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Show mm ItAJI 30 TO FEB CENT. OF TO THOUSAND Sold Direct is ARIICIL DIFFERENT fg to Consumers. Iri The "Little Motive," $3.0 I- - D. Postal ?!ve3 Postage In CEIITt Welcns from H oa. to Z fr'qmpurbm UMDE Icrape or cam or SWREBI MrJ taitta. CAFBBOOA ABINGLH i lfi M .!. FAMILY SCALES, 240 lbs., $5 Platform Scales, Sato S20, Gorges anH BfisiniiuS' Tools. Fwmen' Forge, SIO. Fcr;e inS Kit ,r S. Tools, F Ait era can do odd Jobs, aavlnjr time ao.I inoacj. Auvfts, Y.acr. ., &c. on Sir WACOh SCALES. m In Onlr in. " i r 1 MACHINE MADE BOOTS. pRpRicrs CHE AM BAKING . (TRIAL A new system ot bootmaklng ha- been perfected In which the method of and insoles securiBg tie pf tli5 togetner is the exs-fc-t reterse In the systeth. ordinary wholesale latter the uppers are attacueu to the insoles by small tacks, the points of which in time protrude into the wear er's feet, besides which their use is acsoles,-upper- BJn uoth:t!' hot the beat of EngliA ts-- -l for bearings of a'! Scales: 6xl240. 7xl3' S50. on sags iiaauB I fleam Bit and Brw 8xl480O. IVtm with jH 'ach Scale. auOothcrvarl.'tlea. AIko, en C m HMUA. . : 1 ruck. Wlietsbarrowa, Cum Shell- era, r eel Mill. Copy ITe8, nm- cv Drawer I'otnes w nngera iiia all Hardware i lectalllca. Its superior excellence proven in minions of homes for more thau a (juarter of a cennsed by the United States Got tury. It is Endorsed eminent. by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. l)r Price's only Baking Powder that does not contain Am- SAFES OF ALL SIZES, 'o. 4. weigh. 1.100 lba., $30. CRITICAL ANALYSIS. SEWING MACHINES, PRICES REDUCED TO SIS. JjfSr' , of Dssbsbt, UXIVBRSITT monia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. Salt Lake City. June 8th, 1887. By carefullyexamlning DeCand' Chemi cal Baking Powder with the microscope and with chemical reagent, I And that it is free from Alum, start li. Flour, Hone Asia, that tsnnionta end Whitsof I RrtJi; ofand m consist Tartar ticsra essentially and Bit arbonate of Soda. 1 he Baking. Powder examined Ipurchased S5 Machine. perbeaatlfnf FUOH fect Iv flnislu-d- . Improvement on the Singer pattern. Hla:-Wain. Furniture, contain Ing a .all et of lAlcal i m War proved ranted perfect, tare money Attm-hment- Send for Circulars. Chicago Scate Co., J. T. klSGSliUBT, lShSJeferscmSL.Chicago.lU XEVf YORK. icine in the world tliai VV Jpl will cure as luid a caie of lu hing, Ulceralcjl Piles as will one and i Bleeding box of Dr. Email's Mfljrie Balm of lleallne Il a:ts as a soothing lu'.rieator, Ointment. absorbs ihe tumor- - and allays Hie intense as nothing else vilt No once at itching ever acquired s larirea sale hi so slioit a time. Sold at every drug store, or seul l.y mail. Address Zion's Ca pinpr&tjve Mi r C'leve cantile Institution. Salt Lake Citv. Send me live land, Ohio, January 21, mail's Magic Balm soon as possilDO fross will make ncarlv one hundred nm. flfty dozen I have bought since July 15, 18?4. now I sell more of vour Balm, or OinLmc jit. nt retail over my co'.inler tbaiv of a'l other It sclle liaims ami ointment conilmied better than any medicine I have in tin" S. 30 avenue. I'. Churchill, Euciid store, Ofty-ceh- Ch( pih-cur- IMSb'FAGTURERS. CHEMISTS. CHEBIMEITS. THE NEW DEPARTURE DRUMS OR POWERS' PSIHCtPALtliES are made with patent double acting rods ana folding kr.ee rwl. Light, ,re snable to disprove the Statement oa lobatantialaixlbanoani J Bed in the best Band and ererT can of De'antTs Chemical Baking at I'ure wraps Crsauai Orchestra. Unsqnaled for Podsr " KK'arb Soda and only. No tone. Surpass ad others in Tartar SBSB and appearance. U tULing wbatcTer." -( AVTIOI I w one fourth lesa of nearest M oajc dealer does not keep them, writ to tat this