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Show i Are again to the Front with their A company is being organized in Los Angeles Cal., to build a tube Irorn that w A'aaaaena, torooeb woicn parcity cels and packages will be forced by pneumatic power. A mitrailleuse la about to b tried in the Austrian array which weighs forty-eig- ht kilos and can be carried on a man's back, and which will tire 1,000 bullets In a minute and a bait As a defensive weapon it is thought to be iIhatObalfimi tflBSBHBIH&BlMmMiiMMMM Aabecrtbee: Capital, ald Up Capital, il The above drawrnir was made from a nail, of Iron in the cold showing the lamination Rolled and Shearing- - process. aoo.OOO 100,000 WOSTTPERFCOT MADE HKBKR J. GRANT. Pretident, JAMES SHARP. r.LIA3 A. SMITH, Ben), and Treat. PraHmlwHliiMetRnrd PaaStnfulnwa. Dr. Prtort Entrant. VaaiUn, DIRECTORS. , I John Flenry Henry Dlnwoodey, I John C. Ciitlsr, Soorjce Koramty, I Darid Ecclee, Thos. Q. Webber, P. T. Farruworth. H, J. GRANT CO., Agents. CtfUev 40 So TmnpU St. 8U Laht CUg. gn-.hh- NEW HOME INDUSTRY A. CARLSON'S II031E-MAD- K C FLAVORS to Purity, Strnxctii utd lysine PMnhsr cogtJnJ ., Savor elitouly. Iwrm, I GUITARS, See that your horse is shod with this nail, Are known to have a beautiful tone and and avoid all risks. the the work is fine and can stand climate; be compared with any Eastern made. FOR SALE BT ALL DEALERS II HORSE RAILS. for sale by Music Dealers and at my place, corner First West and Second South Hamples sent free by mail, by addressing dim (streets, Salt Lake City. ' pjq PJTEHT - j- Putnam Nail Co., JJ JJ J BOSTON, MASS. 00. HILL ROLLER P. 0. Address, Neponset, Mass. Tersels Strtet, 21 South TmpU SS North Afill ; A'e. t$t. QJU: For sale by branch stores. IS1NDI: BIH WHOLE Telepasss KLLnS MOKRia. Sunt. THE T TNfTJB Bam haa fonnd It at laat! A sura remedy lor Torpid Xaver, Biek Headaehe, fiaUtoal CoaaCiaatioa, Chilla and Fevwr, aadaU affoetiona of the. " KJdaera and Liver. This is m New Com- fxicuad, aa om trial will convince, that it ia the Cheapent and Beet Kemiedy in the Market fer Disease of KJoaeya, Liwsrandtonaeh. IfJhmt yeo want a pare la peaitively vegetable Compound, iniaranteed to oontaia no mercury, go to your Drnggist, and get a Bottle of the Arkanaaw Liver and Kidaey Bemedy. Prkse, $L0O per ijotUa. H. H. MOORE A SON. ,; For 8alef by alt DraggiaU. -- ya and ita d wJts am. HA I.E. MV FI-W- St C 1VX. X. I , NEW HOME COTTAGE (JUS1' finished,) containing 7 rooms; also bathroom, pantry, good cellar and etner rods wide and 10 conveniences. Lot Whter in hoase. deep. Neatly fenced. feitnated x block north and H west of 18th Ward Chapel. Splendid views. Apply on premises, 167 Third Sooth St ,lo D. V. Andekson, Builder. dtf FLOCB. WHEAT B1.IESTM'SB7ILHII M:H Teleshnae N. JT1 n. irt. OSoe 25. FOIl MTEXT, I. llllll KU?KUFLK - CEO. M. & JOHN M..SANN0N BATS OPKJTBD A STALLION REALESTATE.LOAN Prince Biclieliei! V No. 39 MAIN STREET, 0 y v Main Lands for Sale, Strut, Houses for Rent, Money to Loan. REDEMPTIOJJF BOBS. To whom it may concern: PUIiSUANCK OK LWS". AKh P.Y V ITt tue of authority vested in me bv resolution of the City Council of Salt Ln'ke City, adopted April AJtti, 137, 1, Krancis Arm DENVER and Rio Grande Western IS airoiiX Mayor of aid city, rfo hereby notify and iufonu persons owning or "holding any of the Coci'yN lJo.vus ok Salt I;akb CITV 1N ;KkOM THK ('Kl'01lk.i'J)i OF "li," BKAK 0. OF Jl'.Mi (ST. NITMULKKK TO M IVIJI.I STVK, ASU HKI.VG OV OF YVH llfTKEX DEXOMINAXION 1 each, that each and all of have licea. Called and 1!e Kedemi'TION by the City Council ol iud city, and that the principal therf-o- t will be pHl in full on or after the Fli'.ST 1AT OF JU!X A. I. npon presentation halt Lake at the Deskkkt National iiSK, City, Utah, and notice is hereby given to all all interest upon the persons interested that bondi above described will ceaje, and the coupons attached thereto (except Coupon Nuuiber Fourteen, for interest for six will become nonuis ending June 1st, void and of no value from and after said date. Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said city, this twenty SEAL ) seventh day of April, A. D. 18SJ. UOLLAUji (.tUMJ) tjitiU londs QUIRED. FOR l",) Attest: 1IKBKR Fit AN CI AKM.STUONG, Mayor. iL WETXS, &Zvr Itecorder. Kidneys, and Aa SlaVarla, bowels. tffeetaal gpeelfle for Bowel Cnplataits, Mfk Hsadaehe, lyprpsfa, . Btlloassiesa, ('onilplln, Kidney Affeetlosr, JmrnaHtrm, Meatal Itewressiew; ' Celle. Universally admitted to be THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE for Cnlidren, for Adalts, and for the Aged. I. H. ZIItTI ft CB.. PHIUBELPH!. fl THE . - REMOVAL! quaa-tilJc- s . 1AEFENBERC G. F. BROOKS CATHOLIC! Groceries Provisions j mm, l.I IX KSTABL1SHEU iaO'4 JOSEPH 11. TAYJ.OK, Pioneer Undertaker of Dtah j CARS SLEEPING Plea eager Traiaa, all On Threagh - frm 8mM fmhi OMy rTb Only IAme th Htmntny SLEEPING CAMS FRKK itc of Paenuerg holding Kmigranl 'Jtckets. 34etmd-cii- frr m4 reliable remedy Tor the dla tretMlns; diseases of women, Sold by Druggists. PRICE $1.50 3ST iTKMS. TKBRITORIAL JL - y K GRAEFENBERG eve-bal- l.- lso STDDEBAKEB BH'S .. iQjff' irw-iftCti- FINE CAItBIAQES, ng Cured a horse, lamed, used St. Jacobs Oil. W. tS. White, Asbburn-ha- m, BDEEIES & SPBIflS 17A60HS, Mass. a Ore and TraTeling 'Wagoair nautia a rmwaikM itiseovery. Robes, iAstps Cloib. Zte. a f : Drug ixso MraEirarepra Craarantees Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. Its roaebeo is of heavy steeL Its bridges are solid J. r. Ca TbresMas; MacnJass ballasted. Its track is thorougrhlystona xaadu and iron. Its rollin- stock Is perfect as human akill strnctares of great u has invented sjvI Steasa &ales, Saw KUDs it. It has all the safety appliances that mechanicalis conservative method-icand valuable. Its practical operation its experience proved Md HfM Fowiri psssengsr aooovunoda- its disdpiina strict and exacting-- . The luxury ofworld. tions is un equaled in the West tins urpejised in the ALL EXPKES3 TRAINS between Chicago and the Klssouri Elver coisiet Bteel llaraastara, of eomfortable DAY COACHES, magninoent PULLMAN PALACB PARLOR lfoGorsalek CARS excellent DINING and SLKEPINO CASS, eletrant mealsj providingand WTwUsBUdsrs, RKOUNTNO between Chicago, Bt. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City restful I . Mowers OHAIB CABS. ,, Sotatlt Bed Chilled aflsrasj, THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE "" and Mlnrieapolls and St. Paul, Over WU U ITUjws, t : Is therouts direct, favorite lins between Chloajro solid Fast Express Trains run daily to the summer resorts, picturesque this The t rich f mlkf TimmaA Vtmnjf localities and hunting: and flab ins; grounds of lows and Minnesota.Watertevm. wheat fields and sizing' lands of interior Dakota are reached via indnoecnenta HollJjiswortk Hay A short desirable route, via Seneca and Kankakee, offers superior to travelers between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, LsLfayette and Council BlwfTs, BC BXf BAf J MAOBI1MI A.tcniacm. St. aul and later Ksnsss JomeptL, liMTmworth, City. Uritinespolls, iuel mis poontaw t All elasses of patrons, especially fam fifes, ladles) and children, eoelve from employes of RocklalsJid trains protection, rrrectful sofrtesTjand, ' Por Tlcket!ntaps,Pol(lers obtainable at all prlaclpai oks4 01&oM l4the 33 i vnited States and Canada or any desired informatioa, address, ; "V c--vn i 1 - ' ' - aXtecers, . i. . IL R CABLE, ft fies'l B'sr, CMcage. s fmf , f Jy 5 and i$3Altaihx6trfa EST. At Gesi JOHM,; 'fr, Chkagw 5 . - E. A. HOLBBOOR, if e1 TkV 4 fast. , CajpafSi Afi-- 1, 1 , i: .J vri P"' TryabotfJe.OslyWc. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE al C it . : - lfirbTh' Jl STATIONER Y TO Ueceived Direct from the Slannfac turer a New Supply of oLOTHiasra-- ! .Ri Men's, Boys' and Children's. a- - Call and seo them before purchasing. Lowest Prices guaranteed for CASH Lsrge stock of UATS and GENTS' FUR NISHINGS. & CO., K1UTON MAIN STREET. 