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Show THE City West Jonlaa Union JORDAN WANT ADS I I Murray Society !~:"2t:te;.here she will remain for =~~- D. s. Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp Of Bqby, Mr. and Mrs. Burre.ll Woolsey of 1 Miss Melva Pugh, whose marriage F. D. Jan:1Ge"[•Sr., - - - - - - - took place Wednesday, entemained at this J hof Idaho left Sunday eveninc for their SU.tel Mrs. George Goodrich, ¥no Austin b home on hte IdatheR engagement da annUOIICe th · city The Gleanor Girls of the Mutual As- - - - - - - o n u Y to ug r, ell" evening of t$t week .Peterson, Mrs. Robellt Plxton, Mrs. sociation entertained their mothers at FOR SALE-Very good GaTland a trousseau tea Sunday afterhooo range $30.00. Call E. R. Ben::; o~. I from 3 to 6 o'clock at her home in Park, also of Murray. The marriage home after spe~Dg a fetw days with Mannetta Gil~ -ot Arminta Egbert, Mrs. Alzina Tuttle, · ....._ November 25 m I will take Pace ars. S_. W• Sharp. uue Mr. an d ..at the wardhouse on (N-26) Winder Ward. Chester Ja..r•es who ril be Mrs. David T. Dahl, Mn;. Henry Eg- a turkey dinner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allso.p visMiss Louise Tipton of Palo Alto, Salt Lake Temple. ------------;tJblarriiH:l this month. Games and ~uac bert~ M.rs. OrriJl Beckstead, Mn~. Clyde Friday evening. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Davited son, and Fahr George Mrs. and Mr. Unithe Mr. ana Mrs. Pearl F&yer of Eureka t LOST-Siver and gold thill1Ple. En- California who is attending enjoyed and su~r ser9'tll ~ Raddon, Mrs. Waneta Buckley, attendgraved "V" on. Fined return to versity of Utah wa.s the guest of Miss Raymond who for the past two years id Nichols of Union. ed a party at Midvale Thursday af- were week-end guests of Mr. allld Mrs. twentY-five guests. resided at the home of Mrs. Melvin Lind. Reward. (N-26) Erma Erickson at her home on Vine have Mrs. Nichols. David ~· and Mrs. N. S. JaokSCIO and ternoon at the home of Alberta BateMrs. M. J. Thornton spent ThursFahr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Street. a,i-. and Mra. Jess Jackson entertiJ,ined man in honor of Mrs. Glen Egbert of Mr. F'rancis Proctor of Idaho is vis- FIRE INSURANCE-Don't Delay. W. Cahoon, .left a few days ago to day with Mrs. Rose aDd Sarah AlexMagna. 'the 4t week &it!Jrday evening of last ander. Miss Thelma Hunt entertained the make their home in Salt lake. See H. C. Aylett, 820 N• .Main. Tel. iting here with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Moss Egbertt of Sallt home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jllll\bon, W A. Ga tt d M Mr of Hill Lavelle Miss of honor In Monday home her at Club Six Star "tf Midvale 36. Mrs. LaVIi:na Fenstermaker assisted bo-noriDg the twenty-fifth weddiJW an- Lake were special dinner guests 01 by her sister, Mrs. Lora Baker enrre · rs. ·· an Granger who wm be married soon, evening. # mversary CYf Mr. and Mrs. Sam Iones. Mn. Henry Egbert Sunday aftel· tertained members of the Unity Club · FOR SALE OR TR.AIIE-double tetMrs. Emeline Tripp .wag hostess to Mrs. Vinnie Salll6on entertained on fa few. days _last w~k witlh rel:11.th1M: Tht table was decorated in pink and wdUch they formed a par.ty and wem at her home Friday of last week. The race with 4-3 room apartments. bb.e ladies of the S. S. Sewing Club Monday evening- at her home in Gran- and fnends m Nephi. Vlldte chrysanthemums and a large through the Sugar