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Show --- ildren Cty· for OUR COMIC SECI'ION D~l__________O_u_r_~_t~h-~_e___ ___ __~ID WEll.GUf55 I'LL GET MY OWN BREAKFA~T- • THRT PESKY CRT! UM! BACON AND f.:GGS, )1 THE EXCEPTI ON t~i 0 1, The young woman was shown roundthe ship hy a 111ate. ~he saw t>\·erythln~. lucludlng the ruhlns, the stok~ hold, nml the saloon~. At last tlH'Y <'lillie to the bridge, where the captain 1 I • MOTHE R:- Fletcher's Castoria is especialty prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. was stnndin~. "Ah, so that'!'~ the captuln," r!'· murkt>d the visitor. "He's the m~m whose word Is luw while you're at Sl-<t. l8n't he?" "Xo. madnm, not thl!l time." said the mute. "Yon ~'<'~", the wife's com· lug with him on this trlp."-Edinb urgh 13cotsman. ~ij •·:~ -'•· ' :~: t:;·'-'1 lf.l_~~I ~ To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless-fu Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. RIGHT DIRECTIO N Secreta Are Whi•pere d R~~~~~~~l'g-~~! J.lttle Li:r.ette was tlllltP noisr . . II suinwtl1er put hPI' fin!-:el' to her lips and Li7.ettP, not ,-o ;;o 0 WELL, I'Vf LOST A MY APPETITE Q ANYHOW ! <I: "Hit! loud!" "\\'hy; mn 1 n ~1-t'l'Pt?" asi:Ptl thelittle tot.-lloston 'I'I'HilS('ripl. · akin soflt white, lovely, by using Resinol "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" l i ( I A nannlt>~s ~t>gt>tal~e butter color used by million~ for r.o years. Drug stores antl general stores ~;ell tJottlcs of "Dandelion" for 35 cent .-Adv. l If yen look impor!ant, gPt a joh that' suits your look~<. ;·iue !:.ImPs out of, t<•u th·tt procedure wlll wm·k. !';he (under ~pell lie (under RHlllt> ~<lleli)-Thnl's step In the ri,.:ht dlrec·tlon, I'd ~<ay. ------- ------- ---- --- -------- ----"--'----- -- MICKIE, TilE PRINTER'S DEVIL HE-i, PUP ~ WAKE UP AUD (&...&.GIVE YA "'11!S y BEFOR-E I &VR:'i HIM DO 'fOU WAIJY" A pu:e£ OF ~O't' <'f I A Sad Mistake \YIIkl'.-;--~n tltp hr·itleg-room <lidn't show up at the \\'Ptlding? l'rundall- -Xo: the~- for~:ut to ~<end t.im un iu,_-i_tl_tt_i_on_._ _ __ I l Que•tion "Dolly's all ri~ht if you know how to tal:c· lit'l'." Mut (;e' I•'ores! RJinger ,J.,b: $1 Z5 $200 mo. and hotne furn1 hcd; l'(."rmallent; experience 1Ureuc, 1n t lS con Rose, !415 So. Flore•. liundl;<>rch!Pf ' dear. I slfopt l with it nnd<>r my pill<•w anrl I''l'e · ki~~!'<J it 11 t lwu::;and 1imes. Alice -Thnt isn't my ht•ndkPrthief . That's little Fitln's ~wl'ah•r. ~0 1 IF HE OOU\.DJJT" HEAA 1\o\AT s SVT' ~ MORE for SORE EYES stt:nu ant 1 Correct Conclusio n tnltaUon.. dltion. Scarcely a nook or ha:n unne~essary; bunt. fish. t•ap. cl<'. Write let an!w~ere but has many I :~ORT_Q::\0, 3G4 l!cliann Bldg. 0.-nv•r. C~l~ enthUS1BSt1C u~ers. Ask youl T.lo Grnnde \"nlln· Farms .~rum Ownt"-rft nei~hbor.. II Cltrus gro\c•.s. pouitry. \'t>gt' tJ.blPs. datr):iu.g. Kill the Dog •Bind; dlilt>, does you all kuow what dt>c~it am?" "f>uttinly I dol's, neel:r.elmu.'' "Den whnt Is it'!" "\\'ell, when I leaus ovah nn' henh13 somethin' rip, I kum'·" tlat'::; tie sPat." ot h e r 4 i Harolcl-Titt> rP's the I ~-nn c::·oppc•d last nlgltt, I-lOW, Al'-"f "'rl\A."1' -roo BAD~ M1 POOft. OOQ- MUST' BE Ol' The rld llmole rem~ that brlnc> e<><Dlortlnc rellef 11 besL " ' · •II drwgglo,. I II / Av~~% d.:::::n.: era &ore from A lkall kidneys ue the blood' Bai!AU...ko1,11... Tori<Citr . filters. If ~bey fail to func-1 bon properly there ill apt to be 1 _ . a retention of toxic poisons in · _,__ the blood. A dull, languid fpe(lng and, soml!timcs, toxic back- 1 aches, headaches, and dizziness are symptoms of this condition Further evidence of improper kidney function is often founrl; in burning or scanty passage HINDERC ORNS RemoTes Corns. Oal· of secretions. Each year morE louses, etc., sto~s a \l pain, f'!lSurcs com!on to the . for.t, ma.t~s wn.u:lng easy. l.6c by ma.tl or at Draa and more people are learmr.g eists. lllsoox Obemleo.l Worb,l'atcno;;u e, N.Y. the value of Doan'a Piils, o -· 1 d' · • h' "ThiR I~ a knott~· ('!l~e. Eight women on tlw jury." , "And the woman ~·on c!Pfendl" : "Is ll<"<'nst>d of stealiug another woman's eook.'' "\Yhat'!