44 1. FISHER . SUT; UXE OTTj DTI!!.,. Store. ... i t J at Z.. C.M.I,i i TINKERS' TOOLS. Main Street, St. Louis, MisBouri. JN. BY FOR SALE Sola AsrentB in Salt Xake City. CO. BREiVISiO "V illTt SHEET IBOI; STIHPED 1UE 612-1- 8 0.C.BS. t ULB-- Bapsta, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . O. Bex f04t. Telephone 29A ts premsOy supply Ws are stv the pafcttc with Keg sad Bottled Bssr of Smpertor qsality, at popalar prices. CUf seset IM laU Bt TsUtkesa, 17. B. i. H,J. FISHER B&1WINQ FADST & HAVB COMING, A CAELOAD CHP. FOIITOI MPW GO. For in DtkaS Tlilr-- t WILL SELL LACE CURTAHSf CARPETS, OF Norman and Clydes, Which have been selected by n. J. Faust personally, and were selected with a view to the climate and wants of the Territory poration, payable within (SO) thirty dav York. This stock will be here before MAY from date of assessment, aaid assessment 15th, and can then be seen at the Old Market notice oeing the urst (l) aay or April, lf7. Building, opposite "Herald." d&stf A Gold's, No. 70 a., Mais Street, Salt Lake City. Any slock upon wtich this assessment may remain oar aid on the second (i) aay ef DESERCT NATIONAL May, will be Oefinqnent and advertised for sale at public section, unless and.payment ia made before, win De sold on tne eighteenth SALT LAKE CITY". (18) day of May. 1887. to pay delinquent as sessment, together with cost of advertising ana expense oi ftVOTTO snie, O AATTI BuJ. rAIO CP CAPITAL, 9200,001 ORPLI7S, aoA,erA With Solomon, Brothers tt Gold, No. (70 s.. Main btreet. salt iass mty. aim H. S. Eldbsdob, President, rssAMoas LirTLK,Vice rreat, JOHX SHABF, UDMINISTRJLOB'S SULE. Wm. W. DiaaoTOKt Hits, AU OSOKSBBCK, J. 8. L. IS HEREBY THAT GIVEN, VTOTICE Hjios, Cashier, in pursuance or an or order of the Jas. T, Littlk, Aaat. Cashier. Probate Court of the County of Salt lake, Utah Territory, made on the 28th day ef 1ECE17ES lEPOSfTrULE SH April,A.D.18t7,in the matter of the estate of Elizabeth A. Whitney, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of aaid estate, will sell at private sale, to the highest bidBayi and Sells ExrUaojr9 as Aai der for canb, and subject to confirmation by Yavk, fsaa rranelseo, rMeaaro, St said Probate Conn, on or after Wednesday, sail pt-ttthe 18th day of May, A.D. 1887, all the right, Latin. Onsatm, title, interest and estate ef the said Eliza- aal Coaflsamital Cltlea. beth A. Whitney, deceased, at the time of es her death, and all the right, title and intercollections, reukiOicg proceed est that the said estate haa, by operation of ronetir. law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the aaid iateetate at the time of her death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, aiuutte, lying and being in Salt Lake City, Uoaaty of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot A LL SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO PEN-J- . five (5), in block eighty-eigh- t (88). plot "A" BION, INCREASE, COMMUTATION, of Salt Lake City survey, and raanisg er to Arrears of Pay and thencs south ten ( Hi) rods, tae nee east tea RESTORATION, of Mt ster, Removal of (10) rods, thence north twelve (li) rods, Bounty, ofCorrection Desertion or to a duplicate Disthence west ten (10) rods, thence south two Charge caa have their OLAIM8 PROMPTcharge, (2) rods te the place of beginning. LY A1TLNDED TO, by addressing ths Term of sale : Cash. . Bide or offers must be in writing and left Atteatioa will be given to CLAIMS at the ofiice of 11. N. Greene, 161 a Mans OF pedal AND MOTHERS AND REWIDOWS Street, in aaid city, and way-- be mar made JECTED CLAIMS with merit, and especially at any time before the day of the sale. when new evidence caa be furnished. Dated April 29, 1887. Spsoiaity mads of INCRklASK. . JOSEPH C. KINGSBURY, BOUNTY LAND DUE TO SOLDIERS o Administrator of aaid estate. ths Old Wars and Three Months' Kxtrs