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Show • • THEJORDANJOURNAL,)UDVALE,UTAH I WOMANHOOD tllllllllllllllllllllllfl:f' I She laughed gently, and glanced at the clock. Game Too Sociable Salt Lake City, Utah.-HI was 1D "'\.'hey ought to be here fairly llOOn." delicate health before I married, fnil, she remarked. "Hadn't we hetter get for Fred Clarke !'ith pains denotln1 hlm out ot ~lght ?" weakness Fred Cinrke, as~lstunt manmward Peterson nodded, and betWt-('n them ager and vke president o! the !II and Dr. Pierce'a they pushed Drummond Into the bathFavorite PrescrlpPittsburgh Pirates: tlon restored me to room. Ba~t>hall has bC'rome too soa perfoctly well "You see, my friend," r<•marked clnble in the la!'t few years. normal condiand Petei'son affably, "lt Is nece':~ary t<> The old fight is not In the so that I no ticn get you out of the hotel without arousgame as It USPd to IJe. and fight :j: I on g e r suffered Ing sm;p!clon. A simple little matter, from these troubles. ~~ Is what the fans want. but It Is often the ca~e thut one trlru! We USPd to be pnemits on the After I married, I up more over simple matter::; thun O\'el' took Dr. Pierce'a , ' field. It we bumped into a playFavorite Prescrip:. complicated ones.'' er, and knocked him flat, there and nervine dur· tonic special a as tlon Tie was carefully fnqerting a pin were no apologiPs, and none Then, in later periods. expectant ing :md spoke, he as leg Into hi~ victim's were expeeted. It was a hattie ~~ and I don't down went health my ears, ) watching Intently for any sign of teelall the way, but we were friends believe I would have come thru at all !ng. off the field. had it not been f,Jr Dr. Pierce's Favor• "\Vhy. I remember once.'' he conN•>wadnys a eolli:;ion enlls for ite Prescription."-:Mrs. Jane Lee, 561 tinued conversationally, "that I was S. Second St., West. an apolog~·. That' s polite, hut Send JOe for trial pkg. of tablets to so incredibly foolish as to replnce the not goo1! basebnli. Rememlwr, l'1erce, Buffalo. N. Y Dr. A Sequel to Bulldog Drummond. cork in a bottle of prussic aeld after tries intentiettally ever • no man I l•ad-er-compelled a gentlemnn to to - injure another. llrinl' the contents. He was in bed at They've hm·t has!'hall hy talcC~lGHT !!'!" SAPPER tlw time. and e,·prything- pointed to Gt~G£ H. DORAN co. ·w:N. U. .!"rJrr/.l<'e · Jng away hunting and hase steali'!Ulrlde, e.x('ept that ronfounrletl cork. Ing. Good fielding has nlFo disPeterson disappeared out of his range I mean, would any mun, nfter he's appeared. The lively hall Is to CHAPTER XI-Continued He was conscious that he · drunk sufliclent pru~slc acid to polson I 11 vision. or ' blame. -16u r<>~lment, go and cork up the empty hi~-anli behind him-just near was "It seems to have acted most excelI I I •I I I• i I l I H-H I I I I I I I I I I •l· l• horror of the nlghtruat·e Increased. bottle? It only shows how careful 1 lently," remarked the Reverend 'fheo- the matters." little these over be had been better when they were one must dosius, and Drummond found he could It The girl put her head round the at least then he could see talking; hear quite normally; also hi>; sight Above, left to rl;;ht, are shown E. Bradford, right end, and C. Bradford, PRICE DOES NOT them. But nvw, with both of them out door. Friends for Long Had was Improving; things In the room "They're here.'' she remarked ab- right guard, who are fighting for football honors at Harvard. The brothers round the back of sight-hovering of VICTORIES MEAN seemed steadier. Anrt Ills mind was Laugh on Sportsman hls <:hair, perhaps-and without a ruptly, and Peterson went into the play on the va rsl ty team. becoming lesl! confused-he