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Show EVENING NEWS. AT i roc PRINTED AND O'CIOCI IMILUHEO 1Y THE DESERET NEWS COMPANY. CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOR. J uly 9. 1M7. Nor have tbey been molested in any way or hindered in the free exercise of any political power. We have yet to learn tbat a small minority of voters can demand support from the large majority whom tbey continually revile, under any rale of politics or princi ples of republican government. Should Utah become a State in tbe Union under tbe movement now in progress, we can aay in sincerity and from a knowledge ef tbe sentiments of those who are engaged in it, tbat minority privileges are likely to be extended in a far greater degree here than elsewhere in this republic. Tbe work is in tbe bands of tbe registered voters. Gentlemen who have formerly alive, and act with every promptness and unanimity. The enemy is con spiring to capture tbe eight l twelfth. fourteenth and possibly other districts ef tbe city, where the approximately equal strength ot the parties throws tbe result io doubt. At the school meetings on Monday next, most if not ail of which, in the city, will be held in the evening, the voters of the People's Party, m ast turn ont in force, if the enemy Is to be de prived of victory. , has passed unchallenged, therefore it Tp-DAY- 'S TELEGRAMS must be accepted as truthful And ii true, why is it Lake Michigan does not ovei flow Its banks and submerge this city of sin, and wickedness and fbu Startling News from the Hawaiian lecoeryr la it possible tbat Cblcago merchants wbo employ female labor Islands. are of the kind here pictured? Is there anything in the whole history of vice, tyranny, ana soiust, anything so oruta-so cowardly, fiendish as that merGOVERNMENT OVERTHROWN, chant wbo told a respectable girl to THE her scant income with the supplement sale of her poor, weary body? Tbe And a Citizen's 'Organization In very thougut of such a thing paralyzes tne vocai orgaus, ano in the intensity Full Charge. of abhorrence for 9. At Virginia City, NeV., July o'clock this morning tbe drill hnn running five feet south from the rescue drift to 'connect with the f Bst Belcher crosscut was sent through, the gas came through: and the hole was immediately plugged and ready to fire; they are now clearing tbe debris in the incline to allow tbem to resume work. When this blast is fired, this will pro bably take two or tnree hours. Tbey are using extra precautions to meet the great amount of gas they expect to encounter. 4 Grannla'dSogarpr A soger C 100 7 SB 7 15 7 00 S 75 10 S Kxtra s Gold V Cot Loaf Honey, Utah pr 10 Molasses. Utah prral Oandles.per box SOBS. candies, per box was Cal. Balstns.LM.S0Ba, Cal. B s'ns.Ly'rs.aOBs Coal Oil.llO L p. c. 10 g uoai uu.ipot. p.c. iug....... nrrants.per Bar silver. Money 4's coupon 85 V : so s so Salt, per ioo a grain vinegnr,B Valley Tan Beans Beans Navy Lsu d, S pails, per B Lard, 9 B pails, per B 10 B Lard, pails.per B . . . Tork Pf'd enlral n . .. SI Viy Ti'fuiscoalinrnt'i 909 NsTta-atio- Central Panne Burlington Klo Grande NorthernPaciflc. a os S 90 log a..... . coupon 4's raonc.B's S 00 4 00 S 40 Coal Oi) ,176 t.p c. ( BBW TOBE STOt EH. By Telegraph to day. r... iw.k Island IW St. L. B S. 4ft Ot. t( SSt 84 80 ,14 1'aclflc Mail n V, 99 W 18 funis Omahs Texas Pacltlo. n PsciSo KarK.. Express .. Western dslon.. jlOM is 17 Northwestern oh oo Market doll, but Ann. SO sj 'l ne sloes, market opened weak, att Ba 4 clines extending lo s per cent.: later, tons 4 somewhat improved. At 11 o'clock market 10 is steady to firm, thoogh extremely doll. 0 96 S Tbe Gladstone Victory t BIOAOO BABEkTK. London, July 9. The Dailf Newi is office. Can mma ajj FRESH MKATS. AMD "MORMONS" ss' Telegraph the be true? it Jubilant over the result of the Pad- possible thatseen 1 97 p. m. Beef .choice steers, Sv gross, selljjng So.. thousands of workiog girls to be MINORITY. diogtoa election. c. " " Wheat Firmer , ch,71 tt Aug., 78 ; Sept., ana ot BKc. on meoiom streets the mornine InFranevening OSSFEK have News San reached Advices GladJust The Daily Telegraph says tbe Paragraphs of 74 16 18. " " sc. Sc. Cows. most prominently in tbe si- this city are what Joe Medlll says In st tamer of tbe breaking out his Corn Steady; cash, SBH ; Aug.. SO " " 6c. so. opponents of Statehood for figured TKRKST. s'oue gain is probably dne to the Cass Sheep, Kim of the Territorv are new out of cisco by t paper? Te sc. Sept.,S7.H. Hogs. while Post been attributes thmMont has affair, of Utah, anCbUxp present any reasonable revolution which tbe a pro-eAa ing citizen oi Chicago i 15c. Oats Easy ; cash' SBB ; Aug.. SOX. as tbey have no votes and it to tne popularity ot Moutieoge, ll ame cared hams, argument la Mipvrt of their obstruc politics, threatened in tbe Hawaiian Islands for against this foul assertion. X admit fork Not cjuoted. ,c Bacon, an c fflce. are But candidate. the Gladstonian hold cannot they to W' the Nsws. our mat By is Telegraph oaa, out Lard Kirm; cash 0.47H; Aug., 0JSK, l uoia pretty overcity tion, have fallen back on tbe old, col aad the several weeks, : The Pad complete Tne Standard and a says not it would to in is as merchant tfeen there recognize j Sept., O.bB. rtady falsehood that have LIVERPOOL E A RUSTS. HAWAIIAN HE VOLI TION lapsed and dried-o- p dington result need occasion neither as throw of tbe government. This was say what it here reported. We did of minorities claims Btiouartthe 'II I cirnor concern all tbe when Tlose. to said once "Gentiles" would have to flee the once a without and at here have wjbo day. Ttttgraph preacher one cm be. And this must be so accomplished sll cumstances are taken into account. ByWheat Kalakaua Government la Over- surprise oft i' r freely; No 4 win 80,000 of our women were pros ti tbat Holder, no farther country if Utah should become a State hit the making bloodshed, King a Looking at the position generally, It ter. dull. tis. nd 7 do spring, 6s. 7d.,oflered Eor sale at the tutes. But we always take what the thrwa. in