Pay, S. W. Darke, Atty. for adra'r. and PAY tsraed over " did'r te Ike Oevemavsst HOMES the laat war. eaa dorisg t still be collected. . r 1 Window Shiidcs, Ebony and Brass Poles, Parlor Sets, Easy Chairs, Rockers, Sofas and Bed Lounges at ICeOTty tj BEOUCEO PRICES !! Call find Secure Bargains. j WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY. Salesrooms 41 s., Main Street, Salt Lake City. J!AM HOME-MADE- ll Mm. lnton, Sustain tliose who establish Home Industry. We make BOOTS and SHOES that wo Guarantee to be Better than imported ones at the same prices. Call upon us and see and be convinced yourselves. S0L01,J Soldiers. Attention! roa '. . LKGAL, NOTICE. ' The A4drees and Servlee ef Old i BlaxJeaa SaiaUsrs Waawd. The madeislgned baa had GOVERNMENT' of Ia tae Probate Coart of theof Omaty Utah. r. ItUli No. 70 Main St., COLO. City. P. "W. MADSEN & CO. sBasssasBawsaasaaaaaaaasssssaaiaaaMsaa " Early Breakfast" ' est:f" years CLAIMS ' . ' 51 j ! 1 t. I Salt Lake BROTHERS 14 Salt AT ia Lake, ;.Territory. TUB NATIONAL CAP1XAL, Address i. r 1. , ...if.'' 115KB!! 1, In the Matter of the Estate and 8uar4is-shi- p of David W. MoffaU et al., Miners. D.C. T StmtN. WmMhinft 19 .. ,. j J A i i in iM o eause of Order Sale show to Order why fi seat jutateanouKi not oemaoe. r ,;. "T"08CTH S. MOFFATT. THE GUARDIAN .of Us estates of DatU W. MoSatt et paving oiecj ptuuoa sareii, al., Minora, duly verified, craving for as order of sale at, tas jasl estats f said atuMrs, - for the purposes therein set forth, it is tae-- i f ore ordered by the Judge f said Oosrt, that all persona Interested in the estate ef said ..oeeessss. appear:; before- - the ' said Probate Coart on WednesdayUie 8th day of f 14S7, at U o'clock in tb foressoa Jane, aaid day. at the court room of said Probate Abe Court, at the Cosnty Court Bouse, ia Juaae, utan rem-torr.-to City and County of salt aa order shosld not show cansewhv to the asid , guardian, to self granted the real eitaie of the said aci' so snueh ef nors, at private or public sale aa shall be a copy of this order be that and necessary, at lesat foor succeaaiva weeks ia -- ! Sustain Yourselves. -- : Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, oelweeu Atlantic City and N. I.. UaU been troubled witu a couch so that ue was unable toslecp, and. was iu duced to try Dr Kfiig's New Disooven for Consnmptton.' It not only gav him instant l llef, but allayed the ex "treme soreness ia bis breast. were similarly affected and f. iingle U- -n bad the same' happy effect Dr. King's Mew Discovery is sow thi standard . remedy la ' the Coleman house hold and en board the schooner. JTree Trial Bottles of this Standard 4 at' . C. II'j, I. Dm ttemedj - . . j. Store r i stsaascs - slse taata. a Mrs.5 Phuibe Cnesley. Petemon, Clay 'Jo , Iowa, tells the followicK remark-fbl- e story, the truth ol which Is vouch- -' d lor by the residents of the town: "I ten troubled ?u7?emrikl'ifcftm,f with kidney complaint aBd Jameness tor many years r could not dress my Mif without help., Mow I am free from ii Pln And and. am able to lo all my ownsoreoeMr housework? I owe my thanks v Electric Bitters for having removed completely all disease ' aao i - , :? plv-iu- FARM, FKEIG11T, Harara . . GRAEFENBERC es OSBOllNE & CO. CHARTER OAK Hol-stei- to-da- Teats, Wagoa Covers,' ' rentral position, close relation, to principal lines East of CMeaeo trhips, Wacom lExtaras, 'f-By reason of italine at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwest is the ?jid continuous middle-lin- k in that transcontinental system which invites and fjadl-itat- Rubber. Coacb Candles, only true trswvei vnd.'travfBo in either direction between, the Atlantis and acina Wasaers, Vne hock xsiana main line ana Drancnes incluae unicagoJ ollet, ottawai, Zist Daek, tine, vjaaaiugrton, I airfield, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa. West Liberty, Iowa CUyjDes Dfoines, Indianola, Winterset, Atlantic, Knox-yille- , Audubon, ilarlan, Outnrie