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Show . , •l THE ~ollowed DRAP Ita. by supper at Shay's Cafeter- EAST MIDV ALE L~wis of Salt Lake is Ml·s. Charles Mozely of T onopah • Mrs. Dovle · ' spending scwral weeks with her par- JORU A!\ SEVENTH AND EIGHTH ORGARNIZI<; GRA ...~ES LATE IRRIGAT ION OP SUGAR BEb'TS PROFITA BLE rnaii; Mrs. C. } _ -uu ··-- . _ . Swenson. Refresht, 3 were ~erved Mrs. M. Kuhr<' c_ ,jaJt Lake entertained 'at her home .n honor of :\irs. W. W. Born. Sandy guests were Mis:Rozella Crosgrove , Mrs. W. D. Kuhre and Mrs. R. W. Born. Mrs. Matilda Larson has sold her horne and is leaving ;o:oon to make her home in Los Angele-. The Ladies Aid Society entertaine d at a han<ikerchief shower in Mr;:. Larson's honor, 'l'hursday afternoon. Mrs. W. T. Bateman, Mr. and :\1r~. M. Allsop, Mrs. Alma Larson ant! family, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bat~~man Mrs. J. D. Bateman were dJru1er gue;o:ts of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brady of Salt Lake, Tue..<:day. Miss Zella Zabuskie, Mr. Merrell Hand Miss Wamberg- of l\fclva1e and Mr. Max Pressler of Midvale were the winners of the Fox-trot contest Wednesday night. Mrs. J. Larson entertaine d Monday afternoon in honor of her birthday anniversa ry. Dinner was served to 15 guests. bu: - ·. • Mrs. Ea!>ter Young of Salt Lake Vera Peterson Age 12 Nevada was the guest of Mr. and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bailey. Mrs. M. L. Ja, By George Stewart was a guest of relatives Sunday. D. F. Griffith, Teacher 8th Grade Mrs. Roy Snow ~everal days of last a Birthday party I Mr. and Mrs. Bishop and childr~m It is profitable for farmers not to Tuesday, Septembe r 15, 19~5, the week. her home in Union .n nl .• of Salt Lake were guests of ¥r. and Mrs. Neal Olson entertaine d the let sugar-bee t fields get too dry this plan of this organizati on was worked T th J 0h d The Parent-Te achers Organizat ion Mr:s. Crozier Kimball Sunday. members of her Dancing Club at her season of the year. 1n case the so11 ru n on an ::\lr. I•,atl .,,m 'S . . · Miss Lavern Clark of Rigby, ldaout by the 7th and 8th Grade. h el d the1r fn·st meetmg Wedncsday I . 'ted a t the h orne . ,. 1 Games and refreshme nt, V.t.rc en..,oyIs oeginning to dry out and get haru 1110 VIS! of "' r. an<1 uu~r::;. home last Wednesda y evening comMr. Harold Kordberg was chosen evening in the ;,chool building. Sup~r-1 John Day, Sunday. otl by the following: Lyle \\ alK ., or even m case it 1::; begmnmg to be plirnentin g Mrs. Anna Hatcher Mepresident; Miss Margaret Hatt, viceintendant D. C. Jensen and Mr. L. Harlow Grow, Ora \\ alk<'r, Joe WeLl>, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rasmusse n and Allister of Salt Lake who is leaving 1·ather dq it would be Wisdom to irMary Erickson, Newe.l Johnsor,, TilerW. Nielsen of the High Scholl wer" Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Rasmusse n of in the near future for California where yresident; M1ss Vera Peterson, secre- .·.~.ga•e t!le flelu::; soon . .ua~e nT.~.gatJou on Pack and ::\lr. and l\lr~. Archta tary and trea::;urer. the speakers. The meeting· w·a"~ CIUILC :\iagna visited relatives in Draper, h I '11 k h h D' S d na,; two o1· three auvantage s s e Wl over rna e er ome. mner James. was well attended. The class finally decided to appoim un ay. " L R p t · d served at 8 M r. an d .~.urs. o'clock aml covers ww;e Mr. John Hurtig· of Draper and a conum ttee to write a simple cou- <t!IO\Illlg the Hel<.ls tO Slti.Lel' lOL · · ope en ertame wawr. Mr. and Mrs. James Oborn and Miss Anna Salina Johnson oi Salt at dirmer Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. laid for foUJteen. The remainder of stitution. 'l'he committee is to subl\lost importan t' is the daughter, fact •ha. lona were week-end g11e~ 0., Lak-e were married last Saturda~·. Jay Joran, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Park: the evening was spent in tliiU::;ic and mit the Jaws the followmg Tuesday. ueets concalUe to make con:s1uerao of relatives 1e in Fairvkw. They will make their home in Drape!