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Show Granite Ironware IMa ail HobeM JOUR M. GARNBH Use. Collection Agency, AT No. 39 MAIN STREET, Two doors south of Z.C.M.I. Collection made and proceeds promptly forwarded. LejraJ paper carefully draw. of Titles a Specialty. Oar Motto: Moderate Charge. Fair Treatment. Reliability. Si o. 39 Mavia St.. Salt LaSo Ct t y nPMCEfc LATE TELEGRAMS. CEEAM Terrible Kxplosion in San Fran cisco Slight One la Madrid. Its su)erior excellence proven in millions of lu i nes tor more than a unrtcr of a century. It is used by th United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the rat Universities as the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. Lr Price's the only Halting Powder Hint does not contain Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. I'ltlUlt i;hlM. I'UWilCII uu. i ABI-moni- Cash! GHS9V PRICK PATH kinds of CTRK FK THE PIKES ArBK need not suffer from this most disease distressing again in all your life. ZaP-AITPIER,, News Notes of Interest from our Farts of the HAJnjTACTuaJU) ST. bit SUSS IIB BOBBER. w TKLKPIIONK TO No. 820, . nd delivery will call if t!3 P nPRJl nrwajron rtf.Rirlftntf. at yonr place i.nr uf.n (ka 1 Price for everything HlS Haw. STUPLW 00. LOUIS ST- - oslt IMEI iu the above B. GOODWIN", LOT7IS. IJJEI.ISE. 10. 242 W.. FIEST ST SOUTH e J.I.GASE&G0. A O OB O PP Racine, Wis. Annually manufacture and sell more THRESHING MACHINES Than any other Firm in the Wottdj - r a Bays and Sells Exetmna-- on Men Torli, San Praneiseo, Cnieago, St Louis. Omaha, London, and prlDef. eJ Continental Cities. News remitting process ? 1 of Merit, at the Centennial I'lllLADLLiExposition liiA. - (jC Highest Award and Silver Medal at OHIO STATE FAIR, 1878. Gold Medal First Premium COLORADO. CALIFORNIA ne GENERAL COMMOTION ! prevailed in this city. The explosion almost threw the workmen who were employed on the wbarl, off their feet, The flash of the first explosion was seen through the haze by bat a few, but when the shock was felt, all in looked over towards Berkely shore, and when the second explosion occurred the flash. was seen 1 I PATENT Office and Wnrcrooms Never Closed. Eclipsed Apron Machines Will Thresh, Clean, Save per day more bushels ol Wheat, Rye, OatJt, Flax. Timothy and Clover Seed than any other Threshing Machine in the United - Arm.- Threshers and Farmers save youi Money by purchasing J. I. CA8E A COS THRESHING MACHINES. TRAGT10M AND PORTABLE GO. 59 north Temple Street ujjice: di soutn lempte Street, Went. 2Vo. jsati. BIANDB HBMCa MILL ROLLER : .. PATBHT, HIH 1. H4KEK1 2 Nl PK11FINK WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR. HIGHEST GASH PHICEPAiQ FOR WHEAT Mill Telephone No. S71. No. 387. ll'est Ttnp!eS51.St Telephone 5 Philadelphia 5 kLr Washington ...... 3 ....... 1 SIX-COR- HE: BUND RE 12 PARTS PURE's UAnr from PURE 3VE ' ' atJ Icorral. No. 2, dim T7IN"EST THRESHIKG ENGINES, iwwer. Combining SAFETY. PtrWER, FINISH, STRENGTH. r hone ECONOMY, X X TT for the Season. Pull Blooded Jersey liuil, my XX 33 ft PURE Bl CARS SODA NOTHING ELBE y A RIWGLEV iTRIAL WILL CONVINCE VQU X. C. ?. 