could sound In the room save the faint hum other room, half closing the door. And A good story i~ going the rountls ln think ag-ain. But to move or to speal• outside, the strain was Drummond, writhing impotently, heard traffic the of Pitchers That Rise Up Out London regarding an experience thnt was utterly Impossible; all he could 'l'his Girl Can Jump the well-modulated voice of the Revunbearable. getting lJpfell 8ir William llnrrourt when he do was to sit and watch and rage In1 · erenrl Theodos!us. to Develop came thought Obscurity of another then And was shootin;: in the Scottish Hi;::hwardly at having been such a fool as "Ah, my dear friend, my very dear add to his misery. If they killed him with .r. E. .\Iillui~ According lands to trust Peterson. j Into Masters. cer- old friend! What joy it is to !'lee you was he to, !ntended they -and :\lilluis, Sir Wllllnm was stroll.\Ir. to no But that gentleman appeared In Last season Canarla had 7,000 amawould hoppen to Phyllis? again. I am greatly obliged to you for taln-what oue evening when be spied about In~ hurry. He was writing with a gold The blg-ge~t risk In major league teur hockey players registered. e~em·ting this gentleman up person\vhat somewhere; too, her, got 'l'hey'd horned beast grazing magnificent n pencil on a letter pad, and every now baseball Is the purchase o! a J.ighto her? Again ally." do to going they were a little hill. In the on peacefully and then he paused antl smile1l In less than ten year!'! the Pittsburgh priced minor league hurler. '\.'he his"Xot at all, sir; not at all! '\Yould • a superhuman ef'fort to rlse; mnde he like a stal!' of fine looked it ;::!naming At length he seemC'd thoughtfully. Pirates have had no fewer than six tory of the ;;ame shows that the to move you care for dinner to be served up 1 as much so fulled he again pausing to without and ni·t!ous, ('I'f· satisfied, and crossed to the bathroom youths who deYelop into the mastenJ of managers. And for a \Yhlle he raved here?" finger. his he rushed gln<>S. a throu~:h it Px,,uJine door. the slabbing profession do not come "I will ring Inter if I rt>qulre It.'' blasphemed mentally. and nfte. a<la ;><•izlu~ anll, hou~e. ,. tl into "We are ready now," Drummond The Mt>ljl shrine, nearing comple- hf'ralded as world heaters, but rise up utterly hopeless; he Peterson was saying in his gentle, hopeless, was It ail the with niii<'~'!I upon his quarry heard him say, and he wonderetl what tion In Tokyo, Is the largest athletic out of the obscurit~· or a water-tank t;indly voi<:e. ":\Iy friend, you underwas caught like a rat in a trap. running of nn ncrom"as going to happen next. To turn town or a lenb'Ue of low classification. ~te.lltll an1l field In the Orient. And then he began to think roher- stand, is still on a very strict diet, an l The cruclnJ moment 1Prl stall; r pli" his head was !mpo;;slhle; his rang-e or Take your Johnsons, Browns, AIPX• ently again. After all, they coul!!n't he comes to me more for splrltual la~t. His tiuger was on the ut t'•dlli' vision was limited by the amount he Little Dennis Gearin, who was "too unders, :\Iathewson~. nnd a score or hlm here in the Ritz. You can't comfort thun for ho1llly. But I will 1 and the death of the a1 imal could turn his eyes. And then, to his kill for the majors, has had a won- others, who, at \·arious times, have at- •ri::;.:t'r. small" have dPad men lying about In your rill;.: :should I find he would like to when a raucous l!L!llnnd 'nt~·. l n'rt. a volre own his beard he amazement, tained the heights and you find that ' derful year with !II!Iwnukee. And tht>y would stuy." room l.n a hotel. in hi~ ear: "Y •''I·e no hello\\'l'll it'l' v< him behintl speaking