ventre ana uouncu ajiuxis, in xowa; uauaun, 'ATenton, bl o osepn, uameroa. ana. fine Kansas City, In Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Lea. and St. Paul, in Minnesota.; Watertown in Dakota, and hunUreds Jfinneapolia or mtermeaiais ciues, towns ana viuajres. rigation Company's principal place of . - J3mm wiLiJij CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y WOULD. EXCELSIOR nANUF ACTURENG CO., . A NORTH POINT IB-- la tae iresue oriuges iuii tue Lies uu iron may give us rauway communiua faanaraaevrer and Deata h aa are using tlon. Many leading Physicians kinds t A dispatch dated Helena, M.T., May (his Medicine in their practice. .,' THE PACIFIC EXPRESS mLLIC, WD0Q!l9CL8Il.CfiTlf 5, says : A special to the Independent Arrives at Salt Lake Cltv frera the Kaet a noon y, while some says : About top in., and leaves rorordea at IrWi.e new water COFFINS MIOEASKTS. a were workmen potting w arrives at. p.m., iMking eonnectloa ' , tower in the brick stack of the Foston the Central Pacific for the West. throw full line of COFFIN FXRNIMHINe smelter, an explosion occurred, 0 LOCAL TRAINS Idk a ishower of molten matter and kapt constantly on hand. through an opening, badly Lake City for Bingham and A Ita PAN1CEA; slag out three CHILDREN'S leaveSalt men. The injured were Telephone and Telegraph Orders prompt T.'iO a. m., for Ogden,8.15 a. m. and at burning .6 filled. a T Alrlrirh. foreman. H. E. Williams r Bodies v. m.. for Kpringville. 7.2 p. m. prrterTed in their natural co Arrive at Salt Lake City from Bingham Best Medicine for Children. 60 cents and II. J. Tabor Mr. Aldrish was lition, without extra charge. aim Alia, io p. m., rrom ugaen. ii.uo a. in, badly burned on the neck and in tbe -- OI'K.N DAY AN1 N'iGHT. ana 7. is p. m., rrom springvuie, 8. id a. m. per bettle. was severely eye. Mr.In Williams eve. rskctM-OBtl War RMrna, Mo. 2a I thn riirht with sev- hnmsrl . ttw emu mi, rvinw i .m, 'at' the Nnutli Mree', eoal pieces of metal imbeded iu Kir( Omce Citv and Tlcke purchased lepot ve ' and the leit Mr. thfl . One and a half U'ockx East of Theatre UfUce, White llouite corner. Sail LakeiOtty burned. CO, Is. vr n RAnrrRorr, d severely, Talepbene N. 70. J.a.BXHgirrt TaSAv'a Inlrrrloa warn maatlv in the fisa c.iopk. Gn. SuiTL 'aaacer. Ova. Paa Art 111 Chambers StW Pf. T. eyes, the right suffering most, being literally filled with ragged pieces of metal. Immediately alter the accident a messenger: was dispatched to station two feniles away, from CENTRll BRMCD COUB the sent to which place telegrams were o a puvBician, rmies nine uowu.ior town, OP THJB mhiaK xmm a vannnrirl to bv Dr. J. I.. Belcher, who arrived on a special train two hours alter the accident. It was HUO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY, WILL i SEE BY EXAMINING THI8 MAP, THAT THE found necessary to place the injured men under tbe InHaeace Qf chloroform before the metal particles could be re" f moved. The accident was caused by 1L ( uu buuw using a wet oar to iuuci pieces of clay when the point of the bar penetrated through to the BTJTXDZKS OT molten.maes, jji 1 The SIMPLEST and BEST Till! 1). M. Business is isngmoa aieeung uouae, Bail ibflnt all rnmnlrtfd on Lake County. Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Helena, Boulder Valley & Butte the directors, held on March 25th, lStnas We have coming also the best lot of toI Boulder. Jefferson from Railway . . , ever brought to the Territory. They assessment of forty cents (40c.) per share ouu tne inree lunueis are uuisiicu, stock on corwas levied are of the from the great farm of Lord A Son, New the capital nothing remains but the completion oi i n o-- THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS gjg O rCXC rriHE BRIGHTON CCIXKD VKOM LATEST KXCHANGKS. PEB BOTTLL Leaves Oarden Daily at 43 a. m.1 Laayea Salt Ijike City Daily at 11:1 am. Bines connection is made at Pnebl an 4 Daaver for