the Union. It Is marvellous that for the reasons we have already Dkhbbkt Nkvi O resistance to the pressure may be said the National League Is a sparingly. brought to preachers say with a good dealief salt. ' signed. steam 9. The San Francisco, July nooi Supply rood ; 9s. M , stead?. any sane person, at thisl late date, dangerous despotism to the British one at home or abroad bear upon him. Tbat this was the Either Joe Medlll Is a foul libeller or no Let ; Corn Holders spot. Possibly before the year Sprains, burns, bruises are healed should have the hardihood to revive be deceived Is very ourcitysia very sink of corruption. ship Mariposa, which arrived from government. in tbe TlXd; July. :ts. Lid. i steady; Aog., 4s. by the atrocious yet wisest course he could pursue by st. Jocobs UU, tbe conqueror Ot English politicians, Can it be wondered that this hoary Australia this morning, haviegtoucbed is out, those 10 i that deed and buried bags boo, and silly ts. of the as the sept. greater part of trouble evident, pain. old vampire would malign the! people at the Hawaiin Islands, brings import- At nidard s opinion, wbo have been still more marvelous that any paper la to " pretended forebodings duped by its devices, will confess that when he thus characterizes in tbe event of Utah's citizens and sojourners of tbe Islands of Utah,fellow-citizeGentlies," ant information tnat the expected It Is a discreditable Imposture. j the United States sbonld care to print Is it hot ar gov tis own into tbe. Union. Tbey are were epposed to the now defunct be revolution in the Hawaiian Kingdom that should Utah gument enough It with the expectation that the public admission and had and ernment its methods, of tbe same nature as tbe alleged preadmitted to statehood wnen such a has actually occurred. The populace i Will believe it is substantial. iod of Sherman in 1887, that if made ample preparations to accom monster of Inlamy aa the Tribune edit- are dict 9. After a medical down the and demand Madrid, July There is not a "Gentile" in this Ter Cleveland was organized his If what it. violence or to is. It be is necessary hoped fall ot the ministrv or the abdication opposes elected, prominent Ohio plish by yesterday, the man who and Kosborough of ritory who has resided here a yearf men would nave to go out of business. prompt and satisfactory action bap that Messrs. Abbott the King. Residents of Honuiulu examination, nor work no kin female life of sisters have the and Complete Stock of Offer who believes that there is the slightest attempted Kalakaua is as have obviated. and the permitted ing in Coicago. It so, they ought to surrounding country The New York World states that one of pily Bazaine has been declared insane and a such of for the gov the sumed police powers ground stupid conjecture. these upon the throne, but he blush for Joe Medlll and bis news his trial has been postponed. prominent business men who to remain ernment, the volunteer military forces in There have been in his paper a barren "holds sceptre induced and this terror As them. of the with kingdom loining this Territory ever since a year or two pretended SPEAKING HONESTLY PrtstaU. a result trie Gibson to utter that nonsense, was grasp," as he has consented to after its first settlement. They have Shermanthe Vice President will full 9. tbe The Emperor ol Fithe having people's of conceded it be must and London, July FALLEN MINISTRY HAS seriously, lived and thr Ived and many of them Harper,Bank of Cincinnati, which has sway; and as they have denied bis fur tbat woman's condition In our large Morocco bas sent "an envoy with val IW delity a and named tbe cabinet by people, have made fortunes in the midst of the one, and is worthy citv is a to Queen Victoria. headed by Wm. M. Green, has been uable presents lately been added to the list of financial tber exercise of any authority what of grave deplorable consideration. Young girls "Mormons." They have never been frauds that have disgraced the country. ever and are in full power themselves from the country towns are crowding appointed. Kinirj Kalakaua is permit Tbe Crowd; Carry molested. They have never been Ue has day, is quest of ted to remain en ofthe allthrone, al gone out of bnsiness with a without a King, it is not too much to into Chicago day after A dispatch from divested ir religion or to Their present coerced. are office work. though London, is at July They compelled religion least Hawaii for the time tbat say 1 vengeance, and. is likely to finish bis acceeded to the for having power, accent wages a inadequtie entirely has not been Interfered with. Taey career carried General ZEPITRS. ZAI ZII1IS. SEEHSUCRERS. IBUIETTESIIB CIIKIES crowd Paris says practically a republic. AH the details their maintenance; and strangest ef demand for a new constitution and to in Jail. The Utah prognostics to the railroad have bad no trouble with the ma- tors of evil station ; he our The in Boulanger received will be will tele of found tbe tbe abide people. In by same stamp, and all. these women seek employment AND DOMESTIC was thoroughly alarmed, and on was unable to escape tbem and was Taeir lives, property and will most are of thea similar 8ATE ENS, is work King jority. Domestic offices. and columns. stores graphic reward likely reap more de July 1st called a meeting of the Amer have as civil and religious a to on to loeked ride locomotive upon something rights obliged a to their profession of ican minister, British commissioner, Berey, where the train wonld catch graded than even bagnio life. Is it French been respected. And many of them for fidelity Was Wsite GooHa, and All tbe Latest commissioner and Portuguese him. Tbe general was much bruised me rs of Utah and retailers of palpais tbat wonderthen any prostitution THREE TICKETS. have bad tbe grace to acknowledge to to offered he whom now one of the questions engaging the commissioner, ble falsehood. by tbe enthusiastic attentions of his ; .. pro tern, the powers vested in admirers. this, abroad as well as at borne. attention of our