11. - ," WILL CRITICAL ANALYSIS Univebsitt of Desbrkt, Salt Lake City, June 8th, CHEMISTS, 08 GOVERNMENTS, with the fisheries antborities. Luce was asked if he was surprised to find Secretary Whitney's dispatch in the press and replied he was never more astonished in his life. On being asked what he thought of his treatment, be expressed a decision not to speak ibout it, dismissing the subject by rethe Shsksperean remark: "Behold the great image Of ' authority. A dog's obeyed in office.' peating Train Robbery. San Francisco, August POWERS are unable to disprove the Statement on every earn of DeLand's Chemical Raking Powder " Made ol Pare a Cream No Tartar and Bicarb. Sodanje only. filling whatever." se one fourth less of tar t'At Tlos-Uthis Baking Powder, and one-hal- f less all with than with other recipes ohortcniug Brauds. d GRAEFENBERG mtuolri An Infkllible remedy foi By reason of its central position, close relation to principal lines East of Chicago and continuous linos at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwest is the true middle-lin- k in that transcontinental system which invites and facilonly itates travel and. traffic in either direction between the Atlantic and Pacific. The Hock Island main line and branches include Chicago .JoUet, Ottawa, I.a Halle, Peoria, Oreneseo, Moline d Bock Island, in TlHnois; Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Fairfield. Ottumwa, Oakaloosa. West Liberty, Iowa City, Des IMoines, India no la, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Cameron and Centre and Council Blufia, in Iowa; Oaliatin, Trenton, St. Kansas City-- j in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Joseph, Kansas; Albert Lea. St. in Watertown and in Dakota, and hundreds Minnesota; Paul, Minneapolis of intermediate cities, towns and Tillages. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE All FEMALECOMPLAIXTS tares WEAKNESS, HER VOCSXESS, and GENERAL DEBILITY. This remark. able preparation Is the onlj reliable remedy for the dis tressing diseases of women Guarantees Speed, Comfort and Safety- to those who travel over it. Its roadbed Sold by Druggists. is thoroughly ballasted Its track is of heavy steel. Its bridges are solid structures of stone and iron. Its rolling stock is perfect as human skill nn mak PRICE $1.50 PER BOTTLE. it. It has all the safety appliances that mechanical genius has invented andj operation is conservative and methoexperience proved valuable. Its practical dicalits discipline strict and exacting. The luxury of its passenger accommodations is un equaled in the West unsurpassed in the world. xttver consist ALL EAFEESS THAJ.JH between cnicago ana me aussouri VAJaAkJIZ rAWl.Ut of comfartahla DAY COACHES. 'ULLSAH Many leading Physicians are using DINING CARS providing excellent meals and litis Medicine SLEEPING and elegant -- between Chicago,CASS, in their practice. RECLINING restful Kansas and St. Joseph, Atchison City - THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct, favorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over CRAE FEN BERG una route solid fast .Express Trains run daily to the summer resorts, picturesque or lowa ana jntnnesota. ino. ricu localities ana nun ting ana fishing wheat fields and grazing lands oMnterior Dakota are reached via PANACEA. CHILDREN'S A short desirable via Seneca and Kankakee, offers superior inducements to travelers between route, St. and Council Bluffs, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette J oseph. Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and inter- Beet Medicine for Children. DO cents mediate points. All classes of patrons, especially families, ladies and children, receive from per bottle. officials and employes of Bock Island trains protection, respectful courtesy and kindly attention. holders -- obtainable at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada -- or any desired information, address, rater-town- 3Ft R. R. CABLE, fWt 4 Gsa'S K'fr, Wears, Am' E. ST. JOHN, Gm" M r. fttltf-ii- E. A. 6ea'l Tkt & H0LBR00K, Pw. Aft., Crlcaf A. . Mais St, Telephone FISHER BREW INS TAR-OI- 179. CO. Armstrong Acts CHARTER OAK D PILES, SALT RHEUM and all flkin diseases. A new method oi 'i " '.' , : , A Cure iruarantofjd. or eouipoacfiini; Tar. Sold refunded. by drnt!fts, and at office f ' 01 0 CO., 73 IU WWtPM ITaOT. TaR tbe lrlccSL. i GRAEFEJVBERG CO, 111 Chambers St., N. T. ! T O "V" One Door West of Olo Council lloute. MUSED & t-.