Omaha, Kansas City a ad all point paet V IV Kstate of Lavina W. Johnson, Deceased. . ' UiABLI-'- IllKi: X. Monday. Spring fold IiepublicaK, (Mass.) says : "our news columns occasional Jv reflect in a startling way on the de We have removed ear Coal OnUe cline of certain towna In Massachu l. Oinwoodey'k r'nruiture Store to setts, and their, tendency backward When an old farmer's 'vuciow ana t So. 40 STREET, who has a farm worth $1,000, mother, aas to no to tne poornouse, as in rreK- Ncai-kO. It. L opposite!. a ball cott. and is there fastened to ami chain by the leg to overcome her repucnance to trie disgrace, ine Mas sachusetts countryside has drilled a long way from what it once was as the From the, WaxMch and C'riOMOM nursery of hardy yeomanry, and the soil of the best stock of When tbe the American people. fleeting population of Franklin PLEASMT VUXEY COAL, County is supplanted by the toosi ignorant imported laDor, ia order Fwm the Utah Central By. CVa that dense ignorance of the languageMine, constantly on hand. inav reduce tue laborer to the neipiessness of the brute, it would .neem as We are prepared te fnrsiah is aay at the vari at the UUb Central Eailwai though civilization bad got to begin an over again, right here lu tne t.onnec Depot, or delivered to' aay part of the city, ticut valley. These are dreadful and si regular raies. No. SS4. TelepUous 'humiliating lights upon the underlying HAY RAKE! LOCR-LEVE- K Child can operate it. CRI'.DlTOOtJ. TX V A Combined Hand and Self Dump. Tim QUARTERS. LINE ONLY NOTICE COATE'S IS HEiiEBY GIVEN BY THE XfOTICK Lv audersurned. Kxecutor of the last Will and Testament of Lavina W. Johnson, deceased, to the creditors of, ana all per boss harinjr claims arainst the said de ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary MARRIAGE LICENSES ! vouchers, within ten months after, the first publication of this notice, to the said Kxo color, at the office of Taylor. Komnev Arm strong tki., bait Lake City, in the Uounty of Aaae. TiBEPARED WITH A SPECIAL VIEW bait GEORGE II. TAYLOR. JL of the Last Will and Testament Executor to conforming to the New Law, of two of Lavina W. Johnson, Deceased. Dated at Salt Lake City, April 2nd, 1887. kinds Civil and Religious to be had at the dliwiw Dksbret News Office, Salt Lake City, in any quantity. ROW THK TO SMCCTJ- A book containing 25 Licenses with Du IjATR. A CTITB plicates for $1.00; 50 for 1.75; 100 for $3.00. rLUOTATIONS IN THE Market offer opportunities to specu- Postpaid to any address on receipt of price. Soada asd Petroleum. Prothnt sersonai atteatioa glvsu to orders received by wire im mail. Full Correspondence solicited. information about the markets oh our Book, ne on wnicn win forwarded free application. H. D. E ILK, Baakar.aa l BraSer, is Broad, asd U Naw u.. New Ysrk City. ditvfl) Collections made and proceeds promptly social status." HOME COAL CO. forwarded. Legal papers carefully arawn Leland Stanford iu a speech on co- r. A. afTTCHXIX, Examination of Titles a Specialty. ooeiative labor talfc as loiiows: ' asaratarr as4 Maaaser Our Motto: Moderate Charges. Fair country's prosperity must always mainly denend noon its power of pro Treatment. Keuawiiiy. I I A. duction. This is to be .brought about Ke. S Main Ht.. Salt Lake City. by the most intelligent direction and application of labor. Abundant illus IN NEW trations mtgrrvbe given to show that tbe value ol tbe labor oi an individual, ike the wealth ol the country, will de nend upon the power of production. PASSENGER ROUTE Tbe most notable example of this is to be found in the production of wheat in HAS MOVED TO BKTWKKN THJ6 Ezvpt. in India, and in America. W neat. is raised in all these countries EAST AND WEST! to compete in the same market, Eng No. 26 W., First South St. land. The compensation to the laborer on tne banks oi tne ntie is a red With a Choice Stock of radish : in India, about five cents a day In my own state. California, the har