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Show Page 'l'en The Midvale Journal EVENTS OF WEEK IN SOCIETY - Thursday, November 17, 1927 CLUBS AND LODGES Mr. and Mrs. Parley Smith announ(:e the birth of a son Saturday · November 12th. .Miss M-aurine Nielsen and Miss Jean Broun of Salt Lake visited rel • atives here Su.nday. Miss Afton Fitzgerald and Miss Helen Crosgrove of Salt Lake were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Crosgrove. The students of the Ju 'or High School entertained at a party in the Park Sch'Ool last Friday evening. Games and refreshme.nts were enjoyed. THE MIDVALE COMMUNITY Mrs. Rose Shafer and son, Fra.nk, CHURCH of Shoshone, Idaho, have been visUNION zting the past two weeks at the DRAPER Sunday School 10 a. m. home 'Of Mr. and Mrs. Will R. TerMrs. Cl~e Terry entertained at A Farewell Testimonial in honor Church service 11 a. m. ry. a party Saturday in honor of her of Afton Burgon was held WedEpworth League, 7 p. m. daughter, Hazel, it being her 11th nf>..sday evening in the War~ Chapel Mrs. Carlson's and the · Boy birthday anniversary. Games were Alter the program dancing was en- Scout Sunday School classes will enjoyed a,nd refreshments served joyed. Miss Burgon will leave in sing on Sunday morning. trhe orto sixteen guests. thet near future to fill a mission in chestra has their practice Thur~ Some people have been unable to understand how Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rasmussen the Northwestern States. day eve,ning at 7 :30. All the memannounce the marriage of their Mrs. Martha Obor.n was very ple bers should be present for the rea privately owned 0. P. Skaggs store is also a part of a daughter, Ruth, to Ronald E. Allen asantly surprised at her home Sat- hersals. ~ednesday ~ov. 9th.. The couple urday evening. The even_ing was live, popular chain store system and able to outclass At the eleven o'clock service will make the1r home m Draper. ent .socially and dainty refresh- there will be a Thanksgiving pro1 the big chains when it comes to selling tile-best brands Friday. evening the Mis~es Ja;ne ':ents were served to Mr. and Mrs. gram at which the orchestra will • and Dezzie Farmer entertamed at a W:alter Metz, and son, Sidney, Mr. play. The pastor will speak on the of eatables at the lowest prices. Our plan of operation shower in honor of Mrs: Ronald a,nd Mrs. Frank Oborn, Mr. and subject "Think and Thank." You is a simple one. Allen, at the home of their grand- M Fred Coo:rnber and Mr. and are invited to be present for these father, Mr. Millard Andrus and six- M~:: James Oborn. morning services which you will teen guests were p~se,nt.. Emily and Thelma, li_ttle daui(h- find helpful. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Withe~ an- ters of Mrs. Pearl Fryer submitted The Epworth League is havi.ng nounce the birth of .a baby girl on to an operation for removal of ton- some of the best devotional meetA reputable, competent individual can buy our November 3rd. . sils wednesday of last week. ings we have ever attended. On name, the privilege to use our particular equipment .Mr. and Mrs. Le Grande Smith Mrs Emma Nichols visited Wed- Sunday evening at 7 o'clock there of Spanish Fork visited relatives nesda; evening with Mr. and Mrs. is to be several special numbers and our chain store buying connections. He agn~es to in Draper dur:ing the wee~. Thomas Allsop. under the direction of Mrs. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. H. follow the 0. P. Skaggs System of selling foods in the E. Stnngfellow Mrs. Lavina Fenstermaker enter- All the young people are especially had as their guests Sunda.! Mr. and tained Thursday for members of invited to be i.n attendance. smallest d-etail and' especially our policy of big sales Mrs. S .Rasmussen and Miss Gladys her club. Business pertaining to The annual Boy Scout Banquet Rasmussen of Sandy. the club was taken up and Mrs. of the Jordan District is scheduled and small profits. The smallest of the 0. P. Skaggs Mrs. Annie Terry had as her Carrie Coomber read from the for Wednesday, November 23rd at System stores i~ capable of setting the prices for his guests the past week Mr. Garfield Woman's Citizen" "Community 7 p. m. at the West Jordan !Ward Terry of Keetley and Mrs. Thelma Clubs" "Flood w~ters a,nd fami- House. Ticketse are now on sale big chain store competitor to follow. It'~ a keen• plan Witt of Midway.. . lies." Refreshments were served at !iOc -per plate. These may be seand is proving of great benefit to food buyers all over Mr. W. D. Fitzgerald of RI~h- to the Mrs. Jessie Berrett, Carrie cured from either Mr. Cushman or :field visited relatives here, durmg Coomber, Golda Soffe, Rachel For- Mr. Kitch. the country. the week. bush, Rose Greer and Lorena Ba.Mr. and Mrs. ~· M. .Cro~ove ker. Club will hold its next meetWEST JORDAN STAKE a,nnounce the marriage of their son ing at the home of Mrs. Rose Greer Ward Conference of the ~outh Ralph, to Leah Soffe of South J or- December 2 at 1 o'clock p. m. Jordan ward was held Sunday evdan, Thursday, November ~Oth. It .Mr. and Mrs. Horace Burgon and e.ning beginning at 7:30. wa~ announced that they w1ll make daughter, ,Azalia, Lillian Boggess, The Presidency and Clerk of the · tpeir home in Draper. Iona Freeman, and the Misses Ha- Stake were in attendance. Music was furnished by the ward zel and Ollie Lauritzer spe,nt the evening after church Sunday with choir under the direction