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Show • shower to be given Friday by Mrs. ~·...•••••••••••••••••••••••••1111!1!1 1aFra!lk Nelson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jenson, bon· oring her daughter, Mrs. Ken~>~tlh Bills, a recent bride. uality Cars Riverton Ritings Search the entire market and you cannot duplicate Chev- A program, dancing and luncheon MURRAY EAGLE were the features of the evening. The West Jordan Scouts defeated the Midvale Junior boys in a game of MIDVALE JOURNAL basket ball at Midvale last Yteek th~> Published everr Friday by score being 40 to 31. JORDAN PUBLISHING CO. Inc. The debate "Resolved, That Mexico and should repeat its recent legislation __Y_P_I_lE_s_s_._ _ against religious organization" was _ _ _T_b_e_M_u_R_RA given Tuesday evening by the GleanTelephones or Girls of the M. I. A. Bernice Bate MfdYale 178 Murray·85 man and Sadie Dwight took the afPublished at firmative side, Grace Malstrom and Murray, Utah and Viola Haun took the negative, it was Midvale, Utah won by the affimative side. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Dansie and children were the dinner guests of rolet values at Chevrolet prices. No car offe s equal beauty, Mrs.. Martina So¥son at Draq>elr Sunday. roominess, riding comfort and completenes of equipment, Mrs. Olive Oldham and Mrs. LeRoy werful at anynone other has ·an operation so Dansie were dinner guests of Mrs. L. Lovendahl Monday evening they form where near its price. . ed a party and attended the Wilkes South Jordan Sideswipes Theatre. Our customers' disability insurance protects you against The Annual Green and Gold Ball of the M. I. A. was held Friday evfailure to make your time payments if you are sick or acSamu~l Wardle is ill at his homa ening in the Amusement Hall. The suffering of gall trouble and a very ddentally injured and you don't have to make them up after hall was dacorated in the M. I. A. bad cold. green and gold, caps and concolors, Nyal Shields and Rolan Sheppick you recover. fetti was sold; a gqod time was had motored to Salt Lake and attended by all. The music was furnished by the fights displayed at the Hippothe "Midnight Ramblers". The com- drome Theatre on Monday evening of mittee in charge was Miss Reabella this week. Butterfield, Mrs. Wilford Crane, Hen· Mr. -an~ Mrs. James A. Shieldr. . ry Bills and Roland· Page. spent Sunday evening visiting with Phone Murray 483 4888 South State Street Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Yates of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Orson Hanson. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cundick Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Naylor and fam Miss Myrtle Cundiek and Ross Bate- ily were dinner guests of Mr. and It's what they save on taxes that man, of We:.ot Jordan, Mrs. Dela Bills Mrs. Ray Palmer of West Jordan on Education is more important today Miss Bertha Bills, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- Saturday. tban ever before. With plasterers get- enables rich men to tip so liberally. eph Newman, of Riverton. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Naylor receivting fourteen dollars a day, the outMr. and Ml's. Bert· Bills had a new ed a letter last week from Elder C. look for the educated man who knows "'ell, here's that new year in which boy last Saturday. ba.by L. Palmer of West Jordan who is how to take it away from them is es- you were going to do so mueb. Now Mr. Carl Madsen was honored at a laboring in the Australian mission pecially bright. strut your stuff! party at the Ward House on Thurs- fields. Elder Palmer is well and is day it being 50 years since he joinea. enjoying his mission work immenselv the church in the old country, so his Mr. and Mrs. Grant Casper of famify and friends entertained wiuh Sandy spent Sunday afternoon as the LEAD THE IN TURPINS' LEGHORNS a program at the ward house show- guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Shields ing 50 years ago, and the present Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer and is time. After wl9ch every bOdy was son, Lowell, of St. Anthony, Idaho, At the Logan Inter-Mountain Egg-Laying Contest, our pens ure Mr. and Mrs. A. J. West, of Bluffinvited to the dance. first and fifth; our pullets, first, second, third, fourth and tied for fifth Mr. and Mrs. Oharles F. Myers dale Neils Oakeson and Tom Sheppl:ace. entertained at their home last week pick were guests of Mr. and Mrs. .I.Order Some Of Utah's Beat Chicks Now at a Radio concert. Mr. and Mrs. F. Palmer on Thursday of last week Pricea Reasonable Joseph Stocking motored to Salt May, Mr. and Ml1S. Zach Butterfield, Murray, R. D. No. S Turpin Brothers and daughters, Phyliss and Rheabell Lake and attended the dance at the ' Phone 160 Pbone383-J Mr. and Mrs. Lionell Myers, Mr. anu Bluebird Saturday evening where his Mrs. Wilford Myers, Mr. and Mrs. T. car was stolen. It was found with Richey, Mr. and Mrs. Zach Butter- the wind shield wiper tools and a few field, Miss Lyda Freeman and Lav- other accessories stolen. Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart enterelle Butterfield. Supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Terrace Ingram, o·i tained a number of Salt Lake visiHerriman spent last week with Mrs tors at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hewlett, of Florence Page and family. FRATERNAL HALL,MURRAY Mrs. John Hansen left Saturday Sandy, Miss Fredda Dauzer, and Mr. for Denver where she will visit with Bo.~~;enchoates, Mrs. Lydia Bateman her daughter and husibattfi for some and Ross Bateman were week end Muaic By guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Shield!' time. Ruth Wardle, daughter of M1'S. Ivy Miss Fay Peterson, of California, SOCIETY SMART SET is visiting at the home of Dora C. Wardle is gtill ill, suffering with the St. Vitas dance. Her condition at the Butterfield for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bills announce present is reported to be some better. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Crawford and the birth of a baby boy on Saturday, Mrs. Mary Shields were week end January 15th. of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Stock visitors Mrs. Albert Beretta entertained at a birthday party in honor oi her son, ina-. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beckstead Sr. Edwin, at her home last Tuesday. Props. ANDERSON & BROWN, Games were played and luncheon ser- were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parduhn. ved to 50 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Beckstead Mr. and Mrs.. James N. Stanton of Evansto-n, Wyoming, spent last spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and WHOLESALE AND RET AIL week as guests of her sister, Mts. kl- Mrs. Isaac Beckstead and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer, son DEALERS IN bert Beratto. Mrs. W. H. Wilhite was honoreti Lowell of St. Anthony, Idaho, who ~Y, GRAIN AND POULTRY FEED guest at a surprise party at her home were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. SEED AND BULBS it being her birthday anniversary. Samuel Wardle on Thursday, Mrs. Friendis arranged a supper and served Palmer has been very ill with heart at two long ta.ble3 to 40 guests. Af- trouble during their visit here with friends and relatives. ter which games were played. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Newbold anMiss Violet Steadman has returned to her home in West Jordan nounce the engagment of their son, CHESTERFIELD MUTUAL after spending three weeks with her Orlin, to Miss Henryetta Richardson CASTLE GATE OY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley + sister, Mrs. Austin Silcox. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Silcox and RichaTdson, of West Jordan. ~l+l~l+t+M+4.,.~f+l++l+t*l~f+t++I+I*I~I+M++·++++++++++•+•+•+ ~~:~:=~~:=======:===========~-family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert BerA Ufe insurance company asked a atto and son, were guests ()f Mr. and T. Jones, of Salt Lake Midvale Murmurings Mrs. for a t~stlmonial. Here's how widow An interesting musical program Mrs. J. W. Greenfield of Midvale on !!be obliged tliem. Jlrs. Chaii. A. Oanning will enter- was given Sunday evening at the Sunday. "On August 9th, my husband took Miss Ehb3. Bills left Saturday for taln the officers and teachers o!. the community church under the auspices a policy. In less than a month out Stavely, Alberta, Canada, where she l'rillluy Association iriday after of the Epworth League. I consider Insurance Miss Fae Peterson, who has been will visit for soml! time "th her sis- he was drowned. noon at her home on Main Street. A a good invP.Stment.-Worcbester Mass. eocial hour will foliOIW the regul.ar in Los Angeles, for the past year at ter, Mr. ~d Mrs. Havelock Smith, Post. the home of her aunt, Mrs. E. E. and family. . meetlne. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bills arE' Mr. aRd Mrs. Geo. Goetz. Mr. and Spencer, returned to Midvale early in Ad in Chicago Paper :-"Widow with making their home at Riverton. Mrs lira. A. A Larson, Mr and Mr~t Ivo.-y the week. Miss A1ta Miller, Miss Lillian M Bills was formerly Miss Norma Niel ts children would Uke to meet widower Larson and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Fenn with 4. Object, BasebalL-Bdlrton were .guests Wedneeday evening of Downs, Leonard Miller and David sen, o!. Sandy. Mrs. Wilford Crane entertained a.'! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bringhurst at Downs attended the basketball game at Bingham Friday evening of last a surprise party in honor of her bus- Transcript. iheir home in Taylorsville. -----band's birthday anniversary. ·Games Tbe Ladies Aid Society served a week, NOTICE On the occasion of her husband Is were enjoyed and ·midnight SU!Pper dinnu to members of the Lions Club &t the regular semi montholy meeting birthday anniversary, Mrs. Ivory Lar was served to Mrs. Sarah A. Crane, Notice of the meeting for the adopson entertained at a f-amily dinner Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Crane, of Draper, held Thur.aday. lrlt>mbeN of the St. Theresa's Altar Monday evening. Covers were laid Mr. and Mrs. Eitner Yates, of Salt tion of the Budget for the year 1927, Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cundiclt, aud of Fhe public hearing upon said Society were the guests of Mrs. T. H. for twelve. The afternoon Bridge club met at Miss Myrtle Cund:ck, and Ross Bate-· Budget prior to tis adoption. Pardlahn TUesday evening at he Notice Is hereby given that a meetman f West J01 d n M and M of AI" c :u ..... C • -.... ho..... m reeee.... ...rs. · rs. r. . a ' () the residence of Mrs. H. E. Phelps me, d ing will be held at 8 o'clock P. M., on Del B"ll J sepL Newman M · 1 · San F ranclsco a ' s ·an rs. , o u was a Specl'L guest. Monday. Eight were present. the 21st day of January, 1927 in the Miss Bertha Bills, o!. Riverton. M.r Dai1itJ refreahments were served fol Chamber of the city commfs Council enterBills David Mrs. and Mr. enterCutler Youngs Mrs. and . tin lo.... the regular meeente~ed the ·tained Monday honoring Lieutenant tained at dinner Sunday at their homt ion of Murray City, Utah for the pur· IIJiiJ HGJ~ere StaJ!g post of adopting the proposed Budget mellllbers of her dub Tueeday even~ and Mrs. Edward Fe~sten, who are Vera Scogland, of Sandy. Inc tit tbe home of llrs. J. S. A.1Jp • en route. to Brooks F~.eld, Texas, af- in honor of Mrs. Scogland and Mis. for the year 1927, and that at said 7 ter toun~· the east. Covers were Miss Lorene Anderson Wlho has time and place a public hearing shall Ei.cltt were pxasa.-t. been teaching school here for the ll(> allowed on the proposed Badget ..._ q, p )(il)er, Mrs Wm Ku1dl laid.for elght. aa4 . . . W. W, O'Brien were guest. B1s~op John A. Aylett r-eturned past two years wa.s married last prior to Its adoption by the Board of Commissioners of Murray City, Uta.lo. Ill a JW~ieate Bridge Pai.rty given earlJ m the week from Grace, Idah?, Thursday. Dated at Murray City, UtaQ. thl8 -----'hea6y by .Mrs. l. B. Ambler at her where ~ attended the funeral of his ~st Jordan Wanders 12th day of January, 1927. brother m law, Samuel A. Egbert. :reli~ in Salt Lak I. LESTER, Mayor. i lrlr~J. E. M. Hood enterlained a.t e. W. J. W ARENSKI. ~ ~ ~==:t·~-~ :.ne.r Sunday. Oovers were laid for They have some Sl\rplus separated City Recorder milk at the Jordan milk cooler which buu:lleon givea rr......~ay at the """"..,.. 11 t ,__ ed t 2 be Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Spencer have ~ ~ cen s a ga on. -=-=::::-::--::::-::..;...~=--=--=--==~-, purcW&s a . . _ on Center street. Prizes -... ~ Ntlu'ned to their home in Evanston can ,1 1 1 A number of out oca farmers eft 111'0n 'ltJ lrlra. Aj. P. Rasmussen, Kra. • B. $. Phelps, lrti R 'W Quick abi'S W,.o., aftt!r visiting relatives here. Wednesday for Kansas City with .car AL 0 C Hies HonoTe Stagg attended a load of lambs where they have mllr· l(rs C. lit lklrg. Harder-Cieaner-Bo&ter-No Clinkers fTltoU-•IU Tea Sunday given in honor ket for them. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Beckstead and Less Smoke-Less Dirt-Less Soot llrt. .Aadrew Lliraon enteita.hwl ffi .._ Le.nrire Bintz, of Salt Lake. Less Slack Henry Egbert attended a party Mrs. and Sworn Welter Mrs. Uld on home her 'fat•~ay a.fteUU>on at Just What You Need For The 06. $beet. Out of town pests were ~ of Garfield, \rere guests on in the 14th ward chapel at Salt LakP .-q!lk'. ~l-o r..m,. of Loa A.racelee, who ls 'l"utlldar ~~ at the home of Mr. given in honor of Kr. and Mrs. E. F. Ask y.;r.;;:;.. For It Farmers 40th wedding anniversary. Qn a 'rilft• IIJL J. H. Broh and and lira. !l K. Hood. Carlisle Motor Co. Our Stock Record Holding -··············· ··········· DANC E Every Saturday Night ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ~urrayFeed Store 4870 South State • One Year, in advance ................ $1.00 Address all correspondence to the Editor Tbe Midvale Journal entered at the Post-office at Midvale City, Utah, as seeood elass mall matter • Advertising rates quoted on appUeation MURRAY HIGH ART POSTERS SCORE IN COMPETITION Murray High School posters were lllgbly praised by art critics at the recent exhibit at .Atlantic City, Georgia. 