Bakiac rowcler. and one half lesa with ;v!i recipes tUaa vgith other few Illustrated Catalogue. abortcnin B0 LYON A 8T. I.OUIS. CHICAGO. llatlf sr d Uranda. HEALY. Clilcaso, Ilk dAw ;n - mS v V . the CURING, he will continue IMC1NG and ROLLING of KKKF, PORK, The Water Onebf tbe questions submitted to railroad compai ies by the international comtuissionsyof tbe congress of rail roads was as to tbe question ol tbe of a )et of water or steam to increase the adhesion of locomotive wheels. The companies have submitted to this question, which are published in the Bulletin, of tne commission. The Mediterranean Railroad, of Italy, submitted an elaborate report by Chevalier J. Silvola, stating that were begun 1b 1870 on the experim-ntl'ontedeclmo-Bussalline. which were so ul that the water je u-- cent per YKMSON. He aUo SMOKES HAMS, at out tin t. .ent per pound. MEAT CCKEDin anj style dosireil, with jr w ithout bone. ordois solicited. Family - 1' d Im the address. 4 I Genuine Bargains than any other wheel made. lies asStalWsBWSBD seafBBsHa&Sa' f in the stomach undigested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassitude, despondency aid nervousness inditae In w tit whole system W deShram H? Liver ranged. Eegulator has btien the means of restoring more iK;ople to he a 1 h and Happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. 3ff Bsa Estimates furnished on ap plication, for wheels specially built and adapted to suit any particular Address tbe Manufacturers, Fine illostrated catalogue sent free case. 3 UAa sCENRY "R T. UST OFIELD, OHIO. BREWERY. CALIFORAIA LAGER BKER, ALE md PORTER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Second Mouth A'f rrt.t. Three Door Kr' j from Main S'Jfl NEVES LEES DISAPPOINTED. As a goneral family remedy for l WAGNER, SALT LAKE CITY, It acts With extraordinary power and efficacy. d Dyspep-Torpi- iver. Con?tlp.it:on, rte.,. 1 hard:., ever use anything else, and ljave never in tlie etlet t produced; been dtsappmat-'tlit seems to be almost .1 perfect cure for all diseases of the Stctmieh and Rowels, W.J. Me l.t.oY, llaron, Ga. f NOW THE i'lMK TO dsAwi2) FT.CCTCATtONS IN TI1K offer opportunities to speculators to make money in t.raln, Stocks, FOR SA1.KI Bonds and Petroleum. Prompt personal to orders received by wire attention given Full XTEA" D. ft R. 8 O. DEPOT. A HOUSE ar mall. Correspondence solicited. roomsi pantry, closete, information about the markets on our Book, iwntaininjr etc. ; lot 5x20; choice fruit trees, and plenty which will be forwarded free rn application. of good water. Apply at James Poulton's H. D. ETLt, Banker and Broker, s. Second west st.. Salt Lake City. Store,IS Broad and 8 New St., New York City, d mm- Can be secured by part payment, dftw ACTIVE i i . WM. C-- At TEAS DE L'S! LOW -- . JAMES T. FLASHMAN, MQRIUS, f s Etc, Etc, a was applied to 35 loco motives nsed on the heavy grades of that line, ihis resulted in a consld erable saving.the expenditure for sand havine been .! ,000 a year, while the cost of the steam or vvatir let was only eit;bt-couple- d SXs.i. yv9 incidental advantage An aT PRICES! IMMENSE STOCK. Mways Reliable GEORGE M. CANNON, JOHN M. CANNON. i I DINWOODEY H. tun-gel- us-o- f and CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES COMPRISES AN I Terrible Fight Rslween Lions. IMMERSE STOCK AND IS EQUAL TO THE CHEAPEST . i Barly yestprdej morning there was fearful battle iu the Jubilee Exhibl-io- n at Livwpotd. Delmonico, tbe nost plucky tarru r of beasts, has been trifling in a ca;:e with three big forest ons. Five more lions of a different AND vind,but very big also, arrived from Undertaker's Goods In Utah. oTrcaxirlouday and were put up t ee into a big cage with the three Wholesale aud Retail, at