Factory. Lovely furnished. All modern heat Wednesday afternoon at her home on ger. Refreshtments were served to 25 . ~r. and Mrs. D. A. Hand of Sandy Regular club work was a-ttended to M¥. and Mrs. C. L. Raddon were and luncheon served to: Mrs. El'llla eakeoholding lighted candles futDi.shVISlted Sunday with Mr. and Mn. LesiJWluded. Good location. Will sell Vine Street. A 1:;)0 dinner was serv- guests. W the eenterpaece. Covers were laid dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L Cook, Mrs. Alice Burgon, Mrs. Carrie cheap or trade for a small home in ed and the remainder of the afternoon Mrs. C. Malsb·om had as her dinner Iter Fol1bush. for ei.gbty guests and many beautifui Raddon at Sandy, Sunday afternoon or around Midvale, or chicken ranch was spent in muSiic and sewing. Covers guest Sunday, rher daughter, Mrs. , Geneologica.l. Convention of 'ilh.e Jor Co01.nber, Mrs. OtiUa Brown, Mrs. enBateman Wallace Mrs. and Mr. gift,s were received. dan Stake was held at the East MliG--·~ Call Mr. Walton with Le Grand were laid for fourteen guests. Those L!harles Edwards. Goldie Soffe, Mrs. Rachel Fol'buhh J&. 4!P(l .MN. ~bert Allderson en- tertained at dinner Sunday for the and Mrs. Beatrice Cash. Viale ward chaPel·~ S*day evening. I her as had Malstrom Lucetta Miss serving in Tripp Mrs. assisted who at Shone Anna Mrs. Richards, or ~ed at Winner Sunday a~t theh .wllowing guests: Mrs. Orella Nickles, Smith and Miss Yates of Salt Mr. ~ Rachel Miss cousin, her Sunday, guest 'l'. Mrs. McFarland, Ray Mrs. were: 612 South,ith East. Mr. Clyde Soffe with his son, Billy 1Lake were the s~ers and the Midhome in honor of the birthday anni· J.drs Bel1tha Draper, Mrs. Margaret attended the Banquet given by the Gibbs. W. Bacon abd Mrs. Glen Trinn, · · rende re d a t r1o. or...- her M.iss Laura-- Bills of Fairview was I va 1e B"IShopnc veraary of Mrs. AnderBOn's llliiOther, ~l of Burley, Idaho and Mr. an<l Boy Sc ou ts m · f a the rs, LOST-Between Social Avenue and · h onor of the1r Miss Ertma Erick:soo entertained "'--d ......1' of s a 1t ,.., Sl-ftMn. George W. Brown of Draper. JY!rs. Alvin Nickles of Salt Lake. 56 South, one folder containing sewing club Monday evening at her the guest of Miss Berniece Watts on 1 Mr. and Mrs. ..,. v e Sa nd Y amusement h a 11 we dat "h with evening Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wall:ace Bateman at- nesday of last week. visited Lake ' week. last of Yellow chryB&IIlthemums formed the F'ri<lay enWatkin's accounts. Notify W. T. !home on Vine Street. Games were tt B W M d Mr Satur · Midvale reward. East at $5.00 party Utah. a Lehi, tfllded Mr. LovinA~e, for laid were Covers centerpiece. rs. · enne · Miss Violet Christenson was the · · an JOYed and refreshments were served. '"6' M r. and Mrs. Dave S mart and Mr. Mrs. Ruby Wonley of Salt Lake ~ Mrs. George W. Brown, .Mr. and .-y evening in •honor of Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Raynold Brady attended the Miss Bernice Watts had as her guest of Mr. and Mrs D. Christen12-3-25 Mrs. L. Orgill, Mr. and Mrs. Taymer &.wenson. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. funeral service for Mr. Webber Nidi- FOR RENT OR SALE-Unfurnished guest Sunday, Mrs. Ilo B. Erickson. son Monday evening. · Mrs. Harry Bird has been very sick )kGuire, L. M. .McGuire and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt were South Jor- Thayne · Mr. lind Mns. John C. Powell of this 4-room terrace. Call Was. 2793 ols who was accidently killed last Fern Williams, all of Dra.per, Mr. &m! .v1Vh qui.nzy the past week. Mr. ~nd _Mrs. John Gustavison had ~eek by the interurban train. Ser- 203 1st Ave., off Locust St., Mid - city announces ,,the birth of a daugh· dan visitors Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Todd an<i v~ces were held Sunday at the BenMrs. G. L. Larson, Mrs. A~ Laa-their dmner guests Sunday, Mr. as the by enjoyed was dance Radio A vale. 12_3 _25 lter, Wednesday. family of Panguitch have bought the mon ward chapel. Mrs. Almie Erickson of Murray. and aon of Sandy. • Grant of A. I. M. the of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Clark of East members Miss Bertha Rawlins o::f Binghan. A. J. Shllllsen 'home on Bingham HighMembers of the Ladies Glee Club 148th South street announce the en- Ward Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steadman of here. home their make will and way on Raddon L. ._. a guest of ~rs. L. Mrs. Everett Drinkwater entertain- met Wednesday evening at the home The allotment ~f Christmas Seals gagement of their niece, Miss Ruth West Jordan visi~d Sunday witlh Mr. Sunheld be will Conference Ward ~ursday and Friday. l for Sandy, amounting to $150 has ar- Darnitzer to Lester E. Woodward 01 ed at a birthday party at her home of M=s. T. F. Greenwood for weekly and Mrs. C. V. EriCkson. Mrs. J. P. Jensen and Mrs. C. A. day, November 29th. Mrs. Veri Milne entertained at din· rived and the committee has all plans Butte Mont&llla The wed<ling will on Boxelder street in honor of her son practice. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Balteman ner Su~day evening fo1· Mr. and Mrs. ' completed .for t~e drive. !he Mayor's take ~lace in D~mber. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bateman atCxapo Qtertamed the S. S. -club at Glen on h-is eleventh birthday anni· the Jordan Club held at the tended dinthe ~e home of Mrs. J. P. Jensen on Pio- and family motored to Riverton Sun- Raynold Brady. for centerpiece The versary. on guest her as had Watts L. Mrs. an-I ' Proclamat!-on will .be prmted in -.r Avenue 'l'hursday il.ftemoon. Pro- day evening and v'.isited Mr. and M.rs. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Thompson were ot~r sectiOn of .th1s paper. Tubercu- Friday, Mrs. H. Kemp of Crescent". ing table was a large birthday cake home of Mr. and Mr~. Ray Beck .at .peseiva games were played and ~ J.wlland Page. ~eek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dav- . los1s Sunday will be. obse~ved No~- 1 Miss LaRue Simper and Miss Naotm with lighted candles. Dancing and Sandy, Saturday everung. Salt of Bateman J. G. Mrs. and Mr. Mrs. and Richards D. •warded to Mrs. ~mber 29, and s~m~thtng Will be said Simper entertained at their home ai' games were enjoyed and refreshments . Mrs. Eunice Jeaaen of Union vii. td Smart. Mrs. of guests as Sunday spent Lake served was L1Uiidheon J.,. W. 1elson. 1ted Sunday with Kr. and Mrs. T. F. Mrs. Roy PriCe had as her guests from. every ~ulp1t m the l~nd about I 59th Soutlh and Second West, Friday, served to twenty-five guests. to thirty guests. special guests weTe. Lydia Bateman. Greewood. Wednesday M=s. Raynold Brady a'nd the f1ght a~a.mst tub.ercul~sJs ~nd the evening of 111:st week, at a m.iscellanMrs. Lydia Ba.teman, Lucile and La- Mrs. Glenn M1lne. Mr. and Mrs. P A. Swenson enter¥~. C C. knsen, Mrs. Henry Hen, support of. the Ohr1stmas Seal and eous shower m honor of their cousin _at a house party at the!r horne tained drickson, Mrs. George Bateman, :Hrs. Vern Bateman and Reta Richardson ' Pugh. Melva Miss raised. Mrs. Sarah Forbush vi~ted Sun- what is done with th? mon~y. Avenue, Saturday evening. Umon on • G. D, Olarlier, Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs attended a sh~w at South Jordan on day ~1th Mr. and Mrs. Ornn Berrett Everyone should f~l ~t a privilege to entertained Amendsen Miss Edith Hearts were played and Progressive last of Ali£le Christ~, . .Mrs. D. Ri£:hards, N ednesday night. Friday party evening an at help stamp.out th1s d1sease and to do of Riverton. to Mrs. Clara GloV!el', The many friends of Mrs. S. D. goin.g prizes and Fordham Eugene Mrs. and JUs. ~ C. Christian, Mrs. Anrue EgM~. to compliment in Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wardle will thei~ share to support the· work by week at her home Mrs. Zella SwenLoury, Frank Mrs. and Sunday Ogden to motored f111mlily J,ert and Mns. J. F1arrer of Sandy, Mrs. Kellerman will 'be grieved to hear o-t leave this week for Idlllho to vi&it buymg the seals. guesTh Wilford .Peterson. Twenty Wallace BalteJerumns, George son, in R. D. home Mrs. the and a1t Mr. of illness guests serious her were J. R. Jense11 of Orescent. Let every card, letter or pac~e wrre present. with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith. A dainty Neilson. Frank man and . Mr. and Mrs. F. D. James, Jr., an- Bellingham, WaShi.Jiel;on. Mrs. Eva Jones left 'l'hul'\Sday for a Howley. that goes out of the hom~, for ChnstMrs. Al Rose and Mrs. Orsen Mrs. FrancJ& Lennberg and daugh- lu:nclleon was served to the following: nounee the birth of a son. Miss Merla Greenwood entertained mas bear one of these messengers few day's vis!t with her parents Mr 1 Mrs. Reg White, Mrs. A. M. Nel- Brown were dinner guests of Mrs. at a shower Monday evening at her of heal~h." Haz~l and Ruby were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bateman Mr. ters, · ' Nephi. of Pexton Mrs. and 1 . ' een, ll1'8. A. R. Gardner, Miss Jose- &J. Hansen Thursday. Friday of Mr. ad Mrs. E. E. and Mrs. Clyde Swenson, Mr. and Mrs tuests Prithe entertaiilled Watts H. Mrs. OhrLStmas Seal Sale Committee. home on State street in honor of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steadman, Mr. Cecila Wiheaten of 8outh Jordan. The ~ JClbnson and Miss Ethel Lewi!' Bert Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Frank mary officers of Grant ward at her og~gess of Murray. Magna to motored Rose Al Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loury, and ol Neilson, vis.Olsen Lake Niel Salt Mrs. of of ~k ~~ J. P. waite . Mrs. hO'.ne on east 64th Street, Monday. rooms were decorated in pink and Ma-s. with day the spent and Mrs. Andrew Swenson, Mr. Sunday and Mr. D. Mrs. e~g. East Kidv. Tuesday Mrs. Archie Tavain entel1tained tlhe Jted Tuesday With Mr. and white and the favors were in keeping FUNERAL SERVICES FOR 1 Silcox. Mrs. L. • N1t;Isen and M1.ss Helen ~uper.t and Mrs. Ole Olson, Mr. and Mrs. PIONEER WOMAN HELl> members of the 0. N. 0. Club Thurs· W. McDo~ ?