BKTWKKN- vester receives $2 per day forty times as ranch as his competitor receives in SALT LAKE AND India. Now, these high An Infallible rented foi wagea could not be comparatively paid except upon a Where he will be pleased to see all his old large production. The friends and as many new ones as will man in California receives forty times all FEMALECOJIPL4IXTS comparatively DENVER, favor him with their patro'nage. as much for a day's labor as a man in 2V Kit-India; or the wages of one jaan in Cnre WEAKNESS, California equal those of forty men in tST Please Cull at My Hew AMTHOUT CHANCE OF GARS. And yet be competes successVOU.SNESJ, and OE1VERA1. India.because Quart era. Sa he avails himself ef tbe fully ef Inventors cuts and threshes DEBIL.ITT. This remark genius 40. 1 ELEPHONK and puts into a sack a hundred pounds PUI.I.MAN BUFFET able preparation 1 the onlj of wheat for a cent and a naJi." AND THE POPULAR WE AL.SO SELIi THE CELEBRATED IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT having claims against the astateof Kmeline tree loung. must exhibit them, with necessary vouchers, to the executor of the will of said deceased at tha Office of the undersigned, at No. 30 Kast Temple Street, Salt City, Utah, within ten monms irom tne ursi publication of this notice. Hi RUM 8. TOUNO. dlUw4w JAMES 8. FRGUSOX NOTICE r I UlIK . WEBER COAL Two doors south of Z. C. M. I. Il IVER, : AT a Seasono Terms, $15.00 d.1m oo MU Collection Agency, MAKK THE SEASON OF 1887 at the farm of A. W. Davis, one mile west and one half mile north of the white bridge. HHNCE RICHELIEU, Is a beautiful fifteen hands three inchrs high, and is lluuiblotoniun and Morgan breed. ' A fra AXD "IT-LL- 30,000 bavingr been Sold during the harvest of 1886. -- loDg-standi- THE PUTNAM NAIL. : I 1ST DER J. R. without a rival. It Is said that when Jay Gould asked for a map in a Kansas city book store, tbe merchant apologized that the only one he had left was eight days old, ana therefore not very reliable. After taking a long, lingering look at the. boom there, be remarked: "A boom ia a very sound condition of things so long as it continues to boom." ittNew Westminster, near Victoria, B. C, on tbe 6th, J. . Murne, a logger, was murdered on the railway wharf by William Sbearer. disThere bad been a pute between the two. Shearer, who was discharging lumber from a fcow, walked deliberately to where. Murne was standing and without uttering a word stabbed him repeatedly, Murne attempted to get away, when the murderer caught him by tn collar and held him until ho accomplished his purpose. He then threw his knife into the river, and gave himself up. Murne died in a few minutes. On examination 11 wounds were found on his per son. Tha New York World says t Queen Victoria has prevoked universal grumbling la Great Britals by fixing upon June 21st as the Jubilee holiday, in stead of allowing it to be celebrated on the day before, namely, the 20th in stant, WBlcn is tne anniversary oi ner accession. The reason .which has in duced her to make this unpopular change is that she dislikes London and simply abhors Buckingham Falace, where she always suffers from- bad were to headaches, if the celebration take place on Monday she would have to go to town from Windsor ou Saturday night and be compelled to spend three nignts in jjucaingnara jraiace. y postponing tne festivities until Tues dy she is only obliged to go to London i n Monday sight and Is free to tve oa W ednesaay morning. Had she shown more consideration for the general public theanlatter would have been able to enloy uninterrupted three days' holiday, viz , Saturday, Sunday and Sem-iamh- This drawiug was made from the nail taken from the hoof and eoffln bone as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The Only Hot Forged and Hammer-Poin- t ed Horse-Sho- e Nail in the World that is not cut, clipped, or sheared from the point and will not split in driving, is JEV-TvXIE- TJiiMiiig