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Show p 6, ft. Imsrr. 8. H. Lev. Emery, Love & Co., MB LOBBltalfC r Mm4 JUMMElt I'OXNTED. SALT LAKE CITY. of Pi iwruRAtpraiT MOST PERFECT' MADE: PLAIN AND FANCY .6.t 1 U mpuil to any HORSE tlMIMElfti HORSE SHOE NAIL Mmle by Machinery in the World. Graefenberg these Unea t" OKU 0WM they are the parUoa neat iully interested. We feel aoaarod taas ai- .r- knowing ins Mii,H t due consideration, they wiU DMUt h:tb thehr horse .be taod wrta fete last orged and Hammer Pointed iUIL Ate We address :i:s. l.e.'Huse imaintm PILLS. minimis' truu win always he Putnam act wtt& These PHLS grreat mildness, and may be taken at any time witli benefit. They cure all forma ol Malarial Diseases and Fevers, and should be used to stimulate the TJyer and Kidneys to healthy action They are invaluable , for Billiousness Headache. and Bowol Complaints. ' S8LB Bf lfijfiCISIS; ?5CEIT3PI box. CHILDREN'S 50 H. Hon fjlnlmwht nntm intn Um. AnftnnntA1 HnLT tho laet 14 yeare the It. 1L Homo Liniment ban been' the leading remedy Farmers and btockmen for the among cur BrnimB( tttiff Joints.' BpaTins, WlndgalK Bore Shoulders, etoZ and for Family Ueo is wlthoat na equal for Bhenmatism. Neuralgia, Achea, Pains, RrnifiM. Cats and Bpraina ef all characters. The H. H. H. lanfmanthae many Irnfta. to ano tioaa, and wo eaation the that the Trade Hark H. Pqblia H. H." i on every Bottle before porehaaincc iforaala. errwhewe for 60 cento sAd $1.00 per iflaBCcTi HAM. I e-- - Ut 'A:l W. Soldiers, Attention! to ix ! uis-chnr- ;k. Y h'rli THE STALLION EMeliGn! GKAEFENBEUG CO. Terms, $15.00 a d3m Ill Chambers St.. N. Y. fzios ucks oar L. raT FK HnM SEW TO-IA- , - Kiel-ting'- s . . securing engagements here, ana far ulshednaotbsr slur to cast at Yankee aetarsr f Canter, Uhrarf A rniar Bxtsa actresses. BUlee Barlow, late of the aaaaf J Oiaiai is Bat s ilia stasaJtehSSBwaktast Casino, New York, but originally of nas the payor here, replaced her in the cast of "Monte Cristo Jr.," which has been freshened up with some new Hat Rsoks and WlwtiMts, songs and.- - bssineaa, and still crowds ns an soata oukm the house nightly. Oosds esa he fsaa at tan Oe sfSiaOis The House of Parliament is still en farattars Oa. ass ethss Paslsrs at Salt gaged in the discussion of the New UksOisr. ly Rules of Procedure. As usual, the Irish members are filibustering and TBAJB obstructive to the last degree, and are having tneir last nghtin atthat sort oi game ; lor the wnoie gist oi the rides is to prevent such action on their part. . OP - : -- TUC riUSCB ; ,S.T.CS WALKS o niuusn JAMKSTiSTUONG, JOHN lailKMAN, M Trustees. d2w . JAS.W. E1RDLEY Spring Has Come. BEPA1B J15B YQQB j AND .H B 1 1 b 9 Bavicl cJaines 4& Co. HOUSES. OR ABE. CLOSING OUT; Thkr Stock HEARTH of FI1W OX TUB XtMre wn "V" E S I O S T AT OOnT for TIimTT DATS! ' CORTICBLLI SPOUL SILK UAltTON CO., AND STEAM CAS PIMBERS, TfflSERS, FITTERS, :o:- - REMOVAL! 1 No. 67 EAST TEMPIaE STREET. . S7. Ho. TELZHPOHal , . SQ B5 Pity. K-r- H Q CO TAii-uu- , EUiLQ BLACK TIPS ns well-kno- o CO W arate bids wiU be received, First Mason work, brick and stone. Second Carpenter work.' Third Plastering. Fourth Pain tiue: or all four combined Allbidamnstbe-sealeand. be delivered at east. Fourth South Street, Tenth Word, not man atonaay. m arc ti utn, iw. later ' The Tmsteee reserve laSTnght. to reject any and au bids. atsaa . WAGNER, 30 w D O H s AjUCKIOAlf GiKLS NT. g o O o i LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, for some reason it has a rabid hatred of Americans, aud not a week passes that it dpes