl was excllange .-...,... _.... P~uitry ·. • · v STORE CHAIN NEW BrQwn. BenJamm by in Sanpete oounty is now president of the greater 1 OPENS IN MIDVALE organ.zatJ'on · Mr · B~wn •v ·;fial'e organl .Med what proved to be the nucleus· oJ the present prOducers' cooperative Mr. Southworth, recently purchased ·-~ . a market f.or the eggs of th e c OX Mark e t "In th e H eart .... fmd and Monday morning a sign v..aney f armers. At the Midvale" · G unmson · . . on this establishment displayed was for need the time Mr. Brown saw such a unit, the farmers in that val- to. the effect that "Skaggs will open ley were selling their eggs for eight this store Wednesday." It would therefore appear that Mr. and ten cents per dozen. The need for a marketing association that I Southworth had sold out to the Skagg would remove the surplus and stabil- people and that by the time you are fse the market nearer a point where reading this paper Skaggs will be a producer could be assured a fair fixture in Midvale. -tum on his pro<l.uct became appar..... ent, for dt was realized that at eight to ten cents he could not meet expen- PHONOGRAPH WILL BE DONATED BY BOOTH'S ses. That first year, though on a small Everyone entering Booth's store beICale, the marketing group found it 'II E . tm eould express Uta h eggs to Lo s An - t ween now an d Ch ns as ve WI geles and return to the producer ap- receive a numbered coupon. 0~ Christmas Eve, the holder <Xf the proximately ten cents a dozen more than they could anticipate otherwise. lucky number will receive the $235 News of this spread r31pidly and soon Brunswick Ph onograph absolutely Nl'!~n"'r county and other nearby pro- free. There are also other llllaterial ~;dutciiitg sections asked to be allied in advantages in the advertising cammovement. The first year 17 cars pai~ to be given away every Saturof eggs were exported and late in the day evening. tall the operators found they had j The ·big event Ol>tlned Monday the exporting and it was. morning and despite the gloomy and to bring back 7 carloads. rainy day, crowds thronged the roomy store all day, buying and first year on an export dennrtment ,_ Utah supplied 10 carloads of reserving articles for Christmas. This scheme has been tried before !l)r>Ddlltce. Midvale but .without much success. in the spring of 1923 the Utah State ..ll'.m_... bureau saw an opportunity to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald enmake the poultry cooperative state~:W111e in its scope and in March final! tertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. was _effected. The export A. J. Wagstaff of Holliday. I I I I vae • --- I -·---- -~-- Miss Zelia Zabruskie daughter of renee Justesen of Salt Lak~-:~~ M-is-s TO DISCUSS TECHNICAL RANGE urday evening at the home of Mr. to six inches in diameter. and Mrs. George Zabruskie of :\1aida Crosgrove. Mr. The yield for both projects was and Mrs. A. C. Jensen of Sandy. QUESTIONS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ford ham had vfi.,y heavy and the onions brought American Fork and l\Ir. Merrill Hand Miss Laura Gardner of the Jordan Ogden, Utah, Dec. 4, 1925-The I as their week-end guest, Mr. Hany over two dollars per hundred: He re- son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hand were gistered lhis project under the exten- married in the Salt Lake Temple on High School gave a special demonArarange specialists of the entire Forest Staheli of the .B. Y. U. at Provo. tion to the Third Wan! Y. L • .:\L I. service of the Utah Agricultuial Wednesday of last week. sion and Oldham Jack Mrs. and Mr. m<lrnMonday next meet Service will Mrs. ,l\Iyrle Albop