there. When he had fbue, ilreadv laiONEiv warKt:arcFi prices Mile Kera, bis partus, went in with ttfer Jnered IM Utah, :lVosjrer than t e lions and took a 1 ttle dog. This . I as repeated dnrf' e he day, ani the sr LOTS and GRAVES furnished in any w ion t. o much stunned by in the City. All orders filled daj Cemetery r cigin in tne inoneit ume poasime he noisy crowd and the visits of the dog to think of an thing else. Shortlj Office and Warerooms Never Closed. after midnight, however, t e menagerie was filled with a frightful roaring and m. S N. 31 A Tciuplf k- a servant rushed in to find the big Sal. "jTeiephone . ViP 9 Iron cage rock im; and the eiabt SALT PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE LAKE DAILY, AS FOLLOWS : furiously, rolled up into a F. T. TAYLOR. M. W. TAYLOR. ! .olnK North. Santb. huge dark ball from which the b'.eod siained fur was flying in all directions 6 SO a.m. Milford Express st Pacific Expreaa at 4.00 p.m. 8.13 a.in. Juab Express t At'antic Express at. The huge beasts rolled over and over, 7.2'j.a.m. Park City Express and Local at.. 8.00 p m. liiing pieces qut of each other with a 7.94 pm.. Atlantic and U at N. at fcrocityHhat was sickeamg. The new arrivals were pitted at unfair odds t Passenger Trains Arrire m Sait Lake daily, as follows gainst (he lions who had been in dposTom Kerth. From South. session. The lamer arrived 9.45 a m. Milford Hxpress at. Atlantic Express at and found bis lions bleeding "fearfully,' ....10.00 s.m. 11. 0 ..in. Juab and at. but still fighting. The appearance of p.m. Express at Utah City 5 V5 p.m. k NOTtheTn St Deiraonico with a red hot iron proIm 10.40 Express st p.m.' duced an effect, and all but tbe two chief combatants crouched sullenly FRANCIS COPE. JOHN SHARP, down. Up these two hot irons were Gen. Freight and Passenger Ajrent. Genera! Superintendent. useless, even when applied re-to ' raw flesh. Tbe lions sponded only by tearing away at each other more fiercely. At last DelI monico entered tbe cage half clad as 7.." C M. I. Opposite he was and shut himself in. He next opened a door communicating With a second cage and drove into it the six Liif WE HAVE" dobs that had been looking on. The WHO M UNACOUAIMTED WITH THi CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL two contestants paid no attention to SEE BY EXAMIMIMQ THIS MAP, THAT THE him, but while he stood there the big forest Hon, who bad been defending ms bomei against the five strangers, 35" rolled over on his back, growled faint-y- , bin and died as tbe other seas rx OF Tim CITY. ''gain by the throat. There was pot or 5 5 fr le dead lion anv unbitten whole piec f skin large enough to have Btade t ALSO, A LOT OF love. Curiously enough, not one r ff wWr linps bs ''- ill ?f seems to Indicate that some code ex-i- ts among lions which' prevents then SEAR CITY LIMITS. from making each other ridiculous.-.Ve- w in d Office, 13T Notary trlc Sun. I TEASDEL'S! lltKIST aoat MOSl COMPLETE STOCK of carry the COFFINS, CASKETS, Utah Central Railway. New Xime Card, IS"vemter 13th. 1887. Wt lion-rightin- mm r g COAL!7cS)L rnios. half-cla- ABAfj ESTATE, ;...-a- The Bufton-Gardir- Co. Combination Fence, er PEEAS ANT Loenfe Odltectidn Agents OFFICE: 32 MAIN ST.RF.FiT, life HOUSES and LOTS O CHOICE FARMS - N Ti TT K r Order appointing time ahdi place for settle ment of final account and to hear petition for distribntion. KK A D I X GAMT"TrTLf8 G THE'PE titlon of N A. Broruander Paul estate of Christensen, Exec. Tors of the aqd Tans Hromander.deceased, forth thtiMkeyhlve-llk- s ot taelr finalsetting tbeisSdTiSiSaSritlM Bpon 'said (.tate in this mkhtm lave seen fully tBat as) hf Couft; palif,-nrethat ;ji4in efaid mains to be divided amontr the heirs of said deceased, and prayins; among