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Show "TS 1 1 1 H TRUTH LIBERTY A1TD 07. NO. MA HO 1 1 IS, 1SS7. SALT LAKE CITY, IJTAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY EVENING, VOL. XX. 1 EVENING NEWS: J'ubuhed NEW YORK TRADE. trertj Evening, except SunJay. One Copy, out rar. rtli Pcvtajrc, J10 00 ' " M IlltllltlW 5 IMi ttw-- e 2M iiiomhs. Congressman 4 ; r;EKL throe months, '1 Further 1 CO DESEIIET TEWS: W jf: is; ' s One Copy, . . EVKBr WEDfTESDAT. J inf SIX I'l'OUi " lis, 1 J,. r.o Papers sent to Miijyiri ipi-- , hy ni.nl have the name tHiiiK"l with liarurea to mUn'ate whn the Mirri'lion- opposite will expire. John Smith, Kr means that iuiuiup, John Smith's nib, lion will expire 011 the 4th Oav of ttie crip llih month of tin- year, or Novem!er llli, lss'i. Subsrrilern will pk':i p notice the tHrure 011 proUiir papem, to p,t that thev h:ve ttii'irrenew per crtilit, and also to know when tot' Their nhrriptmti. tSe niir top the paper when the iuh'i-ipljn expires. nu bt THE DESERET NEWS COv Br.ir-i:- TV, Pure. Absolutely fxmJrr nv ttrlea. I 7 411. iHiwdrs. e ptio-nlal- Sold iWv in cunt run jf Rot AL BAKIWU VOW BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO., 109 Di'.Aiio S(., Xeiv fork. Nainifiiettirer of ani Itenleriii nrfJOTTOf-.cA'.lI'I CK, ' M ootllierry," Druul Mil! 'pii.n emi'm" and oiher fixorite lrandi,,il 1 limiioei - Hani, Medium and .uoft. DiJ"K FOR aEHALLS.3Lli.uH0Wfl.0R IH THE BHD ('OTTDN t'AKV.tMB Ot Itll HunilK rs li to Vi ot tb First Claaa in lie AWAJH-2- wide.. l ( dvennfr, Wagnii lc;);. Car, Trunk )lHlili and arw Apnin4 - in for oUifr Mirpoee, ronstanltstoic not nmde, tit 01 le. 8. P.unfiitjf Co., Apont- tor I'. or less ipianirty and Kailc." lv the ( 'I hese tioods e.111 la oil:iined at Z. V, M. I. - - iI hgdlS 3 -e use CARPET WARP HAME PAS BY TIIK Worlda Indnatiinl and Cotton Ce; .tennlal Exposition, New Orlear.E, WHITE AND COLORED. TTJS33, In Can THE BEST he SOI.i: k '.. 1B34 and IdSS. from Ilei.ori to t'10 lnar! of A vnni. For fiJirelre Iiispiuy of Toilet Soaps ar. " a- 'rT-z- Soapraalcera, Perfumers, Chemists, Jury' CExtract ACKSTS-- I. C. . ob lamed at ad llicir branch stores tliroiiglmu? d.B alt the Territory. Pcrfuuivry. For l'ancv 6 rid Onl'tinry Toilet ?r.ap. For K xcellrnc e of Material. I'tHcacy of Tit- fume, unit Nt dt i:rt3 t f Sty'.o. For Sh:ivii! So ii'. For Lsnmlry feup Speeiallic. Jfor Kxccllcnfo anil Riijvi iorily of T.anntir llariic-- ami MeiJi; ii'til 'lViit't Smpn. Hlghot nil only Awsrtl for Chemlcaii-Pu- re tJlvri tiLf. r'rs; K?BK & COMPT -i Clin vi;o. 5C HAIEB KKU)'ion:ERi F. SIDEBOARD U Walaal, Ckcrry & CO., or CHICAGO. r PAID KaUa f narantM oarand from th Rett Norwey Iron. Fir.Uhed AJrdy to drive, by th ITinOJI IIOREB NAIIi CO., AGO OH TO by Z. a m Stars. l. T. 1.1 , ; mm. BEPDSITfWE Eirbic oat No Nxn i'nux'tM'a, J1iScsro, 2i Uwla, OhmIM) J.oiMtoa, rkm! prl i If t nl 'ontiuulnl dttas-- GRANT BROS. CO., Katt. CD. Tttfle Strut, 8o4k TtmpU OJflct: 21 BXIC1H r pf PKHFIV Ta),k JPATBinr. hkiv aiA TfI0LS SietEST MSB Mill aiav i. WgEAT Tl.Ont. slxab m on sua. savt "dodblb and ngls vehicles. SADDLE HORSES, Etc., Etc. - t- S.terM altmtien to FUXERALi. Kxcvnsioxs. GUIXT A M E. d U r TbM VfHHIJ, MINlSHtlU, the ... 'I' Aldk'. a - A for ail rtweawi of TlliiOAl', CJlUaJ, UIAiii. V 1M Bl.IU jfHii- - itlAliO.st of the BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. that tue trade mark SANTA AH1K i .Satisfaction (fuaranieed or money ret'unded by all tli iiiceibU. on every battle. IIK.KeakdA CO., Sat Bt lii JOSEPH 13. TAYLOR, Pioueer Undertaker of Utah . ; NOT PIFKICULT, I and compared with tbe vast interests affected by the settlement, all the llbh iu the eontrororsy would not make a noticeable side dish. If Canada, iu the interest of attaining what l am per- ot the people suauea of both countries desire, ;oqld fOr one year extend the privl leges heretofore enjoyed by but now denied to our nhertueu, all the causes of attrition would be removed, and the result would bean adjustment of the differences by a full reciprocity aud a renewwed properity to us which we have hitherto not known. . This vBnKt possibly involve a jlttle c rifle e of pride, out it would be niet on Xnis side by a like spirit of compromise and adjustment. Ia other words, the concessions would be mutual." Nt. blew Ds Patrick's York, March 17.