Mayor. He proposes transfer as These officials him a In Last winter the Democrats ef Utah locating the fallen creatures king. ' part It is only a tew conspiring, amMany houses and newspaper offices WE SHOW A LAROK LINK Or were illuminated in honor of General undertook to play a little game at of the city to be occupied exclusively REFUSED TO ACCEPT bitious, restless and unscrupulous THE PBKSIDSSrS WITH- as first Mr. When Kocbe was tbem. de whose by Boulancer. departure sucAs of Washington. prospects DRAW All. office he tbe the trust but advised the king to layed for an hour by a crowd' number spirits that nave waged continual warsumed adopted FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRESS GOODfc, cess loomed ap In the near future, con- role of reformer and bis po lose no time In lorming a new cabi ing au.ooo persons. A number ol detec fare against tbe true interests of the c a war he advice and which net seized commenced were sternation certain Lake lice Salt sent to tives Cleremoat Ferrand justitution, guerilla Territory, magnified tbe polygamy Thb absolute withdrawal by President Silks, Satins, Buraiii , Rhadaraee, Etc. Embroidered Drees Kobe, fare on tbe haunts of the vicious. followed. Walter at Gibson and his with General Bjulanger bugbear, spread falsehoods by whole- Cleveland of the acceptance formerly Republicans. The wires were used, He thought that by adopting tactics H. Hayselden, are under In an interview with White is and Colored. It that reported sale and pretended that they nave been given by blm to the invitation to visit the little garnet was blocked, e'en at the contrary to all law, to all religion, arrest, having been seized by the civic Meenrath, editor ol La Jtevvoiioue. fa moment seemed when to the stake won, and to all civil and political and natu troops when antemptiag Clemencrau denied that he had built in danger and would not be allowed to St. Louis during the Grand Army enescape. The populace assumed control of up the popularity of Gen. Boulanger rai rights, be could perform the work live here under a State government campment there, is as clever an exhi- and a Split was made in the raaks of of on 25' soon in found his He affairs the June that a Hercules. h, He protested against any dictatorship Jackets Jerseys, New and Elegant Lines, controlled by the majority. Their only bition of excellent tact coupled with those operating agaiast the interests method was a good deal like tbat of aud were joinedkingdom by the Honolulu R fles especially of the sword. He would and other a prefer.-mdicsubstantial grievance, when driven into perfect dignity, as anything we have of the majority in Utah. statesmen at the head al military, hastily organized purifying Patrols were established of tne--' government to a genAt a meeting of the Loyal League a corner by facta and logic, is that they read of in all bis history, and be is companies. tbe STAGNANT POND and placed guards city throughout eral, however brave aad patriotic have no practical political Influence; noted as being peculiarly happy in tbat held in this city June 8th, tbe speakers bv stirring up the slime at the bottom over On tbe the armories. military 'that they are as though disfranchised, line of deportment. Elsewhere in to- made frantic efforts to repair the He drove the unfertunate women into afternoon of June 30th, Behnaebele. IN ALL THI LATMT HOVKLTIIS. because tbe "Moimon" vote is almost day's impression, in tbe regular tele- breach. But the failure of the attempt streets inhabited by comparatively . M. Sshnaebele, the A MASS MEETING July Paris, s signal. The Washington episode decent people, and he developed a sys ii not quit solid and they are unale graphic columns, will be found com of whom German arrest the by police tyranm tbat could not be was held at the armory of the Honoto brek its unity; thus they cannot ments on tbe subject, and in yester- rankles in, the recollection of the tem of police &c even in Constantinople or lulu rifles, the meeting having been ad- came near being a eau$u belli between 2STE3W paralleled and their disappointment Moscow. Some of the girls sought vertised bv posters in English, Haw- France and gain tne cffices for themselves nor se day's paper was the letter of Mayor D mocrats, been has Germany, ap care them lor their associates. Frances and others, of St. Lonls, and and chagrin were too excessive to be employment in stores to order to baffle aiian and Portuguese, and long before pointed to a nigner position at Leon USTID STOCK JTTCjX. hour of meeting tbe approaches to He wanted to be again placed on the the ponce, f ancy toe result oiwne tbe or be to President Cleveland's reply thereto, so soon forgotten. They have given bad ' tie Hepubllcans Proteasing an woman were with amongst tnrongea working re out tms tne bunding government trontier, De uociats, they have asserted that together witn a complete statement ot positive notice that they will not sup- fifty I The clas-ebad not of people. Alt stores and fused to do. others Misses' Children's Straw Mats, Trttn- -"Liberal" ticket, By "Liberal" vicious girls got Into boar. Hag shops had beeo Ladies', closed. All the apreputtllceuism did not prevail In Utah, the case from first to last. It will be port a mean tbe hybrid, nondescript bouses where working grrls reside. proaches to the palace were bars auc t j ewiaolian it and make it flourish re mem oe red tbat a few med and tintrimmed, Hosiery, Gloves and Unthey Here also tbe work of demoralization ricaded by royal Itroops, wbo made no -- David Debet 9 saude. they have sagely demanded that a among the G. A. R , led on clique which is beginning to assume, at went on, and in place of reforming, sign of meeting London, July derwear. the volunteer troops. General minority oi the citizens shoald by Tattle, of lows, times, the same of Republicans Mayor Roche only went on ruining. Outside of the armory, the Honolulu husband of Violet Cameron, tbe bur Tbe depth and breadth of the cham Girls suspected by tbe police were ar- Rifles were underarms. On the