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Show • THE BIG FINALS! IF I WERE IN Intermountain Band HIGH SCHOOL , CONTEST By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK • CONSOLIDATED Dean of Men, Univeraity of lllinoia. MUSIC CO. DAY ii==============l~ Thursday, Aug. 20 TOM, aged fourteen, is just finl~h. ing the grammar school, and 4:3Q p. m. since he and I are friends, often, a~ UTAH'S we walk down together, he tells me his plans for the future and, among GREATEST these, what he intends doing ln high BAND CONCERT school. Sometimes I plan what I should do if, like Tom, I were to have Presenting a chance once more to enter the high school. WINNERS OF I should not look so eagerly for "snaps" as I did then. I know that it SEMI FINALS may seem foolish to work when one in contest can get out of it, to take a di:tficult course one can get into an easy for highest honors i one, butwhen I have learned that it is only Cash Prizes totaling in doing hard things that we gain strength, and it is only in overcoming $525.00 difficulties that we learn to depend on ourselves. Other Contests and I I believe I should not study so much, Prizes but I should study harder. I should try to settle myself into a lesson and including silver lov- stay with it without shifting around It was mastered, even if lt took until ing cups for most an hour or two hours. beautiful lady on the I should learn to do my work myself. real life we must work things dance floor and for out forInourselves; if we find ourseives couple winning fox In a hard corner we must use our own wits to get out. trot prize dance. I should learn to speak on my feet grammatically, correctly, without BIG OUTINGS using slang. The sooner one gets of the shaking knees, the Lumbermens' Assn. I' control quivering voice, the halting tlow of the better. and S· P. Office Em- words, I should learn to play some ath· game well. Real Interest and ployes, SATURDAY Ietic Skill in athletic games is of more than Hollanders, and Fox passing benefit to a young fellow; U becomes a permanent interest, an{! Trot Tournament later in life whl!ll the tendency grows to sit at the desk or to stick to the TUESDAY business, to grow fat and overfed, to J LAGOON LET'S GO! ... THE MIDVALE JUNIOR BAND COMPETING Get behind your Band l Support itl Help it Win! • Many a poor girl is single today he.cause she couldn't stay awake while a man talked about himself. * .. ... • NEW EXCUSE WANTED. Sailors Wife--"So you'll be baek in two years will yo.u ?"- Sailor- "Aye, but I may be a bit late on this trip."S.ailor's Wile- "Well, if you are, dont let's 'ave any of your old excuses .about the ship going down an' 'aving to walk 'orne." * * * THE PROPER CARE _______ OF HUS- the neglect of one's physical health, the old habit draws one out into the open air, renews one's youth, develops one's muscles, and banlshel! indigestion. If I were again a high school boy I should cultivate as fully as possible my friendship for other boys. I should want to keep up my studies, but 1 should take part in general school activities rather than devote all my time to study. Above all things I should stick persistently to some one subject, and try to be something more than commonplace. · ____ ________ ...__ Newopa.per Union. ) (@. 192$, Western Murray Society .......... ....... . .. . You Get What You Aim At Booth Mere. Co. "Thirty Yea1·s of Plugging" * • * Mr. and Mrs. James Gerrard, of Taylors,ville, are ~pending their vacation with fTiends in Wyoming. Big Specials I At Rasmussen's Sale P. C. Rasmussen &Sons COW FOR SALE To Late To Classify One New Milk Cow. Can oo seen * * * The Bee Hive Girls of Grant Ward at the late residence of Dx. A. L. numbering twenty eight, ,s pent the Brorwn at any time before a sale is past week at the M. I. A. camp in made. MRS. A. L. BROWN, Big Cottonwood canyon. Sandy, Utah Box 234 * * * The members of the Simons family "' heLd a family reunion Tuesday evenMr. and Mrs. Jo'hn A. Aylett and ing at Libe1·ty Park. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Aylett returned • * * early in the week from the Aylett ootMrs. William Robbins has been the tages in Brighton. guests of friends at their camp in • * * Big Cottonw<>od Canyon. Mrs. E. H. White, of Pueblo, Oolo., * * * Miss Verna Larsen and Miss Flor- and son, of Ely, Nev., speiiit Monday ence Oarlson have returned home from at the home of Mrs. W. J. Taylor. . . *** Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Spencer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Russel McBride, of Shelley, Idaho, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. S1m· ons. .M iss Lucetta Malstroon had .as her guest , S:atuTday Miss Rache-l Gibbs. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Mals,trom, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Hall, of Chicago, Ill., and Mi·. and Mrs. G. B. DePue, of California, have returned from a trip through Yello-wstone Park. * .. • Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Churches and daughter, Miss Rachel Churches and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichok1s, of JSalt1 Lake, left a few days ago for Cokeville, Wyo., where they will spend their summer vacation. * * • Miss Florence Nelson entertained Tuesday evening in honor of her sister, Mabel. The evening was sperut in cards and dancing. Prizes were won by Miss Helen Faux and Harold Julian. Dr. A. G. Toord of BuffaLo, N. Y. and Edward Foord, of Springiield, Mo., accompanied by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Foord and sister, Miss Edna Foord and two brothers, will leave tomorrow for a weeks trip to Bryce's and the Grand Canyon and Zion's National Park. • * * The girls of the H. C. S. Club, of Cottonwood Canyon are spending the week at the OberlandeJ: Cottage in Brighton. * • * Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailey ily of Kemmerer, Wyo., Mr. E. B. Reasoner and Mrs. Ed of Burley, Idaho, who have guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. mons have returned to their Trade In Your Old Tires On New Goodyear Balloons New riding comfort. Easy steering. New rest for your mind and nerves. New mileage. We'll make you a liberal allowance on the wear left in your old tires· Y ou'II find the new balloons don't cost very much more, and save a lot in the end. Changeover takes less than an hour. All you need to do is phone us, when and where. ee er * * • Sandy ros. Utah Midvale * • • When a man says he never has had a chance, he usually means .a chance at easy money. * .. • : : : The rich, !however, never experience the delectable joy of paying the "last instaLlment" on the ,furniture or something. * • "' Thshion expert says "the secret of a well dJ.·essed woman is 'never conceal your personality.' " Thought it must be something like tha.t. Mr. and Mrs. J -o seph Geertson, a fonmer resident O'f Sandy, entertained at a Wedding reception Saturday evening at their ·h~>me in Salt Lake in honor of their daughter, Grace and Mr. Sidney A. Lars.on. The <Weo:oottons we1·e carried out in ooauiliul bouquets of gladioli, phlox and dahlias. A basket of dahlias furnished the center piece. The brides g,own was 1>f white taf. feta. Her veil of tulle was caught with orange · blossoms. She cavried bride's roses. Miss Margaret Peterson was bridesmaid. Little Lillian Geertson was ft01wer girl. H. J. Hill as best man. The folLowing Sandy guhts were present; Mr. W. W. Wilson, MTs. Marinda Lundberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nelson, and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. _ Brady. __ _,;.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ M.r. and Mrs. S. H. Smith had as their dinner guest Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, of Salt Lake. and famand Mrs. ... * • Simmons Mr.s. L. Labrum had as her guest been the Tuesday Mrs. Effie Hawkins, of Salt 0. SimLake. homes. • * • II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! A HOPELESS CAISE. Unkm Foreman- "Say, Thompson, that man is doing twice as much as you are.""Sure! I keep teLlin' the poor sap, but you can't lear.n. him notihin'. " * Mackay * Mr. and Mrs. *Jean and Mr. Miss Helen Thomas, daughter of •a nd Mrs. Dave Mawson have retmned Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas of SaLt Lake to their homes after a two weeks va- and C. B. Turner of this city were cation spent in Idaho and Wyoming. married Wednesday in the Salt Lake * * • Temple. Mrs. C. Malstrom had as her ~uest Mrs. Vern Smitn had as her guest Sunday, her daughter, Mrs. Charles Monday her sister, Miss Viona Kenny _ _ _""'!"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:Edwards, of Salt Lake, of Sandy. i!:fi!R.Fi!fiYi!fi!fi!:fi!:Fi!fi!:fi!fi!:FiY1!fiy; llii1tiit' . Miss Virginia Esperson is spending the wel;lk with friends in Ephdam. The Junior Girls of the M. I. A. gave a p.arty Friday evening in honor of there mother's at the home of D. T. Dahl. Luncheon was served to the following guests; Mrs. David T. Dahl, Mary Dahl, Mrs. Soren Dahl, Ella Dahl, Mrs David Haun, Viola Haun, Mrs. Don Hogan, Ora Finlay-son, Eveline Pet* * * erson and Delilah Richards. Mrs. W. W. Faires le:fit a few days •a go for a months visit with relatives Glen Boulter, the 10 yea:rs old son and friends at Colorado Springs. ,o f Mrs. Roy Boulter, was painfully * .. * Mr. and Mrs. Wayne CU1·tis, of hurt when he cut his foot on a barbed Cokeville, Wy,oming, are visiting rel- wil'e fence. 