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Show • -'- Vol2 No. 35 - ~ •', ~. Mjdvale City, Utah, Janua ry 27, 1927 - - -- FAR1 f BURE AU ·MUR RAY FIRST Murra y High Reach es HIGH LIGHT S FRO' BOOS TERS ' CLUB TO WAR D "M" MEN Top In Distric t lUIDV ALE CITY 1926 I 1\IEET FRID Ay 8:00 I Tbe • AUDI T Wnnl ").I" ).fe:1'R Jordan District Standing of Teams • ).fm-rn~· Fir~t llaskl•tlJII!f rcnm met thP :Renni, n Friday evening, January 28th a~ 'Yon Lost l''et. • "·n nl IIoop~tPr~ at the Plymouth school ',. 00 p. m. the D )O. t~rs' Club of the ).furray ................ ............... 3 0 l.OUO 1 1 .667 .GI17 2 .3:J:~ .-mber 31, 1' l2fi , con i t.ir r1' or n g-iven by J o· e J am;,l€Z f<J r $113 and ElmPr Stokf' fc. r ~100 00. The books of tlw Ci ty urp ·n hal :1nce and in aFr cem Pnt 'd r thc- Ami itor's report. This morning the J ml n Teach,.r;;; as:'oc iati rm is '>q:r'r r• roannunl com·enti m in thl' 1ord, n Hi-;1 School. It w ill contmu e NION WAR D PRJ:tSENTS PLAY marriage of her dau,g hter, for the most rabbits killed by any James H. Hellman. one person, providing one rabbit is The marriage. took place in Salt Lake last w eek. The couple left im- donated for domestic use. We do not anticipate killing our mediately for Los Angeles, Cal_if. ( share and must get evitlence from some s ourse that we actually went on ed_ to have a. ?e<tter int~rferen~e than 1926 Club Winner. Marlin P!'terson, of Ephriam, Sanpete r:ounty, in Ute 0 • · · · b ~- tl1e '"I'' eS<pecially• at stiff arnung the heart of the sheep country, had what the judges considere d the bes.t boys' this wild jamboree. "\. JOin t d nnee ~IYC!l •' l\le n 1 Midvale • • . 1~ \YI- 11 ,•le hcl(l on opposition . Harrison at Center waF club proje<:t during 1026. As Bring in two ears for each rabbit, an{1 th e Gl eaner GIr a result Marlin was winner of a free trip . Grange and Jack Dem- to the Internatio nal Livestock exposition and Boys and Girls Club Tuesday evenmg, Fehrunry 1, 1027, at a perfect Red . . congress and thereby avoid temptatio n. the Grunt Ward Hall. All at·e invited psey oombmed. Bowen for M1~vale at Ohlcago. the music. proved to be the be.st drop kicker to attend. ~larkus • scoring a beautiful kick from the center of the floor and also reeeived a 1 punch in the jaw from Harrison. • The Ilolliday Ining senior Prom Hilmer Jensen held one of the couGriffiths and Harrison also enjoyed "·ill 1\P held tomorrow evening. A depons tha t carried away $50 and Ms. in a one two encounter . Ughtful time is auticipnte d by the comGeo. Markus, Jr., was lucky enough Midvale's chances of a Jordan Since our little writ(>·UP in last 'l'h e I' atrons are: week's edition of the :.\Iurray Eagle, Stake Pennant received a severe jolt 1itwe in charge. to hold the 0ther number. • ·''I . D ur h am, ·''1 r. an d regarding the suecess • • r. un d -''I rs. •'-· Great interest was created by the last week by the decision handed down of our local high r&~ Georg(• Brewerton , Mr. and Mrs. school art d('partmen t, we ha•e learned by the M. I. A. Board donating of an additiona l $100 and at their last 'l · a . K . D nggs, competitio n should wax keen between -•'I r. an d M rs. J oseph J!'·'• that another student has gained recog- meeting at Salt Lake. Qui~t. nltion. now and February the lOth when the By this deeision the champion Midbig event takes place. In a re<'ent tloster art <·on test closing vale quint is pratticall y dis or~ranized On Wednesda y Feb. 2nd, the next Junuar 15 th in whic·h high school stu- .by reason of the loss of their This campaign is fostered by the two meetin·g of the Communi ty Club is dents of Salt Lake <'lty and vicinity thui leaving the team with service clubs of Mitlvale and is known six a-uards scheduled to take place. as the Midvale Trade Extension camtook part, Ray Andcrtson, an art stu- Star Forwards Griffiths and Dewey The Library Board, of which Mn.. dent of ~!urray High School succPed· so the chances of effectina- an paign. It has long ago accomplis heU efficient Geo. A. Wright is chairman, will have ed in winning second place and thereby squad at this sta.