·. in' and Mr. and Mrs. John Van· Hou- dancing. growth, 11 the soH IS KtJpt moJ::;L, untu * * * Mrs. George Bai·ber and children of ghton of Salt Lake. We have one vacant room in our • • •hey are uug. !n the >oe.:on<.l ca::.e u.gSalt Lake are visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. Archie James of BingMr. and Mrs. C. Calton and son, Le The Misses Fern and Geneva Ander- school housa, we intend to use it g"ng Js u.:;uaH>' maue eas1er; 1n tne of Mrs. Barber's parents, Mr. and Grand and' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Richham have move(l to l:nion to m ..ke son who have been spending the lat- for a reading room and our socials. thud ca:;e ,... e extractlOn 0.1. sugar J~ Mrs. John Da~·. their home. • * • mom! and children and Mrs. Han-iet ter part of the summer in California Mr. and Mrs. Orson Sor~nsen an- Richmond of Salt Lake were dinner • The children of the Lark Sch90l J.<l.CLuLaceU uy we beetb bemg more are intending to remain there duron:sp on wlucn account tne.r cut u!' nounce the birth of a bab)· boy Wed- gue::;ts of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bailey The Young Ml'ns Mutual Improveare now enjoying thernselve~:~ on the ing the winter. oener. 1•'a1•.•."'J s, ot cour:x;, arc no-v. ment nesday, Septembe r 16. Associatio n was 1' ()rgan'zed on ''t• rtc!ay. school pla)' grounds. * • • .~.mtnesteu m tHIS last pomc and 1t 1::. Sunday and :;;orne chr. ..ges were rn<..c!e Mr and Mr~. A. W. Olsen left last Mrs. ~unice Walbeck left Sunday • • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett visited * Wednesda y for a several week's vi:;it for her 'tome in Salt Lake after spendin the Younv. Ladie · Associatio n: Mr. We have the slide, giant ::;tride,; and g1ven here to Jncilcate tnat 1t LS w Lll.. over the week·end with relative::; in auvamage 01 tne .~.anners and .~.acwr in Los Angeles. Willard Oliver, Joseph Anderson and ing four days with her son, Mr. Har- Nephi and swings. The swings are now down Provo. ;es that beets be irrigated or at least Austin Walker, the old Prc~JdeTJcJ Mrs. Thomas Burnham was host- old Walbeck. on account of one of the poles being kept mo1st late in HALLOW t!le season. E'EN PARTY AT were honorably released with a vote ess to her club at a Kensingto n on -----Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Halley of Salt ;oose but they will soon be up. 111any years ago sugar tactor1es u::;eu GRA~ITE SCHOOL of thanks for serV1ces renderrd and fl1hursday afternoon. Luncheon wals W a•tea llnxcety Lake were dinner guests Sunday of to holU tne idea that Elvira It was Larsen not a goou Age 12. Mr. Golden Berrett, Clyde Poctor and served to seven members. Nothing In ll!e Is more remarkable Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fordham. Choir practice was held here Thurs· tnmg for the beets to be Granite kept mo1::;<, School 7th Grade Glenn Milne Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ballard and than the unnecessa ry anxiety which were sust...ined to fill • * • day evening. They were practicmg uut 10r them to dry out becau>e tlu::. Mr. P. M. Mickehon , Teacher the vacancies. children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. "'e endure and generally occasion our· "·' Eth 1 "·I'll b t mrs e .~.. 1 er erg en er ta·mec1 '!;ong:s for the Stake Conferenc e to be made them richer in :;ugar, and for a Septembe r 18, a Hallowe'e n party Clyde Soffe of East Midvale, Sunday ~~~lves.-Renl'onsfield. last Tuesday evening complime nting IG1e3ld0 here SAunday, JSepternberd· ~7 at long While they urged will 1armers be held at the Granite school for not to ::\Irs. ~Iartha !\lilne, Anr.a Johr -on at a watermelo n bust. · : p. rn.. very age crow 1s ex- nnga'te h er h usband s b 1'rthd ay anmversar late m tlle :sea.:;on, but LheJ the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. and Stella Walker constitute the Ptesy. t d t b · tt d Mrs. J. M. Despain and daughters , 0 e m• a • en. alf;ce. According to the Park City Record Supper was served ~overs being pee e have ~nee come to reallze that lt 1s Each put>il is on the program. The idency of the Young Ladies. Wanda and Joyce, of Wa~atch s~nt ore shipments totaled 12,120,790 laid for twenty- two. !Jl'Olitable to nave the beets taken party will be held Hallowe'l' n night • • • the week-end with Mr.s. Despain's pounds, divided as follows: Park A number from Bingham attended irom tne • • • mo1st sot!. l! armers m gen- at the school house. Refreshm ents Horace Burgon, F 1'1 R crard anJ mother, Mrs. C. H. Sadler. Utah, 5,148,600; Silver King CoaliA large birthday cake trimmed in the dance given at Lark, Thursday eral held tlle 1dea that late irngatwu will be served. Keith Casper will act as the ... upcrinMr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ballard we1·e tion, 2,765,480; Park City M. S. com- pink and white formed a centerpiec e evening. was profitable because 1t mc1·easeu tendency of the Sunday School. guests of the J. H. S. Club at the! pany, 1,881,710; Ontario, 1,725,000, for the table. Following supper the • • the yields both by growth 111 tne A FAREWE LL PARTY GIVEN I * * • Dominic Rose Paramoun t Empress Friday evening and Keystone, 600,000 pounds. fell from the t111stle beets time, was spent in musie and game::;. and by mc.rea::;mg the wate1 Katie Roach Age 17 Mr. Newmyer of Salt Lake v.as a and broke his arm. This took place * * "' content. Both of tnese condition:; are Granite School 8th Grade visitor Tur,.;clay at the Relief Society Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bennett and Friday evening after school. true and it is therefore advocated that Sandy Star Route P. 1\f. Mickelson, in the interest of the Budget S,rsHe was immediate ly rushed to Bingfamily were guests Friday evening the land be not allowed to lose too Teacher tern. ham where he had his arm set. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharp of Salt much 0.1. it:; moisture. A farewell party was given at the * * • Lake. Late irngation is accompan ied b} home of Mr. D. R. Miller in honor of A party was given in honor of some risk, for example in case 01 Mrs. Ruth P. Shinsel of La Barge, Mrs. Wallace Blackburn in the Lark late heavy storms should set in, the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spencer and 1 Wyoming who has been visiting he1 Church Hall, Friday evening in hon- ground might became so wet as to family who are leaving Granite to; DIPPIN G INTO parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Ezra Pate left or of her 27th birthday anni'7ersa ry. be difficult to handle. On the average make their horne in Salt Lake. Luncheon was served by Miss WanSCIENCE last 1Saturday for her horne. this condition does not prevaH anu da Reed, Miss Vera Peterson and Miss so the Utah Experime nt Station adMiss Anny Howard left during the Elaine Coombs. vocates that farmers irrigate beets • • Grapefr uit week to re:;ume her school teaching about this time of the year in ca:;e Mr. Members and Mrs. of E. the A. Happy Coombo Hour and Club )He invite gou to !tt our new it has been some time since water in La Salle. Grapefruit is so named besons were Herriman visitors Wedmet at the horne of MR. Ella Fox * . was applied. Fortunate ly we are able cause on the tree it clusters like * Christm as line ........ Mrs. Rachel Forbush was a dinner nescday evening. to make this advice from a whole- Thursday of last week. Dinner, games n bunch of grapes. A native of • • guest Tuesday of Mrs. Rose Steffy Our Greeting Card stock was never Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Nell of Lark souled point of view since it benefits and a social time was enjoyed by 1 the Eal'!t India islands, It wru; who is visiting relatives in Salt Lake attended the farmers, the factories, and abo Mrs. Robert Doty, Mrs. brought to l''lorida in 1890. For a funeral at Riverton WedMary Gra·J so fine. previou:s to returning to her home the soil. It benefits the soil by keepyears the crop proved unsaleahle nesday evening. ham, Mrs. Edith Glover of East Midin San ing Pedro, the because bacteria California taste for the fruit had in . a t~roper working 'Ghere' s distinction, * • • and vale, MrtS. Ada Huesser and Mr.;;. to be cultivated. condition. • Llltlng !or 1t Mrs. Marirva Kooyman of Salt Millie Forbush. good value here Mrs. Golda Soffe and Mrs. Rachet The gradually only risk grew is the until one today lt 18 mentioned , Lake returned to her home after spend Forbush attended the Conventio n oi ing one of that the of most excessive extensivel storms about digy several days with her parents, In evettJ card we are offering this Mrs. Louella Hintze of Holliday the Central Division of Women:; Clubs p-awn fruits. ging time. Farmers must, of course, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jenson of Lark. gear; held in Park City' Saturday. take the responsibi lity of estimating and Mrs. Myrtle Richards visited on • * • • Mr. and Mrs. George Eastman and the weather conditions , but it is the And Hour own special taste we can Mrs. Hilma Wiles and Mrs. Nora their daughter, Onlow were Midvale opinion of the Agronomy Departme nt B. Forbush of Midvale oi the Agricultu ral College that it is ~ere dinner gratirn, too, visitors Tuesday evening. guests Wednseda y of Mrs. Sarah Benwisdom to irrigate dry soil. It is not * * • 'Go ca~ gour Christtna$ Greetinaadvocated , however, that these irrinett. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Coombs and gations • be very heavy, .merely just • for Hou. Mrs. Ethel Millerburg vis;i!Jed in children, Don and Shirley accompan - enough to wet up the soil. Rathel· Salt Lake Saturday evening the gueSL ied by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Black- light applicatio ns are sufficient beburn and daughters , Retta, Carol and of Mrs. J. P. Terry. Helen Beth motored to South Jordan cause of the fact that evaporatio n is • slow. Mrs. W. A. Garrett, Sr., of Neph. Sunday evening where they were the is spending a few days with Mr. and guests of Mr and ,.Mrs. Enoch Brown. Mrs. W. A. Garrett on Social Ave· Mrs. Clyde Peterson entertaine d at nue. her horne Friday evening, Mrs. Al• Principal L. W. Nielsen had the Miss Thelma Smith of Driggs, Ida· bert Ottison, Mrs. John Prouse, Mrs. B. Hol-man and Miss Louise honor Fisher 01 being the speaker at the as ho was a week-end guest of Mrs. M. guests. Luncheon was served at a Lion's Club Thm·sday evening. J. Thornton. ..._ late hour. The members of the Bridge Club " • orentertaine d their husbands at a Wat~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A number of friends and neighbors Four men after leaving the ) lOW ermelon bust Thursday evening. surprised Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sainat Lark, Wednesda y evening hit the The First Ward Primary Officers bury at their home on Union avenue furnishec~ raih·oad track, their car turned over and Teachers and Sea Gull class enTuesday evening of last week. Games twice but no one was hurt. tertained at a han<lkerchief shower and a general good tinle were enjoyThursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. ed by Mr. and Mrs. William Job of The Semi-annu al Reunion of the S. L. Brady, former president of the Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. Francis LenEastern States Mission Society will Primary and Miss Graee Brady, Sea nberg, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Latey, be held Saturday evening, October Gull girls, who have moved to Salt Mrs. William Carles, and Mr~. Annie 3rd, 1925, at 8:30 p. m. on the roof Lake to make their horne. Games IAlrsen. ' garden of the Smith Memorial Build- were enjoyed and luncheon served to • * • ing at the L. D. S. High SchooL All twenty-six guests. Mrs. Brady was Mr. and Mrs. Sainsbury are buildinterested in the Eastem States Mis- presented with a beautiful dish by ing a beautiful new bungalow' on sion are cordially invited to be pre- the officers and teacher.s as a token of Greenwood avenue. sent. appreciati on. . Mrs. Arnold Peterson entertaine d Funeral services for the infant son The "Panoram ic Special," the West's at luncheon Thursday afternoon in of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Cal'isen were most popular train will be discontin- honor of her little son Morris's held at the horne on Union Avenue SALT LAKE CITY ued for the season effective with the birthday anniversa ry. ·Friday afternoon. The ward choir last trains leaving Colodaro Mrs. G. L. Bateman entertaiqe d on and Utah furnished the music with a solo by termini on Septembe Friday r 22. The train afternoon in honor of Mrs. Mrs. Ether :Millerburg. Opening prayoperated via the Denver G. & W. Rio Larson who returned home Grande er was offered by Bishop T. F. Western during the past to Shelly, summer Idaho Wednesda y after a on a Greenwood. The Bishop and Mrs. Kath schedule designed to month's most advantagvisit with relative.-; and her erine Homequis t were speakers. C)os· eously show off the superb friends scenery of here. Games were enjoyed and ing prayer was pronounce d by Mrs. Colorado and received the luncheon greatest served to twenty guests. Mamie Tholan and burial took place patronage since its inaugurati Out~f-to on. wn A gueslbs were: Mrs. A. place in the Sandy Cemetery. passenger list of the train would pro- Pierson and Mrs. H. Beckstead of Mid • * * The P. A. U. Dancing Club attend- vide a comprehen sive basis for Am- vale. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Allsop announce ed the dance at Midvale last Friday erica's Who's Who. the birth of a daughter, Septembe r l<:l. night after which luncheon was servThe first ward Primary Trail Builded by Mrs. Andrew E. Swenson of Midvale, Ut. ers surprised Mr. Lynn Brady Friday Sandy. The guests included Mr. and Darrel Beckstead Age 13 night. Games were played and refresh Mrs. P. A. Swenson, Mr. and Mrs. Midvale School Mrs. Gregory, Teacher 7 7th B. rnents sJrved to twenty-th ree guests. George Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Daily- -2:15P .M. Mrs. D. Richards entertaine d at her The high seventh grade of the MidL. Dalton of Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Exeept Suaciay evening. Progressiv e ~rge Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank vale School has organized a civics club horne Friday games were Rex played Whitmore and prizes won by was elected president, Larry of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl George Pugmire, Jenkins. Supvice-presi dent; Darrel • Every Da.y of Uiah State Fair Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones of Salt Beckstead , secretary. The aim of the pe.r was served to 16 guests. Mrs. Ruth Rasmusse n, Miss MarLake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. club is the study of self governme nt jorie Park, and and Miss Katie Jenwith the purpose of being good citiJack Larsen. zens. The slogan of the club is: Vidi, sen entertaine d at the home of 1\liRJ Jensen, honoring Mrs. W.' W. Born Mr. and Mrs. William Ware and veni, vice. The members have formulate d the who is leaving soon for Californ.ia to children of Salt Lake were dinner following rules: Boys are to wear make her home. Covers were laid for guests of Mrs. Sarah Bennett Sunday. $400 $2,500 neck ties and the girls are to furnish Miss Rozella Crosgrove , Misses Eva • M11S. Ivan Glover entertaine d at flowers for the room. All are to and Alpha Crapo, Misses Florence dinner Sunday, com/I)li.i::enting M~ss march well, maintain discipline when and Fannie Pierson, Miss Nell Cralk FUeproof eo~red grandsta nds, affordin g clear view of Olive Swenson and Mr. Rueben Sharp. teacher is absent, be courteous to all. and Miss Lucille Nelson. T]le color * • • every excitiag instant of the race. The aim of each student of th~ scheme was pink and white. A min· Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobsen joined civics club is to receive V. S. in each iature bride formed the centerpiec e. Pink roses and sweet peas were userl a party of relatives and spent Sun- study this year. in the decoration s. • day in Lehi. Under Supervi.Io n and Control of :Mrs. T. F. Brickley of Bancrofit, Mrs. C. I. Goff of Midvale spent Idaho visited friends here last week. Miss Margaret Forbush was a guest The Alumni Council of the CongreMonday evening of Miss Alberta Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. A. E. .Smith. gational church held a meeting in Mills of Salt Lake. Admiaaion to grounds at~d grandstand , $1.10, lnciYdllllQ tax. • * • the church parlors Thursday evening. Ladles free Tuesdays and Fridaya. ~-~·-J.il,,~ . . . . -. ~ ' Mrs. M. J. Thornton entertaine d Mrs. Mirna Nielson entertaine fl at New officer;; were elected as {ollows: last Saturday for Mrs. Harry Ley- supper Thursday evening for Mrs .• Mrs. R. W. Born, President; :'tfrs. E. land of Portland, Oregon and Mrs. D. C. Jensen of Sandy and Mr::;. Harry Ainsley, Secretary. Membersh ip ComLeyland of Portland, Oregon. Keyor of Salt Lake. mittee: l'!1rs. W. T. Vincent, Chair- .. .. .. • .. .. .. ~ .. . .. I •• • • • I I • • • • I • • • tt==============# • • • UNION • I I • \lJ • qualitg .. . • • • • .. • .. Come Early and Get Your Pick Jordan Publishing Co. . . • • • • • ·················································~·~ Compl ete plans for this house free, let us tell you how cheapl y this up-to. date house can be built. Th ril ls You'll Ne ve r Fo rge t Wes t Jordan Lumber Co. at the RACE TRAC K Sta te Fai r Gro und s Sandy City News Midvale, Utah • • • Midvale's Only Bakery . Bread Cinnom on Rolls, Dough nuts, PastJ · Don't be 1\Iisled. We are Still in lVIidvale. ( Low Prices Remai n. ELEC TRIC HOl\IE BAKE RY C. Zimme r, Prop. In Iris Theatr e Buildi ng, 14 N. Mair Phone 277 Runni ng Race Contin uing to Octobe r 7th ''Th e Spo rt of Kings'~ • • ••• PURS ES to For Each Race Reliahle Merchandise Since • • . PARI- MUTU EL SYSTE M UTAH RACIN G COMMISSION Mak ers of Two Hors e ••• • • • ·a·~"~t.~ 0:.-:-··:·:~.,e · A new lair FREE if They~ |