entertained re- A. Monday evening on art work for ing in Ogden for a week's conference 1 children of Salt Lake were dinner College and competed for the Union • on the technical! range management' guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pacific Scholarship of $85 which he latives at a birthday supper Satur- X1Tnahs ~~!ts. 1 e ~· Irst an< Third M. J. A have . . has a chance to win. His onion prosubjects with which they are dealing. Thornton. T~se men, scattered throughout the i Mrs. Alice ROck was a Salt Lake ject WOIJ. first place in the state and day at he.r home m honor of her birth- joined the Jordan Stake Ba ket Ball was awarded the distinction of being day . anmversary. Cover;;. were lmd j League and have .·ecured access to western districts, especially in those I visitor Saturday. ~egions where. grazing UJ?On ~e Nat- j Mr. and Mrs. Alma Powell of Mur- tlhe best project of any kind in the ~or thirty-t~? guests .. )lusic and d.anc the High School Gymnasium one mg were enJoyed dunng the evenmg.l night a week for practice work. They IOnal Forests ~ of exceptional m>port-1 ray announce the arrival of a son. State of Utah. l\1 he Chicago, to trip the ~inning By MarMiss formerly was Powell Mrs. manage-, the put to tr~mg. are ance, r rs. Ad a P et erson was h os t ess t o h ope to attain gTeat victories this is permitted to compete for three unent Olf grazmg n the 0 pe ran e 0 of season. ' hi sc .e t .f . ib ~ f fg ton •"'&ret Johanson of East Midvale. . . ~ other prizes the fir~t to be $75,· the the P ep Cl ub W e dnes <Ia Y afternoon th "treet ~·rain h h t k t 1 ~ a R oroug Y I n 1 tlC ' asis 0. ac ·. ! Mrs. Erma Milne spent the week- second to be <~'50 ·,nad Mr. E. H. Beck, penr•1anship superthe third $25. as wee a er omedon ...... f "'rt to ,.,rou een oei·ve Luncheon "'as '1' lS end at Lehi and, Prov~. a. science ange managemen ll visor of the Jordan D:."tr1'ct "l··"l'ted " . ~ He left on the twentv-~1·xth of Nov nd k 1.·as'-d ' "Fii., ..... t 1 s t " Rose Miss and Cole Berniece Miss eru :u.::mg .s 'wor. an new very · the Granite Teachers in.:titute r::;. were s pec!a gues 'd' gue:s ::;, ll ember ha 1·ng taken b these specral1st 0 f the F exlpl enses pall : Hendrickson, Mrs. J. Jensen, :Mrs. L. .,~ 1 fa d or- Allen visited the Wilkes Thursday of v h h s f t S Y. day. c p t d M sue as ralu·oa< are, pu man, mea "• p . rom t e groun . up. last week. erv1ce es On the 20th of thit< month an 1•1_ etc. He represented the Cl~ Work- eLerson an ~ rs. : e er,on. h h B S M Methods have already been devised Mrs. J. Shaw assisted by Mrs. C. G" 1 ennett ad as her ers of Ut h t th B rs. · r.ra: f to k th t mb h b th 1 a a guests this week, Mrs. Rosetta Jen- National ~luba Conegres~ysotnc< hi'cang· 0,; Green. wood, Mrs. R Greenwood, en- lustra ted lecture will be given :n the e fnu er 0 8 · c IW_ ere ~ 0 hall under the direction bg~.vedntplec~ d ran_gthe cafn' sup~rt can kins of Rigby, Idaho and Mrs. Hilma and was accompani'ed bv t"·o othei· tertamed. at her home Thursdayb af- A!musement .,'"ho.. ,,·on the ternaon m honor.· of M1·s. Setter erg. of th e Seal Sale Corr.mittee in charge M.d f w·l aceuracy, a1r w1 errrune e e 1 schonl~ Utah of students I va e. 1 es o . f th d ti t h th " ' " Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wilson of Salt same distinction as vhimself. esdmaree 0oovereed bensitthy,e The,· Games were enJoye d and lunc Ileon f t h e T uberculosis drive. Further any an parloutahg1.11.ant 1t · nouncement8 ,,. 