walls of lesque actress, has humbly withdrawn New & Complete Stock of Men's, Boys' & .be placed ib enure domination o all expressed hostile sentiments regarding Cloiiii, Bali were the charges he mar'e against Lord local affairs, the great majority the plan to have tbe soldiers honored created by tbe Washington incident rested on tbe streets and then charged the armory, back of tbe platform; American It mattered conduct. with tbe divorce aad Hawaiian, Lonsdale and the suit for disorderly based displayed AJTD ol b tue presence of tbe national ext en- has been fully revealed since the makto be completely stripped not whether the girl; "solicited" or English flags. Tbe meeting was ad- on the charges Miss Cameron has ve ing of the nominations In tbe Twelfth not, she was "run In." In many cases dressed in tbe English and Hawaiian withdrawn cwunter her poliiioal riant and privilege tire aad tney represent a class whose Ward for and the police would watch a glri Until languages resolutions were divorce, and both cases petition have accord Assembly Rooms last WednesTnat is tbeir idea of republican gov occupation would be gone if sectional had sure were she as follows : money Enough been dismissed. they declaring adopted made The which ingly f. uiuctit. They pretenat to Judge tbe strife were buried as ail dead things day evening. meeting to "The administration of tbe HawaPAT A FINE permanent citizens of this Territory ought to be; so when an opportunity those nominations disdains the name iian government has ceased through The "Arltfl. of or was "Liberal" Republican. It by their owu vicious standard. Desir occurs to fan a previously unseen em adeoand then arrest her. No steps were corruption and incompetency An anonymous London, to form July and unctions and to Democratic, make the straight. residence ber, the task is at once prosepei oppress taken to arrest tbe male partner in the quately ing Times in to the afford calls the letter tbe attention I i I i I and will be There three tickets tiancaction, though really be ought to protection personal here jbn jnous to the majority, they cuted probably i en a witn wholesale ) for which all governrights There offender. made property to the be of pa1 de what tbe tbat writer as a of prlnc result paper tbe in tbe o field, falling were and are men here affect believe that tbe people whom ergy cause; worthy a better making for ments exist." The meeting formuciaies to oe a ract, that its articles on I Moqvet, Velvet, Body Brtmels, Tapestries, Three Ply, Kxtra they desire to spoil would, with State iastaaoe out. and in this particular tunes by bailing out unfortunate wom lated the and Crime" have serious "Parncllism en when arrested. Judges also make hood, retaliate in the same spirit upon tbey utilized the fact tbat Mr. CleveCotton Chain ajad Hemp, Smrraa sad Velvet Rnas, Door Mavta FOLLOWING DEMANDS Super, the Parnellltee and tbeir ly purturbed A short time CHICAGO LETTER money this way. tbe minority. Cloth. Oil land's name was net on tbe army rolls and in America. Irish allies Tbe World, ago bere the treasury of a police court on the King: First, that he shall at Ana yet taey know better. And so of tbe war of the rebellion, although , gained $214 00 by tines imposed ion the once and unconditionally dlsmisss his tbe writer says. Issue on June 18th State-Our Howl Over l'roppil does every person familiar with the an able bodied man all tbe time. Tbe ot one house. Three or four present cabinet Irom office, and we ask shows that Patrick Forbes. London of the Slew Inmates hood Tbe SttstaMtlss WALL PAPER, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. $100 00 on these that be shall call one of these persons, correspondent of the shvster "Mormon" people. They know that fact that the great majority, of the elilawyers Who Sanfee it Viaorounly ue same inmates. made has to slunk imminence away owing :wm. Lj. oreeD.tt.waterbonse The poor unfortunate namely :o." the masses end their leaders have gible male citizens of the country, plcted Terrible State of Morale female has a bard row to hoe. She is Godfrey Brown or Mark P. Robinson of coercion. 3. H. treated then! with courtesy and and some of them very prom0w.pt. A. R. Beam! The la Chieoao kicked and cuffed, sandbagged and to assist in selecting a new cabinet to the policy OmIj a Few Taken. forbearance. That tbey have been inent ones wbose loyalty was never fully Impaled Barbarous Re rolled, at every turn. She is nobody's which shall be committed child. But then she is what our Chris oi securing a new constitution minder a lo Be Preserved, etc. permitted to abuse and misrepresent questioned, were in he same position Chicago, July 9. A special from El and out civilization make her. Second, i hat Walter M. Gibson shall ,i tianity tbe majority to the utmost of their exactly, made this little straw through News' Special Correspondence. M dill speaks the truth she be dismissed from eacb And every Paso, Texas, says : I eplte of mill Aad if Joe omce neici oy mm unocsr tne govern was at onetime advised to do some power without, molestation. They wbicb comfort was sought to be drawn tary reports to tbe contrary, tbat A long, loud and lugubrious Is thing which made her blaxh scarlet, ment. The third and fourth de only a small fraction of the hoshave bad greater freedom, yea license look more like a subterf uge, an excuse a w bowl been raised oy the Snriekers and and that by a mercnant employer ol mands were tbat tbe King should tile have been captured by in this regard, than they would have tor offering tbe President a coarse and Apaches a a mercnant make hundred restitution tor of $71,000 Utah because is seeking perhaps girls, General miles; the remainder of tbe been alio ed to exercise in the same vulgar affront because he is a Demo- carpetbaggers officer. a been have church who to obtain her proper position beneath If wemight band numbering one hundred warriors, opium! bribe could only be got to put our way in any otner community on earth. crat and they are Republicans, than tbe Stirs and are at