- - At the St. Patrick's day picnic of the Irish societies Iter. Father McUlyaa made aa address, the first part Of which dealt with the blessings of the beloved Saint's work for Ireland. MeGlynn then branched off into a disalaaaiarxarar and Dvaiar la M cussion of the land protect which hfta kioda made him somewhat aotorious.and de fended it so eloquently that be was niLli;, WDOQ AMD CL1TH CCTEBf i frequently interrupted witi applause. ana cneers. in concinsioa tue speaker T'cumss mcisKETS. said tbe people In Ireland on St. Patrick's day held their land In common. i tU Haa of copnn miWISHMIf va V VI f Davltt received bis tradition from bis rvi Wl fiwConcha.aiM.M kmyi conatantly on band. Asihroft. forefathers. the ear tf CooAQipptipu. , The ipflrd anniversary dipner l Tales bona and Telegraph Order prompt Troablaa than SANTA A KIR, the OalUomta Friendly Sons of bt. .Patrick was r1n tiled. COUGU CUUK. Not a Swsret Compound. kv at Delmonlco's. There wefe Boliea preferred i thir atral o to U iaata and death to a I1aM4 aoo tiUoa. withont extra charife. guests. Letters of regret were read from President Cleveland, Secretaries and night. day aroriv Ware RaomaS.4i3. Bayard, Whitney and Postmaster Genaa4 iMary eral Vilas, Congressman S. S. Cox and K HMitb i Mayor Hewitt. la the President's let- Oaa aatf a half Moeka Eaat of Thaatt . ter he alluded to its being tbe 103rd No. 70. hr anniversary - of the society, and said tTINpfcana 0m k aaaaa klUk, that this indication of the age of tae organization Induced the reflection that It onsrht to be nernetnated. OO TO THB to-da- y, MmmwM 5O0O-KEVVAKl-5- 0OO BTai - t -- to-nig- rl. ftnt i- , te ht -' . OJWC AT OlfLY GUARANTEED CURB . TII1 - , Ml ABO FUKMItHlMO GOODS. jhllirta's Clothing aSpscWtj EuterprM. CTiiss-beanfi The Pat-lll- llui V1LKD ATTACHMENTS in the ofllce of the county clerk for the of which I am attorney. companies cn. Tne claims will against Law Tnu aggregate more than $400,000. I have attaened properly which as much. I don't amounts to '"about know Where Law ton has gone to aud I wisb l did." "Do you think be has gone te Cana da?" c . . Wo havo now rencly for your InupMtlon one of the' Hon to.-- S ones IDA vmm Hals REST SELECTED 8TOOK8 LoeisviiixR, Mareh 17. TheCVfovVr-JournaV- s special from Crab Orchard, Kentucky, gives the particulars of the killing of three vigilantes who were administering a whipping to a woman 70 yearaot age, in llock Castle County. The woman, EIUa Fish, persisted iu selling liquor alter she had been warned several times to stop. She The kept a low kind oi a store. county is a piohioitiou one. Last night the vigilautes, or Law and Order Club, waited on Mrs. Fish. They to.v her out in the yard an; were whipping her when shots were bred over tive fence, and three of the lvu Klu fell dead. Their names ate John - Li.ne, Walter renn ana John r.isty. oc. is no clue ss to who djd tho Castle Couuty has beeu infested by a for ten years p"at gaDg of aud all efforts to break up tho.lawleM ness have tailed. The old wontae, Kliza Ftsit, had been whipped before by the vifcllautes, auj her sou was ruu out of the county for stltiurj liquor. e T'-.er- S OP ana Caps MUVIMI J TO BE FOUND IN THIS CITY I wish to call your particular attention to onr lines of Vo Hltll. VIrllnntN Ladies' s Gents' $2.50 ; S3 Shoes. Yon will find thvm Flit ST CTsASS in every rexpect. OUR STOCK OF Ladies' and Gents' Slippers Compute in la KIO, GOAT, VKIVKT, niCAVKU CIX)TII and KKIjT. invite luaportloo. W ix The NtltiliMl'M I'loU St. Pf.terkkciio, March The 17. plot to assassJcatc the Czar which was to have been carried out last Sunday was arranged by members of