from s~mewhere they came up "ith no prite tug at• • "Very goorl. sir." some time; they him move to have t) e I'let'nis•er'lS goat, shute to ,•:u>u an but deep, so -not, perhaps, quitfl Ethan AliPn, outfiC'lrler of the Uni- tached and without advance notke of And Drummond henrd the door close, ~-eo•t" nrr whlc\J extraordinary good Imitation versity of C'inelnnati, has been given what they would do to \Jig league bat· and knew that his last hope had gnne. would have deceived nine people out ters. a contract by the Cinclunutl Iteds. Tben he hP:trd l'eterson's voice of ten when they could not SPe the 1 Yet, with the law of averages against "DIAMOND DYES" • • again, shurp and incisive. And then he bearrl P~tel" sp~aker. Ilnrry :\form:mn. a right-handed tllfrn the owners of the major clubs You two-get "Lock the door. THINGS NEW snn's voice again mentioning the telefrom Danville, III.. has br,en lJitcher bathroom." Drummond. He's in the phone, and he realized what they '1 he two men he IHul previcmsly seen given a l'ontrart by the Chicago White were going to do. . Sox for Hl2G. the into baek him carried nn<l C'nlererl, Just Di:> to Tint or Boil to Dye "I w11nt ~'on," Prterson wa!'l ~ay • ~itting- room, wlu~1·e the whult.> ~rheme lng, "to send this messag-e that I hav~ Arthur C. ("Dnzzy") Yance, !<peedJust getting wn~ obviou~ at n glance. r:nch 1 !-cent p. rk· written down to that nnmber-usin~ ldng of Brnoklyn, is the only mnn ball out of an ordinary irn nlirl's chair wa;: e contains direcr._r this gl'ntlem:m'~ voice.'' to pitch a no-h it game In the hlg the ~nmc• 'ess or mor(' of mnn hig n t.on1 so sin pie any 'l'lH'.V came into his line of vi~ion, IPagnPs this tiea~on. silk muf!!Pr I thick A himself. ns l11Iil•l can tint wn, han him ~tnred at t~nrl the new arrlvnl partially tlisguhed his face; a soft s oft, (!eli:ate shades curiomly. But he usked no questions The first horse In harness to r:H'!! hut wu!'l pulle1l well do\\'n ovPr Ills o1· dye r l<:h, !JC rma· ·merely took the papf>r fiTHl read It a mile under two minutes was Tilly ' the that realized Dmrumoncl and eyes, nPnt colors In lln· stC'ppPII he Then t}q·ou~h carefull~·. Brn5h, In Tolt'do, Ohio, Septemher heen wheeled in hu1l who 1-'<'ntlemun s!ll.s, rlb! !,(riC, the ofT took and ·ewer to the telephon~. 18, 1004. The time was 1,59. be not would comfort spiritual fo1· waists. skirts, tJOns, And, heiplef;sly impotent, .:receiver. • out. \\'heeled coats, drefses, 1 heard 'Drummond snt In his <:hair and The Cristleld rlub of the F.nf't!'rn The two men pulled him out of his sweatst J('k!Pgs, the foiJowin~ me~sage spoken in his lt>agne hns annonnrerl the "ale Rhore conrllhis for~etting then, and chair, bang,ng:;~ -coverings, ap('ries. u. .-r~. '()Wn voice: The photograph shows Helen F!lkey, tion, they let him go, and he col: a c·onte;;tunt in the New York Graph of Pitcher Edrlle Strpleckle to the PYl ,.yt h in go ! "Is that you, Peter, old hird? I've Brooklyn Hollins. The prlre was the on potatoe;: of suck a like laJlSed ll u) Diamond Dyes-no other l;indmade the mni'!t unholy bloomer. This lc';, recent track meet. She ju~t $2.000. In sprawling arms and legs hi!l t1oor, ~mcl tell ronr druggist whether the maold bloke 'l'heodosius hm't Carl at all. ml:>sPd a world's record in the 60attitudes. g1·ntesque terial you wish to color is wool or iiilk, He's a perfe(·tly reS]Je<:tahle pillar of yurds hurdle, m1tking the jumps In 0 AI Leith, former Erasmus hall grillhim up again, and n~t plrl;ed They {lr \\ h etl1er it is linen, cotton or m.xed the church." se<·ontls. iron luminary, has been awarded the without dlf!leulty they got him Into tbe goocl.