< worr~·lnl(' you T ~ "I'm afraid tlwy'll huu~-: my ellent." BATH I -:;...;;;........-. , sa Ive ~e THE Bad Outlook A • Good Eliminat;on Ia Euential to Good Health. ".Judge." rt>qne~ted the pri~cmer at the hnr, "I'd like to start st>rving my sentence rlo:ht awny, so I'll have It oYer qulckt>r. ·'Xo hurry, my hoy," replied the judg-e ge-nially. "It's going to lw a llfe sPntence." ___: American Legion Monthly. 1 . )Keep in a lTrim ! No Need to !Iurry . '1-- . ·~ M'1fchell ET · of vPrnnl moon) ·-I.N's sit on the step and tnlk. DOA N'S PILLS 60c WE Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney 111 Fo!ltt"r Mflbo!'n Co .• N.f£. fh~m;dA. 'A•,f"'-,'~ ,, " S&n Antonl.J, Texas. PAY YOU CASH tor gold bridges, crown•. false teeth, old p:ates, dlam' nd9, ' ·~ 1 ••·arded J~welry. Send goods to Wh\tinc . Gold RI'Jlnlog ( Q, Inc., 96 Flftb Ave•• N. Y. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 3 .• 1927. A Spellbinde r "I•o ynn a<lmin \\':t!-:IIPr's JIIU!>le'!" Sorrow Uncalled For "I tin," :Utswl•recl ~~·nntor Sorghum. Whc•n the \'I'I'Y mud1 nlin• J:rrnlce "He's a true• spellhin<IPI', I know of neaui:< llt'l'i\'Pd at Arkan»a. C'it\' 110 other llll<ll who (·ould <·ompel )'PH· - 11 IS., f 1'0111 I' nt• II 1111(1, () rl'., 1 ·' 1,; • t . I S II' Wltfl p1t> t o I1s en so •tttentiYP ,. re"·trdle · · 1 · · .' . • · .,. "'" gn•et<•tl hy wec·plng r<>lrttive;; ond of What WIIS hCIII" SUit!." ~ frl<>nds, who hat! olreud: completed het• fmwrul arrang•'m('nt . The mixup wu. Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp. l':tu""'' hy a mistnkt> of a single word On retiring gently rub fputs of dun- in a t••lp;rrnm. 'l'h(• tl'legnlm sent ) drufl' and itching with Cuti<"ura Cmt- >'air1: "Bt>mie<' IPft at 4 p. m. ArrlYe ' mcnt. Next morning shampoo with tltl n• Tnu1·::;dn,r." Iu rhe telc-grnm t'l': Cutlcura ~oap and hot watE.'r. Make et''''l'tl the wo1'd "il'ft" had becom ; them your everyrlay toilet preparatlonH and have a dear ~k!n and soft, white · hnnds.-Adverti~ement. ~om!'tlnws cv<>n 11 root makl·, tc•1· fi'iPIHl tlu·n the man who Huh? too much. !iiQ" the Otlkc Boy I "\Yhn is thnt ?'' "The IJo~-:-ealling champion." It'>' ('!l,y to fool a mau who "Hn~ he nmch of a following'!" faith in human nat•u·e. ! I 1 I "Well, I'm takln~?; ht>r in a taxi, Is the pro{J<·r way?" t~at • THE FEATHERHEADS NO ~lA!- tEUJ.,'fOIJ 1)10 A\.\. AI~ , ~~ I~ 0. \.1'1'n.£ t4£QUOUS l"" ''Q~ 1\Mt "' tQQ!(f 0~ ~·MII<t':. eul VoU Go'T ALON& GQ£AT __ .. A PRETTY PICKLE Help! Help! NOP£{- THr Joes llOUA<s AttD Voo ~lART AlGI-IT A'WA'IUEOlS T..E ~~Cil- l'vt Q5f [ ToGO£/U"- GO~ OP Al\0 \'5TI~QT 1t'IU<ING- ll":.lK I (tid ~iald ~om· l'kkll' -Look those disgn, tin;.: Rwed l'il'kll's! at I -- Her Opinion Angry (;irl to Ilrug~lst-Titis vnn(·rt•,,tu i~ a fukt.a. I ''·u:,:g;st - I h)\\. •·ntnP 't Furi<Jlls FPntalP-- l'n• nst·d it on my nose t·n·r~· uight for two \H·.-k;:, unci It's jm'l as loug us it P\'er was! i~·Ljnr• No Sign ol a Brcahdow n Dlsgustecll' ai·eut-IIow much lougt>r do ytu expt•l't me to ;;o on suppoi·tlng Y'JU I .'tolicl :-:<m-Wt>ll, falhPr, you know you are 111 thE' pink of coiulitinn. Contagiou • Mrs. (>rPrne--'l'he proft>ssc•r's wife IS 111tno><t ns ahsent·mlnde d us he Is_ ~Irs. Blue-What <lid she till? ~lrl<. !ireeue-llul lt u fire in the bureau nnd put her stockings In tht> &tov~. Between Sportamen "A Ill' iud; today'/'' "Two rnhhits, nine gt>ese, a turkey •nd four <lucks." "A II wit !t nne gun?'' ". ·o. "it h one motor (':u·." SAY "BAYE R ASPI RIN"- ~et~ Unl~ss you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not gettmg the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed by physi, cians and proved safe by millions over 25 years for Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I |