the terrorist set ion of the nihilists, and uo connect lou with it has been traced to the faction which is conducting the con stitutionalist ogitatiou, although this faction has assumed the character of a secret society with widespread raniiil cations, several hundred perssns connected with tne agitation have, nowever, recently oeeu arrested . Ingersoll has so far recovered from his throat difficulty as to announce that he will lecture on the land theory of Uenry George. "I don't know. We could bring him back if he did go. He has taken away about $200,000 which he raised on notes of tbe companies for which 1 am act lu- rue associates oi Likwion iook Away with melancholy; St. Jacobs upon his disappearance as part of a Oil cures every pais and acne. eitranllc swindling operation. The bookkeeper of the firm is reported to have tost all he bad in tne world. One niau wbo is a heavy loser said mat Law ton HAD OVERDRAWN all his accounts and got all tbe money on his paper that be ronld, sold bis house, converted all his pronertr Into cash and left for England yesterday on his way to his brother, who lives in Sussex. Tbe amount luvotvcd by bis operations is placed .by everybody at over one million." Alter drawing out all the bask ac counts be got a boy to belp remove four or live valises, which seemed to tilled. His credit was high be aud he was rated at ever $1,000,000 by the commercial agencies. Lawton ne paper through the note gotiated Ms. brokerage nrm oi l trus, Aieaq uo., 81 Wall Street, wuo have not less than $10,000 of LAWTON'S Holiday Announcement! . a-d- San Francisco, March 17. The barkentine Tronic Bird arrived from Tahiti this evening and reports the honctY JanGerman steamer Rfiiat,-auary 27th with general merchandise for Tahiti, bnrued at sea12previous to Febdeurres, south ruary 10th,14Slatitude decrees. No news of the longitude crew. Ku-Klt- DUNFGRD'S l.nw. l&'ew San Francisco. March 17. A circu-la- r addressed to agents and shippers has been Issued by the Southern that in compliance Company, inter-statasking e commerce law, all with the for special and contract rates quotedcanentered into by the company be celled on the 31 st.-- before which date the .new tariff and instructions to agents will be published. tie-n- ' NEW AND COMPLETK A ' STOCK OF arid lOZVX" JUST RECEIVED, ALL STYLES 1SD OUtt LINK OF CHILDREN'S HATS. AND IS XM CAPS THE FOR Xa 3NJ O TUT XO HOLIDAYS 2 Goods arc First Cla and Prfef Treasonable. Flease Call and Fxamlne at &-O-ur DUNFORD'S. 124 Main St. W. MAD SEN & P. CO. "Early Breakfast" Mi r ''! i . I aV - J ENDORSEMENTS. Mead said Lawton was in his ofllce on Tuesday alteruoou. lie took some of his paper with him and promised to MolMeribed Capital, eo.ooo send Mead a check for $10,000 Wednes Dp Capital. too.ooo day morning. The check did not come Pala BEBER J. GRANT, Piaident, aud inquiries lor juawton developed , JAMJlS 8HARP, tbe fact that that be was missing. ELIAS A. Sill TIT, &ry. and 7reaa, Mead said tue total oi Lawtons OIRCCTORS. was or defalcation liabilities $300,000. Ifanry Diawoodey, II John ITeHry Kw.llk, and the cashier of the Third national Gaorga John C CiUor, Bank said it was between $300,000 and Thos. Q.Roraney, David EoUoa, Wabber, LawP. T. Farnrworth. $400,000. At the bank it was said ton bad raised money wherever lie R. j. ostAsrr Jt cm., Aruta. conldand gone off. OJTaM 40 Matt Tempi St.. Suit Late City. theestimated flhat a Kline, got attorney, at least rjoo.ouo in can from the banks aud on discounted pa per on the day of his departure. He took the money - I - AWAY WITH HIM, -- Wtr A-XJ- sold, fully L. con-ditlo- Tin, Granite Iron Ware . . PBICE LOW The 'Coranft" way Abcad. Philadelphia' March 17. Captain No well of the; Steamer British Trine ., from Liverpool, makes the folowing instant at report : On Monday, 14th 9ci5 a. m., m latitude 4u deg. 1 min.. 04 deg. l min., passed the the Scotch and English colleges, and longitude schooner yacht 10Coronet 1 miles to otUers. At a. m. the schooner