· with the decorations. Games were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Naylor are re- played. Prizes going to Miss Gertie Candland ~rtaiDed the Third ward Mrs. LIZZie Panter of Salt Lake Ernest Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. day evening of last week at her holfte ~eaner Girls at the home of Mrs. ~ei ving congratulations upon the ar- Forbush and Mrs. Clyde Soffe. A very The funeral serx.ices for Mrs. on Germania Avenue. Games and as a ·g uest Last week of Mrs. Sarah Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Glover, Mr. Nlehilen on State Street Molllday even- rival of a son. . . and Mrs. George Jenkins. . dalinty luncheon was served to ilhie fol- Phoebe J. Evans who d~ed at Ogden, luncheon were served to founteen Bennett. To commemorate her bortiliday an- lowdng: Mrs. R. H. Sharp, Mrs. Grace November 18 were held in the Mid- guests. ing. Refreshments were served to 14 Mrs. P. A. Swenson entertained on . .Mrs. George Eddie of Idaho Js VIS0 enJensen P. Henry Mrs. niverli&rY, ...t., .. I gua,ts. Miss Vila Christenson and Rulon Itmg at the home ~ Mr. and Mrs. I Tuesday at her home for Mrs. Andrew Thomton, Miss Grace Middleton, Mrs. vale ward house Sunday at noo 1\ with Wednesb clu· birthday her telltained entertamed Beck Ray Mrs. and Mr. Swenson, Mrs. Matilda Swenson and Eunice Jensen, Mrs. Goldie Soffe, the Bishop John A. Aylett in charge. The Christenson entertained at their home Harry Holden of Social Avenue. the Social .l!.'ve~ng Club at ~eir home day of last week. The day was spent Misses Cora and Cleo Lindsey, Ger- speakers Wlefe, Presiuent Jos. M. Holt on South Stalte street Saturday evMrs. Wm. Palmer is recover·i ng af- 1Mrs. R. H Sharp. Saturday everung. ~ressive gameE .n sewing and dinner was served to Loi< I and Byron Beckstead of South Jor- ening in honor of Wilford 0. Peterwere played f~:Bd ~r1zes awarded to the following guests: Mrs. Alice Nick- trude Dimick, Thelma Jones, Jos. B. Wright who all spoke son who wil1 leave soon on a missivn Mrs. A. F Sm1tlh, Mr. J. M. Boyden, ols, Mrs. Grace Holtz of Holliday, Rasmussen and Bertha- Lind of Mid- 1 dan and splendid to Sweden. The guests were the SunMrs. D. C. Jensen and Mr. A. R. Gard· Mrs. Louisa GiLbert, Mrs. Stella Gil- vale,, Mrs. Orrel Greenwood and Miss : of the sterling worth and Forbush. Mrs. Wheaton receiv- ' character of the deceased. Mrs. J. day school officers and teachers of ~. Supper wa~ served to twenty- oer.t of Murray, M1·s. Charlotte Lloyd Gertie of South Jotdan gave the Grant ward of W!hicll Mr. Peterson two guests. Special guests- were: Mr. Mrs. Ella Jenkins, Mrs. Pearl Read- ed some very beautiful and useful M. Halt "Face to Face." Ill!terment was a member. Games were enjoyed and Mrs. A. R. Gardner, Mr. ana ing, Mrs. Beatrice Jensen of Midvale, presents. She was formerly Miss vocal solo the South Jordan oome- and refreshments se1·ved to twentyin made was Allsop. Cecelia Mrs. D. C. Jensen of Sandy a~d Mr. Mrs. Bertha Andrews of Draper, Mrs. one guests. tery. Mr. 81lld Garrett A. W. Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. ~· Bateman of East Midvale. Eva Davis of Salt Lake, Mrs. Leah Miss Eva Beelar left Sunday for Benton in born was Evans Mrs. the attended Robbins M_rs. ~mkler. was hostess to the Lloyd of Riverton and Mrs. Ethel and Mrs. A<I.fred to join her mother, Mrs. G. Denver came 'and 1845 13 June Tenn. Geneological convention which was Ladies Aid Society at her home on Henderson. M.i ss Beelar has been the Beelar. her utah ~arly in th~ nineties, making Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. held. in Rive~n Saturday. ThurSda.y afternoon. After the bus· her aunt, Mrs. L. Watts for of Cole's Cabinet Circular is so designed th'at it will ac~ Mtss Marg1e Forbush visited Sun- home in South Jordan. For a num- guest H. P. Jensen