present encamped in a valley An individual own Stripes. house in order, and let Utah and money and dismiss Junius Kaal, re ON TBI But they are of too low a stamp to ap anything else, aad explanations and named G. H. Abbott miles northeast of Laguna writes from Salt Georgia alone, then perhaps there gister of conveyances, wbo Vas im twenty was Maria. neir oauia retreat dl this interviews thiongedthe Lake saying that the most direful woujd be hope lor Chicago. predate plicated ain the bribery. fFifth, that we covered by two Paso prospectors, DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN R' Y., magnanimity, and have taken advantage channels of public information for consequences will accrue should Utah specific pledge rom tbe King request THE O. A. R. were attacked and both shot. A tnat ne win not in lu'.ure interfere wbo of it like the com mo nest brutes. a while like logs In the Kennebec dur- be admitted to Statehood. This Abbott were oi com number other outrages G. men A. B. A the short time ago either directly or Indirectly, with the mitted and tbe whole section of propably one of the Beadle- - Hollls The respectable non - "Mormons" ing the lumbering season. Then came is " were directing tbeir guns at Salt election of representatives, that he will country is in state of excitement. one of who ter went those to crowd, details of the now are turned towards or not un well know that they are as secure in the flir episode, with with to intertere they Like, attempt Utah with wordly possessions amount Washington. Even the martial Medlll duly Influence legislation or legisla the enjoyment of their personal rights which oar readers are already quite mg to a mustache comb, a collar-boTfce President's Intention. has as much to say as Gen. Turtle, of tors. in Utah as anywhere in the United familUr- it wm a pretty tenuous sort and a lead pencil. of The were Iowa. President United the over These demands to turned Chicago, June 9 A Washington It appears there is another aspiring States is bandUd just as unmercifully the committee of 13, who made their to conjure up political man States, and that there in no disposition of substance In name is Lake. Salt His says the President is still great special ap lnclap-trwas as to Mormons" to it tbe palace and submitted them the fresident oi the Mormons. way on the ort of t withal, but Bosborough. I suppose be is tbe same These G. A R men are terrible fel ly exercised over the miscarriage of a bad to News the reached King. seized at with tbe avidity of a drown with or injure them in already a enaeavoren to lew wno, years ao, Mr. Medtll is spokesman for tbe tue paiace ana tne uiDson ministry at lengthy letter conveying the execu least. Tt tney have not tbe courage ing man grasping at a straw. Com achieve a little notoriety by eis auti lows. SCHEDULE OF LAKE PARK BATHING TRAINS: He was not in the held. once wrote out their resignations tive's refusal to visit St. Louis in Sep army. grand He had Mormon himself vaporing. be a box of old linen sent but his for except In a private way, to deny tbe mander-in- - Chief Fatrchild unloaded interviewed, uuring tne progress oi tne mass meet tember, and the failure bas given new Leave Salt Lake for Lake Park. and designated himself a 8.10, H OB B m .. 1.40. 9.10, 4.40, 6.40 p. monstrous falshood that "Gentiles" anathemas aaoonting almost to bias judge and a Democrat. purposes to the front. Like ing, speeches were scads by all the me to gossip regarding the controversy He is out again surgical some Mark Medill Mr. did " Lake Park for Salt Lake. .10.86, 11.R0 aym. J 90, 8.00, 0 49, 8.10 p. prominent citizens, all of whom open in statements given out at the White would be In danger if Utah should phemy upon tbe devoted bead of the as a veinocrai. l.ie tne great unanan hard Twain.here in fighting Chicago. In fact ly declared tbat tbe King must abdi House yesterday. Information tbat 9 40 4 m. 4.0ft, 8 90 p. m. " Ofcden for Lake Park soon become a State. They are, manv Preatdent and bis advisers, and the oi tnis city, Mr. Kosborough issues a bis deafness was caused by the roar of cate at once or accede to the popular Cleveland, as tbe result of tbe fiasco. h 4ft a.m. 0.16, 8.90 p. m. but unfortunately there "Lake for Park Ogden of them, in abject fear of the vaga Tray, Blanche aad Sweetheart of the proclamation, demands. bas abandoned tee Intention of taking u ne cardinal to issue an apostolic artillery at the battle ol isoonviiie. And he is not done fighting yet. Before tbe meeting closed the fallen a western bonds and schemers who expect to following snarled in tuneful accom benediction for Mr. BoaborooKu. trip, is made Me a as war a wants the reonest minister liirson snt i uose wno presume to beprominent lor well in though, and one Is legacy of honor to bequeathe la maklna this announcement tbe Lake Park Resort Uompsnr respectfully aasara pro at by tbe political destruction of paniment ef tbe big growl. Well, the Thereasis a cobbler, a future tne to gene guar oi nonoiuiu rules not be do formed, however, nc or last rear to rirS H the first conveaienoea fe good as the other. Cobbler rations, lie goes into mat tSe "Mormons." They sbonld never esprit du corps worked np by tbat incl Just preparatory einrn abou neve tne rresiaent wm give np lT?A"pnunr, hysterics now of Washington, D. C. o paironasre ever o rert. have for this season bean UJS . " iSy. " V . ' ' Newmsn, HIM PROTECT wonny and orators battle army flags, "Mormon of submission to tbe dent had about evaporated, and upon uas a chance to get ahead of Cardinal grand IKLAHUEU anu lMI'BOVEU upon, aad that thereu ral attractions of the nis pians ior tne summer and rail, it speak aaii,i does not want the President Of the at his residence against a mob of na is will continue to be added to In whatever manner careful rflorts well known tbat he bad an elaborate Kesort in asoertalaina Priesthood," while tbey are terrorized its collapse all eyes were turned to Gibbons. Newman has gone beyond He United the States before to veter requirement of a