jiorihward. Cardinal Gibbona has been appointed Dauutlct displayed her signals abeam to tbe following (wwedcoafcr ligations : n latitude ir deg. o nun., longitude m Propaganda, regular discipline, In- deg. li min. There was a strong breeze dulge noes and sacred relics and stud ami all. the canvas was set. Every :ies. i stitch of canvas was being usee! on Cardinal Taschereaq has been apboth boats . There was at me ume -tne following; pointed to the aud yachts wore slanted ai bishops regulars, A 8TRONO BRKSZK immnnltter aud propafrom tbe west to tbe northganda. MONSIONOR KIRBY, blowing A west. They were about 22 miles apart. This won id l ndk ate taat. tne yachts ths,Veneralle rector of the Irish col- - are course taking a more sontneny thisto aidianer. cae eveaiag lege. by transatlantic Cardinals Uibbons fend Taschereau, than that pursued at ibis season. When the director and rector of tbe steamships was maoe, me orv- tbe observation IreKane. propaganda, Bishops net had made about ' six bucdred of aud land Wattersou, Archbishop miles and tbe Jtounvttt Keorrspnical . rectors St. tb the Melbourne,, miles. Though the Coronet f thai Eaglftb and about 689 miles SorpUco&.aaa further to the '' eastScotch colleges, Abbott Smith and is eleven on account of ba r more ward, she is, Others. A student read a Latin commore, than this northerly posftlon, over the propositionotexprefcsipg joy of tbe number of miles in advance tne aud a Latin Ikruntdh: motion ' was then chotm praising sung, Cardinal Tascbereau responded in ';? 1h AnukrebUI. Latin expressing bis appreciation of 'tbe honor conferred on him. IT 111., March Arguments Ottawa, 1 CARDINAL GIBBONS on the motion for a new trial for the -. in said lie tbe recepEnglish. tospoke tfou of the bat on Stpatrick's day was Anarchists were commenced here' The Court. before the : Supreme day t hapvy lrcuraslance.,; lie hoped that aiftbelr work would he harmoni- bearing will be concluded to morrow. ous for the peace of mankind and the! It is not expected that a decision wlil given until some time In May. spread of truth under the banner of beCincAoo March 17. Moses Solomon the cross. was After the tohsfstory8 tbe new cardidischarged from bis connals thanked the Pope, who, in reply,; nection with the defense of th Anpreferred chiefly to Canada and the archists by tbe committee having the of the condemned In charge. The CalU4 ftatSv especially - .to tne new, case reason Riven by tho committee for the Amerlcaa'collegc. discharge Is bis extremea attorney's ambition. He insisted on making Crimes la Caba. Court at before the speech New Tobk, iiarch 17. A letter frotq Ottawa in spite of Supreme th protects of his Havana dated March 12th, eays: KldN associates. xiU npppbaf A Tralat SlaBM. wholesale - tfurins the past jweek at - iiamavww Ouvia, In Vuelta Abajo. One of the Yovngstow, OhloTilarch 17.TWO persons seized was Don Esteban Her- freight trams oa the New York, Penn nandez Domlnquez who was 3tter sylvania k Ohio Eallroad were stoned, the payment of wrd Released $2,000. other persona kidnapped were by a mob while entering "th,e cUT this H ' morning, and the trslps were deserted of less Importance. 'of Fires on sugar? plantations are of by their crews.' which Consisted bad takea the' places of the freqnent occurrence, and reports are mn whO'i The traiM .were i take ont of losses to by strikers, daily received means. Altboush inplanters tat Individual later in the day. ;t . ., , j lasea tbe damage is not great, tbe , AMsaeesas PerM to consider ,( fosses loot np mi ' t I - -- lOOO. WEEKS OX LI', Cleaases tae Head. Allays laKaaamatlon. If A IL IB,!! ilfS :atarrH V ' HP, alace theHaalsa. Ras- 8r torestbo Seaaea fTast,Si6ell Largest and Best Stock of Haarlaff-- i A Qatok Relief. ' AfatltlVt A paracle IS . .S.T.GS ToSEi?n nrm. -- DP tayjlou .ariaN- tv t, V; !iMertMs, Funeral Director and A full Has ttwaA4 . . , oi fine Cloth. MeUlllo an ! Ootaoa- - ind CaskcU. . k Caae m4 Casket. STECK, OS! CHASE AUD Mason CnANK, cQ A. ZLsT SI ISCexiaJLijaLa, AND WIIIXWKY. : , i Alr-tlgb- .' A complete stock oUJarial I .A. O IR, C3-- . J ... I the most Eminent Makers of the day. ; . West ol Chicago STEINWIY, CHICKERING, BLACKTIPS. a MUSICAL IIERCIIAKDISE sppued inU each noatril aad riioe mi eaaia ai iinirruiu t aiiwiiie,' byaVall rriaUre4, o cU. .Ctrenlara free. aXT koi DrnuiaU. Owego, N. T. to-d- ay nrrtedn'y lOOO. JooTnxjinrxxis. :oi- - ca.