not have a ning at us in some Received Direct trem the Bfaaufae- - Pickett, Cedar Potti, NaUslEte., Etc. way. .The predilection of aCENRY. GO TO turer a New Supply of the Prince of Wales for Americans is 14 SALT LAKE CITY, cause a of to the spleen particularly; JKUES W. EIRSLEY'S LDMBEfl YJEHD. editor of this publication, and perhaps CALIFORNIA BREWERY. the more so because of the absolute Where yon get Fair Treatment and Prices impotence ol the ragelikewhich It vents Men's, Boys' and Children's. to Snit the Tipee.! in sneers and snarls the following, an-- Gall aad see them before purcbaeiar. LAGER BEER, ALE and PORTER, which I clip from BLOCK .CBIU IF EICM W.BB SQIi EE W Eta's Ixwet rrtces guaranteed for O A S) II . Ulf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f issuk: , HAT8 FOBstock GENTS' and of Second South Street, Three Doort t 'Undeterred by our friendly warn Irgs MISU1KUS. from Mam Street are packing ings, the Yankee women ana corsets their stuned tueir rouge , ; MAIM 8TTUCBT.; pots ready to come and jubilee with us. It is not yet too late for them to if Is and consider worth It their pause STAkpS Pftt'CMtlfE Hi AS THE ; while to cross the Atlantic In order to A. FISHER BREWISG CO. at American celebrate the I Exchange In SMOOTHEST and1 STRONGEST. tttel 8 1 rand.' They will not again be have removed snrloeat XMSee fro a. ff CQXSUMXfiS SHOULD allowed to push their way Into BJkJUI. .Cava. ( Bafsav II. iHswoodnv'. t'ursitore More to the inner circle. Any mementoes of the Prince which they take home SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH No. 40 JIAIN STREET, this year, may be pnt down at 294. & once as the raklngs of the Marlborough f. O. Box I04t. Tslephone REMEMBER THAT Nearly oypoails zi O. Al. T, House dust-bi- n. Not only is the Prince We are asw prepared Is promptly supply 1 of the antics of sick the aear Wit a aad Bouisa User at heartily vulgar vHdle-WMei- t thapnbUe imported female, but it is rumored that Sapertsr quality, at popnlar prices. tie has received a pretty strong bint t 17. tf Bspat ISSs, Bala fa. JTJJ sfciBn.fc Iron headquarters to cold shoulder tSrom Ike Wasattk and CrUMoH withthe the alternative of intruders, MAKES MDRC WHOLESOMC FISHSR 6RIWIN0 CO. Ju end anf entire abseneef rom town of the BREAD THAN ANY OTHER personage most interested in the JubiOUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK on lee." PLEASAST VU1EV COAL, riNC. WHITE FLOUR. (No. 5), -- r AS A MATTKB OP PACT, will b sent on receipt of three JKnlttuig MANUFACTURED BV THE stamps. vJrvst Os Utah Central Bff. CV both the Prince and the Queen look THIS IS A FREE COUMTRY. Mi on Amerl. an friendliest with the is!, coaaiantfy pa fcand. eyes SALESROOMS FOR WEST AND SOUTH t cash PoneerRollerMills. Tonag mnn, Vmt snnthMter all visitors to .England, and view. their are Ws iwevared to furnish in any quan- nuraii cviisn,Hs 11? Broadway, St. Louts; auLO BT ALL DEALERS. participation, in whatever form (pub 88 Weil Third Street; Cincma some Sshspa Bat buy froM Freemao's Mors thiee at ths yard at the Utah Central Kailway ' lic or private) it may take lu the Aad bratna. cultivate or 8 Camp Street, Hew Orleans. delivered to aa f.arl of the city, yeor ZA Uspst, J Queen' J u biles, a tho return of an Let fCdmnada work aad Tacker talk rsirulM- rLes. al eider son to his father's house to ass Teiepiiune ins. nt. While all thi otters raaii sist in the family celebration. whes it cemes to selling ask la view of the fact that there will be Bnt Tea bet I take ths lead. HOIslE COAL an even greater Influx of Americans r. A. MITCnKLL. into Es gland this year than for many aTT.ITIsV1GEMA.jN' tas jMd Maaar years, by reason of the Jubilee and the Is stm la the van. havsag rnisoves American Exhibition, a word of ;. R?8. to soma of the intending tourists No. 324 EIGHTH STREET, CENTRAL BRANCQ UOUSB Where alt kUds or Ash can as teaad may not be amiss. 