were special dinner bless hour luncheon was served. past two months. comodate your own Cole's Hot Blast Heater in any of the The ~u.ghtem of the. U~h Pioneers guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wright day with Miss Leola Hand of Sandy. ber of years, Mrs. Evans had lived theDr. and Mrs. George W. Baker and dauglhher of h()me the at Midvale in were McDonald W. D. ~r~. and Mr. -held thetr regular meetmg m the Sec- at Murray after -which Mr. and Mrs. styles or sizes listed. For the dealer this will offer an opdaughter, Miss Dorothea Baker of Mrs. Besides Brown. Silas Mrs. ter, Sunday. VLSltors Lake Stilt ano party tlhe joined Wright H. J. ond War~ Oha~l Thursday after· portunity to increase sales by selling the enamel casing only. Brown, she is survived by the follow- Ogden wer.e guests of relatives here noon. An mterestmg program was en they all motored to Salt Lake and atSunday. Taylorsville, at and Evans, Zach daugh.ters: and SOOlS The First Ward Primary officel'S ing Cole's Hot Blast Heaters, now in use in your territory, can tended the Wilkes Theotre. . . joyed. 1 Mrs. Amelia PJ.xton, who for the of Evans David Jordan, South «f.. .A!lmina M11s. SUJ.1lrised teachers and In honor of her son, Willis' 14th Mrs. T. Ohn~Ian and M~ J. Butbe thus converted into Cole's Cabinet Circulators. For the Larson Thursday afternoon. The time West Jordan, John Evans and Mr.;. past year an a half has been at the Geo Mr terwood entert.ained the Bndge Club birthday anniversary consumer who owns a Cole's Hot Blast Heater, a big saving and Mrs. home Of her son, Albert Pixton, le-ft at the ho~e of Ma-s. Butterwood Fri- Goodrich entertained for th:· followr~ was spent in sewing. Luncheon was Frank Hinchcliff of Ogden i Wedne,;;day for her old home in Tay- over any other Cabinet Heater on the market will result, as Joseph Taylor of Salt Lake. day everung. Supper .rwas served to ooys: Ernest Anderson, Francis and served to four.teen guests. fourteen guests. Specll&l .g'Uests weN Burdett and Sammie 'l'uttle AI the enameled casing alone need be purchased. No need to Are~: ' Johnson, Robert Shulsen, Oland· L. Mrs. W. Anderson .and Mrs. throw your old stove away. • of Murray PrlZes were awarde<l Haun, Paul and Milen Ohristenson, 1 Krs. Florence Stuart and Mrll. L. Clarence Goodrich• GaJ:mes were payto Sherwood. A master furniture designer created the beautiful lines cd and a light luncheon served. ,.. G W T _ and symmetrical proportions that make it an outstanding . .I.JII.rson of Firth, Idahc m.r. . the were Smith F. A. Mrs. and Mr. weekpast the was a Sandy visitor work of art. This, combined with the perfect workmanship guests at a banquet given at the Hoend. in enameling ,graining and coloring the brown walnut ex.el Utah last week in honor of Mrs. terior, make it a delight to the eye and a real ornament in l!~elt of the Primary General Board. On the evening of December 11, the the home. fhird Ward M. I. A. will present a Theodore Hutchings, a member o1 drama in the amusement halil. On FroCihe cla.ss of '24, will leave for th£ day next, the Prim.ary will entertain British mission December 9, 1925. A at a Bazaar and Indian FestivaL Misses Eva and A~ha CNI.po Miss farewell testimonial in his honor 'Will be held in the South Jordan war<. Lucille Nelson and Mrs. W. house Nov. 30. A pleasing progran; entertained at a misceHanious shower haa ~ arranged, after which a Saturday evening at the Cmpo home • dance will be hetd in the opera house. .n honor of ~iss Florence Pierson, a vecember br1de. The color scheme DUCKS, GEESE. TURKEYS was in pink and white, a la.rge bell. Mixed Nuts, 2. 