-dinal- - tar Mail At Wells' Corner, Opp. fCLY'S CREAM BALM ws Stove Trimmings in Endless Variety. TR5. OIB 1 -- X.-A.IC- . TIIK LUWEs'r, AM for riro . . A-- CHOICE SELECTION OF EBAPE BOOTS t y, . SHADE TBEES, '. AM1 & oijaiiantf.Rd. 39 to 41 E. FIRST SOUTH ST., A SA.LT CITY. P. O. Ban. J(0 Order Receive ZVomnt Attention. '' ALSO seivedou everything visible, inclading the Jersey, real estate and tbe bpuyten 1 uy vei resmence, it is coiunioniy oe- lieved that he baa transferred. bis in terest in all such property, liis liabilities, so far as known, are estimated at $1,000,000, rather less than more. aTBSiiri V, and RANGES. Fruit Trees! ST0YES "FAULTLESS IIJZATimS. Mr. Kling represents $360,000. It is known that he has obtained at least A LARGE VARIETY OF FINE $tot000 on notes, from various banks. give any intelligentu, Nobody couia statement ot Lawton's financial PEACH, PEAR, PLUM, .APPLE, as no examination has yet been mere oe, aim made ot the assets u any Apricot, Cherry and Nectarine, tbonnrh .the attachments have been a. Coa-sistor- occurred the bridge where tne hail been frrouenUv tested and wa.i regarded as thoroughly Jto. ' We carry every thine necessary for the condnctlar Ot a FIRST CLASS MUSIC BUSINESS; t RoImm and Um sertakeni' Uoods of every description kept sonsta'BtlyoN hwid.'is Black or White Hear.. . sa v 'Bodies praaarvod without lea for a&f . v. at mas. I" Particular JtUeatioa lwa sbalnilagL tbhtriina: and tm f bodiea a apeetauy.' ' u Mkaji Xbsailes. We Guarantee all Goods, and defy competition 4t J an Francisco, March 7. To a r IT IN TIIK COLD PAD, FOB CATAUKK, QUALITT and t PRICES, rarer, Bo Cold, Catarrhal Iaf-a- porter of the Associated Press w and Bor i'f$. .Utore tpa aaa of called on . John Wv Mackay this aftert: tacta aad amen, remove oaa tasta aim noon to ascertain the troth o lbs re- from Catarrk. nnpltBant breath;torei)ttBT " S1ble flgare, la York s Ifew Follow this Dra?tion March published rUfftad All Kar mand plaaaant BpSTQir, u .i . i: i ardare by teiograph Mr tsleabsnf, day t3r' WOTTT rTfT1 ' A Tl Tin ana car u warranted oy an "rufiiaia. Krtassociating Mr, Mackay with the - I IateMcotnmUsloners sUUvtj wUI mm. w. v. AUIET1NB MEDICAL COMrAVr. ravelve aUtbt, lr Cfeareli Fnnle. J pmmpt tUeattoa;uf Kiunivu uxai. uiaa venLiOal. Six treatment for ft J man sronoonaut cause oi tae foren niu 10. ai fnm reiMoaawia, i, gaunf toe story witboat em by aU for month' A paniq oc17. LOatos Xe ail drug foundation. - "AS the March tl.io. 'For aala MaaeA by Chicago, ) coTeiupbou No. 38L far 'I'nuantpropo- curred at tbe liotnan .CaUolia Chorea Bi.. ed for ptrcnlar . . , mmt at. V. of Folsom, superlateBdent George natuy. tie B. of tbe Nativity oa Thirty-eight- h sition for Vb acquirement Street bridgei of the rroviaenct rvaa( saiu fwl fr aat Abie aad Street. RXIT rO 3DiarWO0DBTtfl rUlUUTU&l 6T0K3. SC--CTTJ- W$ idBOTS' . t . rn tri. Nkw York, Mareh 17. A numbefof baiAs were reported lo be heavy losers through the licgotiatiftrts of Lawton's paper. Among ineni ine Hirst anu Third National banks, the Back of the H'.ipubiic aud the Chemical Bank. The the First National Eauk denied that the bank handled any of Lawton's paper. The American Es- chaiiue National Bank, which was re ported a heavy joser, wouia not smrm or the reoort. The president ofthe Thud National uauK says nts ms'tl'.ution holds but a very small amount which is secured by good vndorsers. Just before leaving the city Lawtou drew from the Third National Bank on checks i3,tKH. Abrani Kliug said this 1 have alternoon: s. nve-sui- IT KfTtnLiniir d beuau