11 you follow it at the lvesl Sf ares, , . ydu will have a better time yourself, TIU- and. you will belp to make our people Wholosnloiind Ratnll. popular, ilon't com to England preWHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL i pared to find tault with everything you fsr Hotels aad facallias pslled. Wagon 1TOH. SEE Br EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE seefwf that people here do. It is Just eajssry aaya year asj well to . AVOID INFERIOR BRANDS. j.SaltLi.s, W - i, in, TAHD TJTTIMrQIrirjR ' ik J.H.Baicania Kansas. JLNn PLACING MILL. H WEBER COAL OUR FEBfitiESS. a. 'W "suptrfine: FLORENCE KNITTING SILK ZS g . H .. Y! I. O. Box. 637, Salt Lake 0 E o Pioneer Calolminer, Salt. yj Antedating and Excelling all Competitors. o el-- J. W. SIMPSON, is on his way back from Nice, where HTNRSE DISHES AND SILKS AND the earthquake spared him kindly ; and Queen has come from Osborne to Japanese Woods for Holiday l'resenta, the where she will remain until WUttuor, llandKerr.Mera iroin iat k 60.00 ' she goes to at Easter. Ladies' Shawls from $3.00 to .SOdetu ia a Journal here which aa-Also, Chinese Lilies, at WONO MNO, QUONO no K. First Houth Street. plr8 U be the fashionable organ, but YEARS SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, h. ; ARRIVED ClOODSI BP - x WATSON 'BROS., Stonecntters and Builders; Ovvotite AMtmM Cily. . , I 1 '278 A 12 HO KOVTII 1CMPI.E RJK. JL.f In Clalt Ta.V Ac-ont-s SBSanMaBnlBBsW 1 I0.II L lflCI09 ! CO.. 919 F Strut N. W.. WuUnfUu, D. . 1:i-c- . Tombstones. Monuments, llantela, Trap Mantels. Urates and lloartli Stones. ; Silk COR TICELLI k.: dersigned. .7;' BpeeUt Attention will be given to CLAIMS OY WIDOWS' AND MOTHKRS AND KB- JJSCTKD ClAIMS with merit, andeepoolalH) when new evidence can be fnmiahea. Bpeeuuty made ol JJIQUKASB. BOUNTY LAND DUB TO 8OLDIEBS o the OM War and Three Months' Jtxlm ray, tanet oyer and to the Government during the last war, can be still couectea, Tlsei Atfrwjsi-aM- l juIosj et Old Mexlosva Molellors) Wnmted. The nnderslned has had 14 years' ex- erience in GdVK&NMENT CLAIMS AT TUB NATIONAL OA PI TAX Address ,1 aetw Season. RoIa O. EES- - BY FOR SALE s i : Slain Street, St. I,ouIb, Missouri 612-1- 8 ? , oe-.r- SUM Ml UlfiHEflS'TOOlS, hu-h- ior tint! cosipfote . o SHEET IE0I. lijPUIE, ! CHERRY TREES. - i THE SEASOX OF 1887 VyiU, 1 at the farm of A. W. Davis, one mile v. o.'il and ono half mile north of the white !rilgc. PUIXCK RICHELIEU, is a beantl-iu- l bay, Cfteen hands three inches high, and is llembtoloniaB and Morgan breed.' ? w cent it v H. fa. MOORE , merican Newspa 80$T.. , the work within tie flayer Sale by ail Druggists. For ,.t ins 16 at lu rata at only one DitDOtt seal I Omailation The advertise 1,9(10 iiiie,tor mar vC am )u hat a single Usee ef any ..is''i-- . situ oonreqnenny ttiii do piacea Una Million different newspaper pnr h r'ivs Million Kkairks, if It - iruc ;or ;ia Mnipiinios statea. mat every -iMrioltM-albfive persona on an rwtmatir es- A soun?HS urrrrj-K-b . en Iiikjs will accommodate about ver.'i).':-Address with copy of KKSTOKATIOK, or to Arrears of 1'ay and fiv.; wuiils. hiki) cnecK, or send 3u cenu Bounty. Correction of Master, Eemoval of jtlilllu 1H tMMFCH. Unarge of iMaertien or to a empucase r. in well a CO,, ean have their CIAIMa FKOS1PT-Liu St., Ns Ton, ATTKMUKD TO, by addressing the unrr AIAKE st Moiiiclne for Chilcireu. per bottUe. THB 'H.UfaH. TIMS .J.t For coitisss. !'