1'II b · served to fourteen guests. d b . h Y h Lake were dinner guests Sunday of . Sucha a a 1 e given a er. ·•' Th L•· t '·'' ·d ._.. G 11 Cia~" sur·y a county agent. were c aperone M questions as t e M range pants. l\lis:; Madeline Guil of Salt Lake . e r I~s n ai "'~a u He had a stay of ten days and was y ~· j J. ThBorndton. W'll' time at which grazing may be allowed hostess to the La<li'~s AI'd Sowas h?me the at Gneves Jane I Iam oung shown around the cit•· of Chi·cago b•t pnsed Miss r. ames ra y, 'th t . . . to t rt . th " ft d d W R J M f " " Berniece Millerberg, Leonard and InJurhly tohu ~ splrmgb e m to tsha 0 Ch~rch rs. · ossen . e ne:s ay a er- ciety in the Congregat:onal d G ld' Federal Government officials. H 1 Le e range are a so emg oroug y y noon it being her buthday anmver.1 . M Th o 1e mberg an aze oung, f thi ki d t di tu.died s· 8 .s t n t Sotfe, retireing Mutual Officers were Mid;~le aa~;~a~s re~u~:~::: e~;n~f ~~~~ saty .' Games w~re played and lunch- Thursday. Sewing featured the pasmce st~d es h0 • time.. Luncheon was served to 13 ds avefntohe by~1g h<mored guests at a Mutual party at hi~ tr1'p, He reports a "'ond~t·ful ti'111e. eon ::;erve d t 0 SlXt een g u ests • bare ar z an on" o een sostanndew,dimede l\lr. and Mrs. C. Grand were guests gue:sts. " n " the amusement hall Tuesday evening. t' f th':' l'shrn t of Pres. and Mrs. Beber J. Grant at, Mrs. H. H. McCartney of Salt Lake hends 0 • •18 rnfee mhg A very enjoyable program was ren~ompb! t e d ered and refres hments were served. I)Jl0Uid e .t e eterrnmabon .0 the Salt Lake T•heatre Thursday even- was a week-end guest of 1\lrs. R. w. I Boi·n. of Kuhre D. William !Mrs. and Mr. and ~ost pra~tical means of coUecting ing. mte1~tina the funda.mentlil facts Mrs. c. E. Greenwood entertained Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brady enterSandy were guests Sunday of Mr. and k ed d h 1 in honor of her daughter, Tuesday Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jensen enter- tained the Ju.,taalere Club :~ ;~na Je: Mrs. Joseph Millerberg. !/!n:~:g~e:t Mrs. L. B. Jenkins of Rigby, Idaho tained the Social Evening club at evening at their home in Salt Lake. Elias' lOth birthday anniwn:ary. f 0 st k and Mrs. Sarah Bennett were guests their home on State Street SatUTday Progressive games were played. Sup- Games werd enjoyed and luncheon tat' J..ange. be f t . nhum beer0 . ~tedrese~- tlvet d octhi- Sunday evening of .Mr. and Mrs. S. evening. ProgTessive gam1es were per was served to twenty-six gues :s. served to thirty small guests: "" a en . s w. Sharp. menfn ave ' n 1~ ~ 0 ere~ce, 1ashw~ as repre~ntatJves Miss Dean Bateman of Midvale vis- played and prizes won by Mrs. L. W. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas and family rom sc 00 : . a~,. co~~ ~ r;~ge ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Parley Nielsen, Mr. Ray Beck, Mrs. 0. Bal- N. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. U. Bate- and Mr. and .Mrs. A. Hm tvigson and and man, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherwood, Mr. familv' of Genola and Mr. H'·aver an mg Glover. lves. managemen ' an · ... lard of Draper and Mr. A. R. Gard&A:tical eth0 d8 th t re were Ashton of Hartvigson Lyonal F. and M1·s. P. Wooler and Mrs. M. I. A. conjoint meeting was 'held on mouna a pr tam. in the wardhouse Sunday evening. Mr. ncr. Supper was served to twenty- Mathews of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy vi~itors last week owing to the m ranges. dea1Jh of their mother, 1\lrs. 1\lina - Age 13 Kenneth Brady who has recently re- four. Special guests were Mr. and E. Beck of Midvale. F'sh L 1 · H A. I. M. ward Third the 18th the On T. <>--dy e>-hooll turned from a mission to England Mrs. A. R. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. er eon artvigson. Dewey and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Jenake th ~ .,..... 7th B. Grade Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Parduhn ]1a,·e will present a number of one-act plays r. was e spe w·mn M' h T . . sen. tt A. G W Mr· and Mrs Iss er, ea.o o-hest-" rm..I ornia to spend the winMrs. E. Beck and Mrs. S..L Brady I·n tl1e a111usement hall. A good house gone to ca )'f d t arrett mo•.. to d t N hi. ·S t · d ... ..... ~ ""' "Jun1·0 r Spe-lal aMur aJy o ha B~n l a entertained the Bridge Club at the is desired. T•hursday night a special ter. played for ilheir first dance last Mon-1 re . o ertp · th 'I! be · Ig er. be 23 l925 t th surprise pa Y on r. osep · ht N d Miss Leola Hand ente1iained nt a e ag!Ven m at e They were also special guests at a home of Mrs. E. Beck Thursday ev- picture show Wl Fiay tmWg 'd Mov-;,~ 1 r ~.:rta. ening. Christmas suggestioos were musement hall for the benefit of the luncheon "'or a number of Salt Lake h ld S d f 'I d' uuua en..., 1nmen • ar rs ·~ arru Y mner e · un ay. friends at her home Monday. Covers Delbert Thayne, a forll)er student carried out in the table decorations. Third Ward M. I. A. A special Conjoint meeting of the were laid for six guest.. of the Jordan High Sdhool, won a A console set was used, holding two Mrs. J. W. Farrer entertained at trip to Chicago by having the best Christmas candles and the fruit bowl second and third ward M. I. A. was 0 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobsen were farm project in the State of Utah. containing .a variety .f fruit. Smilex hel<l in the Second Ward chapel Sun- a children'.~ dinner Saturday evening 'dinner guests Saturday evening of While in the high school, 1he studied was dra~ed /rom fr~~t ~owl to the' day evening under the direction of the of Ia. t week in honor of her son, of' mh' sma ~I< mg was the teaching of A. candles under 1 er- Ralph and a number of U. A. C. stuMr. and Mrs. J. H. Peterson of South agriculture ~· Ir d w ar d· Ca rter E · Gran d d erv and covers served unches gra es Dmner · . I ed the address. Musical numbers were dents. The decorationi; were in colb . , L. Price. HaVIng graduated last year, · . P · Jordan. 1 .ers. 1·e '"e me~ t'i\ehe for Miss Daisy Milne visited in Salt he followed that course in agriculture laid • v · L H lett furnished by the Mi-lady .Singers un- lege colors. Progre. sive game" d Mrs WIIIIa M Miss to awarded prizes and played ew · m · an r. and .beets of one Lake Sunday evening as the dinner with two projects, t th · der the direction of Miss Freda JenS J · d t d' Mwmie Adams of the U. A. C. and en· one of onions. Both projects proved en t er t ame a mner un< ay a guests of Miss Ivy HaBs. Miss Alpha Crapo. Miss Eva Cravo Miss by given was duet vocal A sen. D. R. Mlrs. and Mr. of honor in home exact. the but successful, very be to has Glover James Mrs. Mr. and sang a number of solos during the CrosBerniece Miss and Crapo Eva Vavana, 00' Robert son, and Delwey at; known not is as their .guest this week, llrs. Louie value of the beets evening. Collegej songs were sung present. His project on onions, haw-· Cuba. Covers were laid for nine grove. Black and baby of Mammoth. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beck had as their by the group. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bateman at- ever, was one of the ·best in the state.j guests. Luncheon was served to 65 guests Sunday, Misses Lois and Flo- twenty guests. tended the Social Evenin1 club Sat- S01me of the onions were from five relativea and friends. I 1 I u ° vu l sandy c·ty News i:r 1 ' VA S EA T MID LE |