- O e has " 3? O - f SALE FOR Z at pC., TEASDEL'S! We have Just received a Shipment of PURNITTJRH Spasmodic Effort but an Every Day Ocnrrcnce A'o AND IIPHOLSTEBT, a At TEASDEL'S! onr friends to come and examine before buying elsewhere. iVhich we would Invite Street. BROS. CO., J. ff. WMtecar & Cs. 116 m. GRANT ILJI. AT mi f Zi. O. Genuine Bargains M muz S, BY Bole Ag'ents in Salt Xake City. a .s N. Main Street, SI. Xotili, Missouri. 612-1-8 CARLQUIST LalaJ mmaamumu 3 TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, STUMPED WARE & TINNERS' TOOLS, 3VEsa,ixx telle Uniloii LOW PRICES! f PkiltcttipMa, Ak, ENGRAVERS Sit climbing away na and then shnw a pretended retrenchment. Compare Prices and Quasi I ties of Goeds, wltli pretended fcnlea of Specials. Oar whole Line of . DRY LIVERY, FEED MD SALE 11. The west bound express was robbed last night 30 miles east of Tucson, Arizona. The train was ditched, and tbe express car robbed by four robbers. Tbe sheriff and passe are on the traU which leads to the Rincon mountains The west bound passenger express train on tbe Southern Pacific was run off tbe switch near Papsgo, about 15 miles east of Tnccon, Arizona, last night by four masked men. The engine was ditched and the express STABLES, i 4 Jb 26 East, 2d South St. , tat" We make for Cataloaroes, BtO n4 Letterengravings Head, Portratta, BuiJdinsa, Color IJibela. Sirnatures, Advertising Gate, tnd ail i'.ook iTlaatratioos. Call and set .roofs. Estimates cheerfully given. a- - We also do all kinds of EKBHIIS 81 JEWELS? Ul StLVLIsUfii Ko. Ul A MAIN nd EXCURSIONS. GRANT BROS, IN & Talaaha II .AS CO-D- aft CO., t y WZU. SELL CARPETS, LACE CIRTAWS, Window Shades, Ebony and Brass Poles, Par lor Sets, Easy Chairs, Cockers, Sofas an Bed Lounges at CREHTLY REDUCED PRICES t! Call and Secure Bargains. E MEAN WHAT WE SAY. , BLEW TBE DOOR Salesrooms 41 8., Main Street, Salt Late City, S3 David James 6c Co 2 siillWHs i;!Y PLUMBERS, GAS and STEAM FITTERS. to DEALERS BE THE SAME wbo robbed the train in April. The railway company and express com pany have each offered $1,000 for the arre it of the robbers. Tbe train was not making foil speed, and tbe ditching of the engine and tbe following car kept the force of the shock from the passenger coaches. Another en was sent out from Tucson immegine diately and tbe train hauled into that place. TO FURNITURE COMPANY For Tlilr-tDixym P. of about $3,500. The robbery occurred at the point where tbe west bound express was robbed in Apri last, Oa the track beyond where tbe train was brought to a standstill, the robbers bad fastened three to warn the engineer and torpedoes him to stop his train. The plancompel to turn the switch and ditch the engine was evidently thought of later. As soon as the train went in the ditch one of the robbers, who was upon the bank, commenced firing a Winchester rifld. H Bred twice through the sleeoer and twice through tbe express. Tney then went to the mail car and made tno agent come out and go to the express. They ordered the messenger to come nut, but he would not open the door They then open with a giant cartridge and forced the mail agent to go into the car ahead. Two of the ronbers khen .went in. nnil nnc nf thiYi hoM Hnni. ani Gault and the mail agent In one end of bue car, wane ine oiner covered smitn, iuc sta madeinneuKvr,.iui him open the