other thinps and 8rtsfuIfofrsaid estate f frdTt anions the persons entitled. It is ordered that all persons intereste-- t in the estate of the said Frans Bromandcr. de ceased, be and appear before the Probate Court of the Countv of .Salt I jifcp.. at the ofWud aVoatrt, in Coimt v SfSToffls Oeuft House, o the mfc day of beeember, at It oVlock atm then iind thereto it7, ojUaf allowing snidflnnl Npfcakcjtasajrhlas TcTorrhT arM of rrititiirrtition should not be made of the residue of said estate among the heirs and devisees of the said Frans Bromander, deceased, according to law. Jf isTuaHher orrterod that tile clerk cause this order to he posted in three roplesof BBitfiR places in sal tijike Countv and pub its esjrttral xxmttioo, at terminal lines points west, middle-link in that traTxmafnentai onlv tme principalUnes East of JMortnvpset ana sastnwest "mcago ffecSl axrs gklcn invites tatea travel and traffic in either direction between tha Atlantic Pacifio. and Tne Bock Island main line and branch eajtriclude cniciK-a- , Joliat, Ottawa, - a Moline pad Bock I Ml rid, is XUinoiar; X)avaport, MuscaSoUe, Peoria, Oenesco, oosauWea t TJBrty1toJlsp3ity. Des Ottumwa, tine, waahfrirt-m-, fairfleid, nola. Winterse t, Atlantic. Kncuryiafc, Audubon, Moines, India Harlan, Guthrie Oentro-anCouncil BluSs. in iawa' OaJJatin. Tranton. Bt. Josenh. Cameron arsl KantM CHty, in Miasouxi; Lsaenwori and 4lrbiaojr, in Kansas; Albert Le m Jainneaoxa; w a Bainnwapcaia ana sc. owns ana oi uMenneaiat anas,Jfam, vcuasss, j a eoiiun-jouf- l al THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees who travel ovevit Its roadbec Speed, Comfort and Ssety to those s tnorouAThly baiLtatad. Its of Mia J steeL Its bndfrea are soxia structures of stone and iron. Its 8 tOCK IS perfect as aasajsa skill em nMtSc nas all the safety sppHsnOM thatVxnechanical frenius has invented and it. expsrienos andiaethod- leal-- its dUsciplinq strict and sxactinK. Tkalimrv Of i tS paacensap,niiKmnHa. tions is unecmsded in the Wast unaurraS6d in the world. consist AI4, CMbajro arfTOie Missouri m-rRMTlMhetajfen of caortable DA, W ACSES, majrnifioentPTJLLMAN PALACE PARLOR i5lNlNO CARS elarant excellent meaU.and "JSV providingBt. Josspli, City-wt- fnl Atchiaoii. and Kansas RKCLINING n : F - Ay THE FA4VI OOS A LBERT "tSEAr. RCkWt te, November 17th, SV i asw County of Salt Lake, Is that faworite line between Chicaaro and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over I, John O. Cutler. Clerk of the Probate I fast Express Trains run daily to the iiunmer resorts, nicturesa ue this roqts xocauc and fishing sToanda of Iowa and Minnesota. The neb wheat lands of interior Dakota are reached via w'atertoale route, via Seneca andKankaJcee, offers superior induoementa A sho ana uosnaj aftmm, ou- for settlement of flnal account and ts vrav Cincinnati, Anaiamapous, Jose Ph, SC. Paul ass, inter innenpoha, in the matter 6f tee Estate Of Frans 8. jneAJfc laaaMss Bromander, deceased, v appear of record of natrons, esnselallv fajmiliea. and children, receive from in " officials and amnio ve of Rocs Talanfl trains nrotsctlon. i nanl Tnl nonrtnav an my office. - in witness whereof . I have Itinddy attention. set my For Tickets, Maps, Folders obtainable at all principal Ticket Offices in the and aalxed Said Court, this fSEAi..) the seat or hspd Vmted states and Canada or any desired information, address, 17th of November, A. D. I - i - distn-btHdo- " 1 herc-snt- rrtVt 4 G' U'g'r, Chicsfa E. ST. JOHN, Aw't 6en" Mv-r- , Chicago. E. A. H0LBR0OK, Gea'l Tkt 4 fw. Aft, Ceicar 1807. d td NOT J0 OF O.VJB FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OFFERS THIS WEEK. 1 t K W Alma Nut ?sSSSSMMsaSMaaasaasaaaaasaMaaaMassisssasass on a (oijIuatio. mu ss paitlks