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Show . THE JORDAN EAST MIDVALE MIDVALE I Murray Society You Can Enjoy This Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tanner entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening of last week at their home in Cottonwood in compliment to their daughter, Miss Gertrude A. Tanner, whose marriage will take place this month to Martin H. Pederson of Holliday. The rooms were decorated .in Shasta daisies, nasturtiums and other summer flowers. Games, music and dancing were enjoyed throughout the evening and refreshments were served to forty-two guests. JEWELRY Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bennion and family of Taylorsville spent last week end at Saratoga Springs. G. Forbuah, Correspondent Feed &· Seed STORE M. L. McNamara, Prop. Phone Mid. 4 7-w JOURNAL Midvale, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Maxfield and children of Salt Lake spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mr:s. Thomas Sainsbury. * * • Mrs. E. Allen Bateman entertained at a Dinner party last Saturday evening. Covers wer laid for: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bloomquist of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckstead of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Karben of Midvale, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Goates of Midvale and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Price 1>f Sandy. Af.ter dinner, a program and gaomes were enjoyed. Mr. E. R. Bloomquist winning first prize. * • * .Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Swenson and family toge.ther with friends from Sandy and Murray spent the week-end at Brighton. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woods of Murray are the proud parents of a fine big boy, born last Wednesday morning. .Mrs. Woods was fomterly Miss .Marie Cox. • • • The better sort of Jewelry, which we offer for your choice here, is the kind of Jewelry you can enjoy. It has the quality appeal you will like. ·1. S. MORGAN PRACTICAL WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Midvale City, Utah • * • • • * Miss Lucille Caldwell entertained at luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her home on Glen Avei\IUe in compliment to eight of her young friends. When You Buy a Refrigerator The Best is the CHEAPEST In The End That is Why We Recommend the Alaska Refrigerator. We know that it has every conceivable feature for the successful preservation of food at the minimum of ice consumption. It is a beauty and its sturdy construction is a guarantee of many years of satisfactory SERVICE. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harken, Sr., left Tuesday for Cokeville, Wyoming to attend the wedding reception of their grandson, Wayne Curtis and his bride . • • • West Jordan Lumber Company MIDVALE CITY, UTAH Mrs. William B. Erickson and her Miss Ma:rgaret Forbush, Mr. Harold Miss Fern Erickson will be niece, Bishop, Miss Lavenia Wanberg, Mr. ~============= hostesses to the memibers of the K. Charles. Ol.son, Miss Luetta Milne, Mr. K. Club Wednesday afternoon. James Nelsen and a party of Salt Lake friends spent the 24th at Cold • * • Springs near Morgan in Davis County Mr. and Mrs. James Cahoon and • • Mr. and Mrs. Tihomas Bird are spendMr. and Mrs. W. E. Cox spent Fritwo weeks at the Utah out door ing day with Mr. and Mrs. Vester Warne!' in Big Cottonwood Canayon. camp are of Salt Lake. and caplt:UlSI.<. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ericksen aml children of Salt Lake visited with Mrs. J1>hn Gustavesoon dunng the week. • • • Mrs. Margaret Householder and Miss Alma Warnick of Midvale were dinner guests of Mrs. Rachel Forbu,;h Saturday evening. send ns a Invention, for search and report model on book on/,a.tents aud trade-marks o:tosnWfFT A co. • • • Mr. and Mrs. H1>ward Gorringe of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gustaveson of Midvale spent the latter part of the week witn Mrs. A. K A Wonderful Tune--A satisfactory ba \ance in your Savings Account will give forth the most wonderful tune you can imagine. It has the rhythm of satisfaction that makes you glad you are alive. It carries a message of happiness and eontentment you will ever