saferevolvers, and Dut tbe money in a pack. They struck him over the head with a revelver once. but did not iniure htm much Thcra were four men in the gang. One was oa the bank, one on tbe side opposite of the train and two went in the ex car. anvone Thev did not allow press to come out of the coaches. A complete description of tbe robbers has been obtained, and thev are believed AN IS Lara Assortment f JOOBLI AND SINGLE VEHICLES, Speitml attention to FUNERAL GROCERIES, SHOES and CLOTHING- COMPETES USE stock tm wn I! ciieipest. AT TEASDEL'S! ALT LAKE CITT. SADDLE HORSES, Etc., Kto. GOODS, BOOTS, A CAR ROBBED CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y A FORMAL CONFBRKRCKS 1887. from Alans, Bone Anh, and that linmonln nnd WnlteFlour, t consists essentially of Kartn; Cream of Tartar Bi-and i srlKinate of Soda. The Baking Powder examined I purchased at Barnes & Uavis, in this city. J. T. KINGSBURY, Chemist. PRUCIPALITIES 100 nr ;.i Hi t a! MANUFACTURERS. lit Dcsot to-da- and.-lsii- Bv carefully examining DeLand's Chemi ral Baking Powder with Jhe microscope and with chemical reagents, I And that it is free WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OKOORAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE We are now prepared to promptly supply ths public with Keg and Bottled Beer of a superior quality, at popular prices. Stores, ed Also, rjiiiviiM- tissue EXCELSIOR MANUFACTUKING CO., Two petards Admiral Luce has requested to be of the command of the North Commodore Atlantic station Penbam, at present fh charge of the third district lighthouse, will relieve him. Admiral Luce and Captain Scott net by accident in Consul-GenerPhelan's office yesterday, and the commander of the fisheries protection service extended sympathy to the admiral for the rebuke he received from the United States Navy Department. Luce received the condolence in tbe spirit in which it was tendered and the trio bad half an hour's pleasant conversation on tbe general situation. Tbe meeting was unintentional as Luce is not holding any more ," ENRY WAGNER, SALT LAKE S; B.G. Depots, I, and its Branch M. Boa's Obeyed In Omee." Halifax, August 11. An apparently well founded rumor is current that Mounted Woodbury. CAL1WRMA BREWERY. j own Pitts, Down Climax, one and two horse 6 weep. Tread I'owcr. tm CATALOGUES WLTn FULL PARTICULARS ol LAGER BEER, ALE and PORTER, V3y Improvements, etc., sent free on application. AND RETAIL. WHOLESALE V II HOUSE, Hit Second South Street, Three Door 5cTI 33 Jt 35 MAIN ST.. S. L. CITT, General Agencv. from Mam Street HORSE-POWER- A land and MaGtynellse. FOR SALE BY tiary. CITY, List of C FI.ENDID Pitts. Woodbury. FISHER BREWING CO., D who had been fined $1,000, were seny. The informers Lynn and Klehm, commissioners, pleaded guilty and were let off with a fine of $1,000 each. McCloughry was sentenced to two years in the peniten- tenced Ward, JAMES SOLOMON. lSJth Refer by penaisslon to Taylor, SALT LAKE OITY, UTAH. P.O. Box 1049. Telephone 2B4. WHITE, BLACK AND COLORS, FOR Sentenced. Chicago, August 11. Commissioners Castleton, Oliver and McCarthy, CRAPE ORCAM OF TARTAR ! "OXj"S" for service for Illustrated Uatatague. HEALY. Clilcaigo, III. LYON Brewery near U.C.JLB. A D. Spool Cotton A Will be o A. finish and aDDearaaoe. II nearetrt Music dealer does not keep them, write to oa Us and STAIR RAILIM, Etc. CLINTON", IOWA. 1 BEST $3.00 SHOE were exploded this morning on the staircase of the minister of the interior. No damage was done and there is no clue to the perpetrators. SapL Fine Holstien Bull, NEWEL POSTS 'PARAGON" Explosion. 934. Office Telephone aXLAS MORRIS, Detroit....