. O. Address. NXrOaTSKT, sals by Z. O M. L PriBGB J IIAKFKNBEUO . t mn-Keep- ers IS THE ONLY IUI wc- j c imjrtd. IT I IT, H. C M. I . MALT I.AKK dDElf AND LOUAN. Store and other dealer Weald do well to patronise these god and a latrssae the on to thatr customers, FOB ft--- v. . 0umrmmtm4 - -- -' " I'nif't Pr. 7 M r xr"-".Ta'Hf; t y PiWMrmt with .trict rennl to Pnrltr . RtrenirtU mm Heallhf iilwws. Dr. PrRVs B&kin Powdwr rontttim no Aiumol,IJo,Aliim or fhcwplmtw. :CZ . - FLAVORS THE PUTNAM GHARTER OAK HAZARD POWDER yoinled. Soma other manofaetarars to make a Hot forged Mall, feast yon win oueerve on au anon a sasaess Kdge.near the point. T. SPECIAL j ACCDB our naila, therefore, ara to all tav Lents and purposes ths aaase aa the old fashioned hand aad ai Otali Gr acer Factor y Manufacture! n being nsed, and I MUSIC HALL, wmw Third Wrt tllm aad lint HMtk MiH. EXCELSIOR 5IAOTFACTURING CO., 4 down to rod, rniek,swsossstva receiving over sixty narp uiowa, a a welding heat l liey are then scalded by Ike wate rpcess. TSO 27 IABT THIRD NT HE K JOURS. a point from this w it taken the control of a score of ilia cTttl largest restaurants 1b London, and of p. icsaina anse nscauens, about half the rail war station reatau-ran- ts nnnnnnnaMaBwaBBnaiBSBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniBnnBaaHi in the United Kingdom. Of the !jswlinUMbAB..aid marvelous system they have inaugu Oi usrti m. Pnsqoalsd toe Marcfa IS, 1S7. Wssleealsy. to . BiutsiMtnrfa rated ana the way it is managed by their handsome manager, Mr. JavaL I Ml will write yon more In detail next st OsUlasne. ItOKDON IiKTjtKR- week. far Dlastnted This contract pretty well concludes an c VONslHCALV.CMoaso, lit. TJstePasUeaA Slee amel SI ante Carls the important coueesulons to be erven and Mr. Whitley, the chairuiao of TBias THestJrtfal (alsBJPsU-Ae- a out, tne council, naa taaen personal cnaree aae Seeisay The Asnesieasi of FOR SAXE, tllpEAi. the work at tne grounds, ana is en KxbiiMllatsa, EM. gaged in infusing, in bis magnetic way. HOME OOTTAGEi Or BMH. bit enthusiasm into au nanas, aown to ANKW bath room, pantry, oloseu and or aa we mi the "navvies," day laborers, iencea 101 axiu;Wrd "f London, February 86th, 1887. good cellar; water; block from Eighteenth them. call Third Btreet, The beginning of Lent finds London vo vnvia i ehapeL Apply ea tne premises, IIKRB IS A GOOD STORY dim. Anderson , builder. doll enough I can assure you. People who on married Miss Lord Hosebery,' like usual magic, though the disappear ana got a oi tne neo-rm- c contingent who fly to Monte Carlo and Koluscuiid, monev with her: pot Nice are frightened away by the earth"At a big dinner tne otner evening in the Duchess of Manchester IMttee. 83, ltaMi ft-- . Sfiw Vorlt. quakes, and are puzzling their brains Calcutta, was tne to next itaiau oi seated in the effort to decide upon some the latter Mozuffernuggur. Presently Coadtantly on hand a iiowiii.t stork fi tiisf other place is which to kill the dull observed to his fair neighbor: well known and juily ness of the season 6f fasting and your "Aud this Lorn Koseberyof great country has he Drought ins prayer with gambling and flirting. Klllo, wives with him?' mnatlns, Kenti-k- Kleftrlc P'tiMr ITalr Uiws, luek, "S-sb!exclaimed me Duchess, was both iiose-herscarlet. 