Ot this Season's Importation, are the Handsomest Lot of Suits we have ever brought kera, and will be Cleared Out at bars Kerw York Cost. day JOHN C. CUTLER, Probate Clerk. to Order appointing time and place for settle ment of final account and to hear anlt1."" for distribution. READING AND FILING a"N Ution of Richard G. Lambert Ex- Vr - nfa tha 1,'dtai astsatrvaAnn ufonbma w i U I.U J vV viiauiO Ha ut; linn ceased, sotting forth that he has filed his nam account of has administration upon said es tate in this Court; that aU the debts save been fully paid, and that a portion of said estate remains to be divided among the heir of said deceased, and praying among cither things for an order allowing said final account and of distribution ot the residue of said estate among the persons entitled. It is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of the said Ann Jenkins, deceased, be and appear before the Probate Court of the County of Salt lake, at the Court Room of said Court, in the Countv Oomrt House, on tbe 3rd day of December. 1687. at 11 o'clock a m., then and there to Una! how cause why an order allowibg-aiiaccount and or distribution should not b made of tbe residue of said estate among the heirs and devisee of tbe said Ann decea ed, according to law. Jenkins, It is further ordered that tne clerk canse of this order to be posted is three copies County arid pubpublic places In Salt LakeEVKKIKO NKWS. a lished in the DSSERET aad circulated newspaper printed is Salt Lake County, three weeks sucotssively prior (p said 3r lay of December, 1887. ELLAS A. SMITH. ' 3. COKE, CHARCOAL, WOOD, Eta, V a Office, Tlrd, A lot of REMNANTS of LATHES' CLOTH sad TRICOTS, Is Plata aad Che ks, in lengths 2 to 7 yards, nearly all of them ends of pteoes 1 of this season's lmoortaMon - 143 MAIN ST.,S.LCftj. Cor. Second South uU Tkird Wat gta. li! I' m PRICES lhetipinr Wms If Til la i yislasd is the Okskbmt Myusrio news, a circuistea in salt newspHper pruned a noavscksv Last Caunty, tares sucesaivolv prior to the said 17th day of 0ecember,19S7. ELI A3 A. SMITH, ' Pn.bataJndge. 1887. Dated ' $W '. i, I Sisoflrh'e . ROCK SPRINGS HUT. V. e.-ta-te mBuSaPrr.jBa",'asr. i inn, ' New Goods at a Great Reduction in Prices! Pattern. Deceased. ON ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y CHICAGO, reason of close relation to Mixed K11L. , t In the matter of the Estate of Frans L . Jiromander, Deceased. m Ml AN UNUSUAL OFFER SO EARLY IN THE SEASON. A lot of DRR88 PATTEWS, containlns; 18K yards, good quality 24 inch , Seasonable Dreas Goods at the very low price ot 92.00 a ate Oosrt m and for Salt Uak unty. Territory of onaav. Estate ot Ana In the - A C0HN BROS. -- taerVobiierourti in ahojfor the Oonnty o 8alLke, Territory of Utah. MOT m9 ALMY,L ANTHRACITE . LEGAL NO TICK. TALLEY, ROCK SERIITGS, i R. R. CABLE, Prices tto Lowest! ! ii GROCERIES, llJiEi?f0 nllRn ! Main Street. de'in-qaen- GOODS, ARRIVING DAILY NEW 6Q0DS ein-.er- climbing mwmj up aaid then shw a pretended retrench meat. Compare Price and Qualities of Goods, with pretended Kales of Specials. Oar whole I.lne of AT H. DINWOODEY VV P A TMTFB 5 51 IPPT T RS that Notice h Spasmodic Effort but an Every Day Occnrreace telle Mora e IT O TT O E TEASDEL'8! I CO., c&? T 1 was the absence of the sand, which ai one time proved a serious obs'acle Id the war of maintaining good drainagt . i in the Giovi Tunnel. Tbe farther opinion is advanced SOVTlt JORDAN CASAL. COMPAX that, while the adhesion is not in creased quite so much bv the use of Salt l ake Principa Place of LRunta water as of sand, the water et system t itt, lair. ces tae advantage in trtat it does not anv resistance to the move is Hi mr.Y ernes interpose meeting of the Trustees, held ment of tae