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Show THE MIDVALE JOURNAL AND MURRAY EAGLE Suits !\lade to Order--Clothing Cleaned anp Pressed and Fully Deodorized We Call For And Deliver Telephone f11idvale l 07 IU~ Center·Street midvale Utah HiCKS TAILORING & . CLEANING CJ. NOTICE Ol<' ASSESSME!I.'T • Funeral Notice Later I day of April, 1927, will be delinquent Washable as Tile ~and advertised for sale at public auc ALTA HELENA MINING & ~ion, an.d unless payment is made b(' 1 ore, w11l be sold on the 28th day o MILLING COMPAN'il May, 1927, to pay the delinquent assessment together with the cost of ad Location of principal place of bus- 1 vertising and the expense of sale. iness, Salt Lake City, Utah. j DEAN F. BRAYTON, Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given, that at a 11407 Walker Bank Building, meeting of the Directors held on the Salt Lake City, Utah. ~5th day of February, 1927, an assess! Date of 1st publication, March 3, HJ27 mcnt of one-half cent ( V:!c) per share Date of last publication, Mch 31, 1927. was levied on the Capital Stock of the The annual doubles tournament got Corporation, payable on or before the j mder way at Jordan Tuesday with six 9th day of Apr], 1927, to H. N. Bjork, , FOR SALE teen teams entering the competition. Trea~urer, at his residence, Sandy, 1 17 a~re farm, house, barn and chick Grant and Monahan, last year's "Ctah. 1 en coop in South Jordan. A BAR champions, are conceded a good chance Any stock upon which this assess- 1 GAIN. See J. C. Soffe, East Midval < to cop the honors. Milne, singles cham pion and Hart are expected to push ment may remain unpaid on the 23rd Sandy, R. D. No. 3, Utah. the champs . • Fitzgerald, Dlbb and Edgel-Adolphson combinations are also favorites with the tourney followers. handsome as expensive enamel A DAMP cloth removes every smudge from the satin-smooth surface of Barreled Sunlight. And the finish doesn't wear away! I The finest enamel is not more handsome, yet Barreled Sunlight costs less, covers better, and spreads easily-without leaving brushmarks. Guaranteed to remain white longest. If more than one coat is required, apply Barreled Sunlight Undercoat first. TENNIS TOURNAMENT JuRDAN DEBATERS ACTIVE Jordan Debating Squad under the BEGINS AT JORDAN guidance of Coach Humphrey is a ~~- l_u_n_c-~~~~~,~..-.~..-.~~~-~c:-- !TALlON and OPENING DANCE of Season at.WEST JORDAN Al\IUSMENT . HALL FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 1927 • Every Friday Evening Thereafter • NORl\1 TERRY and His BAND Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Lenore Lind and A. E. Whitehead in Los Angeles, Calif. on :\larch 19th. Miss Lind is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Niels Lind and prior to a few years ago made her home with her parents in Midvale. The young couple will make their home in the coast city. Jordan High Juniors emerged from the spring baseball series as class champions. They won a well earned victory, being easily the best of the teams, defeating the Freshmen 13 to 1, Insurance. 1 write all kinds of Fire Insurance. See me before and the Seniors 15 to 3. The Seniors it is too late. won from the Sophomores by a score TEAM FOR SALE Good young team, 4 years old. Call of 7 to 6. The Sophomores defeated HEBER C. A YLE'IT the Freshmen 5 to 2 in an excellent 320 North Main Street h at Spencer home, 5th Avenue, Midvale game. After the series was over the ' -------------------.:.T..:..el:.:.e:.p:.:.:o:.:.n:.:.e..:~::.h::'d:.:.v::al:.e..::.:.36 Utah. You can't beat this team. following men were chosen on the base WHY RENT-READ THIS ball squad: Rodney Kimball Five room frame, modern home, a 1 Don Milne Joe Francom garage, chicken coop, large yard. Sell Elmo Brady Rog-er Dettman on terms. 46 H<>lden St., Midvale, Ut. Dell Smith Wayne Despain Lavell Swenson Clarence Jensen Mr. and.Mrs. Melvin Peterson spent Jesse Casp r Theo. Dwight Sunday at Bingham the guest of Mr. Lee Webster Roy Silcox and Mrs. Harry Black. Ross Day Enniss Terry The M. I. A. gave a social under the Ralph Day Fred Green S CAFE and Restaurant, the best in tow~. It's A Treat To Eat direction of recreation committee at Lee J olmson Gerald Grundvig the Ward Amusement Hall Tuesday William Brown Gordon Anderson March the 28th. Tom Torkelson At The U. S. CAFE John Steadman Mrs. William Freeman spent two Finlayson We buy and serve only the best foods on the market Lynn Hart weeks at Herriman visiting. Le Grande Cole Mrs. Arminta Densley of Salt Lake Lyle Smith SAMAS & THOMAS, Proprietors was the guest of l\1.r. and Mrs. Charles Seven men will be cut from the Myers SundafY. squad before the regular season begins J The Same Good Time ___ The Saine Gnod Crowd I f Jordan High Baseball team started its season in fine style by defeating Westminster 4 to 2 on the