- Madrid, August- I s as or ALSO i , GHtCABG, ....11 New York AT PITTS BUBO. 6 I Boston. AT CHICAGO. AT DETROIT. S. m a !cut A.cnr A SURE CURE FOR J.&P.GOATS The President's Trip.- Washington, Auz. 11. It is about definitely determined that the Presi dent will leave Washington the last week in September and go directly to St. Lou is, probably by way of Indianap olis, lie will spend two days at M Louis, and go from there to Chicago, Chicago A PRATT. 15. COMPANY by Hundreds. Pittsburg P. O. Box BROTHERS Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings. Etc., favorite-prescriptio- AT INDIANAl'OLIS. 21 TS 1866. t'.-.- e Indiauapolis ....... PIOSEEB 50 E., Find South Street. Salt Lake City. DR. KO 31.4 X 1.1 BILIOUSNESS gagement for the October fair. Baseball. ! E8TABLI8HSD Ferrlfle Cenensslen. Liver, and can Office and Residence at Oesere' (s an affection of San Francisco, August 11. The be thoroughly cured Dy mat urana Hospital, Giant Powder Works, located at West Regulator of the Liver and CORNER FIRST NQBTH 4 SECOND WEST SIS Biliary Organs, Berkely six miles from this city aero, s Beached by Warm Spring Street Car. San Francisco Bay, ezplcdcd at 2 SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR d 3m Telephone" 2 j3. manufactured bt o'clock this afternoon. The force of H. PI A ZEIUI J. EMIILABELPBII, the explosion was such that the win dows along trie battery front in tols "THE NFW DEP1ITUII DRUMS double acting vod and BALUSTERS, I waa afflicted for several years with ft? mads with patent city were smashed, andtbe buildings a resulted which in Aiaordered liver, folding knee rest Light, throughout the entire btrsiness portion cTTmv'r severe attack of jaundice. I had aa r??riJnSr mit'Hl :itil and handsome of the city quivered to an extent that in the beet Band and good medical attendance as oartosecit was believed the city had sustained reOrchestra. Cneqaaled lor failed tion aifords, who utterly a heavy earthquake snoca. mere tone. Surpaee aJI others in store nie to the enjoyment of my Milwaukee, Madison, St. raui, Minne apolis, Omaha, Kansas City, Memphis, Nashville and Atlanta, reaching the latter place in time to meet his en 111 J a I 1 St C37, t)b0O., QHIO. , CLINTON, IOWA, 1KADK. ! FIRE WORKS GOOD - LEADING at PARIS Medal of Honor and Diploma To - Duy ap- (pllcatiou, for wheels specially built , and adapted to suit any particular Address the Manufacturers, SPBI2STO-FIELD- QTJOJCG WONG SING!. ' e UNDERTAKER & EMBALMED. GOLD MEDAL Estimates furnished on XJXDITT,3IJIJ great variety verv hean. FANS and all kinds of CHINESE GOODS. Call ana sec. HEADACHE UTAH'S MMRnMA nBrMlT WJmW JAMES Arrived Goods P. O. Box. nitro-glyceri- JOS. WM. TAYIiOR, 6 1KB ImV Fine illustrated catalogue sent free d&s In Vari- - DEMI mr Makes collections, JmTW case. - sromotlr. AWjT lgg I World. By Telegraph to the power made. Louis-viile- This Beantifnl Panel Picture, 12x28 Inches, mailed to any ad en receipt of ! eenta. Bam. than any other wheel New . Old Iron, Brass, Bottles, . i cx with less wnter Email's Halm acts as a poultice and lubricator, absorbs the tumors and allays the Intense itching at once. No caustic, no acid, no pain. A. McGibbons Esq., 19 Poplar street, Allegheny,, Pa., writes: "I had itching and bleeding piles so bad I contd not sit, stand or walk without intense suffering. doctored, with many physicians, and tried all the (so called) cures that I ever heard of, in vain (paying out hundreds of dollars), until I used Email's Magic Balm, or Ointment. After the first application I enloved the best night's sleep I had for ten two boxes have cured me com years, and Wherever introduced