>. And then apparently Darrell ~aid Howunl C. l\lcl'all !'rl olarshlp h~· the other man's ovl'rcoat; and finnlly they something, and Peterson, who was iTJniverslty of PennBylvania Varsity deposited him in the Invalid's chair, Public Admires Walter The Next Best•Thing listening throug-h the second earclub. and tucked him up with the rug. Hurler tliece, ll'hfspered urgently to the man. of Type Johnson Little \\'illit> ra.me home fn1m s~hoof "\\·e will giYe It half an hour.'' re"PhyliiR," he went on-"she's as oll er day with a black eye. he t ' the !Hlmires fan busehnll thf' 'l'hnt Rene La Coste, French tennis star, right as rain! The whole thing Is a "Enjoying Yourself?" He Remarked, rnnrked Peten;on, "ho had been true sportsman. the player who always \Yhen• Li!l yon ::et that "\\'llliP, who l'ompete(] in the United ~tales "By that "Wondering What Is Going to Hap- wat('hlng the operation. floss shot of the fir~t ordt>r. . .•" •I>•' p (] the rnotliPr. eye'(' !'k hi· wherever evldt>ncecl is he~t. his gh·t>s r~tnrnpionships. will ~erve his time In time our friend will have had ;:u~. Drummond made another stupendou~ Pen?" itll hit me.'' answered i'n •·lo•muy !JlHys. rlnb Washington the Maurice AN:hdeacon. the Frenrh army with the avint!un c!Pnt, splritnni solace; and until th~t.J j effort to rise, and for a moment every•. i \\'ill I to nthlete the is .Johnson Walter thing went blank. Dimly he heard couldn't leave blm sittlng there. Ilnw you two can wait out~ide. I will giVe whom the fans pay homn;:e. Ills great unit. "I hopC' Yon r!'IP!n hered \\hat your continue to scour th~ rountJ'Y and hid • his own voice still t11lking Into the were they going- to get him ont? He rou your full instructions later." 1 rec(lrd and his tlne chnrat"ter win for \' S! woi t 'llf'l er '11]1] ahout Suntlll slaba of services the quire a1 to high :\I!ss Tielen 'Yill!!, winner of the na"\\'ill \'OU want me any more, !<lr?" Instrument, hut he only canght a word couldn't walk, and to carrr him out <'oats on th<' lH d nf your pin~ , hr n~1.1e a make to able heen any him rounrl aftt'r ro11ntl of appl ause tional \\'Oil en'>< tennis title. is thP hl'r who ha~ here and there, un11 then It ceasPII, nntl as he was would be impos,.ihle. Ton The nm~ who~P pla<:e D1:ummond ha<l tim£. he stPpS on the l1all fit!ld. ?•' <,... lf ll t Pll minor AA or A Clas,; a in Ylllllll!'t>St plny!'r to win t I I;; hnno~ for for him. d! he realized that the lllan hnd left the many of the statr below knew him hy tal, en wns spea ldng. "W~ll. I'll A, I dl.:n't haYP any ( C''ll,-.' n a true a thir1l time. Rhe wa;; twenty yfar;; dreult. he•' has •·areer .Jc.hnson's "Xo.'' sai1l l'o:oterson c·urtly. "Get j room. It was Peterst1n's voice close sight. the is so I jn~t ><tl.lt k Lis h!'all in the ash Th • l<tSt risk In this partirnlnr Jt is diftirult for a old on Odobe1· G. te~t of the man. !-\uddenly Peterson rame Into viC'W out as uno~tl'ntutiously as you can hy him that eleare•l his hrain again. 1 one assnmN] l'l'l'ently by tile 1' JI CHho h. rrel " star to :;how to hest advantage lWrler "I trust ·you approve of the way our again. lie wJs in his shirt slee\·e~ Go down by the stairs and not by the Tht>ir emissary selcrhtl WI ite :-;ox. -------<·on11itinns. That has heen disrour;lgiug I~ golf that says A !<port~ \ITiter single has startetl, Captain Dn1m- and was f'mokin;:: a cigar, nn•l Hugh lift." ~r hant. t ngl r st. mas, The JphonsP .A fate from the tart. Jolmson's mn!n the llar11f kt gume in whirh to DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN With a nod, he rllsmls'<ed them all , mpnd," hC' remarl,ed pleasantly. "Yonr watched him ~orting out !Hll'ers. He \V!th a tnil·eTH! tram the g•'t'atl'r taln• u rllamp on~ 1ip st,nullnl!'