1b for ····-···-········-·········· 49c of pink and white fl()wers formed the centerpiece. Games were enjoyed and . and CHICKENS WALNUTS, 2 1b for ~--· ......-····-········· 55c prizes awarded to Mrs. Ester L:;aacsoH Refreshments were served to fort,r RAISINS, 2 1b for 25c 3 1b for 35c PEANUTS, Jumbo, per 1b .. ...:..... 22c guests. Miss Florence Pierson will interEVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF I tain at a trousseau Sunday afternoon LEMON and ORANGE PEEL, Extra from 2 until 6 p. m. THANKSGIVING SPECIALTIES Fancy Quality, 1b .............................. 33c Mrs. W. Pierson entel¢ained the Second Ward Primary officers and CIDER, gallon .......................................... 39c teachers at her home Friday afterMince Meat, the very finest noon. Lunclleon was served to eight meqllber.s. COME IN! PLENTY OF GOODS (Home Made) 2 1b for ·-···-····--·-·· 35c Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schrader enterGives Best ON DISPLAY. PRICES ARE ABtained at dinner Sunday in honor of CURRANTS, Special 1b .................. 20c No Coohing R.quired SOLUTELY RIGHT. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pardon prior to ' their departure to Oalifomia to make DATES, 2 1b for ,................ ........... ..... 35c their home. Covers were laid for Mr. FRUITS OF EVERY DECRIPTION and .Mrs. C. Oar!son of Salt Lake and Elegant Line of Pitted Dates Cello DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR .Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pardon and Mr. and .Mrs. A. H. Sohrader. SWEET CIDER ON TAP Wrapped Mrs. L. L. Haddon entertained -at dinner Sunday in honor of MN. Harry Pure SORGHUM, No. 2 ~ 30c and 33c AND REMEMBER! GIGANTIC DIS E. Greene of Santiago and Mr. and !Jake. Mrs. G. W. Fowler of Salt • PLAY OF CHRISTMAS TOYS WILL CRANBERRIES, 2 qts. for ............ 45c Covers were laid for ten guests. SOON GO ON DISPLAY. WATCH Mrs. Henry Anderson and- Mrs. H. e ii.a way to capture a moonshiner G. Marriott of Roberts, Idaho were :to go on a stiO llunt. 33c RABBITS, Belgian Hare ···············--· AND WAIT! BXIDB 'rBE MOST. ECONOM- gue~~~~:s of Mrs. T. E. Marriott the past week L BATTERY --------------------------~~----------------·--------fte ~idee of the EXIDE BAT. MiiB Madeline Guile and Mrs. .Me TBB't iB - estremely low, eonsid- CartDey were guests t>f Mrs. R. W. ...... tile tilDe that it stays 011 Born MoDday• Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. aad gives absolute sat- Miaa Madeline Guile will be host. Midvale, Utah ess to the Ladiea' Aid Society at the 1~=~~ Congregational Chureh aJl day 'IIhursday of next week. The Cabinet meeting of the ConChurch · was held at the jOOme of Hiss Violet Swenson Monday I I I EAST MIDVALE COLE 'S Cabinet Circulator U: "The Hot Blast Heater De-Luxe'' You Go Home Happy When You Do Your Shopping at Former Jordan Student GOes On British Mission Pierson Wells &Co. West Jordan Lumber Co. Midvale, Utah FULLER PEP Bohemian Hop-Fiavaeed PURITAN MALT Results A RARE TREAT (or "Welldone" if you prefer it that way) A Broiled Steak is one of the most tempting and healthful ways of cooking a piece of meat. Try one for dinner some day soonthe whole family will enjoy it. Comer Meat & Grocery .._ » Where it Pays to Trade R~ad. and Usc Journal Want Ads • |