'That's Lady blubbing For sale at wholesale and retail by nil the HOKbUBIJC AND AMUSING, over . there, next the Viceroy.' . eadinir stores in the Territory, and by tue "The regaroea urlentai only by J. W, Sanders A Co., according to all accounts, but there is fnrra and face of 'Hannah for piump some hwolesale Agents, Salt I Jike City. no numorous siae to it lor the poor a remarked with and then moments, ana tradesmen of tnai rc aiirh : gion, Wko not only have actual damn- " 'Poor young man? I hope they Kes t their vorldly possessions to allow STOCKHOLDERS' HjEETIKG. htm a nicer one at homer' " replace, but who see the .prosperous season upon wnicn tney were just enTIIKATRK PAHTIKS tering! blighted, and the chances of re have lust been iniDorted into London. coup Hdk themselves utterly trone. York as their REGULAR ANNUAiL MKETING As usual lust before Lent, the last and are credited to Newnow hear that rpiIE and two weeks bar been lull of weddings. place of invention, olf the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining , has the ainer coaiwme is wcorains cuiumuu and t. Ueorge's, uanover-soua- r been kept open most of the time for in Paris, and in time will doubtless shores. The latest idea Is to Company will be held at tjie Company's the fashionable weddings which it is reach our each 10 acquaint name lady guest bejorcuanu customan to celebrate in that sane with on Monday of her cavalier, whom Office, Salt Lake City, at am. the as 1 live Just la the tuaryox0 M moae. osthe' respecting March 21st. 1P87. for the election or otBccr i rear it 1 nave naa the oeueat 01 as she then informs t nnif that she is to wear, tne gentle many as three "fully choral" to and the transax'tion of oilier Jbusiness. man nimseu attire being expected "' ' f MASKIAOS CtRKM05JlK8 in a masculine dress to match. At a GEORGE REYNOLDS, recent dinner party ol this nature in ono day, and most of the time un - carmen a was oy escorted jsscarouio, bedlOt i able to reach my door In a bausotn Secretary mandarin led out a Chinese caussi of the crush of carriages in tLe Ol)ineMarguet arm of the itc accepted lady. street. No less than thiee truards aenaa oi "iam- men were married there last week. Mennistouneies. was accompauied by Nelusko, and these- added to the noma and cere calne' etc. This arrangement gave to. the mony1 the brilliant effect of a mounted uble a very picturesque appearance,a , arnard of honor. Til JCT11V-- Of THE the evening was concluded by and IflAVK 80 Vi Tree, i .s w . ITieatrically, too, eyertttiiBg l otfurut rca were dV ytrj fef which at dance poudrte . sonable flifur. j quieU and the reigning Christmas at rigueur iotiM in of tho 1'ear, illicit Also the tiold.the boards unUl tractions willnew Peach, I lorn anil A Easter, when wilt, in many plays also tne wont ocsnsuie varieties or srnaii cases, be put on for the season, and in fruiie. -, until survive Red. will Stor the hope that they Red. Rich. Reviving?Trees. Jfna Also Shade and Monheer Jan." the new Cough Cure. It leaves no depressing mental ShmbbcrvaEvergreen il jllio rarest Climbers, August. auI comic opera at the Comedy; by the Dwarf and Tiee Koses. effects. 