&"e of the its purpose for people who never begame is charge and has arranged a program a cash prize of $15.00. fore traded in Midvale are now regvery sli~ht. of special interest. ular customers . This contest was sponsored by Bird It pays to adver· Mattlhewa a very bri~rht prospect Mrs. Winnifred Brown Knight of and .Jex, Adn•rtis(' rs of Salt Lake, who at forward is also ineligible tise, there is no ·denying that· fact. on acthe McCune School of Music will be wer'e featuring Cutler Brother's Cloth· count of his youth. So this The only men in business who do not makes it present and be prepared to entertain ing. The poRters are now on display neccm;sar y to reorganiz e advertise are the ones who cannot afthe team the club on lthat day. The Library ford it, in ad the the window reas.on of they can't afthe last named concompletel y whioh of course cannot • Board is is fortunate to enlist the cern. ford it is because they will not try be done. interest of Mrs. Kn~ght, whose repu-advertisin g. Round and round, it's This new ruling seems to be the ta~on as a reader and entertaine r i~ the same old story. Advertise and F. F. Allen, assistant county attorney _most unreasona ble thing imaginab lej state wide. • succeed, growl and go broke. eonsented that the Pritchett case might from a fair deal sband point. One A good attendanc e is· desired. Due go o,·er upon request from the defense month ago Bankers teams were not DO YOU V>A.'\'.r A Pl'HEBR ED t'uion. You c·an do the same. to arrangem ents for this program, attorney that it was desired to test supposed to be composed Jordan's second team is also leadof players CALI<', SHEEP or PIG? Snre you do. We haYe n line on men with money m,eeting will begin promptly at 2:151 Pritchett' s sanity. Prichett is accused who were of commerci al ing the Dingling Division in the local league cali- '.rhcre is an unlimih·d fil'l<l right here who will help you to !.my J·our salf, at the usual place--Go ff's Hall. division having won three games with of embezzlin g $750 of the funds of the bre but just as soon as they develop in Salt Lake County for you. You ~hPPJl, or pig, ancl soon you will be out a set back. Murray was defeated Glen Springs Lead 1\Iinlng Company, into first class players they are bar- have h('ard what the Ueber City Boy!l muazed at the vrogrc~s made. and hun• Jordan meats the Bingham team of which company he was manager. red from playing in a. league 244 to 9, Cypres 25 to 14, and Grants that "Hampshi re Clui.J" did at the State a lititlc mom•y of your own. Friday night in th~ Jordan Gymna- The heal'!ng was continued until Feb- should have the welfare ville 19 to 6. The boys have continof all at Fair and at the Sto(•k ~how, with thdr l\ow what to do. JuHt gPt busy sium. It will be a typical Beetdig- rua~;y 7. ued t~ win in spite of the fact that heart. It seems that they are trying sheep, They ('arri('(l off the prizl•s. 'l'h•• uow, droJ) a h•ttcd to the Murray Eagh• Milne, Smitm, and ger-Miner battle. The game, as dopBateman have to lower the standard of "M" Men Davis Count~· Boys "Calf Club" Is <lo· h lliug 'lll tllllt you arc intcre:,;!e<l in g-raduated to the first team. ed, gives Bingham a walka~y. The 'Ilhe trip from Murra.y to MRgna Ba.sket Ma.ll by these rulings which ing wonders with thPir pnrPhrPd ealn•:J. joinin~:: n Salt Lnke County BoJ·s Linfans will be attracted however be- with the basket ball team Friday will naturally enOU&'h •tfeet~ the Star Jordan Sophomor es defeated Dra1'be GrantsYill c Boys 'Ilamphir e ('!ulo' stoc·k dull. S:ty whether you want a cause of the intense rivalry of the cost students 75c others will be chal'i" players. Thus preventinc - the boys i61 per's Sf'Cond team of "M" Men 26 to also doing things. Helping to buil<l eulf, ~<heep or plg und which llrt'Cd you fans and the hard-figh ting of the ed 96e round trip. Admissio n 50c for from upholdilllg" the lau~ls of their up the lheHtock imlustryy iu l'tah, one prefer. But do it now! We are on tlie 19, Tuesday. The game was hard fought all the way. rrhe Day twins the t.ma. pme, warll &M eity. ot the lead1Di live~tock stat~ in tbe lllove. featured the Draper attack. • Joint Dance T Be Held HOLL JDA Y-IRVJNG , . SENIO R PROM Murra y High Scnool Art Depar tment Again Wins Honor Jensen and Favor ites in Contest / |