'l'he Utah exhibits, as a whole, t•robubly attracted more favorable att(•ntlon than any other state display. It will be remembered that on High School Duy of last year, at .the UnfYerslty of Utah, that Murray High Sehool, in competition with other high schools of the State, In an Art Poster Contest, won three places-first, prize, third prize and honorable mention. These prizes totalled $65.00 in eash and a free scholarship to the U. of U., for first prize winner. All the Utah posters entered at the U of U. contest were recently exhibited nt Atlanta City, Georgia, along with similar contest winners from Yarious states In the union. Accordtng to Mrs. 1\.. I. Bird of Salt Lake, wbo had charge uf the Utah display, Murray High posters were highly commended. Murray High art department not only stands high among other schools in Utah, but gains an enviable position among the high schools of the nation. Quite an honor is bestowed on the winners of the U. of U. contest in as much as a recent number of the Xational Poster Magazine, printed in the ast, carries a splendid article regarding the state contest here In addition to the photographs of the students participating in prizes. A great deal of the achievements of the local students are due to their instructor, Mr. Gardner. He began his Phone Murray 431 COAL AL I w UTAH GRAND ~--------~----------~ art studies at the B. Y. U., and after graduation attended the Art Institut~ at Chicago where bis many "honorable mentions" for exceptional artlstfc merit, quickly won him recognition. WbUe at tbia latter Institution, be enjoyed the destinction, seldom given a student in a large art class, of lnstructihg bls dass in the absence of the professor. After leaving the Art Institute, be attended Pratt Institute, Broklyn, N. Y., a which place in competition wftb itudents from all parts of the United States, he probably received, in the fine arts section, more meritorious criticism than any other student In \lle department. He was one of the few students selected to represent Pratt Institute in &rt work at the World's Fair In San Francisco. The problems sel~ted beIng In wood carving and desigD. Because of high scholarship at the B. Y. U., he was given the honor of representing his class at the graduating exercises and llke\\ise, at Pratt Institute, had the distinction of being chosen to represent the men's section in one big educational presentment of the year prior to graduation. At the University· of California summer of 1925, bis artwork again brought .lim many favorable comments. Since becoming an art instructor, Mr. Gardner, three years ago competed In the professional division of the fine arts department at the Utah State Fair In applied arts, winning four fil"!!t prizes and two second prizes. His pictures have been exhibited in the following places In Vtnb: B. Y. U, Proyo Chamber of Commerce, :;alt Lake Chamber of Commerce, Latter Day Saints University, Utah State Fair and National Art Exhibition at SpringYUle. Mr. Gardner is also somewhat of a poet, writing and Ulustrating his own poems. His prize winning number is entitled "Christmas." His latest co'htrlbutlon recently appeared as a half page edition to tbe literary section of the Deseret News. It was a conception In prose and entitled "Valley of tile Forgotten." Th results recently attained by the art students ot Murray High seem to reftect upon their Instructor and much credit Is due him. - Interest-what you pay the bank when you borrow back•the money you have on deposit with it. Boy's definition: "An anonymous person is one who does not wish to be known, as for instance, the boy who puts a mouse Into teacher's lunch basket." Feed Me Smith's Feeds And I Am A Good Paying Investment Your hens must have the proper rations in order to give you the Maximum egg production. Our feeds are mixed to formulas prepared by the leading colleges of the west and tried out and approved by some · of our leading poultrymen. Before placing your Next Order for grain call us and ' SAVE. Smith's Cash Feed PHONE MURRAY 56 476Z SOUTH STATE . "EVERYTIDNG for the CWCKEN from PEEP to CACKLE" SPECIAL PRICES SATURDAY, JAN. 22 SMITH'S WHOLE CORN Yellow, No. 3, Per 100 Pounda ···········-······-······· .. -···· $1.13 SMITH'S YELLOW CORN, Cracked or Ground, No.3, Per 100 Pounda ........... $Z.OO SMITH'S U. A. C. MASH, Per 100 Pounda ......... __. ....... $2 35 SMITH'S ECONOMY SCRATCH, Per 100 Pounda ... $2.25 48 Pound Baa ......... ····--·· $1.50 HIGH PATENT FLOUR We Are Booking Orders For Baby Chicks. CallUs Now! "KASH IS KING" DOES YOUR HARNESS Need Oil and Repairs? IF ' so- The Murray Harness Shop Is At Your Service Come E.rly To A-void The Spriq Ruth "EVERYTHING FOR THE HORSE" ROBERT HECKEl . NEW SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS .a Repair .w,. Shoe Repairiq-Fionheim Rubber Heels on Flonheim $8.85 Sale Ia On 'T"dl Febn.r, 18th Auto Curtain RepU-a MURRAY, UTAH ( |