26 cents. Al. a s.uperli t o'lorlinn ff thors of "Ermisle." ha made a dis I lit Kloweiu, C'arna and BeddliiK when it is presentedtlnct, success, and . U liOMS, CMInelias, in America will, I think, xlrai "HirA Crosses, etc., fas DoiMjueU.W la, In SALE! FAB3X FOlI mloio" popularity. luada to order on , lion notice. " CHORDS TBI DUNyoitrrs TARB'OPTOirtrjjfiTT,. Xarssrrman and HorUt, TV Farm, loos t4 eg Bast Bench, 117 la it So particularly 'fine and large,' miles ntafntng fram 4tek. No MS k. Third South Narsei Temple ies. Eastern so ' are the girls. ad acres ; and fence; Bfty aerss hi inrwra street. Salt Lake. City, LUIi.yertising for three months beloro the sixteen good Water rtgflt Pries, shares aasim OrdersSlleil with promptitude. ror farther informatics "lat production, the management secured a L 1U Fill pretty 1. great number 'of extremely amusK4 Main Street. Salt nty women as a background fOr the dtf ing drolleries ol Harry Paultou and TEMII SCHOOL DISTRICT, Frank Wratt.jVay Temple ton. was defeated in her March 7th 1687. suit asrainst George 'Jidwardes. man aeer of the Gaiety Theatre, and the in- innctioi-whicPtens anil Speciflcatioiis Ready. . kept her in the part of .Fernando in "Monte Cristo Jr.' was T BOS LBATK TO DTTOSU HIS ' M- t dissoivexL 8tie has. therefore, retired friends and the pnblle generally, that to private life, 'and without much- - X PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS he still carries on the calclmlnrna has)nea. rtool Ituilding chance of another appearance In Lon a nia om place, do. iw w. seam Tsmpte THIS the Tenth District street, Just west of Valley lloose. All work are now ready and can be seen at Mr. doni lor litikiotta females are not pop eatrnatsd Natisnal reserve prompt Office, over the Deseret uiar with managers, w orse tuan that aiienuon. to his care wallworx ' ' ; Bank. gaaraaiesa. satisiactory she has put another obstacle In the trices to sett can same so bid to the ths times Parties aad npou desiring patronage . way! of other ., do so by applying at tne anqvc place, sepuciteo. , a HOT! FORGED NAIL Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ILLUMINATING r mmx ). Bull, Jr. ' ; . Traekes, Cat- - LUMBER ASS: DEALERS IN f j 2-cc- nt yr t t - - Bltns. ? WOOD TANKS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS CO. JOHN rV Shlagles, Monldlngs, Frames, Doors, Windows. Wood Pumps, Packing Iloxes, Ballders Hardware, Saab Weights, CJIiASS, Etc., Ktc. LAYTf, A SPECIALTY. QTATR W-mtar- v MADE TO ORDEft : ad-vt- tts JAT . smnoH , Elf MFG: CO., STUDEBAKE rj.ii". ; ' BUTLDSBS OF f li FINE CARRIAGES, BUGGIES 4 SPMMGOfiS, FARM. FREIGHT, Ore and Itoeling fe3. 4sr.-leamys- py STOK it yourself If every Englishman that cams to America told you how amen better, (ia his opinion at least; tbev do things here. pwn't tell every Englishman yon meet that our railway carriages are better, that our food Is better that our houses are warmer, etc etc. It may be trae, bat ft don't make your society more DENNIS RYAN DENVER aud akd Bio BranjBf esteo SIR BENTON. - pleasant to people who nave hospitable Intentions towards yon. A man mr.y have a wart on his nose, bat ii don't improve his temper to nave bits attention called to the fact daily. Remember, you coneof your own free will, mad if you don't like '.It you can g home, and yon needn't come again, but you'll have a better time here, aad like It -Jbette If you follow this bint. The English people are not only prepared to welcome the s ' . HAILWAY. tut fAMBRICAlf BXU1BITZON 887. mr SMI AND' THINK how von would like ' SEASON THE POPULAR-- . PASSENGER nOUTE hast Airj irhsTi THE ONLY LINE . all connected with It gladly, but to expect almost toi theylar mucn. 1beginning tay ail una a ns a wonderful OGDEH, SALT LIKE AND faith in onr ability to lSSs people; and their Is perform marvels ;almost childlike at said to, me dally, R'Y rants, Wagon Covsn, i CHICAGO, ROCiC ISLAND & ... tlrnes.I have italways do thincs on By reason of its central position, clone relation to principal lines East of Chicago Whips, i twssgusi axtraii ; aasunpu "Yoa Americans sacBS big scale that