Sandy Campus Wednesday. The game was a good ~xhibition for an early season game. The Day Twins hit well for Jordan, Casper furnishing the fielding features. . Borino, Moulsby and McCleese play~d good ball for Westminster. busy organization these days. The debate Monday was with West Side in a practice series, both the negative and the positive teams engaging the Panthers. No decision was rendered a critic judge being used. ' The same program was repeated on Thursday with Pleasant Grove. One league debate with Grantsville resulted in a draw, the negative team from each t <' am winning. It seems as if the negative side of the question usually is an ea, iN one to present. The question all high schools in the State of Utaht are debating is "Resolved that the Volstead Act should be so amcndecl as to allow the manufacture and ;;ale of light wines and beers of not over 2.75 per cent alcohol content." Jordan's affirmative team is Ralph Edge!, Kenneth Cropper and Mildred Aylett. 1'he negative team is compos- · ed of Phyllb Larsen, Jesse Casper and Doris Stay, Ralph Edge! is manager. APER Hanging, Calsomining, Wall Paper AINTING and Decorating 1927 Samples Estimates cheerfully given. Tel. Mid. 120 Call J. W. GRACE 724 E. Center Midvale, Utah • Where tint~ are desired, you can match any color acheme by simply adding oil colors to Barreled Sunlight. Ask about the new, easy-miring Barreled SunJi~ht Tinting Color~ in bandJ' tubea WEST JORDAN LUMBER CO. Midvale Telephone Mid. 212 The Elder's Play will be presented . saturday night in the school!I agam auditorium. Mr. E. G. Farmer, of Salt Lake, was .guest of his sister, Mrs. Henry Egbert Sunday. Utah Mrs. Edwin Ruse, of Emmitt, Idaho, is visiting friends and relatives in West Jordan. She is guest of her brother and family, Mr. Richard Farm er, who is very si-::k at his home in Sandy. WE HANDl-E MEATS Of EXCELLENCE .,.f-IAT fOLKS DECLARE ARE \TUST IMMEriSE! I THE EXCELLENT QUALITY of our meats first attracted the attention of the public to his market. The fair treatment accorded our patrons and the fact that we kept our delivery promises has made this shop the Mecca for wise shoppers. • Friday night the Primary officers gave a party in the ward chacpel in The following articles the property honor of the retiring officers, Mrs. C. of Jack Ferguson, will be sold at a Dimond, Mrs. Arthur Richardson and Martha Burm~ster. Games and lun- \ public auction on April 21st. cheon were enJoyed. One trunk, containing clothing and I ·miscellaneous articles. One child's rocking chair. The following articles, the property of Henry Perry, will be sold at a public auction on April 21st, 1927. One bundle containing clothing and miscellaneous articles. This auction, the foreclosure of an Innkeeper's Lien for room rent unpaid, will be held at the home· of P. J. Stewart, Allen Street, Midvale, Utah. Central Rooming House, P. J. Stewart, Prop. l<'irsot Pub. March 17, 1927. Last publication April 14, 1927. NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCfiON Corner Meat & Grocery R. R. GILBERT E. C. O'BRIEN USE WHITE LILY FLOUR What Else Can We Give You? I P. C. Rasmussen & Sons Inc. THREE STAR POOL HALL 196 North Main Street Soft Drinks, Cigars, Candy, Pool Tables JOHN ZRNO, Prop. Midvale Utah l' It is time to buy that FURNITURE, RUG and LINOLEUM you Just call us on the phone. We will gladly call and give you a figure ARTHRITIS BURNING, ACHING JOINTS Neglected cases of rheumatism often produce a stuboorn inflammation of the joints, termed arthritis, which causes the parts to become swollen, stiff and painful. This inflammation may settle in the knee, ankle, elbow wrists, knuckles, should~r or hip. Where arthritis is ollawed to run its course, permanent deformity frequently results. D{)n't take chances on being left with gnarled and knotted fingers or other crippled joints. Get a bottle of Vita Oil from your druggist and start right n()W to put an end to the trouble. Vita Oil applied direct to the spot that hurts, soaks in through the pores and quickly helps to clear away inflammation, reduce swelling and limber up stiff joints. Pleasant, soothing and healing, Used for all forms of rheumatism and neuritis. Bottles 50c and $1 at all good drug stores. Always in stock at Midvale Drug Store. Grass Is Growing on your old FURNITURE in exchange f~r New. II I 1 We have just received a large stock of LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM and BED ROOM SUITES in the New Blended Walnut finish. Don't Forget that we have the largest and best stock of FURNI- TURE, RUGS and LINOLEUMS in South Salt Lake County. i "GO TO GRASS" for furniture ' PHONE MID. 119 I FURNITURE COMPANY H. Grass Furniture Stores (3) chain stores (3) I 1 ~~~·-._.,._._,_._.,._.,._._ I ,_,..,l__....o_-....~--~-n-c_a_a_a_c•Q-o..,~~~a-o-~ |