. llat- :with tl:e Bnlt1mo1·e clu'1, and wi. lle .w uurl mattH. the in and once again Drnmmon1l was alone friend Peter, I am glad to SQJ, Is ~eemed eng-rosse1l part of his rnr·eer, he has been un out- tliu;::- Rild. '•' e hear, ls vr<'p:treii to ensh a• tm lly cbanged han 18, thl' man's 1 rnor(' than satisfle1l. and hu.t an- paid no· more nttPntion to the helple~s with his two ehief enemies. Tak.-. T~b ets Without Fear If You ~erYiCPS t":tme !ugh, as IH wr.s ta hPn standing star since the tiny of his argue this qup:;tlon. ·'Himple, isn't It, my frienrl?" renounced his intention of dinlna with figure at the tuhle than he 1lill to the &ce the Safety "Bayer Cross." In paytiJPilt for Outfa. tiPr :\laur ce dehnt. • "An inva!i(! ar· some female charmer. Al::;o he quite fly on the window. At lpngth he rom- mnrke<l Peterson. Not until he was on the decline as Ed"·arrl Rciehle. mnmt;rer of tllC' Arc :11!eacon, who was Sl•nt to the under~tnnd~ why your wife hns gone plete(l his tnsk, and having closed the riYes, nnrl an invallrl will shortly go. \Ynrnln.,.l Unless you see tte name in the :;ea1\ pit •her did his teammates display Burlington tC'am of the l\II~sissippl 0rlolfs hy the ~ox earlifl' Into the country-you heard that hit, di~patch-rase with a ~nap, he rose and .\n<l once ~·ou've pn~sed the hotel "Baye1·" on pa• h .~ • or on t, blets you pennant aspirations. Valley lengne the latter part of the son. Le<;s thau two years r go Artll- 1 1loors you will cease to be an Invalid. I hope, ahout her sick cousin ?-and stoorl faring llugh. tre n Jt ;:!Ptting the gl'nul~oe Hayer Some iden ot' Johnson's grl'lttness as lnt<> seasou, htt!< h('l n giYen a ne\\' dl.'acon cost <'omiskey $70,000. "Enjoying yonrsf'lf?" he remnrl>erl. Yon wlll heeome again that well· he realizes that you are joining her." proYl d S'lfl by millions and' Asplri'l impre. an :'<ueh be•.n has Thomas a pitcher c:1n he g-!Paned from the fact contract as pilot for Hl:.!ll. And sud1lenly the pleasant voice "Wondering what Is go in~ to hnpiJen? known ~·onng- mnn ahnut town-Capt. by physi ian~ tor :.!;::) years. lld ~r:t·i pr cirInternatlon11 the in workman sive that with the exeept!ou or one season • II ugh Drunuuonrt- driving out oJ ceased, and the rlerg-yman continut!O Wondering where dear l'hyllis Is'!" wtpn yo·1 bt y Aspirin. "Bayer" Say he why il;..ure to difficult is It tllnt cult hb; pllching average has been higher A ff'w honr>< nftt>r it was announced He gaYe a short lau~h. London In his ear-n verv nice Holls. In a tone of cold. malignant fury. dang€ rous.-A!/v. prove may IruitatioLS l·e day 1c l from stnr n be shouldn't than his team's record. recently that the Clnclnnnti Hells hnd "Excellent drug that, i~n't it? The that new one of ·~·our~· -bought, j You cl-d inteferin~; "You rat r nevt:r you paid $G.OOO for Hal Rnllivan the ~t!'ps into the mnjors. But young swine! Now that you're help- first man I tried It on !li€11-so you're think, sin£'e we ln:-;t met. Yonr chauf·l Horse Sa11E..t Jl.f ate's Life !\faC'on outfll'ider hrnke n leg. 'l'he ac- cun tell. You nel'er felt mC' put n pin feur would lun·e ht>en most unea~y George Pease Is Captain le~s I don't mintl admitting that I am lucky. u tl ree· ,\·en· ol l tllfll't>U"h· f'onwte, went who Grove<;, LPfty "l'!t~OII Lust cident occurre<l In Grt>enville. the man you knew as Carl Pt-tersnn, into the back of ~-our arm di1\ you?" when he missed It hut for the note Team Grid Columbia of rlul'l' hn'ct Athleties the to tpam ;;amE the fnmi 1111 ttw p IKl r t.e 11 (Cal.) • • He laughed again; in fact, the l:e\·- ~·ou've left hlm, saying- ynn'll be away but I'm not going to make the mistake rl t!'d \\ ith ·,\'in., tla 'life u·t , • ncn, ra hu;:;e the jn~tify to fnliPII lin~ who and leadin~ the hnlJes Is Pense Georg::The n~>w memorial !'tadinm of Inl'L"terson laughed fle made a second time. I underestl- erend Tbet>dosius seemed in an excel- for thre!' days." the grid- l!iana univer;;it~· will be declirated price paid for him, .ra:Hled :.!:.!