I expect great West. and continuous Northwest lines terminal and Southwest at la tns points k i In that tranaoontinentaf system which Invites and only true middle-linyear Exhlbltioat" That be- WITHOOf GHAHGE OF ; CiRS Rnbbev Ooacb. CnasUesU i Cletlisl taints-stravel and traffic In either direction between the Atlantic and Pacific the case, and I assure yon that it Is ing ' The Bocae Island main line said branches incluae OhicaerovJoliat, Ottawa, ?j Oak, Kte. the fact.it behooves evervDOdv at home Washers, . Moline and Rock laland. in Illinois; xtavwportt Uliisca-tin- e, SeJlOfPeoria, Oeneseo, to do everything they can to insure us Washington, 1' airfield. Ottumwa, Oskalooaa. West Liberty, Iowa City, jDm against any disappointment on the part PUMJHTAH BUIITET xiiuiimuia. vymnrseu AUtnuo. iukktum, Anuaoon. xxarian, uuuirle jnoinen, So far as the o&ni English visiters. Centre and Council Bluffs, in Xowaf OfUiatin, St. Joseph, Caroeron and Trenton, AKT Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth- and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert La Fine HarnSs Executive Council can Insure, success in Minnesota;. Watertotm : .and in hundreds have STinnwpolia and. St. Paul, done it. t Palrota, already they (The ' .v . of intermediate) dties, towns and villajre. ' gxound are overBCTWKEN- lAOd PACIFIC ..i ' .. j ' 1 tj ! :., . r? mh: .g Ke. ef42Tt;HKiB BrAk, brown horse, foaled 183C; got by Berlin; 3514; dam Lady ' Washington (dam of Ewing, 2.2 ix, and Kate Kwlog, J 29X), aaid to be by American Boy, Jr., eon of American Boy iSce Lady Waahlsglsa). V.KOk 1381; Bin BairroK. taq--- , . Lady Washington. Terms $40 the season. Mares not proving with foal may be rcturnednext'season it I UH own the horse and the same parties own the mare. Season commences April list.' .. a.. C;' KW1NO, So. 878 siaia Slreet. - : vt 5 ' --2-. E, pa?! 5s M J .1 teoiiclSw .:-- bar horse, foaled got by General Benton, 1755; dam SJy a t jf3 S r"rr.-.:-:- : ... -! i i I !.-Ut- , NOWklTliVJE Cacil-itat- es a"Spcaf - , THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE TWICn AS LAJtGB ALSO IIEPRE3KOTTXQ Guarantees fineed. Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. Its roadbed is thoroughly ballasted. Its track is of heavy steel. Its bridges are solid .f structures of stone and Iron. Its rolling: stock is perfect aa human skill cn makj I. Caao TbrttWnff MacMnea.: has all the safety appliances that mechanical genius has Invented and ' Steam lLIt JCasines, Saw Mills xta ptscdcsi upwiuon is oonservauve ana msuoa vsnaois. 7 """"o strict ' Joal its and The aooommodav aiMiipliiis of its exacting;. passengrer luxury Ml Horatf Powera.";"; Hons is vmequaled in the , in the world. ALjF5:f'B-,?.'rKAINMlfwourt River consist and between Chicago the of comfortable DAY COACHES rnapniftcen t PU LLMAN PAL, ACS PARXOR McCormlek Steel Harveatsrs. and SLEEPING CARS elerant D I KINO CABS providing; excellent meals, and -and Twine Dlndars, betwwCWcago, St. Joaeph, AtchiBonad Kansas CUy-res-tful BECLINIUQ Howert suid Reaprs', ; f;.