'Three stitches were required to close the wound. atives here. • "' * See Windows for State Game Commission jj~~~~!Mffi~~~~~~~!Mffi~il~~~~~~ er Declares Open Season Mi ' Draper Man Fined For Possession of Liquor * * * Hunting with a WINCHESTER Gun and WINCHESTER Ammunition is a most satisfying sport. Accuracy in building these guns plus accuracy loading WINCHESTER Shells with extra strength powder assUl'es the hunter that he will get the game he aims at. D1·op in and get fully equipped before the hunting season opens. SHELLS!FREE! . ..b-nyone purchasing a WINCHESTER Gun on or before the first day of September will be presented with two boxes of "WINCHESTER Shells ABSOLUTELY FREE. Hurry. - JOURNAL Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Miller and sons, ~ Roscoe and Basil Miller, are spending Under the authority of Section 27, ~ a few days at tJheir Cottage in Provo Chapter 36, Laws of Utah, 1923, I, ~ Canyon. D. H. Madsen, Fish and Game Commissioner for the State of Utah, do * * * hereby declare; Mr. and Mrs. William PiX'ton, and "That in Rich, Cache, Boxekler, family of Blackfoot, I<fu.ho, anived here a few daystago and are the guest Weber, Daggett, Summit, Davis, Wasa:tch, Swlt Lake, Duchesne, Uintah, of relatives. Utah, Sanpete, Morgan Counties, the * * • Miss Ada Tiabrl.IJill. and Miss Nor- season dming which sage hens, blue ma Sundstrom were the guests of grouse, ruffed grouse, and pra1ne Mrs. Effie Hawk.ins, Sunday of Salt chickens may be legally killed shall open Tuesday, September 1st and Lake. • * • close Thursday, September lOth, 1925. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaver are That in San Juan County, the open spending a few days vacation with, ·season during which sage hens, blue friends in Idaho. grouse, ruffed g1'0use, and prail·ie * * * chickens may be legally killed shall have open Thursday, Aug·ust 20th and Mr. and Mrs. Will BeJlistine out- close Tuesday, August 31st, 1925; and returned to their home after an tha>t in Millard and Tooele Counties ing in Big CottonWIOod Canyon. the open seas:m during which blue • * • grouse and ruffed grouse may be leMiss Daisy Simons has returned gally killed shall .open on Tuesday, home from a month's vacation in Ida- September 1st and close Thursday, ho, Oregon and Washington. September lOth, 1925. .. * * Provided, that the limit which each Miss Rose Watts of Kemmerer, hunter may legally kill and have in Wyo., arrived here a few days ago possession is not to exceed eight birds and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. in any one day and not more than Verl McMillan. twelve birds during the entire open • * * season. Mrs. David C. Campbell and childhave returned home from a two weeks Camping trip spent in Big Cottonwood Canyon. Ralph Crossgrove, of Draper, was * * * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olander and. Mr. fined $50 in Judge George S. Ballif':s ,a nd Mrs. Hilder Benson and family court this afternoon on a charge of have returned from a two weeks fish- having intoxicating liquor in his pos.ing tTip on the Lost River in Idaho. session. Crossgrove was arrested at * .. • Draper August 11th by Sheriff J. D. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bishop and son Boyd, who states that Crossgrove had Harold, have returned hom:e from a given some of the liquor to an 18-year trip to Fish Lake and Bryce's Canyon. old girl, who was brought into court. a three weeks trip to Yellowstone BANDS. "So you let your husband Park and Idaho where they visited carry a latchkey?"- "Oh, just to friends and relatives. * • .. humor him. He lik.es to show it to his MT. and Mrs. Heber Aamodt left friends to let them see how independent he is-but it doesn't fit the door." Sunday by auto for Mackay, Idaho, where they will spend two weeks fish* "' * T.he Governor of A11"izona refused to ing . * * * extradite a man wanted in Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Reed have :£or ·m:aking liquor. It must be pretty 1·eturned from a two weeks visit with good stuff. friends in Denver, Colo. ,..... .,........ JORDAN This Space Reserved for Wells & Co. |