(} batters (•f h<'r mar< K-HiP. t'on•o•e nranc~·d on university Coiumhia of ~entl~· us he stared at his victim. mated you, Cnptaln Drummond. I left lent temper. thi;; fall. He Is quartr.rhark an(l :\ovt>mbC'l' 21, tl1e ceremoniP~ prer('d- for a new InternntTonal lPa~ne lll<lfk. 1nto riJp rnncl 1 yar 11 visih y lX••'tPd. By "Well, my friend, you really asked I "You mu~t forgl\·e me If I seem t(l Iron things to that fool Laking-ton. training un(Jer the lng the In1!iuna-Purrtue foothnll gamt>. Thomns shattered that re~onl t!Jis sea- 1 \·uriou:; mean,; the hlnre lnd red a enou~h had has treated .vou as a blunderiug young a~s. for lt this time, and I'm afraid you're gloat a little, won't you?" he con tin· •I E p o;ti·eaPl Hau~hton regime of foothn\1 play to The sta1lium reprC'sems n ~1ft o! son hr setting clown ~60 mt:"n on stril'e~ nH n -to fol n\\' 'IPr to and 1 realized too lute that you going to ~;et it. I cannot ha\e some ued. "I've got such a lnrge ~core to dt> ·PC'ratt>t.g !'I ::<tni was Katie ere wl hlffs \\ seven about averaged has and run~ be a tlnlshet! product. lie kick~:<, $2;::)0,000 from alumni nnd friend!'!. weren't such a fool as you looked. one contlnuully worrying me like thi~. i'ettle with you, and I Yery much fear swirling tIt above d he fl' l kepp to iy game. ]Jer As a field leatler and genThis time I am paying you the rom- so I'm going to klll you, ns I nlwu~·!'( I shan't he in at the death. I have an and pasHt>S. eup!PI' he!t~ rope l'take A water. eral G-eorge Is rated as one of the pilmC'nt or treating you as a danger- Intended to some day. It's a pity, and eng-agement to (line with an American Kentucky of Kirwan East. He catches punts tlve. Tile re;;t·ue \\. s effected jusl ln Nurmi Selected Wrong ous enemy, nnd a clever man. I trust in many way~ I regret It, but you millionaire whose wife I!'! touched to best In the time to •nve hC'r life. 1 defender dlln~erons a Is and nicely must admit yourself that you really the heart over the su!Terin;:s of the you are tlnttered." Race to End His Tour passes on account of He turned liS the rloor opened, and leave me no alternative. It will ap- stan·ing poor In Au. tria. And when ugaimt forward ~peed. hi~ Every shot'lll!ll;er to his own last the man who had telephoned came In near to be accidental, so you need Pn the wives of millionaires arC' touched the fill to undertaken hns Pea:;e hold:.; goon in sports as well as in with two others. One wns n great, tertaln no bitte1· sorrow that I shall to the heart, my experience is that the ~hoe,; of Kopp!srh as foothall great husines' and the lH'ofe>'<sions. l'aavo powerful-iooldng man who mig-ht have suffer in any way. And It will take hnshands are generally touched to the and his dominant Columbia at lender :\urmi mit;ht have carried a ~potless that faet, in soon, soon-~o \·cry plnce a was other pocket." the been a pri?.e-1\c:hter; 'S~\.\:t.~S far to mold the gone has personality fOR American record back to I<'inlan(J had CONTINUED.) BE (TO the from recover will you if doubt I and foreigner. lean, swarthy-skinned JHDIGESTION machine. fighting " Into squad spe<'lnlown his of out stepped not he guarwouldn't I drug. the of effects cusunpleaRant hoth of them looked 2S CENTS Conver•ation ty Into a strnu;::e field for an added j tomen;. And Hugh wondered what antee I~ you might. As I Bay, you arC' touch of fame. The w!t of ron\'ersation consist' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H was ;.:oing to hap]len nP.xt, while his only the seeond per~nn on whom I But .