at twenty niiuutes past ten o'clock and concluded st noon. The procesoioii WuS headd by the ci'llMM turial advocates with atleiiduuls ar raed in crimson rones and crimson canes. I hey were followed ty iiie i; ''caait'rter.i, pwlates, oi hi ops. archbishops and cariimals TLu came tle Pope, who n.iiYKtfl waj iboeae on the seuia gestatorla, With HEKSIBLE VIEWS. ti bellor wbHe pacoe k leather funs. 115 was accoiubauied ou t sell side by WhM OonKresiinian Batlerworth noble guardsin blue, Swiss guaids. UlUcers aud purple and crunsou-roOe- d 'Ihinks ot Kerlprc-lly- . attendanta. When the rove ironv ine Toronto, Ont., March 17. Tlie Mail this morning contain fa letter fru Beilia lie asceoided the 4Ltvus, w hich lion Benjamin Butterworth, a rneuibey liad been covered with purple cloth and of Congress from Cincinnati, who InOLOTH Ok" UOI.P troduced the bill in Congress for the IdEthe Lenten season. The canopy largest reciprocity between Canada throne was backed by tapes and the United States. The lollowiug overof the try Perlno del Vaga, depicting faith. are extracts: hope and charity. At the base oi me "You are familiar with the details of throne were two lions couchant, bearing the proposition contained in the bill red banners witn cross Keys, l ne car introduced by me at the closing days dinals occupied benches arranged In ot the last session of Congress. Tftal long i parallelograms iu trout of the closer commercial relations or angry Pope. The consistorial advocates ad and possible permanent estrangement vanced to the throne and read the between Canada and the United States lor the beatification of the i t r must in the uear future obtain, seems sous under consideration, llils con too clear to need argument to sustain cluded, sixteen caidlnals left the hall to bring Horn tne Sistine chapel the it. It is the eight LOGIC INEXORABLK NEW CARDMAI.S, of the situation. That closer and Archbishop Uonzealea of Toledo, Mgr. freer relations are desirable, from Aloisa Masela, at l.isbou. every point of view Is apparent, and it Archbishop, Taschertau of Quebec, sec ms equally clear that there Is no ArcbDlsncp lilbbons of Baltimore, measure of reciprocity short of that ATchblsbopBernadon of Sens, Arch-- j can which is full aud complete, that Place of Ucnncp. Archbisljop meet the obvious requirements of tha bishop Jknamiaix of lie Una, and Archbishop situation. I repeat, the way ont.of tue uioroauioi erraa. iijaca new cardi lead to will the preseut entanglement nal was accompanied by two others most happy and valuable and in every Cardinal Tanctiereau was way sensible res nits In the way of by Cardinals Meicners andaccompanied. Mosezeiia. and lntecommercial of sociaj unity proceeded, andv bowing thrice. rests between oin selves and our neigh- They bors and kinsmen on the north, or ai kissed yu9 " alienation and estrangement whU-HOPE'S FOOT ( would be alike discreditable to our and tbe double received hand, our Tope's and statesmanship humanity. Kitht r we will take down the partition embrace anrt then retired. Tbey again to to advanced receive the tbe Pope wall which forces our commerce back flow along bat, which was brought in ou a silver upon ourselves and stops-itcame as be Each cardinal knelt salver. the natural channels whlcd it Unerringly seeks ont and give it fall Mope, before the 1'ope, and the hood of the so that trade between the United robe was placed over the head by an attendant. Then the Pope, taking the States and Canada will large red hat, placed it ou the kneeling BK AS FREK on it while restiug nia nana following words in a Blow, as it is between New York and Ohio, Siroiuai, or we will line our northern border disti act voice i with tbe evidences of a retrograding 'Ad laudem Omnipotentig DeiM sake- civilization forts on land and cruisers lot sediu aooslolica: oruamcidum. acclve on lakes, picketing 3,700 miles of our gcUenm rnbrunt insijte dignitatis frontier wun customs o Ulcers and dwMjmilur. quod per Such a condition Of things is