-- , I 'rrir , Wmt-unsurp- Ksed y THE FAHOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ithoatherouto direct, favorite line between Chlcaro and BTinneapolia and St. PauL Over solidJB'ast Kxpresa Trains run daily to the summer resorts, picturesqna localities and and nshinw rrounds of Iowa and Minnesota. Tho rich hunting; wheat fields and tfraainar lands of interior Xakot are reached via Watertown. A short desirable route, via Seneca andXankakee, offers superior inducements lnsde'stots?n ITenwortllt 'tanj,a City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and inter All classes of patrons, especUUy families, ladies and children, retelve from omciala and employes of Rock Island trains protection, respectful oourtesy and attention. klnaiy Por Tickets, Maps, Polders obtainable at all principal Ticket United States and Canada or any desired information, adreas, Wia,",r ths R.R. CABLE, E. X. H0LBR00X, t'.JL ST. JOHN, Gsst Tki, 4 Tnu Afi, CMcsft, AtH Gm'! rVNn46s'IKyr,CWeatt.Jt Oilctga. i i t , , those occupied by the exhibitions at for the last four South Kensington you-sy- r The- - w na . w est ground are a marvel oi convenience ana picturesque effect, and the architect of the Metro politan board of works states that the is tne largest structure of grand stand the kind ever erected in Great Britain. The main building Is novel and orna mental and spacious, and the gardens daily trow in beauty, under the banos oi Mr. Goldring, until thev are of fairyland amid the London wilderness of brick and mortar. 80 It only remains for the exhibitors to put their best foot formost for America to bear away the palm as regards exhibi tions. In accordance with our national desire to "lick creation' in the arts of peace as well as the arts of war. The m , contract for the it , sPiow,,; IIarrws,! Sislky Allows and, " Iloinncsworth Umf Baltea, 'MAOlilWBS'TAtASr6 4 . ;. uengen SAlT,UKEr,CITT,jflTllll. SenmUt-cU- ve i THE ATLANTI O EXPRESS ' r reaves Uardea Daily at S:46 a. as.; Leave Salt Lake at It: IS a.e. lnrel , Oity-Uaif-y la 2p sasas! ssi wsill im ' I s 1 a BBmnaBBaw aaasan. M'-f , ' . y i J... .T .: I -- a, , -- -- ; r- jM hhhiwmsim - ss s1-"- . NOW'IS : .i 4 I- -U. i e so:h:sc:. carlquist HOW TUB TIME TO .LATE.'' 8PKCU-- 1 ' - -- A CTIVR rLTJCTATIOWS 1 - THE a.) Market offer opportunities to speculators to make money In tirain. Stocks, Bonds and Petroleum. Prompt personal atteatloo given to orders received by wire Ol mail. Fnll orrespondence solicited. infiifMstWiik Hltoai bo markets on oar Book, which will be forwarded free on application. I B, O. K ILK, Banker aa Broker, ' S9 Broad aad U New 8ts.t Near York Cfiy. i ,: dAw .. it , V i i r j . II ,.. , - 1 Aavf - ; ( J. " - ! , 4p , - -'- R J' ". sns t ' t v-- 33 and 35 J!fain Street, kotdinm 7tcAW.a eoaaeetion " Set UUte Off Ue Jrm CAM8 FSXXfor Ut (Ml IBSriNO ITMNsras W"'wMS ' LassassaJ mmm - sasss at tssblo aad Deavav for Omaha, Kaasas City aad all Pol at Last. , THS PACIFIC , EXPRESS .: Arrives at Bait Like City from the Kast a for Of den at :U p.w t m., 0 .av., ibsklns; eoaaectloa w. . amvea atandjeaves I t i ths t'sntnd Parhle tor the Waav j ' LOCAL TRAINS afsrtreassa.tLaangsat mr Parlor SeU, that Leave Salt Lake City for Arvtraasa and Alts at 7.90 a. m for. Ogdes, 8.U a. m,aad 4.4S i YOVp, TIBIE' p. m., for fprmgvilie, 7.S p. ya.' i Arrive at Bait Lake City from Bingham to order along,' before the year and AlUv, ASS p. at., from Opien. 11.00 a. nv i t brtpg rnsn. ana nme seis in, so t imsy spring aad 745 pt h, from Uprtagvuls, SJS a. aa.;. . . yoa raa bats the advantage of r ' . ""v'J',-r RESTAURANTS AND BARS Tickets ror au points Past an Westean k was awarded this week to the famous pnrehal at the Ouios aad City T house of timers A Pond, whnara nn. Office, White House corner. Salt Lake City. & the largest tna of- rstsrers w.H.aUKcrorr, vxtzizv, j.ajr-rrr- r,' doubtedly vsa. iniht.-.woria.rnaacw. fcaa asst. " ' ba.iMa,A. 113 LiAIr STWtCT. iaey jsavs gradually sng-genU- ,ynreir ' SLEBFINa.itlA;BB - : ' sl-. ' nn - n Ji. : if - j" a I) LlUIUnUHL';; t 't i a--a :.-- t: ars ..-- an,-- ! -?t STATIOSI |