discriminatias- public may surrest. of travel prepared and a tive uawauans. ward Washington to see what the head the last long ago, so there will be no ans, but he wants speak by a few venomous adventure ra, dis Erogramme sub President's the On Tbe exceedingly liberal pa ronare bestowed upon the Kcaort In the unfinished atete said yesterday that it in his giving a benediction Friday. July 1st. the steamshlD imi. ?miu ' rni - j inuicsiea tne popular appointed politicians and libellous ot the nation was going to do in the impropriety r pipiii.iuvu ana. an irom Australia wonld be lived up to. "The Presi- urec.latlon to Mr, Bosborough. Or, perhaps tbe stitute.see It is strange these people atariposa200arrived iirmana. ior . i.I of tatter Rn r.mmn.Uhnn. thun "K.. ..... I " can't ga--r.ane natain e stand of arms addressed dent," Bohemian scribes. "will be urged to go to bringing said, premises, realizing that it would never acrobat be will o accessories to u profuse fy Gibson, minister. These were to louis a ring tne iair week m oc offetedaa will maintain for this resort tbe leadlne-eobliJOE COOK HOW CONTEMPTIBLE The Latter-da- y Saints or "Mor do for him to assume a tone even position at once accorded It by tbe seized by the people's- committee and tober and will He will its from accept. pro original opening. mons" have been taught from tbe be- flavored with the apologetic, nor yet to might come forward. and how petty they are making them mw stored la the armory of the Honolulu reed from iSt. Louis to other points WTT.M wr .una wnua win Ii. do or me nurneel decree of excellence and ander Yes, Mr. Bosborough is a Democrat! selves, xi President Cleveland sent a KlHes. inavwu as ginning by the revelations of God to boorishly Intended. Cleveland say nothing and keep Mrs, the Krouse. of thia citv of originally Professors d L.. directorships dedemocratDemocrats that to substitute tbe After conferringlwifh the renresentathis shows tbat war, blm. Band will at has been .' them and by the public Instructions of away, lie has spoken now, and his Strange, fall afaswiaas n..-- -. selected accompany with the closest discriminate, lze themselves when tbey go to Utah. he was then a person of means, and of ves oi loreign governments, op ja, uly l Pavilion. The patronage of the public la respectfully Invited. tbeir leaders, that it is an essential speech is so apropos sad to the point l hey are a good deal like Liberals in industry, and that he bad a local hab is. uauaua The Bank Mat iortnany appointed William An Koglish Liberal is all a itation and a name. It is to be hoped L,. (ireen prime England. minister and minister part of their religion to respect saH bat to take from or add to it ao much liberal LAKE PARK RESORT COMPANY. In a he fact is New in lib' will not tbe England, York, July 9 The weekly tbe high oi foreign affairs, who zuaiBtain the rights of others. This i as a word would near Its symmetry with a rolling r in it. until he goes position be holds, by degrade eral bank statement shows the reserve inbefore stumping ot one excuse bumble not is who tbe COMPLETED THE CABINET enjeined upon tbem as a sacred duty. to Ireland, and then bis r hobbles most a tew crease to be $2 701,000. Banks hold cranks. Some of It is a fundamental part of their creed feels tbe Justice of the reproach, nor lamentably, in i&ngland be is a Liber- - these G cowardly A. K. fellows were never men. as follows: $6,862,000 in excess of the legal rule. minister L.A.Thurston, Ireland be is a Libel on bis and are not men at present. A few of tbe interior: in their relations to tbe civil govern too labored explanation of one who rat but inand Brown. Godfrey A atftae Threatened. on bis people. Ros ago tbey raised tbeir bowl about miniMt-nnance: u. w ment ahey are commanded to support a as been defeated In a wrong position, country oi so ough tsUike Goscben tooth are libels years when knew were tbere Utah, tbey only A special from attorney general. Chicago, July 9. constitutional laws for tne equal pro but simply an announcement tbat be on tue parties tbev claliu to represent. women and children to contend with Asbford, Han fRANCisco. July 9. The sur Chattanooga, Tenneasee, says: Wm. e afford ti to cannot to submit tbe of Jews descendant are perpetually clamoring for render of King Kalakaua to tbe detection of all mankind in rirnts and indignity H o man was to be executed y wuose were dra wn by English Tbey aad When mands ot the ponulace was as com gratuities. pensions esterday, privileges. Conscience, they believe, because of tbe position he holds If Kings toteeth mem mate was war hand finished bad (.the the to Jews) at as they tbe ' Dalton, Georgia, for the murder of endured bis aad that cir igr the by ominy undtr plete hould e free. Good men and wise notoing else, over cash, irom bein a Liberal in be paid for their patriotism, and their last In response to tbe de Matilda Holman, last December. Gov ministry. rar-should be sought for diligently to cumstances the good people of St. Emeland turus Tory in Ireland and organized appetite for pension is not mands made upon him. he resiled In ernor uoraoB commuted the sentence SPOOL SILK AND EMBROIDERY SILK once to out wnich excuse laws him will a Louis is not for satiated. carry attend to imprisenmebt tor life. Five thousIt uffl :e nelpa the .bold under tne civil government. only year ago yet uetau. his card is were out own his carried B. men G. A. ol peo a this raised and had against city assembled to witness people and no religious test should be re ing pursuant to their generous invita ple, as follows: tbe hanging. On learning the action of its, (ioschea tbes toady, the FEARFUL RUMPUS qutrea oi aty person elected to hold a lion, for which be returns kind flunkey ow anWgo-BiGladstone, To The Honorable, Gentlemen composing the governor tbey took possession of thanks. though Glad-tonrepiesents tbe ele- about General pu 'lie trust. we uommine 07 a meeting of suojtcts the town and hanged tbe governor in He was which ment admitted Jews to Mulligan laying Tbe Grand Army is an