Specific for liver Disease. CUSIIIXG V CO., or Imter Watches in and Jewelry. txte Clooks, CVM DTfiF'C O I Mr I UlilO . moath ; tonne coated a with lot of Novelties, New white or covered with a broirniur; pain is Together the back, ataes, or joints oitea ssuuken Styles of Goods of all kinds in our line, and ever CHEAPER offered uere before. than ; soar Rlieematism stoaautesi lees for ei sometimes nausea and water executed. appetite; Repairs promptly brush, or isdiKtw a ; SaUtlency and acid mm Call and see goods and learn prices, at eructations ; bowel alternately costive loss of memory, with and lax ; keMlah SO MAIN 8TKEET. tt painful acutmtion of having failed to do to have been done; Komrthing which ought STRAYED. a thiek. yellw ap debility; oflowapirits; ana tne a tain We new nreseat them to the Farmers of Utah and surrounding Territories eyes; dry pearand) nriaaU is THREE YKAtt OLD DARK BAY cough ; fever ; restlessness ; tne Harvest of 18S7 as being the most perfect Machine ever brought here. for allowed-Vthe U on branded MAKK, and left C shoulder; high eolored, and, scanty left home Sundav, May 1st, 1SHT. No. 4 Mower and No. S Reaper, which have given such universal satis. Oar stand, deposits a sediment. reAny information will be thankfully are Improved and again to tbe front. faction, ceived and rewarded. properly SIHMOHS LWER BEGULATOB JOHN W. TAYLOR, onr patrons for past favors and soliciting a continnatlon of the Thanking disAwlte 19th Ward, City. we invite them to call and examine the, above Machines at onr Ware (PUKKLT VEflKTABLE) sane, ironeralW used in llie Sovlh to arouse house la the Skating Rink, on West Temple Street, and at our Agencies tbe Torpid Liver to a healthy action. KOT1CK TO CREDITORS. throughout the Territories. It acta wit extraerdlaary ealeaey est the In the matter of the Estate of.Enieline Free Yonng. , Horse's Feet. STEEL GRANT BROS. CO., f r., 4 .. la tM.roawiaa.st. I ft s - Test all wkem " Impossible malarialatterly poisons are driven out Of the the Blood New, Elcfa, system, leaving Eviwiio Kiwi, a nsws and Pare. Me place for eruptions, ul- Jisnushea FEED AND SALE paper printed and pablished in said ! Oty cers, or Bhenmatism, .when all Jilood andCousty. . . . talat aaa been eradicated byhe use ol 1887. , t w Dated May 4th, HJAS BEewn A. SMTTH. asd Dandelion wit Iodide of Potas Probste Jsdge. sium. Xaoosaads of witnesses, smont. 24 & 26 Ea8t,2d South St., Hfevai them tae beat rjrasvtata TsanrronT or Utah, ' r j SALT I. A KB CITT. eiaasy teettfy ta the woaderfal curee Salt La. 4" w County wraacatby O. Cutleri Clsr of taa Prshate Jobs I, BEOmni . aAJtBAPAaULXA, A Large Assortnsai ef Court in and for the County et Salt Lake, FAULTLESS JOCEATjEXSrJl l't of Utah, do hereby certify J1 alaeasee of hi Blood, Liter,! anc? ia the Territory forea-omcorrect and JTTJX-Istrue DOUBLB a is AND the that SINGLE fall, YEHlCia TCJ OTJAJi EUtaeys. Use ealy Ue but Medicines of copy of aa order to show cause why order w uv CADDLK HORSES, EtoM Kto, saie or resi estate snsma bo ps mwv CeUSTT VICOBBXBS' of ts GsanMaashia t David W. Keouirtng Marrtage J.teense Beoords matter aa apyeara ot aaeetd ' t al with printed forma,, couvenlent for MoCatt ESbT" Speaial fitomtum taJTUiYMRAl. In bt office. "t- minora, TIj, Graslta Iron Ware StQYB Trimmings in Eniless Varisty. In witness whereof r I asv beresnto set aaf Mxaussioira. . filling sp without much writing, or in fact any other kind ol , Becord or sry nana ana araxeq tae teai oi(sai voart, , do HIH tM IUJ VI n A. AJ, Blanli, can' obUtn them on ihort co., f8eal JOHX 0. CuTLXt, tice ana reasonable terms the ' 3 A. T, fT T, A TTT1 :, a AM Braaera Eeata si Kbws Dkbjbbbt .i Salt lake "f', a Orrtcs, vt-iJCafl d4wB A . Orimrt S. Steslee Itmsbi AUUxtiyiL ' , City, By H. Cctlxb, Deputy. i aar Xntaaaeae ?K , ! mm, . iiiiriaiLU -- aa . !. . I ST07E& and " ALL SOLD, r Y AJXISEI . I . - ea - 30 to onjiWrmcos. E. FTSSX SOUTE BT.t -- -- . HTrnV |