enjoy. Start your account with us today. Midvale State Bank MIDVALE, UTAH • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kuhre of Sandy and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Millerburg spen~ last week-end in Brighton. .. . FLOUR THAT SATISFIES West Jordan Milling Co. Phoae Mid. 108 . Mr. and Mrs. Parley R. Glover and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Glover spent .F'riday till Sunday evening at Community Camp in Big Cottonwood. Midvale Frank Soter's "The Handy Place" Ford Accessories, Oil, Gas, Tires, Tubes Small Hardware, Brooms, Miscellaneous Items ALWAYS OPEN Midvale, Utah H. E. Phelps • • • Mrs. D. H. Milne visited Tuesday Miss Berniece Watts left Monday for Park City where she will spend a few days visiting with relatives. Summer Funeral Designs A. L. Lind and daughters, .Miss Ethel Lind and Miss A. Lind of South Cottonwood ward, Dr. Charles G. Plummer of Salt Lake and Vinal Maus of this city have returned home from 'a trip to Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon. • • • Mrs. Bell Huntsinger left Tuesday morning for her home in Texas after spending the past six weeks with reWhile here she made her i:J.tives. h1>nte with Mrs. M. J. Thornton. HOT DOGS and HAMBURGERS • • • Lee Stauffer, Manager 5550 South State Street Free Camp Grounds Groceries • * • "DRIVE IN'' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett were visitors in Nephi and Provo Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Joe Jacobsen entertained for~============= ,\lr. and Mrs. Mart Petersen and Mrs. J. H. Petersen of South Jordan. • • •' Mrs. W. C. Burgon of Union was a guest Friday of her daughter, M.rs. Foster Greenwood. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Oharlie Thornton joined Mr. and Mrs. Jan1es Lindahl 1>f Murray and Slpent the 24th at Liberty Park. • • • afternoon, Mrs. Albert M,onday Glover Sr., entertamed at dinner for Mr .and Mrs. Charles Gissell of Salt Lake. Q.K.LUCE 103 N. MAIN STREET Midvale City, Utah Successor to Fred Rosse MIDVALE PLUMBING & HEATING COMPANY Phone Midvale 159 Job Work Promptly Attended To • • • Mrs. C. C. Davis of Salt Lake returned home Sunday after a two week's visit with her mother, Mrs. H. D. Schrader. • • • Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rock spent Monday visiting relatives in Union. • • * The Home of Home Made Bread and French Pastry 43 N. MaiD Phone - - read, 3 loaves for Cinnamon Rolls and Doughuta, per doz. - ~~ n~&ht after the ~vening men! ,. the 'Wn&ht· hour". Th~n read a],.ud to the family Wri'ghl;s latest.!'nd best story. "A Son of His f!'ther . Several hundred thousand famthea .are. doinK this within a week after pub.hcatlon. Be one of them. $2.00 a copy at a_! boobE>Ilera. D. Appleton & Company Pubhabera, 35 Weot 82nd StNet, N .... York . • -~==~:=:::::~::;:;:::;:::::;::=:~~ Miss Lula Jacobsen, Mr. Clarence ..Mr. D.. T. Allen and. daughte;, Rose Millerburg, Miss Gertie Forbush and JOllled frtends and enJoyed Fnday at Mr. Clarence Sharp formed a party and motored to Wellsville Canyon on * • • Friday and spent the day. . * ,. * Mrs. R. T. Latey was a Salt Lake visitor Tuesdaay. Mrs. Ruby Worsley and small son • La Verle of Salt Lake visited SunMrs. D. W. McDonald entertained day with Mr. and Mrs. M. Thayne. at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. J. • • * N. Rock of Salt Lake. Mrs. James Nelsen was a guest of 47-J Mrs. C. A. Christensen, Saturday. • • •· Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Bateman and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sharp and baby, Richard left Friday morning on a short visit to Logan where they family lllk>tored to City Creek Canyon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Friday and spent the day. • • • Bateman. They spent a shoi't ti~ at Miss Blanche Sharp and Mr. Andy Bear Lake returning Monday nfornBradford of Murray joined friends ing by way of Logan Canyon. and spent Sunday afternoon at Lib* * * Mr. ood Mra. Wilford Thayne spent erty Park. Later in the evening they enjoyed a Theater party. ~~~ti!j the week-end in Spanish Fork. MIDVALE BAKERY 2Sc - - 20c .. • • • The Primary officers of the South Cottonwood ward entertained in a body at Liberty Park, Friday afternoon of last week in compliment to Mrs. Gladys Nichols and Miss Edna Thompson who for a number of years have been connected with the Primary association but on account of other duties have resigned. Luncheon was served after which games were enjoyed. Twenty guests were present. 