Dr. pletely." Kmall's Balm takes the lead, and has the former good health. I then tried the largest sale of any Pile remedy in the world. were of one of the, FOUR SHOCKS, Sold by druggists everywhere or sent by most renowned physicians of mail. 50 cent boxes. Address Zion's no- the second and third being almost sim Ky., but to no purpose ; whereoperative Mercantile Institution, Salt Lake ultaneous and I was Induced to trv Simmons alter upon shortly occurring dAw rst City. immeLiver Kegulatoi.its I found the first. The fourth shock was felt from use, and it ultidiate benefit about five minutes alter the third. The mately restored me to the full enjoyfirst shock was in the ment of health. ET MT10ML BAM or mixing bouse. The others were in A. H SHIRLEY, the magazines, resulting irom the conRichmond, Ey. cussion caused by the first. The first SALT LAKE CITY". irom tne scene oi tneaisaster reports were to the effect that thirty Chinaa Torpid I.Ivor and PAID CP CAPITAL, men had been killed, but later reports Proceeds from tne 300,004. Ntomaen. it can ol Impurities ICRPLCS. 200,000 showed that only one Chinaman was enred be by taking Invariably fatally and four white men and six The were Chinamen injured. seriously H. S. Eldredoe, President, works were owned by Bandmann, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Feramokz Little, Vice rrest, & Company, and a number Neilsen John Sharp, Let all who suffer remember that Wm. W. Biter, DQtECTORa of serious explosions have occurred one. Sixty Chinamen lost to A SICK AND NERVOUS HEADACHES this J. Gboesbeck, prior Li. S. Hills. Cashier. their lives on a former occasion. The Can be. J as. T, Little, Asst. Cashier.) by taking a dose as soon shock of the explosion was felt in Oakasprevented their symptoms indicate the land and Alameda most severely. Wincoming of an attack, RECEIVES DEPOSITS PAYftBLE 81 DEM. dows were rattled in the former place, (fa AW (4) and a 1 (fanny and Burlap Sacks, V v A NnW W more ANOTHER BIG TEA IN BOBBEBT ON THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC ' RAILWAY. T. LOCIS. CHICAGO. V" i These wheels are designed for all purpose where limited quantities of water and high heads msssmnnraxni snmmasn m. k V arc utilised, jam and a r o guaranteed to give - w SEW VOttK. K Tne Plegac s Montana, August 11. The Butts, THE PRESIDENT'S WESTERN AND SOUTH- - Miner's special to the Xetcs from KBX TRIP DEFINITELY Piegan agency, northern Montana, OUTLINED. says The annual sun dance of the Piegan Indians being concluded, the bucks put on the war paint and preto make a raid south of Yellowpared Admiral Luce, being Relieved from stone on the Crows. During the night Agent Baldwin directed the Indian Duty, Becomes them, so the whole Eolice to arrest s ized and locked up. They are still in confinement. BAKING Lands for Sale, Houses for Rent, j Money to Loan. New York, August 11 The firm of Henry S. Ives &. Co. has Just notified the Stock Exchange of its snspension. There was Intense excitement oa the board as soon as tt was given out. Cromwell of Sullivan & Cromwell, has been made assignee. The liabilities 000 with assets are estimated at slightly In excess of that amount. Tbe announcement was made lust before the close of the Stock Exchange and caused a slight rally. August 12, 1SS7 Friday, REAL ESTATE, LOAN a Co. SsnwM. Ives ' EVENING NEWS. PUU. WIGHT PU R E VATS THX OJTLT UVTtXBMM WAMM For i EES. M. I Material, Bumps, Pipe and Fittings Steam Heating Supplies, Tin and Iron Hoofing, Gal11 umbtng vanized Iron Cornice, Guttering, Etc. GARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS. NO. 07 Sr.. MAIN STREET. p i III him B |