organization political rfflgy on tbe gallows prepared for HolIf U'ah c ho old ecome a State with ana citizens : t some in ana. man in Kos existence aivary cemetety inis, twenty years man Tbe latest reports state that the bog a majority of .ts citizens members o composed ma inly of patriotic men, but borough. In common and or was a never tbere word more, saould Gentlemen In decency, acknowledging the military was ordered to bold Itself in tbe "Moimon" (.'butch, the 8tau they would show their wisdom wise not use the word democrat, nor should about blm. His wife and family were receipt ot resolutions a at readiness to march aga nst the mob If adopted Ajrn be ciat-- a mse.t as such, unless, in dragging along a poor existence on a mass meeting held yesterday of and ore a riot occurs. Dalton Is at the mercy M'lulri be as separate and distinct fros by assuming the control no was miserable but there he to wants to us we sented are pension, by you, pleased to of the mob. The civil officers which the O'hurch as in any part of the Union. belongs deed, naturally thought about them. President Cleve convey through you to obr loyal sub powerless to quiet the disturbances. are EDIT THI CAUSE as them the In tn ! civil capacity, tbe "Mormons'' to land recognized tbe claim of Mrs.M ul jects, as well as to the citizens majority, of democracy. We have hundreds of llgan to something at the hands of her ol could rot take a course toopre.- - and sitting down on the Honolulu,, our expressions 4SI rilRHttWi He made her pension agent of good will our grat and democrats ot his kind in Chicago, He country. their fellow citizen lemagogues wbo seek to control every O.HAIfcMCIAL. in urn tne A. k nut mis sneers our ification neonle tbat have at tbe city. . "Peoile why. in party;" their own intere.-tWhen without to n violet c to tbeir mo thing never did anything taken tbe usual constitutional steps in wbo reouiew party- is jbiiKiisn io r ae- - fmen FLORENCE SILK UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, he Murk, r her, came forward to bom aicreri conviction and obligations fa iiey are permitted to drilt s far in the mcracv. PerhaDs tbe Judge forgets io tDe iHTEllS, Etc. grievances, jneir presenting A' lreTlale bard the ora with K ot direction Lat'er-da- y contained whisky as fatultous first graveyard in res to offer nis lire. aud tntnk tbat tbe word is tbe proposition folly Saints. Tbe State Const so outrageous ana so olutions passed by tbe meeting whose tory. in iact, from Choctaw. dewkkkt News omca, tution provides for the civil and re an unprovoked affront for political derived was their conduct that ths action you disgusting we reply that 1' Medlll. Joe of tne editor the Chicago Salt Lake City, July 0, 1SS7 effect to Commander-n tbe i Ubiel of i noune, has a bad dose of Mormon Supt. of Calvary Cemetery used a shot uu urru o represent, ligiou Ubts of all, without respect u ')s lamittl ly compiled W tu the Army and Navy of the United phobia. His paper of the 2d instant, gun to chase them out of the cemetery by tbe formal resignation r party, aud the majority of th ( reed SALT LAKE fl ABKETK. of the min inese are tne patriots who are istrv, v, hi h took place on tbe 28th of Corrected daily by Leading Houses. eittze would have tbe added require states, the grandeur of the oigan iza- - contains an editorial of he crusher now a such terrible iracket June and was raising on tbat date, It must have been written with w- Bta of tbeir religion to uphold au1 iou takes flight at once and a rabble kind. provisions. a flftv Stumo mill. It dues not cnvflni about our country, aa if tbe war was and tuat we accepted had already reouested as Selling Buying to are serve not we and mat those where a its have issue forever appear yet finished, Hon. W L. Green to form a pr. guaran rtgtits Itself to Utah, but takes in the South Whole Wheat Flour. 1 75 S 00 oo xxxx. s a as Floor, teed uuder toe fundamental law of th right to look for loyal and cbivairic ern iats, and distributes to tbem a consigned to the dark past. AS to tne n ew cabinet S Boiler Patent 60 8 73 soldiers. Tbe great bulz of the citi liberal quantity ef the editors odorif State RETURN OP TBE 2 Patent High FLAGS, 75 00 Roller.. S etons exudation. Tbere is no ase in f on the dnj succeeding tbe resignation Tbe rights of minorities are n cog zens ot St. Louis are alresdv vaatlv Wheat per uu . 80 W what is said about Utah, bat oi course tne of To the cabinet. quoting tbe fecond proposiwas mon- 1 75 ats per tw ....... 3 00 proposition nized by (he people of Utah. That is indignant at this to them nominating let as quote what Hon. Joseph Med ill we 1 90 1 40 reply that Walter M. Gibson stious. it was lost as bad as reunest- - tion, per 109... I" AnaBmaBnaiaBnaPBH annnnnnnlnnhnVEnBp nnnBEnEnW 1 1 alssXnlnnEnf aH bas severed all bis connections with Barley to say, no person sbonld be deprived ol outcome, and will make themselves says about the merchants and workina ing outing rlev Cracked. i as i bo or to burv jjuu 1 to is 1 00 Oorn oi This tbe Hawaiian Chicago. bv gins government, resigna heard or from retara to s on. the he tbst As later raised substantially any right privilege scalps belongs orn Cracked... 1 00 1 00 tion. To tbe third proposition, we re. Potatoes on while war the WHAT HI SATS : rath. ply citizen because he is in tbe minority it is, if tbe ones who provoked tbe 78 100 we do not admit the truth Lncern per bn100 that When was Bull to tin reouested Sitting L 7 SO a.. 8 00 seed, woman sought employment a so, his ol the matters stated Tbey so further than that in then trie. ion have not already raised a E.-i young and therein, were 100.. 7 Bran I. 1 IB indignation S rt urns ago in one or the big retail stores ootn arousea ana ne patriotism but will submit tbe whole sublect to Shortsper 100 oo as per theory of government. They believe demon which they cannot control, the on state tbe pro our i i as hundreds liks ber do spurned street, new cabinet and will arladiv act Timothy seed, 100 S 8 00 ,. 