U$(Ji4 mdmorteni(quoit H sanguini, effubionem spies. unnatural alike aud unwise. I have nciusive pro tXAiiiatwne shncUt, luie.l.not time nor inclination to Increase the pace tf quicti populi ChristidU aaglength and enlarge the scope of this memo tl statu $anoue iiumauue jcttemae letter by canvassing the re sou roes of It mlrepvhtm exhibere d beant in nomine Canada, which we heed and ultimately putria itjitii tl spiratus mncti. AnuM." must have, aud the mutual dependence ' . ' TUB CARDINALS of one country upon the other. Suffice it to say, that no intelligent person then made their obeisance to the Pope. who carelully Investigates the fftct3 with will hesitate to pronounce in faver of concluding A DOUBLE EMBRACE, tn fullest and most complete .reciprocity. Fortunately, Canada Is as free kiss of peace. Tbe Pope received and clothed with as full power to- con- or Uibbons with marked affecclude arrangements as Is the United Cardinal tion? Taschereaa was calm, State. The former by such a course, thoughCardinal he showed sigus of Igrcat emo no wise in will , tion. Tie cardinals the gave tbe kiss j of the d DISTURB HER RELATIONS ' to their colleagues , pec When Gibbons Cardinal college. with the mother country. The ties' to AJardinal Mozeila, each offered that biud tier to Kuglund are not com- oaiuo hearty congratulations. Carmercial. They are those which reach th other Mozella was once a professor in from hearthstone to hearthstone, and dinal Jesuit's college at Woodstock, and could only be destroyed by tha the is au Ola lrlend of Cardinal Uibbons. mother country in an t'ffort to The Pope then departed followed by interpose insupportable barriers t iu bis etcort. ., the way of the prosperity aud hapCrowds oi people nncd the Sala piness of her children oa this eideof Di?AI"j tbiough which the-- procession the Atlantic. This Kngland will not do. Of course, in case of full recipro- ;paseei.' VT1IE KIPLOMATS city, as proposed in Uo bill to watch I have called your attention, the internal to the Holy See ahd their families revenue of Canada would require onie B gallery, and. Um; aiut their families, were in modification, but this relates to mat-- 1 prioces lets of, detail and presents no serious another i a Itiort: wert also obstacle worth cousklerln& Our tariff present! gallery, Keane ana ishopsj :Iraad, are now substantially the Watson, "Monaiguor W who systems O'Biieu, same aud Wjould be made identical, and was ablegate to Cardinal that system which has placed the Unit Dillon. of Monsiguor ed Mates iu me I rout rank Of. Mianu-- J Australia, Lieutenant Williams of the e facturing nations would peedilf tltrt Uuitcd Slalea'ai Aiy, la uuUtorin, tho tike (service for Canada. fPhet settle aul stdiKsfthe Anirrleaii ment oi the question abdat mackerel atd Irish propaganda, the rectors of and codflsh is i, 000,000 It t'nrtber Details or III lio-m&- SALT LAKE CITY. Asiiortiwicl of hi fc THE PUULIC CONSIST011Y wait held to-d- ay in the Bala lleg'a. H r2ICEJi!9FI!!g9EII. W. rrt OBc Tlpka - Ho. S7. tat L.Tryi! sassination. sa-r- BRANDS: A .ar-.coai- ' HILL SQLLER Xlll:No. 5SrKort . y , PIONKEK PATENT LIVERY, FEED ASD SALE to-tla- - collecUona, rcmlUing prorcad" rcaiiUr. A car-iiuuila- bit ") inntECTOKS and Kfla frlL. aoo.ooo - rrLE, Aett. Ciishier. FEW ttmy 41 J? . H300.00C t'2 C4PITAU II11.1.H, CaoliieT, A3. a IU Sal Sranc SALT LAKE CITY. John miakp. VM. V. ItlTK.K, (ittOKSBKCK, J. A. S. 17. special from Sau Aulouio to the Xnrs uy8: A triple mu refer was coramrtted yesterday afternoon tit the railroad camp on tbe northwestern extouHion ot the Sau Antonio and Arkansas l'ass road, fourteen mile beyond lkerae. Henry Madison, a well known stock wan and contractor of this city, a nu in her of men and team. One of the laborers, named William Ntoue, went to Madison and asked him lor some money, aiul was told he could not f?et auy uutil Saturday. 