train, as does the October 1st, Wet. an asseaian at of Fifty more or less of which remains onsand, the Cents per rbare was levied upon the capital rails. Tbe engine drivers much pre- beoii or stock i f the Corporation, aatjabie fore the 10th flav of XnremTver, ML to I r the water jet system, as they say it Jesse W. Fox, Jr., at the Company's Office. makes the train lighter that is. It Main Street. draws more easily. It is stated also that the abandonment of the use of Any stock, upon which this aesessmeaC may sand of on remain unpaid is accompanied by a lesseniug Of the loth day No, 1SS7, will be delinquent and advertised for the wear.of rails. This result Is sale at public auction, and unless payment ported by numerous observations, supv and is made before, will be sold on the :toth day is further con oboiated by the obserof November, 1887, to pay the delinquent vations of M. Couard on the Sorde- assessment, together with costs of adverrettts Tunuel of the Paris, Lyora for and sale. expenses tising & ana weatterranean Kailroad JESSE W. FOX, Jk., M. of on these tbe Eger Secretary. Swiss Central Railroad. The water Jet system, it has bees said, will no t The above assessment will not be answer in cold climates, but it has until Iecemjjer ISth, 1SS7, and all D Stock will be sold on the SOUi day oeen very successful on the Swiss Cenof December, 1887. tral and Gotu&rd lines, both of which By order ot the Trustees. are subject to very low temoeratores. JESSE W. FOX JR., The Go'nard ra'lroad has D6 locomo dAs lm Secretary. fives fitted with the water Jet, and t t iorongtily approves tbe system. On s this road, although there are long and steep grades, makina the JOS. WILLIAM TAYLOR, heavy locomotives necessary, tb A?ear of tbe rails has been nuch lightei UTAH'S LEADING '.han was expected. The results st ar obtained jurt fy the making of x.. UNDERTAKER & EMBALMED. ended experiments with the water Ji Vetera, in the opinion of tbe coannis ion. AT St ana power with less wntor an-swe- rs IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE Admin trator of the Porcher, deceased, to the! creditors of, and all persons having claims aaalnst the said deceased, ' exhit.n them with the necessary roochera, within four months after the llrst publication of this notice to the said administrator, M No. SKI East. Third South street. Salt Lake City, in. the Countv of Salt Lake. Dated at Salt Ijikc rhy. Ortnlwr 17. 1HS7. KolihUT 1'iiltt HI U. Administrator ot Estate of Arthur I'orcher, oaw d4w deceased. fafOTICK uudcrsiffned, ii Estate of Arthur where P-.r- arc utilized, aad are guaranteed to give a more Jt. I Estate of Arthur I'orcher, Deoensed. -. DRY r NOTICE TO CRi.IrrOKS. BACON SMOKEB, TO No. 787 E- TIRT UAS KEMOVED STREET. Salt Lake City, X the food this-grea- IF THOS. CRAWFORD, THE HAM CIREK iM .ah. wheels are designed for all puspose where limited quantities of water and high beads cm-stipate- by other disadvantages. companied The sole is then scored or channeled round to receive the stitching, by which it is, of course, weakened and its water reststins.' power greatly re duced. In tl)e"Ab Intra" system the tacks are deftly put Into the insole oy a baedy maCslne, the flat heads of the nails being nusn witn tne suriace oi tie insele aDd toward the wearer's feet. The insole is tien placed on the last with the points upwards, and the over them and upper is placed made fast by means of a hollow tube, with which tbe operator presses dowu the leather over rtie point of the nail. The sole is then placed over the proand hamtruding pointsa of the nailsblows servmered down, few sharp ing tosecnre- the sole to the upper and insole. So- perfectly are the three united that it requires tools aud great force to reparate