11 N. Main St., Midvale MURRAY MIDVALE SAND1 I. LESTER Artificial Ice PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Office-6500 State Street Phones-Midvale 175-J, Murray 445 , ~,-' / • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Perry entertained Tuesday evening at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Robin:son, who will leave soon for Huntsville,, Ala. Covers were laid for 20 guests. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Townsend left a few days ago for a ten day trip through Yellowstone Park. • • • Mr. family for a •millii:. and Mrs. Veri McMillian and and cousin, Beth Martin left ten day fishing trip in Wyo. • • * Mrs. Tlwmas Powell who recently returned from Los Angeles is located in the Marriott apartments on State Street. * • • Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lind and familv of South Cottonwood spent last week end at Wildwood in Ogden Canyon. • • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. AJmie Erickson of Murray spent Monday evening with M1·s. J. Gustaveson. .. * • Mrs. Dan Snarr entertained the girls of the 0. N. 0. Club Thursday evening at her home on Germa.nia Avenue. . Mrs. Albert Smith and children of Spanish Fork are guests 1>f relatives nere this week. • • • • Telephone Midvale 49 STEWART'S CAFE • • • Special attention given to We deliver flowers to any part of the count. y. Your Friends Eat Here The M. I. A. Association girls of the South Cottonwood ward entertained their mothers at a picnic, followeJ by ga.nres, Wednesday evening at Knudsen's grove in Big Cottonwood Canyon. Floral Co. WeJnesday and Mrs. evening Goraon. in Leni with -==========~===r: mother, 11er ... .. • • • The Misses Lu.cetta Malstrom, Berniece Watts, Grace Bateman and Rachel Gibbs spent Saturday and Sun day at Brighton. · .. Mrs. John Petersen had at• her Sunday guests, Mr. and MrS. Ray Piez,son, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Pkrson, Mrs. Johana .Pierson, Mr. amt JV!rs. Mon-is J1>hnson, Mr. Olof Peterson and Mrs. Anna Eliason all <Jf Salt Lake. And Buy the MaiD and Smelter Streets • • • Mrs. Earl Evans entertained during the la:.'t week for her guests, Mr. and ?rtrs. Clyde Brady of Bingham. . .. BE WISE Visit l~th. Mrs. William Boam of this city has returned from a s.ix week's visit with her son in New York. While she was away, Mr. Boam visited in Idaho. 7th & E. Sts., Washington, D. C. Established In 1889. Satisfied stomachs are our best advertisement. * • • If c~ -On-Time Delivery--- -.;__ When you order Groceries from us, you can count on their being delivered when and where you want them. The quality of our products at our et:onomy prices will prove an added advantage of trading here. Comet Meat &·Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. Midvale, Utah Mrs. Edwin Hauknecht entertained at luncheon Thursday afternoon at her home on Glen Avenue in compliment to the members of her afternoon club. • * • The Past Chief Companions Club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Erma Nelson, 57 East fortyeight South Street. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glover, Jr., were Bingham visitors Sunday. IMMEDIATE Mr. and Mrs. Vester Warner of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Thayne were gue;;ts of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cox, Sunday. SERVICE • • • • • • • • Mrs. H. D. Schrader entertained Sun day for Mr. and Mrs. R. Kay of Salt Lake. • • • Mrs. Clara Glover entertained on Monday for her mother, Mrs. Ericksen of Murray. • • • * • • Miss Margaret Forbush joined Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bish1>p and family of Murray who left Tuesday morning for a week's vacation trip to Fish Lake. * • • Mrs. Thomas Allsop had as her guest Sunday, Mrs. E. Elviris and son, J oo of Salt :r.Jre. you are In a and something goes wrong, we give you immediate service, so you will not be delayed a minute longer than absolutely necessary. No extra charge for this service. MIDVALE GARAGE 36 W. Center Street |