8toue became enlaced nd said he would have either money or blood, and without further provocation pulled a gun and tired, killing Madison instantly, Mexicans iu camp, who had wilttes.ted the shuutiiii.', ran up aud aitempte? I to arrest the muruerer, whereupon Stone 8hot. and killed both of them outrtnt. The murder is Claimed to be unjustifiable, mid if Stone is caught he will be j . lynched. s H. S. ELPRtnciR, PrcFi'lent, r KRAMotiZ I.l r rLK, ice rresl Ma-d-a Far -- b c si'iiFixs. Longer than ant to be ijoai in VJuaJity Dorabiiity tm any made. 1 lists' Plot, Etc. - DESERET A'A'MVAL BAAL POJJSHKD OB IILUKD, W 2s" BANKS. STAR HORSE HAILS, other s; -- 71 5 JS 5 and BOOK CASES, aa4 laterleu M4k.rr Will hold a i hot C 7. Our Qoo.1i are on Sa! in all tha PrlDC'pal tore in tbe country. dl A , io s JAS. S. : To or. Srrert. Nc . Kb Nihi-- eni-plu- A snarrel t This fiud vholrjiomen?i. Wore portly, strength l and th than roonoiuK-aordinary kind, cannot !'! sold in roD;polition with tbe multitude of low text, .liort waifbt, alum or Cllir.'iCO TuADR. r.;, AHEAD. GalvR8tin, Texas, March i SALT LAKi: CI ' 23 MILES r.y Telegraph to the Niws.l A Tr pie Afiiriler. lUt-itt- - rt tbe Ills Now York Defalcations. The ANARcmaTa' Trial Tiik willi X'osta'o, months. tln-e- On of '(OnOSItr I.r, kl GIRLISH Butterworth TIIK NRW CARDINALS IIATTRD. rUBLISIlED KVLKY TUE5UAV AND BATCEX-A. One ')-- , on. $1 U ye:r. rl;h "Posture, " " mx months, 1 7 - u Canadian Reciprocity. BESEUET NEWS: 8BMI"V. - "Pho church was O. Railway or the B. 31 O. Telegraph this forenoou. crowded with people, aud on the steps Company has been made by hip. or me and no eeftotiations are pending. leading 10 tue cnurcu was agreat crowd I know nothing of tbe matUr except of people. The latter gave way under me swam, precipitating lolly two nun-dr- ed wnai nare seen la tue newspapers people a distance of ten feet. Two two women sustained Injuries men aud latsf first alla4ai(. as fatal, and fully twenty regarded Nkw York , March 17. A report was others were quite seriously injured. circulated this afternoon that (he Wrltbt Muider Caee. Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton party, represented by Messrs. Ives, Stayuer Nkilisviii.k, Wis., March 17. Tbe and Meyer, bad paid 9500.000 oa Mon Wr igbt murder trial attracts great Inday nights the first installment of tho tel est. Margaret V J.he widow purchase money of the; Baltimoreac& of tbe murdered mau,right, testified to her Ob to. which they are sanl to bav intimacy with Allen and of the quired. No information cocrlrrtiicg it crituioal Jattei's proposal that Wright aud his could be obtained, however, although (Allen's) w:fe he put ont of the way Major Borne, of tue Ives party, charas wi h poison. .She said Allen gave acteri.ed it as premature. Sully, Wright the poison at intervals until he heretofore, refused to express any died. Dauiet Allen, the accused, upbaiea whatever. One of the parties denied havicu.. given the poison to uromineullu tbe negotiations for the Htarner crowd, raid, howover, that Wright. they had made arrangements to take a Tlte Grnad Army. share Iu a syndicatK of railroad re und had put in their iirst presentatives St. Louis, March 17. The general allot tneut of cash. committee haviag in charge the for tire meetlnirof the NaHAITED. tional Encampment of the Grand TIM New rnrdfnalK Here t re their Army of the ltepublio in this city next . a IBM(K-ItiSeptember, bavo, through composed ol tli mayor of tbe 17. At the March Kom, consistory city, tho president of the merchant's the' new cardinals were hatted7. exchange and one of the hading of tbe local G. A. K. posts, The Tope also recognized new arch extended a vt ry cordial and urgent inin Canadathe .and bishops bishops vitation to President Cleveland and bis United States, India and Australia wife to be present' and witness aud Thto I'ope telegraphed the? t share iu the festivities of that occaftratufiting him ou his escape frem as sion.' GENERAL KEAYS. a . te , b. , -- OrO-riU- a. ! - 17.-T- he aa-t- a - . atltvla'H - . Oft-A-py- '"i 1 C3D4TP0 45 47 First So uth Stroot,' |