them. The secret of cohesive power lies in the form of t o nail, which has a shoulder near it? point ani In section resembles BfQ irpcn harpoon. Hence, when closes driven into leather the lait-over the shoalder ol the nail and denes all bat tb most- severe efforts to extract, it. After the sofe has been secured the boot is finished in tiie usual way, the time occupied In fixing the sole being about half that required in the ordinary machine boot process. The Value of the system is stronely Rttesled by practical boot manufaa cturer, and it appears likely to effect marked change in the condition ol the wholesale boot manufacturing trade. London Time. THE PARTY WHO FOUNT) A Lifrht Wagon Tonirue on the road be tween Tavlorsville and this city HI report to G. C. iJarabcrt. Dtseret Arrs Olice, where it can be recovered, he will confer a favor dAe tf upon the owner. MORE RAKID BACON! Ml'TTON ' ! LOST WAGON TONGUE 0 Tbee Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that gpod health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bowels afe sluggish alul NKW 8YSTKM Of 8ECURINO THI SOLBS IMYBNTKD IN ENQLaND. i Sfe. How's four Liver? November 36. ISS7. Ssaturday, Qf not - Down With High Prices ME - - Dated November 7th, Probate Judge. 1887. t of Utah, Territory Coon ty of Salt Lake, f O. Cutler, Clerk of the Probate I. Johnana for the County of Salt Lake, in Court in the territory of Utah, do hereby certify tbe that foregoing is a full, true ant correct copy at Order appointing time in d place for settlement of anal account 'and io near petition for distribution is the matter of the Estate of Ana Jenkins deceased, as appears of record in my office. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal or said court, this (Skal.j 7th day of November, A. D. , 1387. dt : JOHN 0. CUTLER, Probate Clerk. 2 I ! mi l rnusual BaVgalas I in our CLOAK Dept ammmmtmrn yonmg Ladies' Newmarkets, from 92.50 . upwards ' f V.'. , '''" .(flOl. t . J. .UY ' ' '' - i Jr Bargains In Children's Cloaks, St 1.60 and upwards. Great Barlna is Ladles' Newmarkets, at 91. 50 and upwards. We ar oiterlug our Short Wraps at unusually Great Bargains Tne Manufacturers In New York hare advanced the prices in PLUSH GARMENTS from 1 0 to 20 per cent .; notwithstanding this race we snail continue to. anil our flush Sacques and Wraps st the ' low figures as hereto! ere. jkr,! n ,tsvi We have Just received an elegant assortment of LADIKS BLACK , , JRRSKYS, which we are offering at .75, 91. OO, 92. OO. , J.W na upwards; good values all of them. We are Clearing Out s large lot of GIRL'S ZEPHYR HOODS, at 25c. and SOc, costing three times sa mack to manufacture. ' I I .' ilf.'ufT aj n 91-50- str j A lot of Good guaUty from 94.50. J ? MttavV ii ssat' 91 yo GREY BLANKETS m i - O"11 ' 8.00, reducic From - Sole Agrents for Harper's Bazar Patterns. i .'v. . C. WANLESS. BJOtOVAL U mmm ow i! T 48 Mai 25, and full regular Scarlet former price 98. OO. fisal . , Agency for "On Time" & Umveisaa Storea awe Ladies Scarlet Vesta And Pants at Gteat Reductions. eed at ' 1.1 W-ou- Hi i d . LARGE STOCK f J 91-25- Maiislj v .. "hrs IT i usr or OF UKIOM aiawirsr I SO MmSt Street, to South Skats, 64 NTREET. M Jwtt FBID 1. MAT win sailmssw Jatsy er castes teas, oases asa Ossas Lowest lMess. 4eaertvUoa at ry onu sad ah sad try dm If I will set est yes r-i- pnaas cuts at the lowest rates. Oorssat aad Dried Meats s a pedal ty. All loads sf SAUSAGE, nsanupassed le the market. km OoartawD iraatmaat aad Meat da Urerad prewstfy. tt 2nd Swuth. s aseee fk V. W. V. co ail Terst, e TmUptUmlfo Altas Osakwi Cesi ills JtiJ. a 7. Lms SS set. as ... wrea Wilkinson, i r.P r. a. essay d ft 4 oo per ton extra for dehrerir.g. ib ets. per ton extra for sara-ln-. M eta. a. 7s. , |