7 BO position, in this resttect Sit.tin Rnii It right that a minority shenld have its escape from such a situation will be em r week. Stas was brbrhL. intelliirent. affords 7 60' 8 00 a good precedest for General according to tbe advice and will cause Bed too seed, loo a ana ana tier recommenda fair share of representation in the af- very fortunate. Clover 10 oe to look 00 IS 60 made by tbe parties seed, i. t oat were sstistacto y. The manager said mtuo ana joe Medlll. The man who restitution 10 00 00 ton 90 baled found have nay, timothy, per fairs of the government. They To the lourtb he guested he could make a place. for her, would onry our civil era mementoes responsible. Hay, timothy and clover, wa d n ana ner come realv nnr to mom toiu at proposition, that be around on wonld of this ven lots several of fun for r future mand Mr Kaal spoiling 90 00 practical proof 10 00 KLKCI ION Or SCHOOli resigned the nrn Just fancv the lively of 0 00 IS 00 generations. Hay, lncern, per ton occasions, and the sharp lines that ot conveyances on the Beans B 00 registrar in ner loo if S times onlv TBUsTKKS. flam 00 are these store, "Same as the others IS a weak." renlled 28th of his have been drawn between them and successor L Carrots SB SB been June; bas bushel per me Judiciously the planted. Suppose tne manager. To tbe fifth proposition Onions per bushel.......... 1 00 9 00 fellow citizen A new era in elections has been introtheir "But how am I to. live on that?" asked mentoes oi the English revolution of appointed. we tbat tbe specific rjledrea re am paying S a week ior board 1886 88 were all burled andT burned 200 GROCERIES. have been stretched by tbe vicious duced into this Territory by tbe legis- the girl. 'Iand cannot flnd a cheaper place years ago, wnat lots of fan we would quired of us are each severally acBuying Selling lodging ad lation we alluded. Bans have which ner rinr 17 They 90 ceded to. class to passed by the last Congress. anu i mum pay ten cents a day on ins have- nut Thora rl junn " w Tanie SO batter 90 iiaHcmpi (or it is three miles to mv no throat- slitting for the sake bav c provoked the conflict and put tbe The heavy depletion of tbe voting street ears, WB ARE PLEASED of Christ 19 IS :.. house. some Aad I'll need Cooking in our time. Tbe battle of tbe Boyne to assure the ceoDle on the defensive against tbeir strength of the People's Party result boarding Home Cored Breakfast clothes." we committee WOOld tbat be not aaravln over 10 sven Bacon.... 19 ; fought Ue made a reply at which the girl flashed vile attacks. Tin Oldest and Greatest Works af their kind in the World. are and shall at all times be Home Cured Side Bacon... ing from tbe disfranchising laws of wm S 10 July, and there would uiu j cn uid umce witnoat a wor a. anxious and ready to and it hss been a question of with Eastern cored B rear fast Congress, infuses with hope, and con w sat was tne reply this great merBB NO WORK our counselors sand advisors, as well Bacon IS Tbe sequently a degree of vigor, the ene and 10 a with our intelligent and patriotic Basteru Cored D. 8. to made that chant honest in girl affiliate for and John Pat and to Finertv desired mies oi tbe not have At c Eastern Cored tbe Hams... 13V (ow people majority. in coming search oi work all made ber blatters it citizens, the touching . Patrick Ford fes. by all means, keep K. M. Cheese. IS with any of the direpu table creatures election of school trustees, which welfare of and our honor, prosperity o BLUSH SCARLET. Eastern Cheese. wowxeaerete rags, raise them on M who have thrust themselves to the taken place on Monday next, determined Z. 0. af. I. Tea KB pape-.s- . SA bigb. transmit the war to venerations kingdom. na ace ear at 1st this uiven is taken div ni This from Pride Joe of Tea clipping men in tbe will be front and assailed too best efforts us and made to wrest from the HI Japan let yet adhere unborn, to the A. D. 1887, and tbe fourth of our paoera MM paper of July 2, 1887. Joe Medill patriotism of Sitting Bull, and to the July, Pi- neer Tea KB Territory with foal epithets and lying control of the People's Party, as many was once Rex. reign. papers Mayor of Chicago; be is now valor of the "Scotch-Irish- " Kalakaua, sold wbo Co Arbuckte we ... lee per lb.. accusations. With such beings MX school districts as possible. Several looked up to as tbe political prophet their king for four nance, and IS EMPHATIC TESTIMONY TO TMbT SUPERIORITY OF THE Koasi Java ... so wish to nave so association. Bat we of too districts of this citv mar of a large section of Illinois citizens then cheated the lawyer. Of course Green Java.. so PRODUCTS OF THE CORTICELLI SYSTEM. paper is purchased and read by tbe treasure the flags, they are redolent of would not deprive them of a single become a prey to tbe foe, if the voters His EMS.July 9 Emjkeror William starts boast Mocha. 40 the working girls of the most fraternal kind of recreation torCoblentz merchants and . .. . ...... SO wwu. H. SAMPSON, Agent, at 4 o'clock Monday and VlW" right because tbey are la the minority. of tbe People's Party do not look this city. Tbe statement here quoted in the past. Beast Bio Pioneer 408, North Broadway, ST. LOUIS. S Jukibs. arrives at Mainau on Wednesday. 17 ureeaBio SUCH A MONSTER, i KALAKAUA THE HAWAIIAN OOVKKNMENT the tongue forgets its OVERTHROWN. be Can i COMPLETELY SET GIBSON ABBESTED. ASIDE - ; - 0-- st to-da- y . Y - - lo-.d- . i n? . - a full s" SPRING SUMMER GOODS AND Staple and Fancy Dress GinghamA, FOREIGN de-f- . ' -- -- ra Maty 1 - son-in-la- "WBAP8, SPBINQ and RIBBONS, FLOWERS, PLUMES & TIPb LACES 3B2wIBI?OII5SI?,1K, COMPLBTH and s hot-head- , ddrei's NOTIONS IN IMMENSE VARIETY -- . 1 CA Trans-Atlanti- Ii Jroj Jl jzLi l c, ELEREDGI, . in BATHING RESORT . self-solicit- ed 1 Open for the Season of 1887. x, ; te , , 1 1 , - w c - L a. I 1 A M '"' ... . r. C0RTICELLI r i (io.-che- I z e FLORENCE KOTTTESTG SILK lead-mouth- i s af-lai- rs ed bob-"Moidi- - . i I - . -- lsBEEnwF - gooa-iocKin- nn-"Mormo- n" I - hiiuli...u CORTICELLf SILK MILLS, L ate self-respe- .. Me-dil- l's nORTICELLI - t |