of Chorister Rosamond Holt. Reports were Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Graham. Mrs. Emma C. Burgon left on given by the Presidents of the Thursday for an extended visit ward Auxiliaries and Bishopric and with her dau~hter, Mrs. Minnie Cox Stake 1Preside,ncy. Stake clerk pre sented the ward authorities for the . now " of Salt Lake. The Draper Ward Bazaar 1s Mrs. Reynold Brady is reported sustaining vote. going on in full swing. NOTICE to be just slightly improved. Her Elaborate twenty page programs condition Sunday, Nov. 20th at 2 p. m. at has been very serious for were issued the first of this week the last three weeks. ·~he is at a the Riverton Ward chapel. and the bazaar open~ Thursday local The West Jordan Stake M. I. A. hospital where she underafternoon. went an .operation for gall stones will hold a Recreation convention. Thursday eveni.ng a program f This is for all Recreation Commitand l'.ppendicitis. unusual merit was given by talent i}lr. .and Mrs. Earl White and Mr. tee members. M. I. A. Officers and • from Draper and surrounding comand Mrs. Walter White were din- Bishops of the West Jordan Stake LADIES munities, as follows: GENTS O.ne hundred per cent attendance ner guests Su,nday of Mr. and Mrs. Selection by the band, under the is not only wanted but expected, Dave Smart. direction of Mr. Latimer. NORTH TEMrP LE and MAIN STREET Wednesday evening of last week that a thorough knowledge and unReading by Miss Farar. Mr. and Mrs. HyTUm Brady enter- derstanding may be attained of this Selectio.n by the hand. tained .at a Radio Program. Lun- important activity. i";hinee Quartette. Professor Erickson of the Univer cheon was served to Mr. and Mrs. Monologue by Frank Andrus. Clemo.n Green, Mr. and Mrs. Edi- sity of Utah will be the represenGee Singers. .:_ -f son Denney and Mrs. George Green tative of the Ge.neral Board to disComic readi.ng by L. E. Peterson. Mr. T. H. Peirce of Murray was cuss the Recreation problems. Melodee Singers. a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. H. ~ketch. Duane Richards and Reg. ~ard conference of the West A. Brady. White. About twenty Gleaner Girls met Jordan ward will be held Sunday Latest edition of the Draper at the home of Mrs. Horace God- evening at 7:30 p. m. in the ward Globule by Cyrus W. Vawdrey. frey one evening last week and ten chapel. Double Male Quartette. Stake Presidency and clerk will dered a "hankie" Rhower to Miss.-. Friday evening public is i,nvited. Afton Burgon who leaves shortly be in attendance . , Friday evening a picture show on a mission for the L. D. S. church ' has been arranged for and many Games, music, dancing APPRECIATION and refreshother festivities incident to bazaars ments were the main We desire to express our apprediversions of will furnish entertai,nment galore. the ciation to the citizens of Midvale evening. A new method hM " - eke Aoped Saturday Evening Wayne, the 4 year old son of City for their timely assistance in for re......aAng wilb W C.W Saturday evening the principal Mr. and Mrs. George Gould is in aiding us to locate the whereabouts ~n~l-. ~ ~e Ifill ffiOl. lc Ja source of entertainment will be a a local hospital suffering from a of our daughter, Huldah Poulson, ~actico-.l ..... ~ of ~ home talent play entitled "The girl triple fracture of the !Ill •.ild roof-..vc*!a dtrt and 1ber right should- who became lost in the swamps with a Past" &.a comedy in three -does not ~ chat the ~••• Ml er. He received from falling off a north of Midvale last Saturday uproarious acts. ~ero..f . horse. Owing to the location it will night. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Poulso,n. Cast of Characters Leaving on tAe old roof pz iiiJIIy IDbe impossible to set the broken Harry Richardso.n, Miller Day. creuea .,..rmth in wiptcr bepe upo bo.nes, so he will have to lay eight atairs surprisingly warm and c:o&y-Rex: Van Zile, Golden Lamber. weeks with a weight on his shouldcuta down fuel billa. ' Prentice Van Zile, Herbert Carter er until the bones mend. We exStiles. Oscar C. Benson. W c haw full detaila oa thia method tend sympathy. frx hom~ owners, c a r p • n t e r • , Clay Collum, Lowell Boberg. ahing~er• and buildera-a compla. A Stranger, J. H. Boberg. Mrs. Harold Bishov and baby ahinglUlg and re-ahinglinc tcnice. Com. Bob Barker, Herbert Carter EVERYDAY Mrs. Davis Van Zile, F. Sharp daughter, Sherlie Anne, ot Salt WJae. ,0. MC t"Cpiddng ,OW old t'OO{ Jd U fWI"'lffk ,ott ..a.dfl Including Sunday Myrtle Davis, Agnes Fitzgerald Lake, Mrs. Reube.n Sharp and son, C.U « PJ,o. Pflf'IMr Ptlrlicu• ~·~~ Mrs. C. Davis. Nephella Smith Stanley, and Mrs. Clarence Sharp 126 N. MAIN STREET Parker, a maid, Aida Alle11. were guests Wednesday of Mrs. You will not be disappointed if Rachel Forbush. you can arra,nge to attend this an- · . 1 ·given · b y the D raper Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thornton mo. . . . . 212 nua1 f est Iva Ward. They are a lively crowd and tored to Garfield Wednesday and Midvale know how to entertain you. spent the d~y. - HOW WE OPERATE • BUYS OUR NAME ; I FOOD DRAPER WARD BAZAAR OPENS D A N C E . AT Odeon Spanish Ballroom Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays & Holidays Bargain Nights Tuesdays and Thursdays 1Oe 25e SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . c- I With RED CEDAR SHINGIBS OVER Tim OLD ROOF ROLLER SKATING tor. ·~ West Jordan Lumber Co. • SALT CITY UTAH • |