·unni wanted to cra('k the in thnn others In it your to finding rC'gflrd of with more An<l It. tried eyes roll eel \\ ilrlly from side to side as have WJ.ll. reror!l as well as llefl'nt Alan Profanity He No hnlf-mil<> yourself. de~1l great a showin;.: intermay Phyllis-It If In search of some way of e ·cape. wife--our little I'Pg-arrled ns thf' he, t among Helffrirh, plensed company, your of out It was like Fome gha;;tly nightmare est you to know that 1 have not yet who goes Butler at Heard Be In the United States. Ingehalf-mi'ers the ant! fneetiousness own when one is powerless to move hefore made up my mind. T may find it ner- with his namild a of even Profanity ftliied. It Into Nurmi eome .some drt'allfui tlgu1ent of the brain, e,.;sary for her to ~hare in your ned- nuity, will the sooner ture will be omitted this season Hunnlng a mile ami runn ng a ln~if only to be t;U ved nt the last moment dent-or en•n to have oue nil on her again. l\ll'st men hac! rather plt-ase Butof cheers footha\1 the from be to mile raee are two differ!'nt IIHttter!'l, than :ulmil·e ~·on. an1l seek less by waking up. Only in Hugh's rn:;;e own: I may not.'' rethe At stuc!Pnts. collO'ge ler approved than :>iurmi renlized that after Helff lch The rnv ng fury In D1·Un1mond's ln~trurtert and dJ\·prted be was awake already, and the dream J. Hobert sitlent Pn •>f quest the def nted him tl 1m ughly, A merit a bs mind a~ hL tor.nentor t'lil<e<l on IIIHI applauded. nnd it Is certainly was reality. Page ("l'ut") 0. H. Cc1ach Aley, ~upreme at the ~P ·ints a11d all r(lce He Sit\\ the men leave the room, and shmvPrl clearly In his ey11s, nnol Peter- must delicate sort of pleasure to please 1 Boschee~s lnsti·ucted cheer i!'aders at the a not her. But that sort of wit which up to nnd ineh111ing the hal! mile~ Ire then Peterson came over to him n.gt ln. son laugh ell. HAS BEEN Institution to eliminate from the ~11rints. "Our friend is gPtting quit~ agitat- employs itself Insolently in eritlclzing J Fltst he took the little hal( of diayells all profanity of any sort. iUi111g Coughs :-<urml Is a distance rnpner. nnt a monds out of his pocket. and It stru\'k 1 ed, my dear." he rpmarked, antl the and censuring the words and sentitlnne.'' be can this believe "I ments of others In conversation, Is ab'!'liP He never sprint• rl. !'printer. flug:h tbat though he had seeu the oth- girl came into sight. for 59 Years 1 PresidPnt Aley said, "without "You're an awful Idiot, my Hugh. solute folly; for it answers none of 'l11e photogrnpn show& Captain Kir- steady pace that makes :>iurn:l ~· 1 er'11 band go Into his pocket, he had Impairing the force or value or ..~~~~~~~ Carry a bottle In your • wan of the University of Kentucky preme from the mile on 1 anno• !f'lt nMh!Dt;. He watched Peterson and aren't yon?" she said. ''And you h:•H• the ends of conversation. He who car and alwa)111 keep It Ill £i: cheers.'' the the house. l!Oc and OOc at ALL DRUGGISTS. football team. lie play& end and welihil into half-mile racea. That was pro\·CL t.h!! ~;tn,'l!l they examined the stones; given us snch a lot or trouble. But I uses it n~lther Improves others, Ia lmpro,·ed himself, nor please,; unyone.by Nurmi. l8G pounds. t> ~ watrhPtT Peterson all he locked them shall quite miss you, an11 all our hapFranldiD. Benjamln ,u p In • steel dispatch-case. And then py little times tor,:ethPr." I 'I Brothers Strive for Grid Honors • !· ± ! I :j: • DYCYR/l McAf£/l£ • !+ 11 J 1S~ort Notes ! • • • l • • • • • • • ., I I I I COLOR I '(·'· • • • • • • • • • • .. .. • • l .. I I • • • • .. • ! I I S ;ru I • |